.1 ' i I i! Around the Corner AT- Severn's Grocery, you can purchase your Holiday books'11 the grocery and provision line. Finest canned goods, fruits, catsups. Foreign olieese and other goods. Everything new and frash. "SEVERN'S, Corner OentrelandWliite Sts. I THE BALLOT REFORM LAW. Third Lobboii on the- Now Elootlon Aot. It will bo tho duty of tho County Com missioners to provido in each election district a room largo enough to bo fitted up with voting shelves and a guard rail, if in ary district, no luch room can be ronteu I or othorwlso oblainod, tho commissioners will causo to bo conslruclod ft temporary room of adequate size to bo usod as a vpting room, provided with ho&t, light, and witu a sufficient number of voting shelves or compartments, at or in which voters may convonlontlv mark thoir ballots so that In tho marking thereof they may bo ecrconol from tho observation ot othors, and aguaru rail shall bo so constructed and placod, that only such persons as are insido said rail can approach within six foet of tho ballot tNOT.m nnrl nlntnrl SilvfiV- box. and of such voting shelvos or com- . . r,.i . nartments. Tho arrangement must be ware, . tfold ana Oliver h thal noIther th0 ballot box not tho Watchcsi Diamonds, PrCciOUS voting booths shall be hidden from view of . i t rw? 'hoso Just outd8 tbo guard rail, lho Stones, (JIOCKS, Jjronzes, Upll- nurabor of BUCa votihg shelves or com-, .l nn,ln Roninof Pnrlnr nnrl nartments. shall not bo less than ono for . ' x . . , . every fifty names on tho assessor's list, bu Piano JLamps,umque in aesigu eUaU not 5n 8ny cas0 less than threo for With 75 and 250 Candle, power tho voters qualified to voto at such voting "burners. All gOOdS. Superior Esoh carty '.which has by Us primary in finish and quality with rock meeting, caucus, convention or board, sent , . I .., , , to tho propor offico a cortlficato of nomina- DOUOin prices lUHl, wiuioiaiiu tioni and each group of citizens, which has sent to tho proper office a nominating pa por, shall bo allowod to appoint threo electors to act as watchers at each voting place, without oxpenso to tho county, on of whom shall bo allowed to remain in tho room outsido the enclosed epaco. Each watcher will be provided with certificate from the County Commissioners, or if tho oloction bo held in a township or the saroo, station his name, names of tho persons whi have appointed him, and the party una policy ho represents: and no party or policy shall bo represented by moro than ono watcher in tho same voting room at any onetime. Watchers shall bo required to show their certificates when requested to do so. Until the polls aro closed no person shall bo allowed in the room outsido of said enclosed snaco. except tboso watchors; voters not oxceeding ton at any time, wh aro awa'ting their turn to proparo their, ballots, and peaeo officers, whon necessary, fortbo preservation of tho peace. No per son whon within the voting room shall electioneer or solicit votoa for any party or candidato, nor shall any written or printed matter bo posted up within tho said room (ixcopt as required by law. Buoklen'B Arnica Salvo. Tho Host Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Foyer Lane's Family Modlolno Moves tho bowels each day. Most poople neod to use It. For Jury Duty. Tho following rosidents of town havo been drawn forjury duty at civil court bo- sinning Monday, March 28, and Monday, April 4: ,'John J. Trlco, John McOtall, John Oanfield, Martin Goary and John Cantwell. ' all opposition victoriously. Repair work executed neatly and promptly at Holdermans I I ryr or if tho oloction bo held in a t JeUUelrU dtOret borough, from tho auditors of stating his name, names of tho r The most progressive establishment In the counly. Corner Main and Lloyd Streeis. LOO ALETTES. "Varable weather. Spring fever next. Fishing time eomlnK. Is winter's back hone broken yet? Much more collee Is drank than tea. Spring approaches like the messen ger boy. Cleaning up the yards will soon bo In order. There are such things now as paper quilts. Aa time flics the time for flies ap proaches. There Is beginning to be complaint of bad rpads. The "bell" skirt retains Its popular ity and style. An attractive advertisement In tho Hekald pays. To-day you can tear off the second leaf of your calendar. The first catches of shad are being reported from down the Delaware. Unless we have more cold waves there. will be little frost to come out the ground this spring. The fastidious woman will not wear violet stick pins in her rose bonnet. They must match. There are people who Dray for show ers of blessings who want them to come without any clouds. There Is said to be one lawyer In Heaven. He must be"there aB his own counsel to argue a stay of proceedings. How Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, If you have a Cough, Cold, or any troublo with Throat, Chest or Lunge. Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to jjlvo reliof, or monoy will bo paid back. Sufferers from La Grippe found it Just tho thing and UDder its use had a epoedy aui perfect recovery. Try a sample bottlo at our oxpenso and loam for yourself just how jjood a thing it is. Trial bottles froo at 0. H. Hagenbuch's Drugstore. Largo size 10c. and $1. 2,000 cloth bound books, worth 60 cents, for 20 cents each; 5,000 25-cont paper covered novels, all new, for 10 cents each, at Max Reese's, Wost Centre street, For iruson Hotel block, Buy Key i tone flour. Bo careful that thf name Lkssiq & Co,, Ashland, Fa., if print'd on every sack. 3-3-3taw It Suits tho Pooplo Is what druggists say, because they are Urea of the many hitler cough remedies. l'an-Tlna in thn moat rtleasant tofttlnir medicine. flulckly cures Coughs, Colds, Throat and I.ung disorders, 25 cents. l'au-Tinu Is sold at V. P. V. Kirlln's drug store. Coming Events. Mirch 2. Author's Tea, Primitive Methodist church ball, under the auspices of tho Christian Endeavor of tho rresby- torian church, March 10. Grand ontertainment In Bobbins' opera house under the auipices of TJ. S. Grant Lodge No. 38, A. P. A. March 17. Welsh Congrogational church toa party In P. M. hall. April 21 Marigold Toa, Bobbins' nail ; under tho auspices of Lydia Degroo Lodge, Ho. 112, 1. O. O. F. Best work done at Bronnan'i steam laundry. Everything white and spotless. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. XjOOIEC OTJT I I am on my way to JAS. S. THOMAS' Canned Goods and Jellies I which be U selling very cheap. Flour anxL Provisions T 118 W. COAL STREET. AMUSEMENTS. juutauaois'H tiieatkb, r. j raituuBon, manages. MONDAY, MARCH 7th, 1892. PECK & FUltSMAiN'S New and elaborate production of tho great mciQurauia, ua now Daniel Boone Presented with a strong company, special scenery, bcautirul trnincu norses, runny como rilnrm. Errnnd nrchnstrn. ccnulne Shawnee In' dinns, and announced by the Duniol lloono chnl' lento brass band, the itnost on the road. l'osmvciy evcrytning necessary ior mis pro- auction transportca m i'cck a rursmans epc ciai tiainco cars. biroei parauo ai noon, uranu Dana concert L 7 tv m. Prices. 25. 60 and TS cents. Scats on sale at Kirlln's drug store. A GRAND OPPORTUNITY GIGANTIC SALE BOOTSSSHOES -AT XXtb Jfa This Is a bona flde sale. Must be Closed Out by April 1st. 99 Pure. THE BEST fOR EVERY PURPOSE. 1'. J. FEItauEOK. M AN AUEIl. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, '92. AZDEN BENEDICT'S Spectacular drama, i "Fabio Romani I" WANTS, &c. I 71 Oil SALE. A slnglo wagon and sleigh, at a ! reasonable price. Apply to Mrs. Jane Parry, corner Lino and llowcrs streets. S-18-4W. TTTAWTPn A cHrl fnr cencrai VV Good waces paid. Call at 109 South Jor- din street, Shenandoah, Pa. housuwork. Jar- i-58.tr Thrilling and Interesting earthquake effect, an eruption 01 xui. Vesuvius, luuminuuon of tho Day ol Naples, forming a most magnificent spec tacular tableau. Prices, 75, 50 and 25 Cente. Scats on sale at Kirlln's drug store. WANTED. At, once, 15 or 20 pood girls to wnrk at ttobb ns and HousenlcU's hat and can factory. Norm uowcrs street. --.i. ANTED. A good servant girl. Fair wages ala. Apply at uouue a uiuiuiub ui nuw ana iui souiu iuuiu dlicvi, ITT. VV paid store, doah. gallery. ue Shcnan- S-2-2t building Iinrne- AVTP.Tl Tn lr!LRn sr. Annlv at lloshon's Gallery, 29 Wost lentrti Rtreet. Shenandoah. Pa.; or, 142 North Klshth street. Lebanon. Pa. 2-24-12t Shenandoah Business College -rrwinv. TTio nnniml mpetine? of tho Citi- JN zens' Building and Loan Association of Shenandoah, Pa., will be held on TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 1892, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., at the nfflra nf the comnany. for the election of Tii-Minr. Hw nrdnr nf the President. C. AV. DENOLER, Secretary. SiiENANDOAn, Pa., i' en. , ibi. OAAORE FARM FOR SALTS. A O J splondld farm in tho Catawissa Valley, about eight miles from Shenandoah. Fifteen acres in high state of cultivation; now house and other improvements; water from a never falling well. A first-class place for a man who wants to give up work In the mines, pr other man ot small means. A good offer to the 1 right Sartv. Address, ISAAC DAVIS, Zions Grove, a., or to this office. A Largre Attendance Dally. , Room for a 'Few More. Take advantage of the present chance to secure a , .. . . GOOD BUSINESS EDUCATION! --rn. nw STflfiKHOLDERS MEETING. J The annual meeting of tho stockholders of tho Citizens' Electric Light Company, of Shenanaoan, win do item u mo umiio u. ...o Soros. Tettor. Chapped Hands. Chilblains I company, Nd. 21 North Jardtn street, on AprU nH ll fikin Kmntions. and noai - ". oWcon itho hours or J ana 1 p. tively cures Piles, or no payment required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monoy rcfundod. I'rico 25 cents per box. For salo by O. II. HaRonbuch. For terms, &c, call at the College or address, W. J. SOLLY, Shenandoah, Pa. for tho'nurposoof electing eleven (U) directors for ensuine year, and for tho purpose 01 ncaring and receiving tho auditors' report, 2-29-law-4w JoHNCitunLElt, Scc'y. ELECTRIC CAES Specialties! THE ONLY ONE. Are You Going "West This Sprlnp; ? Tho Chicago, Milwaukoo & St. Paul Railway is "the only ono" running solid vostibulod oloelrio llghtod and stoam heated trains between Chicago, Council Bluffs, Omaha. Milwaukee, La Crosse, "Winona, St. Paul and Minneapolis, making direct connection at Council Bluffs and Omaha with all linos for all points in Nebraska, "Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Oregan, "Washington. Nevada and California; at St. Paul, with all linos for all points in tho Northwest and Pugot Sound. It now operates over six thousand miles of thoroughly equipped road, in Illinois, Wisconsin, Northern Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri. Iowa. South and North Dakota, Through sleeping cars botween Chicago and Portland, Ore., over Northern Pacific railroad via Jamostown, Butte, Spokano Falls, Tacoma and Seattle. If you aro I going West to locato or visit, you will save money by writing to Jobn R. Pott, District Passeneor Airent. Williamsport, Pa., for rates of fare, maps, time tablos and full information furnished free. All coupon tickot agents in tho United Statos and Canada have tickots over tho Chicago, Milwaukoe & Bt. Paul Railway. Ask for thorn. Of a Travelor. A story is told of a travoler, who was atlraclod to a hut by tho sound of a violin. Pushing open tho door ho found a son of firin vigorously sawing away at tho in strumont. After an hospitable greoting the traveler askod, "Do you play by note, or bv ear?" "Naythor. ur, I play bo main etrongth I" replied tho musician. This was practico without theory. Thcro aro colliery pfflcials who have very little knowledge of tho theory of mining and of tho sciences connected with It. "When they meet now adverse conditions thov aro at a loss for means to overcome them. "What thoy nood is theological knowledge. Theory is tho experience of practical men written out. If a mine boss has a certificate ho should also have the theoretical knowledge to bick it up. lie can learn all ho needs in easy lessons without losing an hour's time from work, at a small expense by a course In The Colliery Engineor School of Minos. Bv taking tho course, ho will secure tho oducation ho was deprived of In his youth, Any man who can road and write can take the courso. Send for froo pamphlet giving full information to Tho Colliery Knglnoer Co., Scranton, Pa. A Clergyman's Opinion. Having had an op- AvMt.inff artnrn tn tha electric cars of tho I MnhiTiAirritv. ihpnatidoah.GirardvilloandAsh-1 lana liieciricitaiiwuy ior uaic. jifi.ij uj or person to p FINNEY, Treasurer. 2-g-tf Shenandoah, Pa. PROPOSALS WANTED Pronosals will ho received by the undersigned .ii n. r.i Mnnn.iv. MARCH 7. 1892. for 200 tons of Chestnut Coal, delivered on Alms house siding of the Lenign, rennsyivamu ur Reading rauroaa. mAv J, UWtUUl) JOHN 11ERGAN, ltOHERT E11LING. 2-25-3t Hoard of I'oor Directors. The best Chimney Top yet discovered. Tne wina cannot diow uowuj Do ou want tho best range money can 1 purcnaso tne -ctiuvi .Y." vou buy? Then BUOADWA- Tin Roofing and Spouting dono on tho shortest notice. All kinds of STOVE REPAIRS. Tho stock Is new and Includes Boots and Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers And all kinds of footwear for Men, Women, Youths, Misses and Children. No reasonable otter refused. ELMER WASLEY, No. 30 North Main Street, r o mUn Kiix saELa naaa smaBrniraB sraMaa Bt&nssssP tm OUT- j9lXiX C3rtI53i:S5. REDUCED: PRICES 1 TnUSSEL8 from 50o up. Table and. Floor Oil Cloths and iiuoleums from 25o up. Window Shades, Rui, , . . Matls, Curtain Poles, etc., at low prlces.'Sfv '' The best line of Lace Curtains ever shown In town from $1.00 a pair up. J J PRTfF'S OLD RELIABLE, U . U . X JL VIVjJ-) j , NORTH MAIN STREET. A portion of your patronage solicited, No. 831 S, Jardin St., Shenandoah. We have a nlco line of T. A. 1). Badges nt a very low llguro. Great Bargains . A Tale Scanan's Hat Si ore I Scanlan Is closing out his entire stock of win ter goods at S3 per cent, lower than any other store in town. Great slaughter in neckwear, Good Four-ln-hand Ties for 25o, previously sold at 60a A largo lino of Tecks for 15 nnd 25 cents. Good whlto Shirts for tho low sum of 50 nnd 75 cents, regular prlco tl. A large drive In bocks at 25c, were 40c, G rcatest bargain of all is his Underclothing, 50c a Piece. Finest line of Suspenders nt 25 cents per pair. Anybody wanting Fur Cops can get one for the sum of 50c Ho is closing out this lino of gooas In order to make room for an ox tensive stock ot Spring Hats and Caps. Some bargains at tl. Good Hats and One Shirts at 25o a piece. He Is still selling the host made Overalls In town for tho low prlco of CO cents per pair. Coats to match. 19 tioutn main oncnanuunB. FLOWERS ! I3JO" WAX. FOR WEDDINGS, FUNERALS, &c. SUPERIOR WORK. Roso and Lily Houaucts, Designs ot Wreaths, stars, ureases, Ancnors, o. Oraers recciveu at wasiey s urug otore, etu, 100 North Main Street, Shenandoah. Miss Gussio Geiger, MAHANOY CITY, PA. 2-15-lm X Music Cabinets,RatianPlush Rockers PARLOR SUITS, LOUNGES, -BEDSTEADS, ' OFFICE DESK,' $30,00 and upward. - 4.50 and upvrard. 2,011 iui upward. - la.GQ and upwards - CHAMBER SUITS, - $Z0.u8 and apirard EXTENSION TABLES, - 4.00 and upward FINE LINE LADIES' DESKS, U andnpiaii EASELS, All Styles. - - ISO and upward a- , Lester ..Hurdmnn PICTURES A Large Lot Jmt Opened for the Rolldaj Trade, $1,00 and opw'ard PICTURES, Wilcox &. White Organs, iluSEiElPIANOSi WHITE SEWING MACHINES. Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machlnts sold cheap for f nh or renti d hy the month .WILLMS&SQN, 13 South Main Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. Good Horses I Nice Buggies I . Fine Double Carriages I Iu charfjoof good, careful, rosponBiblo driv ers to hire at all limes and at roasonablo ratoa at EVAN J. D AVIES' LIVERY AND PEED STABLE, 12 and 14 iVortA Pear Alley, Hear of Luberg's hardware rtore. Hortci taken to Jlvard. Cnrelul attention given to Feeding Horses. All kinds ol H AUGlNU at tended To promptly-charcea moderate. UNDERTAKING Faithfully and promptly attended to. SI LESSONS bt CORRESPONDENCE IN THE COMPLETE THEORY OF COALMINING INOLUDINQ SRIIBMEtlC, ilCEBRliC S1GKS, MINE VEKTlLflTlQS, MICOINICS, OH STUDENTS QUALIFIED TO PASS STATE EXAMINATIONS. THE PUPILS STUDY AT HOME. LOSB NO TIME FROM WORK, INO TEXT-BOOKS NEEDED Restaurant Cor. Main and Coal BU.. Hbenanaoau, ra. Htw 'Jar meals at popular ' prloeB served at ail times. Ladles' dining and re. rreshmenl rooms attach ed, liar stocked with the finest brands ol cigars and fancy drinks. Leading Restaurant in Town. Saving Fund Stock The Citizens' Building nnd Loan Association I of Shenandoah, Pa., will Issue a new aeries of Stock, commencing TUESDAY, MAKCII 22, 1802, Ion which day. tho subscription books will bo open from 3 to 5 o'clock p, m., at the office of tho Secretary, No. 127 North Main street. O. W. DENG LEU, 2-25-2W Secretary. TUITION ICHARCES WITHIN THE MEANS OF ALU For Rtmphlel containing full information, address, THE COLLIERY ENGINEER SCHOOL OF MINES, Scranton, Pa. 3- Sample copies of " The Colliery Unqineer," (by reading which hundreds of miners have qualifttd thrmttlvei to become Super, tntcndtntt ami Foremen), and catalogue of Mining Books sent free oo application. nnrtunitv in iHMt the excttiieni auanues oi ur. lluir Coueb Ssrun. I henltnte not to soy, It is I the best remedy 1 have ever usou in my lamuy. LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS Ferguson i House i Restaurant! have ever usod In my family Her. Win. Chapman, I'astor M. E, ueorgelown, u. u. '. " ; , , Dealer In all kinds of Tn-jc Rncolvor a Notloo. I Notice is hereby KWen that on and after Shoemakers' Supplies ! March 1. 1892. Uvo t&) per cent, will be (Under management of Enoch Lockett) Cor. Alain una Centre Streets, KIUBT-CLABH LUNCH COUNTBlt. Ilest beer, porter nnd nli-H always on lap. Ol. ifara ui mti uutvt uriuiun. addod to all taxei remaining unpaid i'ortho soar 1891, By order of the County Commlesionorj, all taxes must be paid Juno 1, 1802. . John P. HiaaiNii, 2-21-6t Keceiver of Taxes. Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Suppiea 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHEMND0AH, PA, No, 110 North Mnlii Street, S-ltOOMED HOUSE AND STORE ROOM, Apply at 2-ll-2w 'Squlro BIiotmaker'BOfllcs. JIPR0VE0 eFIT-UVIP. NEW DRUG STORE. Shapiras Pharmacy. 107 South Mnlu Street, NEXT DOOR TO HOST OFFICE. PreBcrljitlons carefully compounded by registered pliannaeiBtB. TO PROTECT YOUR LUNGS Piooure one of our Chest Piotectore. Big Cut in Prices. A Cheerful Homoj "Well. Mary, how cheerful yi always hae such a cheerful III our home Is. Vou re.' vm. 'tis true: wa always haven apou nru since we get our coal from Tperbe Oo.yioun taln Colliery. Ilefore we alway had I sueh a tlmo getting a Ore In the morning. That made us all cross and crabbed: but now everything Is Ana, oeaiueii, w viiwijci. Invplv. Shoemaker taken orders, and delivering. doea the uollectlng CBAoCyAROWSKY'S, 23 H'Mt OMifro Street, DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS I The following prices are out of reach ol any competitor In town: llcst Underwear, 26oi piece, blockings, fine quality, 3 pair ruriffia. Table Oilcloth, all styles. Towc'lug, 5oper yard. jlandkerchlef.Ufor25c. Linen Table cloths, by the pair, GOcaplece. Mice line of Ucd4pieads, and a full line of Gcnlh' Ftu nlHtilii; Goods. Hasremoved to Bill Jones' old stana 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where he will be rlcae1 to meet the want of bis friends and thepulillolu Everything in tho Drinking Lino.