Both the method nnd results Tvhen Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho tasto, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, aver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual .constipation. Svrup of Figs is the only remedy of" its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tho most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to nil and have mado it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Fig3 is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any Bubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, K1 NEW YORK, .f. HILOH'S The success of this Great Cough Cure 5s Without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can sue cessfnlly stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada, t If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price io cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price 25 cts. For sale by (J. H. Hagenbiich. Restaurant Cor. Main and Coal Bts., Hhenandoau, Pa. Uceu lar meals at r prices eerveil at ail times. liHdles' dining uu i re freshment tooins attach ed Bar stocked witli the finest brands ol cigars and fancy drinks. Leading Restaurant in Town. A FINE SHOW If you want to see a fine display ot Boots anC Bhoes, to to W. S. SNY0E1VS Boot and Shoe Store, (Mastoller's old stand.) Corner Coal atirt JnrUln Bt. Custom 'Work and Repalriug Done In the best Mylo. MADE BY TUB DUTCH PROCESS are "Treated with Carbonate of Soda, Magnesia, Potash or Bicarbonate ol Soda." The uso of chemicals can he readily detected by tho peculiar odor from newly opened packages, and also from a glass of water in which a small quantity of chemically treated cocoa has been placed aud allowed to remain for several days. .For more than One Hundred Years ike home of Waller linker t- Co. have made their Cocoa lrejtarattons ausox,utj:jjY rum:, using no Patent l'rocess, Alkalies, or Dyes. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester. Mass. NEW DRUG STORE. Ed ward A. Morgan & Co. (Formerly Bliaplra's Pharmacy) 107 South Main Street, NEXT DOOR TO HOST OFFICE. I'miorlptloua carefully compounded by registered jiliarnmelcits, TO PROTECT YOUR LUNGS Procure one of our Chest Protectors. DIltlTllfiP We, the undersigned, were ?? ,I?n'li.T . Kreltz, Hlatlngton, Ph.: IS. ner, Mu.ibury,. Pa.; I). J, Dellett 211 H. 12tli rnllHdeli lila; II. L. Howe. 309 Kim St.. Head' HI, Heading, fit. Hand for circular. TOHN 11. COYL1S, AHoroey-al-Lsw and Heal Estate Agent, Oflleo Boddall'a BulldlDg, Shenandoah, Pa, TO MURDER A KING An Anarchist Plot to Kill Spain's Ruler. CONFESSION OP A CONSPIRATOR, Lots Wsro Cast as to Who Should Btriks the Blow- Atmruhfftt Muting Give Jartlculnrs oftha llot to Destroy tli lloyal Fnltioo and the Clnimbflr of Deputies It In Thought That He Will Clioaon to Kill the Klnir Statementi of the Voultlbe llomb Throwers. Madrid, April 20. Public excitement on the Anarchist plots has been renewed by tho report that the Anarchist, Philip Mnnoz, has confessed to a plot to kill tho King of Spain, who will be six years old on May 17. Munoz was formerly a sergeant of ar tillery, who has been living abroad nnd in concealment in Spain since he took an active part in tho Republican rebel lion in Madrid. Deloocne, ttio l' roncnman arresieu ior i the attempt to blow up tho Cham-1 ber of Deputies, said that Munoz led them on to make the attempt against 1 Congress, nnd with having provided them with bombs which, they say, he handed them In the street, a few yards from Congress Hall. Delboche stated that Munoz lived in Cnlle Clavel, Madrid, and had besides another domicile where his mistress lived. The police succeeded in arresting Munoz, who has undergone a rigorous examination. 1 Though the Spanish law does not al low any one to see prisoners during the early part n( tho judicial investigations, and first examinations of accused per sons are always conducted with the greatest secrecy and closed doors, with out tho presence of counsol or reportors, nevertheless enough details have trans pired which tend to confirm tho impres sion that the Anarchists not only in Madrid, but also In Valndolld, Valencia,' and Bilbao, were aware that a plot was progressing in the capital at the head quarters of the Anarchists, their Clrcule dellabajadores, all tbe principal mem bers of which are now in prison on the churge of complicity in too dynamiters' plot to destroy the Chamber of Deputies, the royal pulace, and to commit other outrages. Whether thoy knew the lull extent of the plot, as now said to have been con fessed by Munoz, the authorities are not , yet convinced. The confession attributed to Munoz is that at a meeting of Anarchists it was ' determined to murder the King, audi that lots were cast as to who should kill I him. i The confession does not state upon whom the lot fell, but it is believed thati Munoz himself was probably the man. There is no doubt now that he was the . leading spirit in tbe plot. I Delboche and Ferrelra, the two con- J spirators who were arrested with bombs intended to blow up the Chamber ot , Deputies, pretend that they were en tirely dominated by Munoz. To Dredge for Suukeu Treasure. Leominster, Mnss., April 20. The Little Giant Hussar Wrecking Company has just received its charter. This is j tho company recently organized to gee tho treasure out of the English ship . sunk near Hell Gate, New York, over i 100 years ago. Cnpt. Symonds ol this 1 city is tho organizer of the company, and the $10,000 capital stock is quoted at J $315 per shuro hero. Capt. Symonds has' placed a buoy over the wrecK, and is now negotiating tor a construction ol dredges heavy enough to withstand the current of tho famous channel whom the work is to be done. Weavers Strike at Full Klver. Faix Riveh, Mass., April 20. A strike is in progress at Osborne Mill No. 1. Twenty-nine weavers employed on Bed ford cords left work because the superin tendent refused to pay the regular wages for weaving cloth. The woavers claim that 35 cents Is paid In other mills, while tho Osborne is giving but 24 cents per cut. The superintendent put two "knobsticks" at work, whereupon 2.) more weavers, not employed on Bed fords, quit work. A Desperado Defying Arrest. Banoob, Me., April 20 George Na dean, the French-Canadian desperado who shot United States Deputy Sheriff McNally recently, Is in St. Francis, on the Northern border where, armed very heavily, he defies arrest. An expedition is being arranged against him, and it is probable that there will be some loss ot life before he is captured, as he threatens to shoot hlmsult rather than be token alive. Death of Uric.-Gen. Hums. Washington, April 20. A telegram ha been received here announcing the sudden death at Beaufort, S. C., ol Brig.-Gen. IV. W. Burns, retired, den. Burns had been spending the winter in the South, where he had business inter ests, and was accompanied by his eldest dnughter. Mrs. Burns has spent the winter In this city. It Is expected that the body will bo brought here Friday for Inturment in Arlington cemetery. New York's Kxelse I1IU Passed. Albany, N. Y., April 20. The Exclst bill as It passed the House lias been passed by the Souatu without an amend ment, by a strict party vote. The Sun. dny clause is stricken out, but tbe all night selling clause for cities of 30,000 is in, and the civil damage net it killed. Saloons are forbid to oxist within 200 feet of a churoh or school entrance. The bill now goes to the Qovemor. No Trouble at Culioes Coiions, N. Y., April 20. At a meeting of the Board of Oanvaiwers last' night tho entire Republican city tioket was de clared elected. There was uu lminouso crowd ot exciUd people in the streets, and 103 oitiaeus were armed ready to preserve order, but no trouble ooaurred. Poui'Ne&roes Lynched. Atlanta, Qa., April). Four negroes were taken from the Jail at Inveruoss, nearOoala, Fla., yosterday by a mob of 100 musked men and lynched. They were suspected of the murder of Steven son and l'ayne. Highest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLlif 11 Years for AsiaulMnc a Girl. Podohkkkpsie, April 1!0. Frank Ross, nn Italian, was yesterday sentenced by Judga Guernsey to 11 years and three mouths in Sing Sing prison for criminal assault. His victim was Marie Woro neck, IS years old. The parents of tin girl are now in the Albany penitentiary for complicity in the crime. Tho case was prosecuted by tho Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children. llank Wrecker Trumpliour on Trial. Kingston, N. Y., April 20. A jury hns not yet been secured in tho trial ol Matthew T. Trumphour, one of the wreckers of the Ulster County Savings Institution. The indictment first taken up is for grand larceny in stealing $2, 000. Trumphour was Indicted jolntlj with Ostrander, but demanded a separ ate trial. Tho trial will occupy the en tire week and some very interesting de velopments are expected. Another Defender of Clerk Young:. Washington, April 20. Gen. II. "V.; Boynton, the veteran Washington cor respondent, prints a letter in defonse ol Mr. James It. Young, lately removed as Executive Clerk of the Senate, and glv-1 ing somo inside history of the publica tion of proceedings of the Senate in exec-' utlve session. He speaks of Mr. Young's loug and honorable service and discred its the charge that ho betrayed executivi secrets. A Family Down With Trichinosis. Boston, April 20. The family of Ottc J. Roth, consisting of himself, wife and four children, who reside in Roxbury, are ill with trichinosis. These are thi first cases of the disease in this vicinity in 15 years. In Roth's case it proved fatal. Itehrintr Treaty Ratified. Washington , April 20. Tho donate in secret session yosterday ratified the agreement for the renewal of the exist ing modus viveudl In Behrlng Sea signed in Washington Monday. THE NEXT MOHNING I FEEL BRIGHT AMD NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor says It acn r wly on tb slomn-ii, livi-rantl kidneys, f n 1 ) n pliant Uxutlv.-. '( his tMiik Mnjacle .mm tK.t. , unUtn jut-pared for ut All ciruttriBta b?u u i.i ... . i m, put u.i Lw. Puy one to-day. 1 I'r.mili Medi 'lne .'.loves the now m ili d.. In orucr to be healthy, UU4 la ueci iu ry. XjAU-jHIRS Pilsnor ttmcSL OIIDER AT ONCE. Christ. Schmidt, Agt., 207 West Coal St LEATHER and SHOE FINKS IP- J". CLEARS Dealer In all kinds ol Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and Aral-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Suppwa 18 W. CENTRE ST., Kereuson House bulldlaff. SHENANDOAH. PA. WSEND FOR CATALOGUE; rCOUIUAiluN 8AFKTIL&, with RubUrTUa ri fuat rsuot. oob viut . BS-lli.Bajf'tiirl'm 1)BU -.4 mu, ;i nitii' svui. at W ftt-tii l.,Uu;'(.rU' ) 4 W Hh-Io b, 1U1I WOi 40 00 tHHtuk. iBuriiu JllCI Ol ki it toMuuh Quota' 1I . A A OA tt lIUUnatla UiuhTle. 1hl sill llS E. C. MEACHAM ARMS CD.. ST. lOUIS.KO CHRIS. BOSSLEE'S SALQ0N AND RESTAURANT 01 N. Main St., Bhenandoah. Tbe Finest Slock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, it. EASILY, QUICKLY, PERMANENTLY RESTORED. WeuknMN, crvuuite. UehlUtr sod stll frvie srl rrtir. or IsUir tiosMMs. lbs rcaulu ftf emvorh. ASuvft, worry, fto. Vull unsgth, dov.lororot sod lost, gtotc 10 om, ortna nd purlloa or lb. bodr. HlupU, astuna swlSod. IaimudUt ioiurovenieiit.ta. Vklluro lioouMlbls. ILStl pr boi ; S bo... for $5-u). Wrlltrn iwuiim to ours i(h ev.rjr .1 1 bole.. 91HH1 rvr.Tvoorfl, Send .tsiop Cor book, ttpbUMlloD and proor. w&lod. Xllrin, VkliH CtTV ilEUIUAl. Ut, l-UUd-Jpo.!, Ps. VIGOR OF MEN Latest U. S. Gov't Report EOf PUR! Educational. Blllktns Somo ablo writer says a man who trusts a friend educates him. Sillkins Yes, and ho educates him self, too. "How?" "Teaches himself to know better next time." Detroit Free Press. Three-IIanded Man. Jorklns Good thing Mrs. Broke Rot oil about her husband, eh? Callous What was that? Jorkins Huh) Said ho was a three handed wonder right hand, left hand and a little behind hand. Drake' Magazine. Willing to Forgive. Littlo Man I understand, sir, that you have called mo an unmitigated liar. Biff Man No, I don't uso the word unmitigated. Little Man Then I accept your apology. Washington Hatchet. II Was a Blotter. Mrs. Wishlets You'd never be happy in Heaven. Wishlets Why not? Mrs. Wishlets They only play on harps there and you'd never bo satisfied unless you could play on a wind instru ment. Brooklyn Eagle. UU DID NOT. m Lonesome Whiskers Were you in New York during the recent scarcity of water? Wandering Charlie 1 was. Lonesomo Whiskers And did you not experience a great inconvenience? Wandering Charlie The thing was exaggerated, my dear boy. I experi enced nn inrnnvBniencA. .Tudffn. Remarkable Facts. Heart dlKeise Is u-mlly supposed 'o tie In curutile, nut when properly treated alamo proportion ol casos ran b' cured. Tim Mis. Hnuni Hatch, of Klichart. Iuii., aud Mrs. .MaryL. Maker, ol Ovid, Mich., weie ciirt-d alter mllerins 20 years. . 13. LlnDur er, ilrusKlstatSau Jose, III., Fnys that Dr. 31 lies New Heart (Jure, which cured Hie loriner, 'worked wonders lor his wile." Levi ogan, or Ihichuuan, .Mich., who bad heart d'fcease lor SO years, says two bottles made him "feel like u now man." Dr. Miles' New Heart Cuie is wild and guaranteed by C. 11. Hncenbuch the druggist. Book of wonderful testimonials free. Only ouo couple in 11,500 llvo to celebrate their diamond odding. A National Event. The holding of the World's Pair In a city soa-oelv ty en old will be a remarkable event, but whether It will renlly benefit this nation as nmoh as the discovery ot tbe Itest'ratlve Nervine by Dr Franklin Miles Is doubtful. This is Just what the American peoilaneedto curd their excessive nervous nets, dyspepsia, heartache, dlimess, sleep. lessuews, ueuralj la, nervous debility, dullness, ronm.lon of mind, etc It nets I ke a charm. Trial bottlesnud tine book on "Nervous and Heart DUmkok," with uneqnald testimonials, free at O II, Ilagonbuch's drag store. ( it imrranted to contain no opium, morphine or dangerous drum. Tho fan of tho season la thinner anil gauzlcr I than ever, I Mlleu' Norve and LIvor Pilla aci on a new principle-rev alal'ng tho liver, stomach and boweli through the nervet AnewdlHcnvery. Dr. Miles' Hlfs speedily NItn hlllnnannD. ...... ........ . ... .. .w u...v,...,uc,?, urtU mam, Lorpid liver, pnos, constipation. Uuequnlod for men, women, ui.iu.uu. nii'sueKi, iniinesi,snrestl frinoses, M-ts. Bampies Free, at O. U. HagenbuclV druar store. FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely cah com panies reprewntcd by ID-AVIID FATJST, 120 S. Jardin St., Shcnanaoah, Pa. COFPEBJHOUSE. MRS. CONNICK IN CHARGE. A SQUARE MEAL AT A NOMINAL MICE. Everything well cooked nnd clean. An elab orate bill of Tare dally. Lodgings for travelers. sj Rs. coNNicK, 3 r. mhiii tt. REMOVAL. On and after April 1st', GEORGE ROBINSON, Tlip HARNESS MAKER, Will oeoupy the store-room, N. Main St., nest to Hagfnboch'i Drug Store. vigor of mm Enelly, Qulokly, Permanently Restored. Wtukuui, NervoumeM, Ileblllty. and all the train uf evIU fruiu early orroraur later exuesHet tbe roaulia uf overr ork. slukuesa, wurry, etc. Full strength, development, and tuue given to every ornau and purtlun of the body, gimiilo, natural ruetboda. Ininiedlato Impruyeuient aeen. Failure Impoaalble. louu rererrncea. llook, explanation! Vid prnofa mailed (aoaled) free. Addreaa ERIC MCOIOAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. LOOKS BAD FOR M'GUIRE. Dnmaclnir ICvltlrnen Acittnst lltm In the Ori-cory Mulder Trlul. Nkwuuwih, N. V., April 20. The tak ing of testimony In the Mrs. Amelia O. (Jrejiory murder cu-ie at Mlddletown con tinues in the Supiviiie Court here. Noah Gregory, tho husband ot tho murdered . ...... I 11... C 1 lffl..i.. . 1. U MUM. bUB, .'IC'I PIUlUIICi LUU ,, , , i , i. i 1 alleged murderer, worked for him about ., , ., , , ,i flip. t.lniH nf the imimlpr imil linnw nf 1 money being kept in the houoe nnd that the house was unprotected during the day. Surah Brown, the woman McQutro lived with, detailed at length conversa tions ho had with her concerning tho robbery of the Gregory house, and had I said that he would kill oil the whole family rather than lose the money be was certain was in the house. Mcdulro figured that there was at least $2,000. Sho related his nrranging for tho visit, the preparing of a mask, tbe putting on of tho two co. its, one of which he subse quently burned up, the cleaning of tho trousers where blood stains were found, and the cutting out of blood stains re placed with patchos. The trousers were shown in Court, as were the revolvers McGuire had, one of which he got at the robbery of the L'rys- i tal Run l'ostofllco, tho watch he had ' stolen at the same time, aud other artl- cles. ins progress from tho time of leaving the McGuire home to the Greg ory house nnd his return home, with his later removal to Pennsylvania, the ar rest and confession of Brazingtou and Mrs. Brown were all shown to agreed in every respect. The chain of evidence throughout was most complete, and the case could safe ly go to the jury now. There are over 20 witnesses for tho prosecution yet to be sworn, and the case will lust at least two days more. McGuire seems to bo confident that when his side of the story Is heard the opinion of the court and jury will bo changed, but this looks exceedingly doubtful unless he can explain away some powerful evidence. REPUBLICANS AT HARRISBURG. The State Convention In SefMlon Seven Camlldutea for Jndjfe. ILvniusDnno, Pa., April 20. The Re publican titate Convention was called to order shortly after noon to-day and Qen. James Latta was made temporary chair man. K. K. Martin of Lancaster will be mado permanent chairman. The auguries for a harmonious Con vention nre good. Senators Quay, Cam eron and Chris Magee all seem bent on unity. The number of candidates for Judgi- of the jsiroiiie Court has been in creased tos'v.'ii liy tne announcement by the frieuiN n' J'kijju Ewinjt of Allegheny county, tint his chums will be presented to the convention. Tho Allegheny tounly delegates claim that they partic ularly desiru his nomination, as thao portion of Pennsylvania west of the Al legheny Mountains is not represented on the Supreme Court bench. It has looked as though Judge Dean would lend in the convention with Judge Sudler a close second. But this morn ing Judge Henderson began to gather strength, particularly among the sup porters of Gen. Lilly and Major McDow ell, the chief candidates for (Jougress-inen-nt-large. The plutform will declare against free I trade, endorse the JIcKlnlej law, endorse in u hearty manner the Harrison admin istration, commend Secretary Blaine and declare it the duty of Congress to insure a frte ballot uud fair count if necessary. There will be no instructions. i HE MARRIED A CATHOLIC. A Secret Wedding t Juikioa, liss., Tliut Unit Giuatly Kxcltnd Hnlirewri. Jackson, Miss., April 20. Society has bced thrown Into n violent state of auita- 1,- nl.lin-f !n 4 a .aInr wuii uj w.u i-uwww". " """ paper of the marriage, ten days ago, of Sir. JI. J. Hurt, a prominent yount; Jew, aud Miss May McCrdle, a devout Cntho- lie, a young lady prominent la Catholic Circles. The matter hS been a profound secret, tho contractinK parties having re- sided at their respective homes slnco the marrtuga. When tho lady learned of the publica- tlon sho fainted, and the commotion i wna Rn iTMt. amonu the Hebrews that Hart's father closed up tbe store. Military Institute Chaugtis Ifanila. PouaiiKEErsiE, N. Y., April 20. The Poughkoepsle Military Institute, one ot tho largest educational Institutions in Poughkeepsle, has bocn purchased by Its recently appointed principal, H. B. NJver of Catsklll. Professor Nlver paid $U2,000 for the property. He has a part ner. This Is tbe institution from which Major Holland absconded with tho tul tlou fees a few weeks ago. .' , Tho rantiiiylranla Itrdurea dial Itntea. Philadelphia, April SO. A sensation is caused by the announcement of the Pennsylvania Itallroad that it has cut the rates on coal from tho mines to New York 20 cent) a ton, or from $1.70 to $1.44. The cut is looked upon as a hos tile movement against the ltuaillm; com bination. The reduction will go into ef fect Saturday. Insurance in Mnaauclinantta. Boston, April 'JO. -Insurance Com missioner Merrill's report shows the fire wusto in Massachusetts In 181)1 umoutited to $6,081,379, upon whtoh there was $0,107,1)10 insurance. Tho loss is aguinst an average loss of $5,170,00 for 14 yours, and tho average number of fired Increased SOU. Hl( Varu ractory llmneil. Utioa, N. Y., April 20, Tho yarn factory of V. K. Woolworth & Co. at OrUkaney Falls, this county, was de stroyed by flro shortly after uoon. The factory was a three sot mill and had a capacity of from 500 to 800 pounds of yam per day. Loss, $50,000; partially insured. Gen. Ilullor'a Hume AttuclioJ. Lowell, Mass., April 30. Gen. But ler's Lowell property was attached for $50,000 yesterday by the C. F. Jowett Publishing Company of Doston In a suit growing out ot the printing of the Gen eral's memoirs. Couiljiitur lo ilurllnKton'a lllalnip. Bennington-, Vt., April 20. Rev. John Stephen Miohaud, paator ot St. Frauds de Sales Churoh iu this oity, was olll cially notified yesterday of his appoint ment us Coadjutor to the Bishop of Burl ington, with tho right ot succession. A CME BLACKING is cheaper r at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAYS Ikthumj shoes once blackened with it can lie kept clean by washing thorn with water. People in moderate eircumstancts una it I - - . ... .... ... 1 profitable to buy it at 20c. a bottle, because l ""J : ,. ,i,' hut they spend for Blacking they sao in I"'" ""V Dl ' shnp lnathnr. It is tlie cheapest blacking considering its qualitv, and yet Me want to boll it cheaper it it can be done. We will pay for n recipe that will enable us to mi'ke Wolff's Acm. JIlackiko at such a price that a retailer can profitably sell it at lUc a bottle. This offer is ojien until Jan. Ik, 1M)3. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Old furniture painted with (this ia the name of the paint), looks lifco stained and vaniWiwi ne furniture. One coat will do it. A child can apply it. You can change a pine to a walnut, or a cl.. "ry to mahogany; there is no limit to your fancies. All retailers sell it. Morning; Noon Good all the time. It removes , the languor of morning, sus- . ; . r ,..11. 1 i uinis tut; energies oi iiuun, iuiis . the weariness of night. Beeri delicious, sparkling, appetizing A Don't be deceived if z dealer, for the s ike . cf larger proht, tells you some other kind ' Ci is "just as good "'tis false. No imitation I is as good as the genuine Hires . a BnaU 3 SHOE cehtPiIWipm T11E DEIST SHOE III THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY It U n ncamlcps phoo, with no tucks or wax thread to hurt tho feet; mado of the best lino rair, etyllsb nnd easy, nnd bcrrww tec vuxke mora shoes of thi prude than any oth''r mnnv fitrturert It i-nii-i!. hnri't' fcewed t hoes costing f mm 1 1.00 to $3.()Q. &1 KL (10 (ieimino HaiuUotrfd. tho finest calt pJFa shte ever ofTeud for gl.U); equals KreacH Importod shoes whirl, rot fr m .o-'toiU-OU. llntid.--d Writ rlio tlno calf; Jt stylUh, comforlahlo and durable. Ilia best fhoo ever olTerd at tins prltv j some grade as cu tom-mnde FlionH costing Iron, $b.0u to SO 30 l'nlleo rlioci I1 imiors, II nil road Mfn unci Irf'ttiTC.'lPrioriSfill worn 1 1mm tlnaonlf. liOOth i Ili.ii I O. li j. V thri'u Eiiii'iL nxwo. fion fde. One nalr will weir nvear. S5 30 fine rulfi nohf terM.oo ever offered ai Smo this prioo; one trial will convince thoan Who WflTlt U BtlOO tOT COTIxtvTi RTui Sfrvl('C. J3 anil Vurkliiffmrnit sho W UU III S2.y y1' are very fctrorjij npd durabl.)., Tiuo who have given thorn a trial will wear no other make. P?r'Jr-' SJ.IIO nnd sl.7. nchool timca am Sttofttl.?S&V,w"B LadlCS atjaSfifflS Inported shoes cnstin f mm $ i.ui to t56Jii. ato'lSoVflajStAlrXSa'M Cnuilon. soo tlut v. i ixiuniaa n imo tuug prtC8 ,h e$ 'AstItT'TE. Insini ion local udvVrtlwil di alers snnpljlng yon. . W. It. UOL'UluVtii Hruckton, Diana. BoWW j mortal 31 in St., SUcaiaudoaU Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing. Cures Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Etc. Komoves and Prevents Dandruff. white Russia?, soap. Specially Achpted for Uso in Hard Water. DR. THEEL. 588 VfLTWXS&Xsi tb . t.h K-Lulut) li imu inurwui t-ixltUI l Hi UU L'uUixl hlUt. bll tbti u our Blood Poison Hervoua DUdlty waspy. ctal Disaen ' UtKb M fklu Uii-LWca lLdS)OUPaJnitDtb bojtri.soreThrobt Mouth It'.lit.i Hmli" JrurMtmi H-ft r turd IkKt",, Jrr.uttosi, lullaUiii.tatluDi ni'l BuBUlun bkxiu.urv. WekktieM toil tul lecT Ion msBi'irv, wtak h. . menu.! M.l(t WlMf PU.l r Ileati4 n oil IMmrsm rtulilris from ri iii-lirttoi vr UiTWurk ttmui mii enru! in 1 1 ' ('! lHf tl una. mil low Lop, mW' r lii tlutnt; DwloT, Qutwk. FvnlW ir Hi.rt!l Phi'lin hM ttllt4 Dr. THKKI. cur. povlVly lul lut 1.ntiim ftM burfaOM. OL. VOf H Ml DDLS 4KI 4kl lUO9 OiillTIHt'LAnMI rii' rtcn or iH.r. "i"1 l int bOOk 'TRUTH" Quwk unUir orn tmlii uUln. Hui'. itallv ftnir 9 U I to 9. Ved n,l h Ir'ca to 10 HuiuU tilt It Writ or eoll and lor iitoiwM Wodft. ltlaHr PbUtv dfcllj Tl4& p M. HAMILTON, M. O., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, omoe-2!) WeatLloya Btrwst, BhoaanaorJt S! 0,000 Reward Night i 1 JUv' IO Tu' iwa lam tat? a' Uiit