"PWSSff"" ""fiWFWPWV" wiyBjnf'"-" 11 We f 1 M Prices OF ALL COMPETITORS, WS QUALITY CONSIDERED WHO GIVE OZ. TO TUB POUND. AND QUARTS TO TDE GALLON AT SEVERN'S, SOLID and plated Silver ware. Gold and Silver Watchc3, Diamonds, Precious Stones, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti cal Goods, Banquet,Parlor and Piano LampSjUniquo in design with 75 and 250 candle poAver burners. All goods superior in finish and quality with rock bottom prices that withstand all opposition victoriously. Repair work executed neatly and promptly at Holdermaris Jewelry Store, Tho most progressive establishment In tho county. ... . Corner Main ana Lloyd Streets. rocAx,UTTi:s. Shad plenty. Spring greens. Moonlight evenings coming. Bemovo tho rubbish from tho alleys. Tho Indications point to a good fruit year. Tho barefooted boy will soon be appearing. The school term Is rapidly drawing to Its close. Tho roads aro getting In good order for l;lcycllng. The summer girl is preparing for her cam palgn. The ice cream signs are beginning to show themselves. It Is said that fashion will popularize the shawl again.' Tailor-made gowns of white cloth will bo vorn this slimmer. Tho buds on the horso chestnut trees aro xapldly expanding. Sunmer stockings have large open work designs on tho instep. After a spell of fancy effects In furniture blmplor designs aro in demand. "What is thero besides luck that amounts to .anything in cards?" "A good deal." A man nover knows what he can do until ho tries, and then he is often sorry that ho found cut. Strength and Health. If you aro not fooling strong and healthy, try Klectric'Bittors. If "La Grippo" has loft you weak and weary, uso Electric Bit tors. This remedy acts directly on Livor, Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those oiRiina to perform their functions. If you nre afflicted with Sick Headache, you will find epoedy and permanent relief by taking Eloctrio Bittors. One trial will convince, you that this is tha remedy you need. Xargo bottles only 60c. at 0. H. Hagon tmeb's Drug Store Coming lSventg May 4th. Bonoflt ball for Henry Bow man, who has boon ill for over four years, nt Bobbins' opera house. May '1. Deraorost contost, in Ferguson's theatre, by Jr. T. of H. & T. May 6th. Locture by Rev. Anna Shaw, of Massachusetts, in M. E. church. Sub ject "Fato of Republics." May 80. Eicolsior Social Club straw borry and ico cream festival in Bobbins' ODra homo. May 31 Children's Concert, undor tho auspices of the Wm. Penn Juvcnilo Choir, in Wm. Ponn M. E. church, Juno 11. Strawberry and ice croam festival, in the P. M, church hall, under aupico3 of Lidies Aid of tho P. M. church. Lano'e Family Medicine Movos tho bowels each day. Most people need to use it. "Waters' Weiss beer is the best. John A llollly sole agent. 6-5-tl YOUR ATTENTION, PLEASE I Good horses, nice buggies and responsible drivers are the essential things for a pleasant drive, which can always be had at my stables, 12 and 14 North Pear alley, rear of Luberg's hardware store. Horses taken to board. Undertaking in all its branches attended to with promptness, gVAN J. RAYIES. Just See What A DOLLAR WILL BUY AtJas. Thomas'. II cans of Tomatoes, It cms of Deans, 64 dozen of Oranges, 6 pound of Coffee, to cons of Peas," 7 down of Lemons, at pound of Sugar, gppouudsof Jetty. Jleraember. thwe are only a few of our price. AIM. havoull fine or Green Truok, haying Ju returned from tho -Jamea Tliomat' CHEAP CASH STORE, Coal and Went Bta, 0 4 ATLANTIC OI :Y. A lloomlng Reason Abend Tor the Great Itesort mid the Heading's Royal ltouto. Tho popularity ol Atlantic City long since Touched National proportions, and it oontiPU?! to Krow fr"111 y" to year, Tho approaching, season pfWfll'OS .ta ,ba tha pootosljsvr known at this lho,gealost of lseswo resorts. Tns loading Railroad whoso superbly magnificent lino betweon Philadelphia and Atlantic City has become famous throughout the country as tho "Royal Route to tho Sea," will conttnuo to bo tho principal and favorito means of gotting to and from tho City by the Soa. Tho Reading's superiority in cyuipniont is gnnorally conceded. Its chief advantage consists in tho fact that it has the only double track lino of railroad to Atlantio City. The Importance of this cannot he overestimated. Not only does it insure tho absoluto safety of passongcrs, but it admits of quickor and moro reliable transit. Tho Heading line is also several miles shorter than any other road to Atlantic, City,, and it runs al most as straight as tho crow flics. The groat "Soventy-flvo Minute Flyers" ajo, tho most talked of trains in Amorica. For boauty, eioganco and spoed they aro liter ally beyond rivalry and 'thoso of our read ers who visit Atlantic City should not fall to oxporionco tho d6light of a ride on pno of these matchless trains. Tho summer schedule will comprise .a largo numbor of fast oxpross trains than has evor heretofore hcon run on any lino. Trains will start at such frequent intorvals that one can scarce ly fail to catch a "Flyer" at whatever time ho may deslro to go. Tho spring tlmo table now in effect shows woek day trains leaving Philadelphia at 8.00 and 9.00 a. m., 2.00, 4.00 and 6 00 p. m. Sunday morning express trains loavo at 8 00, 9.00 and 10.00 a. m. Returning trains start from Atlantio City at 7.80 and 9 00 a. m 4 00 and 5 SO p. m. week days, 4.00, 5.45 'nnd D 00 p. ra. Sundays. The "Royal Route's" Philadel phia stations are at Chostnut and South stroct wharves, and all Reading Railroad Ticket Offlcoa have through tickets and baggugo checks for Atlantic City. Words of Tralso. Summing up a column account of tho Adam Foreimufch Shows last year tho Cin cinnati Enquirer said: "'Taken act for act and comparod with any other this pro gramme muU be conceded the superiority in both extent and merit. One ol the most notable features of the establishment was its gentility and torio in general. .Tho utmdst rogard for the comfort and enjoy mont of tho audience was shown in ovory department. Thero was an unmistakable-' fcoling of satisfaction depicted upon tho faces of the audionce as it loft the tents', and many were heard oxprosslng their gratification in having nothing whatever' to complain of oxcopt that thero was too much ot it to sooon ono visit, and they would have to see it again." Ono can but wonder what that great nowspaper would say now when not only all that they commended is rotaine'd in tho groat shows, but there Is in addition tho spectacle, "The Fall of Nine veh," which is unquestionably tho most magnificent display of spectacular splen dors and grandeur yet seen 'in this country. Tho great shows will bo hero on Monday, May 9, and tho local public will hayo the opportunity to Beo tho wonderful exhibi tion. Iolautlio Slay l'nrty. The Iolanthe Social Club, of Pottsville, entertained their friends last evening, and among those present were the following from this town': Miss' Mame Donovan, Messrs. Michaol King, James Galvinj Frod Bonner, Harry Mellot and Val Bey rand. A Llttlo Girl's Experionco in a Lighthouse. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott aro keopors of tho Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach, Mich., and aro blcesod with a daughter,fovr years old. Last April she was taken down with Measles, followed with a dread. j1 cough and turning into a Fever. Doctors at homo and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, 6ho grew worso rapidly, until she was a mere "handful of bones.'1 Then she tried Dr. King's Now Dis'covtry and aftor tho uso of two and ahalf bottlos, was com pletely cured. They say Dr. King's Now Discovory is worth its woight in gold, yot you may got a trial bottle free at O. H, Hagonbuch's drug storo. Climb our stairs, .it will pay you. Wo are bettor situated than any ground floor gallery in the town. Hall's, 29 W. Contro treet. " ; , .A New ltranch. t The Buffalo oxtension of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, from Sayre to Buffalo, will ho bponod on May 15'.h and crews will bo taken from various branchos on tho Banding system to work on it. Six Delano crows will be assigned for duty there. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Mew Eii)1o1t Hade from Jnte. A new explosive) called nitrojnto is tho discovery of a German scientist. Tho explosive can be prepared in tho usual way by treating one part by weight of tho jnte with fifteen timoa its weight of ft mixture of nitric and snlnuurio acids. It ia light brown in appearanco and is insoluble In water, ether, benzino or alcohol, whilo it explodes by percussion, like gun cotton. New York Journal, Flailing Tackle. A large lot of tho finest flshlnir tuckln cheaper and better than ever, Just received, Come and see me boiore rjurchasinir else. where and you will save money at M AY llwair'fl Ferguson House, 13 W. Centre St. J ILi-A-TTIElIRS BOCK BEER! Xjivgjox Boor ORDER AT ONCE. Christ. Schmidt, Agi, 207 West Coal St,, SHCB3ST3SrjDOA.I3:. We Study to Please I " Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE , , GROCERY LINE ALWAYSSIN STOCK. Pish, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed, t Potatoes, Green Truck, liny and Straw, &o., &c Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store (Muldoon's old stand) CORNER CENTRE AND WEST STREETS. ABRARrl HEEBNER CO., PORT CARBON, PA 'Manuf acturera ot ' , pocielij oodg I Of Every Description. , Flags, Badges, Caps, Regalias', &b. JWFINEST GOODS LOWEST PRICES.-S Writo for catalogues. Correspondence solid ted. Specialties! The best'Chlmhey Top yet discovered." The wind cannot blow down. Do you want the best range money can buy? Then purchase the "NEW BROADWAY," Tin Roofing and Spouting done on tho shortest notice, All kinds of BTOVE HEPAIBS. A portion of your patronage solicited. WM. R PRATT, S31 South Jardln Street, Shenandoah, "THE ELECTRIC" (John McNeil's old stand) East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest, purest and best Liquors, Beers, Ales, Porters ! Cigars, &c., In the county. The place has been entirely renovated and im proved Polite attention and honorable treat ment to nil, P. J, BIULBOLLAND. 's Restaurant Cor. Main and Coal Sts Hhenandoab, Pa, Regular meals at popular rices served at all times, adles' dining and re. fresbment rooms attach ed, liar stocked with the finest brands of cigars and fancy drinks. Leading Restaurant in Town. GRAND MILLINERY OPENING reliable mllDneiy storo of ELLA MoGINNISS, EAST CENTRE STREET, SHENANDOAH. The finest and largest stock of AND MILLINIJItV GOODS Of all kinds. Come and see the display be fore purchasing elsewhere. FORMER'S Saloon and Restaurant JS'o. 11S N. WHITE STREET. First-class Imager Beer, Ale, Porter and Tom' peranco Drinks and Cigars. Flue old Wines and Liquors always on hand. II. C. FOLMER, Prop. Call around and iend a pltaiaut hour, 3ZI. "VST. "VTXXjI3E3, EEALEII IK ' Musical Instruments, SHEET MUSIC AND STATIONERY. The finest goods In tho market at mo iutyuetv iirires. au now goods. cr. Lloyd and Jardin Sis., Shtnandoah, Pa. .. . , - ... .... ..r .. To Working 1 Why economize, in order to bridge over the hard times ? There is no actual necessity for it if you act the prudent part and make your purchases of Groceries, Canned Goods, Pro visions, , &c, at ' - . . .. Because you can buy gdods there much cheaper than at any other place, so that what you save in in this respect will make up the loss of time. Half-time, at the collieries need have no' terrors to those who buy at the , READY-PAY STORE. To be' convinced, give t the new 'store a trial! 'Don't' make a mistake in the place. It is nearly opposite the postoffice, in the Shenandoah Bakery building-. Goods are all new all the most popular and attractive. Don!t be deceived bybeing- told that you can do better elsewhere for you carinot. A Corner in Hats. Some hats aro neither worth throwing nor taking out of a corner. A good hat (Bright, dur able, shapely and a pleasure to'tho wearori a pad hat Isn't worth powder enough to blow it into perdition Good hats are no more expen sive than bad ones, but bad hats are expensive at any price and sensible men .couldn't bo paid to wear them. Our (2 hat is a perfect gem, and there is no reason to bo without one nt this low figure. The same ts true of our S5o Neckwear and Suspenders. Good ghlrts, from 25c up to ti. All the newest things In gents' underwear, col lars and cuffs, Everything at rock bottom price. 19 South Main St., Shenandoah. GEO, W. HASSLER, lO'H North Jardln Street, , SHENANDOAH, PA., House Painter and Paper Hanger. All work executed promptly and at reasonable rates. Perfect satisfac tion guaranteed, as none but first class workmen aro employed, WALL PAPER FOR SALE! At retail or In jobbers' lots. HEMOVAXi ! ELLIS, The Tinsmith and Stove Dealer, has removed to tho Cor. of centre nnd jarclln Htm, Where he will be pleased to meet all his old as well as many new customers as possible. Good work; fair price.; RpoSng and 'Spouting neatly done. men "'JL'HjfcU- TORE- No. m Ready-F&v , C3 South Main;: Street, SHEfjAHDOAH.: BEST MADE CLOTHING IN PHILADELPHIA. .... W.e.'re, right in the breeze of business. Our central location at 13th and'Ghestnut Streets' catches the trade from all points. The quality of our goods and moderate prices are bound to hold and increase it. This, our 16th Anniversary week, is a wholesome indica tion of our business methods. , A. C. YATES & CO., Cor. 13th and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia. CABPETS I REDUCED Q-REATL"Z "BRUSSELS from 50o up. Table and ' Floor Oil Cloths nnd Linoleums from 25o up. Window Shades, Ruga, Ma,tt8,Curtaln Poles, etc., at low prices. The best line of Lace Curtains ever shown in town from $1.00 a pair up. T T" PRTPF' U U . JL jLVXjJj largest Assortment. LATEST STYLES I Our Prices wore never equalled before. We soil carriages cheaper than in Philadelphia or elsewhere, we have a full lino of Ileywood Carriages, and can ' furnish you any style for loss than you , Can Buy at the Factory. Call and see for yourself. We mean Just what we say. Our prices will surprise you. m- i v J. P. WILLIAMS & SON, No. 8 8011th Mnlu Street, SHZDBiT3SriDOA.I3:, ZFZEITsriN'.A.. CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT 201 N. Main St., Shenandoah. The Finest Stock of Beer'AIes, Cigars, 4c S3 1 - . 4 4 i4 r. - . PRICES I 0LB. RELIABLE, O, north main street. THEHEYWOOD, MANN'S RESTAURANT, ' 101 South Main St., Shonandoah. Finest Wines, Whiskeys and Cigars in Stock. Fresh Beer, Alo and Porter. Boarders Uept by the dayorweclc at reason. Bblo rates. i 1 1. i m ) 'I 1 it.) i n II 'Mm