THE SILVER DEBATE An Exciting Mooting Expected in tlio House. THREE DAYS DEVOTED TO BILL, Tlia Arrangement Mads Hot to Filibuster I Off- Mr. llarter, of Ohio, IVhi Willing- to Make lh Frumliit Hut Mmiri, Tracy nnd tvll- llurui. thn l.eadurs of llie Democratic Anti-Silver Jln Would Not b iliiuml rrnoeedlngi In Ilia bennU During tlio Coining Week. Washington. Mnrcli 21. This weok Trill probably be tbe niot exciting of the nrcsent session o( Oongresi, s o far $. the House Is concerned, fts to-morrow the silver debate will becln, and a voto is now expected to be renohod on Tliurs day. To day is suspension da)', and it ia MiDDOSsd that tevoral important bills will be passed nnder tbe two-thirds rulo. To-morrow, Wednesday and Thursday will be devoted to the consideration of the Bland Fro Coinage Silver bill on these d.tys the House will meet at 11 o'elook, with a recess from 5 until 8 and adjourn at 10 p. iu. unless a chimije in the programmo occurs. Friday private bills will bo considered bb usual, aud on Saturday the private pension bills passed last Friday ulht in Committee of tha Whole will bo put through the House under the order mado Saturday week. The Free Wool bill will thus bo aide tracked for over u week. This bill and other tarill measures will bo taken up next week, however, und considered without interruption. It is understood that the arrangement between the silvor and unti-silver wings of the Democratic party by which iu ro turn for a promise of the anti-silver men not to filibuster agaitiBt tho Bland bill, the time was extended from three to live dnys, is oft. As stated in these dispatches, Mr. Harter, of Ohio, was willing to make the promise, but Slessrs. Tracey and Williams, who are in charge of tho Democratic opposition to tho bill, refused to be thus bound. The time is to bo divided among the panics, so that the anti-silver Democrats und Republicans will have half between them. Repre sentative Abner Taylor, of Illinois, has charge of the time for the Republicans, Mr. Tracey for the anti-silver Democrats and Sir. Bland for the silver men. Tho pending special orders in tho Senate are a bill for the repayment of the purchase money aud fees patd on certain entries of public lands, which is opposed by Mr. Berry, of Arkansas, aud has therefore been, taken out of tho morning hour so as to allow of moro ex tended discussion than is permitted under the live minute rulo; and tho re solution with regard to the refunding of the West Virginia direct tax, upon which Senator Morrill is anxious to speak. It is not deemed probable, however, that the aged Senator from Vermont will be sufUcieiitly recovered from bis recent severe illness to be able to take tho floor during the present week. For to-morrow, Mr. Gibson, of Louis iana, has had assigned his bill for a per manent system of improvement of tho Lower Mississippi, to extend over it series of years and to cost about fifteen millions of dollars. To this plan Mr. Allison has given notice of au intention to move an amend ment so as to take in tho Upper Missis sippi. Mr. Dolph and Mr. Mitchell desire to follow this measure with bills for the improvement of the Columbia River, Oregon. The Indian Appropriation bill nnd the District of Columbia Appropriation bill will be called up for the Senate's action daring the week. Found Drowned la the ratutc. Newark, N. J., March 21. The body of a woman was found in tho Pnssato Rivor, half a mile below this city. It wag lying on the shore among tlio meadow crass at a place called Brill Point. The woman was apparently 45 years old. She wore nothing but under' clothing, which was of fine material. Tho identity of tho woman is uuknown, Kick Stntenmon Improving. WAsniNGTO.v, March 21. Secretary Blaine is improving, and it whs said at Ms house that ho was out yesterday for a short time. Dr. liusscy, the physician in attendance upon Senator Morrill, saya that the benator is still improving. Rep retentatlve Springer continues to im prove. Dr. uurtls, ins phyniolah, re ports a rapid chauge for the better dur ing the past three daps. lrlrt AmtUtant AurKeant-at-Armi. Dhnvbu, Col., March 21 Mr. I. N. Stevens of tills city has been appointed First Assistant Sorgeant-nt-Arms of the Republican National Convention to be held at Minneapolis next Juua. Mr. Bte- vens was formerly district-attorney ot this county, and became known all over the country through hie connection with tbe Grave murder case. To Kosiune Work. WiLKi'SBAKJiB, Pa., March 21. Th Montour Iron amlStell Company of Dan vllle. l a., will resume work to-day, an will employ 400 men. The puddlers have agreed to accept the $11.50 basis. Tho fannlii of the men who went on strike eight mouths ago are in a dustitutecou dltlon. A Prominent Juatleo Dead. Nvaok, N. Y March 21. Justice John Ryley dud at Valley Cottage, Rookland county, yesterday morning after n three day's illness of pneumonia. Ho was for a long time a prominent Justice of tb Feace in thU oouuty aud unjoyod great peisomu popularity. I'roclniiiallau to (Mil Fellows. TluiNroii, N J., March 21 James W. Triiiu i..uil, the Urud Master of the Qrund Lmigtt uf Odd Felluwa, has Issued ft proclamation oalliug on all lodges to appropriately celebrate the seventy-third anniversary of Odd Fellowship on tho xutu 01 April. Oivuinur;arliiH Deulwra Arrested. J'msBUW), March 21. Over 800 oleo- margarine dealers In Allegheny county were returned to court Saturday for vio lating tha law, and at Uaat 100 will be reMraed atxt wetk. , THE GERMAN CRISIS. The KeslKKRtloii f Caprlvl Cnnnlnp; llitiMiRe Kxullnmont. Berux. March 21. The Impending Cabinet crisis and tho startling reports .egardlng Emperor Wllllam'e health aro tho nil absorbing topics of conversation throughout the German Empire. It is rumored that thero is being considered a plan to bring tho obstinate aud fiery young ruler to reason, If not to restrain him to some degree in his headloug policy of government. A meeting of German Princes, it is said, will bo called with this object. Since the fall of Bismarck, two years nsro. the uolitical tension here has not been so Intense as it was yesterday. From tho elegant Hiller's Unter den Linden to the baro cafes of Karl strasse, iu tne student's quarter, the one topic Iirs been the action of Zedlitz and Ua privi. Last night the restaurants Unter den Linden were crowded with officers and politicians eagerly discussing tho probable course of the absent Emperor. The general opinion is that Zedlitz will be allowed to go and Caprlvl will be commanded to stay. lllnmarck Satirical. Beiilw, March 21. WhlW dining with tho Burgomaster of Hamburg last even ing. Prince Bismarck said: "Well, you see the Emperor is his own Chancellor again; Count Caprlvl has retired." HILL IN WASHINGTON. Tha Senator Verv Much reused Wllh Ills Southern Trip. WAsniNOTO.v, March 21. Senator Hill has returned from his Southern trip. Ho arrived yesterday morning on tho regular Richmond & Danville express. District-Attorney Ridgwny of Brooklyn, and Asslstant-Adjutunt General McEwan of Albany, accompanied him. Theparty took a carriage and drove to the Arling ton Hotel. Senator Hill says that be had o most niovable trio. "As I said In several of my speeches," "I have gained an idea of tlio South and its needs. I made n great many speeohes to very large crowds of people, and everywhere met an enthusi astic and a cordial welcome." Senator Hill has no plans for the im mediate future. Ho expects to remain in Washington for some time attending his duties in the benate. no says that he has not accepted an Invitation to address the Hill Club of St. Louis aud probably will not be able to accept It. A REMARKABLE FREAK. "Infant" SO Tears Old That Wa Ilelplesa Since Its lllrtli. UrrEn Sandusky, Ohio, March 21. Thero died last night at Wharton, in tho estern part of this county, ono of the most remarkable of creatures, an "in fant" ngod 20 years. The child, or young man, was the sou of Austin Borden, and during all the years of its llfo was noth- nir more than a mere baby. It devel oped in no respect and died in its cradle. It could neitner taiK, -waiK nor recog- izo anyone, aud was as helpless when it re.iched manhood as the day it was born. Doctors woro completely baffled and could do nothing, aud for twenty- i ne years its death has been patiently waited. Disorderly Students. New Haven, Conn., March 21. A party of Yule men, bent on a lark, broke n tho last act ot "rue enuetta," at Bunnel's Grand Opera House. One of tho students threw a snow b.UI, iilttlug ono of the actors. Another missile of tho same character struck Miss Franoess Field, the leading lady of the company, nnd Inflicted quite, a severe blow, stun ning her for n few moments. For a few minutes there was considerable excite ment iu tho theatre, which was packed. Four of the disturbers were arrested for breach of the peace. Cardinal Taacliereau Congratulated. OuEnEO. March 21. Cardinal Tascher eau is receiving the congratulations ot the clercv and laymen of tbe diocese of Quebec on tho occasion of the 22d anni versary ot his elevation to me episcopate. Tho venerable Cardinal is in excellent health despite his advanced years. It is said he will commemorate ins anniver sary by donating a considerablo sum of money to Lavil University to construct an observatory in place 01 tno aomo lately destroyed by lire. rcallier-AVelehts Matched. CniOAOO. March 21. Tummy White is in Chicago on a visit from Minneapolis. Tho clever feather-weight has been matched for an Important engagement. Iko Wclr. tbe "Belfast Snider," has ao. cepted Prof. Donaldson's terms and will light teu rounds witu wnite ior 11 purso of $000. Tho contest will take place in the gymnasium of the Hennepin Club at Minneapolis on April 0. Tlio WliUUey Truit Caie. Boston, March 21. It is believed that some Important developments will be made in tlio Whiskey Trust cases during the coming week, James N. Veazey of Cincinnati, who is probably ns well posted as any man in tho united states as to the workings o the Whiskey trust is at present stopping in this city, but refuses to be interviewed on tho buhject. Tried to Suit llrlnn Ituiu. New'ABK, N. J., Hurch 21. Thomns Qllroy of Paterson tried to sell the race horse lirian Horn to h horse dealer In this city for $10. The dealer's suspicious were aroused by the small price asked for the iiiiiinal nnd ho had Gilroy ar retted. It WHi found later that the horse had been atoleu. The Oat-Illcli-Qulek Ilupes. Newaiik, N. J., March 81. The claims ot the dupes of the gut-rich quick Na tional Customs Clothing aud Murclmnd ice Company have been tiled with the county clerk. There are several hundred names on the lisu, and tho total of tho amount due them U $27,100. An Kxpeilltluu SufTur. I)fiut. Londox, march 21. News from Sierra Ieone is to the effect that the expedition to Ywmbo, ohUf town of Sumadti, lias sulTcrtxl a severe defeat. Capbiiu Itob li'Hon and u priN.. .. ere killed and nil the oflleura aud thirteen meu were badly wounded. Ilrvke Ills Neck. Washington, March 21. Stephen Knaves, colored, while riding a spill ted horse around the White House lot, south of the Executive Mansion, was thrown from the animal and, striking on his had, broke bU ucok. A Now Paper. Thero wa9 Issued lart wot-U in Mahanoy City from tho printing i.fflc ownpd by Mr. John Smith, a new publication, known a the American-Russian Krws. It Is a fivo column, plht pngo pap'T, printed entirely in modern Greek The heading, an olaboratu oloctrot po, has as a contre piece an American eag'e grasping an American lla'and a Greek national symbol in its claw;. On nnu eidu a firmer, unmisUkabW Russian in appearance, is plowing the earth, while on tho other is a roprotontntion of a coal minor ut work Tho papT is tbe only Greek Ctholio publication In Anier- ici. It is the organ of tho Greek Catholic Union, nnd h intorded to cduca'O tho mombers of tho societj in the requirements of American citizfiuhip as well us to fostor tho intoroits of tho Union. A Littlo Girl's Exporlonoo In a Lighthouse. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trescott aro keepers of tho Gov. Lighthouee at Sand Bosch, Mich., and aro blessed with a daughter.fof- years old. Lat April sho was taken down with Mcaslos, followed with a dread. jl cough and turning into a Fever. Douors at homo and at Dotroit treatod hor, but In vain, eho grew woko rapidly, until sho was a mcro "handful of bonos." Then Bho tried Dr. Kins's Now Discovery and after tho use of two and a half bottles, was com pletely cured. Thoy ssy Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yot von mav col a trial bottio free at U 11. UaKonbuch's drug store. A Surprise Party, JIi.s Llzzio Hulton was tenderoii a sur- priso party Friday evening, at hor residence in "Wo"t Chorry street. Among tlio guets were Mi-srs Ltura Schwartz, Park Place; May nnd L u Cathor, Nellio Finnoy, Nellie Evans, Carrio Folmor, Nottio La- vino, Sadio Rceso, Daisy Hess, Katio and Lottie Burkhart, Mary Pomoroy, Mabel citraup, Annio Stoin, Mabel Glover, Nellie Jones and Miss Edith Forlner O-mtralix; and Slessrs. Charles Miller, Reading; Frank Snyder, Thomas W. "Wren and Georgo Goodman, of Mahanoy City; Stmuel Smail, John Lewis, Win, Penn; Guy Koiper, Ross Glover, Harry V. Hifnor, William H. Button, U. M. Wasley, Charlos Kirlin, Harry Cathor and Grant Leseig. A Very Marked Improvement. Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly is im proved in ovory respect. Tho charactor of the illustrations and tho tono of the letter press aro such as to raako this paper a household necessity. It speaks what is best for tho country, and will be undoubt odly rocognizod as the great Republican it lustratcd weekly. Tho plan of giving il luurnted stories and presenting tho promt nent news features of each week is most admirable. This week's issue contains striking character-sketches of tho great speakers in tlio silver debato in Washing tin, a pMgo of pictures showing tho crazo in mining etocks at Dulutb, and an inter1 eating series of pictures on tho loading foreign ovents. Cut out this paragraph and eond in to the Arkoll wcokly Com piy, 110 Filth Avenue, Now York City, for a sample copy, which will bo sent free Tho Inquest Ended, Tho inquest in the case of John Morgct, the policeman who was shot to death noar Tamequa last Wednesday morninp, was concludod at Pottsville on Saturday. There now developments, nearly all tho testimony relating to tho capturo of tho threo young robbers now in tho county j ill for tho shooting. Tho verdict of tho iurvwas: "That tha taid John Merget ctmn to his doath on March 10, la.u, while in tho discharge' of his duty as an olllcur. from a gun shot wound inflicted by on oi tho throo capturod on Pitch Moun tain, who are now in tho county jail. It Hits tho Mark. That great colored weokly, Jtidge,ovi&yi hits tha mark. Its cartoons this wook are as funny and clover as ever. If you are in t- rested in politics and vtUh to soo tho funny sldo of overy political question, now i tho timo to place your subscription Whilo Judae hits bard blows, thoy are neyor given with mean Intention, and even if your politins do not agreo with it, you will find it to bo fair and honest in Intnn tlo 1. In its rketchet it surpasses all i s rivals and gives more for the money than any of tho comic weeklies. Foresight! wbT0hna Tho rainoeurvoyor as a good ore aiot and a desire to reach an elevation above tho position of anioro minosurvoyur, will make frequent offtcts, and combino with his knowledge ol turvoying a know lo'lxe of mine ventilation, methods of min ims, geology, mocnanies, etc. If ho will tftko a backlight ho will think of many times when ho would havo been heneultod by a knowledge of theso sub Jeota, aud have been raved tho humiliation ot confessing bia ignoranco to a mxn'mg en' gtneer. i Ii bU houd is level ho won't go off an n tangent because a friend calls hit attention to thU matter. On the contrary he will enquire "how can I learn these bra iches, and at the same time keep at work?" Tho answer ia, Take a oouree in The Colliery Kncjinkkh School of Minks. Tuition is by correspondence, and tho lesion papers sent to students are the text books. You can take the full course and not lose a day's timo. One ovonlnir a week wi 1 suffice. You can take your own time, und you can begin at any timo. The sooner you bogin the bettor. Tho day of mine surveyors Is rapidly drawing to a olose. Mining mginuri are wanted, and if a mn know nothing but how to make a mlno survey and p ot it, bn Is not going to rise. Whether you take a course or not It will pay you to send for free pamphlet giving full particulars, which will cost you nothing. Addrnss, The Colliery: Knoinkkii Co., Saranton, Pa. Ordert for Evknikq IIkrald should bt lejt at Hooks $ lisown't news stand, Ao, i North Main street. Coming Events. Mar. 30 "Tin. Tattling Tongu-," ! lure by Rev. II. G-. James in the I'. 51 church, for the toi.eDt of a tick and r,c d family. April 21. A marigold tea in llobbim hall, under tho auspices of the degreo ail Lydla Degree Ludo, No. 112, I. O. 0. r. FiBhing Tackle. A largo loi of tho fl .est fishing tackle chospor and better than over, Just received Come and tee m belcro purchasing else where and you will eavt m'nnov at Max Rkesr'b, Ferguon House, 10 W. Contro S'. A Happy Man Is he who uses Hed Ma Oil for Ilhe'im itlf in Seuruli;ln, Toothache nnd curonle pain. It a remedy which cures every time. Try It, 2.i rents. 1 cd Flag Oil Mild at i. I'. U. Klr IIu'h DrugHtoro. WANTS, &o. WANTED. Hoarders. In small family 3-M-lm Apply at tho Heuald offlco. ITTANTED.. VV Oood wages paid. Call at tho llEiiAi.D 3-11-tf omco. lOIl SALE. Tho lumbor in my e.tablo will bo sold choaD. as tho samo must bo removed itnm immediately. Annlv to Ooo. II. Williams, 117 South Main street, Shenandoah. 3-10-lw FOR KENT. Storo and dwelling, 151 North Main street. Shcnnndoah. Annlv on pre mises. Patrick McNeils, 3-14-lw FOK KENT. A dosirablo sfore room on South Main streot. Possession given first of April. Apply to Sylvester Pappert, 119 S. Main street. .J-o-u lOlt SALE. Cheap, a one-horse spring wacon with ton. Also a two-seat surrey with th extension ton. Apply to Fred. Uurkhart. S3 North Main stroot. 3-3-tf QTOCICIIOLDKItS' MEETING. A special O mectlns of the stockholders ot tho Minors' Mechanics and Laborers' Hullding and Loan Association, of Shenundoah, Pa., will bo held at the office of John It Coylo, Esq., on Wednesday evening, Mnrcli la, 181K, at 3 o clock, for tlio pur pose of revising and amending tho by-laws of (.aid Association, ity orucr 01 tno isoara 01 Directors. david morgan, pres. Attest: J. P. ItNAPP, Scc'y. 3-10-llt NOTICE OP STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockholders of tho Citizens' Electric Light Company, of Shenandoah, will bo held nt tho offlco ot the company, No. 21 North Jardln street, on April Oth, 1803, between tho hours of 2 and 4 p. m., for tno purposeoi electing eiovcn tii) oircciors ior ensuing year, and for tho purposo of hearing nnd receiving tho auditors' report. i-2-iaw-4w jons uiiuiileii, eo y. rlHAKTEIl NOTICE. Notice is hereby given 1 that an anultcatlon will be mado to tho Court of Common Pleas of Schuylkill county on Monday, April mn, A. u. isc, at iu o ciock a. in., under tno Act 01 AsscmDiy 01 tno com monwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to nrovido for tho Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations." approved April 29, 1871 and tho supplements thereto, for tho char ter of an intended corporation to be callod "Tho Welsh Daptlst Church of Shenandoah," tho ehnnicter nnd oblect whereof is the support 01 public worship according to tho doctrines, faith ana aiscipuno 01 1110 jjnpusi cuurcu anu ior tlinso purposes to have, possess and enlov nil the rights, henellts nnd privileges Of tho said Act 01 AsscmDiy auu uh supplements. 3-21-oaw-3t S. 11. EDWARDS, Solicitor. AMUSEMENTS. TtKK.CUeiOM'd TIIE&TRK, P. J. KKKQCSOX, MANAGER. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2392 Return engagement, for ono lolly night, of mo popular comeaiun, Mr. JAMES B. MACKIE, Grimesey, Me Hoy," and his funny people, presenting Grimes' Cellar Door ! Entirely revised and rewritten, with everything now. Now Songs, New Dances. New Music, New Speolnltles, A Devy of Protty Girls, Prices. 25. 60 and 75 cents. Seats on sale at Kirlln's drug store. LEATHER and SHOE FMDIKuS DP. J". CLBAB"Y3 Dealer lu all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies Large an a fl rst-olass stock. All Demands of the Trade Suppliea 18 W. CENTRE BT., KercuRnn House bulldltig, SHENANDOAH. PA A FINE SHOW II you want to fee a (lae display ot Boots ant tthoos, go to W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Ma-s teller's old stand,) Uurticr Coal unci Jurcllu HtM. Cu9totu Work and Repalrlns Done In the best stylo. TO? 2 Restaurant Cor. Main and Coal Sle., Shenaudonh, Pa, lUirolur meals at popular prloas served at all times, ladles (II Din w an re. freshineut rooms attach ed liar sto'-ked with the anst brands ol cigars and fancy drinks, Leading Restaurant tn Town. It will pay any ono In want of to send 8c. to par poat&Ke on our beautiful llaeof DverlUOlnalrhtMl Aiuitle, St lowest price. Aadrcal U. PAllY, &6 Ulgb Bt, ituildtuo, E. L LESSONS IN THE INOLUDINC BfilTHMETIC, ALGEBRAIC SIGNS, HUE VEHTILflTIOH. HECHBNICS. 16. STUDENTS QUALIFIED TO PASS STATE EXAMINATIONS. THE PUPILS STUDY AT HOME. LOSE NO TIME FROM WORK. INO TEXT-BOOKS NEEDED Tuition ICHAROE3 within the Means of All. For Pamphlet containing full information, address, KB- Sample copies of " The iCollihrv ENOiNitim," (by reading which hundreds of miners have oualiitct themselves to become Sut-tf. tnlendenls and roiemeii), aud catalogue of Alining Books sent free ea application. IMPR'JVEJ 8AFETr-UMt -JEHiail VALLEY II. It. & K. It. It. Co., Lessee) ArcRANGEMENT OF PASSEN GER TRAINS. NOV 15, 1891. Passenecr trains leave Shen andoah forl'cnn Huven Junctlon.Mauch Chunk, LchlKhton, Slatlngton, wimo nan, uaiasauqua, Allentown, Uethlehem, Boston, Now York, ihlladelnhla. Ilivzleton. Weatbcrly. Quakako Junction, Delano and Mahanoy City ot 5.47, 7.40, 0.08 a. in., 12.63, 3.10, 5.110 p. m. For Now York, 5.47, 7.4U, tf.os a. m., iiou, a.iu, ,20 p. m. ror iiazioion, viiKosiarrc, tvuuu iiuvcn, ittston, Laceyvllle, Towanila. Sayre. Waverly, iralra. Itochestcr, Niagara Kalis and tho West, 10.41 a. m., (3.10 p. m.. no connection for Itoches tcr. Buffalo or Niagara lAUls), R.S0 p m. For llclviderc. Delaware Water Gap and StrouiUburg, 5.47 a. m., 5.20 p. rn. For ljamoeriviuo ana xrcnion, w.iw a. in. For TunUhaunock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 6.20 p. m. For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and Lvons, 10.41 m., 5,20 p. rn. For .leanesvllle. Lovlston and Ileavor Meadow, 40, 9.0H a. UL, 12.52, 5.20 p. m. For Audenriod, Ilazleton, Stockton nnd Lum ber Yard, 6.17, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 20 p. m. f or acranion, d.,, iu.91 u. in., o.iv, o.m p. For llazlebrook. Jcddo. Drifton and Frceland. 17, 7.40, fl.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.20 p. m. For Ashland. Glrardvllle anil Lost Creek, 4.27, 40. 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.05, 1.40, 4.10, 0.35, 8.08, 9.11 Vnr 1tnn Hiin. flnniraTLi. Mmint Psirmel and Shamoldn, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., lfJO, 4.40, 8.00 p. in. For Yutc8vlllo, Park Place, Mahanoy City ana Delano, 5.47, 7.40, 9.18 a. m 12.52, 3.10, 6.20, 3.03, .24, 111.27 p. m. Trains win icavo cjnamouin ai v.oa, 11. do a. m., 10. 4.30. 0.40 d. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at 05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.20. 11.15 p. ra. Loave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5.50, 7.40, .08, 10.52 a. m., 12.52, 3.09, 4.10, 6.20, 8.03 p. m. Leave i'ottsvuio ror Mticnanuoan, o.uu, t.iu, 05, 10.15. 11.48 a. m 3.00, 5.20, 7.00, 7.15, 9.30 p. m. Lcavo Shenandoah for Ilazleton, 5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.4La. m., 12.52, 3.09, 5.23, 8.03 p. m. Leavo Ilazleton tor Shenandoah, 7.39, 9.15, 11.00 a. m., 12.15, 3.10, 5.30, 7.05, 7.50 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains loavo for Ashland, Glrardvlllo and Lost Creek, 0 50, 11.35 a. ra., 2.45 p. m. For Yatosvillo, 1'ark Placo, Mahanoy City, Delano, Ilazleton, Illnck Creek Junction, Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Jhunk, Allentown, Ilotulehcm, Easton and New York, 8.00 a. m., 40 p, m. For Yatesvillo. Park Placo, Mahanoy City and Delano, 8.00 a. in., 1.40, 4.40, 0.03 P. m. L.euvo ilazleton ior oueuuuuuau, o.w u. m., .45.4.37 p.m. , om ,30 u. ra.. iM5 p. m. Leave Pottsville tor Shenandoah, 10.40 a. in.. .35,4.30,0.15 p.m. ,r Us. li. UlUNUlWili Gon'l Pass. Agt., South llethlebein. Pa. PHILADELPHIA & HEADING It. It. Tnvlnft lpjive Shfnnndoiih as follows: For Now York via Philadelphia, week days, 2.10, 7.48 a. m. For New York via Mauch Chunl 10. fi.25. a. m.. i-.;. e.oo n. m. ounua WtUK UUj'B, U.W, U. 11,., l.u, tr.VJ 11. Ul. liVir Ileadine and Philadelnhia. week days, 2.10, 7.2U a. m., i.o, s.du, 0.0.1 p. m. suuuy, :.iu. 1.4s a. m., p. m. For liarriSDurg, wcck oays, :.iu, t.u a. m., 50, 5.55 p. m. For Allentown, week days, T.50 a. m., 12.S5, 9 .VI tv m. For Pottsville, week days, 2.10, 7.20 a. m., 12.35, n en e EC t. ., in .U n A 0 n m 1.10, 6.25, 7.20 a. m., 12,35, 2.50, 5.55 p, m. Sunday, !.10. 7.48 a. m.. 4.30 v. m. Additional Ior Mali- or "l amaQ ua anu imuanoy ijiiy, wucw. ua,.. nnnv nltv. -wfifik davs. 7.00 n. m. i''or Lancaster ana uoiumoiu, wccii uuvo, a. m., 2.50 p. m. , Fnr wiiiiamsnnrt. Sunburv and Lewlsbure, week days, 3.25, 7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00 p. m Sunday, 3.25 a. m., 3.05 p. m. ',... Fnr Mnhanov Plane, week days. 2.10. 3.25, 5.55, 7.20, 11.30 a. tn." 12.35. 1.35, 2.60, 5.55, 7.00, 9.25 p. m, Knrt-w "id x '"i. t.h a. m.. a.w n. in. ior iiraruviiie, naijjjuiiuuauuu luhuii,, weekdays, 2.10, 3.25, 5.2a, 7.20, 11.30 a m., 12.35, .35. 2.50. 5.55. 7.00. 9.25 p. m, IV, .UV t 1-1., 1.W Sunday, 2.10, 3.25, 7.48 a. ra., iuo. 4..j p. m. For AHQiana nnu s I Shamokln, week days, 3.25, 6.25, 7.20, 11.30 a. in., 1.35, 7.00, 9.25 p. m. Sun day, 3.25, 7.48 a. ra., 3.o.t p. ra. TRAINS FOIt SHENANDOAH Lcavo New York via Philadelphia, week days, 7.45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.1a nignt. sun. rtav ll.Ul TV m.. i.ia nicnt. Lsave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4.30, 8.45 a. m., 1.00, 3.45 p. ra. Sunday, 7.00 a. ra. r.iavn Philadelnhia. week davs. 4.10. 10.00 a. m. 4 00, 0.00 p. m., from Uroail and Callowhlll and H3.v,i in.. lt.RilTi. m. frnui 9fh and tlrcen streets. Sunuay, 0.05 a m., i. m., irom um nnu Leave Itoadinc, week days, 1.35,7.10, 10.05, 11.50 a. in., 6.63, 7.07 p. m. aunuay, ., a. in. Leavo Pottsville, woek days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m., 12. an. n.l 1 n. 1.1. Sundnv. 2.40. 7.00 a. in . 2.05 n. ui. Leavo Taiuiqua, week ik aays, a.Mt B.40, u.uo u. 1.21, 7.13, p. ra. Sunday, 3.20, 7.43 a. m., -..-) p. m. Loave Mahanov Cltv. week days. 3.40. 9.18, 11.47 a. m , 1.51, 7.43, 9.44 p. in. Sunday, 3.40, 8.17 a. m.. 3.20 n. in. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week dc vs, 2.40, 4.00, u.uo, v.9d, 11. du a. m., l.m, .uu, d.-m, e.zu,, iu.uu n. in. Sunday. 2 40, 4.00. .27 a. ra.. 3.37. 6.01 p. m. Leave iiraruvuiu, vivuppauuuuucK isiuviuu,, ilavj -47. 4.07. 0.30. 9.41 a. m.. 12.05. 2.12. 5.20. 0.32. 8 03, 10.00 p. ra. Sunday, 2.47, 4.07, 8.33, a. m.. 3.41. 5 07 n. In. Leavo Wllllamsport, week nays, a.ou, w.ia, 11.00 0. 111., 3.35, 11. in p. m. sunuay, 11. lap. m. For Italtlmore, Washington auu 1110 west via Ti. ft, o. 11. It., throuirh trains leavo Girurd Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. It. It. It.) at 3.55, 8.01, 11.87 a. m., 8.56, 5.4, 7.18 p in. Sunday, 3.65, 8.02, 11.27 a. m., 3.5U, D,, 7.13 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave PhllaOolohla. Chestnut Street Wharf ana soutn street wuari. yon ATUANTIO CITV. Week days Hxpress, 9.00 a. m., 00, 4.00 p. ra. Aooommousuon, b iw a. in., o uu p. Sunday Express, 9.00 a. 111. Accommodation, 8.00 a. m.. 4.30 n. m. Keturnlns, leave Atlantlo City, depot Atlantlo nnd Arkansas Avenueo Week days, Express, 7.30, 9.00 a. in., 4 00 p. m. Accommodation, 8.10 a. in., p. in. aunaay uxnreas, 4.uu p. in. AccorninoOatlon, 7.30 a. ra., 4.30 11. m. C. G. HANCOCK, Gen'l Pass'r Agt, A. A. aiul,uij, xre. a, uen 1 iuauueor. Big Cut in Prices. CUAS. YAROWSKY'S, 23 irpt Centra Street, Beat red flannel undershirts, 05c; beat uudersblrU, 30c; best cotton overshtrts. bait elotb ovemhlrla, 75c; best muslin white uuru, 4uo; .men s best woolen Hooka, per nur, l&e: half doz. treuts' line handkerchiefs. 9So: flue susnenderH. nur nalr 15u: nveralls for men. 40o up; ladles' Qnu merino underwear, eaoh. only 40c: ladies' all-wool JackeU. T5o: ladlri' fast black Htocklnus, 3 pair for 8o; onlldren'b white uudrrwear 15c up; 4 pairs children s " t 1,1.. ,.b UK... Iu,nu bnMi mnlji nnlvL' V: best Hum tabV'cloliih. duo up; finest Uiwelings, 5u per yard; best beUbpreaus, only i eucu, lifuca Valtuble Inrurmatloii Vlll'K, Addretf by CORRESPONDENCE COMPLETE THEORY OF MINING THE COLLIERY ENGINEER SCHOOL OF MINES, ScrantOD.Pa. First National Bail. tiibatke nrjiLDino, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00 A. W. Leisennng, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisennng, Cashier, 9 W. Yost. Ass' t Cashier. fIeu Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER GENT. INTEREST ! Iitl! 011 Mavltiics DeposItH. ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 80HOTXXII.I. DIVISION, On and after November 15, 1891, trains will leave anonanuoan at jouows: For Wlcean.. Ullborton. Fraoivllle. New utle. Ht. Clair, and way points. tt.W. 9.10, 11.45 a m and 4.15 I'm, -lunaays, uou, u.10 u m ana wup m, For Pottsville, B.uO, tf.10, 11.45 a m alJ.15 ' iu dnndays, em, e.40 n m ana 8.10 n m, Kor Ksadlni:, 6.00, 11.45 a ra and 4.15 pm. Sundays, 600,9.40 a. 11. ands.iupm. b"or Pottstown. Phoelxvllle. Norrlstown nd Philadelphia 1 broad street station). 6.00. 11.45 v. m. and 4.15 p m week days -.Ujaays, ww, v.iu a m a .iu p in. Trains leavo PraokvlUe tor BWnandoah at 11.4') a m ud 13.14. 5.01. 712. IO.O'i p mi Hon- d.y, V .1 ' 1 m anl 5,10 p m. Ijeave vo isviue ior anunanaoan, lu.ta ana 11.48, am 4.10, J.15, 9.42pm. Hnndays, 10.49 vc 5.15 p m. ue&ve irniiaueipnia turoau siresh HiLiua;, -ir Potuvllle and Shen inrtoab. 5.57. 8.35 a m 4.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Bunday 8.50, and 9.21 am -or JNew xorK.a.Jl4,u3, i.tu, o.w, i.r.l, .8.S.t ).50. lliam.llOOnoon. Umlw3 fiipress, 1.00 4.50 p ra.) 12.44, 1.35, 1.40. a.S),1.2) 4. 5.02, S, tf, B.20, U.SO 7.1S 8.12 aud 1U.00 m, u.ui lieni n Hnndays. 8.30. 4.05. 4.40, KM, 8.12. 8.S0, B.tO, 11.33 n. ai 12.44, 1.40,2.30, 4.02, (limited, 4 sii.K ti, h.zi n.n, tH'.i' i n ana u.ui niBiu For Sea Girt, Lone Ilranch and Intermediate stations 8.20 and 11.14 a. m., 4.00 p.m. week days. Freeiiold only 6.00 p m week days. For Baltimore and Washington, 3.50, 7.20, 8.10 and 11.18 a. rn., 4.41, 6 57,7.40 p.m. and 12.03 mgni aauy anu tt ai, iu.zu a. m., i& i n'miiea express with dlulne ear to Kaltlmore) 1.30, 8.48 p. m. week days. For llaltlmore only 2.02, 4.01 weec aays, o.u, p. m. aauy. For Richmond, 7 20 a. ra. and 12.03 night dally, 1.30 p, ra, dally, except sundry. LTHiua leave iiurriMimi t iui ntuuuat ttuu ie west every day at 12.55 and 8.10 a m and 3 w (ltmlted) and 8.40, 7.25 p m. Way for iviioons ia a m ana .iu p m every auy. For I'ltUDure oniy, u.vw a ai aauy anaiv.wj m week days. beT Hnnbnrv for Wllllamsport. Elrulra. linanrtalirua. Koehestor. Kntlalo-ind Nlaearii iiU 5.10 am dally, and 1.35 pui weoKdays, ror Jiimira, p m wans, aayn for iSrle and intermediate points, 6.1B a m;, tail?. For Lock tlavan. 6.10. nnd 9.58 a m. tally, 1 35 and 6.30 p. m. weok days. For Wa. mBnndayi. ' AB. P. roau, J . k. wuuu, 'Mn. Mon"' 'en. tw. aji DO YOU WANT BELIEF? KROUT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY Vu'lM promptly rellcTe tha n it dls trensttig caaa uf Aciito or Clironlo Itheu inat lam or Gout. By ftrictty observing tbe directions, It will curejou perman ently " Uultk tha tmmeroui rrcrB.ratloni th at Road tbecuatrr, tbli uifdlclii i iicclUt for Iho Ttriom forma ofrtieiiiiiatUni onir, &d Dt ra a, vatUlktiUurr tiunn nlon on th ariUu. ao4 la eonooetlAn with tha pllla, cnuvlnr tha tutTorcr thM tha proier rtrntdy it mb louna. ton art tnanmj ii Qtttad to tat tha merit of KltUUT'S KH1CUMATIO It KM ED Vt aa It valuftVfte proper tla are tudoriad by oundrida or tta uot flatteriujr. uattioonlala. Only vattoia lugraoiaDta, remartacie ror tmirflnraiiTa i-wara, are uaad Iu the Diiti u factum of KKOliT U KlIEUMATtO UHltbY 51.00 Tor Brttl. 6 Battle j, S5.C0. nils, 23 Cti. Bex. ir vour uruln)!pr doe not tetp It, aud to the uuufagiurtir( aud jrou will raoeUeHty mall. yO'Jr Mtirkt (Street, I'MuiU'a, I'. Shenandoah Business College A I,arge Attendance Dally. Room for a Few More. Take advantage of tho present chanco to securo a 1 lal mi OSGOOD BUSINESS EDUCATION! For terms, &c, oall at the Collogo or address, W. J. SOLtV, Shenandoah. Va. J0HM H. EVANS1 SALOON, 3d E. CKNTUB BT., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest brands of clears always on band. I The best temperance drinks.