The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 25, 1892, Image 2

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"What tho Oombln d Wisdom of
tho D motors IB Upon This Im
portant Subjoot, and What
Thoy Havo to Say.
The New York Sun liiw been doing
some valuable work lately in investl
Bating the real causo of all the sick
ness which Is tluviistntiiig the laud.
Sergeant Dunn, of the Weathet
Bureau and all the leading doctors
agree that wet feet are the prime cause
of the trouble. One prominent piiy
slulau bald :
"If people would only havo seti't
enouph to keep their feet dry they
wou'd be all right. I tell you wet feel
till more graveyardi than un epldernli
of cholera. The average uusluew
man coca down town and trumi
nrminil In the Wet Until Ilia feet lire
cold and damp. When he goes home,
inetun nf tiniilnir on drv bo ks and
warm slipper, he takes a driuk of
something hot. He gets luto another
perspiration, and the chuucea are that
he will catch more cold.
"With the women It Is the same
way. Take the young girls you see
t ram nl n it about in the mud of Fifth
avenue and Hrotdway, or any city for
that matter Nin out of ten have got
on low shoes. Ia it surprising that
thev have colds? They nave uot nau
time to lav in th ir winter stock
footwear, or else they think their fett
look better in low shoes, and they
wear them until the pnow falln. If
simtilv tuklnir. cold were all It would
not be so serious. A cold can be
secured very milekly, hut it is not a
easy to get rid of it. No woman ever
took n cold hut what it aflected h- r
kiduevs. The kidneys are the llrsi
snot that a cold attacks, A man or
woman may cough or sneeze. Why ?
Becuus-e the kidneys are clogged
stopped up witli a cold. Tho cold
forms a dam that stops the current,
and it overflows into the head, ami
we cull it influenza; into the lungs,
and we call it Dueumnuia. Theqiilck-
est way to check a cold is to opeu the
kidneys, and the sure-t way ot doing
this is by the usenf something reliab'e
like Warner's Safe Cure. I am cer
tain this great oure has stopped more
colds and saved more lives than any
oilier k. own remedy of the present
day, or, for that mutter, or any age "
in connection with, anu in com'
plete confirmation of the above, is c
statement made by Mrs. It. F. Mi
Murray, residing on St. I'aul'uaveuue,
Staten Island. Hhe says :
"My mother, Mrs. 8. A. Vanderbilt,
and mvself one cmr health, and I al
most feel our lives, to W.wner'a Safe
Cure. I siieak from a long experience.
Recently I hud a most r-evere attack
of grip, arising from a cold, and the
Safe Cure made me feel like a new
person. Oilier members of our family,
and also many friends and acquaint
ances, have received kjuh! benellt, and
all highly recommend it."
Wet feet start n cold. A cold in
variably attacks the kidneys. Kick'
ness. suffering and death often follow.
Keen your feet dry. If nos-iblo avoid
a cold, but having contracted it s'op
it at once and by the best means you
can find for ceitalnly doing so. This
advice Is sound; it cornea from the
highest sources and it should be fol
lowed most carefully.
Providence nnd New Haven Admitted aj
RvnArnsF N Y March "5 Providence m'iml tlmt the K'" enUeU "er own UIe-
bYRACUSE, w. i ., .Maich d.-l roviuenco JoUn ,,auldlug tlB ,iead sirpa talher
and New Haven were admitted by an ,g ft descent o( j, Paulding, one of
unanimous vote. Mr. Kuntzsch reported tho captora of Major Andre.
that he would require more time to It jvas I) o'clock Tuesday night that
secure subscriptions to stock for the Edna died, Her father and several of
Syracuse Club before he would be war- her friends woro with her when tho end
ranted in posting a guaranty to stay the camo.
season out. I bke had been delirious during the ove
ThoHocheater Club was not represented niug and talkad rambllugly of the mar
aud there was a report that it was shaky, ringo which sho said had made berths
The meeting voted to extend the time wlto of young Do Reisthal.
for posting tho guarantee until April 1.1 "Don't scold Emlle, papa," sho cried.
At that time, if Syracuse and Rochester "He wasn't to blame. It was all tho
fall to quulify, the league will go on
with eight clubs.
In that case tho circuit would ho
Buffalo, Binghampton, Elmlra, Philadel
phia, .Albany, Troy, Providence and New
Anarchists 'Will Adopt I'olion.
Paris, March 25. Tho "Debats" has
created a sensation by the statement
tha't the police have unearthed a con
spiracy of anurchlsts who propose to
poison their victims, instead of using
dynamite. The "Debats" says that tho
evidence of the existence of such a con
spiracy was obtained in searching tho
lodgingsot anarchists, and that prepara
tions were actually being made to carry
tho horrible Bclieme into effect.
A Member of the Blcma Chi.
Ann Abbor, Mich., March 35. The an
nouncement is made here that ex-Presl-dent
Cleveland, during his recent visit
here, hud been elected to membership
and Initiated to the college secret society
Sigma Chi. There was great rivalry
among the secret societies to secure Mr.
Cleveland as n member, and the Sigma
Chi was fortunate enough to capture
him. The matter has caused a great
dI of talk.
Coming UvenU.
Mar. 30 "TbTaltling Tongue," lec
ture by Rev. H. O .Jamos In tho P. M.
iburoli, for the benefit of a tick and needy
April 21. A marigold tea In Robbing
ball, under the auspices of the degree ttttlT
Lydla Dfree I.odito. No. 112, I. O. O. P.
Try It, for It never dlsannolnu. Dr. Hull'
OotuBi Syrup. At all dealers. Price 95 cents a
I'Nhliig Tackle.
A large lot of ihe A iet fUulnsr tackle,
efcekpor and better than ever, Juit reoelvod.
fJome and see m bolero purehulng eho
where aud you will sav. mono? at
Max Hkhbk's,
Pargutoa lloum. VS W. Ckntro St.
A Happy Man
is he who uw lte.1 KUk Oil for niieumatl'm.
Neuralgia, Toothache "lid ouroulo ilm. lu't
a reii toy which cures every time. Try It. 25
iu U. l ea FluyOU Mwildal P, P, D. Kir
Uii'uDnJC Store.
Mrnycd Pretty Edna Pauld
ing's Sad Palo.
Tho Last Words Spoken of the Boy-Lover
Who Hud Deaorted Her.
Ilii la the Son of I'.iih1 Count Alphotiie Iln
Kxlilliul, of lirookly ci, iiml la Accused "I
llutinc Lead llin Olrl A it ray Hur
Flithnr In a Descendant of John Pallid
Inn, Omi or tho Captors of Major Andre,
tho llrltlih Spy.
Teekskill, N. V., March 25. Miss
fCdna Paulding, who died Tuesday In
Now York, was a beautiful Peekskill
girl, who, it is now claimed, bad been
led astray by a young student at tno-
Peekskill Military Academy named Emllt
De Reisthal.
Miss Paulding was a very attractive
girl of 17 years, with dark eyos and u
handsome flguro. Her manners were
exceedingly winning.
She was the daughter ot John, raulu
Ing, who for several years conducted a
restaurant on Main street. Ho recently
married a second wife, who came from
Boston, and with her came her pretty
daughter to live at Peekskill. Edna de
veloped great fondness for her step-sister,
ntnl they were often seen on the streets
When Mrs. Paulding and her step
daughter left town, considerable com
ment wns heard. It soon "became known,
however, that Edna was In trouble.
Tho matter culminated In the arrest,
on tho charge ot betrayal under promise
of marriage, of Emlle De Helsthal, son
of Papal Count Alplionse De Reisthal, of
Emtio is about SO years old. For three
years lie was a student of tho Peekskill
Military Academy. While here he was
frequently seen in the company of Miss
Paulding, often accompanied by another
girl named Murden. Strong mutual at
tachment was manifested between the
After this intimacy had gone on for
some lime, Miss Paulding discovered that
she wns In trouble, and she confessed nil
to her father. Ho, after heaping male
dictions on his datichter, went to Brook
lyn and sought an interview- with Counf,
De Heisthal, informing him that young
De Iteisthal had wronged his daughter,
and demanded that he save tho girl's
honor by marrying her.
Count De Iteisthal then called on his
son, who declared In tho most positive
terms that tho charges were without
Tho elder Do Reisthal then accused
Paulding of being a blackmailer, and
refused to have anything further to do
with him.
Mr. Paulding then had young Do Hels
thal arrested, and he was bailed by his
As young De Reisthal was leaving the
court room a deputy sheriff served pa
pers upon him In a civil suit for $3,000
damages, brought by Paulding for tho
loss of his daughter's services.
Alpnmvliiln Miss Paulding was in a
serious condition. She brooded over
wrong doings and nt times went out of
her head.
About four weeks ago a child was
born to her. Miss Paulding rallied, but
soon relapsed, and it was feared that
brain fever had sot in. Her condition
grew worse nnd she died Tuesday even
ing, as stated.
The heuriug of the charge against
young Do Reisthal was to be held before
Judge Barton nt Peekskill next Monday.
It is said that Miss Paulding dreaded the
publicity unavoidable upon her appear
ance in the court room, aud hints are
fault ot his father. But for him we
might have been happy."
Her love was faithful to tho last, uud
blio died murmuring the name of her
boy-lover who had deserted here in her
gteatcst hour ot need.
Yl'ultt Chlneie Kxclutlbil.
Nkw Youk, March "5. A mass meet.
ing was held in this city last night
tinder the auspices of the Central Labor
Union to protest against Chiuese immi
gration to this country. Letters of re
gret were read from Senator Dolph of
Oregon, Congressman Ueary ot unlttor
jiia, and T. V. Powderly. Resolutions
were ndopted calling on Congress for
the Immediate aim perpeutal exclusion of
Chinese from Aiuericuu territory,
Will Investigate the Charges.
RociiBSTEn, N. Y., March 25. Chair
man Y Ilium PurcelLof the State Hoard
of Mediation aud Arbitration says that a
uieellug ot the Hoard will be held as soon
as it rccsivee the resolution of the As-
fceinhlf directing an investigation ot the
charges of cruelty nguiust tho contrac
tors ou the Adirondack Kallroad. The
meeting of the Board will be held lu Al
Knorke.1 tint In One Kouml.
New Haven, Cgun., March 25. Jim
Duwbou, a local middleweight, aud
Jack Crawford of Newark, N. J., fouuht
in u private club room here. Crauford
was knocked out in onu round. Tho
winner uot $50. It was inteudod to
match Crawford against Hill Slavin, a
brother of Mitchell partner, but his
liucUora now tefuke to put up the money.
StrluiU Will Play In tuition.
llosTOM, iiuruh 86. William Stelnltz.
the chtuw champion of the world, will
undoubtedly come to Hostnu soon for a
Miason of play wr ' .a local experts.
Hi come at the request of the lioaUiu
UhuMi Club ami will stay about a week,
taiachtiiliH LegUluture.
Boston, M'aroh Mft. The legislature
has passed the bills llxitig the Governor's
salary at $g,ouu per year, auu nuttioriz
ing the operations of steam railroads by
electricity. ... tJi
Mevclnr llrothor DUnlmrged.
Montreal, March 25. Joseph Mercier,
brother of the lato ox-Premier, who was
appointed by the lato government over
seer of the Montreal Court House nt n
salary of $1,800 and perquisites, lias
been ulsctinrgcd uy tho Do Bonchervlllu
government. Tho position was a sine
cure created for Merclcr. Other dis
missals will follow.
l'erstnn Opium for Clr-arettcN.
Boston, March 25. Custom House
ofllcers state that largo quantities of
Persian opium is Imported here. This
kind of opium is used almost exclusively
for smoking purposes and is often used
in tho manufacture ot cigarette.
Ho Not Want tho Jem.
Berlin, March 25. The committee In
Koenigsborg, East Prussia, has requested
Russian rabbis to prevent Jews coming,
on tho ground that tho United States
reftisos to take them, and the Argentine
Republic Is not ready for them.
A Ilnclctnml Cniiutr Bottler Dead.
Nyack, N. Y., March 25. David B.
Mann, nn old and wealthy resident of
Rockland county, Is dead at Palisades,
aged 88 years. He wus one of tho early
settlers of lower Rockland county and
known far aud wide.
Dalhl II. ltamaey Arqilltted.
Nnw YonK, Mnrch 25. David H. Ram
sey of New Jersey, who lias been on trial
lu tho General Session Court for almost
a week for the shooting of his wife, wns
declared not guilty by tho jury in the
Death of tin Atroil Divine.
Brooklyn, March 25. Rev. Dr. F.
A. Farley, the oldest ministey in Brook
lyn, died Bhortly after midnight, nfter a
lingering illness. Ho was 01 years old,
and had been a resident of this city fifty
WANTS, &c.
'ANTED. Boarders. In a
Apply ut tlfe IIkuald onice.
small family.
" T 7ANTED. A cirl for ceneral house work
V Good wages paid. Call at tho Heuai.d
oDlce. 8-ll-u
TTiOIt SALE. Cheap, a one-horso spring
; wagon with top.. Also a two-scat surroy
with oxlenslon top. Apply to Fred. BurUhart,
a Nona Mam street, a -s-u
TTANTED, AGENTS. 'We want first-class
T salesmen to nanaio our rubricating uu
nnd Giease products as a side line. Columbia
Oil and Orcaso Co., Cleveland, O. 3-23-lw
Jl namo of John Sheclcr to John Lus.eynsui
In tho Court of Common Pleas of Schuylkill
county. In tho matter of the petition of John
Sheoler for a decree chanclnir his namo to John
Luszcynsltl. And now, March SI, Ib92, three
months after tho presentation of tho foregoing
petition, nnd on motion of J II. Pomeroy, at
torney for said petitioner, the court decrees
that tho namo of said John Sheeler be changed
to John Luszcynsltl, and the Shenandoah Even
ing IIeiiai.ii, a newspaper published In said
county, bo designated for tho publication of tho
notice of this decree for four successive weeks,
unless causo bo showa to tho contrary.
extract irom tno recorn.
S. O. KIRK, Prothonotary.
Shenandoah, March S3, 18!U. 3 23-oaw-H
3Pilf3ilOX" VXic3L
Xjt8T3 Boor
Christ. Schmidt, Agt.;
207 "West Coal St.,
sx:sr j.stjdo
Thamnmhers of tho Ruinlilican party of
Schuylkill Co. are requested to assemble lu
their rt si ective election aisirietaui uie pinceii
where the Republican delegate elecUons were
belli luKt vejir lexccut where champs aie
designated In 1I1U call) on Snturday, April 2,
lfcuz nenveeu ino onuri 01 o imu i 11 nx., iu
eloi.t De'egates and A ternates to the County
Convention: nlsutheiaithHenatorlaland D.s
tileL conveiitlo s. T!i C uMy Convention
will be held Tuesday, Atoll 5, 10 a m , lu Cen-
tmulal nail, l'niibvniu, lor tna purio-oui
ni.m nut ntr u lHllltv lIGkpl una electing two
delegates aud two altorna'es to the NatTonl
1,..l.llAnn l'nni.Dntlnn lithali.M TdnA I RO
At. lliAMLmntlnis&nit olace members of the
County lunubllcan Standing Committee and
ineir auernuies win 00 voieu lor in jiku umu-
ner a" Of legatee tome county uoi'veniiou.
'1 ue uiu i-enaioriai lonveuiion auu tuu no
IUlailvoDUtrlrt Convention wilt be In Id
Wednesday. thoOlhdavnf Anrll. In Cen'en-
nlnl Hidl I'oltsvllle.allOa m.
The First Legislative Dlxirlct Convention
will bo held in Hbeu ndoah, Thursday, Ap 11
7th, n R ibbins' H dl. at 10 a. m
1 1 0 Mecnno L.eizisiaLivH LjiLricLt;onveniioii
will be held li) Metr jpi iltau Rink, Ashland,
f i.aay, April s, at lu a. m.
'IheThlrd Legislative nlttrlet Convention
will holieldlnTatnarjui, Friday, April 8, at
ma. in,
The followlnc named persons have been an
tininted to onndum the o.i ntlona:
ARmaua, v ir-i warn, iihviu uvis, uuhuos
Laubeuslutn, aiteinate, James 11. Lavcns,
Hecond ward, Jumea Kl' ny, W. M. James,
alternates, Chas Fenstermaclier, Henry
third ward. Isa .o arucll. Jr..uurtln sianr
er, alwrcntos, Andrew. Vaughn, Wlnuotd
Fourth ward, Geo. Lalb.W Prlce.alternales,
jiinn uavis. x nomas aunpon, Mr.
Fifth w rd. Ilcnrv Paul. Dunlal 8 too V jr. al
ternato. Ohcar Fellerolf ami Thomas Jones.
Auburn, Dr. Chan. H. Qnall, Philip Heller,
E q., altei nates, James Hansen, Joseph Fred-
Harry East John lleury, Henry llollch, al
ternaie), it inert lireu, r . fallen.
Harry West, D. 13. Khuoy, John lttitiar, al
Icrnn es, George Ilrestler, Noah Oelst.
Duller North.
Butler Fast Richard Fly nn, Patrick. Feoney
u'lernaip, jonu uriuuuii.
Butler South, Watson Hellzlnger, Georgo
iret.etiuan, alternates, Ju, wnuo, u. A
Duller, NorthweKt, 'at. hotel of Dennis
Murphy) Jncob Uml-iUr, John Kvau", uller
na'es Maurice Hwalin and Frank Knapo.
ltutler West, (t half, way house or J. lilace),
Adum Lelch, John Klaoe.
Ilrunswlflr tia&i, 11. i. Koch. Jamos 1),
Lone. ttlt-rnnto . xcotl Miller. Jerry D. Hook.
Hrunwick West. Frank Yon', John Moyer,
alternates J.inaltian Lelbv. WratTavlor.
Illy the Sliver Creek. W Matthews, Thomas
Martlu. alteruauw, John Pairy, 11, Garland.
Diythe, Couibola, Samuel Thomus, UamIoI
Dlylbe ICaska William, J. F.Boytr, Nicho
las inniuio'i.
Ilruuoli. Daniel Faust, Major Clark, alter
nates, John Benull, Jo'Hi Znnincrnian.
imm jMortu, Mtcuaei jireuuau, i-iikk urcn
,U..oimiii, iviuci , uuuiiu.duv .imllU) n.'
loruutn. W. l.yuoh. Jh ites Patten.
ft. tj .. . 1 . 1 1. ... T ... 1 1 . 1 T ,. , nl
Crtssona North, Arthur Branedeld, George
ueeu, alternates, v. uugnes, jonu tciceru
Crt ssnnn Smith. O. fli.flmin. Untptt. Aah
alternates, .lull W.hmllh A K Deloert.
I'nlanopicldat Delano Hall) Christ Kngn
I. U. IUnnsn, alternates, W. Uii, H.WIilt
li' ml
Dolawnre. (tpotloii h'M nt the hou o of
li s .1. Ummiiii'iRR) David Hammer
Kldred ICa t, Friinont l-'ettlg, O. V. Mar
tian. hldrctl West, J.ilin I). Hepler, J, It idenbct
t r, Hitt-nuitfp, D Hn r,, D. II. ' irlth
Frnllo . (house II. Si hlotmiin), T J. Tobln,
A cIcy Crime, ol'ernatos Utotti Ch'is. Long
o-ter, MKliBcl Sboppel, W, 1' Mauler, al
ernate- homns Gray, Tliomns HI phensoi
Kmclcvlllo, Abe Taylor, John McGI ness
ilicnintcs, i-nmiicl - ynn, George llorelilll
Glrardvllle Middle, J M. (Hick, Thorn t
ilchHids, lleruales, Robert llcnnle, Col, V
II Monaghan.
GlraidNllle EiBt. E. O. Wagner, 1h inas
IiivIb, at ornntes John LpwIi, A Hower.
Glrardvllle West. J 11, I'M. Ijouls Uteit, ul
fr nies. 1 homi-s Hracey, -, liltl.
Gllucrton Hast, N.n. IIokt. II C. Dutter
inmates. Dnnlcl EyHnx, Alex Jacoui.
G lliert m Wet. Jolm Harris Isaac Morgan,
i tornntes, Ell Murray, John ll ilzam.
Ullticrlon Middle, llou, M Lenrv, H. ll
llnke, alternates, Hlephen Itltrlngbara, Job
1're vet han.
Gordon N M Frank, F. E. Briber, alter
nt'R, Albert Eng'e, H I. Utach.
Heglns West, Hon. C. J. l,ouden!lager, J.W
lempr. axeman-?, J. Rrieltrrt II Snyder.
Heglnn Eas , Jnmes Dunkelberger, A. B
Clnnser, nl'ernate. W. Maurer.
Hubley, Vt' O. Paltzer, 11. H. Gilbert, alter
nolo Moses Hartinan.
Kline (lloucybrook), Isaao Phillips, Join
Herbert, alternates, John Cook, Joha 11
Kline, Pllverbrook, Alfred Nichols, Arb
KU e, I.ofly, F K. Kantner, A. It. Latslin
I a idlngville, H Drumbeller,J. F. Harssicr
dternat. Win. Lefller.
vt. Carbon, Robert Campbell, W. Canning.
Manbelra North, Focht's, Jerry Focht John
Geber, alterixite. Dav.d Achy.
Mnnbelm Noith, McDermutt's A. Strum
w. Kline. alteroRte, W. Geagpr.
Mtttihelm North, Mclots, Hirry Fllburl
Morris Baylor, alternates, Samuel Diddle, Jas
Manbelm South Keber, D. F. lteber, W. 3
Shatter, alternates, Cans Flsuer, S. 8. Ittalne
Mahnnoy West, Lost Creek, Geo. W John
on, Itobt. Peel, alternates, W. Jones Jnoob
Mabanoy West, Raven linn, Thomni B
Tweedlo, K. Edward", alternaUB.Chas. Hower
VV. Anderson
Miihnnoy Wo-t, Brownsville, Jas. Hea'on,
S Hrown, nllernntes. J, I unes, J. Price.
Mabanoy Wet, SVm I'enn, Wm. Palmer.
W. If. Lewis, alterrates, J. Hughes, Thorns'--May.
Mshnncy East, Lanlgan's, S. Frost, George
Mahauoy Etst, Cole's, Jas. Gillespie, DennU
Mabanoy Fast, Colo's No. 2,Wm. Lattlmore,
I). Ttinmas,
Mabanoy East, Hill's, Anthony HI acte, John
Malm' oy City, First ward, Jonathan Jon's.
Jacob smith, alternates, Johu J. Coyle. Sam'l
Second ward, Ed. SUUnian, Jr., W. II. Car
ter, alternates, James Ojmorford. W, Potts
Itamsey, Esq.
Third ward, II. E. Smith, Geo. W. Dennis,
alternates I has. Dut-r. Frank F. Iteed.
Fourth nrd, H A. Klos -, II. D Fermlcr,
alternates, I, V. Ka'isch. Abram King.
Flfih ward, Thomas ltonser, Thos. Wool.
(OCX, alternates, Daniel Skcath, John P.
Mitiersvllle East, Jo n Phl'llp
Illnl. Win Rnen.
car, alternates A. W. Sterner, Jonas Lauben-
Mlnersylllo West. Ed. Bhlssler, W. Fnulker.
Mlddleport, Thomai Jennings, 8. W. Bosler,
alternates, F. .1. Dllchv. J. Hlepbeis.
Newcastle, Newcastle, Hon. Ellas Davis,
Benjamin Miller, alternates, Aloazo Kobe.-.
Theodore Miller.
New Castle, Wadesyllle, J. D. Thomas,
James Head.
Norwegian, West, Curran, J. Elsenberg.
Thomas Keating, alternate. James H. Kelly,
Norwegian, Etst M, HofTey, T. W. Gallon,
nilCllll.tV, W. ODUUIUHUUi
Norwegian, K, Curry's, B. Dutton, T. Dram
ley, alternate. W. Rogers.
New 1'hlla lelnhla B. W.Jones, J. Tanner,
alto nale. Phil Evans.
New Ringgold, David Vcller, II. B. Koch,
aiieriimer., j, a. jiornucrger, u. ijoiter,
Oiwlgsburg, J. Delllenderfer.Capt.Steahlln,
nllornnlpa M U A n TJ.rn.
I'luegnive bot'oagb! A. sMaweller. Q. F,
Tlilel, alternates, G. D. Gelsstmer, Peter
1 -onrova lownnhtp, D, P. W. llolio, M.
Workman, alternatoj, A. Yoder, L. H.Adams.
Plnegrove. W. Georgo Stahl, Ezra Boug'
ncr. alternates, ijevi tieit, wuiiani iteea
ruio uo, iieni, iNaus, viiiiarn.joiios.
Port Clluton. E. J. Korlla. O. C. "Hatch, al
ternates. Kuireuo Bond. Cl-.arlo-i Matten.
Port Cartion. Jnmes Robinson William
Knnwles, alternates, Jameb Stevens, Daniel
Port Carbon. Mcchnnlcsf llle. Richard Ball.
Btmuto Wilson, alternates, George Thoru-
ourg isenj.nuirman.
Porter East Isaac Evans, J. Brown, alter.
nates. Hiram Urown.Joho Reiner.
Porter Wont, W. W.Thoinpwm, W. Bearer,
alternates, H Updegravo, H. M. Stitox.
A-orier piortu inomas jeriK.ns, jacoo
lt"ninf. alternates. Ed lloutz fcd. Moore,
iini,..iiii.u.H.i.iMui u t un. .ri.,t
nev, alternates, Howard Cole, Will Alien.
I'ousvino r-ouiueasi. to. j. u. v ;otf. w.
Williams, alternates. D. Jenkins. W. Rich.
Pottsvllle Middle, John Ebert, W. tj,nlnn
alternates. W. Wilson. llirum Mover.
PolUville Northeast, W. D. Hodson, O. T,
Bowen, alternates, George Knowles, W. B.
Parker. Jr.
Pottsiillo Northwest. Frank Berlrnm. E.
Phlll'ns.nliernates. John Wojdward. Charlci
miaou in.
P.ittsvllle 7th. W. Ent, W. Falls, Sr., niter
uaici. li. iuusir,jiii.-uii4ir.iuu.
i oiiHvuiu uonu, ivicnaru DLcpouun,
Mertz. alternates. Jos. .Mulllaan. W. Will
ilahn, Thomas Rrndbnry, II G. Fisher, ai'
lornatea, David Lewis, Thomas Downs
Rush, Haucks, w. A. Stealer, W, W
ivaup. ulternate, Jo"l Holn.
ivuau. i-oiz. t- o.jou. unaries niuuei.
Hi..!. IIK..I. U. I, n.. llnl...l t.nnun.i
uuciuMica. muiiua ."igier, 11t.11.t3 ihiil.
Ryan, Churles Blue, W. Weaver, alternates,
..l.M.Hn,,. A ..... ... i (...It.
Rellly. Robert Wear. II. Zerbv
nbiiu.niii liavcil UtDl. tV , .UUllOll, WJHIB
Kaullmun, ultcruatej. Will Baylor. E. Wit-
Unh....ll.lll II ...... ... t...lln r
BchnylklU Haven West. Shuffer
.T..l,n Iforr '
Kchuylkill Haven North, Henry Sterner.
jot, 13 sou, uneriiuies, xsaac iiuey. ilouoi
Kr.huvl'tlll Haven South, ele tlnn to be held
at tno uou .0 01 w e .hi izer. Jouaimn uoucu,
James Helms, alternates, a. Uchalk. J. P,
Garret u.
Scliuyl-lll township. Chirles Long, p. ter
Crone, tlternales, jao.ib muz, Jtersnner,
mi. lair worm. v . Williams, lienrce 11 r.
rison, alternate, Q. W. Johnson, John War.
Hi. Clair Ronlh James Johns, Abe Junes
alternates. Josenh Fame. William Tell
Ml. uiair .niaaie, ueorge j. it sinner, uoorgu
Ttnirlnnl.llt nllumnliu Wllllntn fOollKfifi.
l.iiin 11 fltU
Hh.nandjan, First, John Hansen, amuri
Rogers, alternates, John Thurlby, Charles
Hliennndooh Second. O. A. KelT). Cbarl
Phlllli", alternstes, G. Gregory, Jos. Boyer.
Hliemnd 'ah Third, Th'.mss Sanger, Ed
wnril It. Wllltatiis. alternates. .
Sliennnaoau r ouriu, si t-. i owior, uaoiei
Sterner, alternates. It. Amour. Gvlum Jo es
nnnl. If t ft It Oil. la, bnlf Iln...!.),
l'lllinner. nlternalcs.' John llatsle'r. Grant
jumaqua isasi, li. unesicr, uuaries Alien.
jamaqua -oriu, v, iiisnop, ri. tinny,
Tamanun South. Robert Harris. II Walters,
Tremonl East, tto be held at Brewery hotel)
John union, Art uowe.aiwruau; it, emieu
Phi tin Weltv.
Tremout Wot, National hotel, W. Brower
wiiunm mnoaey, alternates, junu ruusi
Tremout township, Ed Meal.W. D. Murphy
uuornates, uarry Kieiiuamer,Josepu l'.vaiw.
Upper MahamoDMO, John Kleluglnna, II
Uutiin. Ellts Miller, F. Seltzer, alternate,
Olden i ilerker.
Union Kant, Nelson Brandon, Georgo
Union North, F. Wlmmby. W. Fetterolf,
alternates, J. 11. uavis. J rw iutz.
Walker, lotm ll. Koah Abram llelster. nl
ternutes, Bsm. MarBel, David Hhanck. (To
bo held at the house of Joseph U .yer.)
West I'enn Houtli, Lelby's, J B. Mautz,
Jacob Looguerker.
West I'oun Norlhsast, Maotz.Dvld Aobey,
W. M' tz
Wen' l'enn Northwest, Wrens.TUomas Bill
man, Henry Tyon.
Wmhlogtou, Hatdorfs, L. G Reed, aorge
Wrublng on, Uook, John Ferltg, W. F.
Wayne Norlh David Yelrh, O. I). Hurt.
Wavneouth, Ja. A. Hall'ner F. Holt in an.
Yo kvllle, laaoo Rich, 11. Decker.
J. H. JAMEB, Chairman.
ASUtiAND, March IS, IWi.
(P. & R. It. It. Co., Lessee.)
NOV 15, 1891.
Tasseneer trains leave Shen-
...nAt. nTnn U.H.n T..nnln.. .Tn..nt. m...,.
Lehighton, Slatincton.Whito Hall, Catasauqua!
Aucniown, jjcmiencm, ivsion, new xora,
Phlladclnhla, Hazlcton, Wcathcrlv. Quakako
Junction, Delano and Mahanoy City at 5.47, 7.10,
.03 a. m., 12.K, 3.10, 5.-0 p. m.
For New York, 6.47, 7.40, .o a. m., 13.50, 3.10,
SO p. m.
For Hazleton. Wllltcs-Barro. White Havon.
Pittston, Lnceyvllle. Towanda, Sayro, Wnverly,
Klmira, llochester, Niagara Falls und tho West,
10.41 a. in., (.1.10 p. m., no connection for Roches
ter, Buffalo or Niagara Falls), 5.20 p. m.
For Delvtderc, Delaware Water Gap nnd
Stromlsburg, 5.47 a. m., 5.20 p. m.
For L.amDcrivmo ana Trenton, v.un a. m.
For Tunkhaunock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 5.20 p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Genova and Lvons, 10.41
m., o.20 p. m.
For Jconesvillo, Lovlstonand Beaver Meadow.
40, 9.08 a. m., 12.62, 5.20 p. m.
For Audenrled. Hazleton. Stockton and Lum
ber Yard, 5.47, 7.40, 8.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10,
20 p. m.
f or cranton, d.t, v.uo, iu.i a. m., .iu, d.-m p.
For Hazlebrook, Jcduo. urlfton and Frcelana,
47, 7.40, 9.U8, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.20 p. m.
For Ashland, Glrardvllle and Lost Creek, 4.27,
46. 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.05, 1.40, 4.10, 6.S3, 8.03, 0.14
For Raven Run, Centralia, Mount Carmol and
SUamoUIn, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., P40. 4.40, 8.00 p. ra.
For Yatcsville, Park Placo, Mahanoy City aLO
Delano. 5.47, 7.40, 9.03 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.20, 3.03,
9.24, 10.87 p. m.
Trains will leave Shamokin nt 7.53, 11.55 a. rn..
10. 4.30, 9.40 li. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at
.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.26. 11.15 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5.50, 7.40,
08, 102 a. m 12.52, 3.09, 4.10, 5.20, 8.03 p. in.
Leave Pottsvillo for Shenandoah. 0.00, 7.40.
05, 10.15, 11.48 a. m.. 3.00, 5.20. 7.00, 7.15, 9.30 p. nU
Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 5.47, 7.40, 9.03,
10.41 a. in., 12.62, 3.09, 5.20. 8.03 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7.00, 9.15,
11.00 a. m., 12.15, 3.10, 5.30, 7.05, T.&6 p. ra.
Trains leave for Ashland. G Irardvlllo and Lost
Creek, 0.50, 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Yatcsville, Park Place, Mahanoy City,
Delano, Hazloton, Black Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Bethlehem, Eastou. and New York, 8.00 a. m.,
I.4U n. m.
For Yntesvllle, Park Place, Mnhanoy City and
Delano, 8 00 a, m., 1.40, 4.40, 0.03 p. m.
Leavo Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8.00 a. m,,
1.45, 4.37 p. m.
Leavo Shcnanaoan ror joiistuio, d.ou, o.uu,
30 a. m., 2.43 p. m.
Leave Pottsvillo for Shenandoah, 10.40 a. m.,
1.35, 4.30,0. 15 p.m. .
acn'l IMss. AgtM South llothlclicm. Pa.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For Now York via Philadelphia, week days,
in F. T 20 ii. m . 13.35. 3.AO. S.&S .3. m. Bundav.
1.10. 7.48 a. in. For New York via Mauch Chunk.
week days, 5.25, 7.20 a. m., 12.35, 2.50 p. m.
I'or itcaoing ana i-nnaaeipnia, weea aays,
!.10, 5.23, 7.20 a. m., 12.33, 2.50, 5.55 p. m. Sunday,
10. 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m.
For Hnrrlsbure, week days, 2.10 7,20 a. in..
2.50, 5.55 p. m.
i'or Allentown, week aays, i.m a. ra., i.,
2.50 p. m.
S.50, 5.
2.10. 5.25. 7.20 a. m.. 12.35. 2.50. 5.55 n. m. Sunday.
2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p, m. Additional for Mah
anoy City, woek days, 7.00 p. ra.
r or Lancaster ana L-oiuniDia, weca uuys,
a. rn., 2.60 p. m. .
For Wtlllamsport, Sunbury and Lcwisburg,
week lays, 3.25, 7.20, a. in., i.aa, i.w p. m
Sunday, 3.23 a. m.. 3.05 p. m. ,...-
For Mahanoy Piane, weok days, 2.10, 3.25, 5.55,
7.20, 11.30 a. m., 12.35, 1.35, 2.60, 5.55, 7.00, 9.25 p. m.
s inntiv 111. ..r. ,.40 u. m.. i.du u. iu.
For Glrardvllle, (Rappahannock Station),
weok days, 2.10, 3.25, 5.25, 7.20. 11.30 a m., 12.35,
1.35, 2.50, 5.55, 7.00, 9.25 p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 3.25,
7.48 a. m., 3 05, 4.30 1. m.
For Ashland and Shamokin, week days, 3.25,
5.25, 7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00, 9.25 p. m. Sun.
day, 3.25, 7.48 a. m., 3.05 p. in,
Leavo Now York via Phlladclnhla. weok days,
7.45 a. m 1.30, 4.O0, 7.30 p. in., 12.15 night. Sun
uav. o.uu n. m.. is. 10 nicni.
Lsavo Now York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
4.30, . a. m., l.uu, a. ia p. m. sunnay, 7.00 a. m.
4.C0, 0.00 p. m., from Broad and Callowhlll and
8.35 n. m., 11.30 p. m. from 9th and Green streets.
bunuay, v.u, a m., ii.ou p. m., irom vtn una
Loavo Roading, week days, 1.35,7.10, 10.05, 11.60
a. m., o.or,. J.01 p. ra. rsunuay, i., iu.o a. ra,
Leave POUSVIIIO, wei-K uays, a.vj. t.w u. n. 1,1. Sunday. 2.10. 7.00 a ra..2.05p.m,
Leave Tan-aqua, weeu uays, a.M,, ii. u,
1.. 1.21,7.13, w.l p. ra. sunuay, a., (. a. m.
fin n. m.
r.pavo Mahanov Cltv. weelt days. 3.40. 9.18,
11.47 a m , 1.61, 7.42, 9.41 p. m. Sunday, 3.48, 8.17
a. m., 3.20 p. m. . ,
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week drys, 2.40, 4.00,
0.80, P.35, 11.69 a. m., 1.05, 2.00, 5.20, 0.20, 7.57, 10.00
p. m. Sunday, -'.-hi, 4.uu. .' n. m., u.ui p. m.
Leave Glrardvllle, (Rappahannock Station),
weeks days, 2.47, 4.07, 0.30, 9.41 a. m., 12.05, 2.12,
&.2J, 0.32, B.U3, 1U.00 p. Ul. ClUUUay,, 4,Ol, B.,
a. m 3.41. 6.07 p. m.
Leave Williamsport, weok days, 3.00, 9.45, 11.65
a. m., 3.a3, U.I5p. in. Sunday, 11.15 p. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
B. O. R. It, through trains leavo airard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (1. & R. R. R.) at
3.65. 8.01. 11.27 a. in.. 3.50. 5.42, 7.13 p. m. Sunday,
35, 8.02, 11.27 u. m., 3.50, 5.42, 7.13 p. m.
Leavo Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf
and South Street Wharf.
Week days Express, 9.00 a. m., 2.00, 4.00 p. m.
Aocommodatlon, 8.00 a. m., 5.00 p. ra.
Sunday Express, 9.00 a, m. Accommodation,
8.00 a. m,, 4.30 p. m.
Returning, leuvo Atlantio City, depot Atlantio
and Arkansas Avenues Woek days, Express,
7.30, 9.00 a. .? 4.00 p. m. Accommodation, 8.10
a. m., 4 30 p. m. Sunday Expieas, 4.00 p. m.
Aecomraoilatlon, 7.30 a. m., 4.30 p. m.
C. G. HANCOCK, Gen'l Pass'r Agt.
A. A. MoLEOD. Pros. & Gen't Manager.
Big Cut in Prices.
23 HV( Ceutio Slrtel,
Best red flannel undershirts. 06c; best pray
undershirts, 30o; best cotton overshirts, o;
bast clotb overslllrts, 75u; best muslin wlillo
slilrt, 40o; men's best woolen souks, per pair,
15o; half iliu. gents' line handkerchiefs, 360 :
lino auspouilers, per pair lfc; overalls tor men,
lOo up: ladles' tine merino underwear, each,
onlv 40c: ladies' all-wool IurUhLs. 76a: lAdlps
fast black stockings, 3 pair for 2So; children's
white underwear. I5u up; 1 pairs oliUdren'n fjr't
black stockliiKs. 26c; boys' knea nauU.onlynt:
best linen table oloths, 50u up; rluiiat wweltniis.
Super yard, best bedspreads, only I won.
To tmt a l'ol
tlv- flurn tor the ellwU of wtfAtttM.
.. r nil Jtins. Ar uu lulilllty, U)pt
iuipotrir, A.O. So frrttttU our faith la
our Foelno ure wlllMnd ono ,ill Montlt Alcdlcluv
andlfurli Vuiuule Inromumon i. Aaartm
ti. M.tO., BUillr"auj,J.ew York.
For ramphlet containing full information, address,
fei5?"t,M.a?pl,e c0Iea. of "?"E 'Colliery Engineer," (by reading
ippll-tion Ft" 'm'"-' antl catalogue of . Mining Books sent frei on
irst National Bank,
Capital, $ 100,000.00
A. Y. Leisenring, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenring, Cashier,
9 Yost. Ass' t Cashier.
Open Oall From 9 to 3.
Inld on Mivtu OepoNltH.
aontrYLKiLii DrviaioN,
-,. r. flat. TVm.Antho- ll IHOI i-ntm .1,1 1 f
leave anenannoaa as wuaws:
For Wliran. Gllberton. Fraolcvllle. Nsa
'id In. Ht. Clair, and wav noinls. 6.0J. 3.10."
11.15 a m and 4.15 p m. A
dueaays, ouu, v.w a m nnn uupm, t
For Pottsvillo, O.W, 9.10, 11.4 ) a m tiiat.ll,
Bnnda vs. 600. s.ld n m nnd 3,10 n m,
yor Reading, 6.00, 11.45 a m and 4.15 pm, f
For Pottstown. J'hoe.nxvlUo. Morristowr.
na fniiaaeinniii luroaa sireei siauoai. t.ii
11.1 i. m. ana i.ta p iu went aayn
laaavs. w. u.tu a m s.iu p m.
TvaI na leavu Frankvlllo lor Bh'.nandoah t i
i t.l 1 I U I1U ll,ll U.UI, y Ut. I9-
iaave po'.'aviue inrnuunanaoan. lu.ioan
a rr 5.15 t m.
i.nave pniiaaeipnia (tsroaa streoi siatiou
t.iuMuu ..uu i in whhk iixv.. nunutt.njn. mu
9. a m
llm 1'. 3d ot ureal, l.u.l 4.tJ o ai.l u.4i. 1.4
1.30, 12) 4, 1.02, , 0, (i.20, 8.50 7.13 8.U and IU.C
rn. ii.iu tiuiib
in Sundays. t.W. 4.05. 4.40. 5.33, 8.12, 8.10. B.60
n ni 741. 1. 4. -z.rtti. 4 r. iiiiniTun
stations 8) and 11.14 a. m 4.00 p. m. weef 1
rlavn. Krfifihotd onlv 5.00 n Tn WfiAk dnvri. .1
nor uaitimore ana
9.10 and 11.18 a. m.,4.4
meataauy anu Bui.
BtlllCDB mtu UIUIUK U1L I ll l.tll VllUOl O J t.u, u.'t!
n .rt n,ul.rini,u It .. I I im e. u nn I O OO JOI
exit i.iiiuuiuuu, , ... iu. auu j&.uu ' t.
uai y. i ou u. ui. uuuy. tsxctipi. ouuuiy.
t rams leave uarrisonrg tor rittBDnrK ami
to wast every aay at vt;a ann J.tu a m avu
3 f) (Umlled) and 3.40. 7.25 p m. Way ft j
no)",f. suim ana i.iu v ra every aay.
For Plttsbarc only. 11.20 a ra dally and 10.-
m iveek dayo.
jave Banburv lor Wllllaiijoart. Elmlrt
JmanlaUua, Rochester, Bndaloand Nlagan
11" t.iu a m aaiiy, ana j,pia weeit uay
'"O! Elmlra, 6.30 p ra weekdays.
h- Lf.rte. uil lnfni.mci11.ntn no1nt. K tfl fl Til
tnllv. Wnr IstnK Haven. 5.10. and 9.66 a n.
tally, 1 35 and 6.80 p. m. week days, va
tsnuyu:?.iu n ui u auu g, hi ji in wiwa ui
1.10 a. m Bandars.
?n Mao'r
Will iiroinptly relievo tho nii-tit dl
tretMing cute of Acnto or Chronic It ha
5 mat imu or Ottut. IW t Irlctly obmstnn
3 the uuectioDs, it mil cure you perma i
tttllk the nutucrotu prcptrfclton Ibtl flo'
I the couotrr, tliU nn itrin li ineciflo for t U
j varloui foruii of rheuoiktlBiu onlr, Ld tb
Ipeciflo for
onfr, Ld t9U f
y ,8,1, cure an una lunue v
..- ......
la oonnfedttoa wlta 111 i.llli. couvinti ihft
Ih nroner remfidr hal lGB round. You ftro e ftrr.n.tlr .
quii4 to Ut tho mrrlti of
ltitouT'S itiu.UMATiu itr.air.DV.
mot BkttcrlDK teitlmouUli, .
nvttt, ri mot in in m i uiaiituit! or kKUtT a
If mur luroltwnrr duflt Dot ktt-p It, Bind to U
laaufitotureri ui jou mill receive u tv mtil.
Al.ItlMLT 10kll'l
3037 Murfcct httect, rhltud'a. r.
A Large Attcudimci
Boom for a Fow More.
Take" advantage Of tho proseat
chance to secure a
For terms, &o., call at the College or addn
W. J.
Finest brands ot clears always on baij
The best temperance drinks.
wosuington, a.ou, i.m i
.... .
1, 6 57, 7.40 p.m. and 12.0, 1
10.20 a. m.. 12 35 (limited