The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 23, 1892, Image 1

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    (f 4 i
III the Latest tfettfs I
The Evening Herald
The Evening Herald
VOL. V1I.--NO. 46.
The Evening Herald.
Has ft larger circulation In Bhenundoah than
any other paper published. Olrcu.
latlon bookB open to all.
The announcement of the early
death of the Louisiana lottery la an
other tribute to the good work of the
Fifty-first Congresa Which gave the
gambling octopus Its death blow by
shutting its matter out of the malls.
Judoe Gordon, of Philadelphia, In
charging a jury In a case of alleged
i-aIhb nrrpst nnd lmwlBonment, took
occasion to remark: "The right to ar
rest a citizen by any policeman with
out a warrant is one which It is well
to define both for the benefit of police
officers and the Commonwealth. A
policeman has the right to arrest for
an offence committed In his presence
without a warrant, but he haa no right
to arrest any citizen without a warrant
for finv offence which he did not see
During eleven months In 1800 we
have imported $2,809,550 worth of cut
lery; during the corresponding period
in 1891 we imported only $918,707
worth. The difference measures the
Increased opportunities for employ,
ment to American cutlery makers.
Perhaps It la true, as the English used
to say, that "American cutlery won't
cut." but It seems that the edges of
American knives, under the McKln
ley bill, have been keen enough to cut
pretty deeply Into the profits of the
Sheffield manufacturers. No wonder
the "reformer" Is unhappy.
' ' r-ar
The power of locomotives that are
being constructed nowadays with pro
portionate increase of speed Is certain
ly wonderful and shows that the poa
slblllties of Bteam like those of elec
tricity aro but being developed. Ono
of the new compound locomotives of
the Baldwin Locomotive Works Sun
day morning hauled the New York
and Chicago Limited on Pennsyl
vania Railroad up the west slope of
the Allegheny mountain unassisted.
No single engine has before been equal
to the task. The engine gained 10
minutes In the run between Pittsburg
and Altoona.
Roshon's photograph gallory open every
Sunday. 2-12-tt
We ore Receiving Almost Dolly NEW CARPETS In Mo
qtiettc, Vclct, Body nncl Tnpestry Mriisnel9.
A SjHrtal Hargain in LIB OLEUM, two yards wide, at
98 emits jwr yard.
JTLOOM OIL CLOIII, 2 yards wide New Styles, Ex
tra Quality 50 cents a yard.
BAG CABPJEISGood and Cheap.
SMJ'IiNA and MOQVJE1TE BVGS, at Reduced JPrices
We ntlcl tliin tvcc1c to our stoclt ot
Snow FIrIcc Soda Klscult Unlit nnd ncllcntc.
Fancy Evaporated California l'cnclica very flue.
L,uiicIicoii llL'cf-2 cmiH tor 35 ccutM.
Pitted Cherries a pounds lor 25 cents.
Golden Puuipltlu lor Pics 4 cans for 25 cents.
Auotltcr lot Flue Large Floiidn Oranges, 25 cents u cloz.
In our regular line ot
jnsro-y groceries
We Invite your attention to our
Fancy Creamery Butter, always lresli,
Cliipped Beet and Summer Sausage,
Sugar Cured Slciuucd Ilamti,
Xnrgc Bloater and No, x Mucltcrcl,
Smoked Herring anil Scotch Bloaters,
California Silver Prunes, Pure Country Lard,
Cleaned Currents, Ready for Use,
'No Brand" Corn, No finer goods in tho market, 2 enns for 25 cquIb.
Crosse & Black well's Imported Cltow Chow,
Cux'h iulntinu unci !pps cocon.
twenty Tons Dine Mlililllu,
Ten Touts JMire CiiopM,
Thirty Touh Choice Timothy liny,
TciiToiih liulecl itenncl Whcnt Htrnw, .
Three ThoiiHiiuiI HimiielH White OnlH,
One ThoiiHituct IliiHholH Yellow Corn,
Tho Coal Tru3t and Its VlotlmB.
Aro the people of the State of Penn
sylvania In earnest In supporting the
great coal trust becatiBo they thinK
that the people of New York will be
the chief suderers?
It is true that nearly all the people
of New York will sutler from this con
spiracy to raise the price of fuel. It is
true that the beneficiary of the con
spiracy will be the great Pennsylvania
corporation that has monopolized the
coal properties of the state. But It is
nlfni trim that the coal consumers ot
Pennsylvania will suflor from the
tyranny of ihe trust.
It la the Pennsylvania idea.however,
that capitalists and corporations,
especially of that state, are of the first
Importance, and that consumers are
persons who ought willingly and
cheerfully to contribute to tho enrich
ment of the special favorites of
eleemosynary laws. From the most
conspicuous to the humblest citizen a,
creat malorlty of Pennsylvania assume
this attitude. Butwhen they say that
New York will sulfer and Pennsyl
vania will prosper, they forget that
New York In this instance stands for
all consumers of coal wherever they
I may dwell.
There are some people In Pennsyl
vania who have made manly and suc
cessful fiehts against similar con
spiracles. Fortunately one of these is
Governor and another la Attorney'
General of the State. Governor Patti
son once took the Initiative for the
people, and it is to be hoped that he
will not falter now. The idea that
the state cannot Interfere for the right
lug of a private wrong doea not apply
In this case. This combination ia an
assault upon the people, and the duty
of the Governor Is to protect both the
neonlo of his own state and those of
other states who are assailed by law
less conspiracies existing In Pennsyl
As the York, Pa., Gazette sayB
"There are some things about which a
conscientious magistrate has uo per
sonal choice." The enforcing of
obedience to the Constitution of the
state is one of them. JV. Y. World
editorial, February 18th, 1892.
Always keep tho bottlo handy,
Do not place It out of night,
For It cured our Uttlo Andy,
Who was coughinir day and night.
Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup.
Grant Band Fair.
Tho Grant Band fair continues to bo the
popular resort. Splendid programme for
the balanco of tbo week new each ovon
Ing. Worklngmen I Look to your Interests and
save dootor'a hllU by using Dr. Bull's Cough
Keagoy Is Ahead.
And ho is on tho first floor. Remember,
no steps to climb with your children, and
bis work talks without money.
Excursions to Mt. Oarmol and
Shamokln School Board Mem
bers PaBs tho Day With a
Building Inspootor.
The town was well filled with strangers
yesterday who camo to spond Washing
ton's Birthday with friends hero and wit-
npss tho colouration of tho day by parade,
otc. Tbo observance of tbo day was not as
general as in" past years. Thtro was a lack
of enthusiasm in manv resDocts. Tho
parado was comparatively small, tho so-
ciotics being limited and their ranks some
what curtailed, yet tbo parado was- a credit
able one. Tho day was a glorious ono, but
the streets wore very muddy and tho pa
triotio spirit in many breasts took flight at
the thouKht of a tramp through tho slush
Many of those in lino woro low rubber
over shoes and along tho whole routo of tho
parado rubbors wero left in tho mud. Small
boys who delight to figure among those in
line behind a brass band kept track of tho
rubbers and picked them up as thoy went
along, returning them to the ownora. For
this service tbey considered permission to
march near the line'of procession sufficient
There was considerable dolay in getting
the line moving. Tbo time announced for
tho start was 9:30, but it was near 11 o'clock
before tho marching order was given
The lino moved up Main street from
Cherry, and turned east into Oak street in
tho following order:
Henry Bicklemnn, B. G. Bess,
GranttCornet Band.
Washington Camp, No. 112, P. O.S. of A.
" " " 183.
Shejyindoah Cotnmandery, No. 14, S. of A
Drum Corps.
Major Jennings Council, No. 367, Jr. O.
U. A. M.
Co. A, Jr. O. U. A. M. Guards.
Tho line passed through Oak. nhorrr.
White, Contro, Emerick, Coal, Chestnut,
Jardin and Main streets, taking in the
principal sections of tho streets, all of
which wore th ronired with flnan.tntnra
Many of the residences all along the line
wero elaboratoly docoratod with fhgs and
Tho organizations in line prosenlod a flno
appearance. This was especially true with
respect to tne Jr. O. U. A. M. Guards
This organization appeared In now iinl
forms, which were displayed to excellent
advantago. The company drilled along
tho routo and provoked hearty applause.
The uniform consists of licht bluo troimnpa
dark bluo coat and vests, with regulation
military trimmings, dark blue peakodcaps.
trimmed with red, white and bluo braid
and brass buttons and shield. It Is very
After the parado overything seemed to
settle down and the town had a very
quiet aspect for tbo balanco of thn rinr
The number of peoplo who went cut of
town more than counterbalanced thoso who
visited it. Nearly a hundred wont to
Shamokin to attend llm mnsll
tlon at tho eisteddfod, and in the afternoon
the Jr. O. U. A. M. Guards, with a largo
number of friends, joined tho Mahanoy
City Guards of tho samo order in an ex
cursion to Mt. Carmnt, whero a grant
Jr. O. U, A. M, demonstration was heJd
Later in tho afternoon a number of thi
Columbia 11. is S. P. E. Co. mombors
drove to Gilborton to witnoss tho tosting of
tho Clapp & Jones flro engine recontly
purchased by tho fire company ot that
Tho Ladles,
The pleasant eUect and porfost safety
with which ladles may use tbo Calilornla
liquid laxstivo Syrup of Figs, under all
conditions, inatss it their favorito remedy,
To get the true and gonulne articlo, look
for tho name of the California Fig Syrup
Co., printed near the bottom of tho pack
Tho best and finest photograph gallery in
town is Roshon's. Opsu every day in tho
year. 2-12 tf
S. of A. Convention.
The sepond annual convonlion of the
Cotnmandery General of tho Patriotic
Order Sons of America convened at
Mahanoy City yesterday with 20 com
manderiee represented. Tho next convon
tlon will bo hold In Alleulown.
"Baby Buth Gavotto."
The newest and most popular out, "Baby
Ruth Gavotto," at Brumni's jewelry and
musio store, 1-5-tf
0. 1 doubt whether there is any
Cough medicine equal to Dr. Coxo'a Wild
Cherry and Seneka. Price 25 and 60 cents
per bottlo.
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's
Tho Whlto Stroot School Building
to be Abandoned.
It is now determined that tho "Whlto
stroot school building will not bo occupied
again for some time, probably not until the
opening of the 1892-03 school term, and
Superintendent Frooman has appealed to
tbo directors for permission to rent quarters
for the accommodation of tho pupils who
aro crowded out by the vacancy of the
Yesterday afternoon Mr. Howard
Murphy, of Philadelphia, a momber ol
tho State Board of Health, and who is an
expert civil engineer, arrived in town in
response to an invitation from tho School
Board. Arrangements were at once made
by which Mr. Murphy was engaged to
make a thorough inspection of tho Whito
street school building, ascertain tho cause
of its present condition, state what is
noceseary to be dono to put it in good
condition, and stalo if it would be safe to
continue; occupancy of tho building for
school purposos.
In company with members of tho board
and several cit!zons Mr. Murphy visited
tho building and spent about two hours in
oxamining it insido .and out. Uo declined
to givo any definite, or.flnal, opinion until
ho is furnished., with the measurements ot
the walls and other parts of tbo building,
so that ho may ascertain tho weight of tho
Btructuro and compare ft with the support,
Uo said, however, that the foundation and
cellar walls of tho building wero not
constructed proporly and that thoy woro
evidently the causo of trouble. Ue also
said that it may be necessary to remove tho
top story of tho building, but this and
other matters will depend upon the moas
urements, which aro to bo made by
Surveyor S. A. Beddall, and which will be
sent to Mr. Murphy. Tbo latter returned
to Philadelphia yesterday aftornoon.
Superintendent Freeman asked Mr,
Murphy if he considered it safe to allow
children to attend school in the building,
Mr. Murphy answerod: "I believe this
building may stand for a year and I would
ba willing to forfeit (50 for every month it
will not stand during that period; but
would not allow my children to go in the
building for $6,000. Brick buildings are
not like frame- structures. They collapso
suddonly In a heap, without warning,
When thoy once givo signs of going it is
impossible to say how long they will stand,
or how soon they will drop."
It is now generally conceded that tho
condition of the buili'ing is not duo to mlno
workings. Tho P. & R O. & I. officials
say tho workings aro not under tho build
in r, but south of It; and Mr. S. A. Beddall
says he is confident that oven if the work
ings are under the building the inter
mediate stratum is thick enough to protect
the building, Mr. Murphy asked Mr.
Beddall what ho supposod tho thickness of
tho stratum was and that gentleman ro
pliod, "About 230 or 800 foet," upon which
Mr. Murphy said "that Is thick enough, I
should think."
Mr. Murphy will return horo inEabout a
week and it is oxpected ho will be prepared
to givo a definite opinion of the "building
by that time.
A Loader.
Since its first introduction, Electric Bit
ters has gained rapidly In popular favor,
until now it is clearly in tho lead among
pure medicinal tonics and alternatives
containing nothing which permits its use
as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized
as the best and purest medicine for all ail
ments of Stomach, Livor or Kidnoys. It
will cure Sick. Headacho, Indigestion, Con
stipation, and drive Malaria from the sys
tem. Satisfaction guaranteed with each
bottlo or tho money will bo refunded.
Price only 60c. p. r bottle. Sold by O. H.
Venll Vldll Viol! Till Is said ot Salvation
Oil (or It conquers the wont rotes o( rheuma
tism vnd neuralgia at onoe. l'rlce only oents
a bottle.
rt . -1
Now Faots.
Tho Ohloago, Milwaukee and St. Paul
Railroad Company has just issued a now
pamphlet of twenty pages entitled, 'New
Fads about South Dakota." Everybody
interested in farming should havo a copy.
It gives a complcto report of every oounty
and oorttalns a geographically correct
county map of North us well as of South
Dakota. Sand your namo and address to
John R, Pott, district passenger agont,
Willlamipgrt', Pa., for ono of thorn froo by
return mall,
A Bargain.
CO gallons of good miners'
per gallon, at Coffee's,
20 cents
SubjGot of tho Discourse by Rov
Urban, of Germantown, in
tho Methodist Episcopal
Rov. A. L. Urban, pastor of St. Stephens
church, Germantown, preached a sermon
of great beauty and power in the Motbo
dlst Episcopal church on Sunday morning.
His theme was the relation of the personal
soul to its porsonal God: Ps. 03-1: "O
God thou art my God." After calling at
tention to tho circumstances under which
tho text was written ho spoke of the uni
versal oxistonco of tho God idea. Voltaire
might reject tho Jehovah of tho bible, but
ho must havo a God so ho worshipped
truth. Franco might dothrono God, but.
Reason must bo enthroned in His place.
However men may try to oscapo from it
and howover far they may wander from
tho right, like tho shell which Is poetically
said to murmur tho sounds of its watery
homo, when your get' right close to their
heart and listen to their secret aspirations
they speak of God. Henco religion is not
something which is imposed upon us from
without but which 'grows upon us from
Within. It is natural. It belongs hero
like tho stars which shino above us and tho
flowers which bloom at our feet. Men
recognize this fact and act accordingly. It
is this that gives sanction to law and yields
tho foundation of duty. No man any
where claims that it is right to do wrong,
Men may differ concerning just what may
bo right or wrong. But all men agree that
whenever right has been ascertained it is
tho duty of all men to do it. And simply
because of the personal eloments that enter
into our relation to it. The cry of the soul
in its hour of sorest need Is for a personal
God not theologicals' definitions ot God
nor philosophical substitutes for God it is
pot satisfied until it is assured that infinite
wisdom and omnipotent lovo becomo our
wise and loving father. Nothing less than
this can givo the rest of soul for which wo
cry. However much inspiration thero may
bo in U10 thought ot my lathers Uod my
mother's God David's God, tho soul
yearns for its own God ily God. There
is comfort in David's experience for us.
It illustrates tho possibilities of all human
experience. David's God may be our God,
and his loving kindness may ba to us, m it
was to him in the wilderness, better than
life. Wo may rost assured that if W3 aro
on God's side He is on our sido. But, as
tho latter part of the Psalm shows, if we
aro againBt God, God is against us. Tho
stars in their courses fight against the man
that lights against God. Here is tho ground
of tho christian's hopo as ho encounters tho
conflicts of lifo and encounter them ho
must but if God bo for us who can be
against us ? "Who shall separate us from
tbo lovo of Christ? Shall life, or death,
Invisible foes or natural forces? Our God
holds them In tho hollow of Uls hand.
Shall things present or things to como?
Our God is the God of eternity.
The God that rules on high
That nil the earth surveys
That rides upon tho stormy deep
And Wilms the roaring sea.
This awful God is ours,
Our Father aud our Uod,
He will bend down Ills heavenly powers
To carry us aliove.
The celebratod Imported "Anchor" I'ain
Expelior is and over will be tho best
remedy tor all forms of Rheumatic dis
eases. 20 priza medals awardod to the
manufacturers of this valuable preparation.
AH druggists keep it. 3t
A Good Opportunity.
Mr. Harry C. Lindsay, expert piano
tunor, a graduate of the Boston Conserva
tory of Music, and lato of the Chiokering
Piano Company, New York, is stopping at
tho Ferguson House. If you wish your
piano put in first-class tuno, leave order at
hotel. All work guaranteed. Terms: up
right 53.00; square. J2-50.
Desirable Lodgo Room.
A lodge dosiring a cosy meeting room on
"Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday evenings
of each week can bo accommodated at
Mellot's hall, which lias beon recontly
papered, painted and carpeted. Apply to
VI. Mellet.
Orders for Eveninq Hkhald thould be
UJt at Hooks J' iirotW ntJ stand, AV
1 North Main stmt.
Moro Licenses.
Joseph KUniki, First ward, and Felix
Adrix, Third ward, wore yesterday granted
saloon licenses.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the
aamo Lebsio & Co., Ashland, Pa., ie
printed on every tack. 8-3-3taw
I suffered with pain In my aide and back for
four weeks, It being bo serero us to keep me In
bed, unable to more. I tried Salvation Oil and
It completely cured me and I um now well and
free from all pain. Ciiab. Koiieiit I.edlisii,
63 Durst Alley, Baltimore, Md.
Charles Nioco, of l'ottsville. spent ves-
lorday iu town.
narry E. Gabort spent the past few davs
at Bloomsburg.
S. Van Bu en, of Ashland, was a town
William Brown returned to Lr-hieh
University to-day.
Clarence Crobaugh, of Berwick, spent
yesterday in town.
Messrs. Joel D. Lcdden and John
"Watson loft for Pittsburg last evening.
l'aul Dunn and Phil. Maloy. of Mah
anoy City, took in the Grant Band fair last
Abo. and Henry Harris, of New York
City, were the guets of Simon Yedinsky
over Sunday.
Dr. Drumbellor and wife, of Sunbury,
wero tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hutchison
over Sunday.
Grant Dodson, of Brooklyn, and his
brothor Lincoln, from Wilkes-Barre, are
visiting tho family of James Daniels.
Some Shenandoah Singers Made a
Good Showing.
Tho Shenandoah Choral Union did not
capture tho principal prize at tho Shamo
kin eisteddfod yesterday, but its members
brought home four prizes. The principal
prize, 200, offered for tho best rondition of
"Worthy is the Lamb" was won by R os
Rosser's Mahanoy City choir. The $100
band prize wss contested for by tho Cen
tralia and Lansford bands and tho former
won. The piece was "Gloria," from
Mozart. The J60 prize offered for the best
rendition of tho male party piece, "Long
ing" was won by tho Thomas B. Hughes
party, of Shenandoah. Tho othor com
petitions won by Shenandoah parties were;
Quartette, "O Como Evory One That
Thirsteth," Messrs. T. B. Hughes and J J.
Price, Missos Edith Morgan and Ruth
AVilliams. Tenor and bass duett, "For So
Hath the Lord, ?C, Thomas B. Hughes and
J. J. Price. Tenor solo, "His Salvation is
Nigb," 5, J. J. Price.
Tho Vondetta
"Will bo producod at Ferguson's theatre
this ovoning. Tho Brooklyn Eagle
has tho following to say : "It was a well
pleased andience that loft the Grand opera
bouse at the conclusion of tbo performance
last night. Tho production was 'Tho Ven
detta,' and a moro thrilling ontestainment
has not been given in Brooklyn this sea
son. 1 uo scones of tbo play are laid in
France and the plot is good. The com
pany is composed of sixteen persons and
their efforts to give a good entertainment
havo certhinly been crowned with success.
"W. A. "Whitecar, the leading actor, car
ries his part well and shows ability of a
high order. The company as a whol is
well balanced and all tho members did
excellently at tho performance last night
Ono of the important features of 'Tho
Vondnlta' howover lies in tho scenery.
This was magnificent and tho spectacular
effects producod won hearty applause from
the audience. The ship scones in tho
fourth act wero probably the finest ever
6een in Brooklyn. Tho destruction of the
prison walls, tho Monte Carlo scene and
the burning of Faris wero also realistic anJ
extraordinary in their magnificence."
Buoklon's Arnica Salve.
Tho Best. Salvo in tbo world for Cut-,
Bruisos, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fevei
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Pilos, or no payment required
It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Pnco 26 conts pei
box. For sale by O. U. Hagcnbuch.
Hereafter tho Roshon gallery will open
on Sunday for tho accommodation of those
who cannot como on week days. 2-12-tf
Died From Oroup.
Ethol, tho five-year-old daughter of R.
T. George, of Shoemaker's, died on Sun
day from oroup. Tho remains were brought
to town yesterday and taken to the resi
dence of the grand parents, Mr and Mrs.
Griffith Thomas, on Mayberry alley, from
which place tho funeral will take place to
morrow afternoon.
Examluors Appointed.
Tho court yesterday appointed Frank
O'Boylo, John Thurlby, "William H.
Lewis and "William Stein, i-x-ofHeio,
examinors of applicants for appointment as
mine foremen in tbo Sixth District.
Dlvorco Granted.
Flower Pritcbard has seoursd a divorce
from William J. Pritcbard. Tho decision
was rendered yesterday.
Lane's Family Medicine
Moves tho bowels each day. Most people'
neoi to uso it.
There aro many common liniments sold
but there Is only one t'mil psln cure for all
forms of bpraluH, Ouls, Hi-uImw and all bodily
pulu. Its name Is Ked Klug Oil. Costs ii
cents. Mold at l. 1. 1). Klrllu s drug store.
Floor OH I'lulh; othrrs for
Syt B 30, J5 and 40 cts. and up arils.
The pretties t line of Uli L iotus
and Carpets In Shenandoah,
C. D. Fricko's Carpet Store,
10 8. Jnrtllu St., Shenandoah.