1 Evening Herald PUBLISH i:i DAILY, 8UNIJAY 13XCKPTKII IT. a XOYIltt, JMItor ami Vtlillhe-r. , ir.V. .A WATlilKS, iMeal Mltiir, ALL THE NEWS FOR ONE CENT TheBVJtXIXO IJCRAU)ha a larger cir filiation Shemimlouh than any other pajier pubtMvd, Jlookt eJMM to all. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Daily, per year . t3 on Wbeklt, per year ............. 1 So Entered at the Postofllce, at 8hennndoab, Fa Cor transmission through the malls en opiooHtl elMfl mRll mntler. The Horougli Council has become a money-lender, la not this coutrury to law? Tub IIkrai.d's influeuce is steaillly Increasing, &ul.venroeorrsoii(llugly happy. Tim Joint committee Is an illegal body and It hu uo tight to spend the people's money. 'fnr. Louisiana Lottery Company throws up the sponge. The Standard Oil Company fol lows suit. Next -Chicago Tribune. Well, don't crowd tho mourners; the Democratic party Is on the way. Tjik joint committee should not hiwltuto to account for the public money it has expended. The people demand tills. TjtE Borough Council will meet to night nud it should not fail to call upon the lllegnl joint committee to make an accounting for the money it has taken from the borough treasury. Tiik mere fact that the minutes of the Borough Council were read at the meeting following the one at which thel,000'vas illegally granted to the Joint committee will not restore the money to the. treasury. "ViiRN the Hukai.d stated some time ago that "Be Aie" bound them selves to eland by eaclt other by a written Agreement theie were many people who doubted tbe assertion. Now there are but few who are not woutlerlug wliRt the agreement was. KniTou DoYiiii says tho Hekam is not "tho people." No, friend Mickey, tho HhraTjD is not tlto people, but it gives expression to their sentiments publicly upon ruauy loading questions that are now agitating our citizens. In this respect, it diHVrs greatly from Mickey's so-called neive paper. Tjik people of town should realize by this time that seven of the Coun cilmeirthoy elected are powerless to do anything for their constituents. If "De Ate" are Batislled with a measure "it goes," but if any of them aro dis pleased with it then it is shelved by that uuwavering 8 to 7. Aitoiiiu Lamb will not say who ottered him the block of electric rail way stock because the Heiiald asked for it, and the joint committee will not comply with the IIukald's de mand for au accounting. Tho joint committee Is backed by Archie, and Archie leans on "De Ate." Bee? 8 even of the fifteen Councllmen aay that "Do Ate" secured the last UtOOQ from the borough treasury without thMr knowledge, or consent, and they intimate that "De Ate" In tentionally waited until thoy (tho seven) left the Council room before making tho request for It. YOUNG MEN IN POLITICS. The ItepublloHii party of Schuylkill county seenii to have recognized the value of young men, not only to the party but tne country as Well, as dumoustrnted by their recent notion in placing in nomination for tile Judge whip of the greut county of Schuylkill, the prosetit candidate, It. II. Kooli, 11 young man about forty years age, aiulf who Is, beyond a doubt, well qualified to till the position with credit to him self and to the satisfaction' of hh con ailments. The selection of Hon. Ellas' Davie, as County Chairman, is a step in tho same direction aud moans the in fusion of new and young blood in the party and will no doubt result in arousing an enthusiasm atnqng the young men of the county that will mean many votes for the party. Camp Reoord. Buy Keyttone flour, name Lesbiq & Co., printed on every sack. Ho turo that tbe Aihland, l'a., it 3.3-3UW THD ROCKY MOUNTAIN LIM ITED," AND "THE BIG 5." Two Grand Trains Daily Between the World's Fair City and the Foothills. Ono Nlcrht Out. of Ono Day Out Tako Your Ohoico. Buslnopa Demands it, and tho Pooplo Must Have. it. The popularity of "Tun Great Hock Island lloute" as a Colorado llue-lt having long time Btnoe taken first placeuslbe people's favorite between tho Lake and the Moun tains has compelled the iniinagomeiil to Increase Its present splendid service by tho addition ot a tram that is ono night on the road irom Chicago to Uenver, Colorado tiprlugs or Pueblo. This tram will be known ns the "Rocky Mou italn Limited," and was put In service Muy first. Leaves Chicago dally nt 10.1 1 a. in., arriving nt above oliles lu the afternoon of the next day, earlier tuan any of Us competitors. Espoclal cq ilptuenl has been built for this train, Willi tho view of making Ha Limited In every' fcoaso of the word., und best of all, there wm ut no extra charge, The route if this oxjepdlugly fast triiln in by the Hook Island BhorgLlue. und a few of the la-ge cities through which It passes, are Davenport, Dos Moines, Council JlluOk, Omaha, Lincoln, Beatrice, Fulrbury, llclievllle, 1'hlll'pf.burg, Hmilh Centre, Colby aud Goodlaud. TuIb makes It a most de- sPablt route, and particularly Interesting to tho traveler. Another point: Tho popularity ol 0111 dlulng-oar service Is ttlll on the In crease, aud no money bpnred to malto this i-ervlco what our natrons ulways toy, "the b.st." Our "Jllg6" will continue as mual, leaving Chicago ut IB p. m , and arriving at Denver. Colorado Springs and l'ueblo the second morning, being but one day out; and thin fast and populartraln goes throughpmaha. Our No. 1 1 will leave as heretofore at 0 p. m., arrive at Kansas City at 0 a. in., and will reach Denver. Colorado Springs und Pueblo tho second morning. OurCoIorado e. vice Is made perfect by this new "IVicky Mouulnlu Limited" anu 1110 lllg 5," and gives to tho traveling publlo two flyers dally. toaultou pusssngers should consult the map and time tablos ol our line, to lully appre ciate tho advantages In time saved by taking this route, when on thelrsummcr vacation. JO'IN HEnASTrAN, tin O T. P. A., Chicago. THROUGH OARS TO PORTLAND hi l'cniiHlv:inlii Jtatiroad, Account of (ieiieral Assembly Prosbylerluns. TI10 Pennsylvania Uuiiroad 0 nnpany announces that for tho accommodation of lelcgtlos and visitors to tho General As sembly of tho Pietbylurlun church to bo held nt Portland, Oregon, on May 19'Ji, it will run a special train composed of Pull man vestibulo looping cars and a dining cur through to Portland, icavinir Philadel phia at l:i!5 p m on May .11th. At Chi cago tho train will bo divided, ono section runDirjg via tho (Jtiicniro, Milwaukoe and St. Paul Kailway and Northern Pacific lUilway, and tho other via Chicago and Nortbwestorn Halfway and Union Pacific Kailroad. This deviation will givo tho delegates and visitors n choico between two desirablo routes to Portland. Kxcurrbn tickets will bo sold at ono singlo faro for tho round trip from Mny O'.h to Uth inclusivo, valid for passage west until May lthh indusivo, and for return ninety days from date of iieua. Tho rate for Pullman borth Philadelphia to Portland h ?17t Applica tion for space and. tickols should bo mado at onco to any Pennsylvania lt.ilroad Ticket Agent. Tar III the Arts. In tho preparation of tir, pino wood, which 1b unfit br uso as limber, is usually omployod. It fs cut'into billets of a suit able siz?, which aro arranged into large conical stacks, or, as is somotimca tho case in Europe, aro cloaoly packed in clay furnaces of a eultablo si ape. Tho stacks or piles tiro covered with a layer of oa-th and innitod abovo, and tho draft is rcgulatod so as to sustain a slow combUftion without Quo, Tbo tarry prod icts, ns thoy are formed, gradually descend and collottina civity at tlio bae t)f tbe pilo. Tho tar obtainod by slow combustion, as described above, is largely omployod In tho arts for variuoi purposes, and when divided into its constituent parts h In ono form or another daily prescribed by tbo best physicians It has long been known for Its groat anti septic and hoallnc qualities, and for oiternal Uso has boon prepared by Moesrs. Jas. S. Kirk & Co., in a most' convonlant and delightful form, In their Duiky Diamond Tar Soap. Intbisform it should ba olaeed among tho neeesailioa of ovory houwhold, it is equally tuitablo for the delh-ato skin of tbo mother and tho baby or the hardened cuticle of the workman, keeps the ikln toft, dear and healthy. i a' mre cure and preventive of dandruff, and, u d once a fortnight by ladies for sham po inn, drh) length, lustre and strength to their hair. Niagara 1'itlU In Polities. The leading "artoon in this week's iuue of Judge shows the great proiidentiul aspirant, David IS. Hill, in a boit accom panied by hit falthtul friend, Dana, trying to reach the 'White House. Poor David, with only one oar, it making a deiperato effort) but tbo tide of l'ublio Opinion is too muoh for him, and instead of gliding safely into tho dwired haven, tbo bout Is drifting hopoletily toward tho Falls. His frigbl oned companion, lilting in tbe stern of tbo boat, teeing the Fulls, oriet to David to pull for tbe shore. This, together with a front-page oartoon on New Vork's dhgraoo, make this week's iuue of Judge a purtiou. larly interettlug one. Do not fall t&get a oopy of your newsdealer. rinudsonio VorauB Homoly, Who Is that tine looklnu lady that we Just pawed, Clara T Why, that fs Mrs. rinnw. VeIl, there, what a change; when I saw her so tallow und muddy looking, It's no wouder I didn't know her. What has produced that lovely complexion T Ilioardthut stio took Hulphur Hitters, the great lllood I'urltler, and now would net be without them. 'Wjien a man's bast and engaged girl bns thrown hlui overboard ho Is all at sea. jack the nipppn niiTrtrtwe. i . a Tll Munlnr nf Mn, Wlrli, of Cliloago, Conlmlltid by u Voritnliln Fiend, ClltcAoo, May 8. Thomas Wnlsch, who Is In jail for the murilor of ills aunt, Mrs. llridgot Wnlsch, whom ho bo horribly butchered, shows not tho least trace of remorso or fear ot tho conse quence of bis awful deed, and apparent ly has no Idea of the enormity df his crime. The crime is tho most atrocious in the criminal history ot Chicago. The meth ods of (he liiurdorcr wore thoso of Jack the Itlpporatid were Inoro fiendish than those uf tho Wliltecluipol butolier. Whin Mrs. Wnlsch's husband, Michnol Wnlsch, a teamster In tho employ of tho J. V. Harwell Company, cuuie homo to supper, ho found his wife 011 tho floor, destitute of clothing except a pair of shoos. A pair of scissors wore stlckinc un to the hilt through the right breust, and by actual count there were Oj jagged stabs in her body. Ono great gash across tho abdomen al lowed the Intestines to protrude, but tho most hideous part of the crime was dls covured when n portion of a broom linn dlo three feot long was found protruding from her body. This, with wounds about tho woman's loins, gave the butchery a startling re semblance to those committed by the Kipper fiend. The police woro nt onco notified and soon made the discovery that Thomas Wrtlsch, nephew of tho dead woman, hud been In the iiouso nearly ull tho ufte'r noon. Wulsch was promptly arrested, and when confronted with tho evidence of his guilt, confessed tho crime, glvliig compiuto details of tho revolting deed. CHINESE BILL PASSED. rupo'rt Adopted lly tlin llonu and it Goes to tho President. Washington, Mny 5. Tho House by a vote of 185 to 2tJ has adopted the con ference vote on tho Geary Chinese Ex clusion bill, which was adopted by tho Senate. It, now noes to the President. Mr. Hooker, Democrat, of Mississippi, in opposing the report, said that never was a time when tho writ of halloas cor pus wnb denied as in tills hill, liv it the Judcco was allowed to imprison the p.irty and dony ball. Uo dosired to record hi? vote uirainst it. It was a direct viola tion of the treaty of 1881). v Mr. Ueury, of California, who pre sented tho report, said thero was noth ing lu tho act which suspended tho writ of habeas corpus, nor did it deny tho rliilit of bail. Tho bill simply said tho Judge shauld not take bail in the first instance. The bill attempted to stop leaks in the existinc laws aud left tho final settlement of the question to future Conurosaes. ' WASN'T BORN TO HANG. That Is Whut Deeming Said Wliou Talk- lug of II i m A pprottcliliij; lSvectittmi. Mklhotjunis, May 0. Deeming passed a poor night, and when his breakfast was brought ho told tho krupet' that bo did not care to eat. Ho said that ho did not believe au npp enl to the Judiciary Committee of tho Privy Council would help him, as everybody 'scorned to ba against him. When questioned by tho keeper Deemlnii acknowledged that he might havo killed his wife in a fit of in sanity, but be denied that ho had any recollection of tho deed. He asked the keeper what dalo had boon fl-ttd for the hanging and, when tho latter said it would bo probably early iu Juno, he an swered: "Well, a good deal can happen before then. I wu not born to be hangel." Scarlet I'tar ut .ill. Holly, N.J. Mt. Holly, N. J., May fi. Malignant Hcarlct-fever lias broken out lu this place und within the past week seventy-three cases have been reported to the Health authorities. It is believed the disease was brought here a week ago, when the son of a prominent citizen died at Bay ou ne, and his remains were sent here lor interment. Tho funeral services took plnce from the M. K. Church, and the body was exposed, and viewed by num erous friends of the family. Several deaths huvo occurcd from tho disease. Tjihe failure DIreclura Meeting. Cleveland, 0., May !5. At tho annual meeting of tho Lake Shore and Michigan Southern llailwuy Company all the old olllcers and directors woro re-elected. J. H. Heed, of I'ittHburg, was elected a director to succeed Win. L. Scott, de ceased. The total earnings for the year lust ended wero $21,431,380.08. The larcest in the road's history. Tbe opera tion expenses and taxes wero $14,032,- 075.39, leaving not earnings of $0,793,- 711.30. lilt: Fnllura In the West. St. Louis. May 0. Tho Robinson Woolen Company, of Kansas City, whole sale dealers lu suitings, cloths, trim mings, eta., with branch retail stores at St. Louis, Topoka aud Wltohlto, Kas., filed a deed of general assignment iu all of tho tour cities simultaneously to ,Ooorge C. Kmory, ot Kuuwis City, for tbe benefit of their creditors. Assets 'estimated ut $1,OOD,000; liabilities uu known. Coninimlore MeiiUn Now. Wasiiimiton, May fi. The retirement of Commodore W. P. MoCann promotes (Japl. It w. Aleude to lie a commodore. Other promotions at tills time are blooked, as Secretary Tracy has not noted on the oamis of Coiinnunders Smith aud Graham, who stand at the hwid ot tho Commnudttrs. Damages Airulntt u Itullrouil. Nyaok, N. Y. May 8. Jane Ann Conk lln, of Turpan who sued tbe New Nork Central am! Hudson Klver Itallroad Com puny in tho itooklund Circuit Court for J 10, 000 for injures rooelvod by being struok by a hand oar on the weot shore road near her homo, bus beett awarded a verdict of 700: I'nseliffirii Iitjllrd lly DyiiumlterN. Viknna, May 5. Bombs were thrown Into u train between I'esth and Temeavar, yesterday. One exploded lu a first clans coupe, injuring three passengers and causing aimiilo. Many of the nassonsers tried to throw themselves from the carriages before the train was shopped Minister Smith Hack Hume, New Yoiik, May 5. United States Minister' to Kussla, Mr. Charles Kmory Smith, aud the Duke of Newcastle, are among tbe passengers of tbe Teutonlo arrived from Liverpool. - 1 Statistics shovrthatono In rotrn has a wo&te or dlsonsed Heart. Tho Unit symptoms are hnrt 1ieath opitrcaMon, fiuitrrlnir. ralnt and liunnry Bpllii.aln In ltIo,thenBmothprlntr, wollrm nnlclra, tlpnpy (nnil tlonth.l fnr which Kit. Mil. KN' M:W IIKAKT VCItU Is a marrolous romedy. "I havo boon troubled wlthhoartdliieaao for years, my left pulse was vorr weak, could at times scarcely feel It, tho smallest excitement would always weaken mr nerves and heart and a fear of Impending death stored mn In tbo face fnr hours. Kit. aill.l'.s' JIKItVINE nnil XKW JIKAltT CUJtB Is tbo only medlctno that has prored of any bene fit nml cured me. L. M. Dyer, Cloverdafo, Md. Jr. Mllcn' I.lver Pills nro a euro remedy for SlllloflkncSH nnd Torpid Liver. HO lloMes as ccnli. Fine book on Heart Disease with wonderful cures Frco at druggists, or address DR. MILES' MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. I. S. MAGAR6LE IS OFKUItl.VO Canadian Horse, 5 years old, 1 Brown Horse, 7 years old; Weighing 1300 pounds, and TWO GOOD HORSES For General Use. m7a.hefker, 8 North Jardm St., Shenandoah. WAGONS and CARRIAGES In all tho latest styles, or the finest make and host finish In tho world for tho money, manu factured by the Cook Wugon Company. SHENANDOAH BOILER WORKS! XortU Xmertelc Street t Xertr tout, blienandoahf l'a REPAIRING- Of a'l hinds promptly attended lo. Special alloutlou given to STEAM FITTING, W. E. Smith & Son. LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS 3? CT. CLEABT, Dealer In all binds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies I Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH. PA. I EWIS' 98 LYE (I'ATlSNTEIt) WftjfTV Tho itrongtsi u& purrs! 1.3 etnl. rfsfwB W In a u with rfinovrntjlo IU, the oonwu Unlike liftaked rt'lr fur Will mkc tlu but nar. funn'4 Hard 8iip In YOialoete vHthout boittMg. 1 nn tub ror ousdmiuk wum tpit dliliirwiion iitik, otoauiK, ftiMhiuf bwttlt, fill a in iretti, cio. PBNWA, BALT M'P'O CO. G011, Ag.a.,Phlla.,Pa. FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely cash o- m panles represented by 'JDJtJVTID FAUST, 120 S. JardmSt, Shenanaoah,Pa. mm of men EASILY. QUICKLY. PERMANENTLY RESTORED )4PAkbi-t AerTUOkiie, ItthllUj, tod rlU tnm ry trroru or tUr (iomhi, ib r-uiu or ofervork, lota, worry, to. Vull irtRth, dtelotmeBt nd lono ttfn tot Terr oifia tod portioa of tfai tody, hlmple, ottutl nurtboda lutmnjlttc IruDntmiootwn, Vcllara IudowIdIo. 11-00 tpcr ui . 4 bo" Ar t4-"0- Wrluo iiuuIm to eur Dim itwj "k imjn. (xjuu rciorDoi, Den 4 fiuup hit IKHtK, r&iM CU V SWUWAU'va I'liiUdrJpLU, JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, o-O E. CENTRE ST., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest brands of cigars always on hand, xiie nest uunperanco annus. A Choorful Homo. "Well, Mary, how enrerful your home Is. You alwoj k hav such a UftrIul are." "Yon, 'tis true; wo always have a good fire since we get our coal from Y.orlif & Co.'s Moun tain Colliery. Ilefore wo always had lueba tlineRettlnBf a Bro In the morning. That made im nil v.rtiua nnd crabbedl butnnwAvarvlhfntf lit I lpvoly. And. besides, It U cheoper. Mart Shoemaker taves orders, 'doea tho colic ting and delivering, 4- . j ELECTWCR'TCOT. On this lino will he charged as follows: Uetw ecu Shenandoah and West of Station No. I, IncludlnR Colorado, Itappahan nock or Ulrardvllle tOcts. Koundfaro tickets, between points nam'd, 15 ' Eight round trip tlcknts,)Ptween Olrnrd ville nnd Shenandoah, making a single 1 trip rate of (H4 elsl $1.01) Nine round trip tickets between Happa hnnnock and HhonnndoBh, making a slnnle trip rate of 5 MctsJ 1.00 Ten round trip tickets between Colorado, or any point east of No. 5 Trestlo and itiippiihinnock. making a single trip rale of Rets 1.00 Betweon Olrnrd vllle. Ilappihannook, Col orado or any point west of -tatlon No 1 and HUitlon No. 2 at the east end of Up per William I'cnn - 5 ots. Ilctwocn "henandoith und Lost Creek and lutermodl.no points S " Miners going to or returning from work for any points on lino 5 Twenty-two Minors' tlokets M " To attendants at base ball mimes, tho rate from any point to grounds will be 5 " No charge for children under 6 yoars not occu pying scnUi and accompanied by their parents. Tickets at above prices cbu only be procured at present from tho olflce of tho company, Itefo- wich's building, 'Jnd floor. JOHN F. PINN13V, Secretary nnd Treasurer. READING JUL SVSTKil. Lehigh Valley Division. AllUANaEMBNT OF PASSEN GER TltAlNH. Aram 3, law. Passenger trains leave Shen andoah for Ponn Haven Junction, Munch Chunk. 'Lehlghton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasaunua. Allentown, llothlehem, Kaston, Philadelphia, Hazleton, Weatherly, Quakako Junction. Ucl ano and Mahanoy City at B.47, 7.10, 8.03 a. m., 1S.5H. 3.10. f.!M n. m. For Now York, 5.17, 9.08 a. m., 18.52, 3.10, 5JM n. in. for iiazieion, wiiaes-iiarre, wnne iiuven, Ittston. Laeewllle. Towanda. Sayre. Waverlv. :imlra. Itochoster. Niagara Falls and tho West, 10.41 ii. m., (3.10 p. m., no connection for Koches- cr, liumuo or Ntngum i''aus), o.so p. m. For IielTldere. Uelawaro Water Oan and Slroudsburg. 5.47 n. in.. 5 20 p. m. ror Jjatnoeriviiie anu 'rrenxon. v.on a. m. For Tunkhaiinock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 5.20 p m. For Auburn, Ithaoa, Geneva and Lyons, 10.41 m.. 5.24 p. m. ForJeanesvIlIo, Levlstnn and Heaver Meadow, .40. o 08 a. m., 12.5" 5.J p. m. For Audenrled. Huzleton. Stockton and Lum- Imr Yard, 5.17, 7.40. 0.03, 10.41 a. m., 12.5, 3.10, 30 p. m. For Scrunton. 5.47, 0.08, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 5.S6 p. m. For llazleurook, Jodoo. DrUUin and Frcoiana, 47, 7.40. 0 08, 10.41 u. m., 12.52. 3. 10, 5.S0 p. m. For Aslilund, (ilrardville and Lost Creok, 4.W, l'l, 8.5S, 10.15a. in., 1.05, 1.40, 4.10, 0.35, 8.00, 9.14 p. m. ' For Haven Run, Conlralla, Mount Carmol and Shumoklu- 8.S2. 10.15 afm., 1.10, 4.40, 8.01! p. m. For Yatesvlllo, Park Place, MaVanoyCityar.d Uolano. 5.47. 7.40, .' a. hi., 12.52, .10, 5.20, 3.03, Bl, iu.27 p. in. Trains will loavo Shamokln at 7.55, 11.55 a. m., 10, 1.3(1, 9.40 p. m. and arrivo at Shenandoah nt 05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.2U. 11.15 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.50, 7.10, OH. IU.H2 a m.. 12.SS. 3.0U. 4.10. 5.20. Al n. m. Loavo l'ottsvllle for Shenandoah. 0 00, 7.10, .05, 10.15, 11. W a. in., 3.O0, 5 20, 7.W, 7.15, 9.30 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 5.47, 7.40, 9.03, 10.41 a. m., 1(5.52, 3 Oil, B.ai, 8.03 p. m. Leave Ihvzletou for Shcnandoan, 7.JU, u.id 1.00 a. m., 12.15, 3.10, 5.30, 7.05, 7.M p. in. SUNDAY THAINS. Trains leave for Ashland. Glrurd ville and Lost Ci r-ek, 0.K), 11.35 n. m., 2.45 p. m. ior niiesviue, I'arx naco, Diananoy uiiy. Delano, Hazleton, lllack Creek Junction, l'eim Haven Junction, Mnuch Chunk, Allentown, llothlehem, EasUin und New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.10 p. in. For Yatosvllle, Paris Place, Mahanoy City and Delano, 8 (10 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.00 a. m., 1.45, 4.37 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 5.50. 8.00, 9.30 a. in., 2.45 p. m. i.oavo I'ousvnie lor ancnanuoan, iu.i u. m., .35, 4.30, n.15 p. m. A. A. McLKOD, Pres & Gen. Mgr. C. O. HANCOCK, Gen. Pass Agt. Philadelphia, Pa, A. W. NON'NEMACHEIl. Asst. G. P. A. South llothlehem, Pa. 5UILADELPUIA & HEADING II, It. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOVEMnElt IS, 18B1. Trains loave Shenandoah as follows: For Now York via Philadelphia, week days. 210, 5.SS, 7.20 a. ra., 12.35, 2.50, 5.55 p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 7.48 a. m. For New Yorltv la Mnuch Chunk, wceK uayg, :.. i.-m a. m., -.'.hi p, m. For Heading nnd Philadelphia, week days, 2.10, 5.25, 7.S0a. m 12.33, 2.50, 6.55 p. rn. Sunday, ;.iu, ..-is u. in., x'. m, i For H:irrHburu. week davs. "2. 10. 7.20 a.m.. 2.50. 5.55 n. m. ror Aiieniown, ween uavs. i.m a. m., iz.m, .do p. m. For Potlsvlllo. week days. 2.10. 7.20a. m.. 13.a5. 2.50, 5.55 p. m Sunday, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m. For TumaC'ia and Mahanoy Cltv. week days. 2.10, 5.2ft, 7.20 a. in., 12,35, 2.50, 5.55 p. in. Sunday, iu. 7.18 a. in.. 4.3U ii. in. Auamunai lor Man anov Oltv. week davn. 7.00 n. in. i''or Lancaster ana uoiuuima, wecK uays, i.m a, in., p. m. For Willlamsnort. Sunburv and Lowlsburc. weeK uays. a.-jot y.w, ii.au a. m., i.o, i.w p. in Sunday. 3.25 a. m.. 3.05 n, m. For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10, 3.25, 5.55, 7.M, n.iiua.m., is.an, i.iXK if.DU, d.di, 7.uo, v.iio p. m Sunday. 2.10. 3.25. 7 48 a. m.. 3.05. 4.30 n. m. For airardvllle, ( Hapiuliannock Station), weekdays, 2.10, 3.25, 5.25, 7.20, 11.30 a m., 12A5, i.jn, s.nj, o.no, 7.uo, voa p. m. aunuay, z.iu, o.ao, 7.48 a. m., 3 05. 4.30 1). m. For Ashland and Shamokln. week davs. 3.35. 5.25, 7 80, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00, 0.S8 p. in. Sun day, 3.25, 7.48 a. ra., 3.06 p. m. THAINS FOK SHENANDOAH: Leave New York via l'hlladelphta, week days, 7.45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. in., 12.15 night. Sun duy. O.OO p. in., 12.15 night. Leave Now York via Mauch Chunk, week days, i.;hj, h.49 a. ra., l.uu, a.43 p. ra. unaay, i.w a. ra. Leave Phlludelnhla. ueek davs. 4.10. 10.00a. m. 4.00, 6.00 p. m., from llroad and Callowhlll and 8.35 a. m., 11.30 p. m. from 9ih apd Oreen streets. Sunday, P.Oit a m., 11.30 p. m., Irom Oth and Green. Leave Reading, week days, 1 85.7 10, 10.05, II 50 a. in., 0.00, l .rn p. m. sunuay, 1 an. lu.-to a. ra. Leave Potlsvlllo, week days, 2,10, 7.40 a. m., I5.,w, 0,11 p- la. aunuay, .oo it. in., .ua p m. Leave 'larcanua, weex aaya, 3. so, s.s, 1 i.sn a. m., 1.21,7.18, 0.18 p. iu. 2.60 11. m. auaaay, y.m a. m. Leave Mahanoy' City, week days. 3 40. 9 18. 11.47 a. m , 1.61, 7. i)i.44 p. in. Suuduy. 3.48, 8 17 a. ra., 3.20 p. m, Lkhvo Mahanoy Plane, weok dr vs. 2.40, 4 00, 0.30. 9.35, 11.50 a. in., 1.06, 2.00, 5 20, 0.26. 7 57, 1U.U0 p. in. Hunuay, 2.40, 4.00, 8 ct a. m., 3.37, 5 01 p. in. Leave uiraravuie, (iiunpaiuuinouK siauon weeks davs. 2.17. 4.07. 6.36. 9.41 a.m.. 12 05. 2.1: 5.20, 0.32, 8.08, 10 00 p. m. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.33, a. in.. 3. ll. 6.07 11. m. Leave Wllllamnport, week days, 3.00, 9.45, 11.55 a. m., 3 35, 11. 16 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. m. Far Baltimore, Wosblugton and the West via II. & O. It. It., through train leave airard Avenue station, Philadelphia. (P. & It. It. It.) at a , .ui, 11.37 a. la., a-se, a.a, 7.1a p. in. Sunday, 0.00, o.us, 11. in a. in., a.ot i.iu p. in. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf ana aouin street wuarr, lor Atlantic city Weekdays -Express. 8 00, 0 00 u m. 2 00. 4 00 p Ul. 1WVU11UUU4.I.LUU. DW. IU, O "V, O 1U I) m Sundays -Express. 8U0. 000. 10 00 am Ac oommodutiou. 8 00 u ui und 4 :il a m. rteturnlng leuvu Atlantic city depot, Atlatitlo uau ArKuauus uiiiui'h wreituays Ixuress 7 SO, U 00 a in and 4 00. 5 30 p ra Accommodation, 4 20. H 10 a ru, and 4 30 n in. Hundays Express, 4 00, 5 45, 9 00 p m. Ao- coBiinoaaiion, v jo u 111 una i au n in. C. O. HANCOCK, Uen'IPaia'r Agt A. A. McLEOD. Pres. &Gen'l Manager. It will pay any ono In want of toftend 8e. to par poatwro on our beautiful Uueol ovrl00Iatl!le', m)ti at lowet prlwa. Addrou f, II. OADY, in liliU bu. llovldoooo, n. L First National Bank, XHIIATIIK lHJILDUIG, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $ioo,qoo.oo A. W. Leisennng Pres., A J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennng, Cashier, 9 W. Yost. Ass' t Cashier. Open Daily Kroiu 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! I'nldou HnvlnicM Dcpoaltci. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ooHtnri.Kii.1, mviflioN, On and after November 15, 1891, tralm will leave Nhenandoali at follows: For Wlgxan, Ullberton, irracsvllle, New Oastle, St. Clair, and way points, 8.00, 9.10, 11.45 n m nnd 1,15 p m. jdndays, 800,0.10 a rn and a,10p m. for Pottsvllle, 8.0J, a. 10, 11.15 a m and 4.15 p m. Sundays, 600, 6.40 o m nnd 3.10 p m. ror Iteadlnsr, 8.00, 11. 15 a m and 4.15 pm, Hundays, ooo, 0.40 a. m. and 8.10 p m. For Potwtown, Phoolixvllle, Norrlstovna "id Philadelphia (broad street station), 6,00, 11,15 .m. and 4.15 p m week days -.udays, 600, 9.40 a m 8.10 p in. TralnB leave FraeKvllie' lor HI":nandoah at 11.10 am and 12.11, 5.01, 7.12,10,0;, p mi Man d ii', ll.l I a m and 6.40 r m. Leave Pottsvllle lor Shenandoah, 10.15 and il.4B, am 4.10, 7.15, 9.43pm. Unndays, 10.40 iu 6.15 p m. Loavo Philadelphia (Broad street station), or Pnt'svllleandBhonmdoah, 57, 8.35 a m 4.10 nnd 7.00 p m week days. Bunday 8.50, and .2H am For New York, 3.20,4,05, 4.40. 5.S5, 8.50, 7.80, 4.20 8.30, 4.B0, 11.00 and 11.14, 11 JC a m. 12.00 noon, (limited Btprei3, l.iw 4.50 p in.) 12.44, 1.35, 1.40, 20, 1.20. 4, 1.02. a, d, 6.2), 6.50 7.13 8.12 and 10.00 o, IU. 12.01 uUht in Uundays, 8.20, 4.05. 4,40, 6.K5, 8.12, 8.H0, 9.50, 11.35 ru. .tad 12.41, 1.40,2.30, 1.02, (limited, t.S., R.OT. 8 21 H.BJ, -.1- jn and 12.01 night For Hoa Girt, Lon Hranch aud Intermediate Btations 8.20und ll.Il u. m., 4.00 p.m. weelc days. Freehold only 5.00 p in week days. For Baltimore und Washington, 3.50, 7.20, 9.10 and 11,18 a. m., 4.41, 0 57, 7.40 p.m. and 12.03 night dally and 8 31, 10.20 a. m., 12 35 (limited expiess with dining car tojlaltlmoro) 1.S0, 3.46 p. m. week days. For llalnmoro only 2.02, 4.01 week days, 5.08, 11.30 n. in. dally. For Ulchmoud, 7 20' a. in. and 12.03 night dally, 1 SO p. ni, dally, except Bunday, Crams ieavo Harrlsbnrg ior Pitisourg ana ie wost every day at 12.2i and 3.10 a m and 3 fi (limited) and 3.40, 7.25 p m. Way for vltooor, 8 15 t m and l.lo p m every aay. For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a m dully and 10.20 m week days. Leave Bnnbury for WlUlamsport Klmlra, linandalgna, Rochester, Bullaloand Niagara 'al 5.10 am dally, and 1.35 pm weekdayi. 'or Elmlra, 5.30 p m week days. For iCrie and Intermediate points, 6.10 a m;, tally. For Look Haven. 6.10. and 9.58 a m. tally, 1.35 and 6.30 p. m. week days. For -tenova 3.10 am 15 and 6.30 n m week dnvs i.lOa. mBundays. 'io. a. ruuu, j.H.wuuu, Shenandoah Business College A Xnrgc Attcnduncc Dully. Room for a Few More. Take odvuntagoW tho present chancocuro a GOOD BUSINESS" EDUCATION For.terms, &c, call at the Collego or address, W.,J. SOLLY, Shenandoah, Pa. Big Cut in Prices. CDAS, YAHOWSKY'S, 23 H'e't Centra Street, . I Best red flannel undershlrU. 660: best irniv undershirts, 30o; beat cotton overshlrts, a6b; ubhi ciom oversmrts, too; dobi muuun white shirts, 40o; men's best woolen socks, per pair, 15o; half doz. gents' flno handkerchiefs, J5o; line suspenders, per pair 15o; overalls for men, 40o up; ladles' line merino underwear, each, only 40o; ladles' all-wool jackets, 75o; ladlos fast black stockings, 3 pair for 26o: children's white underwear. I5c up; 4 pairs children's fast black stockings. 185c; boys' knee pants, only 25o: best linen tablo cloths, 50c up; finest towellngs, 5o per yard; best bedspreads, only $1 each. , B DO YOU WANT RELIEF? ' KROUT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY M ill prutajHl rrlievo the i)wt dis trwitltig com if Aent or Clirunie Xt1iu nmtiiiu or Oou't. Hy ftrlcll; oUorvia tli Utroctioui, It will curocu jvriu&tu wutly . Uultkt tb Bunrruui rrcparuloni Ihat floo4 tbftMautrjr, tUI uixlkliifi Id a ivclU (or lb Ttrlutu (urinB utrin uittatlini nuh . knd bat la 1 WJ "cure all ' Vut twttto mk vtUlkLtur linrtiiloQ on tbt avtlaut tvt 1 ltU tliU 1 ill. ciiuvlliL-H tha nfb.r Iks raiDU'lr Lk4 Uti luliuii. Yuu &r a.n.ilr is. Ui U-hL lha nitrlLa nf JCItOUT'K ltlll.UAIATin ItrniRIkV. UiTBiuftblu proper ti r eudurttN) bj buoJred Hb iW-t flMI-riuK tcotlmouiaU. Only vigeubl iiieredu uu, r-raftrkitl" fer tblrWillT fiwer, ire u I In tl lui uluiurt of kUOCT'li - illllt L U ATK IlkMKUY $1.00 rr Bottls. 6 BottUe, $8.00. mt, 5 Ctf. Stt. If y.iur iurvK.-ep r d out luwp It, mu4 1.U lo U UAUlillMltunr, ItUU UU W 111 MMfllVfl hf mutt, AIJtliJtT KltOUT, 3037 Murkot titreot, I'JiUiufa, Ta. WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where lie will be pleated to meet the wants of bis friends and the publlo In Everything in tho Drinking Lino. TOHN It. COYLE, Aiiurncy-at-Law and Real Estate Agent, QOfflee Ueddall's llulldlug, Shenandoah, Pa. 'a 1 Ibfl HOM