The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 22, 1892, Image 3

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Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
fently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
iver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head-,
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
duced, pleasing to tho tasto and ao- I
ceptahlo to tho stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most ,
healthy and agreeable substances, its .
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have mado it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and 81 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not havo it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
ftdclfrndicheand relieve sll tbo troubles Ia;I
dont to a bilious ptate of tho Bntera, suoh oa
2izzlness, Nausea. DrowBln&ss, DIatroaa alter
citing. Tain in the Side, to. While their moat
remaikablo buccocb ban been shown in cmlng
Jfoaaaeha, yet 0aitor8 IJtUa tlvor rim ara
equally valuahlo in Constipation, curing and pre
veniins inu9aunoyin7compiaro(,-v?nue tuoytusa
ilver and regulato tho bowels,
Even IX the? only
Acliethey-ronldboalmoatprlcelesa to those who
Sulfur from tMo (JlBtrcsslngcoinpliInt; butfortu
satoly thelrgooilneasdoes notond horo,and those
Irho once try them will nnd these littlo pills vala
eblo in bo many ways that they wlU not bo wil
illug to do without them. Uut alter ollalck bead
is the bane of so many lives that hero Is where
Ivomaaoourgroatboast. OurpiUicuroltwhllo
CThors do not.
Cartor'a Little Liver PilfcJ nro very email and
very easy to taio. Ono or two pills make a dose.
They are strictly ycetablo and do not gripo or
jtarjro, but by tbdrgcctla action please aU who
nsethem. Invialsat25conUi flveforfl. Sold
fey dragglsts everywhere, or tent by null.
1-artenl and oldest reliable purely cash com
panies represented by
120 S. JardinSt, Swnanaoafi,Pa.
We. the undersluned. were
entirely cured ot rupture by
" " .it, ,. u. ji.tyur, mi vruu ru,,
I'hlladel hla. l'a.. H. Jones l'hlilns. Knnnol
Wqutro Il.-, T. A.. ICreltz, Hlitingtou. Pa.; E.
M. Hmall, Mount Alio, l'a.: Hev. 3. II. Hlier
mer, Hii.ibn.ry,, l'a : I). J, Dellett 214 H. I2tn
Kt iteadtn- fa.; SV'ii lllx, IS2D MonlroseUt ,
I'hlladolph'a: 11. U H we. SOU Kim St., Ued
Inn, I'll.; Qeorcoand lMi. liurKart, l3!),Locukl
HI., Heading, I'.i, Howl for clroiilnr.
are ''Treated with Carbonate of Soda, Magnesia, '
Potash or Bicarbonate of Soda."
Tho use of chemicals can be readily
detected by the peculiar odor from newly
opened packages, and also from a glass
of water In which a small quantify of
chemically treated cocoa has been placed j
and allowed to remain for sovcral day.
For more llian One' Hundred Year I
the Itpuje of Walter linker Co,
hove made their Coeoa Preparation
AnsonuTJizr rvicn, u$ta xo
1'atent I'roceli, Alkalies, or Hyei, I
VI. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
KJaia&nrsi RiBtl
lAILil rAltKli zi
Witt eur without mfiAltlus Kll Titst&tM rHUltlof rroiq
bn uxktloa or lrlD, ra foreis, itwiel or ludlwrtllon,
fexufcl i it.ati.lloa, drulai, lu.tra, Dtrvoul daMlllv, ilvep.
I.i-ii ttbgiii.r. i btuiiuKii-w. kidney, liver ami blmlJur earn.
pi.U la. Itu kick, luriliago. aclallsa, soBtnil UMictllb, lo.
j 1 i. ii.cliic rui tii.a 11 ourii rliil lKiiruNieiiU evar aU tlial la tnatantlj fait t, tha wcarar
erna fuiM! l.(N)v.(lll. and will cur allot tn abva diaat.
aMuruu,i.r TliuHL)a ttava Ittru cured by this waraalout i
luveuut'n aflnr all ulltur rt-iuadiee (ailed, sbd -lv Ltta
dredaorte.i.iuoumla In luiaand e.ary oilier etata
Our rcwerful improved kXMTKlV SI hPRVMlltY tl Its
nealaai boon e'er olttr.d weak mail, U rit ITIU1.L SIXTH.
lleallb aad llgaruul Slrraflk la Sll to UO
I1ATS. Scod for lar( lH"jtratad lauuklau, eealed, fraa
A mail. Addreia
oajvi jawr jstisiotiiio cjo..
No. OIO Broadway, NEW YOltK. '
Sovon Aldormcn Charged Witb
Oas of tha Board Protohdad to bo a
lie I In on a Deal nnd Gives it Away
lo Hie (Iraud .lury Tlia Aldermen Were
lluturoiindMd at tile Action nf tile Grand
Jury Tiiov Tlinui;lit That tho InvestlBH
tlon Wits i Take.
Ciucaoo, March 22. Thero Is a panto
in tho City Council. Lito last evening
seven of the members of the corrupt body
were Indicted by the grand jury. They
are Aldermen W. S. O'Brien, D. K.
O'Brien, Nicholas A. Cremer, Patrick J.
Qorman, Philip Jnckson, Stephen II.
Cosselln and John F. Dorman.
Before to-nlgnt at least two more will
have been indicted for the bribes they
accepted in passing the Northern Pacific,
the Economic Qus, and the Compressed
Air ordinances. j
Capiases were Immediately issued by
Judge Clifford for the arrest of the al
leged conspirators,' and five of them wcro
gathered in and promptly gave bail of
$10,000 each for their appearance when
wanted The two delinquents were Al
dermen Gosselln und Qorman. When
court adjourned they hid not been
Tho taking of testimony came to an
abrupt termination. Alderman Roth for
an hour und one-half had been befora
tho jury, and the story he told, taken
with the testimony of witnesses who
had preceded him, caused the investiga
tors to cry "EnoughP" and to direct the
State's attorney to preparo au indictment
including the names of the seven alder
men named.
Tho day at tho Criminal Court build
ing was characterized by extreme anx
iety on the part of many und expectancy
among the unusually large crowd of vis
itors which filled the seats in tho court
rooms. Four times the grand jury des
cended to Judge Clifford's Court, and
each time the mob pushed by the bailiffs
and filled every inch of apace in tho
chamber. Tho first time l'oreinan Llob
handed up a batch of Indictments against
alleged thieves and forgers. The second
visit was to demand an attachment of
Alderman Roth, who was threo hours be
hind time in appearing. The third trip
was only to baud up an. Indictment i
against a poor devil who stole hams. 1
But the crowd waited, confident that
bigger game would be bagged before ad
journment for tho day, and when the
jury Anally presented the big bill the
court room was crowded to suffocation.
When Qen. Llob announced the con
tents of tho documents there was a sen- !
Ration, and but for the warning voice of
tho bailiff a demonstration in approval
of the finding would have taken place.
At the City Hall the intelligence from
the Criminal Court building came with
stunning eflcct. Many of the aldermen
were in Clerk Vancleave's ofllco when a
telephone message nnnounced the action
of the grand jury. The city fathers
were simply dumbfounded.
All along thay had been confident that
the investigation was a "fake," as they
had been pleased to term it. The crush
ing blow.kuocked all bravado out of
It is believed that many of the more
prominent aldermen will be dragged
into the scandal before the grand jury
finishes its labors.
Alderman Roth's story was that on
July last he was approached by Alder
man U'lirlen, who suggested to him that
there would be big money in it for the 1
members of the Council who would vote
for the Economic Uas ordinance when it
came up for passage. Roth pledged him
self to vote for it. In return for this
promise O'Brien gave him $7")0, which he
promptly deposited with the men who
are now conducting the investiga
tion. Roth was now considered one of the
initiated so far as boodle was concerned,
and when the Northern Pacific came up
he was approached again.
XSnclneer and Flrrmun Fatally lujured
and Others Seriously.
Findlat, O., March 22. Tho cannon
ball train on the Fldnlay, Fort Wayuo &
Western Railroad was wrecked yesterday
afternoon about two miles west of this
city. The engineer and fireman were fa
tally injured while a number of others
wero seriously. The accident wascaussd
by a broken rail, the engine being ditched
and the passenger coaches and baggage
car totally wrecked. The following is a
list of those seriously injured:
Alexander Shannon, the engineer; E.
E. Whltt, fireman, both of whom had
their limbs crushed; Luther Myers, City
Marshal, shoulder Injured; Lydia Eaton,
leg badly crushed; Thomas Young, arm
broken; A- Higglnbotham, mull messen
ger, shoulder oriuhed.
Cardinal Miinnlnis's Nueces or.
London, March 23 Tho prospective ap
poiutmeutof Dr. Ileiburt Vaugbau.blshop
of tialford, to be the successor of Cardinal
Manulug, as Archbishop of Westminister,
und preoumubly also a Cardinal, is con
sidered a victory for the English Catho
lics, us distinct from the Anglo-Irlsn
wh o fuvored Bishop Hedley of Newport.
Sarah Altlieu in u Ktralght Jacket.
Stockton, t al., March 32. Mrs. Sarah
Altheu Terry has been put in a straight
jacket at the asylum where she Is con
fined on account of refractory conduct.
At times ho is vary violent. She w III
lean against, the wall and say that sho
receives spirit meninges ordering her to
do nil sorts of struuge things.
Miow and Kloet In luvvtu
BuMUaoro, la., .viarcli 22. --Southeastern
Iowa was visited by a snow, rain
and sleet Miirin of mui-li severity. A vivt
UnUIUtlL of dulllHLfH WAh llnrlM 1 MUi. olultr.
it heavy gilo ut,iii sil tho thfertiiouiWr
is rapidly railing, wires urn down In
nil direcUuiiH, nuii traiiiri are greatly de
layed. I'ubllc llulltlliiic Hills I'awatl.
Washingtok, March 22. Tho Senate,
has passed the bill for a public buildiug
atUuiiideu, N. J., $00,000 (ait iuciiae);
Also for u butldlug at liridgutoii, N. J ,
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Lxranf Powder
Caprlvl Will Remain Chnncellor of Ger
BEnuri, March Gen. Caprivi has
returned from Hubertustock In answer
to the summons of the Emperor. The
Chancellor is reticent as to the facts of
the interview excepting that at tho
command of his sovereign ho has con
sented to withdraw his resignation and
remain at the head of the Cabinet.
The Chancellor had gone on Sunday
with the determination to Insist upon
his resignation being accepted, but the
Kaiser made an earnest personal appeal
that mollified Caprlvl's indignation and
brought about what Is called a reconcili
ation. This appeal is said to bavo been
based mainly on the condition of tho
Kaiser's health and the fact that he was
in no condition to face the strain that a
change in the Chancellorship would in
volve. The Kaiser Is said to have explained
that his abruptness at the Cabinet meet
ing which led to the offers of resignation
from Caprivi and Count Zedlltz, was
owing to his istnte of health, and not
prompted by any desire to humiliate
Gen. Caprlvl.
A Chicago CoininlMlon Firm, Swindled
out or
CmoAOO, March 22. Two young men,
Burt Smith andRobertWhlttaker, cashier
and accountant respectively for the com
mission firm of Lumson Brothers, havo
gone into hiding after swindling their
employers out of $00,000, and seriously
inconveniencing the Arm.
The discovery of their peculations was
made Saturday afternoon and yesterday
the firm hastened to sell out their wheat
and diminish the loss as much as possi
ble. The news created some excitement
on 'Change, but it soon died down.
Last August Smith and Whlttakor with
a capital of $50 bought calls on wheat
to the extent of 50,000 bushels. On these
they realized $32,000. Then the young
men began to plungo, with the result
that they soon lost their winnings and
began to speculate with their employers'
Mr. Lumson said that ho had reason to
believe that men outside wero connected
with tho affair. He was heartily
nshamed, he said, of having lot two
boys hoodwink him so completely.
Art In i Junk Shop.
Baivtisiouk, March 22. An art gem
, was picked up In a junk shop hereby
I Mrs. Andrew G. Held, wife of a well
known capitalist, for J'iO. Mrs. Reld Is
a connoisseur, and nccidSntally saw the
picture as she passed tne shop. She re
cognized its value at a gl.tneo und, after
a littlo parleying with the owner, se
cured the picture for the amount abovo
stated. It's value is said to be not less
. than $10,000. It is a peasant's head, and
on the back is the name of Jean Ivtptisto
j Greuze, the French artist, and imme
diately below Is the inscription, If.U
1803. The mate to tho painting is owned
by William T. Walters, wiio vuluos it at
The Rjlnlilll MimlcM.
London-, March 22, The police have
received some Information which hab
li A them to recommence digging at Raln
I hill, on tho theory that other victims of
' the murderer Williumi, alios Deeming,
may be burled t h re. 'It is suggested
that Williams should be brought
back to England for trial for tne
Ruinhlll murders, for the wn that
these murders nnte-dati'i! the Melbourne
tragedy. It is not ntobabld, however,
that the Australians will bu satisfied
short of his trial and execution there.
Vboorlng 0-u?h. Bronchitis n l Asthma, A canals
f:n f,r rottsuaiptlaa lo rt Maj.a, vi l a euro rillet l
ft tvsnerd stsesa riauato-ioe. You will ses tbe ex-i-ll-nt
sffeot afttr tikias tha first do'. Boil vj
dcalera arcrywbsro. Lartabattlas ttata o4 fla).
Has removed to Bill Jones' odstano
Where he will be plea ed to meet lliowanli
nf bis friends and Die pulillo la
Everything in tho Drinking Line
l-AW-gent nilcliGiip-.t Hiook 1" town,
Aillcfia Palnlintr Hm!i in p nil nrninMlinff '
10.2-8IH 981 W.Centre Mt HlIK.VANUOAli
Al roc) -at-1 aw and Ileal Ks'hIo Agfiif,
Office HeddaU'8 llulldlng, Sbenandouli, l'a.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
n .
Pussenger Kates Reduced.
Buffalo, N. Y., March 22. Tho Michi
gan Central and the Laka Shore have
given notice that taking effect next Sat
urday, they will make a second-class
passenger rate between Chicago & Buffalo
of $10. This is done to meet the cuts
made by the differential lines. The
Nickel Plato and the Chicago & Lake
Erie had been allowed a second-class rate
of $10 against $10.00 by the Grand
Trunk, and $11 by the Michigan Central
and the Lake Shore.
Sltrman Is Not a Candidate
Washington, March 22. "Senator
Sherman Is not a candidate for the Presi
dency, nor will he permit tho use of his
namo by any of his friends in that con
nection," said the Hon. W. M. Hall,
Chairman of the Ohio Republican State
Comiuitteo In reply to nn inquiry as to
the attitude of the Ohio Senator on the
Presidential question. Senator Sherman
himself said subsequently that he was
not and would not under any circum
stances lie a candidate.
.. Mills 3Iust lie Vindicated.
Austin, Tex., March 22. The excite
ment attendant on the Senatorial raco is
at its height. The word is that Mills
must be vindicated and Congress rebuked
for defeating a Texan for Speaker.
Already tho woods are full of prospejtlve
candidates to nil out tiio unexpired term
of Mills in the lower House If he should
be sent to tho Senate.
Dnath uf Huv. Thomus Sproull.
Pn-rsBTjao, l'a.. March 22. Rev.
Thomas Sproull, D. D., L.L. D., died a
few minutes after midnight at his home,
In Allegheny, lie was BU years or age.
Death resulted from general debility.
The deceased was probably the most
prominent minister In the Reformed
Presbyterian Uhurch. lie was pastor o
Treated as Abandoned Goods.
Washington, March 22. The solicitor
of the Treasury has decided that goods
upon which the duties nave been paid
which remain in a bonded warehouse for I
more than three years from the date of
importation, should be treated as "aban
doned" goods, and .are subject to sale as ,
Dlscharced Their Men to Avoid n Strike.
Haveiuiili., Mass., March 22. In an
ticipation of a strike in their shoe fac
tory, J. H. Wlnchell & Co., have dis
charged all of their workmen in the
machine-sewed department, to the num
ber of about 100. The firm havo decided
to run a free factory.
.(.,. uiu yuu uvut
TYD COUnt Up llOW much
" rr11 n,f flWlT,
..wit1 chimneys? There
MN.f i,l... i.i
.c.,,.-iv are aDOUt twelve
liiiuuii jnuruius ui
us. We averacre,
l maybe, a lamp a
family : chimneys break, perhaps,
at the rate of one a week a lamp.
r - n .1 .1 ;ii;-. -1-
oix nunurcu mimon emnmuys a
year lor the ash barrels
Suppose they COSt ten Cents a
piece on the average ; that S
enOUtrh to half pay the national
debt. Nine-tenths of it waste.
If yOU get Macbeth'S " Pearl-
top Or "Pearl-glaSS yOU Will
niv n. trifle more .mioop hut nnt
pay a trine more apiece, out not
one-tenth as much a year.
.Disreputable chimney makers
are trying to furnish the dealers
With Cheap imitations. They
break from heat, ruin the temper
of the household and fill the ash
barrels ; a plague and a nuisance,
insist on Having the right kind.
Pittburt!h, Viu Gto. A. Maciieth tS: Cn.
It will noon b 1 1 mo for trout Usher-
men to get tlielr rig iu order.
"Will Bo Qlvon Away.
Our en'erjrli nt -irateim. O. It Haienbiich
wlioo.rrliw Ilia lla,l nlna of dm R, pat.
niiuvrltM, toll trUulna brmiitw, io ik'an.Btn .
1- it' til aav a lar.e number nf irlaf b itliei
of Or Uiltw' celebriH I It tittirillv rvlut).
II tii'int ueM tt. o oar ti'iaaa'tna, nizznB-n
nervous nrotr.itl n. nlxepl'-i e s. tho 111
etreow nf Hplrtta, tibvoo tl", eto Utus-
.iHKH.yli u tn. gr atU N-imr tliy "r
lcnw and U univef ally waUnr.i tt ry. Tby
uUiiuiiir.iiiKw Dr. Ulitw' Now Heart ""ure In
ulloi) fn rvou or organic hmrt dlwita,
oil ttitinn, p.lln in xla j, iui'Ii rut (, -'f.
r'lno boolc oa "Nervim nd lie rt D1bi8b"
There nre u trrut many peinle who
still full tho yll'tfcU of thti nrlt.
Tho Greatest Strike,
Amiu? tli trreit t.t-t tc4 that if I)'. MUm
In dlHMverlni; bts Nw Heir t'ure haH
proven I 8tf t be one ol the hum' Iiii . irtant
VtieilwKuil Igr It beoo te att tnlHhlui;
Aire tv the lrtntmiil n betrt iIIh b It be
line rev ilu I iii zwl, and ma y miexii' o'etl
eiirejeit 'O'eJ Hwwn rell.vtw Hlmrt lirfuih,
Ilil'lnrl g, nalat In si'to, Hr'ii. hii,.uU1 r, wt
and H iniiry rl tl't mIou a'IIui ot
miK'tw, a iioiberinn and ,irt trtiiMy. Dr.
MIIm' b k i i Una ! uii't Servoiu l)wqa wi,
tree, llteu wqualed New' lur Utui'tl
mi Kiiiwume'l DO. II IIutiuuli,ltit1iuT.
xmt, lt) hli tt-iaiort We Nurvl ,e f ir lirwl
aobtj, ft i. nptan, liot llwhe-t, uervmuu .Ilia,
ipluin babli, i lo.
Tho fru 1 not tli only critker that
eonaltlerliluue!f mutltl.
Vl l'iK' Narvn mi iiltmr Pi'Ik
l an a no principle retulal'it; te
ivor, stnniarMi tand bowels ffcrouuA'i' nrv
mw tlsaovery. Or. Miles' I'llls spee.tlli
mr blllousuAsii, rid-t ttstd, t rnl 1 llvar, piw
totmtlptulott Unw, islait lor omo, W'-ra-ti.
hlldrcn. HmtvlltMls iatl iMl,auiwstf ftidnset.
iViu. HamplM free, t U. U Hsentoucli'-
Ho Used Yilo Epithets Toward
Ha Attempted to Thrash the Britor, But
Charley Ean Away.
Jlut Used Sullivan's lteinitrk, "I'm Tfot In
It In a Hprlnt With tho IlncllOiman,"
After Pursuing Mitchell Sumo Jllstunce
Jim finys lie Is No llarroom Fighter
ilo M 111 Slake, a .Hatch to Flirht Jlltcli.ill
for 85,000.
New Yoiik, March 22. A sensational
scene occurred in the lobby of Miner's
Bowery Theatre last evening. Mitchell
and Slavin, who had reached the city
yesterday accompanied by a few friends,
went to the theatre. They were "armed
for a row," it was said, Mitchell having
boasted in an'uptown saldon that he was
going "to do Corbett."
Corbett had not yet arrived at the
theatre when the Mltchell-Slavln party
got there and In the interim of waiting
sundry visits were paid to neighboring
bars were "England's boxing champion"
placed himself in fighting trim.
On the entranco of Corbett Mitchell
rushed up to the American, applying the
vilest epithets and causing Corbett to
finally say. "Go away; I don't want a
row with a drunken man." To this
Mitchell returned hearty curses and
squared off.
Corbett tried to go away but' Mitchell
would not have it so, following him up
nnd accusing him of taking uivay his
match with Sullivan antl other engage
ments. A great crowd gathered about
the pugilists aud great excitement pre
vailed. 1'lually Corbett lost his temper and
aald to his manager: "I can't stand this
any longer," at tho samo time starting
for the cursing Englishman. He made
one powerful swing nt Mitchell which
fell short. The shouts of the crowd ant.
CorWtt's anger seemed to sober the
Englishman, and he made up his mind
thut it was about time to get away.
He dashed out of tho theatre and ran
up the Bowery, Corbett run after him
for a short distance, but his better Judg
ment soon urged him to desist in the
pursuit and ho returned to the theatre,
where 'it' "it the crowd In good humor
by u 'Van's remark: "I'm not in
it in a ( t v i;n tho Englishman."
Corhc' i nit' vlJ u most demonstrative
reeepuou "en ho appeared upon the
stage to 'i,i Jim Daly. He made a brief
Speech, In which ho thanked the specta
tors, and concluded as follows:
"I'm no burroom fighter, but have al
ways acted as u gentleman. I can whip
Mitchell, nnd to show that I can do so, I
will fight him for $5,000, the fight to
take place before I meot Sullivan. Mit
chell won't fight. He will find more ex
cubes. He had better leave this city be
fore it gets too hot to hold him, and go
back to his English toughs."
Slavin took no part in the disgraceful
attack upon Corbott. On the contrary,
he spoke pleasantly to to the Califoruiau
and the salutation was returned with
Mitchell and Slavin had qui tea serious
row in the Hoffman House before they
went down to the Bowery. It was during
u game of pool that tho trouble arose,
Slavin taking umbrage at Mitchell's
attempt to patronize him by hitting the
it.illa l. Din, l.n Ulultil m,lfl l.nwu a
easytulnB n pocketing them. The lie
was passed and Mitchell threatened to
whio the bic Australian, but friends in-
lencrea anu
the matter was quieted
lie I Iteutly to Tut Up tho Forfeit, and
Think. Corbett M ill Fall Dead.
Chicago, March 22. John L. Sullivan
Rfirn lit. lm ,inr. vnl. rereivpd nnv inm.
munlcation with regard to the Olympic
Club's articles of agreement. He has
reud the "i ticles, however, In the papers,
Pll VL ".wtalr ",ui
them and put up the forfeit of $2,500
"Corbett doesn't want to fight," ho
Bays He aoesnt know WUutn good
punch is. wit tin I get him in the ring,
'" ho u ran dead with rngtit. n
. S!5i ,'fu? X?J 1" Sl
year. That's his size. Tho Olympic
ciub has the right to its agreement, oud
i vn Biu
Aaaaultnl IVIth a Hatrhat.
Boston, Mnroli 23. John Brenuan as
saulted Annie I'owell, ill years old, with
a hatchet in this city. The police wero
notified ot the row by neighbors, and on
going to the house found the woman
lying Inn vacant upper room unconscious,
with three bad cuts on her head. Her
wounds wore dressed at tho police sta
tion and she was sent to tho hospital.
Brennan Is still at large.
Kiioiicli Contents Obtnlued.
New 1Iavbn, Conn., March 22. Wnlter
W. Ilurnhaui, the ball manager, has
been notified by President White that a
Butllcient number ot consents havo been
obtained fiom other club.t to insuro the
nduiihsiou of New Haven and l'rovidenoo
Into the Eastern Lunpuo. A meetiug, to
be held iu Byrueuse ou Thursday, will
be uUeuded by Jlr. Burnham.
A lniniiitit Collectlou.
Lbjeington, Ky., Jtitrch S3. A, J.
Hook bf Paris, Ky., lias sold the hay
Ally Aiinorean, 8, record 2:80 1-2 nt two
yreirs, by Cyolono-Neomu, to A, H.
Mociw of (JWenlale Kariu, Cbliuar, l'a.
'I lie term ate private. Mr. Moore has
now the most famous oolleotion of trot
ting inures ever owned by oil ustubUsb
meut iu the worhl.
A fcwtMliiiiiHirgiaii "oltluiimnt.
PuilAni:uiiu, Mruli 'W. Wllllsm
HtsMlrn, a uiUtlou.tire of tbls oity mitl
I'illHburv, is said lo nave elwiiced an Itu
tuetike t.act of l.iud ni i'sper Mill
Stall. n, lluelts County, for a Kwaden-btn-jirtu
selllein. iit. i Here will be a col
li Ke. a park mitl many other lmprove-
! .11- MadUmi's I'uriralt.
Wabhimjtoh, iiarob W. A life-siio
oil port rait of "Dolly" MimIUoii, wife ot
I'ristt leu t Sladisou, by Andrews, was
huiiK Iu the Ureeu jurlor ot tue Execu
tive Mansion yestecday.
pure nlcohol to make Wolpk's Acmk
IlLACKINO. Alcohol Is good for leather;
it is good for the skin. Alcohol is the chief
ingredient of Cologne, Florida Water, and
Hay Hum tho well known face washes.
Wo think there is nothing loo costly toueo
in a good leather preservative.
Acmo Blacking retails at 20c
and at that price sells readily. Many
people nre m accustomed to buying a dress
ing or blacking at !. and 10c. n Itottlo
that they cannot titvlmtunil timt a Llaclt
ingcan ho ohciil) at Sti-. We want to meet
(hum with cheapness if v.p can, nnd lo ac
complish this we oiler a i-c.iml of
for n recipe which will enable us to make
Wolff's Aomb Ulackiko at such a price
that a retailer can profitably tell it at lOo. a
bottle. Wo hold this oiler open unlil
Jan. 1st, 1S93.
WOLFF & HAWDOLPF, rhilsdolphla.
It Is a gcamlesa shoe, with no tacks or wax thread
to hurt tho feet; mado of the best II 110 calf, styllsta
nnd easy, and because tee make mora $hoes of tht
grade than any oth r manufacturer, it equals hand
newed shoes costing from $ I.W) to $..00.
GtVZ. OtMJt'iiiihiP llnii(l-cwrilt thoflnertcatf
shoo ever o.Tereil for $3.W; equals FrencU
Imported shnea which cost from C.o l to (X).
ffiA M Ilnnd-eunl Welt Slioe, tine cTf
stylish, comfortablonud durable. Tbebe&t
shoo ever offered at this price ; samo grado as cu-tom-mado
shoes cost fn if from tf.XX) to jw.oi).
CCO 50 I'olice Hlnuu rarmers, Hal I road Men
iB andlctterCarriersallwearthein; Uuocalf,
Beatnli'SB, amootU lnslde.hcavy tbrcu soles cxten
elon edffe. One pair will wear a j ear.
CO 30 lliieci.l"t uo better shoo erer offered at
this prit j ouo trial wilt convince thoso
ivho want a shoo Inr comfort nnd service.
fiQ -3 nnd S-2.00 Woi'klnamrii'fl shoes
are very Etronp nnd durable, lhoso who
havo given them atrial will wear no other make,
Kn'Je' l.01 nnd t1 school shoes am
SXJJ o worn by tho boys everywhere; theytea
on their merits, at tho Increasing sales show.
E fc:l00 Ilnnd-Hetved shoe, best
mGU I vO UonRoift, very stylUh; equals Frencii
Imported shoes costlnB from $Umo 6t.
JmdtcM J.5(, and $1.75 shoe for
Mlsse3 are tho best fine Uonola. Myllh aud durable.
Onntlon. See that I. iJouRlas' namo and
price aru stamped ou the bottom of each shoo.
Tcfilfton local ndvertld dealers supplying yon.
V. ii J)OLT(iLAS9 Ilrockton.HIaas. fioldbr
Nortli lilniit St., Sliennndouft
Healthful, Agreeable, Cleansing:.
Chapped Hands, Wounds, Burns, Eta.
Itemoves and Prevents Dandruff.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water.
538 fW,nP.V4
ar (.KrniaB Anwtaam
th I nlt.d J!al wboto
Rlood Poison.
Nervous Dwb.llty " rw
nlial bteertke "
tal u Di.ja It 4 K aw PalDa ta tiw
b..uo.,t,oreThro;it" Mouth,
ItWtoliini rimj'l. 1 rui-tioDi. aort ar
hard einfra. hailltba. Intutlaao,
liillajmiaiii a a 4 Btiunlnn.
anuurx, lli-akDkai and tMli
fiael- Inst ruJ, aak tlk tmnt.l a,tlrt alln.J ao
; 1!U i t ' Isijjm and all lila,-! n.iiltltiB ftuni r.irriafa.
t In !l U. . .r Ov Mro.k. R lit a int.V lu 4 to 10 da,a
r.ll.-f t .t,co Do oat low u, no ia . i
. tl,ta' l'or tinadk, ruollv or ll.ltal Ph, .1. laa Iaa ralM.
I Ur. THKKI. -nr. po.lMvr.1y "' tit'""! rtf mlon Irtts
i tioalaaai old. votrM. wrAOLa aaao awt, m'jaa owm-anriaTia
1 K.HRUia rlflh ftr iwr Mi't t" a'arop ft'r DOOR
"TRUTH" l"lo 0m" ui.T "orti f"""?
I llo"i. IIt trim t.i t lo . Wad. and Sal.
. .n . ..ii uul ha .avad.
Tor MaMuaaaaoVtalla. -si -aWiJ.J rll. dallr IU.
Green Truck Stand !
Oar Main and Oak Streets.
Freeh Oysters Received Daily
A tlaellneot Ohoies (iHOCKUIKri
Nuts and tiult.
Pon I try of all Kind.
Mr. OtMtlet r oidvau his hmh track ditlv
Irom thit oltv intrki. irlilohlsa Huiraninti
- v.., (ui , uillJ Ii'ivy win laoairv 113014
KMMUwk 11 imvi rroiaiiim.
2tM N. Main r?t., Bhenaudoah.
iThu Finest Sfook of Eters, Ales, Cigtra, k.
Mrl Y 1 5' "t HE