The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, May 03, 1892, Image 1

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A small "want" ndvertltcfnent ptaeed 1st
tho "Herald" will bring more answers to
the advertiser than through any other pa
per circu x -r T it Tim lated in
tne town A AMI becausett
in moro Sx XlLJ.x X generally
read. One trial will convince you of thw
fact, for the simple reason that the "Her
ald" is rend by all the people of the town.
A small 'front" advertisement placodin
the "HeWa" will bring moro answers to
the advertiser than through anydthorpa-
read. Ono trial will cnrtft0J?Siior.
fact, fcr the simple reason that tho Her
aid'' If read by all the pcplo of the town.
-NO. 106.
L J.
Spring Dresses and Cloaks.
The newest arrivals in fine
DVess Goods embrace all latest
tints of tans and steels. Fine
Cream Cashmere, Albatross,
Henrietta, Surah and Lans
downe, suitable for graduating
dresses, are here a good as
sortment at reasonable prices.
We place on sale this week SOO pieces of
White Goods at OH, 8, 0 and lOo per yard
not much moro than half price. Our lino
of Laces and Embroideries contains many
bargains never Deioro equaneu.
Spring Coats for children,
misses and ladies
In all grades nothing but tho newest
makes at the well-known prices that make
this department bo popular and not a sin
gle garment Irom last season. Every cloak
Is the very latest in atyio ana coior,
Infants' Cloaks
In Cream Cashmere nnd Tans, from (1.S5
upwards. Infants' Caps in lace or silk at
all prices. Wo especially request you to ex.
nmfnn nnr laroo stock of Muslin Underwear,
r-i tilHrta nnrl rYirant. HrtVPrfl !
prices iowcr than actual cost of material
from Koto (1.60,
nSKTS that wll
COKSETS that will fit you without paying an
extravagant price 1,000 to select from.
Iv. J. Wilkinson,
SO 8. Main St., Shenandoah.
Duncan and
Of 2-quart Enameled Ket
ties for 15c Sale commences
Monday, May 2, and continues
all -this week. These kettles
bring 25 and 30c everywhere.
You cannot afford, therefore,
to let this chance go by with
out purchasing one or more,
even if you do not stand in
need of them for present use.
Sprinkling Cans.
Sprinkling Cans.
Sprinkling Cans.
All slzes"and all prices.
Bell's Pine Tar Soap.
New lot Just in best in uso,
8 South Main Street.
Strictly Fresh Butter.
We receive to-day, direct from the best dairy section of
the State, a shipment of Strictly JPresh Dairy JButter.
" Also, as usual, a shipment ot our
Bloater Mackerel-
Two Cars No. 1 Timothy May.
One Car line Middlings.
One Car Patent JTlour, Minnesota Wheat, $5 per barrel.
We have no better Xlour to offer at any price.
How is the time to buy
prices, tve make no change for the present
Wc To-day Reduce tlic Price oi a lot at
From 85c to 75c.
. Also n cw pIcccH of Body KrusHcls reduced to $1.00. Wc
oflcr llnriralns in llcnitiants ot Moquettc, Dody nud Tap
vestry Brussels nt about onc-hult of regular prices. Very
nice for Mints nud rugs, A special bargain Inn lew Item
uauts of Body Brussels, 5-8 yard in -vidtli, at 500 n yard.
rue regumr price is $i.s per
Our Directory.
nffl.nlintira from 7:30 ft.
m. to7!30 p. in. Money
Order and Registry De
partment opon f ront 8:03
a. m. to 7:00 p. m.
Vnllnwlni? is a schedule of
tho arrival and denarture of mall trains. Mall
matter for despatch must be in the omoo thirty
minutes ucioro me umo given dciowl
P.M. A.M.
A. M. p. M.
40 4:21
( Phila., Western 1
i and !
( Southern States)
' 8:00
( Now Vork nnd East
orn Htatcs and
I points on L. V. Hi It,
j Asland,
25 9103
( Raven Hun, Centra-1
2:20' 9:60
ii.i, Ait uarmei. una
Hhamokln. 1
8-.1S 9:53
2:20 0:63
8:18 9:60
2:20 0:60
I Mahanoy Plane, Lost 1 11:30
( Creek and Bhaft. J
Frackvillo. 7:20
Carriers make a ceneral collection nt 0:00 a.
m. and 7:00 p. m., and a general delivery at 7:15
a. m, and 3:16 p. m. Additional deliveries nnd
collections ore mado In tho business part of
town nt iu:ia a. m. and z:w p. m.
l"Jro Alarm Jioxes.
Tho following list shows the location of
tho alarm boxes of tho Shonandoah Firo
15 Coal and Dowers strepts.
10 Ilowera and Centre gtreets. "
, 24 Bridgo nnd Contro streots.
25 Main and Centro streets.
31 Main and Poplar streets,
35 Main and Coal streets.
4S-allb'ert and Centro streets.
437-GIIbort nnd.Chorry streets.
62 Chostnut and Coal streets.'
To. send and ajarm, open .the box, pull down
tho hook bnco and let go. When an alarm is
sent In the fire bell will sound tho number ot
the box and.rcpeat tho alarm four times.
If the alarm is sounded from box 15 tho fire
boll will strike one, then pauso and strike five
which will indicate that tho Sro is In tho
vicinity of No. 15 box. Every alarm is repeated
four tlines.
Electric Itnnnlng Time.
Tho oloctrio cars now leave the corner
of Main and Centro streets at 6 a. m. nn
leavo at Intervals of 45 minutes there
after urtil 11 p. m. This schedule will
ho subject to a change from day to day, as
tho work of putting In tho turnouts pro
gresses. Tho minors wilt find the early
morning cars convoniont.
and Dealer in
Oil Chilis
No. lO S. Jardin Street.
-JLarge size, very fine.
JVo. 1 MdclioreTrivhito ahil at.
Ho la Not Ono of "Do Ato" ana
Ho WaB "Sat Down Ppon1'
When ho Mado a Motion
and Asked a Question.
committee hold
meeting in tho Coun
cil room last night,
Messrs. Lamb, Doyle,
Bottorldge, Ooakley,
VanDuson, K.immel,
Gable, Stout, Higgins,
Soheifly, fllcGuire ana
Franey being prosent,
J. H. l'omoroy, Esq.,
was also present.
Mr. Lamb occuniod the chair, iio Btatoa
that tho object of the meeting was to con'
feidof some bills tho c6mmitteo had con1
traded and to discuss tho water question In
general. He Btated that the f 15,000 grant
under tho special election of 11 years ago
had stood in the way of tho committee and
tho only way by which tho commiltoo
could'prdcoed was' bS? tho course 'it ha
taken, forcing'the water company' to t'ako
the matter into court and have a judicial
determination on tho old Bpocial olection
Now that the court had passed upon the
matter,' he saidi tho committee is at liberty
to go ahead with its work and have the
people hold a Special 'election.
' Mr. Pomoroy took tho floor and occupied
it for sorao tirricL ""He attacked tho petition
Cow being olrchlatod for presentation to
the Borough Council 1n" favor of a com
promiso and Bald that ho had no knowledge
that"tho"?atbr "company had at any time
made any 'offer to givo free water for fire
purposes, cancel their judgment, etc., to
either thd ' joint committee or tho Borough
Council and that the' peoplo' who -woro
bignine the petition wore being misled,
He thought tho matter ought to go to
Bpocial eloctlon.
Mr. Bcheifly Bald that Dr. Callon had
mado a proposition to Council beforo the
injunction suit was brought, whereupon
Mr. Pomoroy said ho would dofy Dr,
Gallon, or'any other'mombor of the water
company, to place in print over his
their signature the exact nature of a pro
position the water company has authorized
at a mooting of its Board of Directors.
Mr. Gablo wantod to know if tho Bor
ough Council should mako an agroomont
with the wator company and tho latter
should Boll out to another company, would
the agroomont romain good 7
Mr. Pomoroy said It would, providing
tho'agroomont by tho water company was
mado at a regular meeting of the Hoard of
Directors, over tho signatures of tho pros!
dent and Bocrctary, and recorded regularly
on the minutes of tho corporation, '
Mr. Scliolfly said ho wished to ask Mr.
Pomeroy a question of law ho did not
want a "statement" and tho question was,
"Suppose this Council should authorize
the special oloctlon and tho peoplo should
decide against it, could not tho wator com
pany hold tho borough for what It owed
thorn and make the borough pay all the
tin Pomeroy' said, "if you ask a ques
tion I will answer you, but I am not
answering points of law."
Mr. Gable moyed "that it is tho sonso of
this joint committeo to offer a rocommenda
tlon to Council to proceed at once and let
special election decido what' the peoplo will
do oa tho question." Mr. Doyle seconded
the motion and it was carried.
Mr. Gablo aikod, "Could' this Council, or
this committee, accopt any proposition tb
water company may offori"
Mr, Lamb laid Council could, but Mr.
Gable said he did not think it could. Tho
latter said that he had always been under
the Impression, and still labored under it,
that neither tho joint committeo or the
Council could entertain any proposition
from the water company ; that the only
thing thoy could do was to establish public
water works, as instructed by the mooting
In Bobbins' hall.
Mr, Lamb again said that Council; could
entertain a proposition.
Mr, Schelfly moved that a committeo of
throe be appointed to ask tho wator com
pany td publish the details of its proposl
tlon totho peoplo. Mr, McGulro seconded
tho motion, but after a heated debato tho
motion was defeatod.
Mr. Higgins said that in view of tho talk
that had boon raised oyer tho 2,000 tho
joint committee had received ho thought it
would bo wise to let tho peoplo know what
tbo committeo had dono.
Mr. Goakley then tried to talk on tho re
porta that seven Councilmon did not know
anything about tho $1,000 tho committee
received, but when he got as far as
to say that it was road in tho minutes
of tho subsequent mooting Mr, Doylo raised
a point of order. lie said that was a matter
for discuEBion In Council, Mr. Ooakloy
sat down and Mr. Doylo put on his
war paint to talk upon tho suggestion mad1
by Mr. Higgins, He attacked tho HmtALD
oHdsatd it Wis not tho people.' H.jalso
said that tho committeo was responsible to
tho Borough Council and the demand for
an accounting should como from that body,
and Council not haying asked for it, he
didn't think the commi-tco should, pay any
attention to tho demand.
A'fterlMr. Franey had stated that he had
lways tried and intended to persist in his
efforts to work for tho benefit of the poople,
motion to adjourn was mado, but Mr.
Stout asked if thore woro not some bills to
bo considered. Mr. Lamb said, "No, they
are not hero," whereupon the meeting was
Messrs. J, F. Finney and B. J. Yost
Bpont yesterday aftornoon at LakeBido.
Abraham Graf, of North Jatdin street,
will move his family to St. Clair on Thurs
Robert J. Hyde loft town to-day for
Newark, N. J., whore employment awaits
Miss Annie McGowan, of Beading, is
visiting Miss Irene Shane, of South "White
MlssMame Aekor, of Pottsvllle, spent
tho past fow days In town, tho guost of her
C. J. Quinn, TVm. Krick and Eiward
Bronnan attondod court yesterday at
Pottsvllle. "
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thomas
Girardvillo, spent .Sunday In town the
EpnAst nf friflnHa.
J. J. Keilly, Loo Long, Martin Lawlor,
, , ,
John Daddow, Rov, Gruhler, and Isadore
Friedman "wore county Beat visitors yestor'
Tho namo of Daniel Williams was un
intentionally omitted from tho Herald'
list of gtleits at tne Williams testimonial
banquet, '
John R. Jones, who was confined to his
homo on Jardin street for sovqral .days
past by illness, la at his post at tho Kohley
Kun colliery ugain,
Ex-Poor Director Harry McGinnls, of
Frackvillo', who has been at Philadelphi
undergoing treatment for his eyosight, haB
returned come mucn improved.
Mr, John, L. 'Williams left for Shamokin
to-day to assume his new position as general
superintendent for tho Union Coal Com
pany. Mr. "Williams' family will
horfl'for thp present.
Airs. Jd. Hunter, and son John, camo
down from Shonandoah to Epond Sunday
under tho paternal roof. John is tho proud
possoesor' of a now bicycle, which ho is
learning to master. ' Dr. 0. N,
Bordnor, ono of Shenandoah's dentists who
enjoys a largo practice, .mingled amongst
Ashlanders last evening. Next Wodncs
day and Thursday ho and Dr. E
Sallada, of town, will attend banquots In
Philadelphia, given by the Alumni ot th(
Univorsity of Pennsylvania, of which
thoy are both graduates. Athland Tele
A Slight l ire.
"While Bomo old paper and rubbish
being burned in the yard of th,o
Phillips property on west Oak stroet
Saturday night tho roof of tho bako oven
caught fire. Members of tho Columbia
and Pboonlx flro companies hastenod
tho Bceno and oxtlnguisbod tho flames bo
fore an alarm could bo Bounded and before
any oxtonsivo damage was done.
IJttle Locals,
The County Commissioners have selected
the Jefferson Demohrat, Ashland Local,
and Minersyillo Free Press fn which to
publish tho morcantile appraiser's list.
Waltor Kinney, of Girardvillo, who at
tempted suicide last woek by using a poke
and a pair of scissors on his skull, died at
nis uomo oariy yesieraay morning..
Buoklen'a Arnica Salvo.
Tho Best Salye In tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fover
Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posl
tivoly cures Piles, or no payment required
It fs guaranteed to give perfect eatiefactlon
or money roiundod, i'rico M conts per
box. For Bale by O. H. Hagonbuch,
An Uvll Iteuiedled,
Tho police aro deserving of favorable
mention for tho attoation thoy gave tp
Jardin street Sunday night Thoy kopt
noisy groups away and did all that could
be required of them to maintain peace and
order. "Wo hope they will continue In tho
good worn,
Injured In the Mines.
Yesterday morning Robert Roberts, re
siding op Wost Coal street, met with quite
a sovore injury in tho mlno. UU hoad was
badly cut by falling coal.
Ileal Kstiito Transfer.
Bridget Lloyd, of town, disposed of a
lot and house to Delia Apporman yestor
day for $1,200.
Best work dono at Brennan's steam
laundry. Everything wbito and spotless.
Laco curtains a specialty, All work
Buy Keystone flour,
namo Lkssiq & Co.,
printed on evory Back,
Bo cure that tbo
Ashland, Pa., Is
Spectacles, to suit all eyes, at F. J,
Portz's book and stationery storo. 4-28-tf
lie PnSHCS Upon the l'olut Haloed That
the Collector AVas Given no Warrant
nnd Holds the Defendant Was
Collector Do l'ucto.
dav the docision of
Chiof Jusiico Pnxon,
of the Supremo Court,
In tho caso of the
Shonandoah School
District against John
A. Titman, Receiver
of Taxos for tho yars
1888-80. A brief reviow of thl3 caso win
bo of particular intorcst to tho citizons of
this borough, and of gonoral interest to
School Boards and Receivers ot laxos
throughout tho stato.
Tho School Board.after allowing exonora'
tlons to tho amount of $3,204.76. hold
Titman for $2,010.47 uncollected, 'lnis
amount Titman refused to pay, claiming
that ho was unablo to collect it, and that
tho board was thereforo obliged to include
it in tho list of exonerations. Ho., further
claimod that inasmuch as thu School Board
bad noglectod to issue a warrant to ac
company tho duplicates, as provided by
law, he was absolvod from his duty as tax
collector, and could not bo compelled to
collect the balance which tho board claimod
to be due.
Tho case was argued In tho Cjurt of
Common Picas, November term, 1891, K
A. Beddall, Esq., of Poltsville, appearing
as attorney for tho planitifT, and Judge
Ry on and John W. Ryon for tho defend-
ant, and was decided in favor of tho School
Titman appealed in July, 1891, and the
caso ws arguod in the Supremo Court on
February 0, 1892. The judgment of tho
lower court was affirmed, the decision
being renderod in languago almost identical
with that used in tho argument of countel
for the School Board.
Tho following is the text of tho decision
LThls was an anneal from tho refusal of tho
court below to opon a Judgment entered upon
bond, given by tho defondant and his sureties
for the collection ot tho school taxos of the bor
ough of Shenandoah, In accordance with tho
13th section of the Act of the 11th of April, 1802,
the School Board ot said borough Hied a cer
tlucato In tho court below, attested by the pres
ident and secretary of tho said board, showing
a balance duo on settlement from said John A,
Titman, collector, of fJ.wa.47. We cannot fO'
view said settlement, nor aro we asked to do so.
The only question for our consideration Is
whether the court below. In tho exercise of Its
equity powers, was Justllled In refusing to open
the Judgment. Tho ground upon which this de
fendant claims this relief Is that ho never had
been furnished with o warrant for tho collec
tion ot tho taxes. It appears that hq accepted
a duplicate, but for somo reason, probably tho
mutual Ignorance of tho parties, ho had never
ocen zurnisneu wun a warrant, nor uau ue ever
demanded ono. Ho accepted the duplicate and
proceeded to collect a large portion of tho
taxes. lie thus becatno a collpctor le facto and
It does not appear that ho suffered any loss py
reason of the absence ot a warrant. It Is con
ceded that he would have been, furnished with
warrant at any time, had he asked for It. Un
der these circumstances, wo dq pot think that
ho has any equity which would require the
court below to open tho Judgment. It follow;
that tho refusal to open It was not an abuse of
discretion. Tho judgo to whom such an applt
cation Is mado acts as a chancellor, and upon
appeal this court will only sea that his dls
cretlon has been properly exercised.
Warnet's appeal, 01 Pa. 319. Jenklatown
National Bank's appeal, 134 Pa. 337.
Judgment aulrmed."
When Traveling
Whothor on pleasure bent, or business,
take on every trip a bottle of Syrup
FigB, as it acts most pleasantly and eflec
tivoly on tho kidneys, liver and bowols,
proventing fevers, headaches and oth
forms of sickness. For sale in 60 cents and
$1 bottles by all leading druggists.
Tho funeral of William Draper took
place at Tam&qua yostorday and wa8
attended by a large uurabor of relative
and frionds. Mr, Draper died at "Wilkos
Barro on Saturday in his GO'.h year. Ho
was a shoemakor by trade and was engaged
In tho boot and shoo businoss in Tamaqua
for many years. Mrs. M. P, Fowlor,
town, was a sister-in-law pf the deceased
David Caird died on Sunday at his homo
in Gherryville, Northampton county,
his 73rd year. Mr. Caird was tho Btep
father of George R. C&ssidy and Mrs.
Goorgo R. SbaelFgr, at ono time residents
of this placo, but now located at Canon
City, Col.
Tho eolebrated imported "Anchor Pain
Expollor." It costs but CO conts u bottlo.
Its worth is invaluable to thoso suffering
from Rboum&tii. diseasos, Try it and bo
conyincod, Fpr sale at O. H. Hagenbuob,
P. P. D. KIrlln, J, M. Hlllan and other
druggists. 8t
"Wall paper and window shades at cost
Portz's, 21 N. Main street. 4-28-tf
New Venture of thu Jllcctrlo Rnllway
Tho funeral of Eltie, daughter of Mrs.
Dougherty, of Lost Creek, took placo
yesterday aftornoon and proceoded from
Lost Creek to Girardvillo in the four cars
of tho electric railway. Tho funeral was
chargo of O'Noil Bros., tho undertakers
of town. Tho car in, which tho coffin was
carried was neatly and appropriately
trimmed with whito crape. Tho mournors
and friends numbered three hundred and
soventy-oight and all wore aflbrdod ample
accommodations. They were taken ns far
as the Girard ostato ofllco in Girardvillo
and tho cars woro held for their roturn from
tho cometory. Tho olectrio railway com
pany will in a fow days havo a car ap
propriately draped and arranged for
funerals of adults. "While this arrange
ment for funerals is a novolty In this sec
tion it has bocomo qulto popular and
fafhionablo in othor sections of tho country,
where electric railway lines run near tho
omes of the mourners and near tho
Prof. Zeltz Falls.
Whilo walking along tho board walk
between tho Pennsylvania freight and pas
senger depots Sunday night Prof. Zoitz met
with an exasperating accident. Some mis
chievous party had stretched a pioco of
wiro across and a few inches above tho
walk with tho ovidont purpose of tripping
pedestrians.and Prof. Zeitz was the victim.
Ho bruised ono of his legs pretty badly
and so badly tore his pantaloons that they
wore ruined. It is hoped tho party who
perpetrated the trick will bo caught and
An Iudlsputed Test of Merit.
A medicine that has boon a household
remedy for over fifty years and used in
that time by moro than 150,000,000 persona
must have groat merit.. Such a modicino
s found in Brandrelb's Pills. This fact
demonstrates tho valuo of those pills better
than any statement of tho proprietors. It
Will be observed that the dose required to
cure is small. Ono or two pills taken
every night for ton or twenty days will
euro dyspepsia, costivoness, rheumatism,
livor complaint, biliousness, or any disease
arising from an impure stato of the blood.
Brandreth'B Pills aro purely vegetable.
absolutely harmless, and eafo to take at
Sold in evory drug and modicino store,
eitbor plain or sugar ccated.
DernuiUlne; tho Lodge,
The Railroad Trainmen's Journal is
authority for tho btatement that P. D,
Finn, whllo acting as secretary of Shenan
doah Lodge No. 433, Brotherhood of Rail
road Trainmen, dofraudod tho lodgo of
$29,31 entrusted to him whilo tho financier
was sick and could not attend to his duty.
Tho information is also givon that Finn
has been cxpolled from tho lodge.
Meeting With Success,
About two months ago the Ready-Py
Store was startod in town by Messrs. Smith
& Swingle, and by judicious advertising
and stricyittention to businoss, thoy havo
built up an excollent trado. Mr. O. W.
Smith Is now tho solo proprietor, and
judging from his business qualities, wo
bospeak for him a succostful caroer. Ho
has one of the most attractive grocery storo
in tho county, and prices aro exceedingly
low for the grade of goods ho handles.
Inconsistent Kleklng.
Shonandoah will receive $10,200 as Its
sharo of license money. And yet somo of
tho peoplo of that town kick against tbo
streot railway running through it. Sha
mokin Drtjt.
Hero You -Are.
M. L. Kommorer, wholesale and retail
confoctionor, is now located at 35 North
Main street, with the finest lino of confec
tionery in tho county, including the latost
novelties, Tho trado supplied at the lowest
wholesale rates. 4-11-lm
"Good Byo My Honoy" sheottUobe. Or
gan or piano. 10 cents, Wilde's music Btero.
How long will It bq? Only a few years
when tho millions of the land will bo fa
miliar with tho virtues of Dr. Coxe's"WHd
Ohorry and Soneka.
Shooting Match.
A shooting match occurred at Frackvillo
on Saturday botwoen Lloyd, of Morea, and
"Whlttlng, of "Win. Ponn, tho former kill
ing, 0 birds and tho latter 7.
All kinds of Carpet Boaters at O. D.
Frlcko's carpet store, No. 10 South Jardin
stroet. ,it tf
A Demurest Contest.
Hope Soction No. 10, J. T. of H. & T.,
will hold a Domorest Contost In Ferguson'
theatre, Wednesday evening, May 4tb,
A lengthy and amusing programmo has
been arranged. Prlco ol admission, ton
cents, to all parts of tho house. 6-2-3t
. School Hoard Meeting:.
A regular meeting of tho Sohool Board
willi be hold to-morrow oyenlog, at 7:30
o'clock, in tho superintendent's office.
Keagoy takes tbo load, He Is on tho
first floor. Ilia motto la "Quality, not
Quantity," Call and see him. 4-4-tf
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb'i