I Both tho method and results -when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tlio taste, and acts fently yet promptly on tbo Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Synip of Tigs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tho most healthy anil ngreeablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and havo mado it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles l)y all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not havo it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, Kt NEW VORK, tf.Y. felcblleaaachoand rollovoaU UiotronM3 lac Cent to a bllioru eUto of tbo STRtom, such a3 Slzzlnem, Nausea, Drowslaew, Distress aftes eating. Fain la tho fil Jo, 4o. WUilo thole moat jremMSftoio bocccos nao uocneiiowniacunnj . ilcaEacho, yet Carter's Llttla TAser Pltla ttiB csr-nly vnlaablo In Constipation, curing and pro Tenting tills annoylnR complain t,wlillo tho; also correctalldlsordcrsotthOBtomachUmulatatha ;iveranarcgulatotliol.owela. Eton 1 the jonlj carta Acini Iboy would bo almost priceless to thoso wha uffer f rom tMs distressing complaint; but f ortu Stately thelrgoodnoss docs notend here,and those vhooncetry thorn will find thoso UtUoplllsvalu. .bio In so many ways that thoy wiU not be wil ling to do wituoattliera. Butaftorallc!ihet (la the bane of so msny lives that hero Is whora tremaltoourgrcatboast. OurpUUcuroltwhUa others do not. Cutera Little Liver Fills are very small and very easy to take. One or two puis make a doss. Thoy nro strictly vogotablo aad do not gripe or purgo, nut uy ujoirgeniioacuon picasoau wua nsothem. InYlal3nt25cents nvofor$l. Bold ty draggisb everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., Hew Yorkl SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE A FINE SHOW If you want to see a line display ot Boots and Shoes, goto VV, S, "SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller's old stand,) corner Com ana jordlu (its. Custom Work and Repairing Done in tho best style. Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies on Other Chemicals aro used in tho preparation of W. BAKER & CO.'S BreakfastCocoa which it abtolutely pure ami soluble. It has more t han t Ares timet the ttrength. of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or 1 Buirar. and Is far moro eco nomical, costing lest than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and easily di&ested. Sold by Grocers eve rjrthert. "W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Maw. NEW DRUG STORE. Edward A, Morgan & Co. (Formerly Blinplra's l'harmaoy) 107 Bouth Main Street, NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Prescriptions carefully compounded by registered pharmacists, to protectTyour lungs Procure one of our Choet Protectors. RUPTURE We. the undorslimod. were entlrelv nurArf nt rtiolure bv Philadelphia, Pa., H. Jones Philips. ICeunet III. T II Ktavam Ufil A wh Mi.. Houare. l'i.i T, A. Kreltz, HUtlngton, Pa.: 15, Sf. Kmall, Mount Alto, i'a.s raer, ouuuu Ht., Heading, buuuury.a'd.; D. J. Dellett. 2U is. 12m ladUW. I'll.'. Win. Dir. 1K!M MnnltwuMt . x-uuuuoij'i"M, ... 4. ivum,, aw r.ira ni , ueaa. lug, Ph.; (leorge and Ph. Uurkart, 139 Locust Bt.. Reading, Pa. HBnd for olrciilur. Ilt.ll.JA..l.lni II , 1, an.. To tent a PotUlin Care forlho trusts of wilfibuBA. Kurlr 1'ueui' luntNtjiiriS. Nrrvoti lli-liUUj. Louacf Huual l'uwor, Jmiii'Unir, A.i. H; lojutlj our falui ; In our twiilW "owlllwnd otio jiill Jlloulh SleiltUu CARTELS fa Eld I 1 1 1 1 till I; THE VOICE OF THE PARTY. Formal Indorsements of Senntor (Jnajr by the State hikI County Conventions. Besides defeating his opponent 4 to 1 in a total popular vote of nearly 60,000 lit Re publican primaries in uiuo couutios, Senator Quay has boon indorsed in representative Kopublicnu conventions of eleven othor lountios. Tho Clarion county convention declared that It la now plain that the Democratic party, as an organization and as Individuals, are moro de termined and desperate than ovor to assail and overthrow Hcpuhlicans and Republican prin ciples and carry tho coming election by fair or foul moasuros, as clearly ovidoncod by Demo cratic methods in Now York and olsowheroond their malicious onslaught on tho Hon. M. B. Quay in Pennsylvania, and numerous othor oxampios throughout tho country, and Tho Democratic loaders and pross aro using certain disgruntled ltepubllcansaud Democrat ic sympathizers, under the guise of reformers, to promote anil further tholr interests. They therefore resolved That tho cry of "bosslsm" aa raised by Demo crats and their sympathizers, in order to de moralize our party and causo dissension and dlsloyatty in our ranks, should be dlsregardod, and will have no effect on truo Republicans. Wo horoby indorse and support those who havo rendorod offlclont service to our party in formor contests, notably among theso tho lion. M. B. Quay, our present United States senator, a leader worthy of continued confidence and distinguished honor among Republicans. That in lion. II. 8. Quay we recognize an able statesman, an imperial leader and loyal Republican, that wo indorbo his course in tho Unltod States senate, and declare him to bo our unqualified choice for re-election to that honorable body. The Clearfield county Republicans, with only ouo vote in opposition, spoko as follows: Wo donounco tho virulent assaults of tho Democratic and Mugwump pross upon our junior United States souator, tho Hon. JI. 8. Quay, whoso matchless political leadership, su perb organization and loyalty to purty enabled us to win tho great battlo of 1888, and wo be liovo that ho merits and should rooelvo the grat itude and admiration of every loyal Republican throughout tho land. Tho following is tho resolution of tho Re publican convention of Warren county, where Sir. Dalzell mado n virulent speech a row days before tho primaries: That wo hereby expross our confidence in tho great political general of this commonwealth and of tho nation, tho man to whom tho Repub licans of this country owe so much for tho suc cess of their party and its principles, tho man whom tho Democrats havo so shamefully tra ducod, the lion. Matthow Stanley Quay. Tho Monroo county Republicans exprossod thoir approval as follows: Wo express hearty approval of our honor able senator, Matthew Stanley Quay, as a rep resentative Republican woll fitted to command wherover tho necessities of politics may lead. Tho Republicans of Luzerne, with only ono dissenting vote, declared: That tho commanding abilities of Senator Matthew Stanley Quay in organizing and con' summating victory for the party In state and nation have acquired for him an Indestructible regard from tho Itepublicans of this district. In tho following language tho Ropubll cutis of Schuykill county indorsed the junior senator: Wo recognlzo in the history of tho national campaign of 1B88, recently puMlthod, tho value of tho matchloss services roudorod to the party by tho Hon. M. t). Quay, who as chairman of tho T publican national committee thwarted the c rupt Democratic organization of tho city of IS i York in its attempt to secure tbo prosl don. j by eloction frauds. We also indorse tho scn-borlal career of Senator Quay and recog nize and appreciate tho valuo of his sorvices to tho policy of protection to American industry, and his unswerving fidelity to tho Uepubllcan party and Its principles; and wo most emphatic ally condemn tho vituperative, malovolont and mendacious attacks mado upon his personal and political character as assaults not only upon the man, but upon tho party and princi ples of which ho is a distinguished representa tive. The following resolution was adopted by tho county convention of Lycoming: That wo noto with satisfaction tho disposition on the part of tho Republicans of Pennsylvania to glvo full credit iu this presidential year to tho matchless leadorship of tho Hon. Matthow Btanloy Quay in his conduct of tho campaign of 1888, and it is with pleasuro that we add our taritimonlal to theirs. We congratulate Senator Quay upon the universal manifestations of approval which havo boon recently accorded him in all sections ot the state. Tho Somerset county convention resolved as follows: Tho choice of tho Republicans of this county for Unltod States senator at tho noxt election is lion, Matthew S. Quay, and the candidates this day nominated for tho legislature, if elect ed, are requested to voto for him. Our generous support, wo are confident, will bo justified by Senator Quay by such a representation ot tho groat interests ot Pennsylvania in tho highest council of tho nation as will rolloct crodit upon himself and honor upon tho state. Heady for a X'opulnr Vote. The Uepubllcan county committee of Juniata, at the meeting which provided for a popular voto on Juno 4 upon tho United States senntorship, passed resolutions which declared: The desperate efforts of tho unscrupulous Demooratlo leaders iu Now York la 1S88 to de feat Qeneral Harrison by base frauds and cor ruption were triumphantly thwarted by tho matchless skill and brilliant leadership of M. S. Quay, wo tborefore desire to express our ad miration and approval of his labor for tho suo oess of tho party, because not only was tho election ot Qeneral Harrison thereby secured, but a Republican congress was also olectod, whereby it was mado passible to place on our statute books the lnoomparable McKinley bill and other needed legislation; and we ulso noto with satisfaction the popular approval of his publio record which is evidenced whenever tho question has been submitted to a direct vote of hi irty. Various other counties have paseod simi lar resolutions, all of thorn denunciator' of tho partisan uttneks made upon Senator Quay, and it is confidently predicted that the counties yet to speak will do so in no uncertain tones, and that they will be fully in accord with tho overwhelming sentiment prevailing throughout tho state, As a fitting climax to the spontaneous wid unanimous expressions of opinion in tliu score of counties which havo already spoken, the Republican of the comiuoii' wealth at large, assembled in stato conven tion at Harrisburg, April !, adopted the following rusolutiou without a dUseuting vote: The eminent public and party services of Matthew Stanley Quay entitle him to the thanks and gratitude of the Republicans ot Ponnsylwtuia. Tins is the voice of the Republican party i of Pennsylvania. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report absopjtes pure Theodore T. Woodruff Dentil. Philadelphia, liny 4. Theodore T. Woodruff, a civil and mechanical en gineer, and a closo friend of Andrew Carnegie and Senator John Sherman, was Instantly killed Monday night by tho Brighton express as he was crossing the West Jersey Railroad at Gloucester. Mr. Woodruff, was 81 years old, tho president of the Woodruff Patent Mid ship Screw Flnngo Propeller Compnny, Inventor of the sleeping car and first president of tho Central Transportation Company. Years ago Mr. Woodruff lived in the present nbodo of Senator Sherman at Mansfield, O., and was pres ident of the First National Bank in that city. A Woman Crank After Dr. Kcoloy. CntcAQo, May 4. Dr. Leslie E. Keeley, tho wealth proprietor of tho famous bi-chlorlde of gold established at Dwight, 111.. Is threatened with death by a dyna- mitard, and several of the best police ofllcors at the Central Station are trying hard to loci to and placo under arrest the misguided fanatic who makes tho threats. His would-be executioner Is a woman, or nt least is supposed to bo a woman, for her letters tire signed with a woman's name. She calls hersolf Frankte Parsons, for the sake of convenience, says Dr. Keeley is responsible for her I husband's death and demands $1,000. Leveo nt lluoklncliaiu Valace. London, May 4. Mr. Lincoln, Minister of tho United States, will attend the levee on tho Cth at Buckingham Pulace, which, In the absence of the Quooa and tho Princo of Wales will be presided over by tho Duko and Duchess of Edin burgh. He will present on that occa sion in the diplomatia circle Mr. Larz Anderson, and Major William F. Tucker; and in tho general circle Messrs. William Wayne Balvin, John Howard McFadden, Edward Kirkpntrick, Sobastian B. Schleslnger and Henry Phipps, jr. rittsburg l'lasterors on Strike. Pirrscuno, Pa., May 4. About 200 of tho journeymen plasterers in Pittsburg are ou strike pending a settlement of the Saturday eight hour domand. Tho t.nocna ...... ...tllr. r.nnMf fl.to n.finlfU.l men rk lOmlnutea overtime each day during the week. This the journey mendeclino to accede, mid strike wns ordered, ponding a conference with tho bosses. Iltillinger Must Hung. New York, May 4. Tho United States Court has just dismissed the appoal of Edward W. Halllnger, the negro who Inst June brutally murdered May i'oter tson In Jersey City. Ho will now bo re arrainged for seutence and an early day will, undoubtedly, be fixed for his exe cution. AT J TAKE A PLEASANT MBS Text morninoY Veel bright Ann HEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Mr doctor KA V it AtMs pi n'v rm iha ttnmtnh liver and kMnej.s,i n ilia iflcaumtlaxAUvo. Tfcli drink la made from herb . ,md t . tupntirni ri.p men iu eoalljr as tea. Kiit. U nuy one to-dav. I.ru:e'H .Fnmtly ifiuliclna iMovt'4 the IJoweli each daj. In order to Im I) 'althy. ttila is ueos-ary. SHILOH'S T1k MtrppM of this Great Courh Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos. Itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue cenfully stand. That it may become known, the rropneiors, at an enormous expcn&e, uic placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home m the United States and Canada. O If you have a Cough, Sore T hroat, or ISronchttlB, use u, lor it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief If vnu dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S UUKK. I'nce 10 cis., so cis. aim $i.oo. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Simon 's rorous riasier, rncc j tia. For Biilo by O. H. Hiigcnbucli. COFFEE HOUSE MItS. CONNIOIC IN CHARGE. A SQUARE MEAL AT A NOMINAL FBICfc Everything well cooked and clean. An olab orute bill of fare daily. Lodgings for travelers. CONNIl'K, 3X N, IWTultl 8t, Act on o new principle regulate the liver, stomach ao4 bowels through tin Dr. Miun rati) tpmuiu torpid 11 cure bUTOBtaata, torpid liver and OOWEM tlon. 8nisltect. I iles tree at :nun JM.Ot.,1 J. GALLAGHER. Jasllce o( l!ic Peace, Heal stale nt Insurance Hencj, OMl'o Muldoon s HuHdlniJ, Een.unaouli, va THE f BARONESS BLANC INDIGNANT. fiho Dlvnlgos Some Tamlly Secrets The Uarnn Iteclns 8ult for Dtvoren. New YonK, May 4. The domestic difficulties between Baron and Baroness Blano have developed Into open warfare. The Baroness has obtained nn execution from the Supreme Court to satisfy a $46, 000 judgement which she obtained some time ago against Huron Blanc's Litofugo Manufacturing Company, 02 Johu street, this city, which produces a compound for tho preservation of boilers. Tho execution was plncod into tho hands of a deputy sheriff with orders bo selzo on any property he found. This action of the Baroness is believed to havo been preclpitntod by tho action of the Baron in having Inserted in a morning paper that he would not here after be responsible for his wife's debts. The Baroness, when soon by u reporter at the Alberniarle to-day, was indignant ovor tho ndvertiBemont. She declared that instead of tbo Baron advertising lior it wns she that should have advertised the Baron. She said that when she married tho Baron, Ave years ago, he was n civil engineer, employed by the Underground railroad. She said that she had paid most of his debts since, and had expended a largo sum of money in paying the greator part of expenses incurred in foreign travel by botti the Baron and herself. She concluded by saying that the Baron never paid a debt unless he was compelled to by the law. In accordance with tho order of the Supreme Court tho Sheriff has taken pos session of tbo manufactory of Baron Blanc, on John street, and closed it up. Mr. Blano has retorted to his wife's ac tion in attaching his property by causing to be served on her a summons and com plaint in an action for absolute divorce. In his complaint In the action for di vorce Mr. Blano accuses his wife with having on three or four different occa sions committed adultery with Frcdorick Yuengling, tho brewer. Besides the al legations of undue lntlmacywlth Yueng ling, Mr. Blanc makes an ominous accu sation ot misconduct with other meu to him unknown. DEEMING BECOMES FURIOUS. So Violent Are Ul Actions That lie Has rtaen Placod iu Irons. Melbouuse, May 4. Tho behavior of Dooming since ho wns sentenced has bo come moro inexplicable than evor. There is a strange mixture of sense and insanity in all ho says and does, tho latter evidently assumed. No doubt ho is luborlug under intense excitement, finding himself baffled at every point. He expected to procuro at first a postponement of his trial, and next a division of the jury on tho plea of montal aberration put forward for him, and In delay he had ever hopo of making lils escape, xsow no is bent on an appeal, but there is no chanco for him in this; no court lu Christendom would grant It. His atrocious lying and maligning tho memory ot his victims has lost for him what little sympathy ho might have in spired by his indomitable courage. The Jailers fear that under tne break ing down ot all his hopes, Dooming may become actually mad or attempt suicide. for altnougu in nlli spirits, assumed or otuerwlse, he sometimes drops into a mnmltneas which looks llrlvantl danger ous, and when to approach or speak to j NEWAnK, N JMay 4. A horrible ac hlm provokes threatening looks and cident, which resulted in tho doath of language. I Harriet Short, aged about 3 years, oo- All those things being considered, by the jail authorities, it was decided to put tue prisoner m irons, ana this reso lution was carried into effect to-day. Much lntorost is manifested in tho au- to biography that Deeming is writing out of tho window. The body struok on nnd upon whlcl ho has spent much ol a picket fonco and then fell to the slde his time slnco ha was imprisoned. It is walk. The child's head was frightfully believed that the man's overweening mangled, the point of a picket having vanity will compel him to confess in this been forced through tho temple into the work all tho crime ho has ovor commit tod. WANTS, Sco. J ANTED. A Blrl to do general liousoworlc. 1 1 Appiy ui at west uoai street, Shenan- doah, Pa. D-l-ll WANTED. A good girl for general house work. Apply at Scheider'8 bakery, 97 S. Main street. W-tf r OT FOlt SALE. A very desirable lot, OOx- U mi loot, ou isasi uoai Apply at IlKllAI.ll office im-lt TOVE FOB SALE. A good, nearly new, cookim? stove. To be sold to make room forarauge. Apply at IIhhalu offloe. 4-&Ht DESIItAIU.B PROPERTY rOR SALE. The Catber uronerty. on West Oak street. for sale. Will be sold whole or lu parts to suit purchaser. Apply on the premises. t-12 W TTlOlt SALE. Cheap, a one-horse spring wttRon with ton. Also a two-seat surrey with extension top. Apply to Fred. Ilurkfliirt, US North Main street. 3-3-tI WANTED. Honest, energetic men to sollelt orders for Nursery Ktook ; ex penses and salary to men who can leave home and work steady 1 also commission to looal agents: write for terms and territory. Address It. Q. Cuuse & Co., 1440 . Pens Ht.. Phll'a., Pa. 4-lo-lm-ecd PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that I have this day sold out my In terest in tue suenanaoau neaay-fay store, trading under the linn name of Smith & Swin dle. All claims aiminst the said firm will be settiea uy u. vr. siuiin, tue remaining meraoer ot the llrm, and all aooouuts due me to be paid lo me sain u. v . amuu. S. II. SWINGLE. Shenandoah, Ps April W, 'IK. 4r-lt-oaw M. P. Conry's Saloon, 81 South Main Street, Next to tho First National Hank, for a cool s"ia8 or lifer auu a Komi cigar Kcst Tciuiicraucc Mrlultu. WAS SLAIN BY A BOY Tlioinna nn)'dcn'3 Mnnloror Only 1G Years Old. THE LAD MAKES A CONFESSION. Ho Appi'en ly Dobs Not Eelfz tha Enormity of Ills Crime. The Mystery Surroundlnc the Kllltnir of Sirs, rotter's shipping Clerk Iu Newark Uniekly ClimreU Up Nearly B40'J or the Stolon Mutiny llpcoveri'd Aldwn fates, the Murderer, Couics of u Family ol CrlmliittM. Nkwaiik, N. J., May 4. The murderer of Thomas Hnydon, tho shipping clerk in Mrs. Potter's hat factory on Mulberry street, Newnrk, wus arrested by Supt. Brown Inst night. His name is Alden Fales, 10 years of age, who resided witli his widowed mother at 29 Sixth avenue. He was employed In the factory up to within two weeks of last Saturday, when he committed tho crime. His father committed suicide about six months ago, and he has four younger brothers aud nn elder sister living in this city. lie is n nephew of Alonzo and Spencer Egbert, who were senteuced to State's prison last Juno for a railroa.l job at Wachung. At that tlmo young Fales, pressed by his mother, gave tho police valuable in formation relative to their doings. His mother excused hor attitude ugafhst her brothers by saying: "They aro thieves and I want them takon care of. My only fear is that they will lead my boy in tho same path." The prisoner mado a full written con fession to tho superintendent and chlof, and handed over $393 of the stolen money, saying he would cause the police no trouble. Ho also related to the re porters and commUsiouors tho details of his awful crime, apparently not realiz ing its enormity. ANOTHER SUICIDE CLUB. In Chicago This Tllne Soniatlouul tempt ot m Memuor At- Chicago, May 4. If tho story of An- drow Itudmnn is to bo bolteved Chicago has n full-fledged suicide society, two members of which attempted to take their own live last night. One, Joseph Kraker, went q iietl yto Douglas Park, put u bullet mrough his brain and dropped di nil. Hie other, Rudmau hlmsolf, trie 1 to add a little sensation to his taking ou, and Is still alive aud un injured. He began by stealing $30, with which lie purchased a revolver. He then oullod on his sweetheart, Eva Dressier, shot at her without effect, chased her father around the blook, firing as he ran, sent a couple of bullets through the front door as the perspiring parent reached I the house, shot at a crowd of small boys, ' shot at his own head and mlssod, and finally wound up by sending a ball I through the coat of a policeman, who arrested him. j He coufossod his connection with the suicide club, ot which Kraker was also a member. Legislator Dcnnliig's Marital Troubles. Manistee, Mich., May 4. M. R. Don ning, a rich lumberman nnd a member of the Legislature, has put his property out of his hands nnd announced in the I pubUo prints that ho will no longer pay debts contracted by his wife. Ho has left town declaring he will novor roturn, Denning married a few years ago Brigham Young's nineteenth wife, who us Ann Ellai Young acquired celebrity as a lecturer before she met Donning. Previous to entering Brigham Young's fold she was tho wife of a Mr. Doe of Utah. She says sbo has borne much from Denning and professes to be the injured one. A Chilli's Ilorrlbln Doatli. curreu yestoruay. ine cnnu was lying i in a bed beside a window on the third floor nt its home on Pacific street. The shutters woro either blown open or pushed open by the child and she rolled brain. Tho little girl died about 30 minutes afterwards. Newark Stone Cutters Out. Newaiik, N. J., May 4. It was decided at a meeting of the Stone Cutters Union to declare a strike, and 300 men have left their work. Tho strike is declared because the bosses will not discharge tho men who run the machines aud em ploy stono cutters lu tholr places. The stone cutters also want tho same pay on a machlno as thoy received for hand work. Rult Acalutr u Receiver. Boston;" May 4. A suit to reoover S10.- 000 has beeu brought against Receiver Ileal, ot the Maverick Bank, by the Maine Trust aud making Company. The amount involved is a deposit in bonds made by tho last named company with the Maverlok Bank as security for any balances in its dealings with the bank. ITcii lil out riant Denies tho Story. New Yoiik, May 4. Mr. II. D. riant, president ot the Southern Express Com pany, most emphatically denies the pub lished statement that the Plant system nt railroads had purchased the Florida Central & Peninsula Railroad for $7,500, 000. Ho said that such n sale or pur chase was not even contemplated. To Pius on Almy's Sanity. Concord, N. H., May 4. -The transfer of Frank C. Almy, the murderer of Christie Warden to Plymouth, wns ef fected secretly nnd caused no exoitement. AssooUUe Judge Allen aud Chief Justice Do will pass on Aliny's application for n new trial based ou the ground oi in' sanity. niiitliliig I'rMrs Want Shorter Hours. Dobton, May 4. The clothing press era of this city, llaltimore, Chicago, New York, Phllodelphla and other large cities will demand a reduction ot hours from 10 to 0 per day and an increase ot wages rauglug from 15 to 25 per cout. ARE WE Right or FV wng? A Shoe Dressing must restore the bril liancy of a worn ;.hoe, and at the same time preserve the softness of the leather. LADIES will the Dressing you are using do both? Try it I Pour a dessert ipoonful of your Dressing into a saucer or butter plate, set it aside for a fiw days, and it ill dry to a substance as hard and brittle as crushed glass. Can such a Dressing be good for leather? Wolffs ACME Blacking will stand this test and dry as a thin, oily film which Is 03 flexible as rubber. in i. hum iiiiihii ..i.iiii.iii . 25 Dollars worth of New Furniture for 25 Cents. HOW? Dv paintina 25 square feet of Old Furniture with WOLFF . RANDOLPH, 8B7 North Front Btroet PHILADELPHIA Is as good as the first. No drcofs. All pure and whole some. The most popular drink of the day. Been A perfect thirst quencher. Don't be deceived if a dealer, for thesalce ct larger profit, tells ) ou some other kind Is "just os guod 'tis false. No ImitatioK is as gccdiis the genuine Hires'. S3 SHOE GEMTLEVIEM THE BEST SHOE M THE WORLD FOB THE MONET It Is a &f am less shoo, with uo tacks or wax thread Co hurt the feet; mado of tho beet tine calf, stylist! and easy, nnci because we make more $hocn of thit grade than any other manufacturer, It equals hand sowed shoos costing from $4.00 to &5.00. &C UO (icnuliiP Ilnnil-Nowei), tho finest caTl shoo ever offered for SV0U; equals Frcncil Imported shooa which cost from $d.00to $Vi no. Oil llnml-SpuTi. Writ HIiop, flno calf Btyllsh, comfortable and durable. Tho best shoe over offered nt this price ; samo grada as cut tom-mnde shoes costing from $0.00 to fc'J.UO. CCO 50 I'nIIco Minn i Farmers, ltallroad Men PO- and Letter Carrlersall wear them; tlnocatC Bcatnless, smooth Inside, heavy thrco soles, exten clon oUo. Ouo pair will wearnytar. G0 SO Ouo citlTi no better shoe over offered a SJtZm this price; one trial will convince tnosa who want ufiljoo for comfort and service. CCO -5 nnd lyj.OO WorMnauicn shoe Pmm nro very strong nnd durable. Thoso who havo given them n trial will wear no other make. Dmifc' &Olk and 1.75 school shoes art Eac XI j worn by tho boya everywhere; thcrseU ou their merits, as the increasing sales show. B arlioc 0' JlnmWMPU-ed -hoe, bo 81 RmCIU ilS) iJon gom, very stylish; equaldFrcncts Import od shoes costing from $ l.u to S6.00, LmdicN' 2.50, &.00 find 1.75 shoo roc Hisses are tho best fine Dougola. istyllah and durabla. Cam I on. Soo that W L. Itouglas namo ucuS price ore stamped ou the bottom of each shoo. tlfTAKE NO SUIISTITUTK.-iU Insist on local advertised dealers supplying yon. "V. Jj. DOUCLAS, Jtrocltton.Mana. Isold t by J03BPH B-A-XiL, Mortli IflHlu St., Sliciumclonb Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing, Cures Chapped Hands, Wounds, Qurns, Etc. Removes and Prevents Dandruff. BUSSE&H SOAP. Special ly Adapted for Use in Hard Water. DR. THEEL, 538 mur? St.. iiLuLr-i. th on It pt-Dutoe i rui-u Auiciioul BMlUUtt In In l li Uitrd Htfttrl Who U bM to our BlOOd POlSOrit Nervous DetUllty wd upe Clnl Diseases f Bkln HImmm KcdBpoUP-lniln Ui tL!i BoreThroatMouth, 111 ichtn, 1'iuipl j Erupiiotii aofl ol bArri I lucn, b Weill dm, Irritation, lUUitiui-Uoui uJ K'lOUtnca. (ley, lot meronry iik lHCk uenUl -oxtMr, KldnT j4 Iklftld.-r IHafMka ml til In t-tura rt.ulUoi frum I f hiilliortlion or U. tori, itmrut hw eund to 4 lo 10 in Kltof M uue Io n4 Ium hoif M n.iur whftt frJr Uda Uauior, QuMk, Fuullj r fhjrMui hf til f Dr. THKBL cum positively lUiol dMtotloQ fun tntlDMa OLD, VfttJMI Milllll MU tfVXHOtt OOlTTIMr I iTrn rui-s rich or puur, auod to lUaip ftr bQOK TKUTH" r-im Qoukt under iwom WdmoiTl.). Hour, dftltr ft.-in 9 to I, Mil to 9, Td ml &U rnll 10. ffuadftT 0 Utl II Wrii or ell ad hw -Td. r r Rtfri-MMt M- Mid Bt.r.Uv PUU. 4Mj Tint. Phi CI AN AND SURGEON, 5. W- IL DOUCLAS 4 u. M. fO,t HllIH-iwj, New Xutk,