The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 28, 1892, Image 1

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    1 "'Mref"TT"8!f
A small '"want" advertisement placed In
tho "Herald" will bring more- answers to
tho advertiser than through any other pa
per clrcu -r 7i tTrr latod In
tho town JI A W I becousolt
Is moro VSt X generally
read. Ono trial -will convince you Of this
fact, for tho simple reason thai tho "Her
ald" Is read by all tho people of tho town.
A small "want" advertisement placed In
tho "Herald" will bring moro answers to
tho advertiser than through any other pa
per clrcu t-t yr yrn lntod In
tts WANT s
read. One trial will convince you of thft
fact, for the slmplo reason that tho "Her
ald Is road by all the people of ;the town.
VOL. VII.-NO. 75.
The Evening Herald.
Has a larger circulation In Shenandoah than
any other paper published. Clrcu
latlon boobs open to all.
The honest laboring man who In
vestlgates tho subject without preju
dice will bo convinced that the Re
publican party was organized chielly
aa tho friend of free labor; that It has
been faithful to its II rut principles on
this subject and Is depending to-day
more upon the support of Intelligent
labor than upon any other element of
our national sovereignty. It is a
great, powerful labor party.
IIiLi-, In his first Virginia speech,
at Roanoko, said of the Democratic
paity : "It Is tho party that has al
ways upheld civil liberty and indi
vidual freedom," "Always" Is a long
time, Mr. Hill. How about those
days before Lincoln issued his eman
cipation proclamation? Or does tho
word "white" go with "civil liberty"
and "individual freedom" in your
category ?
There are more paupers, supported
nl tho publio expense, In free trade
England than In any other country
on earth and vastly more pauperism
in proportion to population. Does
this condition of tho toiling masses
speak well for free trade. On the
other hand, there are vastly fewer
publicly supported paupers and In
finitely less pauperism in proportion
to population in the United States
than In any other country. Protection
rescues the laboring masses from pov
erty. There is much mawkish and pul
ing sentimentality talked and written
over the alleged friendly feeling of tho
peoplo of England towards "their
cousins across the water." The feel
ing of England towards America
is that of a great commercial country
towards its most formidable rival,
which must be crushed at all hazards,
or Great Britain's supremaoy is ended.
That Is the hereditary and constant
cents per yard for
Floor Oil Cloth; othors for
4PB 30. 85 anil 40 ctH. andunwnrda.
Tho prettiest lino of Oil Cloths
and Carpets In Shenandoah.
C. D. Fricke's Carpet Store,
10 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah.
Just arrived tills, uiornlus: direct from tUe grove. Packed
and snipped game day nspiclscd. Fine, sweet and juicy.
25 cents a
j you cannot understand
Jilorida Oranges at fio
abotit it. You can buy
people ao the worrying. We have a large shipment
now on the way, direct from Florida, which will
arrive in a few days, and nottvithstanding the re
cent sharp advance will be sold at
Our Minnesota Flour !
Xs tnc Highest Grade Patent Flour we Iutvc ever liad. We
have'NO BUTTER to olTer at any price. Tlie price
lias been $6 per barrel until quite recently.
Tills Is tnc lowest price ever known tor tlie Best Minne
sota Flour, and we guarantee every barrel to
give entire satisfaction.
Try Our Pickled Tripe, spiced ready
1,000 busbels Choice V bite Outs, Clipped and Rcclcaued,
Weighs 38 pounds to the bushel.
One Car of MIDDLINGS and CHOP will Arrive in a Few Days.
New Fishing Crcclc Bucltwhcat Flour
and Fresh Ground Corn Meal.
Fresh Dairy Butter.
attitude of tho two couu tries. Itls.ffU'P FT Vf'PPTP
.jus... ... vuv " i """'ti
question. It is shown in the attitude
of all EDgllsh peoplo and English
sympathizes on the tarlQ question In
this country. Bo far as sentiment
goes, there Is hardly a country that
Great Britain would more willingly
go to war with than this country. If
war between the two countries is Im
probable, It can only be while it would
injure John Bull's pocket.
The policy of the Democratic party
on tho wool tariff question means the
immediate annual transfer of over
one hundred million of dollars a year
of our money to foreign lands to pay
for foreign cheap labor on manufac
tured wool products and wool raised
by cheap labor on cheap lands in
South America and Australia, taking
a like amount away from our enter
prising manufacturers, well-paid labor,
and not too prosperous farmers. Tho
excuse for this hideous and criminal
folly Is tho falsehood, demonstratable
In every clothing store of the land,
that the turlfl is a tax upon the ncc
essary clothing of the people. There
are thousands .of living witnesses in
the land to-day who will truly testify
that the most enormous taxes upon
clothing were paid to foreign manu
facturers under free trade or tariffs for
revenue only. Protection has been
steadily decreasing the price of the
people's nlothiug during tho last
twenty-five years, until now it has
become almost as low as it is any
where on earth.
One of the first advocates of fret
trade in this country, a Senator of the
state of South Carolina, once said that
tho Northern free laborers were all
"mud-sills," "greasy mechanics" and
"small-fisted farmers." His meaning
was interpreted by another free trade
apostle of his time, who more boldly
declared that "capital should own
labor, white or black." They were
the fathers of our existing free trade
Democrats, but tho latter, are less
courageous and honest.
It has been proven by living -witnesses that
Pan-Tina Is a remarkable specino for the quiet
cure of the difficult and dangerous throat and
lung troubles-its equal can't be found. Costs
25 cents. i'an-Tlna is sold at I P. L. KIrlln's
drug store.
Hall's new mammoth photograph gal
lery, 29 West Centro street. Givo him a
call. 3-li-t.
tohy JLelter can sell Fine
cents a dozen, don't worn
the Oranges, and let other
for the table, 4 lbs. for 25 cts.
Corner Main and Lloyd Streets.
I llrlcf Description of the System, Show
lug' tho Locution of tho Alarm Hoxcg,
anil I low to Manipulate tho Siiinc.
locating a Iflre.
HE electric flro alarm
syftem was formally
tested Saturday and
found satisfactory.
Goorgo Oohmer, tho
electrician who put in
tho system under tbe
contract of tho Game
well Company of Now
York with tho bor-
ougb, finished
Saturday and
work beloro six p. m.
7 o'clock ho met the
members of tho firo apparatus committee,
Mossrs. Coakley, Hopkins and McGuiro,
and other borough officials, to mttko tho
The committee and electrician, accom
p&nied by Firo Marshal Frank Lowis.went
to all the boxes and sounded an alarm at
each. Members of the firo companios
stood at tho Indicators in their respective
bouses to seo that thoy recorded tho signals
properly and Sam Wragg, who was Mr,
Oehmer's assistant tho past week, remained
in the bell tower to watch tho movements
of the electrical apparatus that operates tho
Tho first alarm was sounded from box
No. 25, at the southeast corner of Main
and Centro streets, the lover being pulled by
Charles, tho five-year-old son of Council
man Coakley. Instantly tho bell in tho
tower sounded "2," and six soconds later
"5." All tho sanio timo tho figures "2-5"
wero recorded on all tho indicators. Tho
second alarm wa? sounded from box No. 1C,
at the corner of Bowers and Centre streets,
This alarm was sounded by Edward "Will
iams, son of Division Superintendent John
L. Williams. This alarm was also
satisfactory. Tho rest of tho boxes wero
sounded in the following order; 24, 15, 30,
62, 42, 43 and 34. All, except tho last three,
gave satisfaction. But upon another trial
the exceptional boxes, 12, 43 and 84 met
the requirements.
Councilmen Devera, Hopkins, Coakloy
and McUuiro were then anxious to deter
mine whether or not the system was really
a non-interfering one and selected boxes 10
and 23 for tho test. Tho levor of the first
box was pulled and as tho alarm was being
sounded box 25 was operated. Tho bell
sounded 1-0 four times and then stopped,
showing the pulling of the lover of box
No. 2j in no way interfered with tbo first
alarm. Lever 25 was again pullod and tho
alarm was sounded correctly.
All tho borough officials interviewed ox-
pressod themselves as well pleased with
tho system and Mr. Oehmen was compli
mentod upon his work.
It is understood that Council will hold a
special meeting to-night to decide whothor
all the requirements of tho Gamewell com
pany's contract have been complied with
Tho following list shows tho location of
tho alarm boxes.
No. 15 corner Coal an d Bowor streets.
No. 10 corner Coal and Centro streets.
No. 21 corner Bridge and Centre stroots.
No. 25 cornor Main and Centro streets.
-No. 31 corner Main and Poplar streets.
No. 35 cornor Main and Coal streets.
No. 42 cornor Gilbert and Contro streets.
No. 43 corner Gilbert and Cherry streets.
No. 52 cornor Ohostnut and Coal etroeti.
To send an alarm open tho box, pull
the hook once and let go. Whop an alarm
is sent in the fire bell will sound tho num
ber of the box and repeat the alarm four
To locate an alarm pay strict attention to
tho taps of tho firo bell. If the alarm is
sounded from box 15 the flro boll will strike
one, then pauso and strike fivo which will
ndicatelhat tho fire Is in the vicinity of
No. 15 box, Every alarm is sounded four
One koy will bo loft in tho most conven
ient place nearest each box, the Chief
Burgess, each of tho policomon and each of
tbe firo marshals have been given keys and
tho balance of tho forty-five aro distributed
among'members of tho firo companios.
The firo bell in the tower can be sounded
from any box in tbe town.
All keys aro numbered and aro cbargod
to tho parties roceiving thorn, and those
parties will bo held rosponsiblo for thoir
proper ueo.
A release koy la furnished tho firo
marshal and the key that unlocks tho
outer door of the box cannot be taken out
until it is released with tho marshal's key,
so that thoro will bo no difficulty in tracing
a party who, may tamper with thu b&xoa in
that respect.
I found Dr. null's Oouirh Svrun In h 11 mrist.
effectual remodv and fiwi Burn that, thn tnrut
stubborn cough and cold will yield to It beating
luumw. jttun a. I'nuv. new urieuug, lm.
If you wish a good photograph of your
self call at tho Hall gallery, 29 W. Centro
etroot. 3-11-tt
Iter. l'owlck's Dlricuursc In tho Methodist
J:plscip;il Church.
The sermon Sunday morning In tbo
Methodist Episcopal church was from tho
texts "Peace, be still," Mark IV; 30.
These words wer.0 addressed to tho raging
soa by the Son of God. A storm at sea is
the most frightful manifeslation of tho
forces of nature with which wa aro fa
miliar. Jesus Christ provod Ills divinity'
when Ho showed Ills superiority to them.
Among tho practical lessons wo aro to
loam from this miracle is that ot God's
superiority to tho forces of nature. This
is an important truth in this materialistic
ago in which men aro writing nature
with a big N and calling it God
and aro worshipping at its shrines.
It is n comfort to know that thoro is One
who presides over naturo who h not only
au-poworiui but all loving, nature is a
monster that rides with relentless fury ovor
ovorything that stands in his way. But
our God
'Yokes the whirlwind to Ills car
And Bweeps tho howling skies."
A sea captain entered his cabin in a
storm and found his wifo terror stricken.
Ho seized a dagger and hold It at her
breast. "Why aro you not frightened?"
he askod. Sho answerod "bocauso my
husband holds it." "Then," ho demanded,
"wnyuoyou tear the storm when your
Heavenly Fathor holds it?" Proporly
understood God's great power should be a
sourco of groat comfort to all His childron.
Tho moro powerful my Father is tho bolter
for me. This miracle also teaches us that
all forces that array thomsolvos against tbo
the progress of God's cause-are destined to
"No weapon that is formed against theo
shall prosper." This triumph over natural
forcos was symbolical of tbe victories to be
won over moral forcos. Howover impu
dent haters of God and of right may bo
now sumo day tho command will go forth
"bo still" and there will bo a great calm
Another lesson is that most of our trials
arise from a want of faith not that a want
of faith brings tho storm or tho ship wreck
or tho sickness or tho boreavement but
that thoy dorivo their sting from a want of
faith or from allowing it to slumber. Most
of our trials, however, are thoso which
never come. Faith in God 6aves us from
those ovcrlasting worrios that oxist only in
imagination. I am not much surprised at
tho disciples' want of faith for they had not
learned much about Him. Ho wa3 only
beginning His displays of wonder-making
power. But I am oiten surprised at my
own and at yours. With tho accumulated
ovidoncos of His omnipotont lovo that tho
centuries contain our doubts aro truly sur
prising. Wo aro much like tho weary traveler
who, after accepting an invitation to rido,
continued to carry bis burden because it
was enough for tho horso to haul him. So
wo often commit our destiny to God but
continue to bear our burdens instead of
laying them upon Him. Another lesson is
that somo of our richest experiences come
to us somo of sorest trials. This trial of
tho disciples' faith gavo thorn a now view of
Christ. When tho calm onsued and the
sun shone thoir faith was stronger tor the
tost. As the fearful storm sways tbo
mighty forest and threatens 'to uproot tho
giant oaks but in reality only sends their
tap-roots tho dooper so tho stormy trials of
lifo often sends tho tap-roots of our faith
the deeper into tho soil of eternal lovo and
make it cling tho moro tenaciously to tho
rock of immutablo truth. Tho ship that
bears tho Son of God cannot go down.
Prevention Better Than Ouro.
Many porsons are a 111 1c tod with skin
eruptions, boils or ulcers. Brandreth's
Pills taken freely will in a short time effect
complote euro of all such troubles.
Ulcers of long standing huvo boon cured
by them. Carbuncles havo boon chocked
in their incipioncy by tliem. Tho worst
fevor sores, bed sores, and tho liko have
boen drlvon from tbe skin by them. Only
begin in time and a low of Brandreth's
Pills will prevent many a sickness.
Brandreth's Pills aro purely vegetable,
absolutely harmless, and safoto tak" at any
timo. " lw
reunion Grunted.
'Squiro Shoemaker has obtalnod a pension
of $12 por month for John KIcharde, of
Hazleton. The pension was granted under
tbe Act of Juna 27, 1600, and dates from
October 22, 1890. The back money amounts
to f 181,80. Richards was a member of Co,
M, 108th Itegt. Pa. Vol.
Buoklen's Arnica Salvo.
Tho Bost!Salvo In the world for Cuts,
Bruisos, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Itheum, Fever
Sores, Tettof, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no payment required.
It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction,
or monoy rofundod. Price 25 cents per
box. For e&lo by O. U, Hagenbuch.
2,000 cloth bound books, worth 50 cents,
for 20 conts each; 6,000 26-cent paper
covored novels, all new, for 10 conts ouch,
at Max lleoso's, West Contro stroet, Fer
guson Hotel block.
Coughing LoadB to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough at
Host photographs and crayons at JDabb't
The Sermon Prciichcil hy lie v. Powlck
Yesterday Funeral of tho La to JulinQ
Heck A Large Attendance Police
man Tempest's Capture,
EOPLE who chanced
to bo in the vicinity of
tho Lehigh Valley
dopot Saturday after
noon witnessed a street
fight that threatened
to procipitato a riot
It aroso from tho cap
ture of a Hungarian
by Deputy Tax Collector Higgins, who
insisted that tbo man ehould pay
his taxes before ioaving the town. The
Hun intonded to leave lor New York and
wa9 fighting drunk. When Higgins at
tompted to arrest him he rosistod. Ho was
as strong as a bull and for 'half a square
down East Centre street tho collector had
one of tho fiercest struggles of his life,
Higgins adjusted a pair of chain hand
cuffs, but tho Hun struggled so they were
thrown off, Again Higgins grabbed his
man. The Hun struck out right and
loft and his cantor was obligod to jump
about pretty lively to escape tho blows. Tho
collector occasionally put in a hot "right
hander," but tbo punishment only served
to increase the Hun's anger. Tho fight
lasted for several minutes, on tho pave
ment, in tbe gutter and in tbo mud on tho
streots, ovor ankle doop. Then two big
fellows, friends of tho Hun, attempted a
roscue. Ono of them struck Higgins a
powerful blow. At the same instant Con
stablo Toomoy and several men of tho First
ward jumped in and tho two would-be res
cuors woro punched into submission. Tbo
throo Huns wero then taken to tho lockup.
Aftor reflecting some timo the Hun who ro-
fistod arrest paid his taxes and costs. Tho
othor two paid fines and costs for fighting
on the ttreot.
l'at Conry's Scheme.
Tho World Museum, with its fat woman,
living skeloton, skako charmer and other
wonders, is in town, Tho curiosilios ar-
rivod via a Lehigh Valley train at 9 o'clock
this morning. "Big Uattie." tho f&t
woman, was comfortably seated in an im
mense chair in the baggago car and attract
ed so much attention several pooplo nar
rowly oscapod missing their trains. Pat
Conry was among the spectators and stood
closo to Hattlo's chair. "I was thinking,"
said he to a questioner, "that this is a for
tunate arrival in caso tho weights for tho
chain in tho bell tower fail to arrive."'
Could tbo fat woman bo of sarvico?"
"Yes," replied Pat as ho crossed to tho
Pottsvlllo train, "if tho chain would stand
It." Hattio is so large sho was obliged to
leavo tho car through the baggago door
and tho united efforts of seven mon wero
required to transfor her and tho chair from
tbe car. Sho rodo up to Bobbins' opera
house in O tiara s big furniture wagon,
Desorvlng Praise.
We desire to say to our citizens, that for
years we have been selling Dr. King's New
Discovory for Consumption, Dr. King's
Now Lifo Pills, Bucklon's Arnica Salvo
and Electric Bitters, and have novor
handled remodios that sell as well, or that
havo given such universal satisfaction.
Wo do not hesitate to guarantee them
overy time, and wo stand ready to refund
Ltho purcbaso price, If satisfactory rosults do
not follow their use. These remedies have
won their great popularity purely on their
morits. O. H, Hagenbuch, Druggist.
The World's Museum,
Tho World's Museum Is now open in
Bobbins' opera houso. Don't fail to seo
big Hattio Bowen, largest woman in the
world, actual weight 718 pounds ; Abnetta,
queon of all snako charmors; Delteeno, tha
man of many forms'; Princess Lulu, the
moss-bairod lady; Prof, La Monte, tho
world's greatest magician ; Prof, A. Boll,
tho wonderful latooed man ; Delmonto, the
firo king; Kussel, tho human pin cushion ;
Prof. Hurd's London Punch and Judy.
See tbo happy family of monkoys. A
strictly moral entertainment. Matinees
from 2 to 5 for young ladies and children.
Night from 7 to 10. Admisiion, 10 conts.
Bring your children to Hall's
and havo their pictures takon.
3 1-1-tf
Itemovitl. .
Schaefl'er, tho harnoes manufacturer,
will romoyo on April 1st to 108 North
Main street, next door to Waeloy's drug
store. 3-21-tf
Best work dono at Brennan's ctoam
laundrv. Kvervthintr white and suotloss.
Lac3 curtains a specialty. All work guar
Look out for counterfeits I Seo that you get
iho icenulue Salvation Oill Do not lnt th
dealer sell you some "lust as good," but Insist
uihjq Ktuung me genuine wuu ine uuu Sulfad
trude-umrk on thu wrapper,
Tho Soldlvrs Illd Not Huvo the I'icnlo
Many Hupposc.
Let somo man who thinks so take a
blanket somo cold, rainy night and go out
and sleep in tho pig pen. If ho wants to
be roally luxurious ho may lay a couple of
rails together to keep him out of tho mud.
Ho will thus find out hbiv tho "boys" slept
about 100 days out of every year they
Lot him cet lit) In thn tnnrnlntr nnrl mntn
his breakfast off slice of tfio fattest, rank
est salt pork he can find in tho bottom of a
barrel of brine: sandwich this hntwohn imn
ancient crackers, about as digestiblo as
whito-poplar chips, and wash it down with
scalding black coffee, made in a quart cup
ovor a fire of wot sticks In a fonco-corner.
Let him pick up his dirty blanket, load
himself down with about SO pounds of odds
and ends, and tramo off through Ihn min
and anklo doep mud until noon, when ho
can stop for a few minutes for nnolhnr
snack of fat pork, hardtack and black
Then lot him rosume his tramp, with no
loitering, no picking out of dry places, no
avoiding the mud holes In Ihn mMriln nf
tho road, no hunting around for dry cross
ings ot tho creeks in his way, until lato at
night, when he mar tton for nwhiln in
mako his supper out of the samo materials
wnicn comprised his other two meals.
Thon, as his overy bono and musclo
aches from the laborious march, let soma
onoEaytohim: "Hero, Jones, you had a
good rest last night; you must go on picket
to-night." And thon let him stand tho
livelong night under a dripping tree, peer
ing out anxiously Into the dense darkness
for skulking enomios intent upon putting; a
bullot or a bayonet into his woary body,
and bo kept awake by tho fear that he will
bo shot either by friends or enemies if bo
dares to yield to fatigue. Let the morning
bring no rest to him, but another day of
weary tramping through the mud and rain
with tho prospect that in tho course of it
he and his companions will encounter a
hordo of bitter onemies, intent upon their
destruction, who will at onco procood to
shoot down about one man in every threo
or four of them.
If ho will go through a week of this sort
of picnicking, he will think ihi nnn.inn
of ?8 a month for the rest of his lilo would
bn mighty poor compensation for 11
he had to endure.
Yet this is onlv a samnlo nf whnf thi
men in the Union army had to go through,
not merely ono week, but nearly every
wook in all tho.'years of thoir enlistment.
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend i ndfiOfl. ami
not less than ono million naonln hmn fmmrt
just such a friond in Dr. King's New Dis
covery lor Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. If you havo never used this Great
Cough Medicine, one trial will convinco
you that it ha3 wonderful curativo powers
in all disoases of Throat, Chest and Lungs.
.bach bottle is guaranteed to do'all tht In
cluimed or monoy will bo refunded. Trial
bottles Ireo at O. H. Hacanbiich'a Hrnv
store. Largo bottles 50c. and ?1.00.
liesumt'd Work.
To-day work was resumed at Kobinooj
colliery, which has been Idle for the past
six weeks for tho purpose of repairing tho
shaft. Tho collier gives employment to
about 600 men and boys. It is also stated
that the new colliery near Lanigan's,known
as Maple Hill, will start up on the first of
April. This is the largest colliery in tho
district. j
An Important Difference.
To mako it apparent to thousands, wlin
think thomsolvos ill, that they are not af
fected with any diseaso, but that tho sys
tem 6imul.v needs clpansinc. Is in hrinw
comfort homo to their hearts, as a costive
condition is easily curod by using Syrup of
Figs. Manufactured by tho California Fig
Syrup Co.
Stopped n Hmuuvay.
Tho team of horeoa owned by Smith and
Swingle, tho South Main street merchants',
took fright Saturday afternoon and ran
away, but were caught by Policeman
Tempest boforo thoy could do any damage.
It was a timely act, as tho streots wero
crowded with people.
ricturu Tranies,
The largest and ilnost stock of all sizes of
framos evor brought to this town at
Kougoy's studio. Call and soo him.
Full Dross Inspection,
Thjs evening Company A, Jr. O. U. A,
M. Guards, will havo a full dress inspection
in tho eloctrlo light building. Tho mom
bore of the company will also eleot a cap
tain. Wat,.1 4 I .1.-
moon for the present, as a few doM of Dr.
Coxa's Wild Olmrrc nnd anaU-u has an.
tlroly curod our oough.
, Desirable I,odgo lloom,
A lodge desiring a coty mooting room on"
Saturday, or Sunday evenings of oaohwoek
can be accommodated at Mollel's hall,
which, has boon rcntly paperod, palnlod
and carpeted. Apply to M. Mollot.
Best photographs at Hall's gallery, 29 W
Centre street. 8-14-tf
1 I ,