The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 24, 1892, Image 2

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    URIG AG1D.
A Oloar Doaoriptlon of Thio Moot
Subtlo Enomy of Modern Amer
ican Life What a Promi
nent Professor Says.
A well-known professor conuectnl
with a lending medical college, In
conversation, recently lumlo tho fol
lowing wonderful assertions :
"There is probably nothing which
has ever been known in the history of
the world that has caused more real
misery to men uud women than that
slinnle and vet dancerous element
called uric acid. This dangerous
substance gets Into the blood or men
and women, aud even children, even
before they suspect It, aud the havoc
that It works Is simply appalling. Il
cau-ea rheumatism, neuralgia, gout
and nneumoula. It is the cause ol
most colds aud the actual source of
nearly every inse of grip.
You ask how this dangerous acid
pets Into the blood t Very easily.
Tho prluclpul duty of tho kidnejs
and bladder are to expel urlouctd lrom
thesyitem. They fail to work very
frenueutlv. aud. instead of being
driven from the system, this poisonous
tiriti acid noes into tho blood, wueti
once in the blood It ferments, it
poisons, it causes unuu inhered diseases
and too oiten occasions ueam.
"It must be plain, even to a novice,
that tho only way lu which to keep
this acid out of tho blond Is to keep
the kidneys aud bladder In a stroiii;,
a healthy and a vigorous condition.
Tills is the whole problem in a nut
shell, and tho man or who
does this is Invariably free from uric
acid aud the Infinite troub'cs which It
causes. I have never kuowu of but
oue thing that will lu every case
drive urlo aold from tho system, aud
that is AVa ner's Suf Cure. It has
been found by tho medical profession
to be possessed of properties unknown
to any discovery of ancient or modern
times. I have known of women who
have been weak, sallow, run ilowti, of
men who have tieen debilitated and
wholly unnerved, who are today
pictures of health ami strength, and
thev know as well as I do that the re
sult is due to Inn one thing the great
cure of which 1 have snokeu."
The great truths above stated are as
certain as existence, and tney reveal
the real 'ause of most physical misery
of the present day, aud they clearly
reveal the wav of escaninc from suon
misery. No man or women at the
nreseut day should be tho victim ol
urlo acid poison. That it is very pre
valent is most true, but to permit it to
get into the system, or having gotten
there, to remain. N simply folly.
A Corrc'Hponclriit'n Account of a Trip mi the,
reiiiiHylvunl.i Itallroad.
"Last cull for dinner." "Dinner car
second to the Iront." vision la gone,
Summoned from dreamy rooditatlon, wi
quickly, keenly appreciate the luxurioa of
modern travel as set forth on tho menu of
the Pennsylvania Limited probably the
most porfectly equipped train in all tho
world. Composed exclusively of Pullman
vestibule drawing and state room, sleeping
cars, & dining car, a smoking car, and an
observation car, tho entire train represents
in design, construction and finish the most
acceptable roiulta of constructive and
decorative art. As all these cars aro con
nected by Pullman patent safety vestibules
ladies and children may pass from car to
car without danger or tho slightest exposure
to weather. These safety vestibules not
only allow freedom of movement, but im
part stcadinoss of motion, and diminish the
danger of telescoping in case of collision.
Tho smoking car is cosily furnished, and
suppliod with books, periodicals and thi
daily newspapers. On the bulletin board
are di-pl&yod the quotations of stocks and
tho commercial mid goneral news of (he
world taken fresh from tho wires at each
stopping point
A hair dressing and shaving cslab'lsh
ment, with a bath rom attached, a joins
the smoking room.
The sleeping cars embidy tho latot and
-raost approved Idem of comfort and luxury
for the traveling public. In addition to
the appointments now oxpected in every
fist long distance train, the Pennsylvania
Limited is marked by the following dis
tinctive feature;
Bulletins of thn latest financial and gen
eral nows, stenographer and typ writer,
ladies' maid, observation car. Modern In
genuity has beon taxed to make this the
Ideal train in safety, comfort and luxury.
In tho observati in car is looatod the steno-1
grapber wilh his K-mlngton typewriter, a
m .chine which within ten years hat com
pletely revolutionised the methods of cor
respondence Id tho business world. Hie
services are free. 1'nssengors may dictate
to him letters or telegrm, which will bo
duly transcribed on his machino and mailed
or forwarded at the next stopping point.
And so it is, that tho business man on
scopced in munificent luxury with every
comfort at band, may keep in touch with
the markets of the world and attond to his
more Important currespondence, even
while eliding along the peaceful banks of
the Juniata or skimming over the crest of
the lofty Allrghenles.
Truly this It a groat world I And the
days and methods of tho stage coach aro no
louger "In it."
l'isliliifr Tuclile,
A large lot of tho fi est fishing taoklo,
ohoapar and batter than ever, jutt received.
'Dome and see me bslcro purchasing vise,
where and you will savt- mine? at
Max Kknbk'b,
FrgutOD Houto. 13 W. Centre St.
Waters' Well boor Is tho best.
Keilly sole agent.
John A.
A nappy mun
a "r-r t-
ne wno uw.iira nag uu lor unenmilltni, I
Weumlgla, Toothache end onronlo Pln.. U'i '
a remedy which cures every time. Try it. 'a
cenLs. hed PluirOU uwld at P. P. ft. Kir.
Ua'e DrugHtore. I
Tho Reply to Salisbury Ite
coived by the Senate. -
President Harrison tines Plain Language
to England's Premier.
Ilelirlnc Son Will lie 1'ollccil tor Hie Pro
tection of tho SciiIn Tho President In
sists Upon It llenewul of Ihn Hindus
Vlvcmll Tending Arbitration The Uni
ted Stules Will Not Abate Us Claim to
Jurisdiction In lU'lirlng Sea.
Washington, March 24. President
Hairison Kent to tho Senate copies of
Lord Salisbury's latest note and of bis
own reply, which was cabled to London
Tuesday. In transmitting these notes,
which place the eutire carrespondenco re
lating to Behring Sea up to date In the
possession of the Senate, the President
made no recommendntton or suggestion,
The text of bis reply Is in Itself fully In
dicative of the wishes ot the administra
tion. The Senate, Immediately upon
the receipt of this correspondence, went
Into executive session and continued be
hind closed doors for an hour, when the
correspondence wns refcrr d to the Com
mittee on Foreign Relations, which al
ready has bofare It the proposed arbitra
tion treaty.
The greatest secrecy is maintained at
tho Capitol upou the entire subject of
the Bearing Sea negotiations. Tho ac
curacy with which the evasive and un
satisfactory character of Salisbury's
note, and of the vigorous nnd patriotic
tone of the President's reply, were stated
in theso dispatches, caused conslderablo
annoyance to members of the committee
ou Foreign Relatlous.
It Is said that in the executive session
yesterday Senator Sherman, tho chair
mad of that committee, spoke at somo
length upon tho importance, lu view of
the critical stage which tho correspond
ence with Great Britain had reached, of
preserving tho strictest silence until the
time should arrive for publishing tho full
correspondence. Senator Shermau pointed
ont that as Salisbury's autioiAvas un
doubtedly guided to some extent by
motives connected with tho domestic
policies of Groat Britain, indiscreet
newspaper comment might havo an un
fortunute cried, especially if based upon
information bearing evidence of accurrcy.
The rejoinder of the President plainly
informs Salisbury iu languugo which,
though, diplomatic, cannot be misunder
stood, that his equivocations are not
consistent with that fruukuess which
this Government has a right to expect
from u friendly power acting in good
faith. The Piesident, as wus also an
ticipated, insists upon a renewal of the
modus vlvendl pending arbitration; de
clares that the United States, in advance
of arbitration, will not abate its claim to
jurisdiction in Behring Sea, and cou-
Lcludes with a stitring paragraph which
declares that this Uoverument will pre
vent the destruction of the seals, even
though it require the use of military
This can only be Interpreted as mean
ing that the l'resleeut intends to police
Behring Sea, If it takes halt of the navy,
us well us the revenue cutters now iu the
Pacific, to do it. This would not neces
sarily result in hostilities, unless Great
Britain should send a licet to Behring
Sea to oppose the seizure of the Cauadiuu
The reading of Salisbury's evasive note
containing several other unsatisfactory
propositions than a renewal of the modus
vlvendl wus received In the Senate with
marked irritation. The pungent aud
stirring reply of tho Presideut was re
ceived with marked approval ou both
sides of the chamber.
Lived 18 Veins With a llrokeu Mark.
Pittsburg, Pa., March 24. Joseph
Riby, uged 00 years, died at Manslleld
last night from natural causes, after
having lived for eighteen years with a
broken back. The injury was cuused by
slato and coal falling upon him in amine.
When dug out ho was actually doubled
up. Though bis bacK was broken bis
spinal cord was not injured. lie has
been bed-ridden ever since.
feloskinl Mutt Go West
CmtiAGo, March 24. Fruuk Ives will
not pluy George Slosson iu New York
(or the emblem of the world's billiurd
championship, which ho won from Jacob
Bchuefer on Saturday last in this city.
"I would luot pluy hi New York under
nuy consideration," Ives said. "No in
ducements the Mudlsou Square Garden
may oiler will maku me reconsider this
Civil Appropriation 11111.
"Washington, Mnrch 21. Tho Houso
Committee on Appropriations yefeterday
practically ugreed upou the Suudry Civil
Appropriation bill. The measure will
carry au appropriation ot ubout $35,000,
000, Rgalnst $3j,00d,0d0 appropriated by
the bill for the current Usual year. The
committee refused to make public the
uetalls or the bill, but may do so to-morrow.
Jlnnie Itnto for Utah.
WABniNOTON, March 24,- The House
Committee ou Territories by a vote of
eight to oiio ordered, favorably reported
to the House the bill introduced by Mr.
Knre providing for a home government
'or Utah. The bill passed the commit
tee by a strict party voto, ejglit Demo
crats favoring It, and oue Republican,
Perkins, of Iowa, voting against It.
yrllittven Persons Killed,
San Salvador, llarch 24. A train
wus derailed yesterday at Sonsonate,
fifty miles southwest ot tills city, ou the
Aoajutlu Railroad. Thirteen persous
were killed and tblrty-ono wounded. It
U the most terrible railroad disaster
(hut has ever happened hi Central
An. erica.
Money for Osi-muiiy's Pair.
Iliniw, March 34 The Reichstag bus
referred to a camuin.4 a bill providing
for a supplementary credit ot 8,800,000
marks tor the German exhibit at the
Chicago World's Exhibition.
A Courtship of Twenty Years.
r ,,, vr v ir,,i, oi t i...
looKroBT, N. Y., March 21. T. James
Well aster, a merchant, married last
evening Kumi ttverat, niter a courtship
extending over -v years.
.ivory man irno would innwtiiouiiANI)TnuTII8,lMo rlaln Facts, the
Old bocrcts nnd tho Nc I)it,noverlfs of Modlcnl Bclenco as applied to
Married l.lfo, should v rlw for our wonderful little bonk, called
A TltKATlSH loll Hr N ONLY." To nny earnest man wo win roall ono
copy Entirely I'ree, In plain scalod cover. "A refuse from the quacks."
It's a Dangerous Diversion.
Th s is tho reason ot tho year when the
pamlmo of roi o jumping is put into work
iiik order by the young glrle, and already
as one dcub resulted from this praotl-p.
It wis that of a litt'o Kirl In -V ilkos-Purre,
slid wa caused by over-exertion and
oxhaustion. Often a crowd of girls get
logothor and try to out-jump oach other
xnd keep up jumping until thny cannot
jump any mom and fa'l to the ground.
This sort of exercise is a eourco of dsnger
to the young girls when u-ed as is generally
ho case, and arents and teachers cannot
ho too careful ot their children and ihargts
in this rcspi.ct, and taking heed of this
warning may be the causo of eaving a
family much sorrow In the fu ure. L-t
ho girls take all the cxerc'se they need,
ibat is tho only way to keop them hoaltfay,
dut do not allow thorn to overdj It.
Try It, for It never disappoints. Dr. Hull's
Couch Syrup. At all dealers. Price 25 cents u
A Foreman Injured.
As the UkiAL1 was eoiiiK to press woid
v8 received that Lewis Evsn, inside fore
man at tho slope of EllonROWin colliory,
had been injured and wa? on bis way homo
to thi. town in an ambulance. Mo particu
lars of lha accident wjro given.
Its Fnte or the Measure Will Probably
bo Bottled To. Day.
Washington, March 24. The silver.
debnto yesterday dragged along rather
monotonously. Every ono is waiting for
the events to-day, when the critical
stages of tho discussion will bo reached.
Mr. Bland gave notice that be would
move the previous question at 1 o'clock,
so that be may have the remainder of tb'i
day in which to overcome the filibuster
ing tactics of the anti-silver men.
But it is an even question whether Mr.
Bland will be able to accomplish his
purpose, for General Tracy has numer
ous expedients of filibustering to tie up
the debate and carry it beyond the legis
lative day, Should the day expire with
out the passage of the bill the silver men
would have received u distinct repulse,
us the bill would then lose its preferred
place and would go buck to its place on
tho calendar.
Change of Name aud Increaso of Stock in
New Jersey.
Trenton, N. J., March 24. The Stan
dard OU Company of New Jersey has
filed a certificate with the Seoretary of
State, changing it snume to the Standard
Oil Company. It drops the words "of
New Jersey."
Another certificate was filed by the
new company signed by Paul Babcock,
tho Prcstdont, increasing the capital
stock of the Standard Oil Company to
$10,000,000. This is an Increase of $7,
000,000. The certificate states that this
increase was determined at a meeting of
the Board of Directors held March 4,
The Black Wonder Gold and Silver
Mining Company has filed a certificate
of incorporation. Tho incorporators are
all residents ot Massachusetts. They
will work a gold mine in Colorado. They
also intend to deal In mining property.
Tho capital is $1,000,000.
German Social Circles In Scruntun, Fa.,
Soanton, Pa,, March 24. The elope
ment of Emily Armbrust and Thomas
Duffy lias created an unusual stir in
German social circles here, In which
Miss Armbrust wus a star owing to the
wealth ot her father.
The couple sent word from New York
York that tboy were married there, and
upou receipt of the news there wns a
storm in tho Ambrust household, where
there has beeu great opposition to the
marriage by reason of the opposite reli
gious belief of the youug people. The
young woman's father declares there
can be no reconciliation between her and
her family, and thnt she cannot be in
any way recognized as a daughter.
Youug Dully Is uicely sltuuted, how
ever, and is doing a prosperous furniture
business, lie bus his own homo uud cau
settle down very comfortably upon his
return from his wedding trip, which
will be through Now England.
Tried To Knd Her Life.
Newaiik, N. J., March 21. A very
handsomely dressed and pretty woman
was discovered struggling in the cold
water of the I'aixalo Itiver last night.
She wns rescued iu an unconscious con
dition by Frank Dunn and James Bishop,
of Harrison. She wus takeu to St.
Michael's Hospital and revived. Sho de
scribed herself us Clara Heaver, ngud 21
years, of Hunterdon street, but would
uot lay why sho tried to end her life.
TP ilo ix ox and.
Hjcve- Boor
ortDian at onob.
Christ. Schmidt, Agt,
207 West Coal 8t,,
Qe oZzct6w&!i& aS&vof.
WANTS, &c.
T ANTED. Hoarders. In a small family
Apply at tho llEItAMJ office S H-lin
'ANTED. A girl for general houso work
uuvu wages pain, uan at ino iikhalu
SOU SALE. Cheap, a ono-horso sprlnf
wagon with top. Also a two-seat surrey
h oxten'ilon top. Apply to Fred, llurkhart,
23 North Main street. 3-3-tf
T7ISTUAYED. On tho 21st Inst, from the
rj premises of Frank Stelgofl, on Juncbcrry
alley, a brown cow. White spot on right side.
Cut on right ear. Ono udder larger than the
other. 3-23-2t
IJIOIt SALE. Tho lumber In my s.tablowlll
: bo sold cheap, as tho same-must be removed
Immediately. Apply to Geo. II. 'Williams. 117
South Main street, Shenandoah. 3-10-lw
WANTED, AOENTs-Vo wanWlrst-clas
salesmen to handlo our Lubricating Oil
and Grease products as a side line. Columbia
Oil and Grease Co., Cleveland, O, 3 -23-lw
Six nights only, commencing
MONDAY. MA.R0H 28, '92.
and Saturday Matinee, tho famous
Mr. and Mrs. Punch Robertson.
Supported by their own
M.Y,AuIjeiiaeiim DPBni&u-ic do.
In a select repertoire of comedies:
Mondav Ills Atonement
Tuesday Tlio Lawyer Detective
wcanesuay H crimes 01 a ureal uny
Thursday A Woman's Iicvengo
Friday Two Old Pais
Saturday Matlnco....... David Crocket
Saturday Night .A Golden Letter
lleutl TllIH.
On Mondav nlcht wo nass everv ladv free If
accompanied by a person holding a paid re
served scat ticket.
SPECIAL. Each nerson entcrlnir the house
overy night will receive a number on the gold
watch which will be given away Wcdnosdjy
nignt. mumpers given away eacn mgm.
Saturday, at 3:30. wo elvo a grand family mat
inee. Admission 10 cents. Every child receives
a bag of line mixed candy, besides a doll to the
girls and u wagon to tho boys.
Prices 10,20 and 30 cents.
It you want to see a line display oi IJooLaar.f
ouoea, go 10
Boot and Shoe Store.
(Masteller's old stand,)
corner Coal ntirt Jnrrttu sts.
Custom Work and Rcpalrinj
Done In tho best style.
Dealer In all kinds of
Shoemakers' : Supplies 1
Large and flrst-class stock.
All Demands of Urn Trade Stipphcc
KercUKCm House building, SHENANDOAH. PA.
Edward A. Morgan & Co.
(Formerly Bhaplra's Pharmacy)
107 South JfnlD Street,
Prescript Ions carefully compounded
by regiateied pharmacists,
Procure one of our Chest Protectors.
Cor. Main and Coal-Sts.,
HUenandosb, I'a.
Regular meals at popular
prices served at all times.
Ladles' dtnlui; uui re.
fresbmenl rooms atta'cli.
ed. liar stonked with the
fluent brandi ol clears
aud fancy drinks.
Leading Restaurant in Town.
Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand
Wbere be will be viewed to meet tbe wants
or uis irienas ana ui puuno lu
Everything in tho Drinking Lino
tnrgewt nudcheaiiefit stock la town.
airtfiflll f!lllSnSnn nnil HsAini!.,.
uiaiuu" auu itctiftttlli
10-2-6m 221 W, Centre Bt., HUKNANDOAB
IMPR0Eu Srr-lMl.
(P. it II. It. It. Co., Lessee.)
NOV 15, 1891.
Passentrer trntnnlrnvn Rhpn-
andoah forl'enn Iluven Junction, Mauch Chunk,
Lehighton, Slatlngton.Whlto Hall, Catasauqua,
Allentowu, Hcthlehcm, Boston, Now Yorlt,
Philadelphia, Ilazleton, VVeatherly, Quakako
Junction, Delano and Mahanoy City at 5.47, 7.40,
9.08 a. m., 12.5'-', 3.10, f.2) p. in.
For New York, 6.47, 7.40, 0.08 a. m., 12.60, 3.10,
S.aa p. in.
For Ilazleton, Wllkcs-Darro, White Haven,
PIttston. Laccyvllle, Towanda, Sayro. Waverly,
Elmlra, Itochcster, Niagara Falls and tho West,
10.41 a. m., (3.10 li. in., no connection Cor Roches
ter, Uuflulo or Niagara Falls), 6M p. m.
For Helrldere, Uelawaro Water Dap and
Stroudsburg, 5.47 a. m., 5.20 p. m.
For Lambertvlllo and Trenton, 9.08 a. m.
For Tunkhaunock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 5.28 p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and Lvons, 10.41
a. m 5.20 p. in.
For Jeauesvlllo. Levlston and ileaver Meadow,
7.40, 9 08 a. m., 12.52, 5.2(1 p. m.
For Audenrlcd, Ilazleton, Stockton and Lum
ber Yard, 5.47, 7.40, 0.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10,
5.2d p. m.
For Scrunton, 5.47, 0.08, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 5.20 p.
For Hazlebrook, Jcddo. Drlfton and Freeland.
5.47, 7.40,0.08, 10.41 a. m 12.52, 3.10, 5.20 p. m.
For Ashland, Girardvlllo and Lost Creek, 4.27,
7.46, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.05, 1.40, 4.10, 0.3S, 8.0(3, 0.H
p. m.
For Haven Itun, Centralla. Mount Carmcl and
Shaniokln. 8.52, 10.15 a. m., liio. 4.40, 8.0(1 n. ra.
For Yatcsvllfo, Park Placo, Mabanoy
Delano. 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 5.2(1, 8.03,
J.24, 10.27 p. m.
Trains will leave Shaniokln ot 7.55, 11.53 a. in.
2.10, 4.30, 0.40 p. m. and urrlvo at Shenandoah ut
9.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.2(1. 11.15 p. m.
Leavo Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 6.50, 7.10,
9.08, 10.52 a. m., 12.52, 3.09, 4.10, 5.20, 8.03 p. m.
Loavo Pottavllle for Shenandoah. 0.00, 7.40,
9.05, 10.15, 11.48 a. in.. 3.00, 5.20. 7.00, 7.15, 9.30 p. m.
L,eavo sncnanaoan tor uazicton, 0.47, 7.4U,,
10.41 a. m.. 12.52, 3.09, 5.20, 8.03 p. m.
Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 7,30, 9.15,
11.00 a. in., 12. 15, 3.10, 5.30, 7.03, 7.50 p. ni.
Trains lo.ivc for Ashland. Girardvlllo and Lost
Ci tek, 0.50, 11.35 a. m 2.45 p. ra.
I'or vaiesvme, i-ark i-iace, Mananoy uuy,
Delano, HazIUon, Illack Creek Junction, Pcun
Haven Junction, Munch Chunk, Allcntown,
iiutiucucin, uaston una incw lorn, a. in.,
1.40 p. m.
For Yutesvlllc, Par!: Place, Mahanoy City and
Delano, 8.00 a ni., 1.40, I. W, 0.03 p. m.
Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 8.00 a. m
1.45, 1.37 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, 5.50. 8.00,
i.30a m., 2.4.1 p. m.
i.eave i-otisviiie ior sncnanuouu, ju.iu a. m.,
1.35, 4 30, o.l5 p. m.
Gen'l Pass. Agt., South llethlehem, Pa.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week days,
10, 6.25, 7.20 a. m., 12.35, 2.60, 5.55 p. m. Sunday,
10. 7.48 a. m. For New York via Mauch Chunk.
week days, 5.25, 7.20 a. in., 12.35, 2.50 p. m.
i' or iteming nna i'liuaucipma, week aays,
2.10, 5.25, 7.20 a. m., 12.33, 2.50, o.65 p. m. Sunday,
2.10,7.48 a. in., 4.30 p. m.
For Harrlsburg, week days, 2.10, 7.20 a. m.,
2.50, 5.65 p. m.
For Allentown, week days, 7.20 u. m., 12.35,
2.50 p. m.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 3.10, 7.20 u. m., 12.35,
2.50, 5.55 p. m Sunday, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 1.30 p. m,
For Tiun;iiUa ami Mahanoy City, week days,
3.10, 5.25, 7.20 a. m., 12,35, 2.50, 5.55 p. m. Sunday,
2.10. 7.48 a. ra.. 4.30 n. m. Additional for Mah
anoy City, week dayj. 7.00 p. m.
j) or Lancaster anu uoiumuia, wecit uays, i.m
a. ta., 2.50 p. ni.
For wllllamsnort. Sunburv and Lewlsburtr.
week days, 3.25, 7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00 p. ra
Sunday, 3.25 a. m., 3.05 p. ra.
For Mahanov Piano, weekdays. 2.10. 3.23. 6.55.
7.20, 11.30 a. ni." 12.35. 1.33, 2.50, 5.55, 7.00, 9.23 p. m.
7.48 u. ni.. 3.05. 4.30 1). m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 3.25,
5.25, 7.20, 11.30 a. m., .Vt, 7.00, 9.25 p. in. Sun
day, 3.25, 7.48 u. in., 3.05 p. m.
Leavo New York via Phlladelnhla. week davs.
7.45 a. in., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. in., 12.15 night. Sun-
aay, v.w p. in., ria nigni.
Lsave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days,
4.30. 8.45 a. m.,, 3.45 p. m. Sunday, 7.00 a. in.
Leavo Philadelphia, woek days, 4. 10, 10.00 a. m.
4.00. 0.00 t. ni.. from tlroad and Callowhlll and
8.35 a. m.. 11.30 p. m. from 9th and Green streets.
sunaay, .m a m., p. m., rrom 9th and
Leave Headlner. week davs. 10.03. 11.50
a. ra.. o.K, 7.07 p. m. sunaay, i.s. iu.48 a. m.
i.eave I'nusvuiQ, ween aays, 2.4U. 7.4U a. m.,
2.30, 0,11 p. i,i. Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a.m., 2.05 p. in.
r.nuvn Tiin:inua. M-pok davs. 3.20. 8 48. 11.2H r.
ra., 1.21, 7.13, 0.18 p. ra. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m.,
z.w n. m.
Leavo Mahanoy City, week days, 3.40, 9.18.
ll.JTn m , 1.51,7.42, 0.41 p. ra. Sunday, 3.10, 8.17
a. m. 3 20 p. m.
Lenv.i Mahanoy Piano, wock dvys, 2.40, 4.0
6.30. AS 11.59 a. m.. 1.03. 2.00. 5.20. 0.20. 7.57. 10J
D m. Sunday. 2.40. 4.00. 8.27 u. ra.. 3.37. 5.01 n. m.
Leave Girardvlllo. (Rappahannock Station),
weeusuays. .4i,, 0,30, imi a. ra.. iu, z.1-:,
6.20, 0.32, 8.03, 10.00 p. m. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.33,
a. in.. 3.41. 5.07 11. m.
Leave Wllliamsport, week days, 3.00, 9.45, 11.55
a. in., 3., 11. jap. m. ssuuaay, 11. i p. ni.
For Ilaltimore. Washlnston aud the AVest via
II. & O. It. It., through trains leavo Qlrord'
Avenue station, I'miaueipuia. (i'. s, 11. 11. it.) at, n.ui, 11.77 a. m., a.nt), d.iv, 1.1a p. in. aunoay,, 11.77 a. in., a.oo,, 4,1 11. m.
Leave Philadelphia, CUeetnut Street Wharf
anu souin street wnan.
for Atlantic oitv.
Week days Express, 9.00 a. m., 2.00, 4.00 p. m.
Accommodation, 8.00 a. m., 5 00 p. m.
Sunday Express, 0.00 a. ra. Aecommodation,
u.w ... u,, ' .mj m,
Hetnrnlng, leave Atlantio 01 tr, depot Atlantlo
and Arkansas Avenues Wtev .inv. iVnraus
7.30, 0.0O a. m., 4.00 p. m. Accommodation, 8.10
a. m., 4.30 p. ra. Sunday-Eipress, 4.00 p. m.
awuiuuivuuiiuui u. iu,, -i.iju p, in,
O. G. HANCOCK, Gen'l Pass'r Agt,
A. A. MoLKOD, Pres. & Qen'l Manager.
Big Cut in Prices.
23 IV ft Centra Street,
llest red flannel undershirts. 05c; best arav
best olotb overshlrts, 75o; best muslin while
ou,, w, ,w, iu a unab wuoien sooKS, per rsur,
15o; half du gents' tlno handkerebiefs, Wo;
Hue suBpciidi rs, per pair 15u; overalls for men,
40U (111: Itull,.' t,m mn.lnn ,,nHAKu,a.ip aaAt,
only lite; ludlt s all-woul jackets. 76o: 'iodic?
iusi iiiaca suicKingH, 3 pair ror loo; cuiiarei. o
white underwear isu up; 4 pairs children's tuft
1,1 ...1, 1,1...... V.JT....1 f.. . Hnlu(,.
best lim i) table jlotha. 60a up; ttnest towellugs
6c per yard, best bedspreads, only tl each.
To test a roHl Ce for the flTwiU ot Btlf bue.
feeiunl l'owor. IiupotMlCjr, io. So irrtst 1; our f alih lo
our spmuio 'ffo 1,111 send 0110 rull .iloiitli's Afcdlblue
sua Xlucu Valuable information iii.r Aaamw
ll. SI, CO., sa Jlr"uJwj, Aew York.
For Pamphlet containing full information, address,
-i.. "'P'e cop'" of ",TlE 'Colliery Engineer," (by readlujr
''yndreds of miners liavc qualified Ihtmulves to become SufieU
appHcati Foi'iim), aid catalogue of Slinlug Books sent free ou
first M
Capital, $100,000.00
A. Yt. Letscnnng, Pros.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennnq, Cashier,
9 W. Yost Ass' t Cashier.
ttpcu Onlly Frotu 9 to 3.
Pntcl 011 HaviiicM Dcpoalts.
On and after November 15, 1891, trains will I
AV,r Wl.,van I J 1 1 ..-. , .... I
i-istle. Bt. Clair, and wav nolnts. fi.dh. '
11:45 a m and 4.15 n m
okuui,;b, uuv, p,iu a iu uuu n,iu p m, -
e'or Pottsvllle, 6.00,, 1145 am and 4.15
Sundays, 603, S.40a ra and 3.10 p m,
For lletdlmr, B.O0, 11.43 a m and 4.15 pm.
Sundays, 600,11.40 a. m. and 8.10 pm.
Kor Pottstown. 1'hoe uxville. Norrlutnmj
nrt PhlladelDbla Inroad street station), e.OO,
11.43 . m. and 4,15 p m woofc days
Mluays, ixaj, u.iuams.iup ni.
Trains leave Fraikvllie lor H)".Tianfnnh at
1 1.4'J a rn nnd 12.11. 5.01. 7.11. 10.0, n mi Hun.
d". 11.1 a m nt 6.40 p m.
leave ro-isriue iorcuuuanaoau, 10.15 ana
U.4S, am 4.40, ',15, U.42 p m, Bnndays, 10.40
boave Philadelphia (Hroid street sutlon),
'or Pottsvllle and Bhentndoah. 3.57. 8.33 a m
4.10 and 7.00 D m week diva. Sunday 3.50. and
9,2s am
ut JNew XOrK,3.VJJ, 4.U3, 4.40, 5.3S, B.W, 7.80,
203.81), d.50, ll.OOand 11.14,11.33am, 12.00 noon
llmlljain,.,, 1 ,U J 1 n .r, V 11 JJ 1 ft 1 jn
LSO, UO 4,4.02,1.0,8.25, 8.50 7!l38."lU and' lu.Ou
D. ra. 12.01 uiM
Oi Handays, 8.20, 4.03, 4.40, S.35, 8.12, 8.10, U.P0,
11.35 II. til 12.41. 1.40,2.30, 4.02, (limited,
i,1'). i i i a i. n.n , .ii-,L, 'j (a iiua im niem
W.M,Qaa niH I 1,.. ... I
x- u. uva v ,. v, u,4 ut U..V.U auu iuiu uiDUlttiq
bumuusouuuu 11.11 u. in., s.uu p. in, weeK
days, Freoliokl only 5.00 p m week days.
for uaniiuuro aau wasnington, 7.0.
9.10 and 11.18 . ra 4.41. 6 57, 7.40 p.m. and 12.01
UlgUI. UKIIJ UUU O Ol, IV.tM H. Ul., 13) IlliaiieU
express with dlnlnz car to Ilaltimore) 1.30, 8.48
p. in. weelc davs. For Baltimore only 2.02, 4.01
wee st days, 5.08, 11.30 p. m. dally.
For Itlebmond, 7 20 a, in. aud 12.03 night
dally, 1 SO p. in, dally, except Sunday.
jirntni iu-.iy3 narnsonrx ior rcusonrc, ana
'u west everv day at V2.2H and S.10 a m nrd
3 i) (Umlledi and 8.49, 7.25 p m, Way for
Aitoss&s 15 im and 4.10 p ra every aay.
ut ribuiuurts uuiy, ii.j a iu uaiiy nnu lu.w
m waelt days.
Leive Hunbary lor Wllliamsport, Elmlra,
l-tnandalijua, Rochester, Cufliloand If lasora
'a:i" n.iu a m aany, ana ua p in wees aay,
for Kim Ira, 5.80 p m weslr days.
For fci-'Te and Intermediate points, 5.10 am.,
lally. for Lock Haven, 5.10, nnd 9.56 a m,
itlly. 1 35 nnd 5.3') p. m. week day3. For
snovi i.10 a m 1.35 and 6,30 p m weak days
1.10 a. ui Bandars.
iHAg. a. PUHH, j. n. wood,
Gsn. Wan'- 4mi. Past
Will prompt. relieve tbe m.fet die- ,
trMtetnfi; caen ot Acute or Chronic Jibeu
mat tan i or O. ut. Iy Hrictly oUerving
tlio dlrcctluna, it will cure you fernun
eutly UulU tht numerous rrtjirfct!oD that flood
thveouutrjr, thU uitwUciDt It ipeclCe for tb
mIihh furmt of rlieuniatliiu only, d4 not In
i ftuj kui "curl utl " Out liottlo will mtkt
V ifctisfitotorr iiuLirciiioQ oo tha itiUiu. and
Id ooDDtrotlou tins ylll, eoofince the autTcrcr thM
lha rroter reinoly bm txea foutia. You ree&ruet)f f
Qb'iud u utt tbo mtrltt or
ti Its Tsxluatiltt proper tlei sro cc4oried bj buodltdi o( tt
mot fltiterlug toilniontli.
. Udijt vegeubtt) IngrcfltrDti, rttntvrkable for their enrmtir
r4vrra. ar uiad Id tl nisi ufaclort of KUUUT'd
81.03 rer fiottlo. 6 Bottles, C5.C0. HUs, 23 Cts. Bex.
If rour lorkMppr doe not keep It, aeuj to tli
laiisurutttroT, aaii yoa Mil reetlrelt bj rasll,
3037 Market Btteot, riiliud'a Ti.
A Lnrjie AttcncJuiicc
Itoom for a Tow More.
Take advantage of tbe present
chancg to stcuro a
For term, &o., call at tbe Collego or address,
Sheuandouh, Pa.
Finest brands of cigars always on hand,
Tlie best temperance drinks. (