" , T . 7 awe- 1 fill Meet Piuses OV ALL COMPKT1TOHS, tf& QUALITY CONSIDERED who (iivi: $3, 07, TO Till! POUND. AND QUARTS TO THE .GALL0X AT SEVERN'S. CtOLID and plated Silver ware, Gold and Silver Watchfcs, Diamonds, Precious Stones, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti cal Goods, Banquet.Parlor and Piano Lamps,xinique in design with .75 and 250 candle power burners. All goods superior in finish and quality with rock bottom prices that withstand all opposition victoriously. Repair work oxecuted neatly and promptly at Holdermaris Jewelry Store, The most propewdvo establishment iu the eouniy. Corner Main ana Lloyd Streets. i,ocai.!:tti:s. S?ave eggs for Renter. Easter dyes are coming Into demand, f The trailing arbutus is beginning to bloom. Many building lmiirovements this spring. Hhad wero novcr so cheap this early In the sseason. Tho buds will soon begin to burst and tho leaves to bhoot. On his base tho deep voiced man who trlc to sing tenor. Tho stamp ot truth won't talto a letter through tho malls. Tho dandelion Is a healthy spring, solid and good for the blood. Dou't neglect to plant a tree on one of the coming Arbor days. Tho seven-pound ham Is said to bo best for liulllng purposes. A man Is as old as he feels but not always as Tjlg, not by a heap. Doctors recommend a heavy water cress consumption in tho spring. The farmer has now entered upon his busy season and tho tramp will keep uway. Soon tlmo to hunt up tho fishing tackle and cct It in order for the speckled beauties Have you scraped acquaintance with your new neighbor ? And how do you like them ? A tlsh diet Is said to bo good for the brain. Probably this is because tho llsh gosooltcnin schools. Specimen Oases. S. H. Clill'orcl, New CamwI, Wis., was troubled with Neuralgia ami llbeumntum' hn Stomach was disordered, his Liver was aflheted to an alarming decree, appetite foil away, and ho was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of ElecJ t.ic cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburjr, 111., had a running soro on bis lee of oijiht years' stwding. Used three bottles of Electric .Hitters and seven boxes of Ducklon'e Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0., had flvo largo Fever sores nn his leg, doctors said ho was incurable. Onn bottle Eloctric Hitlers and one box llucklen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Sold by 0. II. Ilagenbuch, Druggist, rUhliig 'ruckle. A large lo'. of the flaest fishing tackle, cheaper and batter than ever, just roceivod, Co mo and see ma boforo purchasing else wboro and you will savb monoy.M Max Ukksk's, KergtKon Uou'f, 11 W. Centre St. The prettiest carpets and oil o oths at Prlcke's, No. 10 South Jardin street. When Baby was sick, wo caro her Castorla. When sho was a Child, she cried for Castorla. Whea she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she bod Children, she gave them Castorla. Coughing LoudB to Consumption. Kemp's lialsam will stop the cough at Climb our 'Stairs, it w'll pay you. "Wo aro bettor situated than any ground floor gallery In the town. Hair's, 29 W. Centre street. The 1'liu-llU Hull. The ball of the l'hojnix Hoeo Company will be bold in IUMiins' opera house on Easter Monday, April 18th. Don't forget It. 4-4-2w Are You Going to Move? Everybody is moving-, but j'ou can be accommodated with any kind of a turnout you wish or driving-, either single or double, at Evan J. Davies' Livery and Feed Stables, 14 and 10 North Pear alley, rear Luburg-'s hardware store. 4 A GREAT SHOW. Forepnugh Is Leaving Philadelphia and Will Soon lppirf Here. Everything is on.lhe move al tho winter quarlors of the Korepaugh thow, which Is to appear hore on Mny 9th, next, and which it now prepiring lo leavo its winter quarters at I'hilad'lp in Tho hof start- out on its annual tour on April 23rd. Hie rolling stock of the company la now re dely ng lis fluishing toucbos at Taint Bror-z and consists of flity-flvo ssr.w and slot-ping csrs and flvo fur the ueoltbo alvnrttsing brigade. The expenditure for tho o carj is enorm u. "Why, f 2 000 ha? been oxpondd alone In placing safely Ciuplf rs on the car. Tho ca'S aro fl icd up to accommodate tho one tbou'and peo ple who accompany the show. Tho adver tising cars have alrody Uartcd out to bill tbo country and on Siturday Mr. Allen, ono of tho adVrtnco reprt sentsUvis was in town preparing to bill this p aco. The car of tho manager of this great show, is a marvel. It is a voritablo house on wheels, with a regularly arranged kitchen, a haiulsomoly iurnisred dining-room and Bparo-room, and a pr valo bi'droom In adJitlon thero is a pleasantly nrrang;M privato uffieo and an elegant ob orvst'on pla'form in the rear of tho train. The show catiies with it over one hundro wagons for parade and other purpo.-es and the beast?, birds, and other creeping things that havo boon quartered tbo put1 winter at Edgemont street and Leh'gh .avenue, I'hlladelphia, are now being transferred to mo Of them. It lakes' thirty wagons to accommodato tho z wlogicnl cbllLCtlon, nlono. Tho mnjor.ty of tho blasts havo been roduced to a statu of learned suhji'c- tion by the famous nniiiinUtrainur, George Arstingtall, who has churgo bf ibis do partment, India, tho great sp cimeil of the tiyer family in possession of the Foropaugh shuw, recently attacked it mate and nearly chewed its bead off India' long, sharp claws have been trimmed and an extra guard will be placed over him during tie travel. Tho lions are porfect specimens of tho "kings ol monsters," and Dick is tho finest of his kind in Amorica. One of the fen'urss ot tho eh w ii the spcowcular production of "The Fall of Ninevah." It is taidtobo superior to anj thing ever beforo produced and will bo patented in- a historically and architecturally correct .manner. Tho at tention given to details in tho preparation of this production is surprisingly perfect. Tho armor, swords and chariots aro al) accurately designed, and ovon the coins that dangle from tho bolnvits of the Assyrian) are lac similes of those found by antiquarians, Now Try This. It will co-t yuu nothing and will surely do you good, if you have a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Inroal, Chest' or -Lunge'. Dr. King's new Diicovory for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give relie'', or money will bo paid back Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the thing and under its uso bad a speedy au J perfect recovery. ' Try a sample bottle id our 6Xpnn Hud learn for yourself just how irood a thing it is. Trial bottles free at C. II. lligonbuch's Drugstore. Largo size 00c. and ?1. Notice tu the J'ulillo, I horoby notify tho public that I have taken the general agency for Schuylkill county for the Allan, American, Anchor, Baltic, Cunurd, Dominion, Fabro, Kalian, French, Guioa, Hamburg - American P ticket Company, Inman, Itod Star, North German Lloy-, Ixetboiland, Union and White Siar lines, and that' I ain enabled to sell tickets at less rales than any other agont. Max Keksk, Orders for Eykkinq II Kit ALT) should lie lejt at Hooks J- litowris news stand, No, i North Main street. Keaoy takos tho load. lie is on the first floor. His ' motto is "Quality, not Quantity:1' Call and bco him. 4 tl AMUSEMENTS. r. J. FERGUSON, JUANAGKK. ONE NIGHT ONtY! FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1892. A new and popular comedy by a llrst-class com pany, wan a cur loau ui uicguni bcenery to set it off. Right Side Up! i It has been nlavcd to crowded houses In all of the largest cities. Tbo author. Mr. Lester Franklin, and his wife, formerly well known to tho theatrical world as one of tho D'Alve sisters, uro with the company, which consists of llrsi class performers down to tbo loast Important pans 01 mo piay. tW Reserved seats on sale at Kirlin's druc Hiufo ai uouui prices. "THE ELECTRIC" (John MoNeil'B old stand) East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. Tbo llncst, purest and bost Liquors, Ikrs, Ales, Porters ! , Cigars, &c, In the county. The plaoe has been entirely renovated and im- iruvou. j-oiuo aiiouiion ana uonorume treat ment to nil. 1. J. lUUI.IIOI.IvANH. OEXDESIVXO-VTAXj ! ELLIS, The Tinsm h andSt.-ve Dealer, ' has removed to the Cor. of Ciiiire unci Jnrdlu HIH.. Where lie will be pleased to meet all his old us REMOVAL. Ob and lifter April 1st, CEOllOE KQMNSON, The HARNESS MAKER Will occupy the store-room, IT. Main St., next, to Eagenbuch'sDmg Store, IYI. C S. Cr. & A. 38C MIC in COT. ZEHA:R,:rUS On this lino will bo charged os follows: Between Shenandoah and West of Stutlon No. 1, Including Colorado, Itappaban nock or nir.irilvlllo.... ..... loots. Hound fare tickets. botwcenjKilnts nam'd, 15 " Eight round trip tickets, between Olrard villo and Shenandoah, making a single trip rate of ey, ctsj $1.00 Nino round trip tickets between Kappa hannock and Wienandoah, making a single trip rate of 5 5-9 eta 1.00 Ten round trip tickets between Colorado, or any point east of No. 6 Trostlo and ltappahannock, making a single, trip rate of ft cts 1.00 lletween Glrardvillo. Itapimhunnock, Col orado or any point wost of MatlonNo 1 and "tatton No, 2 at tho east end Of Up per William Pcnn Sets. lletween "henandoah and Lost Creek and intermediate points 5 " Miners going to or returning from work for uny points on lino & " Twenty-two Miners' tickets. ...M " To attendants at base ball games, tho rate from any point to grounds Will bo 5 " No chargo for children under S years not occu pying sealsand aceompauiedby.thelrparents. Tickets at above prices can only bo. procured nt present from the office of tho company, Itefo- wlch's building, 2nd floor. JOHN P. FINNEY, Secretary and Treasurer. M. A. HEFNER, 8 North Jardin St., Shenandoah. OSS' WAGONS unci CARRIAGES In all tho latest styles, of the llncst mako and best llnlhhln tho world for tho money, manu factured by the Cook, Wagon Company. GRAND OPENING ! Spring Millinery Tho Latest and Most Fashionable' Styles, Trimmed Hats, Laces, Flowers, Millinery Fixings, Bare Hats and Ribbons. Sallie Semens, No.-Ill North ilnin St., Blienniidonh. GEO W. HASSLErT 108 2'orlh Jurdtn Street, KIISiNAMDOAH, PA,, House Painter and Paper Hanger. All work executed promptly and at reasonable rates. Perfect satisfac tion guuruntoed, as none but first class. workmen aro employed. WALL PAPER FOR SALE! At retail or in jobbers' lots. SELLING- OUT ! Preparatory to leaving town. Tho whole stock of BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS and other footwear for MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN." WM. PHILLIPS' Boot and Shoe Store, COR JARDIN AND OAK STS, Specialties ! Tho best Chimney Top yet discovered. Tlie wind cannot blow down. Do you want the bost range money can buy ? Then purchase the "NEW llltOADWAY," Tin Itooflng and (-pouting done on the shortest notice. All kinds of 8TOVE ItEPAIRS. A portion of your patronage solicited. WM. R. PRATT, 231 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah, 3D- 3D. IDYIKIIE, Of Centralis, Is now prepared to take contracts for the Cleaning Out of Water Closets And other outbuildings. Prompt, dean and In oflenslvo work at reasonablo prices. Orders may bo left at tho Commercial Hotel, corner of Main and Coal streets. A Clioorful Homo. "Well, Mary, how cheerful your home Is. You alwavs have such, a cheerful lire "Yes, 'tis true; we always have a good Are since we got our coal from '.erbv &. Co.'s Moun tain Colliery. Ilefore we always had such a tlmogottlng a fire in tho morning. That made us alt cross and crabbed; but now every thing is lovely. And, besides, It is obtxiper. Wart Shoemaker takes orders, does tho collecting George H. Williams Will occupy tho store-room, 27 N. Jardin St., Slicumitfouli ON APJilL 1st. A full lino of dry goods, groceries, oil olotlu, provMons, etc. I-'f,OUIt to r barrel, other goods In proportion. 1'rlces of all competitor will be met. JOHN It. COYLK, , Atturney-al-Law and Real Estate Agent, Office Ueddall'g Building, Shenandoah, Pa. k i Promoters FULL WEIGHT No, 114 South We are in the forefront witty the novel and beautiful things of the season. Easter-time suggests all that is bright and enlivening flowers, sunshine, cheerfulness. It also suggests SPRING CLOTHING. Our counters are laden with the choicest and newest the season has brought forth. The making is the very best and the prices are in keeping with the quality. A. C, YATES 8b CO,, Corner 13th and Chestnut Streets, ncBt Made Clotliltijr - lii-l'lillatlelpuia. Corner in Hats. Some hatsure neither worth throwing nor v., 1 ui u corner, a goou naus;iigni, Dur able, shupcly and a pleasure to tbo wearer; a pad hat Isn't worth powder enough to blow It V Perdition. Good hats are no moro expen sive than bad ones, but bad huts are expensive at any Drlce and tunHll)l m1 (wnliln't lm nnM to wear them. Our & hat la a perfeot gem, and there Is no reason to be without one at this low ugure. The same Is true of our 2&o Nofkuenr T ,''iPS'er. ueod sftlrU from 26 up to H. AU.tfc tuwest thlnge In gent' undnnvwr, col. Oars find cuffs. Kvorything at rock bottom price. 19 South Main fct.,-Sh'eriandoah.' Paralysers of HIGH PRICES I A of LOW Eeceiired ! 50 Cases Cold-packed Tomatoes, 13 cans $1. 00 Remember, these are not hot-packed goods, and we will ' guarantee that there are no better tomatoes in the market at any price. Straight Roller-.Process For this week only Ave will give Ten Three-pound Bars of Soap for For general household to be had. " 'We have a Fine .Fresh Roasted Coffee, per. pound, 18c This coffee we claim to be equal to any high-priced grade in the market. 111 MEASURE OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. REDUCED: O-REATLT TRUS8ELa from 60o up. Table and JJ Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums from 25a up. ' Window Shades, Rugs, Mutts.Ourtain Poles, etc., at low prices. The. best line of Lace Curtalua ever sliown In town from $1.00 a pair up. "T "T PRIfF's OLD RELIABLE, U - U X XX-i . kJ, north main street. My Carnages l,arQ:cst Assortment. LATEST STYLES! Our Prices wero never equalled boforo. Wo soil carrlagos cheaper thun In Philadelphia or clsewhore. We have a full line of Heywood Carriogos, and con furnish you any stylo for less than you Can Buy at the Factor. Call and see for yourself. Wemoan Just what we say. Our prices will surprise you. J. P. WILLIAMS & SON, No. 8 South Main Street, Saloon and Restaurant JVo. US N. WHITE STItBKT. First-class Lagor Beer, Alo, Porter and Tem perance Drjnlis and Cigars. Fine old Wines and Liquora always on hand. II. C. CflLMKR, Prop. Call urottntl and spend apUutant hour. COFFEE HOUSE. MKS. CONNICK IN OIIAttOH. A SQUARE MEAL AT A NOMINAL FHICE. Everything well cookott and dean. An elab orate bill of fare flally. .Lodgings for.travclers. SI KM, CONNICK, Jl'N, KUlllt St, nil t ' fS ir 1' ' 1. i 1 A PRICES T Family Flour, $4.50 iI.OO purposes there is , no better soap GI1W PRICES 1 THEHEYWOOD, " We Study to Please I " Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE GROCERY LINE ' AWYAYS IN STOC K I?ll, nutter and rtggs, I'laur ana Feed, I'otatoes, Oroen Truck. Hay and Straw, &c. &c. Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store ! (Muldoon'g old stand) CORNER CENTRE AND pT STREETS, : t