The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 05, 1892, Image 1

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A small ''want" advertisement placed In
the "Herald" will "bring more answers to
tho advertiser than through nny'othor pa
perclrou -rj- w TTm lntcd in
Kr W AWT sssssf,"
read. Ono trial will convince yfnfor thfe
fact, for tho simple reason that tho "Her
ald" Is read by fllnho people of 'tho town.
tirpn M" will brlna moro answers to
the advertiser than through any other pa-1
the town KT A WT becausplt
Is moro Hit JMJLX, JL generally
read. One trial will convlnco you or this
fact, for the simple reason that tho "Her
ald" Is read by nil tho people of tho town.
VOL. VH.--NO. 82.
ONE cent: j
The Evening Herald.
liM a larger circulation In Bhenandoah than
. , t any, other yapor published. Circu
lation books open to all.
This story, told by Senator Sher
man apropos l6 iho refusal of certain
Democrats to admit that their party is
a free silver, party, saya the Meriden
Jtepublicani Is very much to the point:
An Irishman walking through a cem
etery came urqn, a 'ictulstono with the
InscrlptlonV'T Still - Live." "Be
jaberB," said Pat," "if I was dead' I'd
own up to it."
In Wales the womou and children
work with the men in making tin
plates, and it is not uncommon to see
a whole' family engaged on the same
job from tho dwarfed and stunted
youngster to the father aged before his
time, all laboring Bide by side. Against
such cheap labor the United States
cannot compete without protection.
In this country tho children are to go
to school and the women are not to en
gage in such distasteful and inappro
priate work as tlnplato dipping, but
the men who do it are' to have good
-wages. Hence the necessity of pro
tective duties on tin plate. '
As Gen. Grant said, the Democratic
party can always bo depended upon to
blunder. Already, by the mere agita
tion of Bland's scheme for a compul-
eory 412 grain dollar, at present and
ultimately a 400 grain dollar, the Dem
ocrats have succeeded in exciting un
easiness in Europe' and that is telling
heavily on the United States. Europe
is sending back American stocks and
bondB and demanding gold. But for
the alarm whioh has been excited
there the United States would at this
time be getting from fifteen 'to twenty
millions of gold per month from
Europe. It is all well enough (o say
that there Is no danger of tho adoption
of the free silver bill; that tho Senut'o
will defeat It or the President will kill
it with a veto, bnt tho fact remains
that the mere agitation of the ques-
Floor Oil Cloth: others for
If 80, 39 and 40 eta. and upwards.
Tho nrottleat line of Oil Cloths
and Carpets In Shenandoah.
C. D. Fricke's Carpet Store,
10 S. Jardin St.,
'AnotJier consignment of I'IOKIDA ORANGES, direct
from the grower, has jitst arrived. These are the
treaheat, sweetest, nicest Oranges ive have ever had.
They are shipped the some day as picked from trees,
and arrive herein fine condition, ' 1 expect to receive
about One lhousand Dozen, and although prices
haie advanced very much I will, for the presents sell
The Best Evidence of tlie merits of our FANCY MINNE
SOTA FLOUK Is tlie Increasing sales. ' A trial is
all tba't Is necessary to cotlvlnce' you tliritlt 1
is -what Ave claim for It.
KVe do not pretend to say there
no suy lucre is i iiiy ajii. l LUUii
pje work, fit well. All prices from
KNEW CARPETS: Receiving almost daily new styles of Spring Car
ps. Large stock of Rag Carpets.
' i: i-i,,
tion in tho reckless and alarming
fashion characteristic of the Demo
crats party excites fear abrcitd and
hurts the country severely. The Re
publican party can discuss and adopt
measures looking to a large Increase of
silver or other money (as It did two
years ago, for instance) Without alarm
lug foreign security holders, but it is
impossible for tho Democratic party
to do so. From tho foreign as well as
the home standpoint tho Republican
party is the party of safe and sound
finances, while theDemocmllo organ
ization is just the opposite. Tile won
derful success of Republican financial
politics In maintaining the greenbacks
In returning; to Specie, payments, in
upholding the public credit and pay
ing" arid refunding the debt has given
that party great prestige1 abroad. It
Is the only party which can be safely
trusted with financial questions. The
mere discussion of a free coinage pro
vision In a Democratic House is equal
to the disturbance of a bull in a china
g -
A Leader.
Since its first introduction, Electric Bit
terg has gained rapidly in popular favor,
until now it Is clearly in the lead among
pure modicjnal tonics and alternatives
containing nothing which permits its use
as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized
as the best and purest modicino for all ail
meats, of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It
will cure Sick Headache, Indigestion,' Con'
stipatlon, and drive, .Malaria from the syt'
torn. Satisfaction guaranteed with each
bottle , or tho money, will be refunded.
Price only 60c, pir bottle. Sold by O. II,
imiuxss hill's defy.
I'm laying low for Cleveland,
Ad If wo havo a row,
You hot ho cannot "snatch me
llaldheaded" anyhow.
Pure nuil AVhoIesorao Qanllty
Commends to public approval the Csli
fornia liquid laxative, remedy, Syrup of
Figs., It is ploasan,t to the taste and by
acting gently on the kidneys, liver1 and
bowels to cleanse tho system, effectually, it
promotes tho health and comfort of all who
usq it, and, with millions it is the best and
only remedy.
Tho Fhcenlx llall,.
The ball of the Phccnix Hoso Company
will be held in Bobbins' opera ' house on
Easter Monday, April 18th. Don't forget
It. 4-4 2w
Dealrablo Lodge Itoom.
A lodge dosirjng a cosy, meeting room on
Saturday, or Sunday evenings ot each wool
can be accommpdalod at Mellet's hal!
which .has been 'recently papered, painted
and carpeted Apply, to M. Mollet.
is no Flour equal to it. We
New spring shies. Fine material,
Floor Oil Cloths in great variety,
Corner Main and Lloyd Streets.
William It. Lents, or Win. Pemi, Klcctc.d
Clinlrninn or the Meeting Tills Morn
ing Artcr Which n Itecess ,
Whs Taken. .
PoTTSvitLB, April 5, 1892.
jli cclnl to the iiei!li.
HE Republican county
delegates were slow in
getting down to work
at Pottsville to-day.
Tho conyontion, was
to have assembled at
10 a. m., but tho dole
gates did not got to
gether until 11 o'.clock.
Politicians from all
part of1 the couu.v
crowded tho hotels lrn night and this
moraine; discufslng the advisability ot
nominating a Republican candidate for
Judge, or pf nominating a county ticket
and leaving tho judgeship open.
Some suggested that tho convention meet
and then, adjourn to eomo , jture date.
The Seltzer-Koch, and other combinations
having candidate! for office were, in favor
of nominating a lull, tickot, but tho dole-
gates' who wore understood to favor tho
Pershing mqvompnt clamored for delay.
When tho convention was finally called
to order William H. Lewis, of WovPonn,
was nominated fpr chairman arid,eU3ted.
Mr. Lewis mado a short but graceful ad
dress in acknowledgement, of the honor.
afifor-whicb the convention adjourned until
2 p. m.
After I ha convention adjourned the
Perching pooplo commenced to got in tho!
work and it.looked as if they would be able
to bring about a movement in their favor
at the afternoon session.
Tho Seltzer faction was also working
industriously, but they wero uncorapromis
ing in thoir'demand lor a full ticket.
Thejudgesbip seemed to bo monopoliz
ing the attention of tho delogates and tho
dolegateshlps.Boomod almost lost to viow.
The convention reconvened after 2 p. m.,
but up to three p. m. thero was nothing
done worthy 'of report.
No nominations have boen made and it
is hard fo predict what tho outcome of the
convention will be. 5
Scarcely a iloiiJ la' Sowtudale, l"a., Ei
oapd Unscathed.
GntENsauso; Pa., April' 0. A terrific
wind, hall and rain storm, accompanied
by lightning, passed over the southern
part. of Wesljmoo .ccjunty Sunday night
uorag great damage-
At Scottsdale. Everaon and Drowns
town the wind was very severe, blowing
down and unroofing buildings in all di
rections. The Scottsdale rolling mill
was unroofed and the interior .badly
wrecked by fairing, timbers; while the
Jackson House, Henry Beed'f bouse and
tho Keagey residence were badly dam
aged. '' A1 large 'fwo-slory fraino building at
Hamlnger's mill, near Scottsdale, was
blown'down, and two of Mr. IHhiinger'g
daughters were carried about 200 feet,
Vut escaped injury. , .
In all parts, of the above mentioned
towns th'ere,i scarcely a house in whch
the windows and doors are not blown
In or broken by the hall, whioh fell to
the depth of several Inches.
For a time tho neoole were Danlc-
stricken and tied in the basements of
of the houses.. Munv nersons were
slightly injured by the broken glass and
flying timbers, but no fatalities are re
ported. The loss to property ' cannot be
estimated at pressnt.
The insolation U1U l'Hiiad lu the nous
BrsVott of 110 to 49.
WAsniNOtow, April 8. The deary Chi
nese Exclusion bill was passed in the
House, yesterday by a vote of 170 yeas
to 43 nay. '
The b.111 at it paasod the some
absolutely prohibits tho coming into
the. United States of Ohlneso , par
tons, whether subjects ot the
Chinese empita or otherwise, as
those who arc now here and may here
after; leave,, esoept such persona who may
come as ministers or other diplomatlo
representatives, Consuls General, com
mercial agents and other agents of the
Cbtnese government travelling on busi
ness. Notice to the Pahllc.
I hereby notify tho public that I have
taken the general agenoy for Schuylkill
county for tho Allan, American,, . Anchor,
Initio, Canard, Domini in, Fabro, Italian,
French, Qulon, Hamburg - American
Packet Company, Inman, Rod Star, North
0rman Lloyd, Nothcrlaud, Union and
Whito Star linos, and that I am enabled to
sell Uoltots at less ratal than any other
eont.. 31 ax Rkkbk,
It has bien safely assorted a thousand
times that nothing equals Dr. 0 ixe's Wild
uuorry ana aeneica tgr cjugbs aud colds.
Miss Leo Laweon spent yesterday In Phila
' A. Hcott Shelter, of Lewlsburg, spent to day
In town.
Harry A, Acker spent a part ot to-day nt the
connty Beat. '
Hurry Aregood Is still confined to his house
through ljlness.
Miss Mary Watson is spending a lew days
with ottsvlUe friends.
J. It. Coyle, Esq., paid a business visit to
Mahanoy City this afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Israel nefowich, of Freeland,
Were tho guests of Philip Coffee.
School TJirector Frank Hanna attended the
funeral of a friend at Mt. Carmcl to-day.
George Kea&llck, of Mahanoy City, circu
lated among Bhenandoah. friends yesterday.
Druggist p. J. McCarthy, who has been 111 for
several months past. Is In a very weak condi
Ccorgo Higglns, of Shamoltln, was tho guest
of , his father, Tax Ilecclver Illsglns, In town
'Squlro Hass'er, of North Jardin street, has
an Infant child very 11), with little hopes of re
Jacob Foster, late of tho Evening Chronicle
staff, yesterday ass jmcd a position on tho staff
of tho Philadelphia T.raei.
'Bupt. J. J, Brudlgan Was an out of town visi
tor Saturday on business. He contemplates
building a handsome residence In town In the
near luturc.
Miss Carrie Luburg entertained a number of
her young friends at the resldenco of her uhele.
H. A. Swalm, last evening. Miss Lubnrg lejft
for Philadelphia this morning to Join her
parents there.
Death of Kriltor Bchrnder of the Pottsville
"Jell'ersou Democrat. 'f
William J. Schrador, proprietor and
editor of tbe J fferson Democrat, died
his homo in Pottsville last Dighl. Death
was caused by pneumonia, following 'a
cold contracted about three weeks agp.
Air, benraaer was born at Hanover, Ger
many; 65 years ago and came to this court'
try forty-five years ago. Aftor a short
rosidonce In Ashland ho moved to Potts
ville. He started tho Jefferson Democrat.
with H. J, Hendlor, in 1855, and became
sole proprietor of it in 1874. '
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised druggist to
sell Dr, lung a New Discoyery for on
sumption', CoughB and Colds, upon this
condition. If you are afflicted with
Cough, Cold or any Lung, Tbrnat or Chest
trouble, and will uso this remedy as di
rccted, giving it a fair trial, and experience
no uenem, you may return tne Dottlo and
hevo your money refunded. We could
not make this offer did we not know that
Dr. King's New Discovery cculd be relied
on. it never disappoints. Trial bottles
freo at O. H. Hagsnbuch's drug store.
Largo size 0o. and 91.00.
Vii .Excellent Entertainment.,
The production of "The Silver Ring" at
Ferguson's theatre last evening by the
Marlande Clarke, company, was ono of the
most, legitimate productions ot theceasoir.
The company in an excellent ono and its
work jn every stage of tho performance was
clean cut and very ofiectlye, No spocjalties
werq. introduced to, cover defects and give
tho audience "tho money's worth." Mr.
Clarke's work as Milrid Denver was con
scientious and strlcking and ho had admit
able support. Miss Florence Csratd, as
Nellie Denver was an impressive character
and Kdward A. Oikes sustaine ' tho part ol
Spider very satisfactorily. Little Lena
Bernard also mado a very favorable Im
presslon.. To-niht the company closes
their engagement with the production of
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." This highly
successful play, In the hands Of such a good
company as Mr. .Clarke's, should draw'a
largo audience this evening.
JjTotlce. .
To all merchant, triidosraon and others :
You are heroby notified, -warned and cau
tioned tbat no debts for supplies, or cord-
mod tios for .ScbuyJkiU county' prison
contracted by Elijah W. Zieglnr, former
keeper of said prison, will bo.rocogniz0d,or
paid .by the County Commissioners of
Sohuylklll county.
Giyen at their office this 1st day of April,
Jauks J Bowks,
Euas E. Reed,
County Commissioners.
Attest: Phil J. Connem,,
4 4 St Commissioners' Clerk.
When Baby was sick, we cave her Castorla.
TVben she was a Child, she cried tor Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, she gave them Castorla,
Climb our stairs, It w'll pay you. Wo
are better situated than any ground floor
gallery in tho town. Hall's, 29 W. Centre
Coming Uvcute.
April 21. A marigold tea in Bobbins'
ball, under tho auspices of the degreo staff
Lydia Degroo Lodge, NO. 112, I. O. O. F.
School Hoard Sleeting.
A regular monthly meeting of tbefjchool
Hoard will bo held in the superintendent's
offico to-morrow evening, at 7:80 o'clock,
track: laying begun in
Heady lor the SllU iul Kails Four
Squares Jlnclo ltcaily Ycsterilay To
Duy Work AVns llcgun on 3Inln
Street Trnck Changes.
ORK on tho electric
railway was begun in
earnest y e s t o r day
morning and tho picks
and shovels ploughed
through tho mud and
stonos with astonish
ing rapidity. Fore
in on Oonryand Llew
ellyn had about sixty
men at work, and kopt them at it like boos
until tho quitting hour in the evening, (he
result of tho days work, being a, trencb
ready for tho sills and rails from Gilbert
to Main street. The frost is pretty well out
of tbo ground and excellent progross was
Considerable complaint has boen majo
about tho.sectlon.of the rpad that was. put
down on West Coal streot'when tho former
superintendent had charge of tho con.
struction, but there is ho necessity for any
alarm, The section complained of will bo
tktn up again and .relaid in a satisfactory
manner. The company does not intend
that slip-shod work bhall characterize tho
rOad and everything will bo done tb'com-
ply with tho wishes of Council. All work
wil) be, pushed ahead as rapidly as possible
so as to give the people the henefit of tbo
road at an early day and enable the com,
pany to push the construction to Mahanoy
The construction oTtbe road through
Girardvillo is going ahead' very favorably
and in a few days gangs will put tho picks
into tne ground west ot that placo.
. Wjring, ballasting and other final work
goes on steadily on the Win. Ppnn, Lest
Creek and Rappahannock sections, and by
tho time tho West Coal street section ij
improved the wholo section will be ready
for travel.
Set Him illL-lit.
Goo. Augustus Sala, the well known
English writer, on bis last Australian trip,
wrote as follows to The London Daily Tel
egraph :
"1 especially have a ploasant remern.
brante of the' ship's doctor a very ex
norionced maritime mnrtfiw fnrinn1 wWn
tended me most kindly during a horrible
spon oi Droncnuia ana spasmodic asthma,
orovoked bv tho sea foe which had awnnnnrl
down on us just aftor we loft San FraDciso.
But tho doctor's proscriptions and tho in
creasfnj'warmptl pf the temperature as wo
nearsd tbo TroDics and. in nnrticuW
couple of Alloock's Poius Plasters clapped
on one on the chest and another botweeu
tho shoulder blades soon set me right."
A Complaint.
Editor Herald! The police should
pay particular attention to the antics of the
.1Ylnst8tatuesthat oroamont tho corno'rs.of
tho streets and stand in front of eomo of the
public houses. A decent girl or womai
can' hardly pass many of these places wifh-
om . Deing grossly insulted, Unless the
nulsanco is stoppo'd I am afraid frionds of
the Insulted parties will tako tho law in
their own hands.
Rheumatism, tho king of all diseases,
is qUlokly conquered 'by the celebrated in-
Ported "Anchor Pain Exnellor." Trr it
anil bo cor(,i,ncec!l,, '60 cents, a bottle, at
(J, u. utegenbuuhp, p, D. JKirlin, J. M.
Hill&n and other .druggists. Ct
Easter Monday llall,
The Phoenix Hoso Company has ar
ranged to hold a grand ball in Robbins'
opera house on Easter Mpnday, April 18th,
ana expeptt to mato It One of the most
brilliant. attain, of tho peaBon. Excellent
dancing music, will bo. secured and .no ex
penee will be spared to mako tbe ball a
grand one.
Best work dono at Brennan's steam
lanndry. Everything white and spotless.
Laco curtains a specialty. All work guar
Pishing: Tackle. ,
A largo lot of tho finest fishing tackle.
cheaper and better than ever, just received.
Come and see me before purchasing else
where and you will save money at
Ma Reese's,
Ferguson House, 13 W, Centro St.
Taken to tho Almnhouse.
Special Policeman D. ,1. Connors to-day
took John Mcllugh to the Almihouso at
Schuylkill Havon, Mcnugh. Is fooblo on
account of old age nn& will remain In
charge of the county authorities.
Coughing Leads to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at
Boit photographs and crayons at DabVs
Echoes Alone; the Line Cnnglit by tho
Newspaper ICeporters.
It is reported that the Hhenandonb bracb
f tho Phl'adelpbia & Reading Railrond
will bo ii'od exclusively for freight and
coal ttitffi j shortly, find that the Lehigh
Valley road will have tho passenger traffio
between' Sbonandoah and Ash'an
I'd cio and other reports make" changes at
the depots of tho two rdads In town a mat
er of dally oxpectancy. That there will
be several changes at tbo 'Lehigh "Valloy
freight depot is a certainty, as ids intended
that tho P. & R. and L. Vi'R,' R. freight
business shall bo consolidated.
, It Is also reported that, tho Reading Com
pany will shortly accede to tho request for n
miners' train between this town and Frack
yllle, but what arrangement will bo mado
U not stated. ,,.
Tho proposed changes in tho running of
paesongcr trains will probably bo mado
known tbli week. A number of trains will
bo taken ofl and tho runs of others will be,
extended. Provision will bo mado to givo
the crews places on freight trains and runs
as extras.
Bevoral changes wnt into effect on tho
Lehigh road Sunday. All tbe trains carry
two red flags nt tho rear of tho last cars, at
is done on all P. & R. trains.
Five passenger trains wero taken off on
Sunday two on tho Jersey Oontril und
throe on the Lehigh Vulley. Ono ot them
was the "fast flyer" between Pottsville nn'd
Easton. The engineer and fireman. of that
train are now running between Delano and
Ashland, and Lizard Oreok Junction and
Pottsville. They will move their famili a
from Pottsyillo to Dulano. , 5 ',
Thq passenger train that left Delano at
5:45 p. m. for Orwlgsburg has boen taken
off and the crew has been transfnrred to a
new fast freight train between Djlauo and.
Lizard Creek via Maucb Chunk.
Tho taking off of, trains, havo not re
duced the working forces thus far.. Places
have boon mado for all by reducing 'tho
number of working hours of certain crows.
A P. Blakslee has been re-appointed
superintendent of Mahanoy and Orwigs
burg divisions of tho Jbihigh Valley rail
road, with headquartors alDeUno.
Bogus Coin Collectors.
A gang of sharpors are baving success In
a swindling game in tho interior towns of
.this state and have touphed ono, or two
towns In this county. A woll-droesodnan
puts in an appoaranco at a store and informs
the proprietor that ho is searching for raro
coins, giving a list of specimons and iheir
alleged value. Ho asks the storekeeper, to
keep a sharp lookout and in case he gets
any of the coins mentioned in tho alleged
list, to keep them until bo returns, which
he says will be in a short time. Soon an
btber Stranger casually' drops in and buys
some Jitthj article, and, in making change.
exhibits several coins, which, ho says, ara
pocket pieces, The proprietor consults his
list and finds the valuo of tho alleged
pocket pieces put down at &10 or 810 each.
Anxious to mako ,a good, thing the'jjtore-
Kpoper nearly always pays a good (big prico
for. tbo pieces. He then waits for'the man
who mado tho temp ing offers, but he never
turns up. Tho trick was played on' a
Tamaqua merchant about six weeks ag(.
Ho was s) mortified by the figure of tho
coin gatherer to make any visit ho kopt the
affair n secret until last week.
America's Day.
Tho people of Mahanoy CU7 aro raakini?
pr. parations tor America's Day, September
6, and it will undoubtedly be a red-lottor
day for our neighboring town. The varioua
committeoj, including tho G. A. R,, woro
in consultation with the Executive Com
mlttoo on Saturday evoning for tho purpose
of making tho preliminary preparation
for the day. As an oxtra inducement for
tho visitors on that day, tho G. A. R. havo
decided to Unveil tho monument dedicated
lb tho soldier dead, and tho EifrbtE regi
ment and many dignitaries of the state will
be in attendance. The cUlzons of Maha
noy City, including all classps, are giving;
every encouragement to ,make tho day ona
to surpass anything, of the kind jet held
in,the,countyl and they will undoubtedly
Buoklen'a Arnica Salvo.
Tho Best Salve in the world for Cut.
Bruises, Sorest TJlcors, Salt Rheum, Feyer
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain
Cprns, apd all Skin, Eruptions, andi(ppi
lively cures Piles, payment required.
It fs guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents , per
box. For talo by O. H. Hagenbuch. '
Installing Olllcers.
District Deputy R A. Davenport, of
town, Is now engagod In installing tho
officers of the I. 0. 0, F. lodges' inthU
district and Is losing no time In getting
through the work. Last Friday night lia
installed the officers of lodgos 615 and SSO,
of ,town, and the Frackville lodge. .Satur
day night he wont to Rlngtown and last
night tho officers of lodge Ml, of town,
wero Installed. To-night he expects to
visit tho lodgo at Mahanoy City.
Keagey takes tho lead. Ho is on tho
first floor. His motto is "Quality, not
Quantity." Call and soe him. 4.4 tf
Wators' Weiss beer is tho boat. John A
itollly sole agent. 6-6-tt