BRILLIANT SHOWING A Company's Giqantic Strides to the Goal of Success and Public Favor. GROWTH OF THE SHENANDOAH BEEP CO. The Local Branch of Swift & Company Secures an Indisputable hold on Public Favor Pluck and Enterprise Reflected by Figaros. Millions of Pounds of Beef Sold Annually, and the Sales Constantly Increasing. ,1" . .JK. I'UB LICA THIS like lliu mi' hand ed our readels to day without men t i on o f Sht'iiati (l')ah's wonHerfll' meat market would helikeKivinttthem a production of "Ilimilet" with Jamlcl omitted. The .Shenandoah Beef Company's eatablishmeiii In one of the inesl notable acquisitions of the town. The kIkhiiUo stride-" it has towards smrcehs lias given a hMor.y one can read with inteiest It 1 lale of pluck, enterprise and deter mination with u linale of grand tri uiiiiili over blind piejudlce. In the Kiinitueroi iss3 .Swift it (!o , i h'-i:reit Chicago tlim 'hoe reputa ii 'ii sweeps not only thLi continent, i '.t iiiuuy of the I'oieiKii countries a "ll, coneluded to establish an Hjjeuey m tbibtown. To that end a pint of 'iiniiud directly opposite the Lehigh alley pi-sseiifcer and freight depots, w .h purnuu'i'ii and the erection of an immi'iisi- icfriKcrator Uilldinir was be jiun shoitly utter. When completed Hie structure was 60 feel luuir and 122 fv' wide. At that time a strong iv jndiee exisUd nxnliist Western dics-itd tieef and many looked upon Swift it Few people in the East realize the enormity of the genei'il business done by Swllt it Cnnpauy. All idea of it may be leatitd irom an nnutial report of the company, published iu the Hdhami of Apiil, ISliii. At the abut tolls ol the company in Chicug) (or the year 18MI tlieie were killed nine hundred and sixty-four thousand, four hund-ed and sixty-three (flG-l 103) cat-tit-; seven htindud and seventy-two thousand, four hundred and eighty three (772, LSI) sheep; teveti hundred nud twenty-lour thoiiMiud, six hun dred and twenty four (72-1,011) hogs: fifty tl.ree thnu-and, one hundred ami f 'l ty-nine (.;), l-hi) calves; a total of two million, fie humireil and fourteen thoiiHaud, seven hundred and nine teen (2,aU,7I!lj head of stock. The beeve, at an average weight of (ton liounds, make a bulk weight "f flvi hundrea and seventy-eight mil lion, six hundred and seventy 'even thousand, eight hundred (.V7N,077,SO i) pounds The bulk weight of the sheep, at an average of -15 pounds, woulil he tliirty-lonr minion, seven hundred and sixty one tliou-and. seven hlinditd and thirty-five (34,701 , 7;5) p unds. liulk weight of the hogs, at an aveiage ot 200 pounds, one linn drel and fort -lour million, nine hun dred and tweiit -four thousand, eight hundred (1-44 924,H0II) pound's Bulk li ii" ill 'BlilrSI mm Mi piNPSiS SHENANDOAH HE UP COMPANY. Company's investment as a white ele-, weight of the calves, at an average of phant. Some people predicted that joj ,l0UU,jM) 8x million, six hundred the Lehlnh Vlley woi-ld soon ., (orty-ttireu thousaud, six liundr.d turn the structure into a freight home. H11,i twenty live (0.043 025) pounds ora j ne agency was upeueu uy jii. guiud total weight of seven hundred I) Dames, who remained in charge for about a year and was succeeded by Mr. K. F. Black. Ill health obliged the Istter to retire soon ufter, however, and Mr. B trues again tcok charge, lie remained in control until June 7, 1880, when Mr. Miles S. It'ggs, the present energetic and genial manager, took charge. When Mr. Higgi assumed charge, the frozen sheet of prejudice had cracked, tint it was still btronif. and to bring the business to the stand it oc cupies to-day required herculeau ef forts. The growth of the business has hpen stupendous, as shown by the figures from 1888 down to the present time. Iu 1880, when Mr. Higgs took charge, he could get along witli one assistant and only one horse and wagon was required for the delivery route and two oue-half cars of 'icef and provisions were Hiifllclent to fill tlie orders for a week. Anout twenty cattle per week were the selling figures of the agency. But, eventually, by courtesy to pa trow and invitations to the public to visit and inspect the house, winch is also kept as neat and clean us any place of the kind can possibly be kept, the prejudice against Western dns'ed beef gradually wore away, and bus been disappearing until now little, if any, exists. Comturo the figures and note the growth of the business. To-day Mr. Itiggs has four aslstautH, and three hordes and a double utid single wagon arn remilred for the delivery routes. Five full cars of htef and provisions are required to fill the orders each week. In Miiv. 1891. the ranldly increasing trade made the enlargement of the building necessary, and ilfty-six feet were added to its length, giving room for a refrigerator 50 feet loug and 22 feet wide, through which over 100 drossed cattle, 10 sheep, 160 pigs, and provisions in proportion pas every week. A more striking example or the magnitude of thin home buslneea is ulvun liv the following : Cuttle oll In m m " 1HM3 U.4U 1H0 3.1W 1W1 MU Total tor Um four Wf sueop Mia iu urn 1.511 .. ima TTt and sixty live million, seven thousand, nine lain died and sixty (705,007,000) pounds. Mlt. SlMUNCEli is a very agile per former in the ring of Democratic pol itics, but lie will come to grief in his attempt to pull free wool over the eyes of the plain people of this country. THE MAN AT THE HELM. A Brief Biographical bkotch of Miles S. Higgs. The subject of the sketch is Mr, Miles S. Higgs, tire manager of the Slicnaudo.ih Beef Company, whose busluejs is favorably reported in the foregoing article. Mr, Higgs was born iu Somen, West Chester county, Now York, on July 24, 1850. His father was engaged in business as a retail butcher iu Homers, and after Miles re eel veil a good common school edited' Hon lie became an employe of the establishment. After the death of his father, Mr. Higgs moved to New York City, where he engaged In the retail clothing business. In 1SS2 he moved to Daubury, Conn., and was employed in a retail beef market, lie continued in tills business but four months and marric'i in the meantime. On the 1st day of .1 um;, 1SS2, he was married Miss Louisa W. Walsh, a young lady of D.uibury, who make Ihe neat ly lurnlshed house on North .lardlu street so coin 'ortable for her husband anil two bright children, a girl aged live years and a boy of thlee. Iu Oc tober, 1SS2, Mr. Higgs entered the em ploy ol'Swift and Company at D-in-bury, us bookkeeper, and in January, 1SS3, he was transferred lo the com pany's mammoth establishment at West Washington Market, Now York City. The following June, Hwift and Company opened up establishment in Newark, N. J., and Mr. Higgs was as sigued there. He lemaintd at that establishment three years, or until June 7, ISSfi, when be was transferred to Shenandoah. Mr. Hiyg's rapid ad vance lo the responsible po-ition lie now holds as manager under Swift and t'i mpaiiy can be easily under stood by those who have the good for tune of his acquaintance. Tin- energy and generous impulses that have mark ed his acts a a citizen of this borough explains all. He is courteous at all time and always ready to extend aid to anything calculated to benelit and Please the public. Mr. Iligus has four able asistants in his huinesi in Mr. W. J. Bowse. Bookkeeper; W. J). Cox, soliciting agent; John T. Caniield and Charles Clansman . Miss Allsoul "I talte it, Mr. I.oug faee. that yon too have seen your trouble in life's voyage. I feel that my own sad experience gives me the right to speak; .you will take no offense, I'm sure. Mr. 1.. Oli, not at all! Certainly! I haven't been without my afllietioiL Miss A. (with look of deep interest) A heart trouble, 1 fancy. Mr. h. Well in that neighborhood weak digestion. Harper's liazar. Saving Time. Mean Contractor (to workman who foil from a three-story wall that lie was tearing down) I'll have to dock you for lost time. Workman (unhurt) I thought I was saving timo coming down that way. Next time I'll take the ladder. Dcia orcit's Monthly. ) T fir. This is the only Industrial Benefit Society doing business in Baltimore, owning its own building. Thus giving ample security to its members. PRINCIPAL OFFICE 100 West Fayette Street, BALTIMORE, MD. Itr.'incli Ollicc Francv's ISui Willi;;, It enaiuloali, Ia. STATEMENT Of 1 HOME FRIENDLY SOCIETY OF BALTIMOEE, ID. DECI3MHEU 31. 1S9I. I'olidcM Issued in IK91 lO. 966 Amount Insured $5,003,500.00 Income Durtns: the year $l27,Si!5.62 Claims Paid In 1RU $55,342.18 OFFICERS . L. TALLY, Pres ; WM. StLVKUWOOD, V. Pres.; GEO. A. CHASE, Secy. A HANDICAP. ' l!(fj misal Wire Cousin Jack Hace, Ethel? Ethel No, indeed. Mamma sayk you're the fastest young man fahe ever heard of. Judge. w 0 t Company To Insure In Is the ConnGcticut Miiiua! rtowwwiwitiwtMiwoqiaiwHaiiwHrMKwi o IS5 TJJE3X JT'OFL o. OZNT THE Mahanoy City, Shenandoah, Girardville and Ashland Street Railway OF HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated June, 1S46. UM. iaet. Tom tor tte (our yean. . UM. IbUl. l,ll 1.071 MIT Total for the tour yam In 1691 thy sult ol Uilofuu reuebed 150 tutu. ASSETS JANUARY, 1892: $59,738,479.35 "TIITS company is ono of tho cheapest and very safest in tho United Stato3. No as SQBSmcnt coinpany;jiays large surplus to its policy holdors, and is ropresontcd by The Company was determined to have the best goods, and they are manufactured by Ts i Aim iMiHug Tim Iwuraacu Uoiu- IWUtM Wllb lUlfMt ORlliWl, wwetv ami nuriilua. 120 south mm STREET, SHENANDOAH, pa, tlkiAc jdkuAi A ilk A jAr jflkjAc A Jiic AAAA jBuKr.jffloCcjftr yijr ytlr lT.r SI1PL1X EllCTIICII, COMPANY, 620 Atlantic Avenue, BOSTON.