The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 26, 1892, Image 2

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Whloh Party Will Adopt tho Sug
gestion Mado by a Prominent
Buslnoss Man That Furnishes
a Solution of tho Question?
Kkw Yonic, March 25. The follow
ing nrtlclo will appear lu tho Journal
of Finance to-morrow.
Tlio forth'tominir consideration of
the Bland sliver bill gives special liu
portuuco to tlio silver question, wliii-li
is to-duy the greatest subject, befoie
the American people. Innumerable
theories have been put fortli by var
ious llnauclers. Tliemuu of all otherc,
however, who tias advunced the most
feasible and terse plan for the solution
of this vexed problom. aud one which
is in conformity with tho best busi
ness interests of the country, is the
Hon. H. H. Warner, of New York
City. While Mr. Warner Is primarily
known for his "Safe Cure" discovery,
ills prominence lu financial and po-
lltlcal circles, as a representative dele
gate of tlio National Convention and
his acknowledged ability, give alibis
words special importauce. At a re
ceia small gathering of prominent
gentlemen Mr. Warner expressed his
views on this great subject freely.
This fact came to tho knowledge of
tills tinner, and an interview was
nought witn the honorable gentleman
iur. Warner manilesieu extreme re
luctance to giving out anything foi
publication, claiming tint his plan
should ilrst bo announced in the pint
form of one of the great parties of the
country assembled in National Con
veniion. When assured, however,
that tlie interests of the country de
manded the best views of tlio mos
reliable men upon this paramount
Mibiect, Mr Warner consented to talk,
and said :
"The treatment of tlio sliver ques
tion, in my judgment, should ue u
clean-cut, business-like transaction,
and such as will satisfy the .Eastern
States vith their manufacturing inter
est, the silver-producing States and
Territories, the agricultural region
fnil the capitalists of the country in
every locality.
"l'lierocan ba no doubt that the
agitation of the sliver question is
slowly demoralizing tlio business of
tills country, aileoliug the vuluts ol
our secuiltieH, abroad as well im at
home, and eou causing, throughout
the United SlMes generally, agieu
merits, contracts und bonds to be so
drawn as to piovidefor their payment
ut nnturiiy in gold. The enormous
return of our securities from abroad i
the direct cause of the large exporta
tlon of gold which has taken place
witlnu the past few months. This is
liiivinir a. must detrimental elleut upon
the etmidlng of our securities through
out the world. You will lind that the
conservative foreign investor lias
become alarmed at the continual
niritatiou of the silver question in this
country, and has been disposing of
American securities necause lie Know
JiHnnu receive irold for them, while.
there is damrer in the near future of
liplnc oomnelled to accent silver,
Foreign investors become satisfied that
Inevitably mere must ue a uejireum
linn of Ameilcan securities, owing to
the determined eilort of our people to
make silver the principal circulating
medium of our country.
"At present the subject is being
handled bv leirlBl .tors and the political
parties of the couutry about tne tauie
as physleiaus treat kidney and livtr
"I do not understand you, Mr.
"Why, It Is simply this : They treat
the ellects ot me evn wuiiouv aiuica
lnir the real cause of tho trouble. In
nilinr words, nhvsiciaus treat syrnt)
iimis of kiduev and liver disorders,
mid eall such disorders disease", when
in reality they nre Inn symptoms of
kidueyaud liver UiSaso.
"Ko legislators and tho political
parties of the oountry are devoting
their energies to eiiects, without cm
lng the cause, and are thus ruluiug
one of the most productive enterprises
of America, without regard to the
nuliouul financial health.
' Conscientious physicians and our
most enlightened citizens navo De
is, come satistlod .hut Warner's Safe Cure
nuts the kidneys In a healthy coudl
lion, and by so doing, the symptoms
that arise trom kidney mm liver dis
orders, and which are treated as, and
c tiled dlsea-es, are it-moved, because
when there two organs are lu a
healthy condition, such symptoms,
which are called by mauy diseases,
111 iiot be known, from the faut tlmt
healthy kidneys and liver prevent the
i-ymptomB which are falsely called
1 So I claim that when we renudv
this evil, which is attacking our
national health, and the eliucts of
which are felt In almost every busl
noss in the country, whether It he
agricultural, mntiufacturlug or finan
cial, will ne uouenueu, irom mo luct
that the real cause Is put lu a healthy
condition by restricting the Importa
tion of silver to this country."
"This Is ull quite true, Mr. iVaruer,
but whUtdoyou propose as a remedy."
The gentleman thought carefully for
n moment, and then said : ' I have a
pln which I believe will solve the
problem completely. It la this: lo
begin with, I would placo a nearly
prohibitive tnrifl upou all importa
tions of silver orot, or bullion, varying
tho duty from time to time as might
. be deemed expedient by the Secretary
of the Treasury, In short, utilize tho
expetience gained in this direction by
tho banks of England ami France lu
the regulation of tho gold clroulutlou
nf tlm world. Bv this plan tho present
standard silver dollar, worth but about
70 cents, would again gradually ad
vunce to its par In gold, us was the
iw iviimi tho nuestlon of free coinage
wu being agitated, at which time It
in lil ut lilmut l ner uz., ukuiiibi, hi
cents, the nreeeut price. Why should
leuio, mo I"'"1 t . . ,,
- . tin .. i . ..
1101 BlVer, WUimi ihuuo i " 1
iirndurtlonfl of tU la country, be pro
tected as well n wool, cotton or Iron ?
Hy this method (air silver-mining In
dustries, which are now btlng shut
down, owing to the 1-w prlceof silver,
would rapidly re-sssumo ino promi
nence so recently nttMlied, and the
demnudsof our country for pliver for
coins and tho atts would be supplied
from our own mines."
"In other wonlx, Mr. Warner, you
would properly protect fllver mining
Industries the same s other Industries
unit lirnillipts ?"
"Precisely. My this plan more than
$05,000,000 worth of sliver now pro
duued aunually In M-sleo wuld not
lmve access to this country. Why
Fhould we bo mudo the dumping
ground for their .res and bullion pro
duce.! by the cheapest labor known,
and which now come Into this coun
try bv the train-load? I would then
permit the free coinage of alt silver
produced in (he Untied States, and,
although I am aware that the In
dus' ry would iiKHiime proportion
never beforo realized, the product
would be no more than is required for
coinage and the artf. As It Is now,
much of the silver required for 111-ue
purposes comes from Mexico and
abroad, and wu are the sutlerers. As
it would be uuder tho plan proposed
by me, a great lndus'ry would be
stimulated, manufacturers would lo
benfllted, naricltlturlsts assisted and
the prosperity of the en'ire country
nnm'il. This plan would not mean
unlimited coinage, but would confine
Itentlrelyto the productions of this
country, which all sintls Ins will show
barely "supply our requirements."
At this time, when the silver ques
tion Is prominent I v beforo the people,
the words of Mr. Warner came wllh
H-eehi! force both by reason of their
tood sense aud the valuable plan they
Oniollne the Cnuo of One Death and
and l'robably Three.
Adrian, Mich., March 20. While Mrs.
Henry Lards, wife of Turnkey Lards, of
tho County Jail, was cleaning the carpets
of odo of her rooms on Erlo streot with
gasoline, a gasoline stove in an adjoining
room exploded.
Her two children, a boy of two and n
girl of three years, were in the room
with lier.
In an instant the room where the
mother was at work upon the carpet was
ablaze. The clothing ot nil three be
came limited, and tho mother and elder
child ran screaming Into the yard, for
getting the little boy.
Neighbors came to tne rescue, nut not
until tho clothing had been burned oil
the mother and little girl.
Tho boy was buruou to a crisp. Mrs.
Lards and tho girl are thought to bo
fatally burned.
Old Kates to be Restored.
Ciiicaoo, March 20. It is now certain
that tho Baltimore & Ohio and tho Lack
awanna roads ure in tho large railroad
deal which Is being consummated at
Sioux City. One hundred mllo of track
would suffice to connect tho proposed
new lines with the Great Western and
give It tho short lino from Chicago to tho
Pacific and an entrance into the Balti
more & Ohio depot at Ohlcago. Qas
coal ratos from Pittsburg to JIlsjlsslppl
River points will at once no restorea on
i.m basis.
A Ileinarkable Document.
Salem. Mass., March 28. A romark-
nblo doeumaut has been filed at the ofllce
of the Clerk of Courts. It Is the evi
dence lu tho Searles will case, and is In
the form of a bound volume of 050
printed pat;es of legal cap sizo. The
volume is hound In cloth with gilt title.
It does not Include the waivers of appeal
and the final proceedings. It is filed as
of date of March 2, and is the only docu
ment ot tho kind ever before filed in this
A Slate Operator Absconds.
Bethlehem, Pa., March 20. Islah
Martin, shite operator of Pea Argyle,
this county, has disappeared, leaving be
hind him unpaid bills and notes esti
mated at $12,000. He was last heard
from at Knoxville, Tenu., aud intimated
that he would not return. Humor has
It that ho was a frequenter at tho Qut
tenhurg race track and heavy loser.
Mental I'rocress of the Nei;ro.
Washington, March 20. Mr. Hatch of
Iowa introduced a bill in the House
by request, creating a commission
to inquire into and report upou tho ma
terial, industrial and mental progress
made by the colored people of .the United
States since 1805, and miking an appro
priation sufllcieutfor the purpose.
Whlsliey Trust Secretary 111.
rEOMA, 111., March 20. Word has
been received here from Florla whore Q.
J. Gibson, secretary of the Whiskey
Trust, now is, that his condition Is seri
ous. Previous to his departure he had
un attack of pneumonia. Since then he
hasliad a relap-so, and fears are enter
tained as to his recovery.
Not CoiiAtltiittoiinl.
Albany, N. Y., March SU. The Antl-
Bartnulil lilll lias liaun laid aside as UD.
I constitutional In the Senate us iuterfer-
lag in a contract. It is understood a
substitute will be presented to revoke
the license of any suloon lu which bar
maids are employed.
Letter List.
Tbo following letters remain uncoiled for im
the Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa., post
omce, March 36, 1803:
Shifter, John
Parties culling for advertised loiters should
please say "advertlted." One cent will be
charged on all advertlted letters.
II. O. Hoyeo, P. M.
Waters' WelM beer is tho Lest,
rtellly olo agent.
John A
Coming Ilventa,
Msr. 30 "The Tattling Tongus," lc
tureby ltev. 11. O Jsnios in the I'. M.
church, fur tbo Lonellt of a tick and notdy
April Ul. A niarig.ild tea in llobblnt'
ball, under tho HUtplce of tho decree tff
Lydia Degree Lodge, No. Mi, I. O. O. r,
Found Out.
The best and i uiel wuy to get rid of a
Ouigli or 00W that inny develop Into cou
1 sumption is to invest 25 -eiu
ii.Viria. ilie itrfot remedy fir
nt n vyiiiiv .,1
Coughs, Oild,
La aripiw, Throatand Lung Disorders. Trial
- 1 hmIiPKi.i p. n. Klrlln's drug store.
Torriblo Exporionco of the
Winnio Laurio's Crow.
The Men on the Verge of Insanity Troti)
Hunger and Exposure,
Almost Reached lMrl Hut Driven "
by OHlos-UvoryHiliiK Above Deck Cur-
rlml Away Tho Schooner Adams Comef
to tho ltosciio and 1-rovldes tho Crew
With Provisions Tho Laurie Now Safe
In New York.
New YonK, March 20. The American
schooner Winnie Laurie has arrived here
fmm ltnirtl. Sim tonV-B rninniirativclv ,
safo and at her case now. and Captain
McRltchlo and his crew do not look as If
they had had much of a passage, but to
the lust day of their lives they will
never forget the terrlblo experiences
through which they have Just passed.
The Winnie Laurie left St. Marc, Haytl,
on January 8 with a cargo of logwood
lor New York. She carrlod a crew of
eight men, all of them Russian Fins.
Malcolm McRltchle, the captain's brother,
was mate. One man died and was left
at Fortune Island. The remaining seven
camo in with tho vessel. ' s
A northwest uale struck the vessel
shortly after passing Mole St. Nicholas,
Hatteras. She was then struck by a
l,rrlr-nn nnd wnshlown hack to Uer-
After a number nf days tho vessel suc
ceeded In crawling back west of tho Gulf
Stream. She was again struck by a
ilcice galo and blown out to sen. After
much suffering from exposure and hard
work in handling the vessel, which was
beset by big seas which threatened to
break her up and send her to the bottom,
they were able to get oil Baruegat, on
tho New Jersey coust.
This was six weeks ago. Another bit;
gale camo out of tho northwest and
drove the schooner down to Hatteras
attain. Provisions began to run short,
and llually gave out altogether.
Just then the steamship Johannes
Brun, bound for Now York, came along
nnd supplied her. The crew had then
been four days without provisions. The
schooner then tried to reach Hampton
Roads, but was again blown out to sea.
It whs a long and a hard light against
wind and seas in beating back to the
coast. Food ran short again, and finally
.gave out completely.
Starvation faced tho crew whllo they
still had to work Incessantly to keep tho
vessel afloat. Daj after day passed and
the men were gaunt and famished as
thev hcanned tho horizon for the sight of
some vessel to give them food. Captain
Mcltitchlu was laid up in the cabin from
an injury ho received hy being knocked
down hy a boarding sea. Tho men wero
becoming weak from hunger aud on the
verge of insanity.
'I here was a Btnull dog on board. The
men took tho nnimal, cut its throat hud
skinned it. They cooked and u,te It, but
so small was it that instead of satisfying
their hunger tho taste of food only in
tensified it. Some of the men became
delirious, and one of them proposed that
one man should me in oruer to preserve
the lives of the others. Tho captain
feared murder would be committed and
armed himself.
Just then the lookout cried "Sail hoi"
and all the men rushed to the rail. The
masts of a vessel were seen rising above
the horizon. Never was a more joyful
sight witnessed by starving men. The
sail upproached and proved to be the
schooner Andrew Adams, bound to For'
tress .Monroe from Demerara.
A boat was lowered and sent to tho
Andrew Adams to ask for food. At tho
same time Cant. McRitchie called bis
men toaethcr end told them that he
would release them from their contract,
and if they wished to leave tho Ill-fated
Winnio Laurie aud seek safety on tho
Andrew Adams he would ullow thorn to
go. He said ho would not keep them to
die on the schooner.
A flag was run up on tho Adams as a
sisrnal that food would bo given to tho
starving sailors. This put now life into
the men. and they decidi'd to stick to
Cantalu McRltchle and tho Winnie
Laurie. A Quantity of food was taken
ou board, and the men said they owed
their lives to tho Adams.
The trials of the Laurie wero not ended
vet. for they were again blown up to
Nova Scotia by a hurricane, and uguin
ran out of iirovisions.
The Bteumship Jersey happened along
in time, and for the third time the vessel
was sunnlied with provisions and again
wero the men saved from starvation. Sbo
finally managed to make her way to
Tarpaulin Cove, where she was repaired,
and then she cume on to new lorm.
Adding to Jntvlah I'orsci'iltlon.
St. PtTEiisnuno. March 20. The con
dition of the Jews within tho title bo-
comes woibe daily. The Government
does not allow them under any circum
stances to leave the bounds of tho pule.
They are tumble to obtain work and
there is much miil'eiliiir among them.
An enormouu death roll is averted
only by the continuous charity of the
riob English Jew. The Milliliter of tho
Interior lias directed the governor of
the nale to leport as to the prosnieots ot
Jewish emigration.
Ilellevn Mie Co 111 111 I It fit Hululile.
NkwaUK. N. J., March 20. The police
here time renuesled the releaw 01 Law
rence Dolosluiu, who was urronteu in
New York for tlie alleged
murder of his wife, whose body was
found in tho i'assnlo Hlver last Sunday,
They helisvo that the woman conuultted
BUloHle or walked overuoaril wulla tem
porarily insane, nnd that the man can
give n good account of hluisolf.
lltlliom Out of Jail.
IIahiubiiubq, l'n., Mareh 20. Tho
recommendation at the Hoard of Par-
dous that Editors Mellon and Porter, of
the "Beaver Stur," sentenced to six
uiouths impilsouineut fur libeling Sen
ntorVmy, be pardoned, was approved
by Uov. futtuou.
'Iliu Champion Clifi Player.
lloirroN, March 28. II. Tscljigorln, tho
ureal ohuui idrr. ooiuw to Ronton for a
week. Tsohlgpriii Is one of the best
known chess players In the world, and
holds the title of champion of the world.
Hie Absent Member.
Washington, March 20. Mr. Catchins
of Mississippi, tho absent member of the
House Committee on Rules, is expected
to return tu astdngtou on Monday,and
if he does a meeting of the committee
will be held and u special order brought
into the House on Unit day for the Im
mediate consideration of the Frco Silver
Coinage bill and the pending amend
ments. Aid for tlio Volunteers.
Tiienton, N. J., Mnrch 20. The Com
mon Council at a meeting passed n reso
lution appropriating $500 for the ppter-
! f 1, nnlKrilnn- ftl Humiff...
weut( wMch U ubout to g0 out ot serce.
citizen's committee will attempt to
raise $2,000 more. Thero will bo a parade
BUd banquet.
Defrauded Laborors.
Plattsbuko, N. Y., March 20. There Is
a likelihood or serious trouble at saranac
Lake where tho laborers defrauded by
contractors on Dr. Webb's Railroad are
gathering In forco.
A riot is Imminent,
and unless something is done at once
serious results are likely to follow.
Coach for Yule's Mull Teitm.
New Haven, Conn., March 20. Capt.
Murohy of the Yale's baseball nine has
been endeavoring to secure a coach for
the team to tako the place of Ferson,
who left abruptly last Wednesday. Dal-
zell, a former Yale pitcher, has been se
cured for i term.
The First Iudluti to Join.
Trenton, N. J., March 20. James Mc-
Adams, an Indian employed in Lambert-
"o 1 the first Indian in New. Jeweyto
conneub uimu .w
based on tho tradition of the Indian.
Fishing Tacklo.
A forgo lot of tbo fl-ioat fishing tackle,
beijier snd hotter than over, just recoivod,
Come and eoo mn bilcro purchasing olso
where and you will savt mono? at
Max Reese's,
F'rgu.on Ilouw, n W. O-intro St.
Try It. for It never disappoints. Dr. Bull's
Couch Syrup. At all dealers. Price 23 cents a
uouie. x
WANTS, &o.
TTTANTED. Boarders. In a
V V Apply at tho IIehald ofllce.
small family.
TITANTED.-A drl for ceneral houso work.
VV Good woges paid. Call at tho Hehamj
omco. - 3-n-ii
fjon SALE. Cheap, a one-horso spring
C wagon with top. Also a two-seat surrey
with extension ton. Apply to I'Teu. uurunart,
rtonn Alain sroai, o-o-ii
T7" ANTED, AGENTS. Wo want tlrst-class
V v salesmen u nanaio our iuurieaung uu
and Greaso products as a side lino.
uu anu urcaso uo., uievcianu, u.
WJ ANTED. Two copies ol Robert Mauch
and cheap.
t V uno s dook,
Must he In good condition
Address iieiiald omco. 3-s-tr
Jeanetta Coffee, late of Shenandoah.
Schuylkill county, Pa., deceased. Letters of
administration on tho above estate having been
erantt'U to tho umlerslttneu, all persons in
debted lo said estato are requested to make
immediate payment, and thoso having lega.
claims against the same will present them
wuuoui ueiay 10
PHILIP coffee, Administrator,
Shenandoah. Pa.
Or to Geo. J. Wadlinoeh, Attorney,
i'ousviuc, t-a. -j-ij-ui-o.iw
QUARTER NOTICE. Notlco is hereby given
i that an annotation will do mauo ov u.
iuiey, iv. ivusiir, vauuiku tticwin unu umuio.
lo ino uouri Ol common i-ieas. oi auauyiKiu
county, on Monday, April 11th, A. D. 1892, at 10
o'clock In tho forenoon, under tho Act of Assent
hlvnf the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en
titled "An Act to provldo for tho Incorporation
and regulation of cortaln corporation," np-
provca April ibh, anu ino supiiieuic-iiis
thereto, ror mo cuarier or an lntcnuea corpor
atlon to bo called, "St. Michael's Greek Catho
lic Church, of Shenandoah. Pennsylvania,
said association ,1s to bo located at Shenan
doah, Pa., and to have for Its object tho sup
nr minim wnrun n nnn inr iniH nuriMiKt n
i. possess and cntov all tho rights, benefits
and privileges of tho said Act of Assembly and
S. G. M. HOLLOPETER, Solicitor.
Shenandoah, Pa., March 17, 18U2.
C1IIARTER NOTICE. Notice is hereby given
j that an application will ho mado to tho
Court of Common Pleas of Schuylkill county
on Monday. April 11th. A. D. 1892, at 10 o'clock
a. m-.. under thn Act of Assembly of the Com
monwealth ol Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act
to provldo for tho Incorporation and regulation
of certain corporations," approved April 29,
1871 and tho supplements thereto, ror ino cnar-
ter of an Intended coruoratlon to be called "The
Welsh Baptist Church of Shenandoah," tho
character and obtect whereof is the support ol
nunuo worsmn aci-oriuni; to mu uociruios, laun
and discipline of tho Baptist church and for
these purposes to have, posbobs and enjoy nil
the rlKhts, bcnellts und privileges of tho said
Act oi AssemDiy nua lis supplements.
3-21-oaw-3t S. B. EDWARDS, Solicitor.
name of John Sheelor to John Luszcvnskl
in ino uourL oi uuuimoii i-iuas ui ouuuymu
county. In the matter of tho petition ot John
uh.'flRr fnr n ilpcrrxi clianirlnir ma name to John
Luszeynskl. And now, March 21, 1892, threo
ninntlirt after tho presentation of tho foregoing
petition, and on motion ot J H. Pomeroy, at
tn,n in. uiiiri nntltlnnnr. tho court decrees
that the name of said John Shceler bo changed
to John Luszcvnskl, and the Shenandoah L vhn
ino HKiiALU, a newspaper published In said
county, he designated ior tne puuuumiuu ui uc
ntl nf llnu rinrrnft for four SUCCesslVO WOCkb,
unless cause oe Bnown to tne uomrarj'.
Extract from the recoru.
a n Kilfic. Prothonotarv
Shenandoah. March S3. 1892. 3-23oaw-4t
Sbc nights only, commencing
urniTTi a -rr nir A nriTT no ino
V Ul A I. lYia.aU.LL iSOi aa.
' '
and Saturday Matinee, the famous
Mr. and -Mrs. Punch Robertson,
Supported by their own
K.Y.Atijenasuo! Djanjatlo fa.
Ia a select repertoire of comedies:
Monday " Atoneroeut
Tuesday J -The lawyer Detective
Wednesday Orbues of a Oreat City
ITiursday rA W'oan-s fyenge
I'THlBTtinimt-TT . WW wu va
iiaturAfty UaUuoe yRSyid flet
Saturday Nutht .... -...A Golden letter
ItUIIll TtltH.
On Monday ntaht we pass every lady free if
aocoinpuaiod by u iK-rson holding a pld re
served heat ticket.
SPECIAL. -K.wn person I'lu-nng me uousu
oit.v night will rccrix c a iiuinuer ou ino soiu
vsateh Mhluh will In glu n u ay Wednesday
nighl Numbers given awuy oai-h night.
Saturday, ut 2 30, we give a grand family maj
lues. Admission 10 ci-nl Every chlUl receives
u big of Hue mixed candy, besides a doll to the
girls and u wagon to the boys, 1
Prices 10, SO and 30 cents,
For Putnphlcl containing full information, address,
i i5?lSnI,npLe copies, r " Tim Colliery Knoinler," (by rending
which hundreds ol" ralijers have qualified themselves to become Safer,
tnlendents and Foiemen), and catalogue of Mining Cooks sent free ou
IWi'RuVlj 8iTi-UMi.
JEHiail VALLEY II. it.
(P. & K. it. It. Co., Lessee.)
NOV 15, mi,
Passenecr trains lcavo Shcn-
undoah forl'enn Haven Junctlon.Mauch Chunk,
Lchlghton, Slatlngton.Whlto Hail, Catasauqua,
Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Now Vorlt,
Philadelphia, Ilazleton, Weathorly, Quakako
Junction, Delano and Mahanoy City at 5.4", 7.49,
.u8 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 6.211 p. m.
For New York, 0.47, 7.4U, si.os a. m.,, 3.iu,
5.20 p. m.
For Ilazleton, Wllkes-Barre, White Haven,
Ptttston. Lacey vllle. Towanda, Sas-re, Wavcrly,
Elmlra. Rochester. Niagara Falls and the West.
110.41 o. m., (3.10 p. m noeonnccllon tor Roches
ter, Buffalo or Nlagarmsrolls), 5.20 p. m.
For ucivicicre. uciawaro water uap ana
Stroudsburg, 5.47 a. m., 5.20 p. in.
For i..amDcriviiio ana xrenton, v.uo a. m.
For Tunkhannock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 6.20 p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and Lyons, 10.41
m.. 5.20 n. m.
For Joanosvlllo. Lovlston and Beaver Meadow,
7.40, 9 08 a. m., 12.52, 5.20 p. m.
For Audcnnea. llaileton, stocltton and Lum
ber Yard, 5.47, 7.40, B.08, 10.41 o. m., 12.52, 3.10,
5.20 p. m.
L- or scranton, o.n, v.w, iu.n u. m., o.iu, o.u p.
For llazlebrooic, Jcaao. urirton anu Freclana,
5.47, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.02, 3.10, 5.20 p. m.
For Asniana. uiraravuio ana L,om urccK. 4.-.-T.
7.4(1, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.05, 1.40, 4.10, 0.35, 8.00, 9.H
p. m.
v or itaven itun, tjcntraiia, mount uinnci anu
Shamolcln, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., lSw, 4.40, 8.00 p. ra.
For Yatosviiie, 1'arK Place, juananoy city ar.a
Delano, 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.20, i.03,
0.21, 10.27 p. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 7.55, 11.55 a. ra..
2.10, 4.30, 0.40 p. m. and nrrlvo at Shenandoah at
9.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 6.20. 11.15 p. in.
T.ravo Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 6.50. 7.40.
9.08, 10.52 a. m., 12.52, 3.09, 4.10, 5.20, 8.03 n. m.
Leave pottsviuo ror snenanuoan. u.w,
9.03, 10.15. 11.48 a.m.. 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30 p.m.
L.cave suenanuoan lor uaziuiuu, o.ti, t.v, v.vo.
10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.09, 5.20, 8.03 p. m.
Leave ilazleton lor snenanuoan,,,
11.00 a. m., 12.45, 3.10, 5.30, 7.05, 7.50 p. m.
Trains leave for Ashland, Glrardvlllo and Lost
Creek, 0.50, 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. in.
For laiesvine, -aric i-iaeo, luunanoy uiiy,
Delano, Ilazleton, Black Creek Junction, Pcnn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Bethlehem, Easton and Now York, 8.00 a. m.,
.40 p. mr
For Yatesvillo, Park Place, Mahanoy City and
Dolano, 8.00 a. m., 1.40, 1.40, 0.03 p. in.
L,eave liaziuton lor anenunuouu, o.w u. m.,
1.45, 4.37 p. m.
Leave nonanuoan ior x-otisvuic, o.du, o.w,
9.30 a. m., 2.45 p. in.
Leave Pottsvllle ror Shenandoah, 10.4U a. in..
1.35,4.30, n.15 p. in.
1. 11. It 1 AINU lUfl,
Gen'l Pass." Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows;
For New York via Philadelphia, week days.
210, 5.25, 7.20 a. m., 12.35, 2.60, 5.55 p. ra. Sunday,
2.10,7.49 a.m. i- oriNew x or via muucq uiiuqk,
week days, 5.25, 7.20 a. m., 12.35, 2.50 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days,
2.10, 5.25, 7.20 a. m., 12.35, 2.50, 5.55 p. m. Sunday,
2.10,7.48 a. m.,.3up. m.
For Hurrlsburg, week days, 2.10, 7.20 a. m.,
2.50, 6.55 p. m.
For Allentown, week days, 7.20 a. m., 12.35,
2.50 p. m.
For I'Oltsvillo, weeK uays, a.iw, i.iaiu, m., i.oa,
2.50, 5.55 p. m Sunday, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m.
FnrTamauaa and Mahanov Cltv. week
Aiananoy uity, wueit uays,
1.10, 5.25, 7.20 a. m., 12,35, 2.50, 5.55 p. m. Sunday,
2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m. Additional for Mah
anoy city, weeic days, 7.uu p. m.
For Lancaster and Columbia, week days, 7.20
a. m., 2.60 p. m.
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lowlsburg,
wcck aays. i.M, u. iu., i.oo, t.w i. ux
Knnilar. 3.25 a. m.. 3.tt5 n. m.
For Mahanoy Plane, weeK aays, s.iu,, o.oo,
7.20, 11.30 a. m., 12.35, 1.35, 2.50, 6. 63, 7.UU, p. m
Sunday, 2.10, 3.25, 7.48 a. m., 3.05, 4.30 p. m.
For Gtrardvllle, (Rappahannock Station),
anuouK on
1 1 1 1(1 n ,n
week days, 2.10, 3.25, 5.25, 7.20, a m.,
1.35. 2.50. 5.55. 7.00, 9.25 p. m.
Sunday, 2.10, 3.25,
7.4S a. m., 3.uo, 4.3U p. m.
For Asniana ana snamomn, ween uays,,
5.25, 7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00, 9.25 p. m. Sun
day, 3.25, 7.48 a. m., 3.05 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days,
7.45a. m.,, 4 uu, 7.3U p. m., nignt. oun
dav, 6.00 p. ra., 12.15 night.
isavo mow YorKvia niaucn ununicwceauayB,
4.30, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 3.45 p. m. Sunday, 7.00 a. m.
r ,tl.,lnAlnMn .i-anlr.lnnu 1 Ilk 111 CU 1 HI
4.0.1, 0.00 p. m., from Broad and Callowhlll and
HBn. m.. 11.30 n. m. from fib and Green streets.
Sunday, 9.0b a m., p. m., irom via nna
Leave Reading, week days, 1.35,7.10, 10.05, 11.50
a. in., o.&o, 7.D7 p. m. aununy, i.o.-,, u, ui.
laavh I'otiHvuio. week-uavs. .u. v.iu a. in.
13il llllii. .l. Kundav. 2.40. 7.00 a. m.. 2.05 P. in.
Leave Tan-aqua, week days, 3.20, 8.48, 11.28 a.
ra., 1.21, 7.13, 9.1B p. ra. aunuay, am, y.ij a. ra.
2.60 p. m.
I.niirn Mahanov Cltv. week davs. 3 40. 9.18.
11.47 a. ra , 1.51, 7.42, 9.4i p. in. Sunday, 3.46, 8.17
a. in., 3.20 p. ra.
I. mn i) Mahanov Piano, week at vs. 2.4U. 4.0U,
B.30, 9.S5, 11.59 a. m., 1.05, 2.00, 5.20, 6.20. 7.57, 10.00
p. m. suuaay, z,w, i.w, b..v a. ra., 3.37, o.ui 11. in.
ibuvb uiruruvuiu. iivuuuauannoeK niatioui
weeks davs. 2.47. 4.07. 6.3, 9.41 a. m., 12.05. 2.12,
5.20, 6.33. 8 03, 10.00 p. in. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.83,
il. m.. 3 41. a.ui o. m.
Leavo wllllamsport, week uays, 3.uo, v.m, 11.00
. in., 3.36, 11.15 p. m. aunuay, ii.iop. m.
For Baltimore. Washlnicton nnd tho West via
11 A. n. II. it., throuah trains leavo Glraru
Avenue station, Philadelphia. (P. & It. R. R.) ot
3 66, 8 Ul, ll.CT a. m., 3.00, D.M, 7.13 p. in. ouuuay
3.65, 8 02, ll.W a. in., 3.0U, D.4;, v.u p. m.
Leavo Phlladelohla. Chestnut Street Wharf
and South street wnari.
Week days Express, 9.00 a. ra., 2.00, 1.00 p. m.
VeoomnuKiauon, s.uua. m..
Sunday Express, 9.00 a.
5.00 11. 111.
m. Accommodation
8.00 a. in., 4.30 p. ra.
Itniurnlna. leavo Atlantlo Cltv. depot Atlantlo
and Arkansas Avenuoe ween uuy, i.iiJiunn,
7.30. 9.00 a. m 4.110 p. m, Aeoommoaauoo, 0.
a. m., 4.30 p. ra. Sunday-Express, 4.00 p. 1
Accommodation, y.aia. m., 4.u p. in.
O. G. HANCOCK. Gen'l Puss'r Agt
AMoLKOD, Pres. & Gen'l Manager.
Qjg Qllt if! Prices.
23 Vft Centre Street,
llest red llannel undershirts, 05c; best gray
im,lArtti,irt. Xk: best cotton oversblrts. 96o:
best olotb overshlrls, 7c; best muslin wlilte
shirts, luo, men's best woolen socks, per pair,
16e; unit dos. gents' fine handkerchiefs, Ke;
Un. BiwmmilnF. twtr mil r t,i' nvitrallu for mfin.
10o up; ladles' tine merino underwear, oich.
only loo: ladies' all-wool Juokola, T6o; ladle
fast black stocklnits, 3 pair for ate; children's
white underwear. 15o up; 4 pairs cliliawn's rai
black stockings. 26c; boy
ins. o; boys knee yanw. urn -!
i...uf ii..un tai.ia ,.i.,ti,u Mi,, nn: Unest toweiuurs,
Bo per yard; best bodspreads. only II each-
. ... , a i ' 1 1 . Car
Kurlr Kikm . t.mlM'""'i
8iuia lfllir, iiif;fit!?',.sl
SSdflSS VilH iVfSrTmillon 'Jtr'- ddrvM
M National Baal,
Capital, $100,000,00
A. W. Leisenring, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrmq, Cashier,
9 W. Yost. Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dully From 9 to 3.
lnld 011 Huvltijfu JDcrtoHltH.
On and after November 15, 1891, (ralnj uiflll
leave aitmanaoari at iouows:
for Wlggan, Ullberton, FraoKvllIe, Mawj
'astle. St. Clair, and way points. 8,00. 8.10
ll.ij u ux anu 1.10 (i 111,
su&aavB. wu. .iu a m ana upm,
For Pottsvllle, COO, u.iu, 11.45 am ana 4.14
ioadays, 600, S.40 a m and 8.10 n m.
Vox Heading, 6.1X1, 11.45 a m and 4.15 pro.
Sundays, 600, 6.40 a. m. and 8.10 p m.
Vnr Pottstown. Phoeaixvllle. Nonlitoi
nrt FUlladelnhla (broad street station). 6,00.
11,40 m. ana 4.13 p ui wees aays
-Qdavs. coo. 9.40 a m 3.10 p m.
Trains leave Crackvllie tor Bb'.nnndoah at;
u.ij umina u.H, o.ui. i.n, rj,uj p mi nun.j
11. 1 a m ana a.iJ p m. m
Leave Po .Mviue for Hhenanaoan, iu.15 ana:
.1.18, am 4.11, T.15, 9.42 pm. Sundays, 10.
rr d 111.
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street sUtlonK!
ir Pottsvllle and Shenindoah, 5.67, 8.35 a ra
10 and 7.00 p mweex aayo. ounasj-o.iw, uuai
H.B am , r .
t urnow xorK, b.j, i.iw, u.ou, u.-jw, .iw.
ai .an j.mi. ll iKlft-id 11.11. H.SoHm.lXOOnoon,
(.80,1.21 4, 4.0a, i, 0, 0.20, 6.50 7.13 8.U and 10.001
m, iams uixui,
On Bundays. 8.20. 4.05. 4.40, S.85, 8.12, 8.W, 9.E0.
11.83 t oa. nod 12.41, 1.40,2.30, 4.02, (limited,
,il, t aj, I. s.hi ,. it t 1 o in ana k.ui nignt
For Sea Girt. Long Iirunch and Intermediate
ciutioiis R.'JInml 11.14 a. m.. 4.00 n. m. week!
days. Freehold only 5.00 p m week days.
1-or Jiaiiimore anu wasuiugtuu. o.ou, .mi.
U.IU KI1U 11. lO L 111.,, U Ul , f .IV J'.lu. nu4 Ihva
night dally ana B 31, 10.20 a. m., 12A5 (llmltea
express with dining car to Ualtlruore) 1.30, 8.46
Pi Uli worn, utv jo. rui uhuiiuuiquuij 4i,v hvi
rlutte KIM II ntn In rlollv 4.
For Itlchmond, 7 20 a. in. aud Vl.03 night'
dally, p. m, aauy, except aunaay.
t rains leave narrisu.iiK iur niuiuurK urn
'is west every day at 12.2? and 8.10 a m and
v, .11 I ..... . . w, u an t n m Wah In
3 it llluuieui nuv. "(W, i.m i., , ,rn iu,
A.ltoonh g 15 i at and 4.10 p in every aay.
For Plttsbarg omy, ii,-ju a iu aauy aua tu.w
m week days.
I,va Hnnbnrv for Wllllamspoit. Klmlra.
Unandalgua, Kocheiter, lindaloand Niagara
All" i.iu a m aany, anu i.eo pm uaj(,
"or Elmlra, 5.80 p m weekdays.
tror n,r:o ana laieruieuiawj uoiuut, ui.-j nui.,
ally. For Look Haven, 6,10, and 9.50 a m.
Ully, I S5 and 5.30 p. m. week dayB, foi
tsnova am 1.S.5 and 6,30 p m woak days
ion. aiHanaaye.
UAJ5. E.paaii, J. K. WOOD,
loa. MauMr 'Sen. Pbsb. Mt
Will promptly tellere tlie most dl
treb8loff caso of Acnto or Chronic IE lieu
matima or Gout, lty ftrictly cbdcrTlngj
tne airectioim, iuviii euro you erm&n-!
cuiiv -
L'utlk tbo numerou rrejiRrattom that Cm4
the eouDtrr, ttttt medlclot ii a ipcclHa fur thl
Ttrloui furmt or runruatm oolr ana ttelle
lsl nr tiiiM 'cur all ul buia will miit
a atls Ut-loif Impiv'Mlftn ca the triwui,
la eon dm lion with tba pilla, coutino (lit uflertr thu
tbe vtowr remedy bt roaaa. sou art mDmiy r
nu-itrt to tot tbo merit or
Mlti vKluable proprrtioa aro eodorted by buodreda of tbo
Onlj fegotablo ingredient!, rnarble forthlrenratWa
rowero, aro uoJ to tba aiaiufaclura of kBOUT tt
fl Ofl Pa BaHla. 6 Eattlii. tS.tO. Pillfl. B Ctl. Bet,
if your iUiraMpcr dtxa not keep It. aeud to th
miGUlaciurer. ana Tn ni reocive it ir inau.
3G37 Mnrket Htreot l'lillud'ai F.
A Lnrge AtteudHUCtl
Room for n Few More.
' Take advantage of tho present
chanco to secure a
For terms, &a, call at tho Collego or addro
IS i
v. j. soiyM I
Shenandoah, ra
The best temperance annus.