The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 15, 1892, Image 1

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A email "want" advertisement placed In
the "Herald" will bring more answers to
the advertiser thnn through any other pa
per blrcu V.Tr n HT T" la tod in
the town A M I bccausplt
is moro JtX jMlJLx A generally
road. One trial will convince you of this
fact, for the simple reason that tho "Her
ald'' Is read by all tho people of tho town.
A small "want" advertisement plaeed In
the "Herald" will bring moro answers to
iuo oaveriiser man .tnrougn any.othtir pa,
peretreu f-jrT 7t ir.T"T" lntod ih
I tho town in l IV I I hamnull
Is moro Kit 2All i. generally
rend. One trial will convince you of hl
fact, for the simple reason that the "Her
ald" is read bv all the people of the town.
VOL. VII.--NO. 91.
The Evening Herald.
Has a larger circulation In Shenandoah than
any other paper published. Circu
lation books open to all.
Let tho'facts come out to-ultut at
tbe indignation meeting.
Let the citizens 'turn out in tbeir
might at the indignation meeting to
night. "De ate" are called a "combine."
We iail it a conspiracy. That is plain
If you are a cood citizen and want
the borough to advance to tho front
rank, go to the indignation meeting
The gentleman who saw tho agree
ment made by "de ute" should be on
hund'to-uighl and' make his state
TiiE elections in !New York and New
Jersey the past few weelis have re
sulted disastrously to therlngsiers'and
Grand, Opening' of
Fine Dress Goods and Cloaks I
We lare read' in our new lo
cation to show our patrons the
finest and largest selection of
new Dress Goods and 'Ladies'
and. Misses' Cloaks ever offered
in this c'Oiiiity. The additional!
space of our large second floor1
permits a more extensive dis
play of our immense stock, and;
we especially invite the ladies'
to call during this and next
Sveek, without feeling- under
the', slightest obligation toliuy.
We mention as special bargains 11 f ty pieces
of 38 inch Serges at 10c, worth 15c; onecaso
of yard wide Cashmeres at lSVic; Ucdford
ooras worth HOa, will bo sold at 40oi fifty
ttlaHKB nf Wnarfctta nt Bn n-n.ll. 41. Illnf-
and Colored Dress Silks 25 Inches wide at tl
per yard, worth J1.35; Sateens In plain col
or and English Brocades from Vi'i toCTHc;
SUk'warp Gloria and Landsdownes In all
the new and popular shades.
On the second floor we show
a grand assortment of Ladies'
Capes; Reefers and Blazers, all
latest makes and newest colors.
Tfe also display a largo stock of HneLaco
Window Curtains more styles than usual
at less than usual prices. Our stock of White
Uoods, Embroideries, Laces, Olovcs, Hosiery
and Corsets is the largest to bo found anywhere
and prices are always lower than you expect to
L. J. Wilkinson,
liO S. Main St., khenandmih.
AliTOirilElI?; loo?
Of Carpet Ktmnants-Aboiit 1,006' Xar'dsMovquet,
tapestry and Body Brussels Lengths one to 'five yards.
New and Beautiful Patterns Will close 'them out at
j ii.d i. 'i - '. :. . a
Fresh. Goods Just Received !
Another lot of Country JUard strictly pure; another
lot of Fine Table Syrup pure sugar, line flavor and color
8, xttnua centj nuQfher lot of Fresh Dairy Butter price
reduccdt nnothcr lot of Pitted. Cherries yery nfcet another
lot of New Yorlc State Pickles natural color 3 dqz. for 25
cpnf.i: apjhec Florida Oranges, 5 cents a doa;
The last couslKuineut we will receive this season will ar
rive next week.
S Another Car of ianou Minnesota Flour at. tfr.flrt nnr hav.
j rel. Increased sales the
, typrrclfuarqntee.d. to give
'A Large Assortment of MENS' 2'AXtCl SHIJllfi. Jfetv
BPrinq P'yloi, Jffiie Qoods and Well-made.
From ffO Cents up.
.Another lot Floor Oil Cloth, 2 yds.
300 Bushels Choice, Jleavg
"Wo add to our
isS!!iP EnclniMl Halted
Cans Tahle Peaches lair minlltv. for u Cents.
i 7lD9. Jells-Ciurrn
A Cents; or, n 20 Uj. nnil for
4 ins. ew muscatel Raisins clean, no steuts-for 25 Cents.
.1U9. New Calilorniii Evaporated Nectarines for 25 Cents.
2,11)8. New Flshlnir Creek Buckwheat Flour tor 23 Cents.
jobbers. Wero an election held hen1
to-morrow tho "combine," or "de
ate" would not bo In It.
In the Council "deal" talk we heai
any amount of rumors concerning
('brokerage," "divvy's," "bribery,"
etc. If one-twentieth of the stories
are true the situation Is a bad 'one!
tVllEHE there Is so uiuoh smoke
there must bo some fire. ,lDe ate"
have a good many charges to confront
and they ought io meet them If they
are not trtio.
The parties who were ltd Into
signing tho anti-electric railway
petition ought to be able to make in
teresting addresses at the mass meet
ing to-night.
One of tho tricks resorted to, to get
signatures upon the petition against
the ei'ectrlo railway, was a representa
tiou that the company proposed
ballasting the town portion of the
road' with coal dirtj and render the
grjo'ds 'displayed by' merchau'ta' liable
tb Berious tlamagd or deslruc'tlon'wlie'n
a high' Wind'' would blow.' It caught
some gudgeons wlio ought to' have
known better.
The Philadelphia Press does not be
lieve in the old saw' "What 'Is sauce
for the goose is sauce for the gander.'
If Quay or Cameron happen to'be ab-
gent when a roll is called in the Sen
ate, 'this eminently consistent journal
"goes" for them tooth and nail. Yei,
according to its own news columns,
Dalzell the paragon of statesmen,
the personification' of dutllulueta, the
incarnation of eloquence has been
neglecting his Congressional dutiei for
some time, but he'goes:unrebuked, be
cause lie is Jaunting about the country
trying to further Dalzell'a Senatorial
Easter Cards.
H&ndsomo Easter cards, at very low
prices, are on sale at Max Reese's. '
SSI3.t2S Manufactu rer
and Dealer In
f 0,1 Cloths
No. 10 S. Jardin Street.
lpst evidence that it Is all
entire satisfaction.
wide, at 50c Handsome Patterns.
White Oats or Heed. Weighs
25 Cent List!
Hcaiin lor as Cents
Os Cents. . s
Beds. Clean ar.d Healthy.
icklcy It Coxe (ilve the I'roHpccti n
Xtry IHuo Color und Say tho Condi
tion of Afliitrfs li Due Solely to mi
Over-Stocketl 3Iurkct.
UE crndition of tho
coal trade, fts indica
ted by tho operation
of the colliork'8 in thU
di trict, ic b.'oomlnK
1 w
deplorable.; Tho col-
lieried worked but
three days this week
and rumor has It that the mlno bosses
carry orders in their Tnsldo picket to work'
bu three days a week until further notice.
A gentleman of town heard Eckley B
C xb eay tho other day that he foared a
season of severe hardrhip is in store for the
L'uzerno and Schuylkill regions',' Mr.1
Coxe said theicoal market Is overllowirig
with the product and, in his opinion, it will
not be relieved for at least four months.
' If' Itfr. 'Coxe 'is correct, there will be in
tense tYifluringm this' ration oro lone, for
those acquainted with tho condition of tho
miners have marveled that tbey have been
able to ko'ep body and soul toROther tbe
Mr; Coxe was asked if he considered the
present condition of affairs a sequence of
tho Heading deal and said bo did not; that'
it was cauied pUrely by' an O7er-itock'ed'
Acquiring the Khlp'ment's or Collieries In
Luzerne Region.
A statement is made that tho Pennsyl
vanla Kailroad Conmanv has obtained the
output of A. S.' Van Winkle & Co. at
Milnesville and has' about concluded tie
gotlatlons to'sccuro tho output of George
II. Myers .S Co., at Vorktown. It is said
that If the latter arrangement is made tho
Pennsylvania will build a road Irom Tom
hickon to Yorktdwn, ' passing through, or
closo by Ilazloton on to Now Boston,
making a continuous route fro'-o. Scranton
to Philadelphia.
A poEsiblo result of tbe Milnesville ac
qulsition is an extension through to the
Highland collieries, and from there on the
survey known as tbe Pennfylvania and
Easton routo to PortZJarvis, crossing the
Lehigh" river below "NVhita Haven, also
crossing a portion of Ciirbon nnri Mnnma
counties iiilq Now York stato.
j C ! . 1 ,
ItuuiihiK lime Made Hotter ami Ilu'sslness
tSteadlly Increaalue-,'.
The J. K. P. Sclieifly excUrsioa over tho
olectrio road frorri'town to tho powerhouse,
Wednesday afternoon, was a plonsant af
fair. There is some talk of repeating it at
an early date.
This afternoon AssistMit Postmaster
Dengler, and Letter Carriers Bartech,
Dover. Kehlor, Holmarl and Bock, to
gether with a number' of their friends,
formed a party and took a trip over the
line. ...
Traffic on the road is increasing daily.
Ycttorday th6 capacity' of the cars was well
taxed. Tho cars leave town every 45 min
utes. When all the turnouts are ready the
cra will leave every 20 minutos, and moro
frequently when required.
In order to make more and quicker trips
a transfer system has been arraugd. Two
crs run between towri and deary's cross
ing and two between the latter point aid
the power housi.
; John Hector and Will Schoppo have
bo(n trainod for service on the road, t-
Complaint is made that some young' men
wno travel on tbe electrlo railway' have
distinguished themselves by stubbornness'
and insolence. The company has been
very lenient with them thus far, but will
not tqlorato the nuiauneo' much longer.
There will bo no scenes on tho cars. Tho
namon of the offenders will be noted and
they will be hauled upon warrants. There
is a particularly "fresh" young man in
Wm. Pcnn who will probably hu Iho fit
to giyo un account of himself, unless he
changes his tactics. Hu behives himself
like a lunallo on a flying bono at a picnic.
W Have you heard tho latest? Dr. Ooxe's
Wild Cherry and Simk is said by every
one to bo the best Cough and Crouj)
remedy in the world. This must bo true.
Host photographs and crayons at Dabh's
Spcnk, Gentlemen!
To tho Eight Conspirators of the Bor
oug'- Council! Don't try to aesumo an air
of dignity. You are not in a position to do
so. Give tbe people tho details of the agree
ment by which you ara bound together and
let tbemjudg9 whether or not yon started
out this year with straightforward and
honest r rinciples in view.
This Is Important.
It la important for you tolmow.and too,
that you should know how to Increase your bus
lness. A splendid' opportunity Is now offered
to you. Tho Hehald and the electrlo street
railway can Induce people from Glrardvllle to
Shenandoah to make purchases at your store.
"How can I do It?" . you ask, by placing on nt
tractive advertisement In the IlEttALu. You
say that Is expense.
It Is only the non-progressive merchant of one
Idea that considers advertising an expense,
True, the paper that he pays his money to never
pay It back to him, as mouey j but they do bet
ter; they give him what his business, lives on
publicity and trade.
Advertising Is an Investment, Just as much as
any commodity1 or goods tho merchant buys,
Not only that, but It Is the best investment he
can make. There Is no line of goods, dollar for
dollar, that gives him so large a return for the
amount laid out.
If you, Mr, Merchant, are doing a small bust'
ness, and would like to sco it grow, there Is
only one way to make it bring tho people to
your store.
Try It,
Call ot the Herald ofilco, or drop us n postal
card, and we will send our representative to
Morris Wurm wont to Pottsville this
AV. F, Sadler, Jr., went to Philadelphia
this morning.
John H. Evans spent yoterday at
Miss Luu Cathor spent to-day in Maha
noy City, visiting friends.
Samuel Koster, of Mt. Cirmel, was
greeted by friends in town to-day.
Mrs. Lott Evans Is lying dangerously
i 1 at nor home on South Jardin street.
David Kollly and "Back" McO Uigan
loft town to Join tho Chatloston, S. 0 , base
ball team yestorday.
David and Owen Williams left town
yesterday fa Wilkes-Barre, where they
oxprct to spend a fow weeks.
Mrs. Noah Owens loft, yesterday for
Bergen Toint, N. J where Bho will spend
the bastor holidays with rolatlvesj
Misa Mame Stephenson, of St. Clair.
returned to her homo yesterday, after
visiting Ashland, Girardvllle and Sien-
andoab friends.
Biohard E. Ogden, James J. O'Uearn,
Thomas Boll and'W. II, Brown, students
at Lehigh TJnivorsity, Bothlohem, are
spending the Easter vacation with thoir
parents in town.
Samuel Evans, John Williams, Thomas
Griffiths, David Feist, John Basterfleld,
William Koborts, and Misses Hannah
Griffiths, Oittie Evans, Miriam Thomas,
Ann Koberts and Mary Lloyd, fill of town,
attended a party at the residence of Thomas
L!oyd,"&t Wm. Penn, Wednesday even
About 1,000 yards of remnants of Mo-
quetto and Body Brussels carpets will be
clcsod cut at almost half prlco, at Keiter's.
1 i-U 8t
Here You Aro.
M. L. Kemmeror, wholesale and retail
confoctionor, Is now located at 85 North
Main street. Finest Easter novelties In
the county. Tbe trade supplied at lowest
wholesale rates. Orders for special dosigns
and names on Easter eggs promptly attend-
ed to. 4-ll.lm
Choral Union Meeting.
Tho Shenandoah Oaoral Union will
meet Sunday evonining, at 8 o'clock, in
Bobbins' hall. By order of tho president.
4-lti 2t
I)utur JVmeltUw.
Go to F. Keithan, 101 North Main street,
for Emter eggs, lino confectionery, bread,
oukes, etc. Soda wator and Ice cream at
all times. Parties and picnic supplied.
.uuuunn,n, ijinuti tur uarviB UI1U oil
cloths is at O. D. Fricke's. No. 10 South
Tl, l, .1 !., r 1 .,,
Jardin street.
The Signers of the Call Think tho Work
Should (lo on anil Ank the Citizens to
Meet In ltoliblng4 Opern House To
night foi That l'urjiose.
T IS understood that
some of tho Coun-
cilmen are preparing
a statement of their
doing' for publication.
This is what the peo
ple want, and they
want Tt'full and completo. Such a docu'
ment must contain the details of the writ
ten Hgreement by which "de ate aro
.bound together to be complete.'
Tho mass meeting to bo held in Bobbins'
opera house at 7 oelock to night vill draw
an immense crowd and it isbolieved tho at
tendants will hear some plain talk. If ono
half that has been told In conversation will
bo Incorporated in tho addresses to night
tho meeting will be a spicy one.
Every citizen in favor oi an honest and
Btra'ghtforward local government should
attend' this meeting and put his ttempof
dUapproval upon the e'ght.membars of tho
Borough Council who combined to carry
out their own ideas irrespective of tho
rights ' of the seven other members and
their constituents.
This combination accounts for tho chang
Ing' of theoaib of'tiffice when the Council
men woro sworn in at the organization of
Council last month. Tbe changing of
that oath will remain a blot upon the
records of all who had anything to do
with it.
A quiet and well planned investigation
regarding tho act3 ot coitain Councilmen
last yeal-is now going on and will bo con
tinued independent of any action that may
be taken at tho mass meeting to-night.
From what has already been gleaned, thero
Is almost' sufficient evidence In hand to lay
boforo the Gr nd Jury. It is said that
when all the facts! concerning tho doings of
last year are combined with the actions of
members of tho present Council a very
bad smelling ca-io will be brought to light
Let all citizens of honest, fair and
straightforward government attend the
mass meeting in Itobbins' opera house at 7
b'eloekio night.
The following call has baeij Issued:
Tho undersigned citiaons of tbe borough
of Shonandoah. believine that the B .roufh
Council erred in stopping tho progress of
tho electriq. .railroad, and believing that
the sentlmont of the people la in favor" of
PtTMiiuiuK wit) railway tu ,uu pusueu to
completion ai rapidly as possible, agree to
defray the' expenses of a public meeting to
give expression to tho sentiment of the
people on toe subject :
Charles Strouse
Levi Refowich
1 P.' D, Klrllh
John A. Keilly
Ulrvln, Duncan
M. J. Scanlan
Sol. l'roytnskey
Max Schmidt
J, J. Doughfirty
. Li. Hrown
J, P. Williams
J. J. Kelly
John Slattery'
A. F. .Morgan
M Owens,
ti. Qoldtn
11. Self -C.
S. Phillfps
Patrick Dougherty
M, J,.O Nlel
T, J.iDroughall
It. H. ClSugh
M. O. Watbon
W. H. Zimmerman
Frank Ilontn
J. li. Mtfnaghan
II. J. McUutnneas
Thomas Dalton
It. IfcrnlaUe
S, II. SWldgle
John Mlcldaiius
11. Stocker
"Sam lllock
"atrick Ulbbons
W. H. Waters
P. .1. Mnllinlhinri
p. 3. Wilkinson
Special to the Public.
On April lstl removed to the handsome
(tore room on North Main streot and bad
immediately shipped a car load of goods,
gelectod early last fall for tho spring and
summor trado, suitings of all shades and
textures, Eqgliebi Irih and Scotch home
spuns which, for beauty and ologance havo
nover been surpassed in tho region. Dark
coats and vests of Clay patterns warrantod
nover to wear off, or get glossy. Trouser
digs of patterns never before seen in the
town. As to workmanship I recognize no
competition. isit my storo and look
through tho Block. The prices will astound
you. Thoy compare with the lowest in
town. H. A. Swalm.
3 13Gt
For Sale Two cars obolce timothy bay
two cars line middlings, at (Keiter's.
4 li 8t
Itleetrlc Itunulnk' Time.
Tlio oleotrio cars now leavo the corner
of Main and Centre streets at 0 a. m. und
Ivavo at intorvalt of 15 minutes there
after urtil 11 11. m. This cohedulu will
be subject lo a change from day to day, as
the work of putting in tbe turnouts pro
gresses. The minors will find the early
morning cars convonient.
I'ow Pithy I'oluU 011 the Prenent
Order or Things.
Cbalrm&n William II. Lewis im is3ueJ
his c ill for a mo ting of the Republican
Standing Committee. At this meeting, a
chairman will bo tlecled to conduct tlm
coming campaign. Among tho candidates
named tor tho position are Daniel Dully
and Hon. Elias Davit. , Both aro good
men, but tho choice of uppor Schuylkill
appears to bo Mr. Davis.. It is claimed
that with Mr. Davis at tho helm Ihe party
can win n decisive victory noxl fall., Ho U
not a member of any faction, and will do
his duty to all interests. There is harmony
in the rankB now and there scorns to bo a
disposition to have that state of feellne;
maintained, hence it is hoped that in the
selection of a county chairman and all
other arrangements tho interests of all will
be consulted. Tne ticket nominated is a,
strong one and can bo elected by a hand
some majority if tho present harmoni us
fooling is kopt intact.
Ei-Burgess Lessig's nomination for
Director of tho Poor is growing in popu
larity as the time for tho campaign draws
near. Mr Lesslg has a very large rela
tionship ihiqughoul tbe county ar-d among;
his roost ardent frionds and supporters ara
Democrats who v. ill vote lor him and
induco others to do likewiso. Whoever
tho Democrats nominate will find in Mr.
Leaiig a formidable competitor.
Ex Congressman Brumm's Greenback
friends in this soction of tho county will
rally to his support almost lo a man. In
terview any one of them and you will find
that "Cuarlie" Brumm is a very popular
man. . .
The Republican stato convention that
meets in Harrisburg next Wednesday will
bo very interesting. The Schuylkill
county contingent will start, pn Monday.
Judgq Sidler'a friends in .this county are'
very active in his behalf and they will
havo plenty outtldo help. The Judge ii
quite, sanguine of making the nomination.
The.actioq of the Democratic state con
ventional Hurrisburg. this, week was not
vory pleasing to the Hill Democrats in
town, especially the Neirs managers.
Cleveland was never liked by this coterie,
but thoy'll have to out crow and boom tho
"Stuffed Prophet" for all thoy aro worth;
Frank. P. Spleso, of'i'amaqua, would
make a most excellent representative to
tho Legislature from tho Third district.
The Democrats would find in him a popular
candidate, and just tho man they are
looking for.
Tho Republicans of tho Second district,
whb postponed nominating a candidita for
the Logislature.aro not a bit worried. Tl ey
havo a number of first class mon fam
which tj select and who can carry tho
district. After the Democrats name their
man the Republicans will go them ono
Tho decision on tho Wardenship case has
widened tho breach bdtween tho Wall
Paper Syndicate and the young D -mocracy,
When tho county convention
msets there will be lots of music. In the
meantime, let the, band p)ay,
20 prize medals have beon awarded to
tho manufacture's of the only genuine
imported Anchor Pain Expoller, the great
German remedy for all Rheumatic dis
eases, Gout, Neuralgia, Sprains, &p. 60
cents a botile, at O JI. Ilagonbuch, p.
P. D. KIrlin. J. M. Jiillan and, other
druggUts. ' 3t.
A iljblery. .
"O, tako mo home that I may see my
wife and children before. I die," was hoard
on our public street one night this week,
but a search from Whence this cry came
did not result In. finding tho party. WV
can explain it?
Now Try This.
It will COSt Vou nothinf and will sural v
dd you good, if you havo a Cough, Cold, or
any irouoie w)in 'ihrpat, upest or. Lungs.
Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to
cive relief, or ninnnr will )m nM hrV
Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the
ming ana unuer its. u?0 pap.a .spMOx buj
tlfirfflfit rpe.nvfirw. Tru a esmrtla hnttlft ftt
' J " , - vj -7-
jour expense and learn for yourself just bow
goou a ming it is. Trial pottles tree at u.
II. Hagenbuch's Drugstore. Largo size
60c. and $1.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo sure that the
namo Lisaio & Co., Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. 3-3-8Uw
His Vrraluil of It.
Sam Leo, the Chinaim&n, who runs tbje
laundry on Main street, stood in (ront,fff
his plaoo of business yeiterday and, aftty
gazlng Intently at a pacing ebwtric rail
way car, oxclaimed, "No jorkee, no pullee.
Go liko hellu I" ,.;
Dcslmlile Lodge llooiu.
A lodire daiirinir a oojv mMtinc room hia
Saturday, or Sundoy evenings of each wosk
can be aceonimodated at Mellet's hall,
whloh has boon recently papered, pinnteo,
and carpotod. Apply to M Muliat,
Best work done at Brennsn - n.Sl(i
laundry. Everything white ami -poilGj
Lsoe ourtains a iieolalty, Aii work
Wators' Weiss boor it tho best. John A.
Noilly sole agent. 6-Mt