A small "want" advertisement placed In the "Hernia" will bring more answers to the advertiser than through any other pa perclrcu tirT jr Krrr- lateu In the town A A 1 I because it Is more ilii jMlJ.1 X generally read. Ono trial will convince you of this tact, for the simple reason that the "Her ald" is road by all the people ot the town. A smll "wnnt" ndrerUunont placed in i the "IlemW" vrUl bring more answers to the advertiser than tbough any other pa- I f w a rax & 1 is more XX jfYl. J. X generally i read. One trial will convince you of this fact, for the simple reason that the "Her I aid' is read by all the people of the town t VOL. VII.-NO. 107. SHENANDOAH, PA., WEDNESDAY. MAY 4. 1892. ONE CENT. L J. WILKINSON'S. Spring Dresses and Cloaks. The newest arrivals in line Dress Goods embrace all latest tints of tans and steels. Fine Cream Cashmere, Albatross, Henrietta, Surah and Lans downe, suitable for graduating dresses, are here a good as sortment at reasonable prices. Wo placo on salo this v eek 200 pieces of White Goods at OH, 8, 0 and 10c per yard not much more than half price. Our lino ot Laces and Embroideries contains many bargains novor before equalled. Spring Coats for children, misses and ladies In all grades nothing but tho newest makes at the well-known prices that make this department so popular and not a sin trlc garment frpm last season. Every cloak Is tho very latost in stylo and color. Infants' Cloaks In Cream Cashmere and Tana, from $1.25 upwards. Infants' Caps In lace or silk at all prlcos. Wo especially request you to cx- amino our largo siocic oi Musun unacrwear, ( .. L' 1 -1 u I ,1 . I"""...-,,-. . prices lower than actual cost of material from lie to tl.50. CORSETS that will nt you without paying an extravagant price itwu to select irom. L. J. "Wilkinson, SO S. 3Tatn St., Shenandoah. SOMETHING NEW EVERY DAY. Qirvin, Duncan and Waidley. SPECIAL SALE Of 2-quart Enameled Ket tles for 15c Sale commences Monday, May 2, and continues all this week. These kettles bring 25 and 30c everywhere. You cannot afford, therefore, to let this chance go by with out purchasing one or more, even if you do not stand in need of them for p?esent use. Sprinkling Cans. Sprinkling Cans. Sprinkling Cans. All sizes and all prices. Bell's Pine Tar Soap. JJow lot Just in best in use. 8 South ilain Street. Strictly Fresh Butter. We receive to-day, direct from the best dairy section of me btate, a shipment of Strictly Fresh Dairy Butter. . Also, as usual, a shipment of our CHOICE CREAMERY BUTTER. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. Bloater Mackerel Large size, very fine. 2Vo. 1 Mackerel white and fat FOR SJLLE. Two Cars ITo. 1 Timothy Hay. One Car Jilne Middlings. One Car JPatent Moxir, Minnesota Wheat, $5 per barrel, JFo have no better JElour to offer at any price. JVotw is the time to buy FLOOR OIL OLOTH. ITothivith standing there has been a bharp Advance in prices, toe make no change tor the present. Wc To-day Reduce the Price oi n lot of TAPESSRY BRUSSELS CARPETS From 85c to 75c. Also n lew pieces of Ilody IlrussclH reduced to $1,00. Wc qflcr NHrffnlns- iu Rcmmuits of Mocjucttc, Body and Tap 'ryMrussels at about one-hall of regular prices. Very nice for mnts and ruj;s. A special bargain in a lew Rem nants or Bqdy Brussels, s-8 ynrd In vldtl, at 500 a yard. Tbe regular price is $1.25 per yard. Our Directory, Shenandoah. Office hours from 7:30 a. m. to 7i30 p. m. Money Order and Registry De partment open from 8:00 a. m. to 7:0U p. m. Follow! nir ia a schedule of tho arrival and departure of mail trains. Mall matter for despatch must bo in the offlco thirty minutes beforo tho titno given below: Arrival. DciUnatlon. Departure. P.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. 1:40 4:31 (Phila., Western 1 7:20 12:52 2:20 i and ) 9:08 3:08 8:00 9:08 j Southern States ) 11:30 8:00 8:18 1:40 9:43 ( New York and East-1 12:52 8:00 1 cm States and V 9:08 3:08 points on L. V. K. It. J 8;W 1:2-, Sis! Aalana- 7:20 t1w 1:23 9:08 J .. I 1:35 1:15 9:03 (Raven Run. Centra-1 1:40 2:20 0:50 i lta.Mt OarmelandJ- 7:00 Hhamokin. i:40 2:20 8:18 9:50 I 7:20 j 11:30 Pottsville. 2:50 b;2l 2:50 1:40 ( ) 7:20 2:2(1 9:50 ( Mahanov. Cltv. 8:18 ( ) 11:30 2:20 J Mahanoy Plane, Lost 1 11:30 2:50 8:18 9:58 1 Creek and Shaft. ( 0:00 2:28 9:50 Frackville. V 7:20 2:50 Carriers make a general collection at 0:00 a. m. and 7:00 p. m., and a general delivery at 7:15 a.m. and 3:15p.m. Additional deliveries and collections are mado In tho business part of town at iu:iu a. m. ana.:uu p. m. Tiro Alarm JSOxes. Tho following list shows the location of tho alarm boxes of tho Shenandoah Firo Department: LOCATION. , 15 Coal and Dowers streets. 10 Dowers and Centra streets. 21 Drldgo and Centra streets. 25 Main anit Centro streets. 34 Main and Poplar streets. 35 Main and Coal streets. 43Gilbert and Centre streets. 43 Gilbert and Cherry streets. 52 Chestnut and Coal streets. To send and alarm open the box, pull down tho hook once and let go. When an alarm Is sent in tho fire bell will sound tho number of the box and repeat tho alarm four times. HOW TO LOCATE ALAHMS. If tho alarm Is sounded from box 15 the flro bell will strlko one, then pause and strike five which will Indicate that tho flro Is in the vicinity of No. 15 box. Every alarm is repeated four times. Electric Running Time. Tho cloctrio cars now leave tho corner of Main and Centro streets at G s. m. and lcavo at intervals of 45 minutes there after uctil 11 p. m. This schedule -will bo subject to a change from day to day, as tho work of putting in tho turnouts pro grosses. Tho minors will find thooarly morning cars convenient. CD.FRICKE Manufacturer and Dealer In Carpets, Oil Cloihs AND WINDOW SHADES ! No. lO S. Jardin Street. CHOICE NEW VARIETIES, HOFFMAN PROVES A GAY DE6E1VER, THE DIRTY ACTS OP A FORMER TOWNSMAN. HE GOES TO PIEGES IN NEWARK And After Betraying a Young "Woman is Forced to Marry Hor Ho RobB his Wifo and Skips to Europe. HE PEOPLE OF town who had ac quaintance with Jos eph 0. Hoffman, who at one time kept it photograph gallery on "VVost Centro EtKet, are gossiping over an Gscapadoin which that gentleman figured last week. Hoffman left this town about fifteen months ago and located in Newark, N. J. Little, If any thing, was hoard of him until now, and tho intelligence comes in tho form of a scandal. Tho Newark Evening News tolls tho story. It says that Hoffman was married by Mayor Haynes, of Newark, on Fobruary 28th,last, to Francos Elisabeth Harner. This stop was necessary to eavo Hoffman from im prisonment. Tho unwilling groom has du' sorted thobrido and is supposed to bo on his way to Europo. Hoffman's absence is mourned moro by his young wifo because of tho fact that he took oyer $400 in cash, which she had in herited, with him. After tho marriage Hoffman and his bride went to live with tho letter's stop mother. Thoy lived happily apparently, but ho said. he was anxious to starl in the photographing business again and com menco'lifo.anow. Aire. Hoffman had a sharo in come property which sho , at once turnod into roady money. , Of this sho gavo hor spouso fiOO .with, which to.equip a new galiory, Hoffman's father had the stRtfd, but ho was anxious (o leavo tho' placo, and tho son arranged that he should move out late last woek. On Saturday Hoffman beggod ?20 mora from his wifo to buy extra platoe. Ho instructed his wifo to be at the place at 3 o'clock, not beforo. Mrs. Hoffman did not go to tho placo until.4:30 o'clock, then sho mado tho dis covory that all the valuable photographic outfits wero gono. She waited until 7;30 o'clock and thon became satisfiod that there was something wrong. Hoffman did not return and last night Airs. Hoffman called upon tho police to see if she could not have a warrant issued for his arrost Sho told tho court ho bad taken a lot of money from her and if she could Eot a warrant sho could havo him arrested when bo arrived in Europo. Tho Judgo ox' plained tho law that a husband could not be arrestod for stealing from his wife! Sho was very much disappointed. Sho did not care so much for him as sho did for hor monoy. Tho Judgo advised hor to follow him and havo him arrested for non support Tho doeortod wife has Binco loarnod that Hoffman sailed for Europe on the steamer Elbe and is supposed to be on a diroct journey to Germany. Mrs. Hoffman is also out ?87 she paid in fines for thore- leaso of her husband after sho had him arrestod for refusing to marry her. Bucklon's Arnica Salvo. Tho Best Salvo in tho world for Outs. Bruisos, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fevor Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively euros Files, or no paymont required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money rofunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by O. H, Hagonbuch. riro on Wlilto street. The firo companies wore called to Rob bins' row on North "White street this morn ing, to extinguish a firo that- startod in a partition between two basement kitchens. The fire was overoorae in a few minuto, tho damago to tho buildings being limited to about $50. Tho firo was caused by tho ranges bolng too closo to the partitions, and Councilman Hopkins warned tho tenants not to use tho ranges again until steps are taken for bettor protection against firo. "Good Bye My Honey" sbcottische. Or gan or piano. 10 cents. Wilde's muslo store, Hero You Are. M. Ii. Kemtneror, wholesale and retail confoctionor, is now located at 35 North Main stroet, with tho finest lino of confec tionery in tho county, Including tho latest novollloe. Tho trado supplied at the lowest wholesale rates. 4-1 Mm Boat work dono at Brennan's steam laundry. Everything whito and spotless. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed. ' Council Meeting. A regular meoting of the Borough Council will bo hold to-morrow evening, at 7:80 o'clock, Buy Keyitone flour. Bo sure that tho name Lkssio & Co,, Ashland, l'a., la printed on every sack. 3-3-Staw OUR POTTSVILLE LETTER. No Hvculful Ilnppenlngs In tlio I'olltlcnl l'lelcl Thus 1'ar. " Bpecial correspondence to Herald. Pottbvillk, May 2, 1802. Our county and district Republican tickets wero placed in tho field so early this year that tho can didates theron remind ono of the traditional bird that arose with tho dawn of day to catch tho worm which had no business to bo "gallivanting" around at an hour whon honest insects aro better off in their holes. So it is that it is too oarly to catch vot03 and our standard bearer of tho G, O. P. wander about soomingly at a loss where Or upon whdm to commence hostilities. You can recall tho lines: 'Call mo early, mother dear, For I'm to bo Queen of tho May, mothsr; I'm to be Queen ot the May." Noticiug tho ever-busy Schuylkill Haven statesman with his necktie-bloom ing, healthful, handsome fitce, getting off of first arriving trains tboso mornings of tho flower grower days, reminds mo that Mr. Losch, ono of tho candidatos for the Legislaturo in the Fourth district, must bo called early becftuso he wants to bo king of tho turf in his lroe-for-all race for Legisla tive honors. It is pretty woll understood that Mr. Loach will not ba shut out at tho quartor-pole'thia year, since he will hold his own pretty woll in his own class and many Democrats are known to bo willing to throw for turn. Messrs. Kennedy and Cooporaro likewiso 'in it" with both foot this year, unless thore shall .bo too much trading between tho start and finish. Tho Senatorial fight, B3 was touched upon slightly in my last, will doubtless be Kcofer vs. Quinn, -with the chances in favor of tho present member, because ho knows tho district so well now after throe con secutive' triumphs. Yet Quinn is a husllor and w.111 givo the Cressona man no froo pass ,to the upper chamber at .the state capital. Tho reason it sooms so cortain that ,Quinn will receive tho Democratic nomination for Sonator is that he is beliovod to be tho only aspirant. Col. Henry Koyer, that prince of gojd citizens, has baon mentioned as a prospective candidate, but without his authority, tho knowing ones say. And Major Levi .Hubor, that noblo patriarch of the Loyal Legion and a dozen other societies, who has now reached tho age of threo fcoro years and thirtoon, and who is tho youngest old man in forty oight statos, gav.e up running after political forlorn hopes many Eammeri ago. So what is thoro in tho way of tho aspiring Mr. Quinn to prevent him from crowning his recent triumphs with a Democratic nomination in a Republican district? Thore aro two prospective county tickets and the unterrified can take their choice : C. L. Pershing judge John W. Ilyon J. D. Itellly COSQHB8S W. F. Shepherd D. Cumming, Jr. dis't attorney J. W. Ilyan wm. C. Smith conoNEn II. G. Donahue Perhaps Dr. Smith will bo no candidate, yet ho is spoken of. Porhaps Dr. Donahue is not, yot ho is talked about for Coroner, Thoro is no doubt of tho candidacy pf all tho others named for the offices. It is hardly likely that tho Democratio conven tions in Schuylkill will be held until July, aftor tho national ticket shall have boon named in the windy city. No, donr roador, Chicago is not called tho windy city became so many political conventions are bold there. It is called so because a breeze is usually on top thoro, either from lako Michigan, or from tho broad prairies so proximately adjuncts of the groat city. I could not help volunteer ing this information. It was in mo and had to come out. Liko unto the Ancient Mariner whb told tho young wedding guest: 'I pass, like night, from land to land! I have strange power ot speech; That moment that his faco I see, I know tho man that must hear me: To htm my talo I teach. Like unto him, whoso tale of wanderings and troubles Samuol Taylor Coleridge, the poet, so pathetically describes, your cor respondent must toll that which ho knows whon ho knos who to toll it to, and tho opportunity is presonted. Your correspondent has not, nor does ho seek, any controversy with the Miners' Journal, or any other paper. So whon it was thought necessary by tho owner of tho Journal in tho issue of that paper of April 29th, last, to call your correspondent to account for attacking it for "its support of an Independent judioi&ry" it caused sur prise; bacause in no letter to your paper, or olsewhore, has tho soribo written n word about tho Miners' Journal and the sup port referrod to. I meiely called attontlon to the lukowarm mannor in which that paper is supporting tho nominated Kepub lican ticket this year, and In tho article charging mo with attacking it, it charac terizes that lukowurmness as positivo by belittling tbo tiokot as the work of a "machlno" crowd. Thoro is little that Is now In tho political world to send you In this lottor. All is quiet along tho line, Tho boys aro simply pioking tholr flints, as it wore, and wailing to soe tho whites of tho ouemy's eyes beforo thoy shoot. N. Wo wish every ono of tho loaders of this paper would glvo Dr. Coxa's "Wild Chorry and Sonoka a trial whoneyor a Cough or Croup remedy is noeded, Spectacles, to suit all eyos, at F. J. Portz's book and stationery storo. 4-28-tf IT WAS EVIDENTLY A CARELESS ACT. THE TIMELY DISCOVERY OF A RAILWAY OBSTACLE. GAUSES SENSATIONAL STORIES Two Oouucllmen Pguro in tho Affair and tho Character of tho Incident Causes a Little Breoze. HE ELECTRIC CAR that passod down Coal street betweon 8 and 0 o'clock last night was obliged to stop just beforo it reached the Jardin streot crossing until a largo stono was romoved from the track. The matter would probably havo been passed ovor with slight notico, had not a story gained circulation to-day that the stono wa3 placed on the track by two Oouticilmon. A HkiULD reporter investigated tho story to day. Vice President Sadler, of tho eloctrio railway, wa3 Scon and ho said, "Yos, it is true that a largo stono on tbo track caused the temporary stoppage of tho car and that two Cjuncilmon aro charged with placing the stono there, but I am confident that if tho stono com' plained of was thero by reason of any act of a Councilman that it was, at most, the result of carelessness and did not arise from intent." A Mr. Snyder, of Etst Coal streot, says that before tho car passed down two Coun cilmon were engagod in examining tho pioco of paving that was laid in front of tho Franey residence by tho oloctrio com pany. One of tho Councilmen picked out one of tho blocks ol tho paving and then droppod it back and the two walkod away. Shortly after, and beforo any ono else passed tho placo, Mr. Snyder says, tho olectric car camo along and was obliged to stop until tbo stone was picked up and thrown to ono side. It was not properly rep'acod by the Councilman who picked it up, henco tho Btoppago of tho car and sonsational rumor followed. Tho Coun cilmon who were inspecting tho paving wero Messrs. Gable and Betteridge, and as thoy havo been on the anti-oleclric side tho montion of their names in tho mattor gavo tho report additional sonsational velocity l'EHSONAI.. Christ. Schmidt spent to-day at Potts villo. Mrs. O. B. "Williams went to "Wilkes- Barro to-day. "William J. Jacobs visited Mahanoy City. this afternoon. Miss Gussio Fricko, of Port Carbon, is tho guest of friends here. Candidoto J. J. Coylo, of Mahanoy City, was a visitor to town to-day. John Morris, of town, loft for Philadol phia yestorday, where he will mako his future homo. Peter E. Buck, Ashland's prosperous hardware merchant, attended to business in town this morning. S. G. M. Hollopetor, Esq., returned last night from "Wilkes-Bre, where ho spent two days transacting business. - "William H. Dottrey was a visitor to GIrardvlllo yestorday via tho olectrlo road. Ho is now ontbuslastic over the success of tho road. Edward Bateman, tho hustling buslncs manager of The Weekly Item, Frackvillo, was a welcome visitor to our sanctum yesterday. "Will McCarthy contemplates resigning bis position at Stein's drug storo in tho noar future, on account of ill health. "Artie" Hollopoter, now in Philadelphia, is spoken of as his successor. M. D. Mastoller, at one timo a prominent and popular jeeidont of this town, but now located at Sbuman's, Columbia county, spont this afternoon hero. Mr. Mastoller Is prosporing in his new home. He is a regular subscriber to the Herald. Long DUtauco Telephone The rccont ordinance passed by the Bor ough Council granting tho Long Distanco Tolephono Company tho right of way through tho town, is not satisfactory to tho company, and tho indications aro that un less tho ordinance is amended Shenandoah will ba without this highly necessary con venience. Solicitor Pomeroy and Council man Lamb informed us that the present ordinanoe is exactly what the oompany asked to bo passed "by Council. They also state that Ouunoil is only too willing to give tho oompany all the onoouragoment it wants. If their statements aro correct, and wo havo no roasin to doubt them, then tho company has no ono to blamo but them selves, if tho present ordinance has a "string to it." foot Crushed. Charles Yucan, of town, had his foot crushed by a fall of coal In Park Placo colliery No. 1 yestorday. Ho was taken to tho Minors' Hospital, Old Sol is gradually warming up and will goon bo making humanity sweat. GIRARDVILLE GLEANINGS. A Newsy Letter I'rom a Wlilo Awake Cor- respcituout. T. J. Touhey left this morning for Now York, where he will purchase a new stock of goods for his variety store, Rov. Collom, who was stationed here for sovoml years as pastor of the P. M. church, came up from Philadelphia this aftornoon to visit friends. Rev. Callom mado many friends whilo here and ho was oordialty receivod upon his visit. Tho Starlight Social Club will give their friends a May party on the 11th inst., in Armory hall. E. K. Becker drove to Ashland this mjrning bohind his high-stopping grey. The Maennechor of town will loavo on May 15th for an extended tour through Berks county, and on tho return trip will attend the Maennechor picnic at Reading, Philip Portner is the happiest man in town to-day. "While fishing in the Lost Croek dam lost night he caught eighty seven speckled beauties ranging from twelve to fourteen inches in length. Tho Senate will no doubt have a fine foast thia ovening. M. E. McGuire, the merchant tailor, ia so over-run with orders he had to hire another cutter this morning. "Walter ICinnoy, of A street, who muti lated bis head with a stove lifter and a pair of scissors on Thursday last, died on Mon day. Prof. M. F. Dailey, who has been tiavel ing as a musical director withthe"0'Flynn in Mexico" company, returnod homo on Monday evening. Cards aro out announcing tho weddirg ofT. J. CoBtello, of Colorado, and Miss Annie McKeon, of town. "William Ramer, one of Shenandoah's leading barbors, called on Mino Ilast Biass, of tho Grant House, this afternoon. Cleo. Girardvillo, May 4, 1892. Wm, Fenif Nfnrslcts. Josiah "Walker and Fred Smith enjoyed a trip on the "electric." Ellis Lewis, of Mahanoy City, was a Sunday visitor to town. Cards aro out announcing the approach ing marriage of Miss Margaret Jones, of this place, and Daniol W. Lohe, of Shen andoah, which will occur on May 9th at tho homo of the bride's parents. "Wa extend our congratulations. Joseph Peters, our hustling constable, transacted business at tho county soat Monday. Our people aro delighted with your bright and newsy paper. We now know what is transpiring in our neighborhood, Tony Garner, of Ashland, was a business caller on Monday. Mrs. Goorgo Leo, of Hamburg, is visit ing nt the home of W. H. Lewis. Tho new dwelling of Charles Ratzburg, recently eroctod on tho site of tho ono destroyed by flro in Fobruary last, presents a very neat appearance. Supt. Lewis transacted business at Potts villo yosterday. Tho electric road is a groat convenienc i to our pooplo, and is well patronized by tuom. B. Wm. renn, May 4, 1602. Sorotmdes. Mr. T, J. Davios was serenaded by tho Grant Band at his residence on South White street last evoning in honor of his appointment as joint local passenger and freight agent under the P. & R. system. Tho band played several of its best selec tions with its usual arti'tic success. Mr. Davios, wboso promotion givot gcnoral satisfaction to tbo town, has the affair9 under his charge working liko clock movomonts. The band also seronadod P. J, Forguson at his rcsidonco. A Nuisance Case. Georgo F. Loitzel and four of his work men wero arrested yosterday on a chargo of committing a pubilo nuisance. Tho complaint was made by High Constable Flynn and tho specifio chargo was that Leitzel and his men cleaned out an out house and carted away the oontents in tbo day time, contrary to the rules laid down by the Borough Oounoil, Each of tbo accused furnished $260 bail before 'fcqulro Builoy for trial at Pottsvillo. A Demoreut Contest. HopejSaction No. 10, J. T. of H. & T will hold a Demorest Contest in Ferguson's thoatre, Wednosday evening, May 4'.h, A lengthy and amuiicg programme has been arrangod. ' Price ot admission, ten conts, to till parts of the house, 5-2-3t Keagoy takes the load. Ho Is on the first floor. His motto Is "Quality, not Quantity." Call and eeo him. 4-4 tf They Are Indicted. Paul Resemovioh and Joseph Gowlls, charged with cutting and beating Andrew Bonovitz, of South Gilbeft street, and burglariously entering bis house, were yes terday indicted by the Grand Jury, AW C. T, V. County Convention. The county W. O. T. U. convention will meot in tho tomperanoe hadquarters of town on Friday, May 8th, 1802. MorninR session at 10:30. Afternoon ut 2 o'clock. All kinds of Carpet Beaters at 0. D. Fricko's carrot store, No. 10 South Jardin streot. tf Best photographs and crayons at Dabb'a