The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 30, 1892, Image 3

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    Both tlio metbocl nnl results when
Syrup of Figa is taken; it is pleasant
nnd refreshing to tho taste, nnd acts
I, gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
jj Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
'5 tem effectually, dispels colds, head
' nches nnd fevers nnd cures habitual
S constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy; of its kind ever pro
! duccd, plcasinc to tho tasto and ac
ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in
its action 2nd truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
Healthy and ngrecablo substances, its
j many excellent qualities commend it
to nil and liavo made it tho most
(L popular remedy known,
jf Syrup of Figs is for salo in 50c
i nnd 81 bottles by all leading drug
I rrists. An? rcliablo druirmst who
o 1 rf . .
may not have it on hand will pro
euro it promptly for any ono who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
' tUcklloaJachoiiiid rollers nil tho trouble!) Incf
dent to a bilious elate of tho Bysto&i. such tuf
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress aftov
callng, Fain In tho Side, Jtc. While their most
romar'tablo success has boon shown in cudE(J .
iloaSicho. yot Carter's Llttla Liver PUIS ara
equally valuablo in Constipation, curing and pro
Tenting thlaannoyinijcomplaliit.whilo theyalea
correct all dlBordoraoftboBtomactitimulatotba
ilvor and rogolato tho bowels. Even If they onlj
curea m 13
fAcbothey would bonlmoatprlceless to tTio.10 wha
vnlkT f rom this dUtresslngconiplalnt; but fortu
uatelytbelrgoodnc8sdocanotondbcre,andthosa T7ho once try them will find theao llttlo pills Tala
able in so many ways that they will not bo wll
illEg to do without them. But after allalcl. bead
(is tho bane of bo many Uvea that lioralswnera
Ivemalte our great boast. OurpllLicuroUwaUa
I others do not.
Carter's Utile Liver Pills are wry small ana
very easy to take. Ono or two pills make a doao.
They are Btrlctly vegetable and do not gripe or
purge, bntby their gentle action ploasoall who)
usotbetn, Inviataat25cents; live forth Sold
by druggists everywhere, or sont by mall.
If you want to &ee a II no display oi Boots anC
onoea, gu w
Boot and Shoe Store,
(Masteller'a old stand,)
Corner Coal nud Jardln Bt&u
Custom 'Work and Repairing
Done In the best Myle.
aa "Treated with Carbonate of Soda, Magnesia,
Potash or Bicarbonate of Soda."
The uso of chemicals can bo readily
detected by tho peculiar odor from newly
opened packages, and also from a glass
of water In which a small quantity of
chemically treated cocoa lias been placed
and allowed to remain for several days.
Tar more than One Hundred Year
the home of Waller llaker Jt Co,
hare maile Ihctr Cocoa Preparation
I'attnt 1'rocess, AlUallet, or Dye:
Edward A. Morgan&Co.
(Formerly Shapiro's Pharmacy)
107 South Main Street,
Preai rlptlona carefully compounded
oy regisiereu piiarinacietu,
Procure one of our Cheat Protectors.
We, the undersigned, were
en'lrelv oured of rupture by
Dr. I 11 Itnvai. .Q! 1 mil Ut
Philadelphia. Pa.. H. .In'niu Pl.lllnu 'if '.nnu T. A. Kreltz, Hluinnton, ta.: K.
M. Mmau, mount. Alto, j-a.; Hov. 8. II. 8her.
5h.lW.n.' U;l,Wm Wx.lMIMontroMiHt.,
Philadelphia! JI.U Kiwo. WW Kim Ht. Head,
inir. 1'a.: Uooriroaud 1 1. liurirun iilMii
. Ht., Heading, t'a. amid forolroular. '
To test ft I'oslllv. Cnre for tho etroots of self-abuM,
:rlr '. fcmlnsioas.heriuiisllcbllltr, Lossof
Bozusl I'owor, loiiiotencr, Ac. So p rust 1 our faith la
our HtMclffo wo wlIliK'nil ono ''oil AluutH's BtrtlUtus
Jul lluch VsliwWw Information FJII )). AAHmul
Fears that tho Anarchists Will
Do Bloody Work.
A Largo Force of Troops Bady to Sup
press Any Disorder. u..
No Demonstration of Any Kind to ba At
laired Tim Authorities Akj They Do Not
Anticipate Much Trouble Great Incite
ment Rt Dijon Over the Attmupt to lllotr
Up the Town Hull rolloe berertily Crit
icised. Paris, April !J0. The many dynamite
outrages of tho past lew mouths have
caused a fouling that, despite tho rcltur
atoil assurances ot tho authorities that
no trouble will occur on May Day, tho
1st of May will witness rioting and
bloodshed, not only in Paris, but also
In the various labor employing Becttons
throughout the country.
Notwithstanding the assertions that
the Anarchists have, no organization,
thut uacli Individual nets on his own ro
upoiiBlbillt, tho public generally point
out the recent explosions and the at
tempts to cause explosions as direct
proof to tho contrary, claiming that tho
whole series of outrages have been the
work of a regularly organized baud of
Though the authorities have repeated
ly said that no trouble was anticipated
In this city, they ure nevertheless tak
ing the most extensivo precautions to
repress any disorders.
lhe municipal elections tako place to
morrow throughout France, except In
Purls, and it is feared that the crowds in
tho towns where elections occur, oxcited
by partisan feeling, may perhups fall un
easy proy to the Anarchist aaitators,
who aro cortain to inveigh against gov
ernment nnd society if tho occasion oilers.
In Paris, which city is governed by a
special law in regard to tho municipal
elections, no disturbances of a political
nature will, of course, occur. Iho Aiv
nrchists, however, are given to take ad'
vantaco of any popular excitement to
make trouble, and they may perhaps try
to Incite the city worklngmen to rioting.
The police will attempt to prevent any
sncechmukiUR on the streets, and
large force of military will be held in
readiness to aid them if it is required.
Considerable excitement, not un
mixed with indignation against the po
lieu, has been caused at Dijon, capital
of the Department of Cote d'Or, by an
attempt that was made to blow up the
luwu Hull.
It Is considered to bo a remarkable
state of affairs when Anarchists can ay
proadh a supnosed-to-be carefully guard'
ed public building, arrange their explo
sives, Bet tho fuses on lire and then
mnke their escape without being seen by
the guards at any part of the proceed
ings. Many critics qf tho police say that
after so many attempts have been made
in various places to blow up police bar
racks, notably the Lobau Borracks in
Paris uud tho barracks at Clichy, the
instinct of self-preservation should im
pel the gendarmes doing guard at public
buildings to keep a careful watch to
prevent themselves and tho buildings
which they are guarding from being
blown up.
The Inhabitants ot Dijon give free
voice to their indignation, and it is
thought hereafter a much closer watch
will be kept upon stragglers about tho
Town Hull and all the other public
Fortunately the explosion did little
damage and nobody was injured, but
tho people of the town believe that
this was iu no measure duo to tho po
lice. Alt Demonstrations Forulddau.
Berlin, April 80. In Bochum,
ceutre of Germany's coal and iron
duction, the police have forbidden all
demonstrations on May Day. It was
feared that tho prevalent discontent in
tho mining region might be increased to
violence in case the Anarchistic and So
cialist agitators, who have gouo to Bo
chnm from this city, were allowed to
speak before large public meetings.
Tho TyneheiiU to Bull Slonduy.
WASiiiNaTON, April 30. Tho Washing
ton ship Tynehead will sail from Dow's
Eitorchouo, Brooklyn, Monday morning,
for ltussiu, with the cargo of grain and
other food products contributed by the
people of Iowa. A party representing
Iowa and the District of Columbia will
witness the sailing of the vessel. The
ship will be elaborately decorated with
bunting, the American, Russian aud
Ited Cross flags being most largely used.
The destination of tho ship will be Riga,
Russia, although sliu will first touch at
St. Petersburg. The cargo will be un
loaded at Riga.
Will Not bo Named lleforu Klertlnn.
Wasiiinuto.v, April 80. Tho United
States "Supreme Court has closed its
docket and decided to hear no further
arguments during the remainder ot tho
present term, which ends May 10, The
impression has prevailed that the Presi
dent would appoint the successor of the
late Justice Bradley before the term
closed, but this opinion is now changed
uud tho understanding is that no selec
tion will bo aunouueed until after the
Presidential election. Tho place Is gen
erally conceded to Attorney General
Adirondack Jtullruml Outragf-s Aealn
Cincinnati, April 30. An application
wns made yesterday to the Alayorby two
negroes who wanted transportation to
Dlrmingham, Ala. The nugrovs said
they had been working on tv railroad in
the Adirondack In New York, nud had
leuelved horrible treatment. Tlioy had
managed to osoape thu arnidd guards.
One of the men had tho great toe on both
feet frozen, aud it is believed both legs
will havo to bo amputated to save his
Mrs. Deacon lias l.uft France.
Pauis, April 30. Mrs. Deaoon, wife
of Kdwird Parker Deaoon, who killed
M. Abeille iu tho Hotel Splendide, Cn ti
nt's, has left France, in order, It is un
derstood, to avoid giving testimony at
the trial ot her husband on May tiO next.
Mr. Deacon, who is at liberty on bail,
will have to surrender to the authorities
live days beforu tho day set for the
1 trial.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The Uljr Four Absorl Anothir llo-itl., O., April 0. The Toledo,
Columbus & Cincinnati Railroad lias
been purchased by tho Big Four. It is
T2 miles In length and runs from Toledo
to Kenton. It Is believed that.the Big
Four also design getting into tho Mlcbi-
A DC3.000 Djc (!hi Mad.
Cincinnati, April 80. The $2,000 pot
mastilt belonging to A. E. B.irhardt was
seized with hydrophobia and terrorized
the entire family until shot. He was
known throughout America, having woe
many medals at bench shows.
Whooping Cough, Bronohitls nt Asthma. A ccrttls
tura for Consumption la firdt has 4, in1 iur r.llef la
aivaneed stages. Uic 11 o Vou will sue tb ex.
tllnt effect after taking thn first aoi. 814 r
aekitrtsfcrjwb.ra. Lsr Lviue- "--nu-QllLCg.
3? Sale:
Canadian Horse, 5 years old,
1 Brown Horse, 7 years old,
Weighing 1200 pouuds, and
For General Uso.
8 North Jardin St., Shenandoah,
In all the latest styles, of the finest make and
nost ilnlsh in the world for the money, manu
factured by tho Cook Wagon Company.
The success of this Great Coueh Curo Is
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc
cessfully stand. That it may become known,
the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, arc
placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home
in the United States and Canada, c If you have
a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for
It will cure you. If your child has the Croup,
or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief
is sure. If you dread that insidious disease
Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for
SIULOirS CURE, Price io cts., so cts. and
$i.oo. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame,
use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts.
For sale by (J. H. Hagenbuch.
eclcntl&o raetlmd ttmt
cannot fall unle-B tuo
case la beyond human
nliJ. Yon feel Improved
tho first dny.fecl a bailo
ut every day i soon know
yoursolf a It lux auionjz
fueu lu body, mind and
henrt, l)nilnsanUlo3
encled. Kverr obstaclo
to happy jimmed Jifo ro
innved. Norvo l'oico,
will, energy, brainpower,
Tvheu falling or lofcturo
restored by this treat
ment. Allfluanllandwualc
I unions ot tho body on
anted and etretithened,
Victims of nbuswi and
Gxcenses, reclaim your
raiinhoodt Sufferer inun
fully,oYerworlc,tU health,
rt'Kuin your viKor! Don't
di-epofr.eveii If In the )at
utiiKOB. Don'tbedi&heurt
cnt-d if quacks havo rob
bt d you. Let ua show you
thatiutidlL-iil scltinnauiid
buBlnfiis honor tlll exUti hero un hnnd la band,
AVrltoioruurJiook. with explanation a pitiuf-,
Walled souled free Over Ji.OOO rl'ureuv
EgIg.,MgP;0AIi CO. , BUFFALO, N. 7,
.m.rriii-i ten nsval rirtllr"
fJS? T0'MU4ri hsrt I it-- "lib HuoUrlVtA
v L k.,iJi.i.,,li 11. .L. r,.,1 llu
rr i van. a. c ua ftr
-tu-a . lL TftUu 2ou
'-uwfc, iSsaHnilJUuuu 64 4
Ub-lucb lituW 1"n4 I-. Kut TImj . Ik) U IX
lbtV DEL A'
1 Powder
Ameer's TroojM tloutrd.
Bombay, April 80. The troops of the
Ameer of Afghanistan, stationed iu three
villages between Herat nnd Banian, hnve
been treating the inhabitants in such an
outragoous manner that the men of tho
village made a united attack upon the
soldleis. Tho troops were defeated.
Justice Lainnr IKny Itsli;i.
Washington, April 80. Tho physical
condition of Justice Lamar ot the Su
preme Court is such that his friends fear
that he will be obliged to rctiro from the
bench shortly. He has been ill all win
ter and Is now only able to take a short
ride in a closed carriage.
Central Anuirira Display
Chicago, April 30. Tho spuclal expo
sition commissioner to Central America,
Lieut. Servin, has reported upon the
progress of his work. no states that
thn prospect for an interesting display
from Central Amtrlca Is most oncourag
Ing. Lamp-chimneys cost so little
that we let them go on break
ing. We go on buying and
"What should we do ?
Got Macbeth's " Pearl-top "
and " Pearl-glass ;" they are
made of tough glass, tough
against heat ; tney do not break
in use ; tney cto irom accident.
They are fine, well made,
exact; they fit the lamps they
are made lor; stand upright;
the shade is right; they make
a right draught for light ; they
are uniform. Both bear a label
for your protection. Look for it.
lie willing to pay a nickel
more and stop tins constant
expense and annoyance.
PlttsburKli. Pa. Qeo. A. Macubth Co.
WANTS. &o.
T OT FOK SALE. A very doslrablo lot, Mx-
J J 140 foot, on Hast Coal street. Apply at
ilEKALD ofllco.
STOVn FOIt SALE. A Rood, nearly now,
cooltlng stove. To bo sold to make room
for a range. Apply at HuiiAi-o office. 4-M-tf
BOY W ANTED. A good, strong boy, 10 to 18
years of tige, wantod to learn the printing
business. Apply at Herald ofllco. tf
I J The Cather rjronertv.
The Cather property, on West Ouk street.
for sale. Will be sold whole or In parts to suit
purchaser. Apply on tho premises. 4-13-92
ALESMEN. Encrgetlo men wanted. Free outilt. Ono of our aitents lias
earned over &0,000 in llvo years. P. O. llox
1371, Now York. 4-W-lw
"17OH SALE. Chonp, a one-horso sprlnR
P w.irou with top. Also a two-hcat surrey
with oxtcnslon ton. Apply to Fred. Ilurkhart,
23 North Main stroot. 3-3-tf
Olt HUNT. A flvo-roomed house, newly
papered, good cellar and garden.
lient low
to goou party.
Annlv to
Chaiilks HATZiiuno,
Upper patch, Wm. 1'enn.
WANTED. An energotlo Irishman to repre
sent a New York llrm, taklnp-orders for
"The Great Leaders of a Hrave and Oppressed
People" t-alary stated upon Interview.
Write, enclosing stamp, to Oenoral Manngor
D. M. Thomas, Jlahanoy Cliy, Pa. 4-sa-lt
WANTED, SALESMAN. Palary from start.
Permanent place. Good chance lor ad
vancement. Experience unnecessary. Outfit
Irco. Ilrown Uros. Co., Nurserymen, Itoch
oster, N. Y. 4-4-lmd&w
WANTED. Honest, energetic men to
solicit orders for Nursery Htock ; ex
penses and salary to men who can leave home
and work steady; also commission to local
agents; write for tonns and territory. Address
It. G. C'haso & Co., 113U . Penn ft.. Phll'n., Pa,
tlco is hereby given that I havo this day
sold out my Interest In tho MchuylkiU Hat and
Cap Factory to C. -eB. All claims against the
said llrm will bo settled by tho remaining mem
ber of tho llrm, and said C. ett, and all accounts
duo me to bo paid to tho same.
(Shenandoah, Pa., April 10, 18SW. 4-lD-3t
TAUTNEKSHIP NOTICE. Notice is hereby
j given mat 1 navo tnis aay soia out my in
terest In the Shenandoah Kuady-Pay Store,
tradlne under the llrm name of Smith & Swin
gle. All claims against the said llrm wilt be
settled by C. W Smith, the remaining member
ot the llrm, and all accounts due me to be paid
to tuo saiu c. w. hinun.
s. 11. bWiNUi.i;.
Shenandoah, I'a., April 20, 'OS. 4.iT-4t-oaw
M. P. Conry's Saloon,
31 South Main Street.
Next to the First National Hank, for a cool
glass ot ueer aim u goou vigar.
Ilcst TcniperaiiCu Irinlcs.
Dealer In all kinds of
Shoemakers' : Supplies !
Large and first-class stock.
All Demands of the Trade Supphea
18 W. OENTRE 8T.,
Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH. PA.
Act on a new pzlnciple
regulate the liver, stomach
and bowels through tin
nrtv. Un. Mais' Trua
ipeedtty cure blllouBncts,
torrid liver and constlpa
tlon. Bmallest, mildest,
earestt Bp dosoa,20 cts.
riamplea free at druiridBta.
Or. Bllu Oeil. C., EllUlt, IU,
Different Stories Regarding
Milbank'3- Latest.
Positively Assarted, However, that H
Vana and the Dno Had a Quarrel-
Anatlior Ituport Is that Jlltlhauk ICad a
l ist Flcht In I)russls With an Un
known Frenchman Who Hail Bneorod at
Etiglnil'l anil Cnffllslllnon Whoevur 5111
bnuks Antagonist Was, Ho Is Danger
ously Woutulctf.
Loxdoj, April 30. Thn duel fottht hy
Harry Vane ililbnnk at Ostend Thurs
day has no connection with tho Borrowe
Drnyton iiITair. Jlllhnnk's opponent
was not the Duo de Morny, as has been
reported. Milbank, who returnod to
Brussels Immediately after the duel last
evening, Informed a reporter ut tho
Qrand Hotel that ho wus under a prom
ise not to give the name of his opponent
or his seconds, but stated that he hns
not seen Do Morny since his (Mllbank's)
return from America, nnd that he had
not had any communication with him.
A reporter also saw the Duo do Morny
in Puris, apparently not suffering from
any recent wound. De Morny said that
he had not fought with Milbanic and did
not apprehend a hostile meeting with
The duel was brought about by causes
that have no connection with tho llor-rowe-Drayton
affair. After the meeting
between Fox and Borrowo at Nieuport,
on bnturdny, Jlilbank went to Brussels,
the others going on from Ostend to Lon
don, and put up at the Orand Hotel. On
Monday he dined In the hotel cafe. Tho
story at the hotel is that near his table
sat two Frenchmen at another table who
spent most of their time during dinner
making insulting remarks about Eng
lishmen, which were obviously intended
for Mllbank's ears. He paid no attention
to them until they came out of tho cafe,
when ho met them In the courtyard of
tho hotel and slapped tho face of one of
The result was a challenge and a
meeting of the two nt Nieuport on tho
identical spot where Fox and Borrows
exchanged shots last Saturday. The
conditions were the same as on that oc
casion. There wero also two shots at
twelve pates V'ilbnnk shot his opponent
through i hi- I ,p . t I he first Are, and he
was cnrrii-d at mice to a yacht owned by
a friend Unit l,y oil the const, ncconi
panicd by his Mirgoon and seconds.
Milbank aud his seconds. Do l'Kstrange
and Tournier, Belgian gentlemen, re
turned nt once to Brussels. It is not
known how seriously tho wounded man
is luiuretl, as no report lias been' re
ceived as yet from the yacht, which
railed toward the French coast. Tho
surgeon feared, however, uftor his first
Inspection of the wound, that It was
very dangerous.
BnussnLS, April 80. Hnrry Vano Mil
batik wns seen at the Orand Hotel just
before his departure for London, but re
fused nt first to be interviewed concern
ing his latest duel. He eventually ad
mitted that he had fought, ulthough he
' denied that his antagonist was the Ducde
Morny. Ho would nor give tho details
! of thn duel.
Despite Mr. Mllbank's denial there
are a dozen persons in the Orand Hotel
who say positively that the quarrel in tho
restaurant was between Milbank und De
Morny, und that they were the princi
pals in tho duel. The landlord of the
Orand asserts that he witnessed part ot
the quarrel and knows that De Morny
was Jlilbank'3 adversary.
The contradictory reports aro due, the
restaurant people say, to the fact that on
Tuesday Milbank had u, list llgnt with
an unknown Frenchman. The latter
sneered at England and said that Eng
lUhmen had no proper idea of honor.
Thereupon Milbank struck him on the
nose. The Frenchman raised his arm,
but Milbauk hit him & blow on the neck
und knocked him down. Cards were ex
changed, but nobody seems to havo
heard more ot the uffuir. It is rumored,
however, that the Frenchman was Auro-
Hen Scholl, tho Due de Morny's comrade
on the court of honor.
The trouble between Harry Vane Mil-
bank and the Duo do Morny dates from
the publishing of the correspondence iu
tho notorious Drayton-Borrowo dueling
One of the letters written by Milbank
and box, Borrowe's seconds, to J. Cole
man Drayton, dated Feb. 17, 1892, in
forming Drayton that tltey should de'
cline to permit their principal to mret
him upon the field of honor, stated that
the case had been submitted to M. Aure-
lien Scholl and the Due da Morny, two
ot the best known authorities in France
on the Code d'iloniieur, and that they had
decided that Mr. Drayton was not eif
titled to claim the satisfaction of a gen
After the fire-eaters arrived In Now
York on (he Mujestlc, it was learned by
Allllunli ttint tuo duo ue juoruy uau
given out for publication the letter that
he (Milbank) had sent to the Duo sub
mitting tho fact!) iu the case without
mentioning names, but which contained
btulemeuu extremely compromising to
the womau lu thu case, who wus Jlrs.
W hen MUb.'Uik saw this he was very
angry, ttnd declared that the Duke had
violated a sacred trust in giving out tho
letter, and besides thut, ho had been
cuiltr of garbling the letter, making
Aiilbauk say things which he denied that
ho hud ever written.
' I shall deuiuud an explanation from
the Duku for nllowiug thut letter to get
out," wild Milbank. "It wns u privuto
latter from one gentleman to another.
uud he hnd no right to show it to anyone
without inking my permission."
'1 bore was some cable corrttspondenca
between the Duke und Milbauk before
tho latter sailed for Europe, but It was
liotsatUfuctory tn the Englishman, un
when he went away ba vowwl Unit h
would make It warm for De Morny
when he reuched runs.
Muce that time, and up to the pveseut
nothing has been heard of this episode ot
the Di'iiytuii-lloirowo urtull.
Tun led Titu 3Iuny 1'asssngors.
1-Rovinir.Nca. II. I.. Anril 80. The
krhuonur Xeilie 11 a v. whlob arrived hero.
from the Caps Verdo Iilund, has beau
held for cunyiug too many putweugara.
tihu was deUiueU for tho aumu olt-juWon
the outward trip. ,
IV rong?'
A Shoe I)resilni-- muit rfttnrft the liril-
liancy of a worn shoe, and at the same time
reserve Me softittss of the leather.
LADIES will the Dressing you arc
using do both ? Try it I
Pour a dcsicrt spoonful of your Dressing
into a saucer or butter plate, set it aside for
a few days, and it will drv to a substance
as hard and brittle as crushed glass. Can
such a Dressing he good for leather?
WolffsflCME Blacking
will stand this test and dry as a thin, oily
film which is as flexible as rubber.
25 Dollars worth of New Furniture for
5 Cents. HOW? By painting
25 square feet of Old Furniture with
027 North Front Street Pim-ADHLPUIA.
Health for the Baby,
JPhjure for the Parents,
. New Life for the Old Folks.
'Root Beer
"1b n family adUir a roqulslto
of tho home A J33 cent
package makes 5 gallon of
a delicious, strengthening.
cnervcsct'nt beverage.
I Don't ho deceived If n dealer, for
Uie Hakeor lurer pro tit, tella.ynu
some other kind Is'JuBtoaBOo!'
'tlsfalw. No imitatlou has good,
as the ceuulue Hibus.
it lsnpfamiesaslLOt?, vitli notaokior wax tnreaa
to hurt t lie feet; made ot tbu best flno cair, Btvllsb
nnd eany, nnd because we make wore thocs of thin
grade than any other manufacturer. It equals hand'
sewed shoes costing from 81.00 to $j.'J0.
V&K " ("eniiiiip iiaim-Hpn'ru, ma nnesican
PsV shoe ever oftYred for $5(0; equals FroocJi
Imported shoes which cost from 83.00 to SlAitt.
CJA 00 Iliiml-J-iiMvcd Welt Mine, line calf;
stylish, eomrortuble and durable. Tbobeet
shoe ever offered at this price fmmo ftrudo as ci
tom-mndn shoes costlu? from ifi.flu to $!.'.
CEO 00 1'oliro Shop i J'nrmcrs, Halt road Mn
and Letter Carriers ell wear them; ttuecalf
Beatnlesn, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten
sion odpa Ono pair will war a year.
GjO oO flno ciilfi no better shoe ever offered ai
Dmm this prlcot ono trial wilt convince thao
irho want a shoo for comfort nnd service.
CZO nnti J.uu v iiritincmr" nTn snoc
s7ai lire verv stroncr nud fluraliln. 1 hrmn wha
have given them a trial will wear no other make.
DavC' 5."r nnu ni7 sciiooi stioes arw
IGVlsPjri? worn bvtho bmRcvervwhcre! thevceU
ou their merits, ns tho increasing sales show.
Qri inp ?iiuu iiniiu-ntMveu snot, nesv
UraCl vl Iv J Uontrolil. vervBtvllsh:enualaFreiipJ
lniiKJrted shoes costini?f rom t.ui to 6.(xJ.
lmdicH '2.rAi, i .iHI und shoo Tor
jLllssesnro the best flneUongolx MylUh aud durable.
i;nuiimi, see mat w. i4. doukios uamo aud
price ore stamped on the bottom ot each shoo.
Tneist on loiMl naTrrtlvd dealers sunnlTlni? vnn.
W. Ji. J)Oi;UliAS,IIrocUton,Mu8ri, tkjldhjr
Korilt ITIiti Ht.( Shenandoah.
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Obappod Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc
EemovoB and Prevents Dandruff.
Spocially Adapted for Use in Hard. Water.
538 UtWJ?
ttitt tii'lr fuoutuv Iseroiin AiMtricaa
fitlMHiiKlUt in Uic UnUul Utauw who l
u to our Blood Poison,
Nervous Debility Spe
cial Dieeaeea '
Skui DI-hw. H 4 BpoU Paint ta tt
SoreThroat Mouth,
till. i ti. l'hitpl'i )ruitiHoi, wft of
hir.l tl'-rt, bclUi, ItrlUttooi,
lutl-uiiuiMloaa anil RttaalBfa.
bincturt. WeaknrM and aarly
-Imbt, ot meitutry, wrak WV mcoUl aniloty, KtdMj ku4
LUUit Wwik and all Iilanaitta it-nultlnf frooi Exoettwi,
lii.ltMTr-.tlon or () rwork. Keo-Mit tun(irid U o W
rvlluf al ono. im, unt Iom hops, m BiUWr lTr
tUlac Doctor, Quaak, or Hplil Plivilclaa ku WW,
Pr. THKKL narva pQ8tve1y 4ietlB fro.
ukku4, rich or poor, rnJ Id, lump tor )QOU
'TKUTHM tn-iilnf Qaatikt v' orn taio)tJi.
HtNia tal) (rum ft to I, Kv'n 8 to 9, Wad. atel paU
Kv(ra in 10. lnadaT 9 till 11. Vrito or call and ba av4.
for K-nrvnoM WU and HMurdav Mlla. datf Thn'-
Ornoa-2li NYvit Uoya Btoel, HheuftuaoAU