We Will Meet Prices OF' ALL COMrLTITOltS, I3c QUALITY CONSIDERED W1IOTC1IVH IK. TO TUB I'OID. AND 4.f AllTS TO TOE GALLON AT SEfERN'S. 30LID nnl plated Silver ware, Gold and Silver Watchgs, Diamonds, Precious Stoncss, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti cal Goodsj, Banquet.Parlor and Piano jLamps,uniquo in design with 75 and 250 candle power burners. All goods superior in finish and quality with rock bottom prices that withstand all opposition victoriously. Repair work executed neatly and promptly afc Holdermaris Jewelry Store, The most progressive establishment In the county. ' Corner Mam ana Lloyd Streets. locai.kttiis. Lettueo Is hero. Blue birds sing merrily. Quito a crowd In town yesterday. Tlio April moon will bo full on tho 12th. Tho storo windows are guy with spring goods. Illootning plants are tho preferred Uaster gift. The early potato will soon be shooting out Its eyes. A good many people changed resldcnco this spring. Soon the parasol will be coming Into popular i.ivor. Ico cream served In calla lilies Is on Easter novelty. Tho robins and blue birds are beginnlug to feel at homo. Little onions will soon be placed in their spring beds. Tree trimmors are at work, so aro political trimmers. Good Friday is the next legal holiday and due on the lMh. Spring shoppers aro surging their way through the stores. There will bo a run on tho drug stores shortly for egg dyes. Easter is approaching and of course eggs will be In demand. Tho days aro now over 13 hours long and lonstantly In tho increase. To valld.ito a deed It must bo recorded within six months afterdate of purchase. Tho grim monster, death, has been making fearful inroads throughout "our county this season. 1 '" ' Easter egg dyes are now offered In drug stores and Mmo of tho colors are exceedingly pretty. This Is tho tlmo of year when the foolish man throws off his overcoat and makes the doctor Rrailo. Tho ladtegf bloss 'em, nre now bothering their pretty heads about spring wraps, bats, "dresses, etc. Tho most wonderful thing about a shad Is how the meat ever got In between tho bones. As to artlstie taste and ilno'Kvorltmdnsnlp, the work turjicd out by our I6b department is unsurpassed. . . Comliifr Event. April 21. A. riikrijjpld lea in Itobbins' hall, under the auplcesof the degree stall' LydiaUegreo L"odgot 112, I. O. 0. V. MaCth -Lecture, by Kev, Anna Sbaw, of Alaswiuhusetw, In 11. E church. Sub ject "Fato.i f Jtepublics." l'iehlns Tackle. A large )o; of tho finest (i'ahlng tackle cheapor antl better, than ever, just Vecnivod Co:no and rco tii"; biltyq pprshasijiR else' where and you will wi. money at Max Hgkse's, Ferg'uion Uouto, 11 W. Centre St. Tho prcttiot carpets and oil cioths at Frlcko's, No 10 South Jardin street. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. "When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Mis, she clung to Castoria, When the had Children, she g&To Uunn Castoria. The rliumtx Hall. The ball of tho Fbconix Iloee Company will be held In Itobbins' opera bouts on Kaster Monday, April; 18th, Don't fprget lb. 1" W Waters' Weiss boar is tho best. John A Bollly tola agent. 6-6-ti Aro Yout Going to Move? Everybody is moving, but 3'ou can lit; accommodated with any kind of a turnout you wish or driving, either single or double, at 13van J. Davies Livery and Feed Stables, 14 and 16 North JPear alleyj rear Imburg's hardware store. THE BOHOOIi REPORT Tho Average Monthly l'crcentuge of .At- tcit dunce. Superintendent 'Tfefemnri nibmits tho following report ' for Mho month ending Wednentlny, April Oih : Term enrolment to date Bjys, 1,200 j Kirlf, 1.400; tilnl, 2,000 Monthly onrol ment Hi.ys, 1,101 j Rirln, 1.211 1 total, 2.315 Avernge monthly onrolmant Hoy!, 033; Klrls, 1 051 ; total. 1,984. TercenURO ol nttominriCe B.i-. 92; rMs, 90; total, 90. Numlior of pup'ls prttont ovory resaion, 653. Visit' by school directors, 23; by citizen, 188. rKHCKST.VQKS Or ATTRNnANCB. Illgu School - tl6 UllAMMAK DKPAltTMKNT. Second Grade. .Miss Lizzie M. O'OoniicH's cla"(.s Id Mr A K. L. Leekie,;.'.....:.'... - VI Miss Lydln Elsenhower - Vi Hi sl Untile. MIssLtzle Le-slst .'. .' 01 MlrsAiiun Dcngler .i U2 .Miss Amelia O.fcSchoeuer - w Miss Jlubala Kulrelilhl. ........ ....... IX) PRIMA HY DBTAKTJUKNT. fourth Grade. Miss Bridget A. Hums- -.. 05 M Its Carrie W. Kuitst ft! Mr M. I'YCnury i!. '. . S M Its Anna E MansclU..,, -.. Mish June T. Lambert 03 Mr". James 11. Lewi-.... , 00 ThlrdGtade. ' Mint Mry A. Stack .". ...... 01 MlRsAlnsgleE Cavnnaugli - 01 Mb" KHz J. Flimeriy:...;..; Ill MrvKmtik Vlllliims....i..i..... 88 Miss Mary A- Luflurly.... W Mlsa Llzzlo Loin! ...'. -. S7 Mr J. W Burke... S8 Second tirade. MISaI1IbR. Onnrv 82 M168 .ury U. Wasfoy 81 Miss Ilaitlo Hit .". - MIssMnggloO. Ilreanan... - ' MIks Florence O. llcss - 91 Miss Aimlo M. Klmmel VI Miss lnnle O. Harnett - M Mr. Michael H. Urltt; 0j first Grade. Miss rem Bhane '. 0' 31 Iss Carrie Hinltli MtcaMnrt'A llnnnelv tVJ Miti t'orlnne Tern pent ' Jibs Elizabeth J.lnto i l Mis Kilo M. i 'lauser...;. w MiMMaryE. Hob-rls J" Ml-s Nellie Iljrd... OJ MIfcs Idaho Kolb 0o MIssHnrab Kaddeu M M ssLIUloB, I'liUUIM - w Miss .liuumli Murrl'ou. ...... t3 Turkey Hun. Mr.M. P. WhlMker 87 Mr.'Joltn U. Scheulilng - b A Loader. Since its first introduction, Electric Bit ters has Rainod rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in' the lead amorR pure modicinal tonics and nlterimlives containing nothinic which permits its use as a bovurago or intoxicant, it is recognized as tho boat and purest medicine for all ail ments of Stomach, Liver or KidnoyB. It will cure Sick Headache, Indigestion, Con stipation, and drivo Malaria from tho sys tem. Satisfaction RUarantoed with each, hottle or tho money wilt ,bo refunded. Price only COo. p-r bottlo. Sold by C. 11. Hu'sonbuch. Orders for Kvkninq Bkkalp thoutd be lejt at lloofis 'J- Jitown's newa stand, No. 4 aorth iiatft street. Obituary. Tho infant child of Oiorgo AV Ilass'or, of North Jardin stroot, diod at noon yes. terday from convulsiors. Ooughlner Lofiso Consumption, Kemp's Balsam wil stop (tho cough t at onco. n" , It Is best not to go far awoy from home these days Without ari'umtrella. llh thila.v I'arty. Y sterdsy S, A. ijuddall gave a birthday party at whioh a large nUniber of bis rela tives wero present. ' Money is said to be plenty in tho banks on good security this spring. ' Will Commence Carrying Passenger Saturday, iipril 9 i On this lino will bo charged as follows! Hetween Shenandoah and West of Station no. I, including uoioraao, ttappanan nock or OlmnHlllf. lOcts. Round fare tlcko W, between points nam'd, 15 " Eight round trip tickets, between Ulrard- viuo anci i-nennnuoun, imaKing ,a Bingig ttlD rate of K etsl 11.00 Nine round trip tickets between Kappa- nannocic ana nncnanaoan, imaktng a slnele trln rate of b R-fl ctl 1 m Ten rouud trip tickets between Colorado, lor unv point cast oj No. i Trestle and Kappaninnock, making a single trip rfltoof frets... : i. i no IlolwcenGfrurdville, Rappahannock, Col orado or any poini wcgi oi niaiion nati and HtatlOn No. 2 at the east end of Up ner VVIlllninPenn : ' Sets. Uetwecn henandeah and Lost Creek and intermediate points . S " Miners going to or returning from work, for any points' on lino . m. ft " Twenty-two Minora' tickets.... .....i....SK) " To attendants at hasp b.ilcumes, tho rate irom any point to grounas win oe o No charge for children under fc years not occu pying scats and accompanied by tholr parents. SELLING- OUT ! Preparatory to leaving town. Tho whole stock of BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS and otber footwear for . MEN, WOMEN. AND. CHILDREN. WMf PHILLIPS' Boot and Shoe Store, COR. JARDIN AND OAK 8T8, RiiirTiiinR'Yrn'v ; UUUUJltlU Ifc I JJ 1 WA2fTS,:&c. TJ(OIl SALE. Cheap, a onc-horso Bprlng ' vrnirnn with tnn. AlAn ti tvn.pit Hiirrnv with extension top. Apply to Fred, llurkhart, JiNoriajviainsirei. a-q-u JOIl SALE Cheap, a horso. harness and ' dogcart Apply to llcniamln D Ucddall. m. lsenn. 1-1-tf WAVTEb. SALEbMAN. Salary from start. Pcrmanont place Good chanoo for ad- uuvuiuctii j-.ajiuiii.'i!iu uiiuei.i:seiury. iuiiii free. Ifrown Ilros. Co., Nurserymen, Iloch- "IITANTEH. Pour good roclemon. accustomed xo lunnei worK, win nnu sieaay empioj' ment at Audenried colliery No 4. Apply to THOMAS Huohkh, Contractor, Audenried, 1'a. 'nOll SALE, Cheat). One horse. 7 venrs old. X one truck wugon, ono spring wagon, two sets of harncHS.one sleigh and ono slnglo buggy. A good opportutilty.for party desiring ahorsont a low jijurc. ivppiv to i nomas uoiano. uonsia' blc, or Evan Davlea' livery stables. . 4 --'-lw ITiOK SALE. A 37-acre farm, with good house, . barn and outbuildings; farm well culti- vatca ana goou ttmoer on tho place; never ran inir snrincr of most excellent water; two col Merles about two miles from tho nlace. Price. J.xiO; easy payments. Tho farm is located about two mats irom biiuraans station, uoiumuia county. For further particulars address or call on auoust adamr, 4-S-'Jw Heaver Valley, Columbia Co., Pa . "VTOTICE OF DECREE CHANG IN(i THE J name of John Shceler to John LuszcynskI ln'the Court of Common Pleas of SchuVlklli bounty. In the matter of tho petition of rJohti Sheqler for a decree cbnnginghis name to John LuszcynskI. And now, March 21, 18!B, .thrct months after tho presentation of tho foregoing' petltlontand on motion of J II. Poraeroy' at torney for said petitioner, the court .decree that the name of Bald John Shceler be changed to John LuszcynskI, and tho Shenandoah Even ing IlKitAt.u, a newspaper published In said county, bo designated for tho publication of tho, hotlco of this decree for four successive wcek&, unless cause be shown to the contrary. Extract from tho record. S. C. KIHIC, Prothonotary. Shenandoah, March S3, ltWi 3 S3-oaw-4t ABRAftj HEEBNER CO., PORT CARBON, PA., Manufacturers of If ocie lpodg ! yjyp Of Every Description. Fags, Badges, Caps, Regalias, &c. 43-,FINESf CnODS-LOWKT PRICES.'ttO Write for catalogues. Correspondence solicited. 1SL A. HEFNER, 8 North Jardin St., Shenandoah.. WAGONS nud CARRIAGES In U the latest styles, of the finest make and bcst tlnlsh In the world for tho Blonoy, mann- jaciureaoy iuowook vagon uompany. GRAND 0PENINCI SPRIN G MILLIE Wednesday, April 6th. Sallie Senior's m Pfo;r.il Malu..Str.cet. , ORDER AT ONCE. Christ. Schmidt,3Agt., 207 "West Coal St., Specialties ! Tho best Chimney Top yet discovered. Tho wind cannot blow down. Do you want tho best range money can buyf Then purchase the "NEW UROADWAY?' Tin Rooting and Bpoutlng dono on the shortest notice. All kinds of BTOVE REPAIRS. A portion of your patronage solicited. WOT, R. PRATT, 1. 831 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah, X)- 3D. DYKE, Of Centralla, la now prepared to tako contraots for the Cleaning Out of Water Closets And other outhulldlnes. I'romnt. clean und lu- otleuHlvo work at reasonable prices. Orders may be left at the Commercial Hotel, Corper of aiuin anu uoai Hireem. A Clioorful Homo. "Well, Marj, how cheerful your homo Is. You always Imvojjuch a cbeerfuLliro." "Yes, 'tis true; we always havaa good lire since we get our wul from Zerbe & Co.'s Moun tain Colliery.' lleforo we always had hucha llinegottlDg a fire In the mornlnt'. That made us all cross uud crabbed; butnoworerytldntr Is lovely. And, besldos, It Is cheaper. Mart Shoemaker takes orders, docs tho coliotttag inu aeuvenng.- JOUN R. COYLE, Allurcty-at-Lttw and ileal Estate igent, Offlco Ueddall'a Building, Sbenandoab, Pa. III Promoters , . ri ( Just Received ! 0) 2- : M" FULL WEIGHT No. 114 : South Paralysers of HIGH Tlie Advent of Spring. ' We "herald the advent of Spring .with as fine ,a stock, of 'Ready-made Clothing as Phil adelphia has ever-fceen-'we be lieve it to be unequaled. , Spring Overcoats ' will in terest you most now. For quality and style ours are very superior; there is nothing com mon about them. They are first-class and right in price A. C. YATES & 1 Comer 13th and .Chestnut Streets, piiiuADKZiPiiiA. Corner in Hats. Bomo batsnro neither worth throwing nor taking out of a corner. A good hat Insight, dur ablo, shapolyanda pleasure Jo tho wearer; u bad hat Isn't wprth powder enough to blow It Into nordltlnn. Good hats nre net more omen. slve than bad ones, but bad hats uro expensive at any price and Benslbla men couldn't iw patd to wear them. Our l hat Is a perreet gem, and tlwro Is no' reason to be wtthoXit ono at this low figure. Tho uamo Is true of our3fo Neckwear ana bmiwtiacrB. uooa shirts from lo up to ft All the rewest things In gents' underwear, col lars apd cuffs. Kvery thing ut rock bottom price. 19 South Main t., Shenandoah. A of LOW -A Ift y 50 Cases Cold-packed Remember, tht'se are not guarantee that there marjiet at, any price. Straight Roller-Process .Family FJour, , .50 " 1 " 1 1 '' '" . " ii j i.i) iV,'f,n" in 1 For this week only-weAvill give ' Ten Three-pound. Bars, of Soap for : ; i .oo For general household'pi'trposes there is. no btittet-soap We, Fine-Fresh' Roasted Coffee '3perl,pqn8dJ"".'h" 18c . , 1 v f! 1 1 s . , ThiH coif eet, we claim Jtto be : equal'to'' any N high-priced. ' grade inrthe market. ' '" ; ?t '- I MEASURE OPPOSITE POST OFPIOE, Main Street, Shenandpah, Pa. REDUCED T UUc?SEIA8,froiiv 60o up. Table and JJ Floor QiL CIptbs and Llnoleuiha -from 25o up.-. Window. Shades, RugH, Matts,Curtaln Poles, etc., at low prices. The. best lino of Lace Curtalus ,evcri ebownJn town- from $1.00 a pair up. FRIGE LESSONS bi CORRESPONDENCE l IN THE COMPLETE THEORY OF ' GOAL MINING INOLUOlNP Wm, ALGEBRAIC SIGHS, RISE STUBTI0H. HECBBHICS, ,. STUDENTS QUALIFIED TO PASS STATE EXAMINATIONS. THE PUPILS STUDY AT HM'. LOSE NO TJMEr F.ROM j WORK.' WO TEXT-BOO? 'NEEDED, TUITION ICHARQES.JWJTHINi THE MEANS OF ALU n..UA, full in fnrmntion. address. 1 THE COLLIERY l lurnovu emnuMe. aPPUcUon Saloon and Rastaurant A'o. US N. AVI1ITE STItliEl'. i- First-class Lager liter, Alo, Porter and Tem perance Drinks and Cigars. Kino old Wines and Liquors always on hand. XI. 0. FOLMKIt, Prop. Call uround and spend-a pleasant hour. ' MIlS. CONNICK IN CJIAIiaK. A SQUARE MEilL AT A KOMINML riUCK Everything well cooked and clean. An elab orate bill of fare dally. Lodgings for travelers, MIlH.CnNNICK.ai! N, SlnluMt. George H. Williams Will occupy the store-room, 27 N. Jardin HI., yiieiinmloitli ON APItIL 1st. A full line ol dry good, BrpcerlflS, oil cloths, provisions, etc. FLOUUIA pSFbarrfcl. Other I wll) bo mot. PRICES T Tomatoes," . 1 3 cansi; 00 hot-packed' goods, and we will are no better Tomatoes in-the i.t "' have, a : .1 .i 1 ; GUARANTEED! PRICES T PRICES 1 ;s, OLD RELIABLE, NORTH MAIN STREET. ENGINEER SCHOOL OE MINES; Scranton, Pa. r 1 1 Two irAttiirov IfMfilNHEtt" (bv TCadluK whlSThSndA. of mlntrs bvc Td'thlmelve, ktaSg "SfflfS Foremen), and catalogue of Mining Book! sent free p ' Wo Study to Please I " Old.Stand. ;New Goods jJv;F.nv1TUiNa:w,THE'! . GROCERY LINE ALWAYS .IN STOCK. 'Fish, Uutter and Kggs, Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Green Truck, Hay and Straw, &c . lie. Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store ! (Muldoon's old stand) CDIlNlll'CENTUli AND W SWEETS. BBMOYAL. On and utter April 1st, GEORGE ROBINSON, Thp HARNESS MAKER, Will occupy tho store-room, N. Hdn Et.(nest to'IIagonbucVcDrug'Stcro.