The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 06, 1892, Image 1

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ni?n at mo cnnnwoc J
Is gratifying to its
Large Circle of Readers.
Is gratifying to its
Large Circle of Readers.
yfy JVf Tf -tffa rfi tJz A Ji
fc A rfW JV ifV WV hjfkjgkjacjBc
VOL. VH.--NO. 109.
Wilkinson '$
Special Bargains.
This week marks the Sixth
Anniversary of our business,
and we cordially invite our pa
trons to call and examine the
special bargains we will offer
at this anniversary sale. The
store has grown from the
smallest to the largest, and
our new location affords ample
facilities for displaying our im
mense stock.
This week wo offer 65 pieces of yard-wldo
Dress Goods formerly 15c, now 10c; also 200
pieces Bedford Cords and French Outing
Cloths, worth from 12H to 18c, all to go al
iw per yaru an mcso aro new goous Dougni
for this special sale, and cannot be equalled
in the region for price or quality. Kvery
color IS guaranteed fast and every shads la
new anu correct.
Vo also offer ono casoyard-wido Bleached Mus
lin at 6c, regular inequality; 60 pieces of
Checked Nainsook at 6Kc, reduced from 10c.
Thirty pieces I'lald White Goods extra
Unc quality at 9c, marked down from 1214c.
lixtra-wide Table Linens
Plain whltp, bordered or Turkey rod, at 25o
per yard. Linen bureau scarfs, 3 yards long
with knotted frlngo, 2To each. Now and at
tractive styles of lino Laces and Embroid
ery at less than usual prices. Kid Gloves
In tans, browns or black at 50c Silk gloves
and mitts from 15c up. Silk ribbon remnants
in all shades and widths at 10c nor piece.
These are only a few of our special bargains
every department is a store in itself, and
prlcos are always lower than you expect.
SO S.JITuin EL, Shenandoah,
Duncan and
Of 2-quart Enameled Ket
tles for 15c. Sale commences
Monday, May 2, and continues
all this week. These kettles
bring 25 and 30c everywhere.
You cannot afford, therefore,
to let this chance go by with
out purchasing one or more,
even it you do not stand
need of them for present use
Sprinkling Cans.
Sprinkling Cans.
Sprinkling Cans.
All slzos and all prices.
Bell's Pine Tar Soap.
Jfewjot Just In best in use,
S South Main Street.
Strictly Fresh. Butter.
Tfe receive to-day, direct from tho best dairy section it
mo owie, a ampment o strictly jprcsh JDairy Mutter.
Also, as usual, a shipment of our
Moater MacJccrcl Large size,
Tivo Cars No. 1 Timothy May.
One Car line Middlings.
One Cjtr Patent JTlotir, Minnesota Wheat, $Gj)er barrel
TPe have no better JBlour to offer at any price.
How is the time to bay
Jxothwlthstandlng there has
prices, we make no change for the present.
We To-day Reduce
From 850 to 75c.
AlBO n ev piece) of Body IlruBSclH reduced to $1,00, Wc
oiler HartralnB iu Itcmmmts ol Moqucttc, Hotly and Tap
estry IlriiHselB at alout onc-liall of regular prices. Very
ulcc formats and rugs. A special bargain In a lew Kem
nauts of Body Brussels, 5.8 yard In width, at 50c a yard.
Tlic regular price Is $1.25 per yard.
Our Directory!
Office hours from 7(30 n.
m. to 7:30 p. m. Money
Order and Registry De
partment open from 8:00
a. m. to7:0Up. m.
Following Is a Bchcdulo of
the arrival and departure of mall trains. Mall
matter for despatch must bo in the office thirty
minutes Deroro tno time given Deiow:
r. M. A. M,
1:40 4:21
(Phila., Western 1
( and
( Southern States )
( New York and East
id East-)
s and V
V. It. II. 1
uru amies
( points on Li,
9:08 (Raven Run, Centra-)
9:50 lla, Mt CarmclandV
( fihamokln. )
j Tottsvillo. ! 7:20
0:50 ) 11:30
I 1 7:20
9:50 -j Mahanoy City. J- MM
(Mahanoy Plane, Lost I 11:30
9:50 1 Creek and Hhaft. f
9:50 i Frackvillo. V 7:20
Carriers mako a general collection at 0:00 a.
m. and 7:00 p. m., and a general delivery at 7:15
a. m. and 3:15 p. m. Additional deliveries and
collections aro mado in tho business part ol
town ui iu:i3 a. m. anu-;w p. m.
Fire Alnrni lloxes.
Tho following list shows tho location of
tho alarm boxes of tho Shenandoah Fire
15 Coal and Bowers streets.
10 Bowers and Centro streets.
24- ;Uldgo and Centro Btreots.
25 Main and Centro streets.
31 Main and Poplar Btreets.
35 Main and Coal streets,
43 Gilbert. and Centre streets.
43 Gilbert and Cherry streets.
62 Chestnut and Coal streets.
To send and alarm open tho box, pull down
tho hook onco and let go. When an alarm is
sent In tho fire bell will sound tho number of
tbo box and repeat tho alarm four times,
If tho alarm Is sounded from box 15 tho Are
boll will strike one, then pause and atrlko five
which will indicate that tho Are la in tho
vicinity of No. 15 box, Evory alarm Is repeated
tour times.
Electrlo Ituiinlnp Time.
xnooioctrio cars now leave the corner
of Main and Centro streets at a. m. and
leave at Intervals of 45 minutes there
after urtll U p. m. This schedule will
bo subject to a change from day to day, aa
the work of putting in the turnouts pro
gresses. Tho minors will And tho early
morning cars convenient.
and Dealer In
Oil Cloths
No. 10 S. Jardin Street.
very, fine.
1 Mackerel white and fat.
been a bharp Advance In
the Price of a lot ol
Tho Joint Committee Say tho Pro-
posod Wator Works will Coat
890,000 An Attempt to Se
cure Bids was Defeated.
night and decided that
a spoclal election shall
bo held on tho water
question, amended tho
long distanco tele
phone ordinance, do
cldod upon a condi
tional plan by which
the Herald reporter
is to be "fired," and
transacted other business of an Interesting
character. All tho Councilmen were
present and a numbor of citizens occupied
seats in tho rear of tho room.
oquire j. j. juonagnan presented a
petition requesting Council to accept tho
proposition of tho water company to fur
nish wator for tiro purposes frod of chargo
and cancol all judgmonte and bills of costs,
providing the borough abandon the public
water works project
a. point was raised mat tno wator com
pany had novor mado any proposition to
Council, whereupon Mr. Monagban pro
duced a document of which the following
is n copy
To the President unit Members of the Jlonunh
Wo herein? rc-nnnnrn vaii rind thn ttuhlfn nl
largo that our offer.heretofore mado waH glvon
m buuu iiiiiuv ttoucraujr repcm mo proposi.
tiuu. vt.i iBiii iuo water uuiapuuy will cancel
tho judgment obtained In tho suit against tho
uuiuuu, ijny tuuujau ui huh, unu waive us
right to claim for water supplied tho borough
for Ilro purposes for tho past two years, and
givu uiu uuruugu zruu wuier lor are protection
providing1 tho borough abandons tho nronosed
new water works, and that an agreement to
mut uucut uo encereu into.
Tho forezolnc statement havta? been rend
and discussed. It was unanimously adopted by
T. It. Deddall, P. T. Pres.
Attest:- J. O. Roads, Sec'y. Seal.
As Mr. Monaghan submitted tho paper
after reading it Chairman James said
"This is tho first papor tho
papor tbo Council has
received with
tho seal of tho corporation
Tho petition was received and filed an
tbo Horough Auditors then submitted
prlntod copies'of thoir annual report
.Kvp.n J. Davies stated thai bo wishod to
lay a pavomont in front of his livory stablo
and also wished to have a nuisance noar
tho place removed. Mr. Davios spok
plainly'and intimated that ho was being
humbugged by Council. Ho said he had
ropoatediy spokon to Councilmen about th
mattor and had received no satisfaction
Council did not tako any action in tho
A request that tho Phoenix Fire Com
pany bo exonerated from payrnont of taxes
was granted.
xnomas .McAllister asked Council to
protoct his property agjinst a flowing nuis
ance 'Ihe matter - was referred to tho
Chief Burgees and street and law com
1 ho street committoo reported that the
stone cru'iher bad been repaired and cteaned
and that ft would be put in operation to
day, tho intention being to stono two
squares on Jardin stroot, north and south of
Centre stroot.
Mr Gable reported that tho electrlo rail
way company had startod to pave, That
the paving done at'the corner of Coal and
Jardin streets was not acceptable, but tbo
paying done einco thon gives ontlro satis
It was doclde'd to place ono incandoscont
electric light and a largo placard at the fire
alarm indicator in each flro company
houso. The placards will designato the
location 01 tbo alarm bozos.
Mr. Wasloy, tho toiophono agent, re
quested that Council chango tho lone
istance toiophono ordinanco so that instead
of giving the property owners tho power to
say whether or not tho eomrmnv shall mil
tho polos in front of thnlr
they bo given the right to say whothoror
not tho polos shall bo placed in front of
their doors and windows. Tho request was
An ordinance providing for tho erection
of publio water works and fixing Juno 14th.
next, m tho day for tho special election was
Scneifly read throe questions and said ho
wanted tho written legal opinion of tho
Uorough Solicitor on them. Tho quoitioni
If tho offer or nmnnttltton nf thA a-ittit. n.m
pany is accepted by this Counoll, what Is tho
Oftn tho UrOfiftnt rntmnil hln1 n .ltD1,.an
Can thO watftp ramnnnv hlml ml. bhm.i.
directors. ' " uvw..uB
Bchoifly said his object in-asking tho
questions was to ascortain if Council was
right in Its position.
Cable moved that tho special oloctlon or
dinance be adopted and Lamb seconded
tho motion.
Scholfly said he wanted Information on
tue question bo asked.
romeroyf "Purely they can make
a contract, but can we bind a corporation
on a proposition signed by tho secretary.
You have no proposition hero from tho
water company. It fs not a proposition;
merely an offer to mako an agrooment,
Tbo third question is for tho counsel for the
wator company to answer."
Gallagher said tho adoption of the ordi
nance should be well considered and mom
bers should look to tho possibilities in the
evont of tho spoclal election being defeat
od. Lamb said the tlmo had arrived when
tho peoplo should tako the responsibility of
the wator project ou tho shoulders of tbo
joint committee.
Doyors asked if tho committee had esti
mated tbo costof the works.
Lamb said the committee had prepared a
financial report and if any member of tho
Council would call upon tho committee ho
could receive information.
Gallagher thought tho information should
bo given at onco,
Lamb said tho works will cost, not in
accurate figures, but a party has mado an
ostimato and oilers a bond that tho works
will cost less than $100,000. IIo also stated
that tho party making the offor bad built
forty or fifty water works, and that the
party doos not want any cash, but will
tako bonds and carry them for fifty years
if necossary,
Gallagher thought it would bo necessary
to havo another party review tho ostimato
and Lamb said that had boon done. In
answer to a question if the figures were tho
same ho said not exactly, that that could
not be expected.
Scheifly asked If tho ordinanco specified
tho amount and was.informod that a finan
cial statement covering tho point would bo
presented lator in tho evening,
Scheifly asked, "'Why not let Council ad-
vortiso for bids and know what it is doing?'
James: "This Council wouldn't havo
authority to receive bids."
Hcneilly: " wo havo gono to an expanse
of$l,800and womight just as well spend
some money for receiving propositions and
let tho peoplo know what we mean. "When
we know what this is going to cost wo can
issue a proclamation for the increase.'
Lamb: "His idea is n good ono. Pass
tho ordinance and thon advertise for bids
and before wo voto wo will have tho aggro
gate of tho bonds."
Ooabley: "Aro wo allowed to do any
thing like that under this injunction busi
ness?" Pomeroy: ""Wo cannot issuo any bonds
under the old election."
Tho motion to adopt tho ordinanco wa
then carriod, Scboifly voting "Wo."
Lamb then produced tho financial state
raont Bhowing tho condition of tho bor
ough. It was as follows: 1, Last esti
mated valuation of properties, $2,000,000.
Z Indebtedness, f30,000. 8. Proposed
increaso of debt, ?00,000, or 4 per cent, on
tho valuation.
This statomont was accepted on motion of
Lamb and Botteridgo.
Lamb then said that tho borough is in a
bettor condition than any other town in
tho county and that ho belioved tho bor
ougu coma to-uay pay oil every cent it
Jamos said, "res, if we could got all
is duo us."
a mos were then discussed and the com-
mittoe condomned tho placo in ltobblns1
row on White street, whore tho recont fire
occurred and also a placo owned by a Mr.
Williams on Strawberry alley, betwaen
uosl and Lloyd streets.
Scheifly movod that the construction
committoo bo authorized to advertise for
jjru(iuBois lor water worn. Ua lairhor sen.
onded tho motion.
Lauib moved as an amondmont that tho
word "construction" bn strickon out Bnd
"water" bo Inserted. Betteridce socondod
the amondment, which was dofoatod bv a
voto of 8 to C, after which tho original
motion was defeatod-
Botteridgemoyed "that unless thorenre-
sentatlvo of tho IIkrald put in accurate
reports of the procoodings of Council that
he bo doprlved of his seat In Council."
Qablo seconded tho motion.
Phalen aroso and said, "Providing tho
wator com mitteo givos an accounting of
that ei,800."
Chairman Jamos rulod out Phalen'a sntr-
gostion anu then Uablo proceoded to com.
plain of tho Hebald's report of tho lolnt
committoo proceedings.
Bchelfly said ho aid not think Council
bad tho powar to do what It proposed, that
tne council room Is opon to the publio and
the Council moetlugs wore not star cham
ber sessions.
liamb thon took tho floor and spoke at
length. Ho cr.llod the IIkuald pnoplo liars
ana cowards and grow quito hcatod at
times, .
Bottorldge spoko In a similar strain and
Gablo said, "I only wish thoy (tho Hkr.
ald) bad made a little bit of a slip to that
i coma put tno law on thera and crush
Bettorldge's motion was finally oarriod.
Gallagher said, "I bellovo it is rieht' that
this wator oommlttoe should report to
Cjuncll and I move that they bo compelled
to report what thoy do at each of thoir
mootings to Council, l'halen soconded tho
liimnimeoaea mat tne committoo re-1
port to Council monthly and that Itba
understood that mombora of tho Counoll J
and tho Herald roproiontativo be allowed
attend the weekly meetings of the
Tho motion wont through with this un
dors landing.
Firo Marshal Frank Lewis recommended
that some fire bose bo repaired and that
Council appoint some person to look after
the firo alarm 5ystpm.
Gablo moved that tho firo apparatus
committee receive propositions from parties
willing to undortako the care of the system.
Gallaghor topondod the motion, but Lamb
amocdod so that Ppljcoman "Williams be
assigned for tho work and VanDusen
seconded tho amondment.
Tho original motion was carriod.
On motion of Dovers.ordors were granted
for the appropriations duo tho firo com
panies. Bills were thon road.
A Noway Letter From u Wldo Awuko
Three additional mail trains now enter
this town, and our obliging mail carrior,
M. C. CI flavor, is kept busy.
J. M. Glick and wife drove to Ashland
this morning.
J. J. Butler visitod Shenandoah to-d
for tho purpose of purchasing a sit
which to eiect a photograph gallery,
contemplates locating in your town.
Tbo lticbard bndgo is now op
a 'to tho
public, and tho contractor may
bo thsakful
that ho has a "whito elep
ftant" off his
Our popular druggist, " t Trout
for Mud Run, and oxp tfCU l0 I()tBrn ,oa(led
own witn mo spocKi(ed boautioBi
xno new sprinn 801)ej.rod
upon our
streets this morr4nKt
dosopu t'dratU had h a foot hurtle
masnea at vM Uammond colliery.
.uuu.o .4ie, ui ine urani uouso, pur
cnasoa an expensive sot of harness for h
two-thirty pair of horses and handled thp
ribbons behind them this afternoon,
On Thursday ovoning the friends of Miss
Minnie Fladder, of Mabanoy avonuo, ten
dored her a birthday party, it being in
nonor or tho young lady's 18th anniversary
Misses Mary Burns, Maggio Ryan, Annio
Devlin and Nollio Scanlan and Messrs
John Coleman and J. J. McLoughli
were among tho numerous guests. An ex
cellent supper was Borved at 12 o'clock,
John Coleman gave a toast to tho hostess 1
his usual ploasing and effective manner an
it was hoartily responded to by Miss Flad
der's father. The featiVitios continued for
somo time after midnight. "When tho
guests left lor their ronpectivo homes thoy
all cordially wishod Miss Minnie a long and
happy lifo.
Mrs. E. O'DonnolI, of tho Miners'
House, sustained painful but not serious
injuries, by falling through a trap door at
nor residonco,
Mrs. J. J. Kirwln presentod hor husband
with a bouncing baby.
Mr. and Mrs. II, W. Bockor roturnod
homo from New York this ovoning, where
tnoy combined business with pleasure.
"While there Harry ongagod somo of the
best talent In tho metropolis for his variety
P. F. King and J. K
P. Scheifly, of
Shonandoab, callod on Mr,
Palace cafe this afternoon.
Jacoby at tho
Girardvlllo'; May 6, 1802.
"We lead them all.
Photos 75 cents per
dozen, Hall's, 29 W.
Centro street. 6 0 8t
What Are Ther" After?
A number of wealth v eentlemen wero in
town this week looking at a number of
would-bo-oligiblo sites, that is sites that
-would be suitable after the removal of the
buildings on them. Tho pricos of soveral
properllos'werosocurod. Somo Kast Coal
street proportios soomod to bo considered
favorable. The parties doclined to intimaln
tho object of their inspections.
Tho colebrated imported "Anchor Pain
iixpellor." It costs but 60 cents a bottle,
Its worth is Invaluable to thoso suflbrlng
irom iinoumatio diseases. Try it and ba
convinced. ForsaloatO H. Haeonbunh.
v. r. u. liirllu, J. M. Ullian and othor
druggists. nt
May Davenport on Hor Muscle.
May Davenport, formor'y of this town,
and her entire company, wore recently
arrested in Madison, Ind., wlillo giving a
performance. Tho company was charged
wim stealing cioming irom a Peru, Ind.,
botol. Miss Davenport fought liko a
tigress whon arrested and tho mombors, in
tnoir stage costumes, assaulted the ofllcors
on all sides. In May's bodice was found a
Headache cured by using
Powdors. 16 conts a package,
other. For sale by druggists.
Take no
iiratoy takes tho load. He is on tho
first floor. His motto Is "Quality, not
Quantity." Call and soe him. 4-4-tf
The Itellef Fund.
All .members of tbo Russian Reliof Fund
Oommlttoo are urgontly requested to meet
in Forguson's front hall this (Fridavl
evening, at 8:30 o'clock.
All kinds of ParrtA ltat., . n -n
street ' tf
A Committoo Appointed Employ
an Export Doteotlvo to Locato
u, u"K"BM,ra r,f tho Ob
noxious O"
F" excltmont of tho
iioorew residents ol
town ovor tho ob
noxious circulars in
tho Polish and Lithu
anian languages that
wero scattorod about
town "Wod nesdsy
night is undiminished.
Last night a meeting was hold and funds
woro raisod to dofray the expense of an
oxport detoctivo in tracing tho parlies who
are rosponsiblo for the circulars. To-day
Messrs. Reoso, Rofowich and Levine went
to Pottsville to start tho legal machinery.
Thoy say thoy expect to havo sufficient
ovidenco in hand to warrant arrests within
a few days.
A Fine Animal
Few people aro aware that ono of tha
best bred stallions in America stands but a
mile or so from Shenandoah, within easy
access to tho farmors of Catawissa, Boaver
and Roaring Creek valleys. His oldost
colts are but two years old, and somo
owners have refused from ?200 to?100for
thorn. Messrs. Beddall and Zimmerman
owners of tho above stallion, feel very
much elated ovor tho briirht nrmnwi. ,.
tho future of their horse,- and horse owners
in general will surely bo benefltod thereby.
Tho stallion is well bred, beinir a irrn,l,,n
of Georgo "Wilkoa, the greatost horse tho
worm nas over produced, and is of tho hn.t
disposition, good sizo and handsome color.
A Premutation.
Last evening tho Ladies' Aid Soointv of
the Primitive Msthodist church mi
home of Mrs. "Wm. P. Davis, on Jardin
street, and thon procoedod in a body to tho
parsonago whre thty were wolcomod bv
Mrs. Hussell'wbo was mado tha Twininnt
of a handsome rocking chair as a token of
thoir respect for that ostimablo lady. It wai
a real surprise and groatly appreciated.
Cabinets 75 cents per dozen
at Hall's, 29
6 0-31
"W. Centro ttreot.
Another Company.
It looks as if Shonandoah is to havo
another elcctrio light company and it ia
6aid the new comor will agroo to furnish
light for borough purposes at a much lower
rate than is being paid now and groat re
ductions will be made for tho benefit of
private consumers. Capital for the project
can bo raisod on short notice.
To.nlcht's Lecture,
Do not forget tho lecture of Rev. Anna
Shaw on "Fato of Ropublic," in the M. K.
church, this ovoning, tinder tho auspices of
the County "Women's Tomnoranco Union.
Tbo lecture is not on temperance but ono
that will please all. Tho rovorend lady
comos highly recommended and is a most
interesting spoakor.
When Truelluir
Whether on ploasuro bent, or business.
tako on every trip a bottle of Syrup of
Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effec
tively on tbo kidnoyB, liver and bowols.
preventing fovors, hoadachos and other
forms of sickness. For sale In 60 cents and
f 1 bottles by all leading druggists.
Struwherrles and Ice Cream,
The members of tho English Lutheran
church will hold a strawberry and Ico
cream festival on Tuosday ovoning. May
J7tb, In Robbins' opora houso.
Ah, hat Dr Coxo's "Wild Cherrv and
Soneka cured you of that cough, just as wo
told you. Prico 25 and 60 conts.
"Wbon others cut prlcos we still load.
Cabinet photos 75 cents per dozen at Hall's.
I.oat u Watch.
Miss Susie Troutman, while on her way
homo last evening, lost a silver watch and
gold chain1.
Elegant cabinet photos al Hall's, onto
76 conts per dozen. o 0-3t
nauclnc Contest.
A dancing contest for 823 a side will taka
placo at H. J. McGuiro's saloon on Second
streot, in Girardville, on Saturday, May 14,
1802, at 9 p. ra., botween Jamos Cauley, of
Lost Creek, and David Jones, of Mt,
Ooutrhlnff Leads to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough at