STILL HIS WIFE. Hi) IIuil Sold Iter mill n Cow for Twenty rlElit Dollar. CnATTANOooA, March 10. John Qttinv by, a Union soldier, was wounded In the bnttlo of Culcknniaugii In 1SCJ, nnd wits put In the hospital, where lie met o Mrs. Dooley, a supposed widow. In a short time the two were niHrried. Twenty years Inter the woman's first hushnml appeared, hut surrendered his claim to his wife and n cow ho had left for $23. llr. and Mrs. Qitlmby accumulated real estate, which is now very valuable. Koino time ago Qulmby deeded to his wife a piece of ground In Chlckamauga 1'ark. When Dooley heard that the trans fer had been mudo he consulted ah at torney, who advised him that Mrs. Quimby was still his wife, according to the laws of the State, and that ho had a claim on the property. Ho has now cumo back to eutor a suit to gain posses sion of It. A DYNAMITE EXPLOSION. One Mun Killed and Two Seriously Injured. Hui.LiDAYSDUno, Va.., March 10. A dynamite explosion occurred at the Juniata Limstone Quarries, at Carltn, fifteen miles south of this place, causing the death of one workman aud the serious injury of two others. The men wero thawing out dynamite for blasting purposes. A cap exploded, thcroby letting oil twenty-eight stlokB of dymv mite. John Gates, 60 years of age, of Petersburg, l'a., was instantly killed and Henry Mount and Jacob Horron, of Love forge, sustained sevore bruises. Gates leaves a widow and children. GRATEFUL RUSSIANS. The Kellef Stoalnor Inilluun Meets Willi hii Ovation. Liiiau, March 10. Two thousand em ployes of the arsenal chartered steamers and went to where the Indiaua is lying at nnchor. Tlio steamers were decorated with flags and bunting, and when they reached the Indiana steam whistles shriuked, and the people yelled, shouted aud cheered for tho captain, America and everything American. The Russians are most grateful every where for the evidence of American hu manity and friendship. BOLD ASSERTION THE MANLY ACTIONS OP GER MANY'S GREATEST Scientist It Is "Warmly Endorsod by a Ringing Editorial In a Loading American Journal. tt Wu the JSoer Drugged? licnLiNOTON, Vt. March 19. Henry L. Boyle, of Montreal, arrived hero in tho night and went to tho Lake View House. He was treated to three glasses of beer by a man in the bar and remembers nothing further until he awoke in a tire engine house half a mile from the hotel. He was in his shirt sleeves, had a deep gash between the eyes and his pocket book, containing over $130, mid his gold watch are missing. He belioves ho was drugged and robbed Ten Mii Scalded. BcnuK. March 10. Tho boiler of tho armored coast defence vessel Siegfried, nt Wlllielmshaven, has -exploded. Ten men were horribly scalded. The cnuso of the explosion is a mystery, as the tiieufried is but three years old and her machinery has been in place less than half that time. Tho Emperor has sent out two repiesentativcs of the naval de partment to make an investigation and report to him, personally, at once. (Medical Tribune.) I'roresor IUliliilih Vlrcliow was Herlously HI boiiiu mouths ago. All ad' tulrer of his, the owner of n certain proprietary medicine, took occasion to present him with some battles of lii discovery. Vlrcliow recovered, ntul was certain that lie had received much benefit from the lemedy. He accord ingly addressed a letter to his bene factor acknowledging the mattor aud expressing his gratitude. The lotter, coming as it did from the most dis tinguished teacher of pathologic fcleucu in Europe, was published and widely , read. 'Iho North German Medical Association, like similar bodies in America, has its cranks on elides. They endeavored to call the professor to account for disregarding the code. Virchow regarded The in-f-tlncls of a gentleman, and the honor thatleadsu man to render jufcti3j, ns paramount to the peck measure ethics of u conceited gang of half Hedged medical men. He answered tlietu with hearty couteiupt, and withdrew from the association. He chose to stand ou, and could aflord lo do so. It was an isue between ethics and u inau, aud manhood was usseited At about the same time the editor of this journal wrote u letter to a gentle man in Western New York regarding the nierllB of a remedy known us Warner's Safe Cure. The ci renin stances In the cse were us follows: We had frequently been asked by patients if we know anything about this remedy, and were obliged to answer in the negative. We then began to make Inquiries about the remedy, aud were surprised at the reports we heard regarding it. We then recommended it in several cases that had resisted all other treatment, and the results were surprising. The albumen rupiuly disappeared from me riuc and ttie patients leu greatly mnroved in health. Feeling satisfied thut tho coinnouud was u valuable one, and thut it could do no possible aim to anv one we continued to recommend it, aud were surprised at lie good rtsulls obtained. Alter several months' fair trial we lid not hesitate to Indorse the remedy, believing as we did that it woultl prove a boon to suilV-ring humanity Wo havo no reason to regret our action n tills particular. We recommend a remedy that lias benellted thousands or persons; we nave seen us goou ellects on our own natieuts after all other medicines have failed, and wo are not afraid to say to the public and he profession just wnat we itnow oi Sporting Notoo i'ivo cmiif cocks htnin.ed Ironi Hartford, Conn i and comfuria'dy cK"i1 in pddl b xo, wore transferred ntiho Lnigh Vi ley depot yetderdty tor delivery to one GrtffHh,R well-known port "f Glrarlvill It is said that's li g main is b iiii( i-repiro i and thnl owners of local birds are interest od in it. Cooper, of Mabniny City, won a pigeon shooting match at lUv.n llun, Thur day, by killing the five rdrds li -not at 0ny ton, of Tamaqua, and Biker, of Girsrd ville, divided eeotid money. Cooper and Clayton ii en arranged twins and tho former's parly won, killing 8 out of 9 birds. Clayton's party killed 0 out l 9. It Should bo in Evory Houso. J. U. Us i' , 371 Clay St., Sharp-Iiurg, l'a., cays be will not bo without Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Unuulu and Colds, that it cured his wile who was threstenod wth Pneumonia afl-r an at tack of "L-i Grlppo," wr-on various other remedies and snvoral physicians had dono her no good. Robert llsrh-r of Cooks part, Pa., claims Dr. Klnu's Now Dis covery has dono him more good than any thing ho over used for Lung Trouble. Nothing like it. Trv it. Free trial bottles at 0 II. IIagnbueh's Drug Store. Large bottles, 60e. and $1. WANTS, &o. t a ANTED. Hoarders. In a Apply at the HmiALDonico. D, small family 3-14-lm WANTED. A girl for gt Uood wages paid. C-J onice. cncral house worli 'all at tho Ilr.iiAUi 3-11 if ITiOIt SALK. Tho lumber in my s.tablo will I1 be sold cheat), as tho saino must bo remove Immediately. Apply to Geo. II. Williams. 117 South Main street, Shenandoah. 3-10-lw IjlOIt KENT. Storo and dwelling, 12t North I' Main street, Shenandoah. Apply on pre raises. Patrick McNeltsj- 3-H-lw IOH IlKNT.-A 1. Sou of A Mil. Main street. doslrable store room on South Main street. Possession given first Apply to Sylvester l'appcrt, no s. ?Oll SALE. Cheap, a ono-horse sprlti,1 wagon with top. Also a two-seat surrey with extension top. Apply to Fred. Uurkhnrt 23 North Main stroot. 3-3-tf QTOCKHOLDHUS' MEETING. A special U meetltnt of tee stockholders of tho Miners Mechanics and Laborers' Dulldtng and Loan Association, of Shenandoah, l'a., will be held at I tne onice or John a Ooylo, Esq., on Wednesday evening, Aiarcn loiw, at a o ciock, lor tne pur pose of rovlslmr nnd amending the bv-laws of said Association. Uy order of tho hoard of Directors. David Morgan. Pres. Attest: J. P. KNAi-p, See'y. 310-Ilt M, S'l'i iil'sSHHis improved SArtTr lamw application. LESSONS by CORRESPONDENCE IN THE COMPLETE THEORY OF COALMINING INOLUOINQ fiRITBMETIC, ALGEBRAIC SIGNS, HUE YEHIILAIIOH, MECHANICS, lit STUDENTS QUALIFIED TO PASS STATeTeXAMINATIONS. THE PUPILS STUDY AT HOME. LOSE NO TIME PROM WORK. tVO TEXT-BOOKS NEEDED. TUITION ICHARGESWITHIN THE MEANS OF ALU For Pamphlet containing full information, address, THE COLLIERY ENGINEER SCHOOL OF MINES, Scranton. Pa. Sample conies of "The iColuery Hnoineer," (by readlnr lilch hundreds of miners have qualified themselves to become Snter itendtnts and Foremen), and catalogue of .Mining Books sent free on JHast Furnace Cloned. Huntingdon, Pa., March 19. The to nan Iron Company blast furnace at Greenwood has been closed temporarily by the reason of dullness in trade in the iron market. The suspension will ex tend over a period of four months. A largo number ot men are out of employ ment. This Is the first suspension In 20 years. Tat Klllott Guilty or Manslaughter. Columbus, O., March 10. Patrick J. Klllott, brother of William J. Elliott, now serving n life sentence for the mur der of A. C. Osborne on Feb. 23, 1891, has been convicted of manslaughter. The two brothers and Osborne were rival Sunday newspaper men, and the shoot ing was the result of personal journal ism. Convicted Murderers Lynched. Alexandria, Ga., March 19. Ileflln and Dye, who were convicted ot murder tome time ago in Vuuquir County, wero taken from the hands of the sherill and Ills poise near Gainesville early in tiie morning and'hnnged. They wero being brought to Alexandria for safe keeping' and to avoid lynching. Crushed to Death. Huntingdon, Pa., March 19. Herman Dlsso, Carlld l'ring and his son, three .Belgians, were crushed to dentil by n fall of rook in a coal mine nt Itobertdale. They had just quit work for the day and were returning to their homes. All of the men were married and had families. 112,000 for IIib I,os of a Foot. ItociiKSTBR, N. Y.. Maroli 19. The jury In the uiuui of Frances louuolly against the uullaio, itooiiesier & rittslmrii Kail road Company brouslit in a verdlot o $12,000 for the plaintiff. The plaintiff lost her left foot lu an acciueut at Muple street crossing in uune, lew. Mors Wlllmlm Mean It Till. Time? WABHlNOTOir, March 19. Consul-Gen eral Hoyden Edwards, In Berlin, bus In formed the btnte Department that ti German Umperor has practically decided to visit the Culoago Imposition, ami tli question Is now only one of mvro detail linker Wliu Flrit I'llie. London, March 19. Tho eleventh nnd final round in the tournament of the Ilrlttsh Chess Association has bee played. Linker ecurud lirnt prize, Mor timer Moonu ami J-Giimn third. lie Stuera tVunla to Own IIUIVITe. Pabib, Mnroli.19. The applioation of the Chevalier I)e Stuer to have annuled the South Dakota divoroe obtained by nis wtm u generally approved, una it believed will be fcticcMsful. May be Mrnle Cardinal. Home, March 19. ' II Capltale' states that Muuslguor Uorrlgan, Archbishop ot .New xorK, win prouauiy bo made a Car II it. Medical lourrals of nil schools of mtiliclne are filled with advertise' merits and editorial puds of proprie tary medicine.-', many of which are worm less. Tlie editors Know running f their composition or preparatlou, but have an eye to the morjoy they utfor their advertisements. There Has been no protest against inese hincs. How, therefore, a eerlUleute bated on exneriences such amours, and without compensation, should have ureater turpitude, is a problem beyond our canaclt v. Why one should be flsh nd another llesu we are not sagacious enoiiL'h to determine. We leave It for those who care more for the rotten corpse of an old code than for com iiion fairness and co in in on seiiBe. Those who are eager to Hud fault wl 1 do so. Thov are heartily welcome to their task. To be sure blows can be lrlvpti as well as taken, except that some escane because of their contempt! ble InsiKuIllcauce. we nave no um- iiiunltlou to wusto on such. This however. w will say: No man of com iiion humun sensibility, who has the ed b ooa of a mammal, una not tne ale. Fiiaky lluld of tho lower races, will have the heart to judge ou actlonr. beverely or to Fay that we have lone aught but wnat we nave aiway nimd to bo our right to use any remedy that wl beuelll our patients w tliout reterenco to tue rource irom which It comes. The above able article from the pen of Dr II. A Ounu, editor of tho Med ical Tribune, strongly corroborates the statements already mado by tho doc tor in the public prints regarding tne umal merits of the greatest modem medlidne. This preparation, after twelvo years of unqualified success, hai finally received the commenda tion and indorsement of the leading members of the medical profession, both In this country aud lu Europe. Dr. Ounu In his recently published Interview, gave his uuausworable leat-otiB for Indorsing this great ri'in- edy, and it goes without saying that the most distinguished teacher of pathology lu tho world to day wou'd be the last to recommend a proprie tary article without having the utmost faith in its curiitlve power, An Old Caso Rovived. Tho caso of Hob- rt Fainey atalnst the borough is fixod lor trial at Potisvil e nnx woek. 'Wtieii Fairley wa Uiith Constable the Borough Council concluded that ho was making too much money under the fee system and directed that ho notify tho Chi-)f llurge!? when dead animals woro und Iving within tho borough limit?, to that olTorts miiht ho nndo to ascertain who wnod tho animal and mkn tho owner boar tho expense of burial. Fatrlov dis regarded the order and when he pre-entod is bill to 0 uiicil it was rejected. It is xpectod tho trial will develop mnv queer acts on tho part of uigh Constables ot former yoars. A Successful Saving Fund. Tho Bhares of tho Miners', Mechanics' and Laborers' Building and Loan Associa tion are in great demand, as shown by the sale on "Wednesday evening, last. Five hundred ehar- sofa new tories were put up and in less than an hour every snare of the seri-B was bid in, Tho manaiiemont of tho association is an excellent one and there aro many more purchas rs wailing an op portunity to bent fit by it. Tho "Y" Programme. Tho following uroitrauimo will be ndered at the meeting of tho "Y'b' this evening. All aro cordially invited to a tond : Scripturo reading Maggio Jaobj; Tlio ucnent oi neciprocny w. aj. naiuer Singing Prico and parly w ora mat - x mcinucru suouiu uo Carrie Smith Heading HenJ Slddel isasn solo ..Air, xviiiuuuii Crltlo Arthur I'arlsh ADMINISTISATOirS NOTICE.-Estato of Jeanctta CoIIfe, late of Shenandoah. Schuylkill county, l'a., deceased. Letters of administration on tho above csnite having been granted to tho undersigned, nil persons In debted to said cstato are requested to make Immediate payment, and thoso having legal claims against tho same will present them without delay to riitup Coffee, Administrator, Shenandoah. Pa. Or to Geo. J. Wadunoeu, Attorney, TnttflVllln til. 2-lfltwiaw AMUSEMENTS. P. J, FF.ItaUSON, MANAOKB. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2392 Itoturn engagement, for ono lolly night, of the popular comedian, Mr. JAMES B. MACKIE, "Grimescy, Mo lloy," and his funny lieoplo, presenting I Grimes' Cellar Door ! Entirely revised and rewritten, with everything now. Now Songs, New Dauces. New Music, New Specialties A Bevy of Pretty Girls. Prices, 25, 60 and 75 cents. Scats on salo at Klrlln's drug store. LEATHER and Wl FINUIHGS TEHIGH VALLEY H. U. (P. & It. It, It. Co., Lessee) AIinANOEMINT OF FA8SEN OEIl THA1NS. NOV 15, 1891. Passenrrer trains leave Shen andoah forPcnn Haven Junctton.Mauch Chunk, Lchlghton, Slatlngton.Whlto Hall,, Allentown, llethlchcm, EiSton, Now York, Philadelphia, Hnzlcton, Weatherly, Quakako Junction, Delano nnd Muhanoy City at &.47, 7.40, 0.08 a. m., 18.52, 3.10, 5.20 p. m. For New York, 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a. m., 12.50, 3.10, 6.2(1 p. m. i-or linzicton, wuiics-narrc, wnito iiavcn, Plttston, Laceyville, Towanda, Sayrc, Wnverly, lOlmlra, Ilocliestor, Niagnra Palls and tho West, 10.41 n. m., (3.10 n. m.. no connection for Kochos ter, lluffulo or Niagara Kails), 5.20 p. m. For llolvlilere, Delaware Water Gap nnd Stroudsburg, 5.47 a. jn., 5.20 p. m. For Lnmucriviuo ami Troiuon, u.os a. m. For Tunkhannock, 10.41 a. m., 3.10, 5.20 p. m. For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva nnd Lvons, 10.41 n. m.. 5.20 p. m. For Jeanosvlllo, Leviston and Denver Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. m., 12.52, 5.20 p. HI. For Audcnrtcd, llazleton, Stockton and Lum ber Yard, 5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.D2, 3.10, 5.20 p. m. i' or acromion, o.a, v.vo, lu.-ii a. m., u.iu, d.m p. m. For Hnzlnurook, Jenno, Drlf ton ana Frcclana, 5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.20 p. in. For Ashland. Glrardvillo and Lost Creek, 4.27. 7.40,8.52, 10.15 a. in., 1.03, 1.40, 4.10, 0.35, 8.00, 11.11 n. m. 1- or luivril nun, uciimiiia. mount uarmei una Shamokln. 8.52. 10.15 a. m., lflo, 4.40, 8.00 p. ra. For Yntesvllle, Parle Place, Mahanoy City ar.a Delano. 5.47. 7. 40. 9.'B n. m.. 12.52. 3.10, 5.20, S 03, 9.21, 10.27 p. m. Trains will loavo snamoKln at 7.ra, n.Bo a. m., 10. 4.30. 9.40 n. m. nnd arrive at Shenandoah nt 9.05 a. m., 12.52, 3.10. 5.20. 11.15 p. m. Leave Shenando.ih for Pottsvllte, 5.50, 7.40, 9.08, 10.52 a. m., 12.52, 3.09, 4.10, 5.20, 8.03 p. m. Leave Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah, 0.00, 7.40, 9.(0, 10.15, 11.48 a. in.. 300, 5.20,7.00, 7.15,9.30 p.m. Leavo Shenandoah for Hazlcton, 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.09, 5.20, 8.03 p. m. Leavo llazleton lor ncnanaoani 7.30,, 1.00 a. in., 12.15, 3.10, 5.30, 7.05, 7.50 p. m. SUNDAY TItAINS. Trains leavo for Ashland, Glrardvllle and Lost Creek, 0.50, 11.35 a. in., 2.45 p. in. I'or llilOBYillc, x-arii i. lueu, luuuuiiuj, ij, Delano, llazleton, lllack Creek Junction, Pcnn Haven Junction, Maueh Chunk, Allentown, llethlehem, Easton and New York, 8.00 a. in., I.4U p. m. For Yatesvlllo. I'ark Place. Mahanoy City and Delano, 8 ou a. m., 1.4U, 1.4U, o.o. P. First National Bant TiiEA-riti? noanrao, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000.00 A. Mr. Leisennhg, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenrinq, Cashier, 9 IV. rost. Ass' t Cashier. Open Dally From 9 to 3. PER CENT. INTEREST ! Xalrt on HnvlnuM DcpoNltn. ( Elootrlo Bitters. This remody is hecoming so well known and eo popular as to need no epoclal men tion. All who havo used Blectrio Bitlers sing tho samo song of praise. A purer medicine does not oxiet md it is guaranteed to to all that is claimed. Eectrio Bitters will euro all diseases of tho Liver and Kid neys, will romovo Timples, Boils, Salt Khoum and other affections caused by Iru puro blood. "Will drive Malaria from the by6tcm and prevent as well a9 cure all Malarial fevers. For euro of Ileadacho, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Biltor6 Entiro satisfaction iuarantoed, or money refunded. Price 6O0. and 1.00 per bottle nt O. II. Ilagenbuch's drug store. 3?. J". CLEART, Dealer In all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large aud first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supplied 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH. PA. Coming Events. April 19. Supper under tho auspices of Star of Bethlehem Lodge, L. l A., In 1' M. church ball. Mar. 30 "The Tattling Tongue" be tureby Uov. II. G. James in tho V. M. cliurch, for.tho leneflt of a sick aud noedy family. April 21.A mangold tea in Bobbins' hall, under tho auspices of the degreo sttif Lvdia Dearee Lodge, No. 112, I. O. O. V, rue Jan luuruntlueU UAKnunv. Conn.. March 10. David II. Avery, the young highwayman who recently held up IJrlver trial 01 tne At lantio & 1'aciUc Tea Company several times and is now couflhed in Danbury iail to await trial in th" Superior Court, is .seriously sick with scarlet fever and that institution is now quarantined. The jail is full of prisoners aud tho spread of the diseaso among thorn is feared. Tho County Commissioners havo notified Judge Hough of this city to sentence all prisoners to tho jail lu lirldgeport. Fishing Tackle. A large lot of the finest fishing tsokla. 'besper and better than over, just rocflivod. Come and see, ra betcre purchasing olso where and you will sav- money at . Max Kkksb's, Ferguton Houe, 10 W. Odntre St. A Happy Man fs ho who uf s Ited Flan Oil for HhenmitUni, VeurnliilH. Tuntliaclic "i O'iroolo iwlin. Ii'h ren uiy widen cin ' lime. Try it. neuls. 1 ill Fli.gOi U 0U it P. P. U. Itlr llu's Drug Store. Uuy Key a tone flour. Be careful that ttt ,tuit Lbssio & Co., Ashland, IV, .rlntd on every aok. 4JWt f there ever whs a real rur for chronic CoukIis (XiM, IImooIiIci tronblrs snd la nilm.n it ii P.nTlna Dou'tlall to iret th- ei-nulue: avoid substitutes. O. sU only 25 cents. Pan-Tina i sold at 1. P. V. Klrlln's IJi ug Btore. Leavo llazleton for Shenandoah, 8.00 a. ro,, 1- Leivo 'shenandoah for Pottsvlllo, 5.60, 8.00, 9.30 a. m., 2.45 p. m. Leave Pottsvlllo lor tsnenanuoan, iu.i a. m., 1.35, 1.30, 0.15 p. m. Gcn'l Pass. Agt., South llethlehem Pa. , A FINE SHOW II you want to see a fine (11b play oi BooU am W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Coal nnd Jartllu Hl piIILADELPIIIA & READING It. It. TIME. TAHUK in Cll bUf KUlbMVI.UJU, Trains leave Shenandoah as follows; For Now York via Philadelphia, week days. 210, 5.55, 7.20 a. m., 18.33, 8.60, 6.55 p. m. Sunday, .1U, 7.W a. m. I'ur nuw l urn viu muucu iuuuu, week Hays, 6.13, 7.M a. m.,, a.uo p. m. I.'or Headinir and Phliadelnhta. week days, 2.10, 6.25, 7.20 a. m., 12.33, 2.60, 6.65 p. in. Sunday, .10, a. m., 4.3U p. m. For HarrlsburK. week days, 2.10, 7.20 a. m.. 2 nn. 6 55 n. m. 1' or Allentown, weca uuvs, f.u a. m., i.iw, 2.60 p. m. For Pottsvlllo, week days, 2.10, 7.20 a. m., 12.35, 8.50, 5.55 p. ro. Sunday, 2.10, 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p. m, For Tamaqua ana Mahanoy uuy, ween uays 2.10, 6.85, 7.20 a. m., 12,33, 2.50, 5.55 p. m. Sunday 2.10, 7.4S a. m., 4.30 p, m. Additional tor Man nnnv ir. wneic navH. .uu n. m. i''or Lancaster ana uoiumoia, -ween uuyg, . m., 2.W p. m. . . For Wllllamsnort. Sunnury and Lewlsburg, I week days, 3.25, 7.20, 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00 p. in PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 80OTJYLKIL1 DIYtSION, uu ivtc7- tvuvemuer io, io-ji, fratnj will leave anenanaoan at follows: t For 'Wlggan, Ullberton, FraoSvllle, New 1 Hstle. HI. Clair, and wav nnlnts. fi.IVl. R.10. 4 11.43 a m and 4. IS p m. auaaays, ouu, v.wu m ana .iup m. . Kor PottsvlUe, 8.00, U.tu, ll.ti a m ana 4.15 3 II- aunaays, eoo.B.ioarnRua 3.10 tj m, Kor It lading, 8.00, 11.45 a ru ana 4.15 pm. Snndays, 600, 9.40 a n and 3.10 pm. ror Pottstown, I'hoeilxvllle, NonUtown id Fhlladelnlila Inroad street station). 8.00. 11.45 1. m. and 4.15 p m weak days Trains leave Kraefcvllie lor Hh'.nandoah at 11.40 ana ml 12.11. 5.01. 7.11. l'J.0 tun; linn- dvr, U I n tn anlS.tO pm. Leave Fo vllle for Bhenandoah. 10.15 and 11.48, a m 4.41, M5, 8.4 p m. Bandays, 10.10 no 6.15 p nx. Ixiave PnlladelDhla (Broad street station). 'or PotUvlUeand Bhenandoah, 5.57, 8.85 a m 4.10 and 7.00 d m week diva. am Sanday8.59, and Custom Worlt and Rcpalrinf Done In the best style. Tlio Svliemo Aliandonetl. NEwrortT. It. I., Maroh 11). The cat rler tileeou lott nt the United States nn val triunlnc station, woich was estab lished thiee or four years ago by officers of the station since transferred, haa been abandoned, as tho Government failed to become interested. Great things were expected of the loft by its originators, who stocked It wltli Hue blids hoping that the United States would follow the examplo of other coun tries in this dlrecttou. Restaurant Cor. Main and Coal Bts., Bhenandosh, l'a. Itegular meala at popular Lrlces servert at all limes, miles' dining ana re freshment rooms atl ach ed. Bar stoaked with tlio finest brands ot cigars and fancy drinks. Leading Restaurant in Town. nlllCKLY. TUOROUOHLY. FOREVER CURED . : ' , ...a Percussion Cap Puctory Ueiitroyed. WLUNaronD, Conn., March 10. The factory of M. llaclcus Si Sous, manufac turers of percussion cap, was burned during the morning. The buildings, machinery aud $10,01)0 worth of stock ready for shipment were consumed. Tho loss is estimated by the owners nt from $18,000 to $110,000. There was no Insur ance, the companies refusing the risk, because of tlio iiaturo ot the business. An Uditor Indicted. New YonK, Maroh !U. Mr. George W. Turner, publisher of the New York "Itecorder," has been indicted by the grand jury for libel. The complainant Is Thomas V. Qilroy, commissioner ot public works. Iho indictment is predi cated ou un article printed lu the "Ite cordur" ot Wednesday, lu which it is charged that Mr. Qilroy accepted a bribe fiom the Third Avenue Hail road, scientific method that rjinnctt fall unlOHS tho case la beyond bunimi nlrt. Vnti fnl lmurovod tho Urn dnr.f eel a bene fit every duyt soonknovr yourself a klnjr auionff man In body, mind and t. Drains and losses For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2.10, 3.25, 6.55, 7.20, 11.30 a. m.l 12.S5. 1.35, 2.50, 5.55, 7.00, 9.83 p. m, bunaay, z.iu, a.i, a. ui., o.w, ij, u. week davs. 2.10. 3.25. 5.25. 7.20, 11.30 a in., 12.35, 1.35. 2.50. 5.55. 7.00. 0.23 n. m. Sunday, 8.10, 3.85, 7.48 a. m., 3 05, 1.30 p. m. For Ashland auu tjnamoKin, woea uayj,, 5.83, 7.20, 11.30 a. ra., 1.35, 7.00, 9.85 p. m. Sun day, 3.25, 7.18 a. in., 3.05 p. m. TItAINS FOR SIIKNANDOAU; Leavo New York via Philadelphia, weekdays, 7.45 a. in., 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. in., 18.15 night. Sun day, 6.00 p. m., 12.15 night. Lsavo Mew yorK via laucu ununa, ween uaya, l.SJ, 8.15 a. m., 1.00, 3.45 p. ra. Sunday, 7.00 a. m. Leavo Philadelphia, weeit uays, 4 lu, iu.uo a. m. 4.00. 8.00 p m., from llroad and Callowhlll and 8.33a. m., II 30 p. in. from 9th andurecuHtreots. Sunday, .Ob a in., p. in., irom via anu Loave Heading, wcok aays, i.m, i. iu, lu.uu, n.ou . m.,, 7-i7 p. m. unuay, i.a-i. iu.o a. w. Leavo Pottsvlllo, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m., 12.30, 0.11 p. f.i. Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m., 8.U p. in. Leavo, wcck uays, ss.ju, u.a u, m.i 1.21,7.13, p. ra. unuay, u. ui., fin n in - . . , . - ., fr n i o ijeavo niananoy i-uy, ween unja, o i , 11.17 a. m , 1.51, 7.12, 9.11 p, in. Sunday, 3.10, 8.17 n. m.. 3.80 n. m. Loavo Mahanoy Piano, week aevs, a.4, 4.uu, 0.30, 9.35, 11.59 a. ra., 1.05, 2.00, 5.80, 0.80, 7.57, 10.00 11. ra. bunaay, -.w, t.ou, n.-jt a. m.,, d.ui n. in. loavo uiruruvitiu. iJiuoi'aiiuunovic nunioni, weeks days, 8.17, 1.U7,, .4i a. m.. is.i, z.i--, 6.SU, 0.32, S.Ol, 10.00 p. m. Sunday, 2.1T, 1.07, 8.33, a. m.. 3.11. 5.07 n. m. Leave wmiamsport, wook aays, a.uu, v., u. ra., 3.35, 11.15 p. m. Sunday, p. in. For lialtnnore, Washington nna tne vest via 11. & O. It. It.. throuKh trains leavo lllrard Avenue station, PhlUi!phla, (P. & R. H. U.) at 3 56, 8.01, 11.27 a. in., 3.M, 5 4, 7.13 p. m. Sunday 3.55, 8.U2, 11 S7 a. in., a.m. a.iz, 7.1a p. in. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philttd'-lnbhv dhesldut Street Wharf and South Street Whavf. nut ATUANTIO MTV. ... . - 1 a t m m in e oe a u m bo lUlK,0.dJ, 1,W, IJ.OU, D.'M, , .OU. -.i8.31, 4.50, ll.OOanaiUl.HJttam. 12.00 noon, .'llail-.ed erpress, l.Oii l.&J ,i n.) 12.11, 1.35, 1.40, i8C, UO 4,1.02, !,s,.2j, 6.50 7.18 8.12 and 10.0(5 o, m, 12.01 lulit Bandays, 8.20, 4.05. 1.40, t.83, 8.12, R.tO, 9.E0, 11.35 n. ..n 1 12.41, 1.40, 2.30, 1.02, (limited, 1.5-11. 1.21 .5i , 1 1 .1 j a nd 12.01 nlebt For Sea Girt, Long Branch and Intermediate stations 8.20 and 11.14 a. m., 1.00 p. ra, week days. Freehold only 5.00 p m week days. For Baltimore and Washington, 3.50, 7.20, 9.10 and 11.18 a. m., 1.11,6 67, 7.40 p.m and 12.03 night dally and 8 31, 10.20 a. in., 12 35 (limited express with dining car to Baltimore) 1.30, S. H p. in. weak days. For llaltlmore only 2.02, 1.01 weoc days, 6.08, 11.30 p. ru. dally. r or Kicnmoua, n, m. ana nigui I'ralna leave Harrisbnri: lor Ptlwonrt and as west every day at 12.25 and 3.10 a m and 1 i) (limited) and 3.40. 7.25 p m, Way for vltoons 8 15 m aul 1.10 p m every aay. r or riiiSDarg onty, u.) a ru uauy ana vi.mi m week days. Leave Uunbnrv for Wllllamsnort. Elmlra. Uuaudaljua, ltocheiter, UnQaloand Niagara. i.lO am dally, and 1.35 pm weak days, oi r.nnira.o.isj p m weoKuays. for Urle nna Intermediate points, 6.10 a mi, allv. For Look Haven. S.10. and 0.56 a m. laliy, 1 35 and 5.3.1 p. m. woek days. For iinova MU a m i.ta ina o.o-j p a woes uays .10 a. in Hitnias, HH. B PUUH, J.U.WUUU, 'lo-j. Man"" Men. Pa.t Act Week days Express, O.OO a. m., 2.00, 1.00 p. m, 8.00 a. m 1.30 p. m, Acoommoifiitlon. 8.00 a. m. Sunday Express, v.uu a. ra. S 00 p. in. Au ceomraodallou, enried. Kvery obsiaclo to happy ninrrloa llloro moved. Mcrve force. will, eucrer. brain power, when fallingor lostaio restored by this treaU raent. Atl small and weak itnrttnnttnf t hn horlr en. farced and streLiithencd. victims or abuses and excesses, reclaim your manhood! 8uffercrsfrom xollr.overwoik.lit health. regain your vlKorl Don't despulr.even If In the last stores. Don't bo disheart enedlf quueka have rub bed you. Let us show you thut medical science and business honor still exlstt hero go hand In hand. Write lor our ilouknlth explanations A proof-, manouaemeuiree uver is,uuu rticrcaui, Ellin MEDICAL 00. , BUFFALO, IT. Y. Returning, leave Atlantic City, depot Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues WPek days, llxpress, 7.30, 9.00 a. tn., 4.00 p. in. Accommodation, 8.10 a. in., 4 30 p. in. Sunday Express, 4.00 p. in, Accomrnoaation, 7 ;w a. m., i.uo p. in. u. u. itANt.:uurv, uon i pass'rAgi. A. A. MoLKOD, Pres. & Ocn'l Manager. WALL PAPER BARGAINS Largest andobeapest slock 1' town Artislie l'aidiog, Graining and Iktoratiog! J. P. OAKDEN, 0.2m 221 W.CcntreKt.,HlIUNANI)OAH JOHN 11. COYLE, At'urney-al-Law and Ileal felale Agent, Office Ucddall'8 llulldlng, Shenandoah, l'a. Big Cut in Prices. AT GUAS. YAltOWSKY'S 23 H'ust Centra Strret, nest red flannel undershirts, A5c; best gray undershirts. 30c: best cotton overshlrts. 9Bu: best cloth overshlrts, 75e; best muslin wnito shirts, 400, mon snust woolen socks, per pair, iov-, iiuu uuz. kciiih line iiuuuKereaieiH, sou, fine suspenders, nor pair 15c; overalls for men, 10a up; ladles' fine merino underwear, each, only 40c; ladles' all-wool jackets, 75o; ladles' fast black stoekluirs. 3 natr forSfto: ohUdren'l white underwear. 15c up: 1 lutirs eldldren's fast unicK siocKiiiKS. vac: uoys Knee paotv, oiuy w, best linen table eloths, ftOe up; flnosl towellngs, DC per yarn, best ueaspreans, only euuu. .WAMTEO To tmt ft I'oiUIto Otre for tlie effweU of Xf buee. m uTlf m X rCsVf I jl HIsswH'l IB, nvrtvui r.vissf hssb ws. tkual ltiwor, Jmiwtwier, A. Ha tfmt ii our faith ia our pporlfio w willed one jThM ,3loutU McdUUie ti. M.LO., bU&llruH4nuw York the directions, it will DO YOU WANT BELIEF? KROUT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY Will proiujitly relieve tlie moat dl , trewlug ctuu tf Acutt) or Citron io Itheu matlun or Gout. )iy rtrlctlr oUervlotf rill cure )ou rcrmau Uuliit the nnmcroui urcrtrittoDi thftt flood , theooualry, tills Dicdlclue It a treoifio tot Ihe I Tftriuui forms of rliuius,tUm oulf , sad nl la knjr sepia s "cur tvll " Urn boltl will Disks t sstlifsetorr tnirrt'iilrtD od th i?tem( d4 la coDDectloD itU iha villi, cojvloes tbt sufferer Ihu the proper remeJy lists le found. You r csrLCitly t auttl to Kit the merits of ' KKOUf'8 Itlil.UMATIO ItEMISnV. , as Its vs,luible froittes are cudorsed by buDditds oftlf tuo4t flaitcrlos tsstlmeiifals. .... Ooij cgubl iuirtdlcols, rrmsrksblt for Ihrlr car atlre rtwsrs, are usd to llt tin uiatiurs of KUUljT B KllEUMATIC 1IKMKI1Y 11 00 Fcr Bbttlft. 6 Bottles, !5.C0. nils, 25 Cta. Box. If f)t ttork,prr bot keen It, seud Jl.'iA to tb stiuuiaeiureri ani j ni receive it n 1 HI Al.ltUKX lUt( 2 01! 7 Market btreet, l'liliud'a, ra. ft j; noli. mux. Shenandoah Business College Large Alteitdnncc Onlly. Room for a Few More. Take advantage of tho present chance to secure a GOOD BUSINESS EDUCATION! For torms, &a, call at the College or address, W. J. SOIJLY, Shenandoah. Pa. JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, aOE. OENTttE BT., SHENANDOAH , FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest brands of dears always on band, The best temperance drinVS. duuu at in nut Loaslatory.