The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 10, 1892, Image 2

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Sullivan Will Cover Corbott
Wakly, John L'a Backer to Post $2,50C
Prospect Ilrlght rum llnttl In Aniru.l
Ilefore I li Club Offering thn Li'i;'l
J'urselVnlieley Knjs Tliut Siillitmi Will
Willi Corbott HrsIIj The Ills l'ellnn
Would Hither Meet Mitchell.
New Yobk, Mnrcli 10. The champion
pugilist of tlio world, Julia L. Sullivan,
means business, that Is certiiln, Tiiere
if not a particle of "blullilng" about him.
A battle betwutm lilm and James J. Cor
bcttls now assured. Sullivan says he li
sorry that Mitchell does not show the
willingness to meet him that C irbett
has. Corbett, when' he heard ot Sulll
van's sweeping Challenge, through his
manager, W. A. Brady, posted $1,000 us
n guarantee ot his slncorlty to make o
match. This was done on Monday.
No sooner did John L. learn of this
than he immediately telogrnphed one of
his baokers, Oharley Johnson, of Brook
lyn, who is now ot Hot Springs, Ark.,
to cover tho forfeit, and to notify Cor
butt's backers that ho would fight him
the latter part of August or early In Sep
tember. Johnson immediately sent word
to Jimmy Wakeley to cover Corbett's
$1,000 and to po-it f 1,500 more, in pur
suance of Corbett's conditions that the
champion must post that much more to
show that he meant business.
Wakuley received his instructions from
Johnson yesterday afternoon. "I will
put $2,500 to-morrow afternoon," he
suid last night. "Sullivan will ogreo to
I orbett's condition to fight before the
club giving the largest purse, bAring
the California Athletic; Club, and an out
side Dot of $10,000.
Corbett will at once post $1,500 In ad
dition to his $1,000 already up, which he
said he would do tho instant Sullivan
snowed that ho would fight him. The
remaining $7,500 will be posted by the
backer of each in such instalments its
tliey mny agree upon.
Now that John L. will meet Corbett
the lattor will go into truining imme
diately at Ilolfast under tho watchful'eye
of Muldoou.
Wakeley says that Sullivan will have
no trouble in whipping Corbott, but he
wants Mitchell to do something now be
sides "Mulling." "Really," exclaimed
Wakeley, "the 'big fellow' would much
rather meet Mitchell and Slavln, as he
consicisrs Corbett un easier mark. But ns
the latter vm so anxious to" get on a
match, In included him in the list in or
der to stop his talking."
Will Mitchell stop his baby talk now
and post forfeit us Corbott has doner
That a llntfort lletectlve Is Mnrrlod to
Miss Atklus.
New York, March 10. On tho saloon
passouger list ot tho White Star steam
snip Teutonic, from Liverpool j'estorday,
Mere the names of Mrs- H. W. Atkins,
Miss F. Atkins nnd W, C. Fielding. In
lffti-trnril. f.'nnn.. nlmilt u rpnr npn MlfiH
Atkins, then the wife of Arthur L. Kood, !
a wealthy resident of Hartford, brought
suit for a divorce.
Fielding, a Hartford detective, .was
employed previous tp tho suit to shadow
Mr. Rood, and it was partly upon his
evidence that the divorce was grailted.
Mrs. Hood resumed her maiden name
of Atkins, and when her mother and
when lior mother and she departed for
Europe five mouths ago accompanied by
Detective Fielding It was rumored that
M,lss Atkins nnd ho were married. The
detective denied this emphatically yes
terday1. Mission Cliurcli, Huston, liurnml.
Boston, Mass., March 10. TheJJisslou
Church in Tremout street, just beyond
the Hoxbury crossing was totally de
stroyed by fire shortly before daybreak.
Loss, $150,000. The alarm was rung In
at 4:20, and, before the Are department
reached the scono the entire structure
was In flames. The church was occupied
by the Redemptloulst Fathers. Tho fire
destroyed the three vestries in tho rear
of the pulpit and with them all tho valu
able gold and silver plate.
Shot Ills AVI To, Ilutcliered lllmsoir
CniCAoo, March 10. JoolCrolvor shot
and Instantly killed his wife yesterday
morning in n drunken nnd jealous rage.
He then shot himself In the head with
the same revolver, and with a large knife
gashed and hacked his throat In a horri
ble manner. Both died In a few minutes.
Sut-ult Allliea Terry Insane.
San Fkancisco, Murch 10. Mnmie
Pleasant, Sarah Althea Terry's old nurse,
states that, in the absence of any uoar
relatives to net in tlie matter, she has
decided to take the necessary steps to
day to commit her to an asylum where
she oun be properly cared for.
Mrs. Osborne (Jets Nino Months.
I,otiDON,"Miiroh 10 Mrs. FlbrenceEthel
Osborne, wns sentenced yosterday in
the Central Criminal Court to nine
months Imprisonment, nt hard labor, for
pet jury and larceny in connection with
the theft of jewels from her oouslu, Mrs.
Charged Willi Keeping I'rlsonprK Money,
TmsNToN, N- J., March 10. The Mercer
County Board of Freeholders hau decided
to investigate the official conduotof ex
Wnrden John G. Mulrhend. ItiScharged
that he withheld sums of money from
United Stales prisoners who wuroi In his
Paintings Consumed l!y l'lre.
Mn.w vukek, March 10, The oolleotlcm
of paintings, steel engravings nnd mis
cellaneous rt works in ilia sUire unllery
of Roebel nnd RelnhurO vuluwl at over
$30,000 were destroyed by fire lust night.
'they Will llond the Town.
ItiDKwooi, N. J., Maroh 10. The
people uf this town by a majority ot 130
in u total v jt of tt-'iO decided yeaterday
to bmid the township for 10,000 to ma
emnuitu uiui iliuroaiis. '
Maldo Adams lnd.
BubTON, March 10. Waldo Adams,
Manager of the Afluni's Express Company,
dlrl ut 7:80 Iffst 'evpulug, from a 'compli
cation of liver and heart diseases,
lie and Other Quebec Hondlers Will lit
Montiieal, March 10. Attorney
General Casgrain will at once take out
warrants forthe nrrest of ex-Prcmlor
Mcrcler nnd nil the minor boodlors from
the 1'rovlnalfil Treasury, who will be
prosecuted to the- utmost extent of the1
law, and the arrests will be made this
week. Mercler himself Will bo expelled
from tho House. ' 1
The complete returns give the Conserv
atives 53 and tho Liberals 20. The lat
ter, with one or two exceptions, de
nounced Mercier from the hustings. In
tho last Parliament Mercier had a major
ity of S!7.
It is rumored that Mercier will try to
leave the country and live In France un
til an opportunity oilers to get back to
power again.
The Victim Had Imposed on the Rovereud
l'lilliur's Ueuorostty.
Brockton, Mass., March 10. Fnthor
iMcOrall of St. Patrick's Church created
a sonsatlon on Elliott street by publicly
horsewhipping a man who had Imposed
upon his charity.
Tho victim of the whipping, whose
name is not made public, borrowed
money from tho roverond gentleman on
the plea that he wished to send It to his
sufforiug family in Ireland. Instead of
using it for this purpose, however, the
man spent the money in supporting his
The priest was very angry when lie
learned of how ho had been deceived and
and when ho met him on the street' he
was prepared for tho scoundrel and gave
him u severe whipping.
The Illcyolo IUci.
New YonK, March 10. Thore was a
handful of persons present nt ono o'clock
yestorday when tho third day's journey
was begun, At that time, Ashingor',
Limb, Lumsden and Martin wcro on
exactly oven terms, With Heading a few
laps benlnd and Scliock about a mile In
Heading's rear. Soon after the start
Lamb broke a pedal and lost n lap. lie
made n "kick" which lusted the entire
aftornoon and finally resulted In his
being placed on the same plane again
with the leaders. Tho attaudanca last
night was fair. The score nt 12:30
o'clock this morning was as follows:
Ashiucer, 523 miles, 0 laps; Martin 523
miles, G laps; Lumfcdon, 523 miles, 0 laps;
Lamb, 023 miles, 5 laps; Heading, 52U
miles, 4 laps; Schook, 51U ihilos. 7 'laDs
and Stage, 483 miles and 1 lap. :;L
Tried to lluru Ills Wife.
Unioxtown, Pa., Maroh 10. J. N
Harmony, 31 years old, Committed sui
cide hore after first liavinp triod to burn
his wlfo. Harmony, who had been
drinking hard of late, suddenly became
Insane yesterday morning, uud getting
some oil, he poured it over his sleeping
wife, lie then dragged her to a stove
in order to set her oil-saturated clothing
on Are. Her scicams brought assistance,
and she was rescued just in time. Har
mony then grabbed up his little son and
rushed across tho street to h'is father's
house With him. He excitedly told them
to care for the oh I Id, then drew a knlf o
and cut his throat from ear to ear. Ho
died in a few minutes.
Colored Women Cnpturo a 'Church.
AlEMrms, Tenn., March 10. The Cen
tral Baptist Church, the largest and fin
est church buildihg'boloiigirig to the col
ored people in the South, is in the hands
of a mob of over 200 women under com
mand of tho pastor, Rev. Taylor Night
engale. They vow they will die in tholr
tracks rather tlian surrender the building
to a certain faction of the congregation'
who hav6 been trying for n long time to'
oust Nightengale. The colored Amazons
nre intrenched in the church and parson
age, mid bid defiance to the combined
forces of the opposing faction and the
Secretary Jlhilne Improving.
Washington, March 10. Secretary
Blaine was better lust night. HU fever
had almost disappeared, and he was loss
restless. By direction of Ills physician
no visitors lire permitted to see him, nnd
lie has hot, during all the Bearing Sea
correspondence of the post few days been
even advlsod that it had assumed an
acute phase. Ills friends hope that with
absolute rest .Mr. Blaine may be able to
resume his odlcial duties next week.
lllown Fifty Vard.
Raleigii, N. 0 March' 10. To-day
about noon tho boiler 'of an engine used
for the purpose ot operating a mill, eight
miles south of here, exploded, killing
instantly, John Stevenson, aged 18, son
of Col. L. D. Stevenson, a prominent
farmer of this county.' He 'win blown
fifty yards 'and torn to pieces. Another
boy1 wils1 injured. The 'pressure on the
boiler was too great.
round Dead In Ills Hum.
Oswkoo, N. Y., March 10. Amos O.
Thomas, n wealthy miller of Mexico,
this county, was found' suspended from
the root ot his barn nt an oarly morning
hour, dead. A bandkerchiof saturated
with chloroform was tied about his
mouth and none. He had been drinking
heavily and to this cause is attributed
uis suicide.
Dead Had Unknown.
Manoiibhtbu, N. IL, March 10. Tho
body of u middle-aired woman, unknown;
much decomposed, wns-found In Ceme
tery Brook. According to appearunoes
she was pregnant when she died, and
from her dress it is inferred she occupied
a comfortable position In life.
A Glass lnotory Ilurned.
PrrTBBimai March 10. Georgo B. Dan
can & Son's extensive tableware glass
plant ou Tenth street, south side, wns
destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon.
Tho plant and its contents were valued
at $250,000, on which $105,000 iusuruuee
was onrrleiL
l'or u Nuvnl Display.
Albany, N. Y., Muroh 10. The Ways
nnd Means Committee of the Seuate
agreed to report the World's Fair bill so
amended us to provide tor u portion of
the appropriation being tuatl for a naval
display on Oct. U ut Mw York.
I'avor III Handing Dual,
PiiiLAuau-iiiA, M'iroh 10. Gov. Patti
hon bus received petitions containing
over 150,000 names n fuvor of the Read
ing Httilroud deal, from Pottsviile,
Beading and other-towns in the Lehigh
and Mahaaoy vulleys.
For tho Month P oparod by Supt.
The public school report for Ummonii
ending AVodneedriy, March 0, 1892 lc
follows: Unrohnont lof 'the term 1,200
loys; 1,390 girls; total. 2 COO Month
nnrolmont 1,132 boys ; 1,251- girl;tnu,
2,33. Avursne 'nttendancof' for month
9Bd boys ; 1,057 jfirU; total', '2,0'20. Poi-
oentfigeof attendance Hoys, 92 ; girls 89;
total, 90 l'uplls present evrt-y tea ion, 701.
Visits by citizen!, 188. Visits by directorf,
High School D3
Second Grade,
MISS Lizzie M. fVRnrinnll'H nliuu.. f.
Mr A K. L. Leek lo 07
Miss vyau Elsenhowor.... , j
JPirtt Grade.
Miss Lizzie Losslf IB
Mlfs Anna Denjler... 92
Miss Amelia O. Molioeoer .... - 87
Miss Mahala Falrclitld 1)3
Fourth Grade.
Miss Bridget A.. Bnrns ,. !)(!
UlbS Carrie W. Faust 03
.Mr. M. F. Conry Uf
niihB Annn ej, .ianscu Vi
Miss JanoT. Lambert 88
Mr. James 11, Lowl U-!
TMrd Grade.
Miss Mary A.Sfaek 01
vilss Maggie K. Cavnnuugh 91
Miss KHz J. Flnnorly 89
Mr. Frank Williams. ... 85
MlaiMaryA. Laflerty 8!i
Mli Ijlzzle Lehe.. 83
Mr. J. W. Bnrko 91
Second Grade.
Mis? Bailie K. Oonry , 97
.Mibs Mary II. Wasloy 90
lli-s HaitlollKBS i 87
MUs Mujjclo O. Brcnuitn 91
Sim Florence O. Hess 88
-Mlns Auale M. Kltnmi-1 92
MISs lnnlo (). Harnett 8(1
Mr. Michael II. Ilrltt 91
Irat Grade.
Mlrs rem Shane 01
Miss Carrie SJmltn u.)
Miss Mary A Couuely 89
Miss riirlnne Tempest 83
Miis Kllzabetli Linton. 81
Miss Kllu M. i.'lanser, 88
MIssMaryK. Hobsrts.... 80
Ml s Nellie l!lrd... 93
Miss Idaho Kolb Bi
Miss Ba ran Fadden 92
Miss Lllllo IJ. Phillips 87
Miss jlunniili Morrls.on... 91
I'urkeu Jtun,
Mr M. V. Whltiker 8(1
Mr, John B. Hcheuhlue 89
Social Gathering.
The residence t'f Mrs. F R'oeec, on North
JarJih street, wus the sceno ot a social
gatnoringlftst'ovonlnij. Quitd r number ol
tho members of the Oilti'mhia' Hobo and
Steam Firo EnRine Company, togo'ber
with their wifos and sweethearts, marched
in a bojy to tho houo and tendered a
surprise to Frank O dringtoi, Mrs. Koese'f
brother. Tho participants in Iho pleasant
nAMr weroi Thomas W. Powell and
wife, Joseph Dusto and wife, Milton
Buyer and wife, David Iiolvoy and wife,
Jume. O Dounull and wife, "William Gil
illlan and wife, George 0 x and wife, Mrs.
Gsorgo Schoenor, Mrs. Thnmns Wl'Ham,
Airs. Robert Jones, Mr?. F. Keeso, itifs
B -chter, Miss Ilannah Riesp, and Messrs.
Jo'an MiGrail, Patrick Fe'ely and F. O.
Fall of' Coal.
Br a fall of coal at Pucker No 3 col iery,
yosterday, a Polo' was instantly killed. IIo
was a resident of town.
Signed Uy the President.
Washington, ilarch 10. The Presi
dent lias signed tho act to urovldo-'im
uddltlonal mode of taking depositions
of witnesses in cases pending in the
courts of the United States.
A heavy snow storm prevailed last
night over Great Britain.
The strike ot tho 'iongshoretr.en at
New Orleans His ended in a compro
mise. ' ' - ' '
Train robbor Perry is accused of
swindling Blnghamton merchants' by
passing bogus oheoks.
A terrific wind storm struck Fargo, N,
D. , last night, blowing down wires, un
roofing houses and causing, considerable
damage to pioperty.
The jury In the caso of Maria Ial
loran', of Woburn, Mass., charged
with1 putting poison in her husband's
food, reported a disagreement.
A frame farmhouse uoar Schnectady
was burned yesterday morning, aud John
Sanders, aged 60, und his daughter
Annie, aged !15, wcro burned to death,
A meeting 61 citizens 'who favor the
closing1 ot tho Columbian Exposition at
Chicago on the Sabbath, was hold at
the Temple, in Philadelphia, last night.
Governor Flower of New York, has
signed the Sullivan and McCarren
Brooklyn Bridge bill, nnd the
Elevated Hnilroad bill, und hns prepared
a memorandum to go with the signature.
The Massachusetts Legislature, by an
overwhelming majority, pas Jed to ba
engrossed tho bill making it a criminal
offense to manufacture, sell or expose for
sale cigarettes, within tho limits of tho
Weather lleport.
Washington'. Muroh 10 for Usutern New
fork, Eastern l'oniwyrmnla New Jersey,
Maryland and Del.iw.ire: Jncreajlnjf olciudl-
iHtw with light looalrulini wosui. ly win is In
crtmaSnif. In loroe; wuwli uoldor Tliursdjy
For New liiulan i ThreutliiK weather and
rain; lnorewilui; southwusc wiuis; euluer by
Friday inornliijr.
For Wusteru Nw York: Ujltt rain or
wow; brisk to high wosWsHy winds, with a
cold wave. -
NIJW Vdllli. Sl.MtUljTS.
Nuw Voiuc. March A Money on cull easy at
lH und M percent.
Closlnz rioMni
Ycoier luy. Tu-.14)'.
3 fillet 101 10D
4 8. Coup lit i ll'i
4 v.Vw-. " HO
o s, cuup., m no
DosiBg Cloaint
Yosterday. To-day,
Duiudiou 1'uolllo 8M eU
lntriroUto,... HO t
Cluftio. llurjfc Quluoy lu.l lfitl
l)wavoSTnW6ii i: lpM
IM.. Lack, lifmra 13J4 . fflii
Er?B .'...,' 3.4 an
K;U wst..,, 76
oSMro; W7 180
Louis. Ac Nnsii 71
Mlchlirsn Central 1114 llsjU
ilinsouriraidfla.., , ui (ll-
Now Jersey cUitral 1U7 137
NorUiwoilorn.. , 19 11911
Treasurer Appointed.
Boston, March 10. John W. Fnrwell,
;rcasurer of tho firm of N. W. Fnrwell Se
Son. this city, has been appointed to the
vacant treasurcrshlp of Atlantic Mill at
Lawrence. Mr. Farwoll has been n stock
holder and director of tho Atluntic Cot
ton Mills for sovcral years.
l'rof. Wntson of Harvard Dctid.
Boston, March 10. Prof. Sorono Wat
son of Harvard College died yosterday.
He had been connected with the Botani
cal Department slue 1874, and hnd been
111 sovoral veeks.
It Cut? a Col-9,OoBff1is,StnrThroit.OTOiip,InflneatAf
7hoopiagr Coub, llrenaUtia aoi Aatlima, A rtil
him fir Coniumption In firat Uvot, nl inn Jpittf It
&dr since d ttneeB. Ciantorce. Yoavill lee tho ex.
t:Unt effect after tikLntf thi flnt do. Wi j
Acklen tc r when. Ltre UiUoc . uti ul $1.00.
WANTS, &o.
FOR SALE. A single sleigh, nt a reasonable
nrico. Annlv to Mrs. Jane Parrv. corner
Line and Bowers strocts, S-18-lw
Oil BENT. A desirable store- room on
' South Main strcot. Possession nlven Hrst
of April. Apply to Sylvester Pappert. 110 S.
iuain street. s-a-iw
MEN TO TAKE OUDEUS.-No delivering
or collecting: no experience: steady
workj best terms; best 'specialties; samples
free Glkn linos., Rochester, N. V.
SOB SAtiK. Cheap, n one-horse spring
wagon with top. Also a two-seat surrey
th cxtensidn ton. Annlv to Tred. Burkhart,
23 North Main Stroot. 3-3-tf
WANTED By tho Methodist Episcopal
church, to buy n house suitable for a par
sonago or a lot upon which to build one. Apply
to J. S. OAixkn. M. V..
3-5-lw or Ciias. Hooks.
NOTICE-Tho annual meeting of tho Citi
zens' Building and Loan Association of
bhenaudoah. Pa., will be held on TUESDAY.
MARCH 8, 1893, nt 7:30 o'clock p. m'., at the
offlce of the company, for the election of
Directors. By order or tho Preslaont,
O. W. DENHLER, Secretary.
Shenandoah, Pa., Feb. 58, 1,892. aw
Q meeting of tho stockholders of the Miners'
Mechanics nnd Laborers' Building and Loan
Association, of Shenandoah, Pa., will be held at
the offlce of John R. Ooylo, Esn.,on Wednesday
evening, March 23, 1892, at 3 o'clock, for tho pur
pose or revising and amondlng tho by-laws of
Hdtd Association, By order of tho Board of
Directors. David MohoaN, Pres.
Attest: J. P. KNAPP, Sec'y. 3-10-tlt
NOTICE. The following notlco speaks for
Itself, and tho public will be governed ac
cordingly: In the Court of Common Pleas of Schuylkill
county. Common wealth of Pennsyl vaula ezrtl.t
&.O., vs. Bridget Vcmpest. 1
Now, February 23, 1892, on motion of V. D.
Seltzer, attorney, the Court appoint Charles
Unsktnsas committee of s'Ud llridgotTcmncst,
and ho Is directed to enter into bond In thouurt
of eight thousand dollars, to bo approved by tho
Extract from tho record.
3-7-10t Prothonotary.
MONDAY, MARCH 14, 1892.
Now for a good laugh. The famous
Barry & Fay Comedy Company!
Headed by that admirable comedian WILCIAM
jiAiiui, in the lutucrousiy runuy play,
I McKenna's flirtation
After a run of 175 nights in Now York city.
Pretty girls, sweet singers',
graoeful dancers)'
"Y'ours Forever, Mary Ellen Ryan."
Prices. 25. 60 and 75 cents.
Scats on sale at
KirUu's drug store.
Justice o ths Peace, Real Esla'e and Insurance Agency.
Ofnco Muldoou's Building, Shenandoah, Pa,
edenttHo mo timet tlmt
cannot full unless tho
caso Is boron d human
aid. Yon fol ImprovoU
the first day.lco) a bono
tlterorydayi Boonkmiw
yourself a kln amonp
miif lii boar, mind and
heart, Dratns andlosaoa
?nded Kverr obstocto
u ftappr married life re
moved, Nerve force,
will.enonrv. brain Dower.
when f aUlug or lost aro
restored by this treat
ment. AlItnallandweJ;
Kutlons of the body en
rred and stroegthened.
VJctiroa of ntmsef) and
oxces&es, reclaim your
roanuooa' euuerersiroiQ
f olt y.ovtr work,! 1) health,
reeatnyourvtiforl lon'
desnatr.even If In tho last
Btages. Don't be dmheort
ened I f quacks havo rob
bed you. Istitussbotvyou
" .. inai lnoaicni Rnipnm nim
imtmws nonor euiLfaoxuti uera ko band la hand,
Writ for our XXouk wUuexpluuat.obs.fcprooJ,
ihifi seiIed fi-ee Orer JJ.OOO reference.
At'orney-al-Lw and Real Ks'ile nl
Olttee DtxUlall s llullrtlng, Shenanooab, Pa.
BvwylWnfiWttll cooked and oleftn. An olab
SlltU, CON?jICIC, 31 N, 51 1 111 HI,
tP & R. R. H. Co., Lessee.)
NOV 16, 1891.
Passenger trains leavn Rhen-
nrlnnli (A.IInnn Ifm-r.., InonlUn Hlnk n...t.
Lehtghton, Hatlngton,Whllo Hall, Calasnuqua,
Allenlown. Bethlehem, Huston, New York,
1'hlladelnhla. Ilazleton. IVi'ntliprlv. Dunknltn
Junction. Delano nnd Mahnnoy City at 6.47, 7.40,
9.0H a. m., 12 !B, 3.10, 5.20 p. m.
i or new lorn,, i.w, a. m 12.60, 3.10.
2il n. m.
For Hazlcton, Wllttos-llarre, Whlto Haven,
ttston, Luceyvllle, Towuuda, Sayre, Whvorly,
'.lmlra. Hochoster. Nlntfnm i,-itu .nd it,n ivat
10.11 a. m (3.10 p. tn no connection for Roches
ter, Buffalo or Niagara Falls), 5.S4 p. m.
I' or Bclvtdero, Delaware Water Cap and
Stroudsburg, 6.17 a. in., 5.20 p. m.
For Lambertville and Trenton. 9.08 n. m.
For Tunkhaunock, 10.41 a. in., 3.10, 5.20 p. m.
For Auburn, Ithaca, Gcnova nnd Lvons, 10.11
m., 5.20 p. m.
For Jeanesvillo. Levlston nnd rimrri- Mnnrinw.
40, 9.08 a. m., 12.62, 6.20 p. m.
For Audenrlcd. llnzleton. Stnrlttnn nnd T.lim.
bcr Yard, 5.17, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, 3.10,
p. ra.
i' or acrnnton, 0.47, v.u, iu.4i a. m., 3,io, 5.20 p.
For Hazlebrook. Jcddo. Drlf ton nnd Frceland.
47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 u. ra 18.62, 3.10, 6.20 p. m. .
For Ashland, airardvillo and Lost Creek. 4..?.
7.40. 8.63, 10.15 a. m., 1.05, 1.40, 4.10, 0.35, 8.03, 0.14
p. m.
For Raven Run, Centralia, Mount Carmelnnd
rlhamoktn, 8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 8.00 p. ra.
t For Y'ntesvllio, l'ark Place, Mahanoy City ard
iDclano, 5.47, 7.40, 9.0S a. m 12.52, 3.10, 5.20, S.03;
p.24, 10.27 p. m.
Trains win leavo snamoiun at 7.55, 11.55 n. m.,
10, 4.30. 0.40 p. m. and arrive at Shenandoah at
W5 o. in., 13J', 3.10, 5.20. 11.15 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah" for Pottsviile, 5.50, 7.40,
.08, 1052 n. m., 12.53, 3.09, 4.10, 5.20, 8.03 p. m.
ioave l'oitsvuie lor anennncoih, ouu, 7.40,
.03, 10.15, 11.48 a. m.. 3,00, 5.20, 7.00, 7,15, D.30 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Ilazleton. 5.47. 7.40. fl.08.
10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.00, 5.20. 8.03 p. m.
Leave Hazlcton for Shenandoah. 7.30. 0.15.
11.00 a. m., 12.45, 3.0, 6.30, 7.05, 7.50 p, m,
Trains leave for Ashland. Glrardvillo and Lost
Creek, 0.50. 11.35 a. ra., 2.45 p. m.
l'or laicsvuie, l'anc i"iace, Aiananoy uity,
Delano. Hazlcton. Black Crock Junction. Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allcntown,
Bothlehem, Huston and New York, 8..00 a. m.,
p. IU.
For Yatosvillo. Park Placo. MahanovCItrnnd
Delano, 8 00 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 0,03 p. m:
Leave ilazleton ror snenanuoah, 8.00 a. m.,
45, 4.37 p. m.
Loavo Shenandoah for Pottsviile. 5.50. 8.00.
.30 a. m., 2.45 p. ra.
Leave Pottsvillo for Shenandoah. 10.40 a. m..
35, 4.30, 0.15 p. ni.
Qen'l Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pa.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For Now York via Philadelphia, week days,
10, 5.2, 7.20 a. m., 1S.33, 2.50, 5.55 p. m. Sunday,
10. 7.43 a. m. For New York via Mauch Chunk.
week days, 6.25, 7.20 a. rn., 12.33, 2.60 p. ra.
For Kcadlns and. Phi adclnhia. week davs.
2.10, 5.2S, 7.20 a. m., 12.35, 2.50, 6.55 p. in, Sunday,
ju, n. m., 4.w i. m.
For Harrlsbure. week davs. 2.10. 7.20 a. m..
50, 6.55 p. ra.
For Alleutown, week days, 7.20 a. m., 12.35,
50 p. ra.
i'or I'oiisvHie, weoK onys, i.'Mn. m., is.o,
SO, 5.5.r)'p. m. Sunday, 2.10, 7.48 a. ra., 1.30, p. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days,
10, 5.25, 7.20 a. m., 12,35, S.50, 6 55 p, m. Sunday,
10. 7.48 a. ra.. 4.30 n. m. Additional for Mah
anoy City, week days, 7.00 p. ra,-
i' or unneasicr nnu uoiuuiDia, wcck uays, y.uj
. m 2.50 p. m.
I'or Wllllumsnort. Sunburv and Lowlsburg.
week days. 3.25, 7.20. 11.30 a. m., 1.35, 7.00 p. m.
Sunday, 3.25 a. m., 3.05 p. m.
For Mahanoy l'iauo, week davs. 2.10. 3.25. 5.55,
7 20, 11.30 a. m., 12.aj, 1.35, 2.50, 6.55, 7.00, 0.25 p. m.
Sunday, 2.10, 3.25, 7.48 aim., 3.05, 1.30 p.m. t i
ror liiraruvme, ( KappanannocK station),
weekdays. 2.10, 3.23, 5.2o, 7.20, 11.30 a in., 12.35,
j.-, .ou, a im, v.w, v.-m p. m. aunuay, 3,iu, a-o,
48 a. in., 3.05, 4.3i) p. in.
For Ashland and Shatnokln, week days, 3.25,
25. 7.20. 11.30 a. m.. 1.35. 7.00. 9.25 n. m. Sun
day, 3.25, 7.'48 a. m., p. in.
Leavo Now York via Philadclr.hla.woekdays.
7.45 a. m., 1.30, 4m 7,30 p: m., 12.15 night. Sun
day, 0.00 p. in., 12.15 night.
Lsave New York via Maucu Chunk, week davs.
.30, 8.45 a. m 1.00, 3.45 p. m. Sunday, 7.00 a. m.
L.eave I'miaaeipnia, weoK uays, 4.iu, lu.uua. m.
,00, 6.00 p. m from Broad and Callowhill and
35 a. m 11.30 n. m. from eth and Oroon streets.
Sunday, 0.05 a m., 11.30 p. m., from 0th and
u recn.
Leave Reading, week days, 1.35,7.10, 10.05, 11.60
m., o.oo, ,o p, m. aunuay, i,, iu.i a. m.
Leave Pottsvillo. week dlivs. 2.40. 7.40 a. m..
2.30, 0,11 p. iii. Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m., 205 p. m!
icave mmaqua, week aays, s.:v,, ii.xa a.
m., i.-i, y, itt, ouuuuy, o.aa, u. lii.,
2.50 p, m. .
i.eavo jtiananoy uuy. week uays, 3.u, .i.
11.47 a. m , (.61, 7.13, ?.4i p. m. Sunday, 3.10, 8.17
u. in., p. m.
ijenve aiananov 1'iane. weoic a? vs. 4.uu.
.30, P.35, 11.59 a. in., 1.03, 2.00, 6.20, 8.20, 7.57; 10.00
p. m. ' unday,'2,40, 4.00, H.27 am 8.37, 6.01 p. rd.
weeks days, 2l47, 4W, 0.30, 9,41. a. m.-, 12.05, 2.13,
5.20, 0.32. 8.03, 10.00 p. m. Sunfldy, 2.47, 4.0T, "8.3,1,
Leavo Wllllamsport. week days. d.uu, .4S, n.&p
ra 3.33, 11. lap. m. unuay, ii.ia,p. m. i
For Ilaltlmnre. Wastlnirton and tho'West via
11. & O. It. It. throuelr-trnlns leave Glrard
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P, Jl, R. R.) at
3.65, 8.01,11.27 a. m., 8.50,-8.42, 7.1S p. m. Sunday,
a.w, p.u-j, ii.-.i a. rn., i, o.i.', i,m p. ra.
Leave Philadelnhla. Chestnut Strcot Wharf
anasoutu street wnari.
Weok davs Einrcss. 9.00 a. m.. 2.00. 1.00 d. m.
Accommodation, b.wvl. m., o.uu p. m.
' Sunday Express, 9.00o, in.. Accommodation
R.00 a. m.. 4.30 u. m.
Returning; teave-Atianiio uity, aepot Atianiio
and Arkansas Avenues Week days, Express.
7.30, 0.00 a. in., 4.00 p. m. Accommodation,. IJ.lp
a. m., .au p. m. .ounuay--iiiiprssa, w p. n.
Al'commouauon, i.vj u. ui., p. m.
A. A, MCLEOD, Pres. & OenU Managor.
A'tM'ali iif th it ,'JinmT.
Cor. Main and Coal Bis..
Biieuuuaosu, ra.
Hi tulai meals at ropulai;
jjilces nei vert nt nil times"
ladles' dining una re.
fiefhlrwiur oms attach
cd. liar blorl'.td Willi the
Un- bt brands of cIesis
and fancy Crlnks,
Leading Restaurant in Town.
IP. J". CliEART,
Dealer In all kinds ol
Shoemakers' : Supplies
Large aud Ant-class Muck,
A II Demands of the Trade'Suppiec
Ferguson House liulldtut'. SHENANDOAH. PA
A Profltaale Business on Liinllod Capital
for business and private correspondence. Sim
pie, durable, accurate. Nut u toy. but a prnotl
eul machine. Does not get out of order. No
practice required to operate It. l'lico, SS-no.
A responsible avent wanted m every town, to
n ilWiil iiUiI lllUUUVlliL'liiS Will uo UiHlC.
Pearl Typewriter Coinpniiy,
W 30 Ko. Moore at , (l.T-im) New York City
Tn taat. a ls.l I sr ss. sTTa' ma Til
Cife lor tbfl etfets of seu?lus&
Biual JUWer.
our ojtwinn "
Ii Valimbls InrrwsUon J'ltUX A'Uiwa
U. 11. to., bUtllrsdjf,tiT .
M National Bank,
Capital, $ioo,ooo,oo
A. Yfi Leisennng, Pres.,
P, J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. ft. Leisenring, Cashier,
9 W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Opcu Dally From 9 to 3.
Paid on HavlUEM Ucposlta.
On and after November 1$, 1891, fra(m will
leave aaenanaoai ttt follows:
TU,.MH mit,av,i,H VM.MII.
-Ktitle. Bt. Clair, and wav nolnts. 0.00. 9J0.
11,4.) a m and 4.16 pm,
oanaays, ouo, v,u m nnaa,iup ra,
Ku. x'ottsvllle, 6.00, V.1V, 11.45 a m ana 4.15
Sundays, GOO, 6.40 a in and 3.10 D m.
For Reading, e.UO, 11.45 a m and 4.15 rim.
Sundays, 600,9.10 a.m. and 8.10 om.
For Pnttatown. Phoe lizvllle. Korrlatown
nd Philadelnhla (Lroad street etatiom. 0.00.
11,15 m. and 4.16 p m weak days 1
tuaays, sou, v.tu a m ,iu p m .
Trains leave FrDCtcvllie- for BnandoAh at
ll.4i a m and 12.11, S 01, 7.13, 19,0; p mi. Ban-
ivt, 1., 1 . ni su'i a.'j u ui
Ijpzva Pa .lavllla lor Shenandoah. 10.15 and
11.(8, a ra 4.19, 7.15, 9.42 p m. Uundays,- 10.10
n 0.10 p m.
1 jiavB 1'hlladelnhla (Broad street station).
for.-Fot ts vllle and Bhen indoah, .57, 8.85 a m
iu ana i.w p m weesr aiys. ounaayo.ou, ana
Vor New York. 3.20. 4.05. 1.40. 6.85. 6.5C. 7.S0.
i.90.3il. t.60, 11.0dandll.n,lL3oam,12.00noon,
OlDilltdeTpre33(l.V!i4.5JV m.l 12.41,1.33. i;49.
Ml S.V y OMW f .ifl 9i IULU AU.VU
, Ui. UII6UV
' 'U PUUUSJTS, D.U...lkJ, S.llf, .l.IhJt n.l. O.OV, Q.UU,
11. S3 i rn. and' 12.41, 1.10,2,30 4.02,' (limited,
For Boa GlrtLontrBrancliand lnlermedlale
stations 8.20 and 11.14. a. jn., 4.0Q p.m. week
days. Kreehold.only 5.00 pm week days.
f or uaiuinore ana wusmngion. M, 7.A1.
U.iU HUU ii.iO . lii,, U U, , I.1U I'.lll. uu li.UJ
night dWly anfi 8 31 . 10.20 a m.v 12 35 (limited
express with dlnlne car to Haiti more) 1.30. 3.46
n m niAil- Hntn tAr. ttnlfl mnM nnl4 V? A ill
weeltdtys, 0.03, 11.30 p. in. dally.
Fur Richmond. 7 20 a1, nl. and 12.03 nleht
dally, 1.S0 p. m, dally, except Bund ly.
irmusiosive'i.iarrisDur? lor triiucurs uhg
hs west over? day at 12.23 nnd 8.10 a m and
3 99 limited) and' 3.10, 7.23' p nr. WayJor
AltomaH 15 m and 4.10 p m every, aay.
r or iriusoarg only, li.i; a m aaiiy snaiu.i
m week days.
Laive Bonourr for VllllatrnDort. Elmlra.
Jtuandal'joa, llochoter, Untlaloand.Nlaeara
"all" 5.l(lam dally, and 1.35 vm woakHayn.
Cor Elmlra, 6.80 p m-week days.
or icne ana tniermeniaie poinu, o.iu a in:!
tally. Knr Look 'llavea, 6.10. and 9.56 a m.
tallr. 1 35 and 5.1F r. m. week- Uavs. For
tlsnova 6.10 a. m 1(33 and 6,39 pm weok days
l 111. UnKna' '
wui uiguuw,,,
tti.13. a. t'UliU. J.K. W1JUJJ,
loa.tMan'i' 4ent Pane. ict
Will Vnttli.tfi. Vlfillicl'lUlmUif tlm
trewing caso of Acuta or Clironlc Iiheu.
man Bin or uout. jir fincuj ouserruig
the direct lone, H will cure you pernun
Unllltt tha nneacrout rreptraUont thai flood
if oouutrr. ttill DindieiD la a Deelfla fat th
Ttrluud forms of rbtuniRtlim 'only ind nit ta
iu; tantt a "curt nil " One bottle Till mtka
a 4tIifaourT luiArantlAD on thss.ititn J nA
In eontieotloD with the 1IU, coarioe tb RutTerer thi
quilted to teat iht merit of
M Iti Tft!Akbfe proper tlif4 'emlAatd tf honflrtfl of tk
uniy iHBrvaieuiB, rrramriaoic ipr ineir cotiut
I-iwari, r vied In tho numftctut of KBOUT'S
$1.00 Tcr Bsltla. 6 Bcttles, $5.00.' mij,!iCti.'Bct.
jryfBMrjepr - t- kp U. .aBd tb
laumftularcr, tod you reoelreiiliT mall.
3037 MurUet btrect, rMluU'a, Tu.
Will Issue a new series of stock commencing?
I Ul.., C,' Ko.k iA no
VI CUIICdUaj Ulb IIIUlV.ll IV, y
From five to eight o'clock P. M., at the ofllce of
'J. R, Coylc-Hsq.., In Ucddall's building. ;
Persons .desiring to subscribe for tho stock
should call carlyvus tho uumbor of shares to bo
Issued uro limited.
Jog. P. KKArp, Sec'y. 3-3-td
Saving J.mi Stock
Tho Citizens' Ilulldlnit and Loan Association
of Shenandoah, Pa., will istuo a now-series o(
stock, commonclpg
Tuesday, (fed
on which day tho subscription books will be
open from 2 tp 5 o'clock p. m., at tho ofllce of tho
Secretary, No. 127 North MalnBtreet.
J--Sw Beeretary.
Ferpon ! House ! Restaurant!
(Unflej- management of liDOch Lockett)
Cor. niuln autl Centre StrcctH,
llet beer, porter acd ales oh? ays on tap. CI
" i;ars Qf the flueet brands.
Hints" I'ltm?" "t - '-