The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, April 01, 1892, Image 3

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Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tlio taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on tlio Kidneys,
-Liver and Bowels, cleanses tlio sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs 'is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tlio tasto and ac
ceptable to tho stomncb, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tlio most
healthy and agreeablo substances, its 1
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and liavo rnauo it ino most
popular remedy known. '
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o
and 1 bottles ny all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
Bltfc Headache and rollovoall tho troubles lncf
dent to a bilious elite of tho system, such W
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
c&tlcg. I'aln in tho Side, 4c. While their most
ptMsarkablo success has been shown la curing
ileaSicho, yet Carter's Llttlo Liver Fills ara
equally valuablo In Constipation, curing and pro
tenting this annoyInRComplalnt,whllo they alsa
correct all disordereoxthOBtomachtimulato the
livor and regulate tho bowels. Even If taey only
icafAir from tMsdlstresslngcomplalnt; butfortu
Xiatelythelrgoo(lnossdocsnotondhcre,andtho8a who once try them vrlll find theso llttlo pills valu
able In Romany ways that thoy will nit be wll
UBS to do without them. But after ollolckhoaa
(lathe bane of bo many lives that hero Is where
Iwemakeour great boast. OurpllLicuroltwhlla
Others do not.
Cartora Little Liver Fills ara very small and
very easy to take. Ono or two pills make a doso.
They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
purge, but by their gentle action please all who
csethem. In vials at 29 cents; live for $1. Bold
by druggie ta everywhere, or cent by mall.
Largest and oldest reliable purely cash com
panies represented by
120 S. Jardm 'St, Shenanaoah.Pa.
nil flXI IflP We-tna undersigned, were
nllr I HHP entirely oured of rupture by
I U I I UIIU Dr.l.a vtayer. S31 Arch Ht.,
I'hlladelnhla, Pa., H. Jones I'lil'lps, Kennel
Hquire, T. A. Kreltz.riUtlngtiin. Ph.; K.
M. Hmall, Mount Alio, Pa.: Key. 8. II. Sher
mer. Huabury.iPa.; D. I. Dellett 211 rt. 12'h
Ht.. Heading-, Pa.; Win DIx, 182i) MontrosoBt .
Philadelphia: 11. 1,. Howe. SU9 Klin Ht., Head
ing, i-a,; ueorgeanri pii, liurkart, U.lx)cu8l
BU, HeAdlng, I'a. Head for circular.
ars Treated with Carbonate of Soda, Magnesia,
Potash or Bicarbonate of Soda."
The uso of chemical! can bo readily
detected by tlio peculiar odor from newly
opened packages, and also from a glass
of water in which a small quantity of
chemicully treated cocoa has been placed
and allowed to remain for sovcral days.
For more thnn One Hundred Yeart
the home of JVatter linker Co.
httve made tlnir Cocoa lrepnrutlone
1'altnt l'roeeie, AtUnlles, or Dytt,
W. BAKER & GO,, Dorchester, Mass.
Edward A, Morgan & Co.
(Formerly Bliaplra's I'liarmuoy)
107 Bouth Main Street,
Prescriptions carefully compounded
by registered pharmacists.
Procure one of our Ghost Protectors.
Has removed to Wllones'od stand
Where he will be Pleai5&&"!aeel the wants
Evoryllilntj in thoDrinkiua Lino.
Tlio President Abandons His
Docking Trip.
Senator Morgan Creates a Sensation in
the Senate,
Ho Wants the Vleus of Member, Who
Are Possible Catulltlktfci for the Presi
dency, on the Silver Question The
lluoster Poet, Jimies Whltcomb Itlley,
Entertains the President and Family
Army Officers a Indian Agents JAte
RaTer Ilewarded.
Washington, April 1. President Har
rison abandoned his contemplated duck
ing trip in order to personally conduct
the negotiations for a renewal ot tho
modus vlvendl, having brought tho
matter to a point where it seamed prob
able that an early agreement would be
He has been busily engaged most of
the day yesterday upon this subject.
General Foster was with him somo
time, and later Senator Morgan, a mem
ber of tho Senate Commit'tee on Foreign
Relations, spent a half hour with tho
As stated Wednesday, there has been
no further correspondence between the
Tho negotiations proceeding wholly by
personal Interviews, tho President's con
fidence that an agreement will be speed
ily reached is believed to be well founded.
Sonntor Morgan Fires n Shot at Presiden
tial CHiHUdxte.
Washington, April 1. Senator Morgan
caused a decided sensation In the Senate
yesterday by the Introduction ol a series
of silver resolutions for reference to tho
Finance Committee, and his announce
ment that his purpose In bringing for
ward the subject In this way was to
ascertain whether there were Sonators
who permitted the shadow of coming
heroes in the Presidential contest to
come betweon them and their votoa on
this Important question, and also to
ascertalu the views ot Sonators on tho
silver question on his side of the Cham
ber who were now looming up as Presi
dential candidates.
Mr. Morgan's resolutions como up
again to-day.
To Reimburse Senato Contestees.
Wasiunoton, April J. The Sonato
Committeo on Privileges and Elections
examined tho accounts ot Mr. Claggett,
the unsuccessful contestant for tho Sen
ate from Idaho, Mr. Dubois, the success,
f ul coutestee from that State, and Mr.
Davidson, tho unsuccessful contestant
from Florida for Senator Call's seat, and
decided to recommend to the Senate
that Mr. Claggett be allowed $4,000; Mr.
Dubois, $2,000, and Mr. Davidsou, $1,
SS0. These amounts nre expected to
cover the sums expended by the gentle
men named In tho contests.
l'oet Riley ut tlio 'White House.
Wasiunoton, April 1, James Whit
comb Itlley, tho lloosier poet, appeared
in Washington last evening before a
large nudiouce, including the President's
family and several members ot the Cab
inet. After the performance he visited
the rooms of the National Capitol Press
Club, where a large and fashionable re
ception, a kind of house warming by tho
club, was lu progress, and delighted the
guests with several recitations. To-night
a reception will be given in his honor at
the Whito House.
Army Olllctirs ns Indian Acents.
WAsniNOTON, April 1. The Senate
adopted the House provision in the In
dian bill authorizing the Presldont in fu
ture to appoint uruiy officers instead of
civilians as Indian agents, but with a
proviso giving him discretion to contluuo
to appoint civilians where ho deemed it
Free, from Duty
Wasiunoton, April 1. Tho Treasury
Department has decided that coffee
shipped to Europe from Venezuela and
Columbia previous to March 15 and Im
ported into tho United States from Eu
rope would bo entttled to tree entry into
the United States.
A Lift Saver (lets a Medal.
Wasiunoton, April 1. Secretary Foster
has awarded a '.Ufa snving , medul to
Josepp Fernald, of Portsmouth, N. H.,
for saving the lives of four persons last
Illnlr 8uys Hn Is n Cnndldnle,
PiTTSBuno, April 1. Ex-Senator
Blair, who was here on his return from
a southern trip, said: "It is true that I
ji in u candidate for tho Presidency. My
impression is that with tho delegates to
Minneapolis tho man who Is most likely
to lead tho party to victory will be nom
inated. Pledges will not amount to
much when thut question is couslnervd.
The main Issue will be the turilf, uud
silver will cut some figure."
Carrrul's Deposit Up.
Boston, April 1. James F. Carrol;
the trainer of Bob Fltzslmmons, has de
posited u cheek for $1,000 with Captai n
Cooko to bind a match between the Aus
tralian and Jim Hall. The terms of the
proposed match are n fight under Mar
quis of Queeusliorry rules, at 158 pounds
for a purse of $10,000 before some re
sponsible club, tho Olympic of New
Orleu us preferred.
Prof. Dunn's Successor.
New Haven, Conn., April 1. A suc
cessor to Prof. James D. Dana has been
appointed by the Yale faculty, lie Is H.
. I. Williams, professor ot mineralogy at
Cornell University. Ills connection with
i Yale will liuglu next fall. Prof. Dana's
name will continue on tho catalogue as a
member of the faculty, mid he will con
tinue to lecture on soieiitlllo subjects.
lrrKulurttlus In VnnH.
Boston, April 1. Clerks Mason and
llradlee ot the United States "District
Court, and Clerk Stetson ot the United
States Circuit Court, have been sum
moned to appear and testify before the
Wolverton investigating Committee that
will be in town from Washington next
Monday In relation to alleged Irregulari
ties In tho matter of fees.
Highest of all In Leavening Power, Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Harry Vane MUlbiink'a Statement of
the AlTalr.
New York, April 1. All tho parties
concerned lu the Borrowe-Drayton scan
dal appear to be on the defensive, each
anxiously awaiting further action from
the enemy before further committing
Tho Mlllbanlc-Borrowo faction have
issued a statement over Harry Vane
MUlbank's signature which defends Mr.
Borrowe's failure to meet Mr. Drayton
by quoting an agreement made by that
gentleman and his wife.
Tho statement is dated Oct. S3, 1801,
and the part which concerns the mone
tary consideration Is to'the following ef
fect: "Tho wife has an Income of $35,000
per annum, under nil circumstances sho
retains one-half. Sho agrees that the
other half be placed with trustees, $5,000
of which shall be paid to the husband
and $12,000 to herself formalntenance
of children; out of tho money she re
ceives wife to keep up establishment for
husband and family; tho husband's
$5,000 for his personal expenses, such as
clothing, amusements, travelling, med
ical attendance, etc.
"Wife agrees, should sho hold any
verbal or written communication with
Mr. H. A. Borrowe, that the $12,000 for
children shall be paid to the husband,
and he shall hare control of same and'
children. Husband on his part agrees
that for tho $5,000 he will go to Europo
with his wife, nnd mnko his dwelling
place there with her."
The Itody of John Lawlor, Supposed to
Have lSeen Muidered, Found.
PouaiiKKEPSiE, N. Y., April 1. Tim
othy Conlon ot lthlncliff, was arrested
by order of Coroner Conklln and lodged
in tho Dutchess county jail here last
Ho Is Buspectcd of complicity in the
killing of John Lawler on Vice-President
Morton's dock near Ithlnbeck last Sun
day. Tho two men were together nil
day and were seen on the dock together,
both being Intoxicated.
Sunday night Luwler was missing and
there has been no trace of him until yes
terday, when his body was found In 30
feet ot water, a short distance from
whero he was last seen in company with
Blood spots were-found in different
places on the dock, and thero were evi
dences of a struggle. This, together
with the fact that ugly cuts were found
on tho dead man's head, led to Coulon's
arrest. He will bo held subject to the
action of the coroner's jury, to meet
again to-morrow.
Luwler was i'3 years old and single.
Conlon has a wife and two children.
An Incorrigible Hoy,
PiTTsnuno, April 1. Allegheny has an
incorrigible 0-year-old boy named Joseph
Doyle, who, because of his misdeeds,
languishes In jail Ho was arrested at
the Instance of his mother, who says
that four weeks ago ho sharpened a bono
nnd stabbed his grandmother In tho
neck, Inflicting a serious injury, because
the old lady reported some ot his mis
doings. Wednesday he sharpened a
butcher knife and threatened to cut his
grandmother's throat. Last week he
attempted to burn down their home by
pouring kerosene on the floor and throw
ing lighted matches Into it. He has
stolen money from his mother und
broken furniture mirrors and pictures.
Yesterday ho came 'homo having on an
entire new suit ot clothes, which no one
can tell how ho procured.
Kept a Ilnby Xarm.
Lynn, Mass., April 1. Mrs. A. B.
Fisher und her daughter, Mary C, were
arrested ut Saugus charged with keeping
a baby farm. Six children, whose ages
varied from 3 weeks to 8 years, were
found in the old nnd squalid house which
the women called home. Thu women
retusod to give the names or parents of
tho children found in their care. Tho
finding of a body of a child near the
Fishers led their arrest. They were
brought hero for trial.
ftOuni Colds, Coirhs SertThrost.Orirap.Inltaeus,
VfaooDlqicCnuvh.BrfrnemUsmBlAsthnLi. Awlili
,ur. tnr Consumption is Oiu .imo., l & .ur r. Ilf Is
a IVSnO a Sl&fs. UMMOMC lOBWIHH, mil.
-11 nt rff'Ot sfttr tiVlot th lint dw. Sail V
..i nnA ki. Rvmra tiebttttv
'IWraknc. oi iluJyiiD.! Mind, Effects
lint lrrorfn! CinHkuHiufllilar Vnunv.
ftwltobl, Xubh :uMU)lllt lull. lu.t. i..l H.iM l.i,ui.rg. X&
filnurthrnMhtk.l MiMMlif" I mil. t- jl 14 ulM..rluu.v
AbM4ul.l, uulul'Ir.K HUSK 'lI'MIHtM- lii..UI. inftilftj,
M.U tollf; In a feu Suit., .ml fur, iju I ir. M rilt llt.n,
fWavrlpUi. Huult, rMtlu.tllii. .ml proof.,jr4)rne-
It will pay
anyone in
want of
to send So, to pay postage on our beautiful Hue ox
over luunmU'lil samples at lowest prices.
Address 1 11. UA1U', 40 Ulna St.. Providence, K I
Joseph I.ytle, Who Hacked Ills Wife nnd
Daughters, Lynched by a Mob. j
Findlay, O., April 1. Joseph t,ytle,
the man who Wednesday hacked his wife j
and two daughters in a horrible manner,
was taken from the county Jail hero at
midnight by a mob of nearly 1,000 de
termined men and hanged.
The mob broke In the windows of the
jail, but were unable to reach Lytle'a
cell by that route, and finally tho doors
were broken open and Lytic was taken
to the bridge, about two squares away,
and strung up to an iron cross-piece of
the bridge.
Just as he was being pulled up a shot
from a revolver rang out on tho night
air and tho rope was shot in two, drop
ping the victim to the ground. He was
then hurriedly taken to the nearest tele
graph polo whero the lynching was com
pleted, Lytle dying without a struggle.
As tho mob entered tho jail Lytle
called their attention to the cell ho was
occupying as the ono they were looking
for. It took thirty minutes to batter
down the cell door, when the doomed
man was dragged out and thence to the
Main street bridge. After the first at
tempt was made to hang Lytle he was
drsgged by tho neck through tho street
to the fatal telegraph pole. Shots from
two score revolvers were fired Into the
lifeless body.
Tho 220b Is said to have been composed
of the best citizens,, but poorly organized
and lacking a leader. ' Tbtt-bedywflB not
taken down uutll the arrival ot the Cor
oner, which was not for several hours.
Lytic displayed great gameness and
seemed to be satisfied that ho was meet
ing with justice.
Sulmon In Canadian Illvers Hecoinlng
Mjire Scarce Kvery Year,
Boston, April 1. A petition has been
forwarded from this city to the Canadian
Minister of Marine nnd Fisheries signed
by 113 owners and lessees of fishing priv
ileges in Canadian rivers, tho signers be
ing fairly divided between Canadians
and Americans.
The petition sets forth that of late eal
mon have becomo moro and more scarce
each year In tho Canadian rivers; that
unless tho Dominion Government shall
promptly adopt some decided and egec
tlve measures to enable a larger number
of salmon to reach their spawning
grounds great danger of extermination
of the species will ue Incurred; thae the
present requirement that the nets shall
be raised from Saturday evening till
Monday morning affords inadequate op
portunity for a fair proportion of the
ilsh to safely reach their spawning
Therefore, it is respectfully petitioned
that allsalmon nets and traps bo here
after raised during three successive days
and nights of each week, which shall be
the same stated for three days and three
nights for all nets.
It Is Supposed that Moonshiners Carried
Out a Threat.
PiTTsnuno, April 1. John Hochstetler,
of Somerset, Pa., was undoubtedly mur
dered near Trent postofllce, fifteen miles
from Somerset, by moonshiners.
A young man named Beals, while on
his way to his sister's house, while trav
eling along a lonely spot on tho road
near Trent, saw two men in ambush Are
upon a man a short dtstanco away. Tho
man fell and the two men proceeded to
knock their victim on the head with
guns. Young Beal lied from the spot
and took another route to his sister's
home. On arriving there he told the
story of what he had witnessed on the
road. A party is now searching for the
Some months ago, at Scranton, John
Hochstetler testified against moonshiners
of this county. Tho moonshiners' com
panions threatened to kill him und, us
ho went to Trent Wednesday and has
not boen seen since, it is believed they
carried out their threats and threw the
body in a creek.
'J nu , ullmji
New YortK, April t. Tho racing stable
of tlio Into Dsvid Dunham Withers, com
prising seventeen 2-your-olds and seven
3-year-olds, was sold at auction at the
Amorlouu Hor.e Exchange for $61,400.
Tho Socrot of Sucooss.
O. II Iliujenbuoa, tu dru uM. Hell 've that
tneseorotor iuwwm 1 r venioaa. There
fore he iKirnUw in . cei,i m Hn (list line of
perfumers, mil i audi. tetlos, lru(
antoiion' the ixrke' II enpeali'fy
Invitn ail i.-M'in vii i lnw ralpliitinii,
Bhnrt brmitti. tvettt or hu lirrv nlN. naln in
Id -ir i hi) isr, nop-e slon, nlgiiimsr-, d y
o ugh, m llrl,i, drop.y or ne.u t l'euie
to try Dr. Miles unequilerl New U-urt Dure,
be cm II U 'H Ml,. 11 li is t ntMemiuhlol
stiysltulUr rentilv. Cine book rtestimo
n I. lucre. I) Milei' Iteunrutive N'ervlnels
uusiiriMSSt, 1 for s epltM4ie&4, nenluoue, fits,
etc., mil It oo ilalni ni'imaiei
The demand for better country rands la emw.
Ing more emphatic from year to year.
A Husband's Mistake.
IfuibnufU 'ji i often pe out wve, -nd par
nl their chl litre i, to ntlr from iiaaiUche,
sziiiwh, iiBurtlgla, hlepl siiti-n. fit ner
une-. wnen ny the use nf Dr. .SI line'
Ileum alive Nervine ueli "erloiiH rewulu
ooulil e'Uy be prov-mul l)r 'iflW evry-
hrre v It!, universal la'lilo lou Hint
in i liune mm ile Vin1 .iirth (T .,o
rir' Wayne Inil.; n & n. if Hyrteuse,
M. Y.:J 1 'V.ilf. IMlsrUI-. M oil.; anil lino
d "dsoi oIIikm ay 'it s iIih ure.ii.stmiier
tlmv ever Knew" It eo iiuius in) niil'il's
r Ul iiuittMH ami line book on Nervmu
niaaawM, free a' O. H 11 iite iimou's.
l'lease notify us la time If you want the ad
dress of your paper ehuinrcd this sprtntf
I i !." N ! V
. .fi iii -r lUl 1 'IK llie
'(th.iWHls 'Utmihlt nrvt
In lii'' i'iii. HiMtidllt
i i-t it -In. i 1 1 ' llvei" oll
iver, -ttintl
i 1
'ipirtwi 'in -
UlJM'IUili ltr Uleil. WMIlQfll
u S:n tlli! m 1 1 ealaiimml A iliKen
4m iBHKr. at O. 1 UiHsibutU's
Life and Property in Venezuela
in Peril. I
The Insurgents Outnumbered Three to One
and Defeated-
They Wero Successful nt First, Ilut Were
finally Itcptiliuu With a Ixiss of 30O
The Ilovolutliin Is Bpreaillne l'rlsons
Aro Crowiled and the Kewspapers Are
Muiileil Tho Government Is Preparing
for n Desperato Defense.
Panama, April 1. A French steamship
which has arrived here brings authentic
news of the uprising in Venezuela against ,
President Palaclo. The olllcors say that
the country is In an anarchistic condi
tion and that life and property In the
vlclnltv of Caracas are in constant
The rumors of a recent battle between
President Palaclo's troops nnd the insur
gents under General Joaquin Crespo are
The battle was fought near Caracas
and lasted for 'three hours. At first
Crespo's forces wero successful and drove
the government troops steadily bnck on
the road to tho city. Reinforcements
for Palaclo's arms arrived as the retreat
was becoming a rout, and the govern
ment troops made a stand on a wooded
Crespo's men were outnumbered al
most three to one, tho government having
7,500 troops to their 3,000. They tried
to storm the position on the knoll three
times, but were driven back with a loss
of 300. The government troops then
took the offensive and followed the In
surgents, who retreated, leaving 300
dead on tho field.
The Insurgents retreated toward
Eastern Zamora with tho intention of
Joining another insurgent army which is
said to be u,uuu strong, uetacuments oi
-tisa government troops went in pursuit,
and several " skirmishes took placo in
which the revolutionists- repcliod Pala
clo's men.
The revolution is spreading and the
insurgent forces nre augmented daily. I
In Eastern Zamora the people are
taking sides with Crespo, and many sol
diers have deserted the government,
Crespo, th" 1'ifiich officers say, has tho
repututm.i in i.ik the best general In
Venezuela !. n a brave fighter, but
his polity ut t-itsent istoromain inactive
while his tut- es are swelled by deserters
from Pnlucio's army and by discontented
Even the most loyal citizens havo been
rendered restless by the despotic mens
ures to which Palaclo has resorted to
suppress the rebellion. Spies ot tho
Government aro everywhere, and hardly
a day passes without tho arrest of some
conspicuous man for uttoronces supposed
to reflect ou the Government. The
prisons are crowded and the newspapers
are muzzled.
Largo quantities of arms have been
landed recently on the coast near Ca
bello. They are ot American make and
are known to havo been distributed
among Crespo's troops. Wbon he shall
have recruited and irmed his forces suf
ficiently for a long campaign, Crespo Is
believed to intend to march at once on
Valencia, tho capital of Carabobo, or
upon Caracas.
Tho Governmeut is preparing for a
desperate defense of both cities. Tho
garrison in each has been doubled, and
men are at work night and day throw
I lng up earthworks. Extraordinary sup
plies have been stored in the Govern
ment buildings in both cities, and the
roads have been flanked for a distance of
30 miles with small detachments ot sol
diers. The Government has an overflowing
treasury and is supplied with an abund
ance ot small arms und a considerable
number ot cannons. The insurgents
have comparatively few field guns.
Both Valencia and Caracas are already
governed us It in u state of siege.
Government spies are in every
place of public resort and have
made their way into many private house
holds. Arrests uru made without appa
rent causo and men are held prisoners
without examination or trial. Conspicu
ous men not In full sympathy with tho
governmeut fear to go alone in the
streets at night for fear of being seized
and locked up on falso charges. Many
have left the city to escape such a fate,
after having been warned that the gov
ernment spies were-watohlug them.
The Frenoh officers say that the cause
of the revolutionists Is the popular one,
and that in case of two or three victories
for Crespo, tho great majority of the
people would throw off the semblance of
loyalty and join their fortunes with his.
The government has more money and
hotter drilled troops than the revolu
tionists, and the issue of the conflict is
therefore uncertain. At all events, they
say, tho struggle will bo a long one.
Favorable Ioyrjluc Wtjuther In Maine.
IUkooh, Me., April 1. Such favor
able v outlier for logging In northern
Mulno ib Btildoiu known In March, and
the amount of lumber hauled to the
landing) will be considerably In exce&s of
midwinter ostimiiten. Over 50,000,000
fet't of logH will go Into Mooaehead this
season, and that the total Kennebec out
is now ufttlnmtud oh high as 140,000,000
feet, while the Penotocot out will be even
larger. About 131,000,000 feet will come
down the Muttuwumkeng.
Curls Sllll lixclteil.
Paris, April 1. Tho proof that Rtiv
ncliol, tlio AimrcliUt leader in the recent
outrngufi, is n desperate oriuiinnl, whose
neck should he under the guillotine, has
intensified the nxeltement and nppre
liutulou in regnrd to Anarchiit outrages.
The polloe, on the other hand, express
gratifleution at tho dUoovery.
Bentoutif tt lu be Kluctrncutoil.
QtSKB Falls, N. Y., April 1 Chas.
.A. Wright, who has been ou trial at
EllisabethtQwn, Essex County, charged
with the murder of Mrs, Hetlalla Taylor,
of Westpoit, was found nullty ami sen
tenced to be electrocuted during the week,
cutumenolug May 18.
Cltalrman Sluipliy'a Ditutlitor Duail.
Tivov, N. Y., April 1. Miss Mary Mur
phy, the eldest daughter of Hun. itdward
Murphy, jn. . died at the family residence
on Fifth avenue after a brief illness.
Deceased wus au accomplished and buftK.
tlful young lady.
Can't do it
but oro willing to pay for learning lioir to
niako ns good an nrliclo as Wolftb Aome
Blackiku of cheap material so thst u
retailer can profitably sell it at 10c
Oar price is 20c.
Tho retailer says the public will not pay
it. Wo say tho public will, because tliey
will always pay a fair jirico for a good
article. To shuw liotb. tlio trade and tho
public that wo want to pive them tho best
for tho least money, wo will pay
For nbovo information ; this offer is open
until January 1st, 1H93.
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
Pik-Itoilis thonamoofn paint which
does work that no other paint can do. iVeu
wood painted with It looks like tho natural
wood when It Is stained and varnished.
will find it profltablo to Investigate. All
pulnt stores sell 1U
It Is a seamless shoe, with no tncka or wnx thread
to wUrt the feet; mod a of the best fine ralf, stylist!
and easv, l because we male more shod tifthi
gradr than unit Olf1 viamtfacturer, It equals baud-
wwro mnnw ixHsung lr'ilr w w .w.
CCe OO Genuine Hamr-WM'li tbe flntc&lf
unoo ever otrerea lor ss.lvj ni"S.,Tr
ImnortPd shoes which coat from A9.ivun3m.fn.
Rhoo ever offered for jnr'FRjBSfi!
CtA 011 lliiniUi'ucil Welt Hioc. fine calf,
etvllrih. comfortnliln anil iliirnhtn. Ihn hnsl
ehoe ever offered at this price i Fame k ratio as diatom-made
shoes costing from 8-00 to $
CO 50 Tolico Short Farmer, Hallroad Mm
Pa andiretterrarrieraall wear them; Dnecalf,
eeatnlota, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten
Flonedge. ono Jialr will earayear,
C?0 5" fine calf; no better slmocvcr offered at
mPfiaB this price; ouo trial will convince tfeosa
who want a shoo or comfort and service.
(CO 1111 11 i -)! Wiirlclnffmnnvfi shoes)
ufettm are very etronjf nnd durable. Tuoie who
Imvu given them n trial will wear uo other make.
DfUC' &Ol it ml V$1.7ft school shoes aro
0 JJ 9 worn by the boys every where; they cell
on their merits, ns the increasing sates show.
B fH Sac "!.00 llnml-MMtc.l shoe, best
ImGUICv) Uongola, veryst)ll6h; equals t'renclK
Imported shoes rostinff from gLOn to &GW.
I'litUe' '-i.-IK, 9.00 and Si. 75 shoo for
Misses nre the best flnoDongola. Stylish iiud durable.
Cam lorn See that V. n. Douitlas' name and
price are stamped on the bottom or each shoo.
Insist on loril advertised dealers sunplylntr von.
W. DOLtJLAsf, llrocluou, Mass. fcildLj
Xortli Irlnin StM ftlicnaiidoali
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing.
Chapped Bauds, Wounds, Burns, Etc.
Removes and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Uso in Hard Water.
5ss fipffft.fsaaajte
tho nntr Rcbutan Uernt&a Amerkt
f- pi.. M.i lu th I'a!' t Buti wb. te
to cur' Blood Poison,
Nervous Debility Spe
cial OlseaBos iu
l... ..boraThroat Mouth,
mutchf. linii!i ruptioBt, Kl f
liftri I'll r M.lilrf IrrltktloBS,
IoHutiufttijo RUDblDf.
blrltilulfi WtftViuM tod F.rh
Sao;, loii mraufry Mt bsok nifel mtl if KlAny
ItutUr 1Uhi inl an DlMwta ronultlnl from KiwWi
lu lU'-ri tlun nr Orrtrworli Htr'nt cuhi run1 In 4 Ut 10 ritrll
nliitf a uuiH. Do u4 tioir, no imiii r what aim
Itilns nuctor. Quaok, Painllr or lloii1tal l'hrlolaa hu 'alias.
Ir. THGKL cure, positively an-l wiibout dtatfaB rrom
raamudt rlrh or poor, Bnl Xf itamp for bOOtt
'THOTH" aipoala, Qnarta onil r a.oro uadawalala.
Hot'.i daily Iron S to I ! I K Wad. aad rlak
Xr'sa S u 10. f aadar S HU II rluj ot .all and aa aatad.
rac BafcKrrmi u aaa Wadn. Saturday PbUa. dally Tuaflra
Green Truck Stand !
Cor. Main and Oak Streets.
Fresh Oysters Received Daily.
A Hue line ot Choice OHOOUltlKa
Nuts and Candles.
Poultry of all Kinds.
Mr. CosUet receives liU Kreen truofc dally
Iroiu tlie oiiv msrkets, whVoh In a guarantee
to lilt, ou omsrs that they will receive flesu.
goods whsti liii'l..sfroiu film.
201 N. Main Sb aiipyuloah.
Tho Finest Slock of BfefvAIos, Cigars, e'.
! ieward