it ;! 3 i We fill Meet Prices OP ALIj COMl'KTITOHS, tfc-QUALITY CONSIDERED WHO C11VK OZ. TO THE POUND. A NO QUARTS TO THE GALLON AT- SEVERN'S. QOLID nijtl plated Silver ware. Gold and Silver Wutclics, Diamonds, Precious Stones, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti cal Goods, Banquet,Parlor and Piano LampSjimiquo in. design with 75 and 250 candle power burners. All goods superior iu finish and quality wrh rock bottom prices that withstand all opposition victoriously. Repair work executed neatly and promptly at Holdermans Jewelry Store, The most jiror resplvo eMabllkliment lu tliocouuiy. Corner Main ana Lloyd Streets. A Vory Kent Reply. Tblt week Judge makes h very neat reply t ) the lata Democratic campaign cry ol "Grand p's llat" In 111 front cartoon Undo Sam st&ndl'boloro a countor in a hal tloro gazing at two characteristic hats, labeled respectively '"Harrison" and ' D I). Hill." Hehlnd tho liati an the printed re jord9 of tho worers nt them. Even the averago Democrat must admit that thU cartoun makes a very oflVctlvo argument Tho double pane is a very clover cartoon taking off 0'ovoland's letter to Gunoral Urauff. Clovcland U represented n poor old Hip Van Winltlo coming back to th Ihn after a sleep of only lour jcara to And a groat chanao in i H'.irs Tho fun I juri beginning and If you want to bo politically happy, buy this week's copy of your news dealer. rniRQ reiiic "I want my money back," said tho square-jawed woman. "This stuff ain't what it's cracked up to bo, by a heap." "No?" ventured the druggist. 'No, Indeed. Doesn't it say on tho bottlo that 'three applications to the hair will convert tho most pronounced brunette Into a charming blonde?' " "I guess it does." "Well, it didn't work with mo. I'm blondo cnough, but I don't seem to charm lor a cent, lie's gone and mar ried that pug-nosed widder on Central avenue." Indianapolis Journal. Found Out. The best and mwiist wny (o get rid of a Couch or onia that runy ilovchp Into con sumption Isto Invest Si renin In a bottle oi l'an.TIUH, the crent remedy f-r Coughs, c Ids, L Grippe Tliiuntuud I.tmB Disorders, Trim bottles 'ree at I". 1' 1). Klrllu's droit storo. AMUSEMENTS. "WANTS, &c TJlOIl SALE. A dwelling houso, containing ; lire rooms, situated at Turkey ltun. Apply to Mrs. Joshua Jones, Turkey Itun. 3-30-lw WANTED. A girl for general houso work. Oood wagos paid. Call at tho Herald offlco. . 3-11-tf SOU SALE. Cheap, a ono-horso spring wagon with top, Also a two-scat surrey h extension top. Apply to Fred, liurkhart, S3 North Main street. 3-3-tf WANTED, AGENTS. Wo want first-class salesmen to handle our Lubricating Oil and arease products as a side lino. Columbia Oil and Grease Co., Cleveland, O. 3-a-tw VI7 ANTED. Two copies of Itobert Mauch Vy lino's book. Must bo In good condition and cheap. Address Hbhai.d oltlco. 3J-tf WANTED. A dlnftig room girl, tho Ferguson House, pply a 3-31 1 NOTICE OF DECREE CHANGING THE namo of John Shceler to John Luszcynskl In tho Court bf Common I'loas of Schuylkill county, In tho matter of tho petition of John Shceler for a decree changing his namo to John Luszcynskt. And now, March SI, 1692, three months after the presentation of the foregoing petition, and on motion of J H. l'omeroy, at torney for said petitioner, tho court decrees that tho name of said John Shceler bo changed to John Luszcynskt, and tbo Shenandoah Even ing 11 Kit ai. I), a newspaper published In said county, bo designated for the publication of the notice of this decreo for four successive weeks, unless causo be shown to tho contrary. Extract from tho record. S. C. KIItK, PrOthonotary. Shenandoah, Match 23, 1892. 3-23-oaw-4t LAUBB'S i,ooai.i:tti:s. Base ball next month. Tho snow is going fast All fools day Is coming Yesterday was a spring day. This week Is a busy ono for tho banks. Thoro is much complaint about tho crossings. The hardost headed man was born with a soft snot Tho spring girl Is hero away ahead of the Tobins. Tho dross makor must now bo a designer as woll. It is to be hoped tho new council will tlx tho streets. Why should not Shenandoah inaugurate a system of street paving? OTho April showers will soon be here to bring us tho May flowers. March caino in llko a Hon and It kept up a lion-like disposition very well. Church choirs and Sunday schools aro already practicing on Easter music. Moving has already commenced and for the next few days will bo lively. People aro unreasonable thoy expect a man to give his promise and to keep it too. You must now wait until tho snow has loft us beforo you put down any garden seed A Million F rionds. A friend in need is a friend indeed, ard not loss than ono million people bavo found juBt such a friend in Dr. King's Now Dis covery fir Consumption, Coughs and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cougb Medicino, ono trial will convince you tba it has. wonderful curative powers in ail dieo&tcs of Throat, Chest and Lungs Bach bottle is guaranteed to do'all that is claimod or money will bo re'unded. Trial bottles Iree at C. II IJagenbuch's drug tore,. Largo bottles 60c. and $1.00. eiltiVHON'n T1IKATRI5, p. j. ficnacsON, manaoeb. Six nights only, commencing MONDAY, MARCH 28, '92. and Saturday Matinee, the famous Mr. and Mrs. Punch Robertson, Supported by their own j W. Y. Atjenaeum Dtfaipuic Co.j In a select repertolro of comedies: wiinnsil:v Crimes of a Great Cltv Thursday A Woman's Itevengo Friday Two Old Pais Kaiurdav Matinee David Crocket Saturday Night A Golden Letter Rend Tliln. On Monday night wo pass every lady free if accompameu uy a person noming a paiu ro Bprvnil sent ticket. SPECIAL. Each person entering tho houso every night will receive a number on tho gold watch which will bo given away Wednesday night, wumoers given away eacn nignt. Saturday, at 2:80. wo give a grand family mat inee. Admission 10 cents. Every child receives a bag of line mixed caudy, besides a doll to tho gins ana a wagon io mo ooys. Prices 10. 20 and 30 cents. " We Study to Please I " Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING IN THE Pilsner txxx&. Iiagoi1 Boor OUDEIl AT ONCE. Christ. Schmidt, Agt, 207 West Coal St, 1 si3:E2sr.3srjDO-A-K:. Promoters of LOW PRICES T Just Received! 50 Cases Cold-packed Tomatoes, 13 cans$r. 00 Remember, these are not hot-packed goods, and we will guarantee that there are no better Tomatoes in the market at any price. Straight Roller-Process Family Flour, 50 For this week only we will' give Ten Three-pound Bars of Soap for iI.OO For general household purposes there- is - no better soap to be had. We have a Fine Fresh Roasted Coffee, per pound, 18c This coffee we claim to be equal to any high-priced grade in the market. Good Horses I Nice Buggies I Fine Double Carriages! in chargo ot good, careful, respectablo driv ers, to biro at all times and at rcasonablo rates at EVAN J. DAVIES' LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, 12 ami 14 Xorth Tear Alley, Rear of Luburg's hardware storo. Homes (.- In Hoard, Careful attention given to Feeding Horses. All kinds of HAULING at tended to promptly charges moderate. UNDERTAKING Faithfully and promptly attended to. FULL WEIE MEASURE GUARANTEED ! OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, No. 114 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. LEATHER and SHOE FUNGS Paralyzers of HIGH PRICES T Keajrey'a pboto3, monoy rofunded. all guaranteed or 3 29 tf GR0GERY LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK. Fish, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed, Potatoes, Green Truck, Hay and Straw, kc, Ac. Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store ! (Muldoon's old stand) COMER CENTRE AND WEtf STREETS. More Heals Fur Ituporten at SllnneapoUs. Hl.NMCAroi.i8, March 80. Tbo original convention ball plans provided for 234 seats (or the representatives ot tho press. Tie Press Committee fancied that these accommodations were insufficient. Some members of tho National Committee thought that more scat3 for the press would crowd out somo of the spectators. Architect llnyes, however, has found that fifty mora seats can be added in the space already allowed to the press with out crowding, aud it has been' decided that 274 seats will be reserved for the newspaper men. Succcrdt Cardinal Manning. London, March 150. It is officially an Bounced that the Kt. Rev. Herbert Vauif ban, liishop of Balford, bus been ap pointed to the place of Cardinal Man ning. Tho I'ope is said to be delighted -with the appointment of liishop Vang hnu, as the latter is in thorough syraua- thy with tho Tontlll's utterances on the labor question, and is as famous In Eng land for his philauthrophy as was Carul nl Manning. Coming KtenU. Mar. 80 "The Tattling Tongue," lrc- iuro by ltev. II. O James in tho F, M church, for tho benefit of a tick and needy family. April 21. A marigold tea In Rohbinf' kail, under the auspices of 'the drgreo EtaQ' lydia Degree Lodge, No. 112, I. O. O. V. Restaurant Oor. Main and Coal Bts ttneuanaoan, l'a. Regular meals nt popular prices served at all times. Lbdles dining an i re. rrcshmenl rooms atfacn ed. liar stocked with Me flupst brands ol cigars and fancy drinks. Leading Restaurant in Town. Notice tfl the lubllc. I hereby notify the public that I have taken the general agency for Schuylkill county for tho Allan, American, Anchor, Baltic, Ounard, Domini m, Fabre, Italian French, Qulo i, Hamburg - Arnarioar I'ackot Company, Inman, Ked Star, Nortli 0 Tutsi Lloy, NetUerland, DnVm tin Wultu S'.ur lino, and I am enabled t eell tickets at leM fatej thin any "the BKcnt. Max Hkbsk Waters' Wotw beer 1 luo best. John A Eollly solo agent. tS-ti l'lstilng- TiicklH. A large lot of the finest fishing tackle, cheaper and better than over, Just received, dome and boo me beforo purchasing clto tthero and you will save mono at Max Kkksk's, Forgmon Houso, lfl Y. Centre St. DP 0- CLBABY, Dealer In all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and first-class Block. All Demands of the Trade Suppfieo 18 W. CENTRE ST., Fergnson House bulldltii, SHENANDOAH. PA. FOLMER?S Saloon and N. WHITE STREET. First-class Lager Beer, Ale, Porter and Tem perance uriuKs aim uigars. iino om Wines and Liquors always on hand. II. O. FOLMER, Prop. Call around and tjiend a pleasant hour. OPB1T! Saturday, March 1292 VERY ATTRACTIVE. Basement of Egan Buying, Cor, Main i Centre Sts, First-class guns, etc C. E. F0RSEMAN, Proprietor. WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stana 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where be win ho plea-ed to meet ibewanU 01 ms inenas ana tna public in Everything in the Drinking Lino George H. Williams Will occupy the store-room, 27 K. JnrcUu St., .Hlicumnlonli ON APRIL 1st. A full Hue or dry goods, groceries, oil clotli l-'Lumt h tr barrel. Oth nrovlslous. eto. goods In proportion. Will VV IUVU lis, her Prices ot all competitors J. GALLAGHER. Justice ef tbe Peace, Eeil Estate and Insurance Agencj. Offlco Muldoon's Uutldlng, Shenandoah, I' Restaurant Jfo. 11B NEW DRUG STORE. dwaruA. Morgans. Co. (Formerly Bhaplra's Pharmacy) 107 South Main Street, NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Prescriptions carefully compounded by registered puariitncisui. f0 PROTECT YOUR LUNGS Procure one of our Chest Protectors. A Cheerful Homo. "Well. Marr. how cheerful your homo Is. You always havo such a cheerlul tiro." "Tea, iisirue; we aiwaya naveu gooa nre since wo eet our coal from Zcrbe & Co.'s Moun tain Colliery. Uefore we always had such a tiinegcviuig a nre in me morning. That made us all cross and crabbed ; but now overy thing is lovely. And, besides, It Is cheaper. Mart Shoemalu-r takes orders, does the cnllActlni? A A GRAND OPPORTUNITY Corner in Hats. Somo hats aro neither -worth throwinc nor taking out of a corner. A good hat islght, dur able, shapely and a pleasure to the weareri a uau uut iga'i woria powacr cnougn 10 diow i( into perdition. Good hats aro no more expen sive than bad ones, but bad hats are expensive at any price and sensible men couldn't be paid to wear them. Our $2 hat is a perfect gem, and there Is no reason to be without ono at this low llgurc. The same is true ot our 25c Neckwear and Suspenders. Oood shirts from 5o up to is. All the newest things in gents' underwear, col lars and cuffs. Everything at rock bottom price ig South Main St., Shenandoah. A FINESH0W If you want to see a flue display ot Boots nn( Shoes, goto W. S. SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller's old stand.) Corner Coal and jurdlu Bin. Custom "Work and Repalrlnt Done In the best style. fiir tocotl - " 3 AEMEKTS gotten up with tasto and caro aro always a pleasuro to tho woaror. For style and gentility our Spring Clothing is "Away up in G" itfits well, looks woll.wcars woll and is mado well. Service above all 'things our first consideration. This. lor with modorato prices, has built up our reputation. YATES Co. Cor. 13th and Chestnut Tour Bye on This ! LAST CHANCE Offer Refused for the Remaining Stock at 30 North Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. Ladles Finest Tnn Oxford Ties ROc, worth $1.50 " Fine Button Shot s jl.oo si.fil) Girls' Fine Uutton Shoes M ,75 " 1.50 Men's Flue Congress Shots 1,00 Heavy BBoes 73 " Rubbers a few left 25 " Base Bull Shoes i... 60 " ' Miner BroguiiH 75 Boys' Best Kip Boots 125 " Girls' Rubber Boots 1.00 " A few days only remain to secure these bargains. DON'T DELAY. 11 it it 1.25 1.60 2 00 1.75 21 Ko. 30 North Maih Street, 2 60 i. 1.50 In .75 GBEATL"Y REDUCED "DRUS8EL8 from 60o up. Table aud Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums from 25o up. Window Shades, Rugs, MatlBjCurtaln Poles, etc., at low prices. The best line of Lace Curtains ever shown in town from $1.00 a pair up. PRICES 1 J J PRTPF'S old reliable, U U JL XVXVJJLj j north main street. On and after April 1st, GEORGE ROBINSON, lb HARNESS -MAKEB, Will occupy tho storeroom, N. llaln St., nextlto Hagtntuch's Drug Storo. fl M.JIAMJLTON.M.l)., ' PHYSICIAN AND SUR0E0N. 00108-28 West Lloyd Btrcet, Hhenanaoul. l'a. ! -. COFFEE HOUSE. MRS. CONNICK IN CHAUQE. A SQUARE HEAL AT A NOMINAL PRICE. Everything well cooked and clean. An elab orate bill ot fare dally. Lodgings for travelers. RKf. CONNICK, 32 N Mailt fit. JOHN R. COYLli, At'wDcy-al-Law and Real Estate Agent, Onice-llcddaU's Uuildlnf, Shenandoak, Pa.