i MAY BE Court Mnrlial Vordict in the Throckmorton Oiise. WHAT HE IS RECOMMENDED TO MSROY. The President May Commute the Sentence to Suspansion on Eednosd Pay iOOD FINANCIAL POLICY AN INTERVIEW VBALiED. KB- Wby Industrial HtocKO aro t-uo Safest Investments, nnd How It 1b Thoy Can ho Soourod at Bargains. X l JiV ,i ;o r. .1 i . Tlm Vnrtllct Will Not He aistle Pulil Until tli rri-sltli-nt Hn Formally Acted Upon the 3Ittmr, Itus tlm Almo In the Humor In Wnr Iipiirliii-iit Oil, A. P. Morrow Ilrtlre unit Tims Hwtprs f-....rl Mnrtlul for llUolioUli-iieu f Orders. AVasiiinotox, Foli. 10. Although tho verdict of the court martial In tho case of Major Charles U. Throckmorton, who wits tried In Now York sonio week ago on churned of duplication, his pay ac counts, will not be ofllclally announced until the President has formally ncteu uiion the papers, it has become pretty Kcnernlly known throiiKhout tho War Detiiirtment tliat tho sontouco is uis- inlt.snl. It is reported, however, that the pen tnnen is accompanied by a recommenda tion for mercy signed by all the members of tho court. This circumstance, con pled with the olllcer's long servico uud the trmeiiduous amount of influence at work in hie behalf, will probably spare him the Ion of his commission. It Is Kenemlly oxpected the I'rosident will mitigate the sentence to two or three years' suspension on halt or three-quarter pay. Charges of diitobedienee of orders re ders have been made ugBinst Col. A. I. Morrow by (Jen era I Stanley, comtnnnd ln tlie Department of Texas, and a court martial was thought to bo imminent, when ids friends intervened and induced him to apply for retirement under the thirty year service law, the War Depart ment agreeing to pigeonhole the charges on condition that tho application for re tirement should follow. Tho arrangement will not bo fully con sumated until next Augustj when Colonel Morrow will complete the thirty years necessary to entitle him to retirement. Tlie War Department has relieved him from his command and ordered him to his home iu anticipation of that event. The cliurges against Colonel Morrow are based upon certain actions of that officer during the recent Garza campaign. One of the principal charges, constituting disobedience of orders, recites that Colo nel Morrow issued passes to men of his regiment to pass over tho border Into Mexico iu the faco of positive instructions prohibiting such rctiou isvaeil uy uonerni Stanley. , 1 1. ...Ell l. nmnml,Mwl UOItlliei itiuntiiv, 11,1.111 c v,-'jssjBSilsrV' I was tried by court martial in thisJTnSja few years ago on ciiarges of duplltolUnfd Jiis pay accounts and was 8uspenileU0r. three years. He was an aide to General Sheridan for a uumber of years. A TAM-: AFFAIR. Ilnnoii mill Murphy l'lRlit Willi Glows lilt; im Midi Pillows. Ciiioaoo, Fob. 10. The mutch between Andy ltowen, tlie colored lightweight of. Now Orleans, and Jimmy Murphy, of Chicago, at tho Second Hegimcnt Ar mory, was a tame airalr. Police Captain Fltzpatrick was thero to sco that uobody was hurt. Ho would not allow a referee or seconds, and made tho men box -with gloves as big us sola pillows. Ho scared liowen so much that the yellow lighter refused to make unload iii tho earlier rounds. Murphy had to do all the lighting,. Just as tho men were going lively Fitz jiatriok stopped tho light. , General Strike l'rolialile. Imiianai-olis, Ind., Feb. 10. Superin tendent Darlington formally discharged the striking machinists iu the l'au Handle bhops to-day, and announced his inten tion of hiring new men. The workmen In the other departments ut ouco gave notice that tho employment of new men in the shops would be tho sign'il for a general strike. Doth sides are deter liuusd rmd it is believed that a general strike oaiinot be avoided. Henry II. liutl Iixliftml. PiliLAintMiniA, Feb. 10. The grand jury iu tuo United btates District Court brought in two bills of indictment aitaiust Henry If. Yard on charges of aiding and abetting an officer of u na tional bank In the willful misappropria tion and embezzlement of It funds. (A. 1'. Jleeorder.) I voslerday told jou of n Interview I hurl with one of tho loullnir financiers ol thedsy, and tho Interest ho iolt in Itidu -trlnl investment, rather than in speculative In tho interview tho Kenlio.nati gnvo me a hint which I havo followed up euccossfully. He told ma ol a heavy institution, which l upon a vi-ry sounu basis, whore he thoURht a limited amount of slock could ho secured at a great bar. gdn I -as 6'i impressed with tho idea ih.t l nUnd umn the nreident ol the nomimnv and told him I would like some intormalinn. Ho refusod to givo It or even be Interviewed, lint H li-a lipnn mnertnd that some ot khrni can bn obtained at loss than their market vsluo " "Whossyaso?1 was tho Inquiry. "I havo reliable luloimation to that ef- turn ' 1 1 iinlurt-M "How absurd. No man tells anyihingst lus than its pnc, t.nlo-s there is a special les-on lor doing so." "Well, is there not in your cso7 Thn i.nntloman smiled. ' Yet and in1. We might part with somo shares to certmn P'TPOns, out not, a uonar s wutiu iu a titv ulHtnr or a financier." "Why, may I ask?" "uecause may couiu nn im How can olliors bonotK you then ? "Easily. S ipposo you own ten shares Will you bo Interested in it? "W ill y"U he nr xlous to havo it pay as large n dividend Bspossihlo? "Will ynu talk it uj among friti,l? Will snvoral th uHiid r niiln iliiiiu? this holo iha bus'r.ow? AVill they not inereaso tho d yidends? Will It n ImakOBiiino roet oi uio iw u.j,u aluable?' fnrrn of tho araumont at onc. Tho eonlleman I miked with was Mr. II H AVarnr, rresident of the Sato Cure Company, and after the ice Was brokeu he talked freely. "None of our stock is for sale, oxcopt in r limited amount, and to certain persons. It is too good. 1'. is p-tying more man iu percent dividends, and the introduction ul our baking powder which, as you are aware, is a vor protttablo businoss, will doubtless doublo our profits. I ask no or,o In bay our stock, although I stand ready to personally dep isit collutcraU to gutranteo a dividend of not les than ten percent per annum fjr th'i next Ave yoirs. I'V..., I...U.. ,rrul fni h 111 It." 'WhIiIi. AVuvthiuld I not have? If any of your triends wish to know muro iihniit it let thorn writo me, or. call at t0 Ilroadwav, and I will kWo them all th A.. :..r......li,.n I It air itoi.lrO. T Will ,'iii'i?iLf " iL iimnvii t"iy i" - kbTrwJtUom ja&t whul wo hnvoanawtint v lint don't have any speculators write toe. "We havo no stock to toll to that Cl-Si." The frankness and outspoken manner ol Mr. "Warrior impressed too. I could see that ho wa9 a man who 'dealt openly and meant overy word he said. I a-n also thoroughly convinced tht lnvestinonls in s und industrial companies IhHt aro paylpg tteady and lirgo dividends are i otter man tt'Cks. bonds or olh t flurtuUlng socuri. tio-. I am protty well satisfied, too, that the putilio Is finding this out and pr. filing hv it, and Iain glad that it is so. Hamilton. t '.IVHM RAILHOAll OKUTLKII.I. BIVIBIOW oil unfl ' r V rimiirr 1, lS'll, (ilni u-l li nv H'mnan'l nv roLluws: . -iuiu. rnekvllie. vr .., wt. i lair. ni way notote, .i ". 0, ll.iri a in 14,15 pm. j n-iy a, 000, S.W a in nn -1. (1 p m. ii Pottavlllc, fl.O), U.iu, 11.45 am and 4.1 nndftys. (100, 8.49 a m and 3.10 d m, Jor ldluc, K.on 11.45 a m and 4.15 pin - iBdays, (?'. 9.411 a. ui. and 8.10 p m cor Pottstown, Huoeniiville, Nonlsrv FhlUdelphlr. Broad street ntntlom . 11.45a.m. fcnac.mp nwwiuoys icdays, WW. 9.40 a m 3.10 p m trains leave FwtrvUje tor HbenanfloA" '.49 a m aal 13.14, 5.01, I (1. til.Ol p m. "Jan ili i mmttiitpm, jMLa PmivviiiA frtr AhHuandoah. 10.16 nn 1.18. h. m 4 40. T.15. B.4J B m. Hnndays, 10.4" n.MtavltlA m.r& Hhonjindaah. 5.57. a TT 4. 0 and 7.00 p na weeC days. HunOay 8.50, and .an?, ... . ... , UfXIfllT IOTC,II.W,VW nJ, twno . i . l. Il -'ii t In- 1' I Common-'Ii i lnm m -m- t.ui. o. mi-. members f-mn Hi !f -t ninM-d the '-i 1 tnent he g iM notice of m Felirniu-v I I, rleclating Unit tho Imperial Tiirli iim-nt had shown Its iimllllilv to legih.li- f'-r the special Interests of Ireland, giving as nil Instance ot this inability the failure of the Laud 1'uroha-w act of 1891. Mr. 'Sexton, during the course of his remarks on tlie subject, referred to the Might Hon. Joseph Chamberlain In terms which must have disturbed even the ex treme placidity ot that gentleman's na ture. Mr. Sexton, snld, for instance, that Mr. Chamberlain, having mutinied, was now .1... nF n .ru VI i. nf nnllilP.lll wreckers who were seeking, by menns of ., xM '. U.0anau.l4,llJBain.)lWnoon, a false lUrht, to lure to destruction the m.lurt 'VrAfYii 6$ GI. GRANT'S MEMOIRS. Original $7.50 Edition, for Kswai rZZ!n. atxsi maa ra Ba j-xniji-tj P Vans' Vstse sadaemicl wsSaa 1 smtaa hones and desires. Mr. Sexton also turneu nis guns upon Lord Salisbury, the Premier, him as an "erratic and unruly man, a scoffer by nature and by calculation." , u,,n t.m. iXf.. 4.411. H.W. WU 11 S5 i. i' 12.44, 1.40,2.30, 4.0J. (limited, II, S s i I n.l) , - u iau ia.ui iiiiiut No book, excentlnc the Bible, baa everhnd such a sale In theUulteil Stntes as Gcueral GrnufH Memoirs. 040,000 copies have already gone into the homes Frank Maxliam's Arrit. Brthki.. Vt.. Feb. 10. Frank P. , , 1,'orBeaairt.bonelirancUanriiniermeaiate 0flhe rich , but the HUbscrlpllnu price ol 7.uu lias piuceu , ueyonu ihb icuun states; stations 8,'JO and 11 14 a. in., 4.00 n. m week I , ,,.iB i ninHf-mtR plritnuiRtannes. If fioO.OOll neonlo liuve beetl willing to i a bigot da5.8 Freehold oniyd5.t P w-JJ- $7'.(l0 for 0muVu Memoirs, there must be a eouple of milllot. people In the . ? In.inandil.u i. m.. 4 41. 1 67.7.40 p.m and 12.0S hulled Hlatea who want tlieiu.and will iuiui) at the opportunity to buy thelll N Max 1M.11H-.1,, . u, i'i, i". pnr Klelimoud, 7 20 a. m. una u.i ham has been arrested on complaint OI dally, 130p m. aally, except aunday. ii,i rfoiif : s .11. 10.2,1a. ni.. 12 (limited express with dining car to llaltlmnre) 1.M, 8.49 n in. k days. Kor Baltimore only 2.02, 4.01 I . . . n una II 1 n. rn. dnllv. wV.?r.S"S.' .n'H ton .1.1,1 por iticuuiouu, i v . "' . " " Driinil Juror Fisher and brought before Justice George II. Tupper, charged with Incest with his two daughters, aged 15 mid 10 rosnectlvelv. The daughters sworo to acts of crlmlaal Intimacy covering a period of eight years. The prisoner uas a wife and seven children. A I'arU ,lewellr Klmipponrs. Paius. Feb. 10. Somewhat of a sen sation has been caused in tho jewelry inula bv the dlsaiiiieitrance of ft promi nent jeweler, who, it Is alleged, stole 870,000 francs from thn sate ot tho firm ot which his deceased father was a mem ber and decamped. It Is said that ho has lied to England In the company of a, woman who la his mistress. rA'in. ieaT aaxrlsbarc lor Wtwuurs aaC a west every oay ai i" .i 3 11 (llnjited) and 8.40, 7.25 p tn. Way for AHoonf 8 15 i iu and 4.10 p t every day. Kor PitUbure only, U.M a m dally and ta.r na week days. eavo Baubnry lor WlUiarosport, lllcaln )'.naadalua, Kochoster, llntlaloand Nlagnri aliK 'iinam dally, and 1.35 pm week dayt Tcr Elmira S.sop tn weskfUys. Kof Krieana iniernieaiaw poini, o.i" m. MA.H. E I'VGH. Ju. Man'f I It. WOOD. nin. Pass. lK Will Not lnlc-rrre. Philadelphia, Feb. 10. It is nuthorl Uttively stated that neiflier Gov. l'attl son nor attorney-General Ilenael will take any action to interfere with the Heading railroad deal. It Is known that tho administration has not made any ar rangements In tho Hue of Interference, and has no such plans. Truxtuu Itiule Tlinnkod. Vasiiinoto. Feb. 10. The State at llm Inw fltriim lif-rn offered. Wo will Piid vnu General Qrant'e Memoirs. mibllalierH' original edition, beat paper, elothtgreeu and gold binding, hitherto sold by subscription at $T.0O. FOR 50 CENTS ! ABSOLUTELY ONLY 50 GENTS, And absolutely a propoaltlou such na lins never been mad In tlio hliilnry ol book publishing. The two splendid volumes of Grant's Memoirs, of which 050 000 copies have already been Hold not a cheap edition, but the besi for 50 lallv. for Look Haven, 5.10, and 8.68 a in ceuts; provltletl yon send vour Buusuripumi u iiui j'unni" i jj i laiii i rs unfl K.-vi n. m. week flays. Fo , .,i..n.uni,n f m rm fnr Mm f?niiii(ir.i'rAN Maoazink. the brightest uoTmSlldv.135Bni,S,SOpmWalt'1'y, ntid cheapest of the great Illustrated monthlies, ltseir tuuul to the beat $100 Th Cosmopolitan Is enabled to make this oiler becnuse of the purflinso of 000 0011 volume at u pi Ice which even publishers wruld deem Iniposeible, und with the idea of running up Its circulation to half a million copies. By contract with the Cosmopolitan wo are enabled to oiler to our readers a share In the low price obtained thtough tho largest purchase of books ever made In the history of the world. , If, however, you have Oram's books, the Cosmopolitan's t Her will per- mU m, tf itiln inutrtnrl. Gen. Bherman's Memoir, 2 vols , sold by subscription for Si 00. Gen; Sheridan's Memoirs, 2 vols., sold by .nbscrlpttou for $i0.C0. Geu. McClelluu's Memoirs, sold by subscription for $3.76. Al) ot these are bound iu cloth, green uud gold, in uniform style with Grant's MemoliH , The Cosmopolitan and Hbhalu are sent postage prepaid, but the postage .. i... i.,.i,, nt ti,.. rni. nf I pent i cr nniicc. must be remitted will Die order: ' ' Gen. Graut'sMeulolM 1)0 fz. 48 cents; Geu. Sheridan's Memoirs, 92 oz 46 iaA' cents : Gen. Sherman'8 Memoirs, 84 oz. 42 cents ; Geu. McClellan's Memoirs, . I ... . 1 t 1 . -. . . . 1 1... ........... . t t l . .. . f t I , fattll. 48oz 11 cent, or oookb i-nu uu buui uy caijicbo iuo w. Bcrlber, De- Ptu adaiphiaand Eoading ttaiir-.a rims Tail' in Hct Xov. IB, 1891 lAIHS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOW. .w m.tj Vrtrir ttIr Vhlladdlrthla. week dim 010 .3fi. 7.'JU a. m, and 12 35 2.50 anS 5'5 . . V ii Hi x 1 . va iTnf NU Vrir wit. Mnjcb Chunk, woek day, 5,i. 7.20 n. m. and 12.31 and 2.50 p. tn. 2.10 5.25. 7.20, a. m.t 125 51.60 and 6.65 p: V , u.in lav 9 in nnd 7.4ft a. m.. 4.30 D. m. " ,D,f J . 7 " . Ji nnf on n IV. wr iiarrisuarc. wee, uuva. .j.v,f.u 200, 5.65 p.m. or Allentown. WMk days, 7.20 v a Til i m For eottsville, week days, 2.10, 7,S!0,a. m. liSO 2.W and 5.55 p. in. Bnnday, 2.10 and 7. or' lUBuaa and Mahanoy City, weo . I. !..tl... tn nnrtmnnt. him received a conv of resolu- h -7 2.UL 5.23. 7.20. a. m.. 12.35 2.50 and SJB) .VeRr s HUim,nin u i- llons adopted by the 1'iesbyterian Board p. n. Sunday, 2.10 and J, "! i- P'JI; Q1' c of Milslons at Khran, Persia, thankh.K additional (or kahanoy City, week daye 7.0C- Mw Mr". Truxton llealo, the American aiiuib- jjanoasder and Columbia, wecK aaya 7,30 a.m., aw p.m. PirWllllaranport, Hunbnry and LewUbiurt week days. S.25, 7.20 and 11JW a. m., 1.85, 7.0( p. ii. uunaay s:m . in., o.w y. m ter to Persia. Tor having oiitalneu lor .inericnu lnihsionariea tho privilege of holdiug real estate iu Persia. Betid us at once J3 00 for a year's sip'scrlntlnn tn the cosmopolitan nuu a .i. utwnri.,iln,i in llm HitnAi.n (S3 m for" TiAii.v : SI 60 for WEEKLY), and enta for a set of Memoirs, to which add poi-t.ge on the particular set of Memoirs selected. , , , , .,... , 4,.,: VhlIe this oiler appeals strongly to meniuersoi iue ttranu Army mm men families, it also appoals to every cltizeu of the Union. Kend all orders to tho AHsniiililyiiiaii Wliltc's Funeral, TnE.VTO.v, N. J., Feb. 10. Tho funeral of Assemblyman K. Harry White, who onnuittcd suicide last Wednesday nc uis home at Pemberton, was attended by earlv a thousand people. Uovernor Abbett, Speaker Uergen anil.a number ot members of the Seunto and Houbo of .VsHenibly were preheat. MMLVAINE'S t-XS-CUTION. AValon 3Iuy Visit lis. Albany, N. Y., l eh. 10. Aoeoraing to a private cable dispatch received In thi elty the Prince ol Wales and suite of twenty five persona will pans through Albany on ilay 27 on then- way to Niagara Fulls, wuere two floors at the Clifton have been engaged. Onviiien Murlii Iipiai'ii 1'ropliuoy. Chihuahua, Mexico, l'Vb. 15. Carmen Maria Lopez, the aelf-proclaiuietl Meminh of the ludi.iuH, i very Ul and U now in tho citv with no pro-pect of his reeorvry. ile ban announced tu the Indians that he will die and iim from his grave in three duya. 1'mi.tieutvil 1'olwi. Viknka, Feb. 10, The liuaiiuu Hit' thorities are ureaily Irritau 'l by the ler hlstouue of tlie Pole In ecu hinting in a year ul iiiuuiniuu ihu cuiueuiiiul anui Ver.ir ul Hie partiunn of tlii-ir country; amw mid prusecui ions are numerous. The luuclilukrii' V.ual I uti. I'iiuMin:-iru, It. I., Feb. 18. Daniel Chciimo, while aileinpung to pacify litKii;,' Kuthlvmrut', who wus quarrellnK -with Iuh ite, Hem ,-Mo-iinuton, Cnuil., w.is -hoi und rfUHi.uiily killed by tho tUt 111 l.ltt-ll llllxh.llld Ur. Jilovltt Snyii tli" I21;clrlriil i:xceullnn Imw l Ilmrlhlo In tlie l.xlreine. AibAny, N. Y., Feb. 10. Evidently the talk about the cruelty of the electri tnl execution Is not nt an end. Senator Osborne has received a letter from Ur. J. Mv.iti nf Pnii"hkeeoiie. an old and iA-nifiil nlivslchm who was a witness at the execution ot Mcllvalue. Ho savs in tho letter that lie has wlt- ., 1...l ,! I,nu nessed executions in evcij, imm, seen men killed by bunglim, by sword, by guillotine, by shoothiK nnd by the Suanish Kitrrotte, und nothhig compares lil!nis with the electrocution tin bhvb tlmt tho Spanish unrrotte is the only thhiB that for cruelty eauals It. fftlltlmiHH! "From my medical knowledge, I can assure you that tho man -was not, killed until tin- second shock. As to losing con scimiKiiess, I doubt It uy tno symptoms nlivurvml " He asserts that the man would have revived had not the second shock neen turned on. Tho body after death pre- bcntml a most horrible sight and the lace klinwuil that the man died 111 terriru agony. 1 Ur Moritt urges tnu immediate repeal of tho law. . Assemblyman atein nu rami letter from an oleotrlolnn nnineil uio- bons, iu Syracuse, and the Inventor oi an electrical chair, lie says tuo men m have had charge of tho electrocutions havo all been amateurs and unable to use the chair properly. JIu.HrtcliiiKoU Itrirm ('lull Uoiifernnco. Hostom. Feb. 10. Tho Massachusetts Iteform Club at its meeting next Friday, will discuss tho subject of a national conference of independent voters to pro mote tariff reforu;, honest money and civil rafoiui. Tho plan is to hold tlie conference iu New York some tune m April. Oit.li n ll.-.l t)vtr Hoard Hill. Hium.Li'oiiT, t'onu., Feb. 10. John ln-Huiian uud Andrew (Imteuhniifur on. n it-lU-il uui a bo..rd bill und Dell nun ii iiii-il the c-uiiieuin of u heavy liot Ki,n into (iiiuuiilit liter, fatally injuring li in Li-Senator 1'ulr' Will. S'N I HAhcisco, l'eb. 10. Owing to th- dvtftb ot his eldest sou, ex-Senulor 1 ui has t'liang.'il Ills will uud lH.-uueuthVd tv three orpuau nsyiums fouu,ouu. AVunt Senator JIUI to Hpnak. Jackson, Uiu., Feb. 16. The Legislu ture has unanimously aanptou a resol it Uon lurltlog beaator iilll to aucrtwa : Civil Wiir In Klinrtnum. TnxnoN. Feb. 10. According to ad vices fioin Egypt civil war is ruging in Khartoum and vicinity. Clierif, tho claimant of the Khallfate, is said to have or Mahanoy Plane, wees days, 2.10 s.zi , 74H ana ii.! a.m.. i.w,-i.. , 7.0,' e i . ro. unnaay, z iu, a.si anu i.n ,1. .,U, 4.30 o. in. , fir (llrardvllle (Ranpahannook Htallou weeK days, 2.1, 8.25, 5.25, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m. Ii:i3. 1 85 '1.50. 5,00, 7.W ana p. ui. ouuunj 2-10 3 25, 7, a. m., 3.05, 4.30 p. m. or AEUiana ana numuuim, 2ifo, 3.25. 5.25,7.20, 11.30 a, ra., 1.35, 7.00 and B25 ritAlNa FOK BliKNANDOAH: 7i rjnnr Vnrlr vlll Fhlladelnbla. V7HK days, 7.15 a. m., 1.30, 4.00 7.30 p. m., 13.;5j . -avo Now York via Mauoh cEunk, k dftj s, 4.80, B.45 a. nl I.W ana .49 p, ui. ui.MuAivtMo wtwjr davB. 4.10. ltd 10.00 a. ra. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m.. from Bro: d aiaaillowmllands.5a. m.and ll." p. m rrom 9th and ircea atreets. Sunday 9.0 a. m n m n. m.hom BtU nc Ureen. flive Beading, weeK days, 1.35. 7.10. 10.W I and a.50 a.m., 635,7.57 p.m. fauaday I3i atd 1'4veIP0tUsvUle, weeS days, 2.40,7.40 a.m. 12 "ll p. m. bonday, X40, 7.00 a. m. and 4 rMT.maniiK. wAAkr d&vs. 8.20. 8.48 ano 11 2. a. m., 1.11, 7.18, and 9.18 p. m. Sunday 8.W Letve Mahanoy City, week days, 8.40, 9.1E ai d 11.47 a. m., 1.51, 7,42 and 9.44 p. m. Bon day. 8.40,8.17 a. m 3.20 p. m. M SHENANDOAH, PA. Lehigh Valley Railroad. ASBAMQEKENT OF PA83KKQKB TRAINS -NOV 15. 1891. Passenger trains will leave tiheuaudoah (or Mauch Chunk, Lohljthton, Blatlngtou, Cata. eauoua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Eaton. Phil adelphla and New York at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a. m., U52,110,5.2Sp.m. For Belvldere, Delaware Wsler Gap and atroudsburg at 5.47, a. ra., and 5.28 p.m. Kor Lamtjortvllle and Trenton, 9.08 a, m For White (laven, Wllke-Barre aud PltU, t o,M In II a m I IDunrt fi?tn m. ForTonkhannook, 10,41 a. m., 3.10 and 6.20 p. m. For Auburn, Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyons 10.41 a.m., an 158 p.m. For lAOeyviue, lowanaa, oayia, ""'""Ji F.lralra, ttocnesior, jjuutiiu, ai.ki ft, IU.11 U1UU been victorious in some battles against o 30 1.85. M a nt ,l M iM WW."' ffiraUW Abdullah, chief of tho Pnggara tribe. JWt"; B.inday2.4 , 4.00. and 8.-7, a.m Kassalo U reported depopulated. 3-le .JCrdvllle (Happahannock Btatlon Kor Ktolra and the West Deniiiiiiro tlm I'leco Syslciii in t-rmoin. Tuenton, N. J., Feb. 10. James M. Seymour, tho Supervisor ot tno atuie Prison, in bis report, lias muou 10 suy about tlie piece system now used in tho working department ot tpe prison, lie denounces it as unjust to tho wage workers of the country. To AUt llin ISIilar. London, Feb. 10. The Herman frigate" Prinz Wiluohn ha anchored oil Ather lield, Isle ot Wight, having been sent at this lute hour to render assistance to the slrauded North German Lloyd steamship Eider, ashore off tlie Atherlleld ledge for two weeks past. The IUouU Hyutulil oil tlio II. & O. rniLAnEUUUA, Feb. 10. Tho Phila delphia Division of the Baltimore & Ohio 1u.uvbii Philadelphia and Baltimore, will be operated according to the block signal system. As soon a posslblo the llnuB west 'of Baltimore will use tills system. 2.VJ S.I8, 8.83, 8.03 and 10.03 p. m. Bunday.2,47 4,07 183 a. ra, S.41,0." p.m, ,. Lnve Wllllameport, week days, 8.00,9.45 acd 11.55 a.m. 8.35 and 11.15 p. m. Bunday 11.1. P'mi BalUmore, Washlnt'tou and the went via 1,0. 11. K., through Trains leave Glrard Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. .ft at 355 K01 and 11.27 a. m,ZM. 5A2 an 7 13 ,. m. Hnndnv. 3.M 8.02 11.27 a, m 3.50 512 od7.Hp. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVIBION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut BtrootWna,f a a viathBtreet Wharf. Por Atlantic Cltv. UTnalrliiva KinrftRU.DM a. m. 2.1X1. .00, .. va, voso'nmolMDa.SOO. m. and 6,00, i. tn. 4anda?s. ' Etprosa, 9.00 a. m, Acsom. -ti iitoo,S.OO a. m. and 4.30 p. m. tsturnlng, leave Atlamlo City, depo A iiatle and Arkansas venue. Wek-d s Rxpfess,7.30, 9.00 a, ra. nnd 1.00, p. m. Ao ooramoclalloD8.10 a. m. and 4.S0 p. m. Sun days -Kxpress, 4.(W, p. m. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m. nnd 1 JO p. ra. O. U. HANCOCK, Gen'l fase'r Aft. v. HOLMOU. Pres. i Gen'l Manaier Si S24.I 1.000 Cenulne Tyler Curtain Desko 121 and ' 824 Not Spot Cash. So. Antlnuo Oak Btnndnrd Tyler .llt.Oln. l.mal.yiirt.oin.iiieii. l,""u'l"" Vroor. .Ino noiiora upaer unwoi.i JLL". , fcV,.r lined curtalni Pollsbe!lOa, WrtUnaJbleiOTum blcr lock! one lock securing all drawers! s neavi cardboard Filing Iimcus Cupboara In endl 'n'f Finished Ilacki KxtonHon Arm Slldcsi WelB t SOO Hi.. I'rlcn, P. , It. nt Fnctory, S ftct. First National Bank, Cunuilliin Coinmlsnlo'iers On Home. Wiohikutov. Feb. 10. The Canadian Reciprocity Commissioners have left for borne, ine tact mat iue cuhiuiii"."..". were not lven power to conclude a recl- proolty agreement wltlitne uniteu sum" being finally settled, tlieie was nothing further to no in regard to iue irHuu n latlous between the countrltw. Bvidtnt ly Lord bulisbury's answers to 81r Julian i,iiinifntn,H ciibles aBklnu for some power for the commissioners to enter ! .... ...i.i. .1. . TT..I....I Ct.it.iu Into negotiaiiouB wan ni """"' -J",t"" were not satisfactory, for the departure of tho commissioners Is a somewhat sud den move. i raviirahly lteporteil to the House. Wabiiinotok, Fob. 10. Tho Springer Free Wool bill has been lavorainy to ported to the House by the Committee on Ways and Means! also a bill to plaeo cotton iNiggmg ami wwrn no" free list, and machinery used in the manufacture of cotton uagguui. ino House Commltte on Foreign Affairs has also reiHirted favorbly Mr. Geary's bill to absolutely promuit tne uuhiiiis Chinese Into the United States. Till en annul Dknvkh, Col., Feb. THEArni'. IIUH.UINO, via dalamanca at &?P-?:.- , u.w r f or Auuuunou. jiuiiDLuu, jMj,a.vuu ho Vorri WAnthnrlv and Penil HaV6U JUUO tion at 5.4. 7.40. 9.08 a. ra.and 12.52, 3.10 aud 5?or "jeaneavllle, Lovlaton atid Ueavei Uonrlnn Tin Q fW fl. TTi . Utld 5.20 D. IU. 5; For Haisle Ilroote. Jeddo, DrlOoti and Fro Iftud at 5,47, 7.40, D.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52 3.10 and 6.iI6 D. ITU KurUakatee al 5.47 and 9.03 a.m., aud 8'For" WUTaaa. QUbortoa aad KractviUo at 5.50 and 8.52 a in., aud 4.10 p. m. 6.17, 7.10, 9.08, 10.41, a.m., 3.1U.j.2li,B,tw, 'roTLost Creek. 31rardvllle and Jshland 1.27, 7.48, 8.62, 10.15 a. ra., 1.00, 1.10. 4.10, 8.35 8-!Sa.U?,1''iiE'',,2; hi. nialr and IMtUvlUe 6 50 .40, 8.52, '1.08, 10 41 a. rn.. 122, 3.10, 4.10, 5.28 ''W. u, .ot Ntnmitjiln. New lloston and Morei, 7.40, 9.08, l '.ll a. in., 12.52, 3.10, 6.2.1 aud n Lf 1) m ' For Kaveu Run, Centralla, Mt. Carmel and rlnamokin, ana ui.n u. m., i.u, ., ani U Oft n. m. Trains leave Hhamoklu tor Hbenandojb, 7. Jb 115 a. m., 2.10, 4 JO and VSO p. m arrlvlUB at Bhsnan'loah, 9.U5 a. ra., 12.52, 3.10. 5.20 and limn m FortiOltv. Audenrlnd, Hllver Ilrook Ji;nc- tlona-ii llazliliin 5.17. 7 tu, .us, ana iu.ii m 12 52, 3.10, 5,20 ana s. a p. m. ' ' UrT.41l.VV 1-itt.lNB. For Loit Greek, Glrardvtlle and Ashland VSO.9.10 llMa. m.,2.45p. ra. For Darkwater. 81. Olalr and Poltsvlllt, :mi QW. m T IK ii in. rw iwiwviiw, "''iyi Also 1,000 Antique Ash .Desks. t Xa.4008. Bamonsabi)Te,oxccpimauou.0u..u, V220,.u'if ir..cY..;V. ai"xet. Bbirpci' from our Indianapolis factory dlroot. Mado ana som bolely by tbe TYLER UEGK CO., it. uouib, rnu. uopu.Csui.mi. or nut ctnttn, i. etcui.olo" fineit etcr printed, lloon irec: iionn.o gen... Killed. 10. An accident occurred ill the Mollis Ulbaon mine at Asiieu, Col., tbrougliwhlcu the following .OAH pppjNJA Urn lUSa. m., 1.40, 4,40, 8.0 p. m. miners wore killed'. Miobael Kugers, W. SH EN AN DUAH , r-'HINlNA. "o'ttVy, Aadinruja and Kasleton, &JS L. ShlnHj and M. Capias, liie iiolilc Otbson Is the ilchest silver mine in tlie j world. Hiamer (iocm to PIoiism llxuniis, Twin., l'eb. 16. The steamer Eugene, plying between Memphis and Pine Dliltl, Ark., struck a sans "vo nue Nimnpuper Amiili;iiiatliiii, IIublin. Kib. 10. A Parnelllte organ declares that negoliat ions are on the nolut of conclusion for the amalgamation of tho "National Press" aud the "Free .mil's .liiiirnnl" and their weekly ad- juncta. The "Freeiiutu's .louinal'' will heiioeforth lie the only patriotic dally iu Dublin. Captain O'Connor, ot the "Na tional Press," will Join the "Freeman's Journal" board of directors, and will be provided with a seat In Parliament. Capital, $ioo,ooo.oo 1 4I It M For" Mauc'h fjhnnk. behlybtmi, wlatlnctpn, v.iJLIiSna Aiitntiiwn. Uotlilefieui. KsUar and nsw torn, o,w For fmuvas.p.ua. Jjr j",' b yi nu TON, Gpn'l rasa. Ant., Bethlehem north of Helena, Ark., and went to the . , n bottom of tlie river. No Jive, wore lost. U W. LeiSenrwg, PfVS., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., KliiE IWuulfk llrelares War. Lonimjn, lreb. 10. King Jlenelek of Abrssinla Las uiused to reoeive the Ambassador sent from 'ligre, one of the three principal states ot Abyuluin, and bus declared war aigaiust tnai, Dtaie. A J. GALLAGHER Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Least, Mortgages and Bonds written, aiarnauo iiobu '-"- - promptly attended to. J. ft. Leisenring, Cashier, 9 W. Yost, Ass't Cashier. Real Mtta, Oollectioa and Iasarante Agency tVunt a Cruiser Miiiuml Cape liny. TnwTO.N, N. J., Feb. 10. An effort is to he made to have one of the new government cruisers named utter Cape May, the summer capital at the lower end ot fiew Jersey. nR.THSEL, ass ?f-o;.Ji:?Hu,n!,.,.v! l, ,ul, htuuliie Oeimn ADUllviA B,.v,ill.t It. Ow I "" HUB. !' " sbi- ti ou' Blood Poison Msrvous Debility" Bpij olul Diornof e V , Siiit DIwmw. K d Slu rlnt In lh b,,n,..aoieThroal Kouth, Bl.tv,li. riltipl,., Krii,llni,i, lofl of ba tloir. hi.llii.., lirlullooi, Irfvimi.tit-u" n'1 Rnubtnii, birioiurt. Weskotit sn'l KsrlJ .o.T. lo.l iMirj ..1i mrnul IV L. ., U.-r uon or 0,.l K-l ''"'. K.AVi relief si uoo.. Dn out low " '""'i i V,, l.ll.l. Ildns Dooux, Uusos, r.milj o; llusp llsl JI, U. I mj. DO YOU YANT HELIEF? KROUTS RHEUMATIC REMEDY win iironimiv lciiete iue mbi uiw trfMilnt ctwM.f Acute ort liroitic Mieu DiutlHui or tk.ut Uy nrlctly oltPiTins tlm fliriM'liiJiirt Ik u 111 ruruxuU liLrutttQ- euuy . - U'f c.'UDtrj , tUls umdlcli la a tueulflu tor thr vtxrlou tut at of rbeuuiftUtui out , hud uut In aur mum ft ' t-urli" Uu botilt lilu.k a fct-fm tory loiureantau on tbe nUt-in, mad i la e40HtA!i lih mo ylu, co.iln"e thu amiri. r thkJ tl propvr roiooly u round. on wtewuteili ro nu aLarl ta It it lb 8 UitrlU of I ' kHoB'S ltUI DJIATIO JtEMItnV, , Mliafaiuablo proper tU ro udora b huudrtdi of tt I Odd veuot itla in i ?reil I. ut.. w-sisisshl 'or II" It curstlr. .l In t,... ulsitii, t ul hl.tJl.'l' S uul'lluiTIII ItVUlbV ii mi P sy'l.. C Bittlsi. M.00. mil, "C Cti. Est. ir rur itjKfk.sti 14,' It'A kwtp It ., i 1 il U to ll,. , tttjnutholum. mud f'-u 111 roclro II 1 mull Ai.intnT niton, a(137 Markut Street, l'lil bil'H, Ta. rtwtirs, sr. t Yiiiini; Girl i;iiniitirroitr. Nbwahk, N J., Feb. 10. Two kdrls, Louise aud Jeauie ileller, aged 16 aud lu years respectively, have lieen arrested oluu'H"d with atiuuipllug to pass counter feit dime and nickels. Oalvln A. KleliunU Uuuit. Boston, Feb. 1C Calvin A. Richards, one of Boston's laruest rtal estate owners, is dead. Open nally From 9 to 3. ft. 3 PER GENT. INTEREST I I-ulil 011 Hnvliixis IepllH. MEN WANTED General Fire Insqranca lliisiness. Hepresent OCKIOB-Muldoon's ballttliiar, corner Centre and Went 8w.. Hhenandoali. ra. Ocil Properties ol All Kinds For Sale, 1. A two story dout.le Irame dwslllnz tiniiso more and restaurant, on Hast 1 Jsuwe BU 2. A dwelling and restaurant on HatOntr a.fw2kable property no oorner CJentre and Jardln streets, suitable for business pur- 4, Atwo slorv double frame dwelling, ot West Uovd str. ... ,. 5 -Two2-slry frame dwelling on WtCeu- .-'Killsinry dwelim" on the oorner pi Coal and Oiiestnut streets HUireroomlD TwvBtory sluele house on North Chestnut street with alarnj warehouse at the rear Three two-tory double frame buildings corner or iiioyaaaa wuubis.viww John R. Coye, A.ttorney-at-Law AMP Real Estate Agent! OFI'1014 UWIDAI.L'8 llDILDINa, flor. Mln and Centra Street. SHENANDOAH. P'jj PROPERTY FOR SALE: f A turn nnd oulialf atnrv (Inline fninl dwelllug house, with stre-rKiin and -! uturani. wwhiwi tin mi u.mi. ou,. UA valuahla property located on wouth J, din stieet. 1- Hflveti nwe'llnu htinsHk at the rornei or ()J bert mid l.'oyn BireetK. unn"iii'"'"'c ! It will pay Dnyono In want of lo sen, I Sr.. to po; n .,ur iipuiiful Una oil , .... - over 1IU nmtt linl wnnrlef t a-" crJ. , n I Audrew '. II. OAPV. afi UlKh bt.. lTuvWeutxi, it. i any tlm bulor uaroa a.