The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 13, 1892, Image 2

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Tho Chilian
Minister Chal
nn Editor.
:lon'gc(l by
Ool Coehlo Sajs He Was (foiled a Hsgro
and Blackraallod-
Th. Mlnlltnr Will IIhvu to lint UN Mnnt.
or bo Klllod II In Ofilclill I'olltliiu Will
Not Avail Tllo Colonel Sny II Will
Oo to Wnnlilnctun, If Necessary, mid
Twee It 11 In Non-3Iul Amwi r In Twen
ty-folir llnura,
NEW YoitK, April la. Col. Antonio
Hllarlo de Coehlo, cilltor or tile '"D
Brazlle os Estndos Unidos," a Spanish
American publication, who gained cele
brity as an opponent of Dora l'cilro, lias
challenged the Envoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary from the Bra
zilian Ilepublic to n duel.
Scnor do Coehlo, who ha? nil oQlce in
Teraplo Court, when seen, wan most in
dignant at his treatment at the hand? of
the Minlstor, Senor .Salvndor da Men
donca. He alleges that the Brazilian
Minister ha treated him most sbarae
fully. t
"When I oame hack from Paris," lie
aid, "I bought a house in Fordhnm and
rented it to Mrs. Florence Jones, who
lived there a long timo without paying
me any rent. She wroto me many ten
der letters, but would not pay her rent.
'One day she dime to my oDW-e and
demanded her letters. She had a key to
my apartments on Murray Hill, and
when I demanded its return she refused
to surrender it until she got . possession
of her correspondence. I subsequently
seat her the love letters in question, mid
on April 7 went to her house on West
Twenty-fifth street and asked for my
key. I whs not given tho key, but was
abused by both her and her mother, who
was present. To avoid a scene I left.
"The entire matter is one of blackmail,
behind which the Brazilian Minister is.
While I cannot fight a woman I can fight
him. He lias called me- n ugro, and I
will compel him to ear. his words or kill
him. He. cannot avail himself of als
official position to rue Hie, for, If
necessar.7,-1 will "go "to Washington and
Weel his nose In the street. My second,
Ool. Tom Wilkinson, has carried tue
challenge to him, and has been in
truded by me to return with his answer
in tweuty-four hours."
Mxty-oiiB Undies of Itntli Soxes Ilnre
lltfeu llecovnred.
Nashville, Tcnn., April 13. The hor
rible loss of life across tho Mississippi
State line grows more appalling, and the
death listis constantly increasing. Tho
waters now cover the land for seventy
miles south of here.
Scores of houses, bodies of mon, wo
men aud children, together with those of
of dumb beasts, are floating on the
muddy waters. Over 1,200 people are
The flood is caused by tho sudden
rising of sixteen rivers, which form a
network over North Mississippi. Rafts,
small boats nnd canoes were built by tho
Bcore and stocked with provisions.
Daring rescuers have started out to
carry aid to tho sufferers. One raftsman '
rowed thirty-three miles in tho night
with twenty-sl.t bodies plied on his raft, I
with no light but un oil lamp to guido
him. I
Every hour or so a boatman or rafts- !
man conies into one of the many land
ings with from ouo to ten bodies,swollen,
discolored and some of them beginulng i
to decay. '
Sixty-one bodies of both sexes have
been recovered bo far. I
Tho flood is beginning to recede slowly. I
It is estimated that the dainagu will
amount to over $10,000,000.
r. C. C. & Ht. I. Stlickholilari Moatluc.
PrrrsBono, Pa., April 13. At the
annual meeting of the stockholders of
the P. O. C. & St. L. Railway ' Company
held in this city, the annual report was
presented and shows gross earnings de
creased over 1890, $537,311; operating
expenses decreased over 18'JO, $52o,03U;
total net earning for 1891, $3,051,910;
net profit for lB'Jl, 937,U31, an increase
iorthe.yearot $20i,037 over 1890. Tho
Board of Directors having been classified,
only three were elected to-day, viz.! II.
H. Houston of Philadelphia, who takes
tho place of W. L. Scott; lirlggs S. Cun
ningham of Cincinnati and George Will
ard of Ohloago.
Solid for Clovuland.
WlLMlNOTON, Del., April 13. It has
been decided by the Democratic State
Central Committee to issue a call for a
State Convention at Dover on May 17,
for the purpose of choosing delegates to
the National Convention ut Chicago. A
canvass of the committee showed It to
be seemingly solid for Clcvelsnd, 'un
less," us one said, "there should bo a
cbanee for Bayard or Seuator Gray."
VoUoned By a former Ktiiploye."
Beduaji, Mass., April 13. In tho case
ol the death of Mrs. Sarah Bradburg, of
Dover, Mass., Jitdue Emery tiuds that it
was caused by repeated does of parls
green mixed with water and given her
as u medicine by Eugeuo Clayton, a
workmau In her employ. lie also lluds
tbut Clayton, knew parls green to be a
deadly poison and administered it with
latent to kill and murder.
Death of n Murdr Trial Juror.
WA8iHNOTT(fi April 13. James W.
Cooper, one of the colored jurors In the
celebrated murder trial of Howard J.
Bchneidert died suddenly yesterday. Mr.
Cooper was greatly worn out by the
mental strain ho endured through tho
(our weeks of the trial, and this is sup
posed to have been the cause of his
Terrlulu Tornado In Indian Territory.
OirjDO, I- T., April 13. A terriblo
cyclone struck Cuddo about midnight
Monday sweeping houses and everything
else In front of It, but luckily uo ouo
was killed.
A 31 til lllowu to Atomt.
AsirLAND, Pa., April 13. One of the
Chaser Mills at Cre&sona, was blown to
atoms by an explosion Monday night.
No n win lojursd. Loss, $300.
A Buttle Ileprtrted llrtwarn Hustlers nnd
Deputy Mirffl. j
Dorj(iLAB"Wyo., April' lU.-itCid l)on
nelly of Powder River Crowing ha-) just
arrived at Antelope bprlngs, twenty
miles north of Douglass, and reports
that the stockmen were camped on tho
Casper road on North Powder River,
sixty miles north of Casper. Two men,
named Nate Champion and Ray, are ro-
norted to have been killed Sunday on
Powder River. Donnelly reports tfiat
thejrustlera nro flying in every direction,
and attempting to escape from the coun
try. Three of them passed through
Antelope Springs yesterday. When Don
nelly left Powder River Crossing there
had beon 110 casualties in the Btockmen's
Sheriff Angus of Johnon County hns
wired tho Sheriff of Converse County
saying there has been a fight and direct
ing him to arrest nil fugitives. Yester
iday two horsemen cumo to a ranch near
'Douglass and tried Vo exchange their
jaded horses for fresh ones. They said
they had been with the Btock
men's expedition which went North.
One of the men hnd a bullet wound in
1 the arm. They were refused fresh
horses and pushed on. Two deputy
sheriffs followed, but the trail was lost
where the men forded the Platte River.
The authoiltios are now guarding ail tho
bridges and fords on the Platte River
west and north of Douglass.
OAsricii, Wyo., April ID. A man from
Riverside reports that the 150 deputies
of Sheriff Angus attempted to arrest the
invading army and killed 23 of them and
lost 18 of their own men.
Died of Fever and Burled at Sea.
Nkw York, April 18. Mrs. Laura V.
Appleton of "58 Lafayette avenue,
Brooklyn, has received word that her eld
est son, Howtrd F. Appleton, aged 22,
had died of yellow fever aud been buried
at sea Bomewhere off the coast of Brazil.
Young Appleton's love of adventure led
him to accept a position, much against
his parents' wishes, as assistant purser
011 the steamer Alliance of the Brazilian
line. Ho was on the return trip of his
second voyage when beized with the fever
nnd died. Mrs. Appleton Is a daughter
of old John Anderson, the toDitcconist,
who died and loft a fortune of $0,000,1)00.
lllu .tolling Mills tovfiliut Down., Pa., April lO.-Seyfert &
Brother's rolling mill' at ' Seyfert, this
county, and hi mon Seyfcrt's milt aft
Gibraltar, employing 250 and 100 hands
respectively, will shut down this week
indefinitely, owing to tho depression in
the iron business. .
Linden Kane TrncU Sold.
New Youk, April 13. Tho Pennsylva
nia Railroad Company has purchased
from the Linden Park Blood Horse Asso
ciation its grounds, on which are situ
ated its race track and buildings for
To Make 3mid Vrlduy a Holiday. 1
Albany. N. Y., April 13. Byrne's bill
making Good Friday a legal holiday
passed the Assembly yesterday.
The IIouso of Commons has' adjourned
until April 25.
Gloversvllle, N. Y., haji voted $18,000
for a fourth school building.
The Kinc nnd Queen of Italy will visit
lierllu in Juno aud remain a week.
The American convention system is
being introduced into politics in Mexico.
Joseph Suegner, aged S9, committed
suicide by hanging at Utica, N. Y., yes
terday. Tho Advisory Board of tho Western
Traffic Association will met iu NevfYork
May 10.
It' has been decided to clvo British ap
plicants for space at tho World's Fair an
other month's grace.
The clerical orcran "Secolo" reaffirms
that Archbishop Ireland of St. Paul is to
bo appointed a Cardinal.
Dispatches from Buenos Ayres say that
elections iu tho provinces have proved a
walkover for Saenz Pena.
Cleveland's New Jersey boom had a
new club added to it In Englewood last
ulght with speeches and a brass band. 1
Forest fires nro causing great damngo
In various parts of Prussia. Tiiey are
attributed partly to deliberate Inceudiar- 1
A number of non-union dock Inborers
were assaulted by a mob at Chicago yes
terday and many of theul wounded with
stones. I
A dispatch from Monte Carlo says that
Sir Arthur'Sulllvan has so far recovered
that lie will-be able to start for England
Saturday. j
Georgo Pullis, a veteran ot the Mexl-'
can war and ot the Rebellion, was f 011, id
dead In his bed at hs home, near Bluiru
town, N. J., yesterday.
The body of G-year-old John Fltzslm-
mons, of Putersou, N. J.) who disap
peared five months ago, was found la
tho Passaio Itlvcr yesterday. I
England has agreed with France to
renew the modus vlveudl in connection
with tho Newfoundland fisheries dis
pute, through the present Beason.
The English and American residents ot
Gottingen, Hanover, have placed a mem
orial tablet In the house occupied by the
Poet Coleridge, during his stay in Got
tingen. Quartermaster-Sergeant Slezlnge, of
Fort Niagara, is under arrest for em
bezzlement, in hiring teamsters for $3.00
per duy provided they gave him 20
ceuts per day.
Numerous conflagrations are reported
from Hungary. Ten villages have been
destroyed by tho flames, along with
numerous cattle and large htores of corn,
aud thousands of peasants have lost their
Twelve new cases ot smallpox have
been discovered In an overcrowded tene
ment house iu New York, where hun
dreds ot persons have been exposed.
Health officials fear that the dread dis
ease has become epidemic. Brooklyn
lias ftvo new cases and a further spread Is
M'PMtliur IniHeatlons.
W8iiinoto, April 13. Kor New Ensrlan
I'ulr, slljititly warmer, northwest gules, dim.
For Eastern Now York, Eastern Pennsyl
vania, Now Jersey, Maryland und Doluwurei
Centrally fair, slightly wanner; northwest
erly irlnds.
For Western New York end Western Pena.
ylvMila: Generally fain warmer) variabl
winds, becouiliiif southeasterly. .,
1 K T"K A,
. IT IS.
If It Is Not So Joyous as It Onoe
Was, la It Not Your Own
Fa alt?
You wrote a composition' when you
wt-ro a child In noliool beginning
'Spring 13 tile pi' aaiuitt'st Benson ol
ilie year," and fo it was then. Theri'
A'as every reasou why It Blloultl lie
ik'ii?ant to you. You were in good
lealth. ''Life beat high" withlu you
V 11 had seutlinetit, umhltlotin, happi
less. The winter hud 'passed, tin
dowers were blooming, tho birds were
.iiigiug. Certainly rpring was to you
then "the pleiuantest season of the
Hut how is it now? Do you feel
lie same jnyousneua, happiness, and
uillclpatldii that you did theu ? Are
you liiletl with nope; or fo-s!bly are
vou Weak, languid, despondent, de
res'ed? Perhaps your head aclies
ou feel tired, a'utl there Is "a lack of
interest aud joy In life where onto
in the t-prlng time all was anticipation
and happlne?.
J)o you know the reason for th's
change? It Is because you are not
well, because your vitality is not so
reatas when in your teens. Do you
itnow what you need? Something to
help you; something which will prove
u frieuu in need:" Hoiiittliliiu that
will restore you aud place where vou
were In youth, which will make Ilf
idfuMint aud happy, and which will
again make "spring the pleasautest
season or tlio year " Do you know
what will do tliU? We will not at
tempt to tell you, but will show'vou
what oLlieis uave done, and what you
may do il you will follow tlio itnin
wise course pursued by them. Read
their words:
Dr. A. C. Clark, a welt known Ne"w
York physician, says: "I" have never
known a case of spring debility, nprlmr
fever, or any of the troubles will- h
urisM during this ."eason which has not
been promptly and permanently cun-d
by the use of Warner's Safe Cure. I'b
power at this time of ytar is wonder
ful. I have) Beeir woman, run down by
care and overwork; men whose vital
ity was' exhaiibUd, and evoti puny
children restored to per.eet health
I) rough Its use."
Mrs. M. M. Slmonson of Buckley,
Mo., says: "My daughter, who was
mee tuo perfection of health und' hap
piness, uas for yeais afllicted 'with
kidney and liver disease, complicated
with scrofula, the hip joint being af
fected. She became so bud that the
doctors wauled to unjoiut the hip. I
Aouhl not consent to it, and began ad
ministering a remedy which I hud
beard much about, and I am happy to
say sue is now cured, well utm imtiwiy,
by the use of Warner's Safe Cure."
Mr B. U. Mayo, of House's Point.
N, Y., tavn: "Two yeais og. I had
tenlble' bolls on my fane,, und my
blood was fearfuHv out out of ord-r.
I b:gau the ue of Warner's Sife Oure;
the bolls left as If by magic, and t have
never since been troubled with them."
If you are deues?ed, Weak, rui
down by the i 11 11 1 on ess of the seu'on,
fdlow the advice abovo given. You
will i-ertuliily find It protitable aud
valuable. Tue rt newing power of this
great cure is beyond estimation.' It
utaiids, ns It deserves to .staudt at the
bead of ad modem discoveries for th
rtire or Bickuuss aud the reiiewul of
Itev. Or. Hule tn be Dlnod.
Bosto.v. April IB. "Rev. Dr. Edward
Everett'Halo has' accepted an invitation
to a- reception aud dinner at the uotel
Vendomo ou Monday, April 18, tendered
by a large number of tho most distin
guished people in the State. The ' letter
of Invitation is slsned, among others,
by Governor Russell, Senator Hoar,
Gen. Butler, Dr. Holmes, Johu G Whit
tier, Bishop Brooks and Georgo William
Rtlll D.ilnr: u'Hln.
Bostos, April 13. Liquor dealers here
say that the Whiskey Trust is still do
ing business in this Stato despite the re
cent indictments. The rebate checks, It
is said, are being sent out the same aa
ever, and there appears to be no disposi
tion to stop that part ot the operations.
Dealers expected that the trust would
stop tho rebate business, at least until
the case in the District Court was de
cided. Ille Lltlioirrttph Home Ilurned.
SpniNOFiELD, Ohio, April 13, Tho en
tire plant of the Winter's Art Litho
graph Company of Chioago in thiB olty
and 410,000 worth of finished lithographs
were destroyed by Are which started
about midnight. The total loss Is about
$00,000; Insurance, $30,000. They wore
printing the advertisements for the
World's Fair.
An Blent Hundred Hrt' Lease.
Aujant, N. Y., April 13. A lease
civen by tlia Sixth Avenue Railroad
Company ot New York city of its prop
erty and lines to the Houston, West
Street & Pavonla Ferry Railroad Com
pany, for a term of bOO years was filed
with the secretary of Htate yesterday.
tVlll Itrlt a Itednotlou of IVRIiei.
Boston. April 13. It Is said that a
general tie-un ot the New York and
New England Railroad will follow any
attempt to apply to the engineers and
firemen the IU per cant, reduction tn
salaries which goes into effect next
Uondav for mnst ottbe men.
10S North .rri(H Slrtrt,
- House Painter and Paper Hanger
All work executed promptly and ot
reasonable rates. Perfect satisfac
tion guaranteed, as none but llrst
class workmen are employed.
' At reUtl or In jobbers' lots,
On this llno'wlll bij tbarged aa'follows:
Iletwccn Shenandoah nnd West of Station
No. 1, Including Colorado, Kappahnn
nock or Oirardvllle lOcts.
Itoundfare ttcltets. between points nntn'd, IB "
UlRht round trip tickets, between Oirard
villo dad -Oiennndoah, making a' single
trip rate of Cy, cts $1.00
Nino round trip tickets between Rappa
hannock and Hiennndoah, making a
single trlprateof 5 5-9cts 1.00
Ten round trip tickets between Colorado,
or any point cubt of No. 5 Trestle and
Hupparunnock, tnuklng a singlo trip
rato of S cts 1.00
Iletwccn airardvlllo. Itappahannock. Col-
ornuo or uny point west or union no 1
and -tatlon No. S at the east end of Up
tier William Prnn 5 cts.
Iletwccn -henundoah and Lost Creek and
intermediate points S "
Miners going to1 or returning from work
for any points on lino 6 11
Tn'enty-two Miners' tickets 09 "
To attendants at base ball games, tho rato
from any point 10 grounds will no o "
No charge for children under 5 years not occu
pying seats anu accorapanicu Dy tneir parents.
Tlnlrntant frtinvn Tirlps can onlv tin nrncnrpd
at present Trom the olllce of tho company. Itefo
wlch's building, 2nd floor,
tiuiift r. rinnui,
Secretary and Treasurer.
WANTS, &o.
FOIl SALE. A grdcery Storo doing a ensh
buslnoss of from $1,500 to $1,000 per month.
Apply at this ofllce. r4 5, 4-1 Hf
ANTED wanted to re.a
VV !
house with SteJt vven rooms. Annlvat
this offlcq. tf
IjANTI?D. A gjrl for.goneral housowork in
a small family. Apply ut St East Coal
itreet, ' " ' fH3-3t .
XJ The Carter property, on V est Oak street,
for sale.
Will be sold wholo or In parts to suit
Apply on tho premises. 4-1U-93
J71OH SALE. Cheap, a one-horse spring
wagon' with lop. Also a two-soat surrey
with uxtenston top. Apply, to Fred. Durkhart,
i norm main s-.root. a-a-ii
17011 SAtil? Cheap, a horse, harness and
M rlnrr n.ivt Annlw tn llnUmln fl ltnil.lull
IVm. 1'enn.
WANTED, SALESMAN. Salary from start,
Permanent place. Good chance for ad
vancement. Experience unnecosfanry. Outltt
free. Hrown liros. Co., Nurserymen, Koch
ester, N. Y. 4-4-lmd&w
"TOH SALE. A 37-acre farm, with good house,
1; nam anu outouuaings; rarm wen culti
vated and good timber on tho placoi never fall
ing spring of most excellent water; two col
lieries about two miles from tho place. Price,
8W0! easy payments. The farm is located about
two miles from Shuman's Btatlon, Columbia
county. For further particulars address or call
4-2-2w Iicavcr Valley, Columbia Co., Pa.
(State Hospital for injured persons of tho
Anthracito coal regions of Pennsylvania. Foun
tain spring!), Pennsylvania, April 1st. 1893,
sealed and (marked proposals for supplies)
for tho stato Hospital for lnjurod persons of
the Anthracite coal regions of Pennsylvania,
will do received ny the lioara or Trustees up to
and Including the 20th day of April, A. D. 1892,
for furnishing bread, meats, groceries, drugs,
muslins, fruits, vegetables, lec, feed, coal, &c,
for tho year ending May 31at. 1893.
The Jioara or Trustees reserve mo rigni to
rolect any or all bids.
A schedule of the ar
ticics anu
nrobable amount of each required,
will bo furnished on application Address,
J. C. 11IDDLE, M. D.,
hup't Htate Hospital,
4-l-mon&sat-2w Fountain Springs, Po.
name of John Sheeler to John Luszcynskt
intnouourt 01 uouimon i-iuas 01 acuuyiKiii
county. In "the mutter of tne petition of John
Sheeler for a decreo changinv his name to John
Luszcynskt. And now, March 21, 1893, three
months after tho presentation of tho foregoing
petition, and on motion, of J It. Pomeroy, at
torney for said petitioner, tho court decrees
Hut the name of said John Sheeler be changed
to John LuszcynsUl, nnd the Shenandoah E vkn
ino llEHAi.ii, a newspaper punll3hed in said
county, bo designated for tho publication of tho
notice of this decreo for four successive weeks,
unless cause bo shown to tuo contrary.
uxtraci rrom mo record.
S O KIltK, Prothonotary.
Shenandoah, March 23, 1833. 3-23-oaw-lt
Manufacturers ot
Of Every Description.
FlagS) Badges, Caps, Regalias, &c.
Writo for catalogues. Correspondence solicited.
Green' Truck Stand !
Cor. Main and Oak Streets.
Fresh Oysters Received Daily
A One line ot Chnce ClllOClSHIEa
Nuts and Caudles.
Poultry of all Kinds.
Mr. Costlet reoelve his green trnolc dallj
troin tlia cltv markets, which is a guiranli
to lit on outer tbattney will receive fresh
goods whtn buyl jg front film,
ID- 3D. D-TSC,
Of Contralla, is now prepared to tako contracts
tor tne
Cleaning Ont of Water Closets
And other outbuildlncs Prompt, clean nnd In
offensive worlc at reasonahlo prlcos. Orders
may bo loft at the Commercial Hotel, corner of
uain ana uoai strcciB,
201 N. Mala St., Bhenaudoah.
The Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, i
Ichlgh;Vollcjy Division.
' QKIt THAtNS. "i
APIIIL 3, 1692.
Passenger trains leave Shcn
andoah forPcnn Haven Junctlon.Maueh Chunk,
Lehlfrhton. Slatlnston.Whltn Hall. nh.tnR.mnun.
Allentown, IJethlohem, Boston, Philadelphia,
Ilazleton, Wcatherly, Quakako Junction, Del
auo and Mahanoy City at 6.47, 7.40, 9.0H u. m.
!.!. j. in, o.u p. m.
For New York, 6.47, 0.03 0. m., 12.50, 3.10,
5.20 p. m.
For Httzloton, Wllkos-Ilarre, White Haven,
Plttstun, Laceyvllle, Towilnda, Sayre, Waverly,
Elralra, Hochester, Niagara Fulls and tho West,
10.41 a. m., (3.10 p. ui., no connection tor Roches
ter, lluflalo or Niagara Falls), 5.2') p m.
For Jlolvldore, Delaware Water Oap nnd
Slroudsburg, 6.47 a. m., 6.20 p. m.
For Lambortvlllo and TreLton, 9.08 a. in.
For Tunkhannock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 6.20 p. m.
For Auburn; Ithaca, Geneva nnd Lvons, 10.41
n. m.. 6.20 p. m.
For Jeanesvllle, T.evlston and Dearer Meadow,
7.40, 9.08 a. m., 12.52, 5.29 p. m.
For Audenrled, Hazlcton, Stockton and Lum
ber Yard, 5.47, 7.40, 0.08, 1J.41 a. m., 12.D2, 3.10,
5.20 p. m.
For Scranton, 5.47, 9.08, 10.41 a. m 8.10. 6.20 0.
For, Jcddo, Drlfton and Frceland,
6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12 "S2, 3.10, 5120 p. m.
For Asnianu, oiraruviuo ana Lost Creek, 4.27,
7.46,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.05, 1.40, 4.10, 8.35, 8.00, 9.14
p. m. ' . . 1
For Raven Ilun. Ccntralia. Mount Carmol and
Shamokin, 8.52, 10.15 A. tn., lf40. 4 40, 8.00 p. m.
For Yatcsvllle. I'ark Place. Mahanov City atd
.Dclanb. 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a. hi., 12.52, 3.10, 6.20, 3.03,
10. p. in.
Trams win leave snamouin at7.m, u.oa a. m.',
1.10. 4.30. 9.40 n. in. und arrive at Shenandoah at
0.05 a. m., U.f2, 3.10, 5.20. 11.15 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvlllc. 5.60. .'7.40.
9.08, 10.52 a. m., 12.52, 3.09, 4.10, 5.20, 8.03 p. in.
Leave Pottsvillo for Shenandoah, 0.00, 7.40,
9.05, 10.15. 11.48 a. m., 3.00, 5 20. 7.00, 7.15, 0.30 p. m.
Leave snenanuoan ior iiazicton, 0.47, 7.40,,
10.41 a. m.i 12.62, 3 09. 6.20, 8.03 p. m.
Lcavo Ilazloton for Shenandoah. 7.30. 9.15
11.00 a. m., 12.15, 3.101, 6.30,7.05. 7.60 p. m.
Trains lcavo for Ashland. Glrardvlllo and Lost
Creek, 0.60, 11,35 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Yatesvllle, Pant l'lace, Mahanoy City,
Delano, Hazleton, lllnck Creek Junction, I'onn
Haven Junction, Maueh Chunk, Allentown,
Ilothlohem, Easton and New York, 8.00 a. m.,
For Yatesvllle, Park
k Place, Mafianby Clty'and
r Shefnfnifbah, 8.00 'a. m.,'
Delano, 8.00 a. m.. 1.40;
i.eavo uazioion ior
1,10,.0 ji. ii , ,,t. ,
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvflld, 5.50, 8.00,
9.30 a. m.itM p. m.- -
LeavefoMsviUO'fcjr Shenandoah, 10.40 a. m..
1 A. a. jucijijuij, rros aucn. Mgr.
'C. G IlANCOCIf, Gen. Pass Agt.
Philadelphia. Pa.
fcouth Dethlehcm, Pa.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
l'or Now York via Philadelphia, week days,
2.10, 5.25, 7.20 a. m., 12.33, 3.50, 5.55 p. m. Sunday,
J.1U, 7.48a. in. rorisew yorn via Maucn uminit,
weelt days, 5.25, 7.20 a. in., 12.35, 2.50 p. m.
For Heading nnd Philadelphia, week days',
2.10, 5-23, 7.20 a. m., 12.33, 2.50, 6.55 p. m. Sunday,
2.10, T.18 a. m.. 4.30 p. in.
For Harrlsburg, week days, 2.10, 7.20 a. m.,
2.50. 5.55 p. m. 1 ' v '
if'or Allentown, ween ciays, i,at a. m., i.oa,
2.50 p.m. ' 1
For Pottsvillo, week days, 2.10, 7.20a. in., 12.35,
2.50, 5.53 p. mf Sunday, 2.10, 7.48 a. tn., 4.30 p. m.
ForTamac'iaund Mahanoy City, .week days,
2.10, 5.23, 7.20 a. in.: 12,35, 2.50, 5.55 p. m. Sunday,
2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m. Additional for Mah
anoy City, week days. 7.00 p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.20
a. m., 2.50 p. ra.
For Wtlliamspori, cunDury anu ewispurg,
week days. 8.23, 7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00 p. m
Sunday, S.25a. mr;3.05p. m. ,
For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10, 3.25, 5.55,
7.20, 11.80 a. m., 12.35. 1.35, 2.50, 5 53, 7.00, 9.23 p, m.
Sunday, 2.10, s:a, 7.4s a. in., 3.uo, s.isu p. ra.
t.-nr fllmrdville. Itannahannock Station).
weekdays, 2.10, 3.23, 5.25, 7.20, 11.30 a in., 12.35,
1.35,2.50,0.55, 7.00, ,S5 p, IU. Sunday, 2.10, 3.25,
7.48 a. m., 3 05, 4.30 p. ra.
For Ashland and Shamokin, week day3, 3.25,
&.'., i.M, u.M a. m., i.4, v.uu, v.-a p. m. oua
day, 3.25, 7.48 a. in., 8.05 p, m.
Lcavo New York via Philadelphia, week days,
7.4sa. m., i-iu, 4-uu, 7.KJ p. m., iz.i nignt. aun
dav. fl.00 1). m.. 12.15 nlKht.
Lsavo Now York via Maueh Chunk, week days,
4.30, 8 45 a. m., 1.00, 3.45 p. m. Sunday, 7.00 a. m.
T .n ..a 1ll.llniln1nl.ln ..nalr iln.n) A lt IIWin.1 n.
4.00, 6.U0 p. in., from ilroad and Callowhlll and
8.35 a. m.. 11.30 n. in. from Ptn. and Qreen streets.
Sunday, ti.K a m., 11.30 p. m., from 0th and
Greih. '
Leave Heading, week days, 1 .35, 7. 10, 10.05, 11.50
a. m., B.&3, 7.S7 p. in. sunaay, i.a-i, iu.a a. m,
Lcavo Pottsvillo. week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. ra,
12.30, 0,1 1 it & Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. in.. 2.05 pi ra.
Leave Tan-Aqua, weeK days, 6.M, .is, a.
ra., n.1,7.13,. S.I8 p. ra. sunaay, .sjaj, y. a. m.
y Fl n. ,n
lAivn Mtilmnhv CAtv. week -davs. 3 40. 9.18.
11.47 a. m , 1.51, 7.ii, 0.44 p. m. Sunday, 3.4l), 8.17
in., p. ra.
0.30, K35, jl.59 a. ra., 1.03. 2.00, 5.20, 6.20, 7.67, 10.00
p. ra, Sunday,, s.uu, b 'it a. m., a.., p. ra.
Leavo Glrardvlllei (Itappahannock iStation),
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 0.30, 0.41 a. m.. 12.05, 2.12,
6.20, 6.32. 8.03. 10.00 p. nv Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.33,
ii. m.. 3.41. 6.07 n. m.
Leave Wllllamsport, weeK aays, s ou,,
a. m., 3.33, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, 11.15 p. in.
For Halthnore, Yashington and tho West v(a
n. Jt o. 11. IL. throueh trains leavo Glrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. & It, It. It.) at
3.55, 8.01, 11.27 a. m., 3.&, B.4J, 7.13 p. m. unaay,
3.65, BJW, 11.27 a. m., 3.&o, D.4S, 7.13 p. m.
Philadelphia, Chestnut Street VharH
and South Street Wharf.
ron Atlant'O city.
AVeelr days-Express, 0.00 a. m., 2.00, 4.0Q p. m.
Afpninmni1.iMnn. H.OO u. m.. fi.OO n. ni.
Sunday Express, 0.00 u. m. Accommodation,
aooa. m,, 4.30 p. m. -
Hemming, leave Atlantic City, depot Atlantic
andiiArkansas Avenues Week davs. Exnress,
7.80 0.00 a, m., 4 00 p. m. Accommodation, 8.10
a. m., 4.30 p. m. bunuayKxpross, i.ou p..i
Accommouavion, iu., .oup. in.
j, ' C. O. HANCOCK,' Oen'l Pass'r Agt,
A. A. Aiuijcuy, i rc. . ucu i luuuuur.
Big Cut in Prices.
23 HVI Ceiifro tffrfcf,
Dost rod flannel undershirts, 05c; host trray
undershirts, Mo: best cotton overshlrts, 2.1c;
best cloth overshlrts, 7!c; best muslin white,
shirts, 40o; men's host woolon socl:s, per pair,
lao; naif poz. gents' nno naoiiKercniois, io;
tine susnonders. per nalr 15c: overall for men.
40o up: ladles' line merino underwear, each,
onlv 40e: ladles' all-wool jackets. 75c: ladles'
f..hl..1. un,.lrlnm 1 .in... fn.Vu.. .... . I
whlto underwear. 15c up; 4 pairs ohlldren's fan
black stockings, sw; Doys' Knep pants, ouiy'ic;
bost linen table cloths, Wo up; hnest towcllngs,
dc peryarui uesi ueusprtuus, omy oacn.
Oor. Main and Coal BU.,, Pa.
Itgulr meals at popular
prices servel at all limes.
I.adles' dlulng mu . re.
fresumeiit rooms n'.lacn.
ed liar stonknd with Uie
finest brands ol cigars
and fanoy drinks.
Leading Restaurant in Town.
Justice of the Peace, Real Etlale and Insurance Agency.
Ofllce Muldoon's Building, Shenandoah. Pa.
To test a l'.lll Car tor iho effeeu of wlf bue.
i:rlr I'.iii tmlMlnM,NeruleUlllTi uct
BeituU Tower, JnilKtMicjr, &e. Bo rrcatii our fallh la
our hpeclHo
nd o-io ..11 Muntli'A McduiAe .
ucb V&laable Irifonnatlon I'ltl'U. Addrtu
i. U. CO., Sal llrawr, cw Yvrk.
First National Bank.
" 1 1 . ....
''.It. 1 . ,
' 1 .1 1 1 I..
Capital, $100,000,09
A. W. Leisennng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson. V. Pres.,
J. R. Leiscnfng, Cashier,
S W.Jost Ass' t Cashier.
Opeii-Onlly From 9 to 3.
Iald on Havlugw ncnoHlto.
i- , BOHirrxKiij. amnion.
On and after November 15, 1891, traint will
leave Shenandoah at follows:'
For WlKgan, Ullberlon, Frackville, Nsw
laeUe, Bt. Clair, ana way points, tf.UO, 9.10,
11.45 a in and 4. IB p m.
tuuaays, wu, v.iu h m aua a.iu p m.
For PottsVlllo, U.0U, V. TO, 11,45am aa34.1S
Sundays, 609', S.40 a tn and 3.10 n m,
for Heading, nw, 11.45 3 mand 4.15 pm.
Sundays. 600. 9.40 a.m. audS.lOnm.
WbT Poltstown, Hioo nxviUe, Norristown
ui PblladelDhla (broad street stall nnl. 8.00.
11.45 .w. and 4.15 p m'weekdays
v' icayi". .si', m.s'jb.1" i.iv P
rrftlifs leave FraclrvHie ior 8".nandoah at
(l.4!),5 0l, 7.12,10,0. n mi Hon.
d. , IU" m Ari-t 5.10 p m.
Leave fo tsvuie inrnnenanaoan. lu.isano 4.40, M5.B.4, pnl, Bnndays, 10.40
veiyo Philadelphia (brosd street stuidu),
l PiitisvlIlAandShenandoali'. R.S7. tts-in m
1. jin7,W p.mTyeel- days, 8anda)ri.5l), and
n'orisew xorK,s.i,, .u, e.wi, 7,so,
.s."ja d.50. ii.ooana Ii;i4. lias ifm.iaoonoon.
J) ml ted oenress. 1.0i4.69 u ui.l 12.44. l.M.
1.30, t'. 4,1:02, i.U, B.2J, 6.50 7.13 8.U and 10,00
m, IV.U. mini
in Sundays. 8.2U. 4.05. 4.40. 5.S5.K.12. &.6. 8.50.
1L35 I itn.' tad 12.44, li40, 2.30, iS'l, (limited.
l.VII. KTi 9.1, .i i ,n and 12.01 nlcht
- For Boa Olrt.LoneHr'auctii.iKt lulcnnertlate
statlous.BOaudll 14 a. in., 4,00, p.m. weolc
days. Freehold oniys.oo p in weeK days.
For HjltlrunriV and Washlntrtiin'. SMI. 7.20.
9.10 and 11.18 a. m., 4.41, 8 57, 7.4U p.m.sud 12.03
nientoauy anu boi. xu.:ua. m., iiimiieu
expifeus With dining car tolialtlmore) 1.30, 3.48
n .n .PA , rln wa Li. llnllliMn,. Hnlul l .111
wook a tys, 6.08, 11.30 p. m. dally.
F6r lllclunoud, 720 a.m. aud 12.01 night
dally, 1.30'p. ra. dally, except suud iy.
irinB leavs URrrisoarg ior .-iiDarE ana
ift T7AHt ftvnrv dav at.l2.2sand 8.10 a m ftnd
3 H (limbed) 'und 3.4S, 7,25 p m. Way for
:iofi- tf t m ana l.iu i ra every aay.
iror I'liuourB oniy, ii.-u a m aany ana iu.zu
m wees aays.
LaVa Bdnhury1 for 'Wllllamsport, Elmlra,
itiaaiaanrna. j&ncuoster. jinoaioana xtinKr
ill 1.10 a m dally, and P m week; dayi.
air jsimira, D.3U p m weetunys.
For etrie nnd intermediate points, 5.10 a m;.
tally, "P"or Lrtott' Haven, 5.10, and 9.50 a m.
lauy,-1 so ana ojvr p. m. woes qbjh. -ui
-tiHiva-S Hr a m 1.35 and 6.30"n in wosk days
:iA8. is roan, j.k. wood,
'wa, wan'' wen. rui, am
Will tmiinnllr relieve tfaa nidst dim
trptwlufj; catu rf Acuta or Chronic lihea
maiieiu or uooi. ny piriciJT ODBerrintf
tlmdliectioiiBj, It Trill
ivlll euro yon pcrman
Uutlkl tho d Timet oui nrcnkraliotii thai too&
thountrjitl.UinvdlcBt 1 apeclfio fiir tha
TBt-lout lurias cf rhcum&Liim tinl. tnrt nl In
I ftnr Bcaia "tort all " Uoa boLLlalllraa.hB
TiX k tfttUraeUtr iajprentlon on th tjnttm, n4
MLlan wiLh tlia I'l 111. Coutinc lb anttbror (hi
Iho Droicr ttitntlr fct been found. Yom are tiracaUr r
qu?td to ut the rnvrlta of
a Its Tfciuabi properties 'aro iwlwie4 (j buudtsdi f k
ot flatttrlnj tetlmonIali,
umy vegeiabia iccreaicou, rrmariiDie ior tnur euratlt
rowuri, ftTausuu m iro. mat uimhmib or auuut o
U1IKU-MAT1U ItUtLliY . .
Sl.C: For Battl. 6 Eottlos. C5.00, PiUs, 5 Cts. Cex.
If rrnir lorekucp-r dte not keep It, aeuJ I.2S to iba
Bjinuraoiurtr, and yoa vtl) recejvalt l-tnat.
3037 Murltet Btreot, rhltad'a ra.
O '' 1
tjUSMdSS '
X Xnrge Attendance
' ' Dally.
Boom, for a Few More.
Take advantage of tho presoat
cbanco to secure a
For terms, &o., call at the College or address,
W. J. SOI.tY,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Dealer In oil kinds of
Shoemakers' : Supplies !
Largo and find-elans stock:.
i . "i
All Demands of the Trade Supphea
Ferguson House bulldlns, SHENANDOAH. PA.
Finest brands of clirara always on hand.
Tbe best temperance drinks.
It will pay
nnyono ir
uunnt rt
tnnn, fln In nAT nostlufQ OU Our belltlful llnOOl
I over 1U0 matrbeil ttmpU' at lcwestprl' j'S. f1
In ettnti