The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, March 09, 1892, Image 1

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The Evening Herald
All th.e Latest jJctfa j
The Evening Herald
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VOL. V1I.--NO. 59.
The Evening Herald.
Has a larger circulation In Shenandoah than
any other paror published. Clrcu-
latlon books open to all,
What are Juries paid for? Certainly
not to disagree.
The early spring crop of 'betrayed
husbands" who "uvengo their honor"
by killing "the dtspoller of their
families" is very largo.
i The calte walk is epidemic all over
the country, but it will be observed
that It never strikes twice in the same
place. There are no encores.
Recent Incidents in Japan and
France will doubtless convince foreign
ers that the American husband Is
The limited circulation in this
town of the Republican was increased
last evonlng by u free distribution
containing Archibald Belschazzar
Lamb's vindication that doesn't
If Sullivan, Slaven, Mitchell, Cor
bett and others ol their kidney would
kindly consent to withdraw to some
sequestered spot and settle the bust
ness with dynamite bombs they will
rank as public benefactors.
Three hundred thousand German
Hussians are said to be coming to the
United States. They are represented
as being excellent people, sober, honest
and industrious, but ignorant of the
world, and especially of Americau
institutions. We have room for them,
but unless they have some idea of
what a Republican government means
they bad better be kept out of the
country. Such increments to our
populatiou are desirable only when
they include the Intelligence which
thoughtful American citizens havo
come to the conclusion should be
possessed by all who nsplre to citizen
ship in the United States. A Judge
somewhere recently announced that
Floor Oil Cloth: others for
80, 33 and 40 cts. and upwards.
ine prouiesi line 01 uii ujotns
and Carpots In Shenandoah.
C. D. Fricke's Carpet Store,
10 S. Jardiu St., Shenandoah.
ustot now cheap
Our Platform Good Goods. lrlccs as Low as Good Qual
ity and Honest Weight nml measure will Warrant.
In tho lino of Good Goods we offer you:
Fancy Creamery Butter The finest quality and always fresh.
Pure Kcttlc.Rcndcrcd Country X,nrd.
Cider Vinegar Pure old apple juice soured by age.
Flue Table Syrup All pure sugar
UUIU I up,
New Orleans Xtnlclug Molasses Straight open-kettle goods, not
inlxed-flnest quality In the market.
Cleaned Currants Ready for use free from dirt and stems.
California Evaporated Pcacbcs and Apricots Very fine
California Evaporated Silver Prunes-Large and Bright.
Macaroni Imported, French.
California Canned Fruit Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Cherries, Plums
Old Government Java and IUo CofTees Fresh Roasted.
Sugar Cured Hams Skin and fat removed.
Chipped Smoked Ilecf We buy nothlng'but selected pieces.
Chipped Summer Sausage The first of the season.
Bloater and No. x Maclccrcl Large, white and fat.
Old Style Bor Soop-Absolutely pure. We warrant it better and cheaper
than auy wrapped soap in the market.
Luncheon Beef It is not Corned Beef nor Roast Beef, but better than
either, A can opener with each can.
Chow-Chow und Plclclcs-Croaso & Blackweil's Imported.
"No Brand" Corn Northern grown, fanoy sugar corn. No finer goods
put in cans at auy price.
Whole Tomatoes-Extra quality.
"Northwestern Baisy" Flour-Made of Minnesota wheat. Bakes
well and makes white bread
Minnesota Patent Flour-Equal to auy brand in the market.
Fishing Crcclc Buckwheat Flour New process, very good.
he would grunt naturalization papers
to no man who had not read the
Constitution of the United States, and
his determination met general ap
provul ; but of what avail would such
reading be to the masses of Ignorant
foreigners who are now flat-king to
our shore? The subject of lmmlgra
tion thould engage more of the atten
tion of Congress than that body has
hitherto bestowed upon it.
We would suggest to the Great
Dictator when he again desires vindi
cation that he take advantage of the
largo circulation of the Herald, He
will not then be compelled to report to
free distribution with marked copies,
because the Heraid is read by all the
If "A Citizen" had included in the
Pottsville Handbill last night the
transactions at all the caucuses the
past few weeks he would' have made
his letter au exceedingly Interesting
one. The declaration alleged to have
been made last Sjnday evening by
one of the present policemen would
have made it spicy,
Prosperity to the farmer means
similar conditions to all who labor;
but prosperity must first come from
the farm, and through the farm to the
factory. The farm stands at the
threshold of production, and if the
farmers' labor go unrewarded success
can not come to those who base their
hopes upon what he produces. The
vast interest represented iu manufuc
turlng, transportation, mining, and
the minor Industries must look to
agriculture as ' a basis for all calcula
tions for the future. It then follows
that tho home market is the market
worth considering; and the political
party which aims to impair its con
suming power should be denounced as
a common enemy, publicly arrayed
againBt prosperity. All perishable
products must Ami a market near
home to be valuable. It la far easier to
bring the factory with its employes to
the vicinity of tho farm than it is to
transport the perishable product to the
great centres of trade. Thelnoreaseof
farm property within a radius of ten
or twenty miles of a large factory can
be used to demonstrate this truth.
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb't
goods, not mixed with glucoso or
If Thoy Are Kopt tho Anthracite
Ooal Region Will Havo a
Brilliant Futuro Hints for
been Issued announc
ing tho annual con
vention of tho Young
Men's Christian As
sociation, tho Heading
district, at Mahanoy
City on tho 18th, 19th
and 20th insts. Tho
sessions will bo hold
in tho English Lutheran, Preabytorian,
Methodist Ep'scopal, rrimitivo Methodist
and St. Paul's Reformed churches, al
ternately, xno x . M. u. A. nas baa a
wonderful growth in Pennsylvania.
Twenty branches in tho stale own build'
logs valued at ?1,287,7( ).
Although wo trout season is over a
month distant many of our local fishermen
aro already polishing their rods and laying
in a new stock of tacldo. Tho season opens
on April 15.
Now that tho organization of Council is
over lot the members prepare thomsolvos
for business and show tho poople tho timber
thoy are mado of. Of course it cannot bo
expected that thoy can jump into tho
work and make a showing at once, as tho
chairman must first appoint his committees.
This will bo dono at tho regular raeetlog of
Council on tho 17th met. But moanwhiio
tho Chief Burgess and High Constablo can
do something and tho Councilman and
Supervisor can proparo thomselves for
suggestions whon tho commiltoos aro
named. Tho Borough Treasurer can also
find something to do in the meantime. Ho
can prepare a statement of tho oxact con
dition of the borough as shown by his
books and givo tho members of Council
some Idea of just how tho borough stands
financially. Few, if any, members havo
any idea. Somo of them know that tho
debt of tho borough is heavy, but it is
doubtful if any of them know what it is
and how much the flnanco committeo must
bo prepared to meet during this year. Tbo
stone crusher, fire alarm systom, and hoso
and flro ongino companies, together with
the regular appropriations and incidontal
oxponses, will keep tho financiaUend of
Council figuring pretty well during tho
noxt twelve months and tho sooner propar
ations ate rando to handle them, the'bettor.
Tho borough will need all tho money It
can lay It) hands on this year.
Speaking of the financial condition of the
borough, it would bo well if tho members
of Council who aro talking of reform
would put their preaching into practice by
properly publishing tho annual statement
of tho borough and list of exonerations
from taxes. Those publications in poster
form havo long since boon declared and
demonstrated a farce. Tho only way to
get those statements properly in tbo hands
ol tho people Is put them in tho news
papers, Tho publication of tho exonera
tion list alone would bring soveral hun
dred dollars into tho borough treasury.
Tho Hkuald is not making a bid for the
printing. That would bo a waste of time.
Tho suggestion is a sincere one.
If Tresldont McLeod carries out his
published intentions, which wo beliovo aro
accurately recorded, tho coal trado will
boom as it never boomed boforo attor the
investigation of tho "deal" is ended, and
that tho deal will be sustained seems to be
a forogono conclusion in this section of tho
region. The cutting down of unnecessary
expenses, disposing of expensive and
speculating middle men, the handling of
tho markets direct, or as nearly as prac
ticable, will be a boon to the Heading
systom and undoubtedly revert to tho
benefit of the miners and others who bare
so long suffered through its crippled con
dition. Ihero is every reason to believe
that if the Reading can got upon its feet it
will give better satisfaction to its employes.
This is what Mr. McLeod promises and
the only thing tho employes can do is to
have pationco and liopo for the fulfillment
of his promifoi, It Is hoped that when
tbo timo dors arrlvol Mr. MeLeod's firs',
act will bo to knock tho sliding scalo in tho
Tho Philadelphia and Heading Company
is a gigantic corporation under tbo new ar
rangement and Its oxponses will run high,
but by coonomioal management of a com
bined staff of tho beet railroad and ooal
men In tho country it should bo mado a
paying concern.
There is a bright futuro for tho anthra
cite region, Tho Heading Company can
not afford to kill tho goose that lays tho
golden egg, and that it will do if it crcatos
dissatisfaction amon? tho minors and la
borers, and tho merchants and others do-
pnndont upon thnm, In consolidating tho
workings in tho Lackawanna, Luzerne and
Schuylkill rogions the Heading Company
has consoli m d ttrn miners, and tyrranical
measuies with this immense body, made
up as it is of nationalities from alt parts of
tho globe, would mean a terrible uprising.
J. Al. Kalbach wont to Mahanoy City
this morning.
Mrs, Dr. Stein spent to-day in Pottsvillo
visiting friends.
Lnvronco Cullen Is doing jiiry duty this
week atI'ottsvillo.
E lward Mason spent to day visiting
friends at Mahanoy City.
William Powell, of West Oherryj'lstreot,
was a visitor to tho county seat yesterday.
Jacob dhantz, representing tho Hamburg
hat manufacturers, was in town yesterday.
'Squiro Monagban transacted bufines
with the Poor Directum at Schuylkill
Haven to-day.
Ex-Policatnon Amour and Conners were
in attendance at court to day on casos in
which they became interested whilo on tho
Dr. H. R. Bricker, of Mahanoy City,
spent a few minutes in town to-day whilo
en route for Pottsville to attend court as a
Hichard Knight leaves this evoning on
tho Pennsylvania, railroad for tbo City of
Moxico, in tho interest of the Santo
Domingo Silver Mining Company, which
is contesting an unjust claim of Shepherd,
who was at one time the loading boss of
the District ol Columbia. Mr. Knight has
tho reputation of boing ono of the be t
mining experts in the country.
Burgess Smith Explaini
Chief Burgess Smuh callod at tho Hxr
ald office this morning and mado a
statement regarding tho form of oath ho
administered to tho Councilmcn and otbeu
at tho organization of Council on Monday
evonlng. He siid that on Monday last the
Borough Solicitor, upon his request, looked
over tbo law to ascertain tho correct form
of oath to be administered ; and that the
Solicitor found that tho Act of Assembly
of 1851 wpi tho only Act applicable to
boroughs and that prescribes tho form of
oath administered by Mr. Smith, verbatim.
Tno oath that has been administered here
tofore, Mr. Smith says, is only administered
to state and county officials. Tho Burgess
also says that tho roview of tho law was
made by tho solicitation and dictation of
no ono other than himself, and ho asked it
because ho wished to havo tho proper form
administered as he was in doubt.
To-night's Porformanco.
Tho sixth engagement ot Aidon Bone
diet's Fabio Homani Company in New
Tork and Brooklyn opened at the Grand
Opera Houso last night to an immense
audionco. Tho play is full of horrors,
which delight tho iovors of tho novel.
Tho stago settings wore boautiful. The
closing scone, a reprosentation of the erup
tion of Mt. Vesuvius, with earthquake
effects, calling forth tremendous applause
Waltor Lawrence as Fabio Romani and
Conte Caesare Olivia, gavo satisfaction
whilo Miss Francos Field in the role of a
hoartlnss beauty namod Nina, was more
than excellent. Charles L. Farwoll made
a great deal of tho insignificant part of
Jlespetli, a ragpicker. Thoro is a scene in
the third act in which Miss Field poses as
the staluo of Pbyrno in an artist's studio.
It was impossible to. compare her charms,
however, with those of Sibyl Johnstone on
account of the unfortunate amount of
drapery which enveloped tho statuo ol
Phymo, making her look more artistic.
although loss exposed. Tho Spanish skirt
dance by Senorita Sz-irina was loudly
applauded. New York UeraUl. At the
thoatro this evening,
An Important Difference.
To make it apparent to thousauds, who
think themselves ill, that they aro not af-
feclod with any disease, but that the sys
tem simply needs cleansing, is to bring
comfort home to tbeir hearts, as a costive
condition is easily cured by using Syrup of
Figs. Manufactured by tho California Fig
Syrup Co.
Fishing Tackle.
A largo lot of the finest fishln? t&ckln.
cheaper and hotter than over, lust rceeivnd..
Come and soo me boforo purchasing else
where ana you will save money at
Max Bkksk's,
Ferguson Houso, 10 W. Centre St.
"Wo feel and know tho importance of
rocommendiug roliablo and fafo remedies
to mankind in goneral. Havo you a
ouupb, thon uso Dr. Cxo's Wild Cherry
and Sonoka.
"Angel ot Night" is what Or. Hull's Cough
vrun has boon termed bv mranti. wiuvu,
worrying and coughing children have been
slumber by using ttita exoellent remedy. Price
only 26 oenw a bottle.
Lane's Family Modlolne
Movos the bowols each day, Most poople
need to uso it.
Waters' "Weiss boer is the best. John A.
Hollly sole agent. 6-5-tf
But at tho Same Time Givo
Notice That They Will Form
Themselves Into a Board
of Revision.
OW tho rato of assess
ment of properties in
town seems to depend
upon who can play the
best cards. The
County O immission
ors have avoided gr
ing into court by
accopting the reports
of our ward assessors, but as thoy havo tho
right to roviso tho assessments under tho
existing laws and raise or lower the valua
tions of properties as fixed by the assessors
it s likely that tho matter may yot go
before tho Judges.
Our assessors did not follow tho inslruc
tions of the Commissioners and assess tho
proporties at thoir full values, but fixed the
rato on tho eamo basis as last year, with the
exception of making additions for im
provemonts on some of the coal lands.
Tho books now 'n the hands of tho
Commissioners are in tho samo condition as
they were when originally submitted by
tho assessors, before tho last meeting of
"When accepting the books the Oommis
sioners gavo notico that thoy would go over
tho books as a board of revision and raiso
and lower tbo properties, as they mny see
fit. Tho oxtent to which thoy will exer
cise this right will deterraino whether or
not tho books will go before tho court.
Assessor Cullen, of thi Fifth ward, says
he notified tho Commissioners not to change
valuations in his book without first giving
him an opportunity to bo hoard.
The action of tho Commissioners wi.h ro
gard to tho Mahanoy City assessments in
dicates that they intond raising all valua
tions as noar as possible to the full figures.
It appears that tho assessor of tho First
ward of Mahanoy City raised tbo assess
ments to tho full value, in accordanco with
tho instructions of the County Commit
sionors. Tho other assessors of tho town dis
regarded tho instructions and subsequently
tbo First ward citizens asked for tho return
of their book for correction. Tho r;quost
was denied, tbo Commissioners stating that
tho books becamo the property of tho
county whon submitted by tho assessor and
that tho assessments of tho ward were
mado in accordanco with their directions.
As tho matter now stands tbo properties in
the First ward are assessod at full valuo
and all others aro fixed at about ono-balf,
It is believed tho lattar will bo raised by
the O)mmissionors to what thoy deem full
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo.
The Best.Salvo in the world for Cuts,
Brulsos, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hbeum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no payment required.
It is guarantood to givo perfect satisfaction,
or monoy refunded. Pnco 25 cents per
box. For sale by 0. U. Hagonbuch.
The Groat Festival.
Tho Lakeside Musical Festival Com.
mittee mot in town last night to make ar
rangements for its second annual opon air
festival at Lakoslde on August 15th, noxt,
Representatives from Mahanoy City,
Mmersvlllo, Ashland and Centralia were
in attendance, A programme calling for
nearly $700 in prizes was adoptod and will
bo publishod in a few days. The cash
prizes run considerably over $500 and
modals and batons for loaders noarly 200
Dosirablo Lodgo Room.
A lodgo desiring a cosy meeting room on
Saturday, or Sunday evenings of eachwook
can bo accoramodatod at Mollot's hall,
which has been recoutly papered, painted
and carpotod, Apply to M. Mullet.
2,000 cloth bound books, worth 60 cents,
for 20 conts each; 6,000 26-cent paper
covered novoii, all new, for 10 conts each,
at Max Jteeee't, west Contro street, Fer
guson Hotel block.
Keagoy is Ahead.
And ho is on tho first floor. Uemember.
no stops to climb with your children, and
his work talks without money.
Little meat for dinner.
Little children (squalid,
Knocks a Free-Trade sinner,
MukoH the Tariff solid.
Thoy woro talking politics at a livery
ftable in a Southora town a drummer
Irom Ohio taking tho lead.
'A man in this country can voto when
he is twenty-one years old," ho said.
"Is dat so boss ?" put in an old colored
man holding tho horse.
''Certainly it is so, uncle. Tho law says
"Den boss, its kindor spishious to mo
b&w it wuks, fer I'to been livin' roun'
heah fer mo'en sixty yeahs, an' I hain't
never got a voto yit. I reckon, boss, you's
wrong 'bout dat an' hit says a Dimicrat
kin voto when he's riz t vonty-one,"
A New Yorker representing a Republi
can newspaper of that town was on a visit
to a doubtful state in tho West and oan day
he pulled up for dinner at a country hotel.
Alter registering ho asked to bj 6bowu to
tho wash room.
"Wo haven't got none," explained tho
frouzzled-headed boy, acting as cork.
"Hvon'tgot a wash room?" was tha
astonishod query,
"No, wa haven't."
"Well, why in thunder haven't you?"
"Causo nobody but Democrats stops at
this tavorn, and wo don't hayo to."
Good Looks,
Good looks are moro than skin deep, do
pending upon a healthy condition of all
tho vital organs. If the Livor bo inactive,
you havo a Bilious Look, if your stomach
bo disordered you have a Dyspeptic look
and if your Kidneys be affected you have
a pinched look. Secure good hoalth and
you will have good looks. Electrio Bittere
is tho great alterative and Tonic acts di
rectly on these vital organs. Cures
Pimples, Blotches, Boils and gives a good
complexion, Sold at O. H, Hagonbuch'a
Drug Store, 60c. per bottle.
Orders for Evening Hekald should be
lejt at Hooks J- Biown's news stand, A'o.
4 North ilain street.
Popular Favorites.
"Good wino noeds no bush," and the his
torical merits of tho popular Barry and
Fay comedy company aro too wel known
to requiro any frosh roputation at our
hands, but it is a pleasure to bo able con
scientiously lo call tho attontion ot tha
play-going publio to the presautation next
Monday evening in Ferguson's theatre, of
that cxdellent comedy, "McKenna's
Flirtation," in whi-h piece Mr. Birry
porsonates the love-sick hero. Sparkling
songs and agilo dancers aro some of the ad
ded attractions of tho play this season,
which will ba presented with entirely now
scenery and an augmented cast. This com
bination is one of tho largost and strongest
on tho road and if you want to enjoy a
good hearty laugh don't fail to bo there.
A Narrow Escape.
A belated drummer bad au exceedingly
narrow escape at tho Lehigh Valley depot
this morning. As tho 8:52 train pulled out
for Shamokin ho mado an awkward at
tempt to board it. Ho caught hold of tho
hand-rail of tho car with bis loft hand and
mado a jump, but fell short ofthostep.
Too train had gainod some headway and as
the drummer half ran and half leaped to
keep up with it and savo himself from go
ing boneath the whoels the peoplo at the
depot looked on in breathless excitemont.
Finally Engineor Jero. Kyan took in the
situation and roversod bis engine. The
drummer got on first and his hat followed
him. It was an uncertainty for about fifty
yards and tho drummer was lucky.
To Organize a Olub.
Several gentlemen of town have inter
ested thomsolvos in the work of organizing
a bao ball club of local players for tho
season of '02. Tboy aro now in negotia
tion with S. O M. Uollopetor, E-q., at
torney for I. Bobbins, the ownor of tho
trotting park, with a view to leasing the
base ball ground. Whon these negotia
tions aro completed an organization and
team will bo formed and the plans for tho
soason will be mado public.
For Rent.
The store-room and dwelling, No. 13 and
15 North Jardin-stroot, are offered for rent
on reasonable terms. If dosired, tho store
room will bo rented without tho dwelling.
Apply to Evan J, Daviks,
15 N. Jardin street.
The Homo Capitalists.
To say tho electrio street railway Is to
run in Shenandoah shortly is no credit to
its caplulists, for outsido parties found a
hole in thoir pocket and therefore demand
tho credit and tho dividends llazleltn
Plam Speaker.
Fronted feet may be cured In one or two days
by the use ot Salvation Oil, the great paiu do-a-royer.
"Baby Ruth Gavotte."
Tho nowost and most popular out, "Baby
Huth Gavotte," at Bruinm's Jlawolry and
muslo ctoro. 1-5-U