THE SEAL TROUBLES Waiting for a Rly to l'rcai- debt Harrison's Note. : ' t The price of Wolirs fiemo t,u. rf . SOc. a bottle, nnd it is chuip nt that. It costs more to fill a buttle with AcmcJilack ing tlian other liquid Prcjsinps cost com plete for the market, including fancy boxc artistic stoppers, and other para)liernalia. We tell the Mocking nof the package. As It Is our desire r ell Acme Bi-ackino cheaper If posslMe, till 1.1 I ourselves 11 n nblo to do so (iw In- to l!i fevent cost or milking, te bold a prlzi of Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report 9 MUCH INTEREST MANIFESTED Tninks tha Feopla Ara Eititlad to a Btalcmant from the Sonator. (State Dopartmnt Oflloiah Gratified at tha Present View of Their Olaims- OPEN LETTER TO HILL Reduostiug His Viows on tlio Silvor (luo3tion. PIIOM CONOUESSMAN HAUTBR. Wlbt 9 Wit a . Both tfio metliod and results wliea Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho tasto, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced, pleasing to the tasto, and ao ccptablo to tho stomnch, prompt in its action nnd truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy nncl agreeable substances, its many oxccllent qualities commend it to all and havo made it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60c and 81 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not havo it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Do not accept any eubstitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FIIANCISCO, CAL, IOU1SVILU, Kl NEW YORK, N.Y. CARTERS CURE, Eck Headache and rcllovo'all tttftfoTiMsa tool dont to a bUicms eUte of tho system, such aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress aftes tltlng. Fain In tho Side, to. Whlla their most Remarkable success has been shown la cwlr.3 Hctiache. yet'Cnrlor's Llftla Llvor PI113 ttrB equally valuablon ConaUpatlan.cnrlng aud pro vesting tklsannoyinacoinpIaint.-wbUo tney olsa correct allulsordors 01 tho b touiacUUmulato tha Z'Terandrogolalothobowels. Even It they onlj T0 (Aciethcy would bcnlmostrrlcclnsatothoaowha leulfcr from this dlstrcsslDi; complaint; butfortu iroatalytheirgoodnessdoc3notondhcre,andthoBa Who once try them vrlll find these llltlo pills valu. (tblelnsomany ways that Ihey nill not bo wll. UingtodowithqnttMm. Bat after all sick lios4 tlsthobasaof so many Uvea that berolswhera tremaveourcreatboist. Our pllli euro lt-whlla others do not 1 , . 1 1 Carter's UtUs Liver Fills aro very small and very easy to t&lie. Ono or two pills malrt dosa. Thoy are striotly vegetable ana do not gripe or purgri, but by t&Ir centle action please all who usethem. In YiMsat25 cental five for $1. BOH 1 by druggists everywhere, or sent by maU. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Yorkl SMALL HLU SMAWOOSE. SMALL' PRICE FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely cash com panies represented by FAUST, 120 S. Jardm St., Shcpanooai, fa. niinTlinP We, the underslijned, wer Hllrl IIHt entirely cnted of rupture by H U I I U 1 1 L Dr. j. n. Mayer, 831 Arch St., l uuuumnuii, ni, m, jones I'nuips, Kennel numra, 1. 1. ivrenz, ai&uiigion, ru.; is. M. Hhldll,' .Vfount Allo.Hf.s IEov,S:.I8her. nier, Huubury,ira.: D. l.Dbllett 2UJ. 12lh St.. lieadlllL- l'a.: Win IllT l2ll lnnlrruiHt lhlladelilia( JtftwerSOy Klnyst,, Head, lng, lUlj'Oebrfeeahd l'h. llurtfart, -t89Xoeusl GOLD MEpAL, PARIS, 107a W.IIAICER&CO.'S Breakfast Cocoa " tL'fonkbIchlbo execiaof oil uaa beci rcmpYeu, Xa absolutely pure ami it IB BOlUMC, No Chemicals aro used In Us preparation. It has more Vian thrte timet the strtttath of Cocoa mixed with Wcli, Arrowroot or Sugar, and Is therefore far more eeo L nomUal, coiling lett than brie I cent a tup. It la delicious, noar. l.hlng, strengthening, easily digested, sad admirably adapted for Invalids as well aa fcr porsoi In health, Sold by Grocers ererywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. DR. S.A.ItfrJEN'G IATSTPATTS. iTfc.lPWITH ELECTRO BEST 1M'J7? BAOKETIC IMPBOVEMEKTJ. SSSRt- SUSCEKSORY. Will ssn 1 without nullilm all Weilun roulllnc rron vrtAittleQrtrtlii. nm forflii., or l&illaenllon. I iaiul lUiimioa, sttW oii, mr.ou, doUlll) , oltep- &if '! '" KtstM, ssstHal U.klli, HI. .1 r if . J'.f '! ! 1 loiuutllr fill bi tba vurer ora Si.lloo.uo. oJ UI ulr ih. dlu it?.,Vfc.Vif,f '' a4bjUU larlom HrtUb ftatt VlfOrosa Hlrcnctli. OUlltlSTKI'U l All i no fs-tv JJanrff -UJX.iucx'alxci CO . !?f."lS1i"uwn)fi hew VUHIw He Rnys the Public toves u Trnnk, Coilr HRoons Man, nmi That Notv Is Tlmo tn DaiiKinstrate Tliat lie Is All That Is ClalmtMl fnr lllm-IIe Tliliilu Unit the Silver Isiuo Ovirslindoivs All Otlivrs Now lleiore tha Country. Washington, March 10. Tho follow ing open lettor has heeu addresied to Senator Hill by Congressman Uartery re questing his views on the silver ques tion: , . To the Hon. David B. Hill, United Sto.tes Senato. Dkab Mn. Uilli Learning from the early action of the party ImNew York, as evidenced by Its Fubruary convention, that you are a candlduto. for thb great olBco of President, .1 am moved to ask you for your views publicly on n most important question. I am led to this because I think all tho people are en titled to them, and because havlnir read your publiov utterances on tho jjeunral subject, I am unfortunato enougiit not to be nble to grasp your convictions on it. At first I supposed this was due to a deficient understanding on my part, but sinco then. I have consulted with some friends of yours who nro members of this House, and I find they aro also at sea; one of thum tolling ma you favor tho free and un limited coinage of silvor at the present ratio. This would give our legal tender dollar an inflated market value of 70 cents. Another tolls mo you aro opposed to free coinage nnd In lino with the re cent platform of our party in New York, which declares for a dollar worth one hundred cents In 'gold, by demand ing that every dollar shall be of eqmil Intrinsic value with every dollar, Which, as you know, is an exact delinition of un houost Democratic dollar. Under the circumstances, believing you will be glad to put your views briefly, clearly, distinctly, aud unmis' takoably before tho American people, I ask you whether you favor or oppose the outrageous mcasuro of class legislation (usually called tlie "Bland bill"), which is now pending in tho;Hous3,- and which has the hearty support of all the bonanza Senators of - the silver 'ring, the lobby, aud oi Mr. Bland, of Missouri, and It said, of. u. number of other Democrats. I know you rvlews of this question will 'have great weight with many ablo aud worthy men, honest gentlemen and sound Democrats who happen just now to be engaged in worshipping tho silver calf. Aside from this", , ' as a prominent candidate for our nomination ut Chicago, all Dxmocrats aro entitled to your views on this vital questipn, aud I feel I am doing you u service in thus en abling you to express them, aud at an hour when such expression will bo of great service to tho party. The people love a frank, courageous man, and the opportunity to demonstrate that you are all this, Is now before you. And In order that your proportions us statesman and citizen may be seen in a way to du you complete justice, I give this letter to the Associated Press and the United Press, trusting I shall havo your permission' to Ad the' samtr with your reply. Your.friends In the House assure Trioyou aro a''bold, strong, cour ageous, and above all, a straightforward, honest man, and I .think. I Jim ante in saying to.the American, people, who. will read this, that at a Very early date, they will know precisely, what aro the views of .one of the leading Democrats of the United States, upon a question so vital to' eVery business and every individual man, woman nnd child In the Republic, a question which Involves tho good mimo and honorable reputation of our great government, uud which to day over shadows all other Issues before the country. Yours truly, Michael D. Hahtsr. DR. SCUDOER'S CASE. He Will Have to Mum! Trial for the Mur der of Ills Motlier-ln-Lar. Chicago, Mdroh 10. It' Is now" certain that Dr. Henry it: ScudileV -will- have to stand his trial on tha charge of mur dering Mrs. .Elizabeth M.X'arkec Dun ton, and juiy ploV6f,'4nslinlt-y),tliat may bu. brought forward Wllli"haxo.lo bo Urged in the defence whloh Is .made in the Crimlual Court. ' Dr. Scudder is now under arrest at tho DetentloiTUbspltal onachargoof mur der which takes precedence of'the'ehnrgo of insanity preferred against lilni. A police officer has Kea" . sent to tho Detention Hospital with thes warrant aud will taku churge of the doctor until he Is removed. John DIlliui lnjuiiil. Doblin, Muroh 10. John Dillon, tho IrUli NatiQuallbt, slipped on the toy pavement before Ills house in North Ureat Ueorge's street, Dublin, aud fell on his side, fracturlug his shoulder. It is feared also that lie has sutferod Inter nal injury. Ha is attended by Dr. Kouuy, who set the fracture uu hour after. the ucoldent occurred. A l'reacher 1'ulltlulun Dunil. Lajihehtvillk, N. J., Marcli 10. Itev. George H Larlsou, M. D., pastor of tho Baptist Church at Prison's Corners, uud also a practising physbjlnn, is dead at his home hum He wUainti active, politl clan, and had held nfauy lpajil' und county offices. , Searlet Fever liplilemin lit Newark. . JSewamk, N. J., Mnrch 10. Scarlet fever has epidemic in the l'oetet! Home,, an.lustutlpn containing a large number of children. Tho uxuot number of cases cannot be learned, us the per sons lu charge Are vurj' reticent, 1 " "-T" A Illmiioiul Dsulur rails. Bostos, March 10 W. J, Kuaulton, dlamoud dealer, who has filed a volun tary petition lu Insolvimoy, owes, It is said, M000, with uomUml uuet of $78,000. Mutiny oh n bcliuuner. riULAiiixi'iUA, MarchlO. The kohoouer Heury Crosby, hence for bt. Jago, I. as returned here on account of the mutin ous conduct of the crew. t- ' &Qmmm pure INHUMAN CRUELTY. A Clilld Placed In a Cold Itoom to Dl Jly lilrdltt. . Buffalo, N. Y.,' Mnrch 10. From Spring Brook, a little town just east ol this city, domes a shocking tale- of tho Inhuman treatment received by a sick child. A family named Cavnn, which recently came to Spring Brook from Canada, had one child, a lad between three and four years old. About a week, ago tho child was taken sick and a woman named Bronon, ol East Aurora, who advertised herself as n doctor was called In to attend the child. A'fter several visits she announced thnt tho child haddlpthorla, and that it could noc get well. According to tho story told by J. J. Grace, a neighbor of the Cavon's. Mrs. Bronson ordered thnt tho child be placed lu n cold room, ns It would dlo easier if so placed. This was done by the family. and for tho past three days tbo child has lain lu n room, in which there wns no firs and where the wind came in through tho crevices of the window, as through an open door. No one went near the child to nurse or care for It in nhy way until yesterday, when neighbors Interfered. It was too late, however, to do the child any good, and he died ubout 4 o'clock in the after noon. The coroner will investigate tha matter. FOSTER HAS SAILED. The Secretary Conduyril In a Special Stoainnr tit the ftproe, London, March 10. The Hon. Charlo3 Foster, the United Statos Secretary ol the Treasury, left Englaud yesterday on his return trip tp New York. A special saloon -steamer was provided to convey him to Southampton to the North Ger man Lloyd Steamer Spree, bound for New York from Bremen, which was ly ing at anchor at the entrance to the Sol ent. She carries a consignment of 1G0, 000 sovereigns. Before he left Southampton Mr. Foster said, in regard to tho silver questlou, that whatever there may be in the 'na ture of u conference on the subject will bo conducted by Mr, Lincoln, the United States Minister. Will be Sent Hack to Japan. Washington, March 10. The Treasury Department has directed that Fishimenn Eiku.and Tauchi Itiyo, Japanese women, be deported to Japan, and Watanabe Taki aud Nakarnira Yone, Japanese women, be allowed to remain in the United States. These four women landed at San Francisco in August last? and were taken into custody by immi grant inspectors. The cases wore taken to the courts aud the power of the Immi grant inspectors to hold them was affirmed. An investigation developed that .the Elku and Miyo women woro prostitutes, nnd they will be sent back to Japan, while tho Yone and Takl women will be allowed to remain, hnv ing came for honest purposes and now being actually otnployed. Paper llangors Itefuse to tVorU. St. Louis, Mo., March 10. Yesterday 800 paperhangers refused to go to work. Th'o demands of the strikers are that tho method of employment be by piece work nndinotby the week; as Is now the - cus tom, and that their schcdul'o of rates, which went Into effect March 1, be adopt ed by ihe association of bosses. For some, reason, howover, the dealers haye Ignored the union entirely, and how that body insists upon both its demands. At noon six of tho thirty-three wall -paper dealers involvod In the strike had accedi ed to the strikers' demands,, ,t Detective Mooney Dead. Chicago, March 10. James Mooney, sr., tho head of the well known deteo tlvo firm of Moonoy & Boland, died yes terday of paralysis, the result of Injuries received In a railroad accident four years ago. During the past three years he has been pnicticnllyiin Invalid. He was 40 years of age, and was born In Newton, Forbes county, Longford, Ireland. Mr. Moonoy leaves a widow and three chil dren lu comfortable circumstances. To Test the Lvirallfy or tlio Deal. HAnmsouRO, Pa., March 10. Attorney-General Hensel consulted with Gov ernor l'nttif on Tuesday nlgbt in reference tp therlieadlng railroad deals. It Is un tlerti.tdod that the Governor and Attorney-General have finally decided to file a bill in equity lu the Dauphin County Court to test the legality of the combina tion. TbeabllUgow bBinjp1rel,an-'d' by the Attoruey-GensrUl."-, ' To Uur for, the CliamjiUjiiyljlii. Newahk,', N. J,, Mara)) ilp. Georgo Hosiner-tho. well-knpwn oarsman, has oloJw a match with HX-Chmni lun Han luniihd jO'Cominr for the dot lije soull iiamploliHhip.of the vtorld. T mer has otlfuubMl to be llosmer's partner. The ratp will be ( rowed at Pulfit" dt ' Pines, nejfr Ikinton, oh Ducdratlon jW.j ,-1 1' ' p-- .'...v ' IustiiUtMl h IlUhop or rivl4iitl. :.f lLXVaLAKD,'. Strl 111). Bltt COll- mitillruriMraajOmM in. too Imtnll.'VWon of M m- ftr.--'jj(fmkH,.k Wnjiop of Clevouud took ulnna ' ye&M'i'diiA1 (pfenonn ti StJ6hifVraMIIM wojl filled to orerllowniiq uTtB pepfflf.'-jrhu were jijixlhuf taKtoh u glttunjp if( Ihe dlstiu- ll, 7 " I'tHIH'i feiit the Food Is Adulterated. Wahihnoton, March 10. Tha House Coinmiilee ml Airriiulture yesterday heard un informal artfuuient by T. J, Uurrnv of New York, proprietor of the the House ittMttturant, in favor of the Pure Food bill. He contended that the majority of food placed upon the table is adulterated. AVhen III linrt luck rover go for litjjp to peoiilo who mve been luvlnh lu of. ; feia when yiiu ndedetl noHilug, A BOLD RCTBERY. Thn Thief lloodwlnkeil n Newark I.lquor lealer's Clerk. Nkwauk, N. J., March 10. A daring midday robbery was committed here yesterday, tha safe of Frederick Hood, 11 wholesale liquor dealer, being til (led, Mr. Hood left his store with a stranger, who took him a few blockB away, saying he wished to purchaso some goods. A clerk was left behind in charge of the store. Shortly after Mr. Hood's departure, a man dressed ns a plumber, came into the store and started towards tho rear end, rcmarklng 'to tho clerk that he had to do some work. Tbo clerk followod him. As. he did so, the stranger who had taken Mr. Hood away returned, and went Into the office, but left again al most immediately. The clurk thought the man had forgotten something, and did not fuspect a robbery. The man who represented himself ns i. plumber also took his departure,on some pretext. A few minutes later Mr. Hood return ed. He said tho stranger had left hlin on a street comer, saying that he wns going to tho bank. Upon leurnliig that the stranger had returned to the offlco a search of the safe was made and resulted iu the discflvery that $70 In monoy had bfcen,Btu!cu. Several other rolls of bills which lay lu tho safe wero left undis turbed. Three Killed, Two Fatally Injured. Wilkbsuabiib, Pa., Maroh 10. Three miners wero killed and two fatally in jured by an explosion of gas in the Al lien Mine yesterday afternoon. A care less miner ignlteu tho gas with u naked light. The killed are: CUAIILES KllYOKA. HENKY.BltOWN. Elijah Jones. Fatally injured: John Khyojia. Michael Buiuan. The mine was badly damaged by the explosion. Collision on' the X. L. IV. Itoad. , March 10. A wm.tMANTic, Conn., South bound freight train from Brattle boro, Vt, to Now London, on . tho New London Northern Railroad, was badly wrecked a short distanco below Franklin Station, about 4 o'clock yesterday mprn lng. The accident was caused by tho breaking of a draw-bar. Fourtoon cars were derailed and piled up in a mass of ruins. No oue was injured. Would you rather buy lamp, chimneys, one a week the year round, or one that lasts till some accident breaks it ? Common glass may break or not the minute you light your lamp ; if not, the first draft may break it; if not, it may break from a mere whim. Tough glass chimneys, Mac- Detns " reari-top or ".Pearl glass," almost never 'break from heat, not one in a hundred. Where can you get it? and what does it cost ? Your dealer knows where and how much. It cpsts more thrln common glass; and may be,- he thinks tough glass isn't good for his business. Pittsburgh, Pa Geo. A. Macbeth & Co. It Is remarkable how when a bibu Iouh mnn!s toiue begins to get thick his Ideas begin to get thin. 100 Dollars an Hour For slooo at certain times would bo a cheap price. For crying babies use Dr., Hund's 0llc Ouro. It never fails C. J. Mc Carthy and J. M. Uillan, the druegitU, aro furnishing fre.a samples to tboso who duubt, but would like to try it. People are lu the best of humor with. those .who gay the pleusautest tliiugi to them. A Putal Mistake, l'liynlclatis make no.moro fatal mistake than when they Inform piUmits that nervous heart troubles come from the stomaoh and aro of little consequence. Dr. Frahklin Mllff, the noted ludlatui i-ieclallst, lias proven the coulrary m his pew book on "ilMirt Disaase," which may bo had free at t. II. II igenuucb's ttru; stor.i wl)0 guarantcos aud reoara Dirndl Dr. Milss u 'equaled New Heart Cure, which ha Hi- largest mile ol any heart remedy in the world It cures nervous nod orgaulo heart dlsciss, xhort breath, Uutierlug, iilu or tendiruiMS In llm sjde, arm nrsliuiiliiur.lrragular nUIsa falnUug,sinoliler. inf, dropsy, etc. His Itestorative Nervine cures headache, nts, etc. The man who him no lmslnes of his own to attend to uhyya goes to betl tired, ' ' , ' How to Suocood. This is tbe groat problem of life which lew satisfactorily solve. Home lull beoause ol poor btwlth, others want ol luak, but tne majority from dsllslent grit wuut of nerve, Tliuy ura nervous, Irrekoluto, cbaogeable, easily t'et the bines and "talte tbe spirits down to keep the splrlis up," thus wastlug money, time, opportunity und uerve lorce. Then Is nothing like th"testoniliviNervliit', dlsnuvered by the great siealaltst, Ur. Miles, to cure all uervous di'eaHei, as beadashe, I be blues, uervous print attou, sleenlessuawi, neuralgui, hi. Vitus danee, Ills, aud hytteils, Trial bottis and tine linn of le.tlmonlals dee at O. II. llairenbiieh's drug store. Parent? nru losing control of their clilldren In tllli ttgo aud leaving them run wild, ( Vtlfi' Merve aud Uvr Mite let oa a ni i principle rgu)al'nc the and bnvrals Ikratiah tin siriin. liver, )' tvi 'tog. Dr. Miles' mik erM&Qy imv. en amrorefiiuttium. jpiuesu faltl aos, 'iyiw hw cioo, .11 lien's drug store. . A HiiECftlon That tho fihoro T.lmlt Ilo Firtoon Allies Instead or Thron 31 Ilo, M'hlcll Is Now tho Itnoiignlzcd l.lmlt of Jurisdiction Tho Senate Commlttoe 011 Foreign Affairs Will Await tho ltecelpt or tbo Correspondence Iloforo Any Further Action Is Taken. WAsniNOTOK, March 10. With the transmission of . the recent correspon dence on Iiohrlng Sea matters to Con gress, and the publication of tho treaty of arbitration yesterday, there la nothing now to do but wait for Lord .Salisbury's, rerl . to the note sont by President Har rison. It is awaited with considerable Interest, not to say vinxiety,. and it is hoped that tho document .may bo re ceived In time for consideration at the Cabinet meeting to-morrow. Tbe emphatic note of Minister Phelps to Secretary Bayard, which accompanied the correspondence yesterday, is con sidered by tho ofllctals of the State De partment as a most gratifying support of their claims, especially as (t comes from one of tho opposite political faith, and representing u different adminlstra- lion. A suggestion was made 'that the President iu enforcing protection, adopt n shore limit on the North Pacific coast of fifteen miles, instead of three miles, which Is now the universally recognized limit of jurisdiction, This suggestion Is based upon the princlplo that a country may hold jurisdiction of so much of the surrounding oceuu us it can defend. Iu earliest times, tho belt was meas ured by tbe distance to which au arrow could bo shot, and last of all by the dis tanco which a cannon could propel a shot then three miles. Now, Inasmuch ns tho new guns will carry a projectile fifteen miles, It Is argued that the belt of jurisdiction should bo extended to meet the changed conditions. ISut it Is not probable that tho President "will Initiate any such Innovation upon the established order of things. It will doubtlpss be found that the United States vi'l r-'Ht, upon Its claim of jurisdic tion ovi 1 . . HehriDg Sba-nud.go before the ari'ii. ' ..- upon tliat, -uncompro-misrd by uu.. attempt to .lord .It over uu area of orraw not recogulzed by the pow ers of the v. uWd. BEHRING SEA TREATY. DIscubh'hI by the foreign Atralrs Commit tee Sin (Action Taken. Washington, March" 10. The Behring Sea arbitration treaty sent to tho Senate yesterday by the President and reforred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs was discussed by the Committee, but no ac tion was taken. There was a general agreement that it would be well to wait the receipt of cor respondence in tho matter beforo decid ing what It bhould recommend. It is cxplulned that the. .correspondence might contain somo telegrams or other com munications, rcqqlved as late as yester day which would throw new light on the matter and decide the disposition of the treaty by the Senate. tho expressions of opinion at the meeting, it was apparent that an almost general belief existed that if England re fused to a removal of tho modus vlvendl during the. pending of the arbitration proceedings tho Senate would refuse to ratify the treaty. Urging Elklns to Ktin for Governor. Washington, March 10. Capt. B. B. Dpvener of West Virginia, who will probably be opposed to Mr. Pendleton in the npxt election, wns lu Washington yesterday, uccompanled by John K. Thompson, a possible candidate for Gov ernor, of West Virginia, arid Wm, It. Dawson, secretary of the. Republican State Committee The delegation enmu hero to urge Secretary Elkius to be a candidate for Governor. It Is under ttood that Mr Elkius declined under any circumstances to permit his name to bo used. Itetireen Life and Oeuth. New Vonic, March 10. Mrs. James G. Blaine, jr., had au attack of heart' fall uro'early yesterday and for seven hours she lay between life and death with three doctors gallantly fighting the grim destroyer. She Wets utioonscious aud de lirious, nnd when the crisis occurred shortly beforo noon, oven her medical attendants feared that their elforts woro unavailing. This stage was safely passed, uud since tbat time her respira tion bus been stronger and her heart ac tion moro perceptible. Hall rroiuplly Fiirnlnheil' I'hilamucahia, Mroh 10. Nelbpn F. Evans, a dlreotpr of the defunct Spring Garden National Bank, whose arrest was chroniciul oh Monday last upon the charge of misapplication and embeKzle. merit of tbe moneys, funds nnd credits of the itiHtitutlou, was given a further hearing yesterday beforo United Stutes Com S Sbsitmer anil was held iu $1V 000 bull, which was promptly furnished. W 111 liVPHtljrilte the Charges. Sak-ujoa, N. V., Maroh, 10. The lOirl of Village Trutf huve voted, to Invert,;. -.lie the olmrges of blackmail iiiriIc u'alnst the niemfWrs of tha Board of -rVi'tu Conimhuiloiiors. mid also tho'j. that tba Board took, bribes for .uiiiiiiiUu uf juUloe toleration and pro-u-i Mou of gajubliiig bounus nnd house of ill-rnmi". The Inquiry will begin on March 18. Clused fruni Over rroiluelloii, MoitiiiKTOWN, P., Maioh 10. Hoovens' large null has sunt down ftv an Indefi nite period. Over SoO'iron workers are thrown out of employment. Mr. Hoovens said, iu answer to a question, that the mill bad beeu elod 011 account of over production. A Clour Case uf Murtlur. Wiuunoton. Del. Muroh 10. Tho ! 4wd body of Snintlel IArkrr, a nogru, new at years, mis ueeu routul lying In a tfinll Htraiim just north of tlia oltv line. llTj -null was crushed und his nuak I broken It is ciearly a cato of murder. Operi foa Competition Until the 1st day of January, 1SW, to lib paid to any ono who furnishes 11 tormuln ena bling us to make It at such n prico that a retailer can profitably sell ltnt 10c. a bottle. WOLFF & IIANDOLVH, Philadelphia. It costs 10c. to find out what Pik-Bon is, and does. A whole pace of information could not givo a correct iilwi Pik-Koil Isthonnmepl the only pmntwnicn maKes whits glass look like colored glass. All rct?i!"rs bell i. S3 SHOE THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a neamlesa Bhop, with no tack or wax thread to hurt the feet, mado of tho best flno calf, Btrltsti ana cany, nnd because tee make more ehoe.i of tM tirade than any other manufacturer. It equals hand sewed sliftes costlnff from $ 1.00 to $1.00. CC Oil (Jciiiiinn llnml-NCfvrd, tho finest calf pJm 6h(o ever ofTered for $5.U eqnaW tYencla Imported Rhoes which cost from i.(mo C. 00 HninUivcd Writ Shop, flno ralf. styllfth, comfortable and durable. The best RhoG over offered nt this price j same prado aa cu tom-mado thoe costlns from to $'iM. (CO 00 I'ollco Shori Farmers, Hatlroad Men. vw nndLettcrCarrleraaUwearthem; llnocair, Bearnless, smooth Inside, heavy three Boles, exten- eiuu cu "uu i.. j. hiii nuuruvear. tk fi,,nVnir. nn i..f m. ;i,nA . CJO oil fino cnlfi no better shoo ever offered at who want a suoe for comfort and service. wmi inia nricj; ono iriai win rnnvincn trinfiA. Of) 5 nnd S'J.IMI Vnrhlit-nmn Rfin are very strong nnd durable. Ihoso wlia havo given them n trial will wonrnoothcrmafce. PoVC' nnd Rchool'ehoes am wornbythoboysfiverywhere; theycelt on their merits, nt tlio increasing salos show. D brllnc IH) HnniUnpwed shot best biClUlCs DonRola, veryBtylUhjcnualafc'rcucni Imported shoes costitiRrrom $1.0i to S8.(W. . l.ndlrH 2.RiU &J.00 nml Si. 7.1 shoo for Misscsnrethe best fine Uongola. htyllshaud durable. Caution. Seo that h, Doui?laV namo ami prico aro stamped on tho bottom of each shoo. riJ-TAKi: NO 8!inSTITIJTE.CJ Insist on local advertised dealers supnlylnj; yon. W. 1. l)OUllAt5 Urockton.fliaBs. oldby JOSEPH BALL, Nor tli Iflniii StM SlictinndoafL DR. THBEL, K.QCJ North Fourth St., Uif uIt Rrnvlof trfiTou 'A mertM Sped-iUt la th Tatted buibr fc I ibio tA our Blood Poison Nervous Debility Spe cial Diseases f tta mz, hkin DlNcue. KM biwuPiini to tb bouu.SoreThrontft Mouth, Blofcbfi, Plra-l!, froptiotn, wfl r h(i Oiirr. EwtUlHgi, Iniutlost, InHuniukUoni -ul EoddIbi Bulcturi.i, Vfikiie nl Krlf iMf Wt memor, wtik hwk, menu) tniltty CTflnfT RUtter Utua and all plwum rettlnf ftom Eiof Id 11fn 'ion or Overwork, Btet-ui cum eur1 1 In 4 to 10 dajI wHef t oooa. p not loif bopa, no matter Uslnjr poctor. Ouk, Family or notiItal PhjMeUo ka fall. Pr. THKKL eur.-a positively I'hooi dftrntloa tmrn fenilBPii. oi n. vrti:)Nit wptta om m nc coTitFtini tfiRHiioa rtcta it XQth Mn4 So. attmp for bOOK "TRUTH" epo4r. Qoackt ttndrr wnrn tUmonial. Haw. dV rrorn to S. Kv to 9, aM W It' U 10, Sunitav 9 till IS. Writo or eall and b lavaa. rr UafMHMMWtil&.M-8tirJ7 P-Ua. TUtf A ME SHOW It Toa want to see a Hue display ot Boots ana Hhoes, goto W, S. SYOEft'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Mas toller's old stand,) Oimcr Coal mid Jurdlu Sla. Custom Vorlc and Rcpalrliijj: Done In tba bestttyle. JOH GOSLEJ'S Green Truck. Stand I Cor. Main and Oak Straets. Fresh Oysters Raceivfld Daily. AaaBllii'pbl OKOnKKIES NnlHimn Cnadles. Poultry of all Kinds. Mr, Qostlet r.oplves his 'rrfeu truolc dally Inwi tpa oltv murMets. wh eh Is a aiirnnto to liucin'umers thuttbey villreoelve fresb goods wha buyl nfroin lilni, WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largest andotieapest stock lu town. Artistic Paictiiig, Graiaiog and Decorating I J. P. GARDEN, ias-6m Ml W. Centre Bt.. B1IKNANDOA11 Cllllia. BOSSLElt'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT 201 N. MIn St., Shenaniioul). The Ftneest Stock of Btors, Ales, Cigars, k It will pny nnyopo In Wnnt' of as our iMHatWul lluoof Dytrm AilUrpss WHY IS THE