The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 16, 1892, Image 4

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    We Will Meet Prices
OF ALL competitors,
oz. to the roro.
30LID and plated Silver
ware, Gold and Silvor
Watches, Diamonds, Precious
Stones, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti
cal GoodB, .B.inquot,Parlor and
Tiano Lamps.unique in design
with 75 and 250 candle power
burners. All goods superior
in finish and quality with rock
bottom prices that withstand
all opposition victoriously.
Repair work executed neatly
and promptly at
Jewelry Store,
Tie most profrcsslro establishment
In Uiecouniy.
Corner Main ana Lloyd Streets.
Trailing arbutu").
TTarmcr weather la promised.
Some April lee tho past few mornings.
The birds iot cold feet tho past fow days,
livery Idle person H neglecting some duty.,
The old ware scared away tho spring fever.
In chlnaware tho sovorcly plain will reign.
Overcoats wcro again brought out this weolr.
The cold spell suspended garden making.
It Is bcllcrud the cold has not hurt the fruit
Imitation jowel will adorn tho summer girl's
Only the commonest maibles aro made In this
Trench importers are displaying jeweled
hoe buttons.
Itoscttes are taking the place of buckles on
evening slippers.
The feet of the Amerioan womon are said to
be erowjlng larger,
This (s Passion Week, and many of our
hurches were holding nightly services
A sliver plato with your name engraved on it,
to hang insldo tho hat, band, is a novelty.
The ohgnandoah and" Lost Creek clubs will
cross bats at the latter place to-morrow af tcr-
When they say tho brldo's costume was a
ream do you mean to imply that it was an
illusion t
Napoleon blue is a spring tint with a grayi&h
cast and is found to bo especially becoming to
The latest discovery In dentistry 13 that new
teeth may bo grafted on old roots amlo to grpw
as finely as the natural tooth.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria,
"When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
"vTneu she became Hiss, tho clung to Castoria.
When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria.
Fishing Tackle.
A largo lot of tbo finest fishing tackle,
cheaper and bettor than ever, just received.
Come and soo me belcre purchasing else
whoro and you will eavi. money at
Max Kkesk's,
Fergmon Houe, 11 W. Centre St.
The prettiest PHrpeU nnd oil cloths at
Fricke'e, No. 10 South .larilin street.
Orders for Kvknino Hkuai.d should be
UJt at Ihokt J- Jirown's mw stand. No.
4 North Main ttrett.
Kea;ey takes the lotd. lie is on thn
first floor. His motto i "Quality, rot
Quantity." Call and tee hirn. 4 4 tf
The PhrenU Hull.
The ball of the I'bojnix Hose Company
will be held In It lUulns' opera houso on
Easter Monday, April 18th. Don't fnrcot
it. 4-l-2w
Are You Going to Move?
Everybody is moving-, but
you can be accommodated with
any kind of a turnout you wish
or driving', either single or
double, at Evan J. Davies'
Livery and Feed Stables, 14
and 16 North Pear alley, rear
Ivuburg's hardware store.
Dealer in '
Choice Groceries !
Green Truck, &c,
Fcl Csucrrnlns' the. Kleotrlo lUllwny
and JU Promoters.
With tlifs lfUo of the IIkrald Is circu"
Uteri a bandsnm enmenir edition com.
tmmorntivo it the opening lor pumic
trnM'luf ihe Mttlintmy City, Shenandoah,
Gi'Htdvillc nnd Anhiatid Street Ktilwuy
The original intention was to is'ue the
souvenir on the dny set for tho lormnl open
ing or thi road, liui tliii plan wns inn trnted
liy th sudden cnfttit of the railway cctn
pany's plans cnusmi by Ihe ajnr,nlve.
action of eortiin members of the Sboimn
dnah Borcucb C uneil. So tho souvenir !
liow Us ed in co nn omoratlon of the estab
lihment nnd operation of an electric rail
wav lino between honnnrioah and Giranl
ville wi h the regret thai it doos not a',fo
mark tho opening of other sections, as firs
Thn Mahanoy G tv, Shenandoah, Girard
villo and Ashland Street Hallway is a mor
umont commemorative of 11 campaign of
onterprie, grit, perseverance and patlerco
unequalled in thn history of tho county.
When tho Hkuald suggested three year.
ago that an elaetric railway would be a pay
ing investment in this valley tho people
laughed at the idea and declared that a
lino could not be surveyed through the
territory, much less operated. Tho Hkr
ald hammered at the idea for -months
Then, all nt orico, the poplo of Mahanoy
City issued a call for a public meeting to
rai6e funds and secure an olectric railwiy
charter. This was an enterprising step for
our neighbor to take, but it lacked speed
and confidence, and others took'' tho more
business like step. Ileforn the Mihanoy
Ciiy people cou'd get ' together and act,
Hon D. D. Phillips, ol Gordon, 31, J.
Whaleri(dooeased)C. E. Titman, J. F. Fin
ney. S. W. Tost, 0. A. Keim, B. .1. Yon
and U. C Buyer, of Shenandoah, Bnd Hon.
Elias Davis, of Broad Mountain, made ap
plication and secured a charter for a cor
poration to bo knjwn as tho Mahanoy City,
Shenandoah, Girardvillo and Ashland
Street Railway Company, with powrrs to
operato an electric railway in this and the
Gtlbett'.m yalleys.
The charier having been granted, tne
projectors commonced to look around for
capital to net undor it. Tho Shenandoah
people having money to invest were ap
pealed and, at first, wcro inclined to re
spond, but they dickered so much ever the
matter that all negotiations .wero dropped
and tho charter was placod at the dlsposn
of a number of out-of-town Cnpit'alists,
headed by .fudge W.' F. Sadler.of Carlisle
Up to this time, and in fact up to tho time
the first pick was put into the ground for
tho construction of the present road, the
' croakers" kont yelling that' tho. chartor
was only a means for speculation and the
right of ways were asked for simply lo give
it a color of marketiblo value with a- viisw
to selling It to one of the railroad com
The project laid dormant until last Do
cembor, when tho work of grading was bo
gun between the outskirts of this town and
Girardville. In tho early party of Jan
uary work on tho power house at Itappa
hannock was commo ced, and shortly after
track work was begun at the west end of
Col 6treet. Tho latter work was stopped a
few days later on aecount of tho ground
boing frozen too hard. Blasting was ro-
sorled to, but it wis finally concluded that
bettor work could ba dono after tho break
ing up of winter. Attention was then
given to track laying in the western dis
trict. On Febtuary 3d, four of tho cars ar
rived in Shonundoah. They remainol un
der tho osre of watchmen at tho 1. & K.
freight depi.t fir about three weeks and
wero then transferred to the powor house,
-which was then under roof. In due time
tho engines wero delivorod at tbo power
houso. The dynamos and other electrical
parts of tho plant, together with tho boilers,
followed soon after and on March 22nd
fires wore built under the boiler for the
first time. At 4:67 p. m. that day W. F.
Sadler, Jr., turned on the steam and cot In
motion ono of the splendid Corliss engines
On April 4th. work was resumed on tho
West Coal 6treet section iff' tho road, and
on April 7th the D ret car was. run from the
power houso to the corner of Main and
Ltoyd streets, Shonandoali Tho next day
cars wore run in tbo heart of tho town, at
the corner of Main and Centre streets.
On the night of April 7th tho Borough
Council of Shenandoah mot and oight of
tho members, a majority, instructed tbo
Borough Solicitor to procure an injunction
against tho road because it had not paved
iU tracks. Tho next morning. Judgo Sad
lor, president of tho ra'lway company, de
cided to stop tbo road at tho corner of 31 .in
ana utntro streets ana do no mora new
work In tho town until he could recoive
some awurance. The result of the Coun
ell's action Is outlined in the report ol tho
Indignation meeting oi citizens In another
column of this paper.
The franchise of tho 3Iahanoy City,
Shenandoah, Girardvillo and Ash'and
tit , rt , i .
"iicci uauway vompany n (ooicea upon j
by prominent capitalists with olectric rail-1
way experience as one of tho most valuable
In tho town and tho plant Is ono of tho
mo-t.compl4o atid'Valuablo In tho country.
On Mftrch'Stlb, last, Mr. F.. 1), Musser.
tuperhilorident of tbo 1 East Harrisburg
Eloctricv Railway, inspoctod thn plant and
declarod it "aecond to nono. I dbn't Know
that 1 havo over Been ono eqiial to It in g in-
oral appearance and equipment "
The 1'ntliiT or Many llln.
0 insltpitioii lead- lo a multitude o'
physical troubles. It is generally tho re
suit of caroKssness or indiil'iirenco to the
simplest rule of health. Eugenge MoKy
of Hrantfnrdj. Ont.t writes:.
"I bad for eeveral year) been a pufftirer
fron constipation, had takon a great many
different remeilios, some of which dil me
good for a timo but only for a time, then
my trouble came back worse than ever.
I was induced by a Iriond, whom Bran
drerti's Pills ha benefited, to try them.
Took two each night for a week, then ono
evory niHht for about six weeks. Since
that timo I havo not experienced the
slightest difficulty .whatever, and my
liowols move regularly evory day, ; I believe-firmly
that for s'Ugnishness of lh
bowels and biliousness- Brandreth's Pill-
aro far superior to any other.
Hall, artist and rihotographer, 29 Wo-t
Centre street, Shonand'iah. It
Letter I. ht.
The following letters remain uncalled for. In
tho Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa., post
office, April 16, 1803:
D.ivls Sarah Miller Franklin
MOntgomory Charlos . ,
Parties calling for advertised lotters, should
please say1 "a'dvortlsod."-' Otlo cent will be
charged on all advertised letters. i
II. C. IlOYEIl, P. M.
Now Try This.
It will cost you. nothing and will surely
do you good, if you havo n Cough, Cold, or
any trouble with Throat, Chesti.or., Lungs-
Dr. King's, new Discovery- for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to
givo relio', or money will be paid back
Sufferers from La Grippe foupd it ju3t the
thing and under its u;e bad a speedy at J
perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at
our oxponso nnd learn foryouisolf just how
good a thing it is. Trial bottles freo at C,
H. Hagenbucb's Drug Store. Largo size
50c. and $1.
When the car Stops ask for Uall s new
pallery. It
County Cominltteo Meeting.
The members of the Republican County
Committeo are hereby notified to most Id
Centennial Unit, Potlsvillo, on 3Iondny
April 25, at 10 o'clock a. m., (or,tbo purpose
of electing a County Chairman and trans
acting such other businossjtis may proporly
come bol'oro tbo meoliugt
W, II. Lewis, -414-0t
Chairman Co., Conv.'
Stop the car and a?k for Hall, tho prac
tical photographer. ' It -
' Hero you Are.
M. L. Kemmeror, wholesale and retail
confectioner, is now located at 35 North
Main street. Finest Easter novolties in
tho county. Tho trado supplied at lowest
wholesale rates. OrJers for special designs
and namos on Eastor eggs promptly attend
ed lo. 4-lllm
Choral Union Meeting.
The Shenandoah Choral Union will
meet Sunday evening, at 8 o'clock, in
llobbins' hall. By order of the prfsjdent.
4-15 2t
Bast work dono at Brennan's steam
aundry. Everything whito and spotless
Lace curtains a specialty. All work
Hall, tho practical photographer, 29
West Centre stroet, Shenandoah. It
Climb our stairs, it will pay you. Wo
are belter situatod than any ground flpor.
gallery in tho town.
Hall's, 29 W. Contre
UOIt SALE Two horses, one double nnd
P two sinelo carriages, all harness, and every
thing else necossary for u livery business. Ap
ply ut this office. 4-16-lw
" VJe Study to Please ! "
Old Stand. New Goods
Fish, Butter and Eggs,
Flour and Feed,
Potatoos, Green Truck,
Hay and Straw, &c, &c.
Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store !
, (f-Iuldoon's old stand)
A Cheerful Homo,
"Well, Mary, how cheerful your borne is. You
alwavs have such a cheerful lire."
"Yes, 'tis true; we always haven good fire
since we (jet our coal from Zerbo Si Co.'s Moun
tain Colliery, llefdre vie always bad such a
timo jutting a lire In the morning. That made
us. all cross and crabbed; but now everything is
lovely. And, bosides, It la cheaper. Mart
Shoemaker takes orders, does the collecting
ww uqiivering.
George H. Williams
Will occupy tbo store-room,
7 N. Jnrdlu tit,, SlienaiidoaSj
A full line of dry u
provisions, etc. I-'Li
oods, crocerioB, oil clpthi
uujt Hi per barrel. Other
goods in proportion,
will bo mot.
Prices of all competitor
ELLIS, The TiM'ili and Stove Dealer,
has removed to tho
Cor. of Centre and Jiircltii BIH.,
Where he will be pleased to meet all bis old as
wen us many new customers as possiuie.
uuuu wuik . iuir jiricu.
Means poor times for the hard
efforts to place within your reach goods so low'tKat
Worth offgoods of us, thus enabling you to live as well on
of us) as you
lo. 114 South
Wc are in the forefront with
the novel and beautiful things
of the season. "Easter-time
suggests all that is bright and
enlivening flowers, sunshine,
cheerfulness. It also suggests
Our counters are laden with
the choicest and newest the
season has brought forth. The
making is the very best and the
prices are in keeping with the
Corner 13th and Chestnut Streets,
IlcHt ainfle CIotliliiK
in iMilInclelpliin.
A Corner in Hats.
Somo bats aro neither worth throwing nor
tukiny out of u corner- A goou imtisingm, uur
nblu. shanelv and a nleasuro to tliu wearer: a
bad hat isn't worth powder enough to blow it
into perdition. Good bats ure no more expen
sive than bad ones, but bad liats are expensive
ut any price and sensible men couldn't be paid
to wear thorn. Our IS! hat is a perfect gem, and
thoro is no reason to be without ono at this low
figure. The same Is true of our 86o Neckwear
unii ousponaerg. ooou smrts from 86a up to it.
All tho newost thlnuu In lenlx' underwmir. ral.
lars and cuffs. Everything ut rock bottom price.
19 South Main St., Shenandoah.
i , H
- working man. Recognizing-
could On full time when you
Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
mumf? tadkm nSkat saJbta XiS mSLm JUJ imSst 'resist mm
, "ORUSSELS frorn 50c up. Tahle and
y Floor Oil Clnthf. and Linoleums
front 23c up. Window Stiades, Huns,
Matt8,Curtuln Poles, etc., nt low prices.
Tho best line of Lace CurtniiiB ever
ahown In town from $1.00 a pair up.
Friday Evening, April 22, 1892.
Supported by Miss TROJA OBISWOLD, in his groat New
York BUecoKS, tho sensational comedy drama,
Entirely revised, rewritten nnd and made a superb scenic production. The thrilling Saw Ml
scenp in full operation on tho stage. The wonderful railroad effect .in express train Suu feet lonir
crossing the stage in ten seconds The Ilrooklyn llrldge and Harthold! Htntue. Wo carry all our
own scenery and will positively produce it as advertised. New music, new songs, new dunces,
humor and pathos, laughter and tears.
ltoserved scuts now on sale at Klrbu's drug store.
PRICES, 25, 35 AND 50 CENTS.
Baby Carriages
Iarf'cst Assort incut.
Our Prices were nover equalled before. We
bo)1 currinRos cheaper than In Philadelphia
or elsewhere. We have a full line of
Iloywood Carriages, nnd can
if urnlsh you any stylo
for les than you
Can Buy at ihe Factory.
Call and see for yourself. We mean Just what
wo suy. Our prlcua will surprise you.
No. 8 South main Street,
sHiEinsr-3sriDO.i3:, zpisiLsrisr-A-
this fact we ''have made extra.
you can make'your
half time (buying your: ffood.
had to pay the