The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 19, 1892, Image 1

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in iflc iiatest Jizvia
The Evening Herald
The Evening Herald
VOL. VII.--NO. 43.
THE DEAL, The Hehald baa
THE SHUFFLE, repeatedly warn
ana ed Its reuders to
THE OUT. beware of the
men who are -continually yelling
"Stop thief !
At no time haa this Injunction been
more appropriate thnnattho present.
Some time before the election cer
tain oflice Beakers In this borough laid
great stress upon the necessity of hav
ing the people vindicate them. At
that time the HUpaij) sounded the
warning to beware of the "stop
thief! " cries. The warning Is sound
ed again, as surprising events, the
shadows of which were cast before the
election, are gradually drawing to a
The boast made before the election
that certain RepuDllcan members of
the Borough Council would have no
U9e for a certain Republican member
in the formation of the new Council,
was well bolstered up. The boast was
well backed by a gigantic deal, a deal
that accounts for the defeat of the Re
publican candidate for nomlnatltn for
Council in the Second ward, the Re
publican candidate for School Board
in the same waid, the Republican can-'
did ate for School Board In the Fourth
ward, and the Republican candidate
for Chief Burgess.
To consummate this deal but one
more man is needed and he must be a
Demo-rat. s .
The surprising feature of the busi
ness Is that some of the would-be
M'Leods Interested in it are men who
so vehemently denounced Counoilmen
Gable and Portz for co-operating with
the Democrats in the organization of
Council last year.
The only conclusion to be reached is
that some of our holier-than-thou Re
lipubHcan friends have at last been con
certed to the belief that everything is
jfiir in politics and that they have the
right to presume the people of the,
town have given them a carte-blanche
to do anything they may deem proper
to "down the gang."
The "down the gang" cry is a night
mare. It has been used to delude cer
tain active workers in the Republican
party. The organization of Council
will ripen facts tlmt will open the eyes
of gome people. It will show that
Butts, Baird and Lessig were defeated
to carry out the deal now on foot, and
"We arc Itccclvlnsr Almost Dally NEW CARPETS In Mo
ciuette, Velvet, Body aud Tapestry Brussels.
A Sjieotal Bargain in LINOLEUM, two yards wide, at
98 cents per yard.
FLOOR OIL CLOTH, 3 yards tvtdeNeto Styles, Ex
tra Quality SO cents a yard.
RAG CARJPEIS-Good and Cheap.
SMYRNA and MOQUE1TE RUGS, at Reduced Prices
We add tills week
Snow Flake Soda Biscuit Uglit and Delicate.
Fancy Evaporated California I'caclics-vcrj fine.
Iiiuclicon Beer 2 cans lor 25 cents.
Pitted Cnerrlcs a pounds lor 25 cents.
Golden Pumpkin for Pics 4 cans for 25 cents.
Another Lot Fine Large Florida Oranges, 25 cents a do.
In our regular line ol
We Invite .-your attention to our
Fancy Creamery Butter,, always ircsli,
Chipped Beer and Summer Sausage,
Sugar Cured Skinned Hams,
Large Bloater and No, x Mackerel,
Smoked Herring and Scotcu, Bloaters,
California Silver Prunes, Pure Country Lard,
Cleaned Currents, Beady for Use,
"No Brand' Com, No finer goods l. tho markot, 2 cans for 25 cents.
Crosse & BlackwclPs Imported ChowChow,
g'H Oxlntuio a ml Ittips' cocom
Twenty Toiih IHiie BUcifllluir,
Ten Tons iNire ciiopu,
TlUrty Toiih Choice Tlmotliy liny,
Ten Toiih llnled Keniul Wlieut Htrnw,
Tliree tihiiihuiicI lliinlicltt Willie OntH,
Out) TlioiiHiiiirt IlUHliclH Yellow Corn.
which was on foot before the election
a deal under cover of the "down the
gang" ory.
Again we say, keep your eyes on the
peoplo who are crying "Stop thief 1 "
The Sohool Board Is now under
Democratic control by a majority of
one and the prospects are the Board
will remain under, Democratic admin
istration for some time to come. The
chances for that majority being in
creased by at least two are exceedingly
bright. Bachman's term expires next
year and the Democrats of the Fifth
ward declare that no Republican
School Director will be elected in '.hat
ward ngalu. This declaration is
backed by an overwhelming Demo
cratic majority. Gable, the Fourth
ward member, is serving the last year
of his terra. That ward has elected
Democratic members to the Board the
past two years. For this situation of
afl'airB the Republican party is indebt
ed to the weak-kneed people who have
remained away from the polls, lest the
exercise of their right of suffrage
might injure the chances of their rela
tives holding positions as school
teachers. Fortes Jor tuna juvat.
The victory scored by School Direc
tor Davenport In the Third ward on
Tuesday was a brilliant one. His
opponent was a strong man and the
fight was an up-hill one. "Bob" has
proved, for the third time, that be Is
popular with the people of his ward,
who are evidently well satisfied with
hla service in the interest of the pub
lic schools.
Some, of the Mugwumps who hays
been fighting "the gang" showed
their true colors, when they learned of
the defeat of Baird and Butts, and the
election of Gable, Stout and Lamb,
by retiring to a certain bouse and.
making merry over several bottles.
The vote polled on Tuesday by
Frank C. Reese; who was a candidate
for Borough Auditor, was hlghly"con.
"pllmentary to that young man. He
ran considerably ahead of his ticket
and made a neck and neck fight Mr.
Reese Is a bright and energetic young
man, and has friends who are legion.
Congratulations are in order, notwith
standing his defeat.
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's.
to otir stock of
Stroet Echoes of tho Elootlon.
Contosts in tho Second and
Fifth Wards Talked Of Tho
School Building.
Tho suit of Daniel Jonos against Iiov.
Floyd E. West, rector of tho Protestant
Episcopal church, was brought up again
boforo 'Squire Walker last night. Rev.
West was represented by S. G. M. Hollo
peter, Esq,, and J. H. Pomoroy, Esq., ap
peared for Mr. Jones.
Mr. Hcllopotor raised tho point that tho
case was not actionable as a criminal pro
ceeding, as there Is no Act of Assembly
that makes the christening of a child
against tho wishes of tho father a crime.
Mr. Pomeroy agreod with that vorsion
and stated that had ho knowledge of the
proceeding in tho first place ho would have
advised agaimst it. He asked that tho
'squire dismiss the case and said his client
could seek remedy in a civil suit. The
case was thus disposed of.
An Appeal for tho Band.
To tho members of the Board of Control
and Grant Cornet Band :
Gentlemex : A business man of town,
.owing to some petty spito, or jealous
inspiration, is endeavoring, by misrepre
sentation, to poison the minds of a charlta
bio public against contributing towards the
fair now being held in Bobbins' opera
house for the benefit of the band. While
I and, probably, others may have expressed
objections to the band for not giving us
mare street entertainments for the money
we have been and will continue to contri
bute to their support, I take this means of
publicly acquainting you of the under
hand method adopted by this man to
crippio an Institution which, while it may
not be a necessity, is a source of unbounded
pride to lovers of home organisations,
to know that their favorites aro the
peers of any in tho state. The Grant
Band of Shenandoah, as everybody is
aware, is composed of "boys" who earn
their livelihood by tho sweat of their
brow, digging coal in th.e.minps; and its
membership are representatives of almost
every nationality in the town, wtTo, by
hard work and comparatively little aid
(excepting the past year) built a reputation
for tbomsolves as musicians second to none
in the state, as they are rapidly ascending
tho ladder of fame, which fact Is evidenced
by a long smouldering of jealousy now
ignited into a flame of hatred In the breasts
of rival musical organizations, not alone in
this county, but throughout the interior of
the state. Shall we, as lovors of good
music and home organizations a patriotic
public allow the Grant Band to be abused
by prejudiced and ungrateful porsons?
Shall wo stand idly by and see our friends
abused, and not raise a hand in their de
fense? Emphatically, no I And now I
would suggost that you call a mooting
of the Board of Control, band, and their
friends, and protest against and condemn
the actions of this prejudiced and under
handed individual who is stopping at noth
ing to injure the band, and draw up reso
lutions to that effect; and appoal to the
publio for the protection of an organization
that has endcarod itself to almost every
man, woman and child In Shenandoah.
Hoping your fair is a succors, I am
A Good Friend op the Band.
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, and
not loss than one million peoplo have found
just such a friend in Dr. King's Dow Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. If you have never used this Groat
Cough Modiclne, one trial will convince
you that It has wonderful curative powers
in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs,
Each bottle is guaranteed to do-all that is
claimed or money will be rorunded. Trial
bottles freo at O. H, Ilugenbiich's drug
storo. Largo bottles 00c. and f 1.00.
Roshon's photograph gallery open every
Sunday, 2 12-t!
A Bargain.
CO gallons of good minors' oil, 20 rents
por gallon, at Coffee's. 2-13-tf
Best work done at Brennan'a steam
laundry. Everything white and spotless.
Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar
antood. I suffered with pain In my sldo and back for
four week, it being no berero as to keep me in
bed, unable to move. 1 tried Salvutlon Oil and
It completely cured me and I Bin now well and
freo from ullpaln. Ciiab. Koiiekt Ledlimi,
63 Purnt Allay, Ualtlmore, Md.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the
name Lkbsiq & Co., Ashland, Pa.) is
printed on overy sack. 8-3-Staw
Waters' Weiss beer is the bost. John A
Reilly sole agent. 6-Mf
Reports Concerning tho Sooond
and Fifth Wards.
Reports of contests wbich have been
smoldering since the borough election of
Tuesday last seem to bo breaking into
llamo. Tho report that tho election in the
Fifth ward will be contosted on the ground
of illegal voting it confirmed by residents
of the ward, among them sevoral German
In the Second ward there is a report to
the effect , that thero will be a protest
against Councilman-elect Stout taking his
seat. A specific charge of illegality of
considerable weight is made. It is said
that at about 11 a. m. 011 election day
Georgo Folmer. br., presented himself at
tho Second ward poll and said as ho handed
in his ticket, "Ruesol Stout." Tho
vote was recorded as being cast
by Russel Stout and was ruimbored ''CI"
At 6 o'clock in tho evening Russell Stout
presented his voto, but it was rejected on
the ground that he had voted in tho morn
ing. Mr. Stout denied this, but the clerks
and other members of the board sustained
tho Judge of Election In tho statementthat
Russel Stout caBt ballot No. 04 in the
morning. Parties wbo were at the poll in
the morning summoned Mr. Folmer, wbo
statod that he voted under the name of
Russol Stout by mistake, having the name
of tho candidate in mind when he voted
Mr. Stout's vote was then taken and re
corded. It is contended that, although the matter
-was clearly a mistake, Mr. Stout's election
is invalidated for at least two reasons (1)
that if Mr. Stout's vote could bo taken at
all it should have been under oath, and not
upon tha mere statements of Messrs. Fol
mer and Stout; (2) that the alteration of
the election-records the changing of vote
54 from the name of Russel Stout to
George Folmer was in Itself an invali
dating act
The reports of these contests are creating
considerable uneasiness among the friends
of those who would bo affected by them in
case thoy should be sustained.
The White Street Sohool.
Arrangements havo been made for the
accommodation of all tho pupils who wero
attendants of the Whito street school until
such time as the building is declared, or
made safe. An oxpert architect will ar
rive here In a few days to make a thor
ough examination of tho structure.. .Mr.
John L. Wililams, Division Superinten
dent tor the P. & R. O. & I. Co., statod to
day that tho mine workings of his com
pany have nothing to do witli tho condi
tion of the building.
Isaaeber Bobbins, of Pottsvillo, spont
yesterday afternoon in town.
Clifford Robblns, who Is attending col
lego at Philadelphia, ia home on a visit to
his parents.
Edward Wostervolt returned home
yesterday from Sufabury, whore he spent
the past week.
W. U. Lewis, of Wm. Penn, and O. A.
Keim took part in the Lu Lu initiation in
Pottsville last evening.
John Robbins, of East Coal street, has
returned from Now York City, whore he
spont tho past few weeks with friends.
Mrs. Sarah J. Hagonbuch, oi Blooms
burg, Is visiting her sons, O. II. and R. D,
Hagenbuch, in town, and will remain their
guests for Borne time.
Orders for Eykninq Herald shouUl be
lejt at Hooka J- Biowris news stand, No.
4 North Main street.
Mrs. Kerns Surprised.
Last evening sevoral ladies and gontle
men of the Presbyterian congrogation at
tested their appreciation of the invaluable
servicos rendered tbeihureh by Mrs. James
iCerns, by tendering the lady a surprise at
her residence on Wost Cherry stroot and
muking her a handsomo proient. Tho sur
prising party included Rev, MoNally and
wife, Hoovor and wife, A. Kincaid and
wifo, Mrs, John A. Lewis, Mrs. A. Trezise,
Mrs. John G. Davis, Mrs. Roynolds, Mrs.
James G Uutton, Mrs. Catbor, Mrs, Fin
ney, Mrs. T. R. Beddall, Mrs. Crawford,
Mrs, J. P. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Beddall, Mistos Mary Lcckie, Sarah Do
lanoy, OIlio Lewis, Ida Lewis, Catherine
Gloyer, Jennie Thomas, Blancho Mc
Nally, Llzzio Uutton, Lizzie Kvans, An
nie Baeger, Llzzio R. Davis, NollioFinnoy,
and Messrs. A. E. L, Lecklo, George II.
Williams and William Lewis. Tho party
mot at the residonce of Mrs. John A,
Lowis before tho surprise. Mrs. Kerns
afforded her callers a cordial welcome and
after an excellent collation a very sociable
and pleasant evening was spont.
And Othor PlaoeB How a Square
Meal Oould bo Made Out of
Discardod Bacon and Beef
Sitting in the Schelfly House the other
evening, after partaking of one of thos"
excellont suppers for which Mrs. Scheiflj
has becomo noted, Mine Host James K
Polk Schelfly was called upon for a war
story.. "Jim" responded reluctantly, bu
was soon doop in the eubjoct. Skipping
over his term of service in tho 25th Regi
ment the "Colonel" took up "the emer
gency." "Say, you follows don't know what
soldiering is until you try it," said he.
"Tho 2"th was a 'crack' regiment and con
tained many veterans of other regiments.
Captain Jacob Martz, now dead, was our
company commander, and Low Boner and
M. P. Fowler our lieutenants. Poor
Boner is also among the dead. He was a
good fellow, as were all our officers com
missioned and non-commisiosed.
"We wore at Wrightsvllle in Juno, and
had thrown up miles of rifle pits, which
made the rebel scouts in the neighborhood
think wo had thousands of Boldiora on
hand. You know, from history, that there
were not more than a thousand men thero.
'Bn' Hughes was the fifth Sergeant and
carried tho colors of tho regiment.
Rumors of the coming of Early's com
mand made us feel uneasy. Refugees were
coming in daily with horses, wagons,
cattle, etc., and thoy passed ovor tho
wooden bridge to the Columbia side of tho
Susquehanna river.
"I'll never forgot the time when tho
order was given, to retreat, when all tho
companies, mine Co. E,) excepted,
'skedaddled' pell-mell through the street!
of Wrightsville, through the bridge, and
on to Columbia, where the first stop was
made. Rumor has It that some of the
City Troop did not stop until they reached
Philadelphia. But, however that may be,
Captain Martz's company marched through
the streets In an orderly and woll-dis
clplined manner with colors flying amid
shot and shell. At Columbia tho members
ot our company were heroes and the
ladies bestowed many acts of kindness
upon Us. They paid no attention to the
men wb.0 didn't have the letter 'E' on their
caps. It was company that was feasted.
Many of the "boys' ale enough for six or
seven ordinary men. The Wrightsville
affair sharpened theimppetilei. .
''Afterleaving Carlisle our Quartormaster
(Patterson) was found missing and our
haversacks were all we had to fall back
upon. They were emptied befoto we
reached Pinegrove Furnace. We were
wot, cold and hungry on our ar
rival there. I picked up a piece of
bacon from an ash heap and, after wash
ing it clean, fried it. Not satisfied
with this, I robbed a horse of bis supper of
buckwheat bran, which ho was eating from
a trough. I made cakes of the bran and
fried them in tho fat from tho bacon. You
bet I enjoyed the meal. At the next
camping place, which was occupied by the
rebels tho night previous, we bad to de
pend for suppor upon beef bonestho "rebs"
had thrown away. After a washing the
bones made an oxcollont soup. You may
smilo when I say that after getting all we
wanted from the bones somo of us loaned
them to others. I forgot to say that I had
a haversack of onions when we left Car-
lislo and I was offered ten conts apieco for
tbom, bat I gave my messmates the benefit
of tlnm, gratis. At tho third camping
place I shot a good-sized shoat and hung it
up on a tree in the woods. I then re
turned to camp and informed the moss.
We all left the camp with our haversacks
and cut up bis pigshlp, but before wo could
fry and eat more than half of it we re
colved orders to march, We were obliged
to loavo tho rost bohlnd. Wo feasted on
what we cooked during tho march and the
next morning wo wero on the sick list It
was singular that I would get a cramp
in my stomach overy time wo approached
a farm house. I don't get them now.
The captain would dettll somo.ono to re
main with me until I would recover,
meanwhile tho command would move on
and on and as soon as It was o it of sight
the cramps would bocotne so severe tho de
tail would bo obliged to go to tho farm
house and soek relict, which invariably
turned up in tho shape of somo good
whiskoy or brandy. I generally got the
wholo benefit of tho 'rellof,' the detail
looking on in sympathy with wide-opon
mouth. Tho trick usod to tickle me.
After 'roughing it' for ten dnys we roached
Uagorstown, Md,, weary and footsoro.
Ono of my mess arrived there without
shoes and with feot bleeding. In company
with my barefooted mos.mate I visited a
farm on tho outskirts of town, where wo
accepted an Invitation to breakfast. We
ate heartily, but noticed sevoral suspicious-
ooking mon watching us. After breakfast
I vomited. I am sure I was poisoned.
When I.recoverod from the attack I started
with my messmate on a run across the
fields and soon got out of tight of tho sus
picious characters, who dogged us for quite
a distance. Wbat'll you havo?"
Wo have bad our notions of a, good
Cough and Croup Remedy for a long while.
Or. Coxo's Wi'd Cherry and Seneka suits
us in every respect. Try it.
Long Distance Telephone Right of
Way Granted.
The members of tho Borough Council
present at tho meeting last night were
Messrs. Sclieifly, Coakley, Devers, Amour,
Botteridge, Wurm, Portz, Hopkins, James,
Gable, Lamb, Holman and Van Dusen.
Most of tho mooting was taken up with
tho hearing of reports of committees,
which were of a routine character.
Tho petition of tho Pennsylvania
Telephone Company for a right of way for
us long distance telephone system was
taken up again and, after considerable
discussion, an ordinance granting the right
of way was adopted, but it will not bo
published until tho company makos certain
guarntecs in writing to Council.
Mr. Holman stated that Council should
take some action in regard to the P. & R.
railroad crossing below the lime kiln. It
was suggestod that safety gates be put at
the crossing. The matter was referred to
the street committee.
Secretary Portz was instructed to invite
the newly olected membors of Council to
be present at the next meeting, March 3d,
as visitors. The new Council will ba
organized on March 7th.
Whisperings of the People Caught
on the Fly.
Leap year parties are all the go.
The Grant band fair continues to draw,
Tho conspirators may laugh as they will.
It will be somebody else's turn next.
The Reading leal" wam't the only
"deal" that occurred lately. "Turn on
the light," .
Those innocent membors of the Repub
lican party, in whose mouths ice cream
wouldn't melt, are being found out and
they will receive their deserts soon. They
can no longer try to put their sins upon
other shoulders.
Tho Ladies.
Tho pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladies may use the California
liquid laxative Syrup of Figs, under all
conditions, makes It their favorito remedy.
To get tho true and genuine article, look
for the name of the California Fig Syrup
Co., printod near tho bottom of the pack
ago. The best and finest photograph gallery iii
town is'Kosh6nTsT Open sV'ory day in 'b
year, 2-12-ttstA
A Grand Production.
The enterprising managers of the Bijou
theatre, Philadelphia, have secured a
decided bold on public favor by making
the place the homo of comic opera at
popular prices. Tho latest production Is a
spectacular revival of Gilbert and Sulli
van's "Iolantho." The opera Is produced
with all the elaborate costumes and scenery,
gorgeous electrical display and other
brilliant effects. People from the interior
of the state will find that they can spend a
delightful afternoon or evening in the
Bijou when visiting Philadelphia.
For all Rheumatic diseases use Dr. Rich
tor's imported "Anchor" Pain Expeller.
I( quickly abays all pain. Sold by all
druggists, 3t
"Tho Vagabond."
The return of tho Baldwin Comedy
Company was greeted by a full house, the
play being tho "Diamond Mystery," which
this company rendered in a first-class man
ner. To-night "The Vagabond" will be
produced. It is a most excellent play and
will, no doubt, draw a good audience.
Jloys wanted at Hooks & Brown' s book
store to sell newspapers.
Hereafter tho Roshon gallery will open
on Sunday for the accommodation of those
who cannot come on week days, 2 12-tf
Found Out.
The best and easiest way to get rid of a
CoukIi or cold that may develop Into con
sumption la to Invest 26 cents in a bottle of
I'an-Tlna, the great remedy for Coughs, Colds,
La Urlpe, Throat aud Lung Disorders, Trial
botllea iree at 1'. 1. U. Klrlln's drug store.
Grand Musical Event.
The Shenandoah Choral Union will irlvn
a grand oonoert in the Welsh Congrega
tional church this ovenlng. It will be
Tare muitou! treat.
Lano's Family Modiolno
Moves the bowels each day. Most people
nooi to use it.
Vlimr OH Cloth: othem fur
30, 36 uud 40 cm and upwnrdM
Tile premeaii line or uu uiovua
and CarpetH in blieuuuduah.
C. D. Fricke's Carpet Store,
10 S. Jardlu St., Shenandoah.