GRAND -OP THE- IION'T miss IT. A mistake would be disastrous to this fair creature. Let us hope tbat nil 41. - ,.!!.. t C!l.n..n.,.1,..,1. n.n.. v.Iliu n onnnrn fnntlnf. ntlfl tlinl UlHV HIIV IUU JilUlUD "1 PllCUUIIUUnil I1IUJ IHl in n ......... ......... c. , - n escape the perils that surround them by reading Smith & Swingle's opening announcement., jjoiri hubs it. S DON'T KISS THE OPKNI1VG. This elegant counterpart ol the Illustrious lNainty Is about to exemplify the proverb, "Pride goeth before a full " Note the groat full of prices wo are oflering In this advertisement. It Is the greatest opportunity ever otlered to the people of this section. Don't miss the opening. SATURDAY, Wo aio hero to do business, and we ask your aid Great Reductions in the Prices of Goods ! Dollars saved aro dollars made, so make your dollars roll whore they wid roU farthest. Below wo quote a few of our prices: Best Faticy Patent Flour, per barrel $5.35 Every barrel guaranteed. 12 cans of Best Tomatoes 1.00 12 cans York State Corn 1 00 12 cans York State Peas 1.00 10 cans Alaska Salmon 1.00 5 cans Sardines, in oil ; 25 7 three-pound bars Best Soap : 1.00 Sugar (Granulated) 22 pounds for $1.00 Sugar (X C) twenty three pounds for 1.00 Sugar (Yellow 0) twenty -five pounds for 1.00 Beat Blossom Chop Tea, per pound 25 Best New Orleans Molasses, per gallon 40 Goi.d " " " 30 Best Syrup, per gallon '.. 40 Good " " 25 OUR MS WE CARRY THE FINEST LINE OF IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC GOODS. TERS OF LOW PIE PROMO SWIH6LE, mm of high prices IPOST OFFICES, am, Around the Corner Seuerris Grocery, "Where you can purchase your Holiday goods In the grocery and provision lino. Finest canned goods, fruits, catsups. Foreign cheeseandother goods. Everything new and frosh. SEVERN'S, Corner Centre and White Sts. LOOALETTE3. SOLID and plated Silver ware, Gold and Silver Watches, Diamonds, Precious Stones, Clocks, Bronzes, Opti cal Goods, Banquot,Parlor and Piano Lamps,unique in design with 75 and 250 candle power burners. All goods superior in finish and quality with rock bottom prices that withstand all opposition victoriously. Repair work executed neatly and promptly at Holdermaris Jewelry Store, Tte'most protreailve establishment In the county. ' Corner Main ana Lloyd Streets. two Big Cut in Prices. AT CMS. YaROWS, 23 Te Centra Street, DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS I Tim follow 1 1)2 nr'res nre ont of reach ol aoy enuipetllor In town: Util I'ucerwHir, Xea piece, blmklngs, fine quality, 8 lwlr lur'J6o. Tublo Oilcloth, ull KtjIi'H. Toweling, 60 per ynrtl. jlnndkerotilofti, (IfurUBo. Linen Table, cloths, by tl pair, 60c u piece. Nice line ol utanpienas, Hnu a urn uuu 01 GciitB' Irurnlhlililtr Good. A Clioori'nl Homo. "Well, Mary, bow cheerful your home Is. You nlwuvH luive miuh a uhettrrul lire." "Yea, 'tin true; wo always haven good fire since we get our coal Irom Zerbe d Co. 'a Moun tain Colliery, llelore we always had such a time getting a tiro In the morning. That made n nil rrnns and crubbod: but now ovurrlhtua Is lovely. And, besides. It la cheaper Mart Shoemaker takes orders, doc the collcllDg Full streams. Toe snow Is going. Beautiful moonlight evenings. Jjen ten days nre moving along Now the cry is "terrible road9." The spring equinox in about weeks. The March moon will bo full ou Sunday. A pint of rye often causes a peck of riot. Boon time to put the garden tools lu order. The correct thing Is to go slow these fast days. Winter Is giving the lap of spring a terrible chill. March snows are said to be good for the crops and sore eyes. "Time's ur." said the workman, as he Oxed the hanging clock. There ought to be a general fixing up of the sldewulks this spring. There hasn't been much blow about March yet, but it will get here. In swell society n full purse fre quently hides the deficiency of an empty head. Bed shoes for children aro to be a summer fashion. Uow cool they will look. When a woman rises to terminate a vlbit she has more to say than during her whole stay. Die Easter bonent will run the risk of being drenohed by April showers, as it will come late in thut month. The fellow who believes that It Is cheaper to move than pay rent, Is now looKing up a now location. You will usually find It the case that the man who has the most irons in the fire has a wife who has to furahdi the kindlings. Buoklen's Arnica Salve. The Uost.SaWe In the world for Cuts, ftruieee, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Khoum, Fever Soros, Tetter, Cbaiped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posl lively euros l'ilo?, or no payment required It Is guaranteed to give porfocl satisfaction, or monoy refunuou. rrtco 2a cqnts por box. For sale by O. II. UHgenbuch, Doslrablo"Lodffo Room. A lodge desiring a cosy meeting room on Saturday, or Sunday evenings of each wook can be accommodated at Mellet's hall whloh hai been recently paperod, painted and carpotcxl. Apply to M. Mollet. A GRAND OPPORTUNITY AND Save a Dollar 2,000 cloth bound books, worth 60 cents, for Sal cents eacbj 6,000 )-cent paper oovered novols, all now, for 10 cents each, at Max Keeso's, west Centro street, For tjusou Hotol block. Kcagoy is Ahead. And be is on the first floor, ltemcmber, no steps to climb with your childron, and his work talks without money. The proprlttors of I'nn-Tlna have spent thousands of dollars to make It known that It cures Coughs, (olds and LaUrlppe- Trial battles of l'un-Tina free at 1'. l'.lJ.Klilln's The Lowest Prices Ever Offered ! Grab Quick ! 30 North Main St., Shenandoah, Pa., OFFEKS Extra Fine Ladies' Shoes fl .50; elsewhere, $2.50 Fine Dougola Shoes " 1 50 An hundred varieties same reductions. .Men's Calf Button Shoes 1.00; " 2 00 Extra Fine Calf Button Shoes 2.00; " 3.50 Men's Rubbers .. 3 Best Grade Rubber Boots , 2 0 ) Next " " " l.fii) Boys' Beat Grade Rubber Boots l.'O uext " ' " l.OO Must closo out Room rented for other business, No. 30 North Main Street, " We Study to Please I " Old Stand. New Goods EVERYTHING INtTHEJ GR0GERY LINE ALWAYS IN STOCK. Fish, Butter and Eggs, Flour and Feed, I'ototoos, Green Truck, Jlay and Straw, &c, &.C Gallagher's Cheap Cash Store ! (Muldoon's old stand) COllNHl CENTRE AND WEST STREETS. GKREATX jH J ICTy J3 :P:R':i:a:iBS 1 "OBUSSELS from 50o up. Table and Floor Oil Cloths nnd Linoleums q from 25o up. Window Shades, Rugs, Mutts, Curtnlu Poles, etc., at low prict-s. The btst lino of Lace Curtains ever shown In town from $1.00 a pair up. T T PRTPF,(s OLD RELIABLE, U U . X XVlVJ-J O, NORTH MAIN STREET. ARMEHTS gotton up with tasto and ,care aro always a pleasure to tho woaror. For style and gentility our Sprine Clothing is "Away up in G itfits woll, looks woll,woara well and is mado woll. . Servico abovo all thincs has our first consideration. This, togothor with moderate prices, has built up our reputation. G. YATES Has removed to Bill Jones' old stana 17 SOUTH MATN STREET, Where be will be nlcaifd to miet thcwanU of his Irlends and the public In Everything in tho Drinking Lino. p M, HAMILTON, M. 1)., ' PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON, 26 Wt Lloyd Street, Bhenandoae Offloe fa. A Corner in flats. borne liataarc neither worth throwing nor taking out ol a comer. A good ha thought, dur able, uliaiwly and a pleasure to the wearer: a bad hat Isu't worth powder enough to blow It Into perdition. (Jood ham aro no more expen sive tlian Uul ones, but bad hats aro exiienstvo at any price and sensible mtn couldn't be pnld to wear them. Our K but Is a perfect gem, and there Is no reason to be kIUioui one at this low llgure. The aume Is true of our 2Ro Neckwear una surniocrs. uootl sblris from c up to m. All the nowest things lu gents' uuderwear, col lars and cuds. Everything at rock bottom price, 19 South Main St., Shenandoah. & Co. Cor. 13th and Chestnut HORSES T WII.Ii AKItlVE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9,1892 A LOT OP Western Horses TO BE SOLD AT MY STABLES, mailt unci Lloyd Sts. George Folmer. JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, 30 E. CENTRE BT SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER, PORTER, ALE. Kin eft t brands of cigars always on band. NEW DRUG ST0EE. Shapira's Pharmacy, 107 South Main Street, NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. Prescriptions carefully compounded by registered pharmacists. TO PROTECT YOUR LUNGS Procure one of our Client Protectors. FLOWERS ! X3ST -w-a-se:. FOR WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, &c SUPERIOR ;WORK. Iloso nnd Lily Houquets. Designs of Wreaths, Stars, Crosses, Anchors, &e. Orders received ut Wasley's Ilrug Store, No. 100 North Main Street, HhonanUoah. MissGussio Goigor, MAIIANOV CITY, l'A. 2nd aeuvenng.i arug aiore. S-16-lm