The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 10, 1892, Image 1

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The Evening Herald
in t ins juatesc flea's
The Evening Herald
delivered by carriers.
VOL. VJX--NO. 35.
The Evening Herald.
Has a larger circulation In Shenandoah than
any other paper published. Circu
lation books open to all.
With Blaine out of the way Presi
dent Harrison has the field to him
The Ice dealers In this section have
housed plenty of tile congealed article
and there will be no scarcity of It this
Pottsville will not be satisfied with
a government building that costs lees
than $100,000 Shenandoah will ac
cept a $25,000 one and give the ground
for it gratis.
Several young men have written
to the Herald in inquire in what
part of the world "push and energy
may win for a young man something
more than mere existence." In an
swer to these bright youug men we
wish to say that push and energy will
win just as much in Shenandoah as It
will anywhere. Indeed, push and
energy in this town should bo more
successful than any place else, since it
would be such an exceeding rarity. I
If a little push and energy should be
infused Into Shenandoah It would
frighten some of the dozing snails
Into their graves.
Strength and Health.
If you are not feeling strong and healthy,
try Electric'Bitters. If "La Grippe" ha9
left you weak and weary, use Electrio Bit
ters. This remedy acts directly on Liver,
Stomach and Kidneys, gently aiding those
organs to perform their functions. If you
are afflicted with Sick Headache, you will
find spocdy and permanent relief by taking
EloctticlBittors. Ono trial will convince
you that this Is the remedy you need.
Large bottles only COc. at O. H. Hagen
buch's Drug StoJe.
uouguing ijeaaa to consumption,
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at
"Helyett Waltz."
The "Helyett Waltz," the newest and
most popular waltz out, at Brumm's jwolry
and musio store. 1 6-tf
Carpets and Oil Cloths
Reduced to make room for a large
spring stock. Call lor bargains.
C. D. Fricke's Carpet Store,
10 S. Jardiu St., Shenandoah.
In Velvet.Body and Tapestry Brussels
cents up.
NEW MO QUEUE RUGS At Reduced JPHces, Beauti
iul Styles, from $1.35 tip.
ismw OIL CLOIJISAU tvtdths and prices, from S5o
up. Choice Patterns,
Quality better than usual.
Five Dozen Men's Fancy Flannel
AnotJier Zot of JTlne Xlortda Oranges. Sweet, Juicy
and Large Size. 25o per doa.
A. Marked Improvement.
a marked improvement Is noticoablo In
this week's Issm of Frank Leslie's Illus
trated Weekly &n Improvement not only
in its letter-press, but In the character ol
the Illustrations. Wo ootlce that a num
ber of new artists aro working on this, the
best Illustrated weekly published in thii
country. The most striking double-pag
yet published Is that in this week's Issue,
which shows just the condition of affairs on
the grounds of the World's Columbian
Exposition at Chicago. This ropresenta
tlon of tbo different buildings is alone
worth tho price of the paper. There are
also to bo foHnd in It handsome pictures of
the proposed new Episcopal cathedral in
the city of New York; a striking picture
entitled "A Close Shave," representing a
small fishing smack lu:t missed by an
ocoan steamer, and a page devoted to the
obsequlos of the late Duki of Olaroncf.
The illustrated story "Leah" is especially
worthy of noto. Price, ten cent9. To be
bad at your newsdealer's.
Laugh I
Of course they did. They couldn't hol(
it. Tho broad grin lasted, too, until they
reached tho street, and that's tho best pan
of it. This was at Granite Hall last even
ing. The occasion was tho presentation ol
tho funnioit farce-comedy ever writton
"A Social Session" and the continued ap.
plau'e and hearty bursts of laughter were
sufficient evidence cf tho satisfaction it
gave the packed house that had assembled
to witness It. Tho singing of Kato Sprague
was fine, and was repeatedly encored. The
specialties of Billy Gray brought down the
homo time and time again. The balance
of the company was good throughout,
The musio of the orchestra was a feature
and wa particularly fine. Kennebec Jour
nal, "Social Session" will appear at Fer
guson's theatre this evening.
Literary Programme
The following is the programme ar
ranged for the next meeting of the "Y,"
which will be held on Saturday evening,
February 18 :
Reading Maud Parish
Declamatlou Fannie Davis
Quartette Misses Itussel and Morgan and
Messrs. Morgan and Uafner.
Essay, "Partlzan Politics," Win. Reeves
Recitation , Mame Leaver
Temperance Reading Ruth Williams
Singing By "Y" Members
Critic ol Literature Clara Cllne
Critic for the evening ..Edward Dunks
Buoklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho Bost;Salve in tho world far Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Foyer
Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively curosI'ilos, or no payment required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfoct satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by O. H. Hagenbuch.
All parties having contributions for tho
Grant Band tatr aro requested to leave
them at the store of F. J. Porta, North
Main street.
2 10-2t Committee.-
Fancy, eatin and other flno valentines,
cheap, at Max Eeete's, West Centre street.
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's
Reduced JPHces, jrom 75
livo yards wide at 50 cents.
to Close 7 hem Out.
All Prices.
As Discoursed in the Presbytor
ian Church by Rov. MoNally,
tho Pastor Ono of tho
Last Series
The following is a synopsis of tho sor
raon preached in the Presbytorian church
on Sund.iy evening, January 17th, by
Rev. William MoNally. After depicting
tho horrors of tha Great Tribulation the
clergyman spoke as follows:
It is very plain that the Lord doos not
come at a time of peace and righteousness,
out at a time of war, violonco and si
reigning every where, "as it was in th
days of Noah;" "silt wa9 in tho days
Lot." Over against tho lawful tribulation
ns-s tho millennium. "Weeping may en
dure lor a night, but joy oometh in th
morning." Tie small moment of eclipi
auu wram snail oo loiiowed with
lasting kindnois. This is the goldon ago
hopo and prophecy. Poets have feen
alar as the mirage upon the desert sky,
Ancient seers have pnntod its growin
outlines in words and images they could
not themselves understand, and livine and
dying patriarchs and saints have looked
forward to it with great desire. Man has
tried to mako his own millennium: poetry
has dreamed of It and sunk into a sonsuous
paradise; patriots and optimists have drawn
the vision of a golden age of liberty,
equality, peace and plenty, and seen only
anarchy, licence and misery arise at the
touch of their deceptive wand; moralist!
have toiled for purity, tomperance an
virtue, and dreamed of a day when social
rotorm will have blotted out the last
plague spot from our cities, only
to seo wickedness, crime, intemperance
and woman's ehamo increase with increas.
ing civilization ; christian reformers have
expected a spiritual millennium, in which
the gospel shall cover the mariad pnpula
tions of the earth, and make every land
holy, happy paradise of love and joy an
holiness. But, ata-l The lands that are
most evangelized are sometimes the farthest
from millennial piety or purity: and worn
ail the world to reach to-morrow tho con
dition to which christian lands hav
attained alter 90 many centuries of effort,
earth would still be a sight to make Hirn
weop who died to rodeom It.
1 make bold to assort with all positlvo
uoob mm me millennium will never come
through the gradual improvement, and
self lilting power of tho human race. The
verdict of all sacular blstory isagainBtit,
ana mo ruins 01 adizan lndepsndentcivill
zations already laugh this worn -out hope
to scorn, .riven since tbo christian church
fell away from its apostolic, first estate, bv
marrying tne world and allowing Kmporors
to ruio it, (beginning with Constantino.
who was Pomifex Max rxws, or high DrieU
01 l-axanisrajuntu a fow hours before his
.death), men have dresmedlthrough incan
tations, that tho millennium would come by
Miorts born of the dust, and have ignored
the Saviour's express intimation that thr
reign of peace and rightoousnejs must wait
in sack-clotn for His return
Religion is a very small factor in tl e
process, any way, for nowadays the
majority of men turn away from th
cburchos as unworthy their notice. Then.
how many years will it take, according to
tne present method, to bring In tho trillion-
mum 1 a repeat, mat all such efforts to
establish the millennial kingdom are in
vain. What a travesty it Is, for instance,
upon presumptuous human reason, that
after almost 6.000 years of effort, it has
failed to compass an harmonious social
system. How many mnro thousand yers
win it take, working on the same pnn
ciple? Tho present statu of affairs is un
satisfactory. Labor and capital are ar
rayed one against the othor; wo have lib
eralism, atheism, socialism, nihilism, ter
rorlsm and devilism, and the name of the
whole breed is license. "Let me do what
I please, for I have a right to do it." I
this a pleasing millennium ? Bather, does
it not assure us that wo are living in just
sucn a state 01 chaos as the Lord himself,
prophets and apostles bave plainly told us
we would be in whon the time drew near
for the coming of Messiah to set up His
kingdom on the earth? Things will go on
from bad to worse, culminating In the
"aiiti christ" or "beast," as he is callnd,
who with tbo Prince of Roih, Mescbek
and Tubal (Kzekiel, chapters 38 and 89)
will persecute Om's ancient people and
many of the Gentile people, till at last
I-raul's king appears and the "Hosannab,
H u ed is Uh that Cum -lb," will bo beard.
Then Israel will be delivered, the boast
and laUe pri'pbut will be slain, the army,of
Gog and Magog will fall upen the bills of
Palestine, add the L rd God wilt
reign over the earth, and over His people
Israel. I look for no millennium until
"G. d appears on earth to reign." Let us
consider a few lenturts of this millennium
1 w-.h.n 1,.... t.i.....D.r'l5?at. Pan-Tlnnlaaoidat V. V. u. KU-an'.
--- -ruuuuk ov.u. i
He will bo bound and shut up In the abyss,
that ho may decoivo tho nations no more
until tho thousand years (millennium)
are finished (Kav. 20-4); Every hindrance
to the glory of God and the happiness of
His creatures on the tarth wilt hn removed.
Njw the kingdom is the Lord's, and tho
whole earth, is under His dominion, and
righteousness and peace universally prevail.
lie natn remembered His mercy and
truth Uward tho house of Israel, and all
tho ends of tho earth hivu seon the salva
Hon of our God." While He shall be
king over all the earth, Ho will be especially
Israel's king; "tor the Lord God shall give
unto Wra tho throne of 1IU father David.
and Ha shall rule over tho house of Jacob
forever, and of His kingdom ihero shall be
no end." Thon shall tho kingdom be in
deed restored to Israel, and that despised
people shall becomo "a crown of slory in
the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem
in the hand of their God." In anticina
lion of that nay tho prophet Isaiah says
Jureak forth into joy yo waste places of
Jerusalem, for the Lord halh comforted
His peoplo, and II 0 hath redeemed Jerusa
lem." Thus shall tho Lord of Hosts reign
in Si unt Zion and in Jerusalem, and
before His ancients gloriously" and tho
name of the city from that day shall be
"Jehovih Shammah" or "Tho Lord is
There." Then shall Isaiah GOj. 10 20 have
their comptole fulfilment,
2. Wickednes3and war shall be abolished,
Tnoro shall bo nothing to hurt or to des
troy In all the holy mountain of the
Lird; for tho knowledge of the
Lord shall cover tho earth us the
waters cover the sea." "Nation shall not
lift up the sword against nation, &o." We
do not say that there shall be no sin loft in
human hearts during the millennium, but
we KO say that ODen w ckedniua nhull h
suppressed and rostralned under the holy
and universal sway of (Jhrnt and his a!nte.
The world will bo evangelized. Death
will bo a rare thing.
o. lhe curse will be removed from the I
earth. We know whore and why the
curse came in. Adam fell, and for bis
sake tho ground was cursed. In that day
the curse Is removed. Two nations shall
occupy the millennial earth first, the
Jewiih nalionf previously restored to their
own land, shall bo tho the queen ot na
tlors; secondly, the Gentile nations shall
aUo be left on the earth, and shall be con
verted to Christ. In this great missionary
movement the Jews are to be largely in
struraonlal. (Isaiah CO: 19.)
4. Iho animal creation will undergo
radical change, and becomo as docile and
tame as they wore in Edon before the fall
'lhe only creaturo from which God do
not remove the curse is the serpent; even in
that day Uod remembers the part it p'ayed
in .Cden, and therefore, we are told, tba
"dust shall be the serpent's food."
6. Jerusalem shall bouome a praise In tb
earth. "Out of Zion shall go forth tb
law, and the word of tho Lord from
Jerusalem." She who has boon trodda
down will occupy a wonderful place in thru
day, and her recovered glory will as mucL
eclipse that of the past, as the glory
Christ the iiing will surpass that of Sol
0 The risen and translated saints wi
reign ot-er the earth. Satan absent, tft
Lord present, how gloriou I
As nearly as we can judko from tho Utei
descriptions of the New Jerusalem, 1
would seom to bo a ity, or sphern, o, x
ceeding glory, poised just above the earth,
and in constant communication with I
In it shall dwell the children of the tlr
Resurrection during the 1000 years. Tui
confusion of languages forms a very serlou
mpeuiinem now to the communion 01
Saints, but there seems to be reasmti
conclude that in the millennial dispensa
tion this disadvantage will be remove 1 an
there shall be one languige. (Z pb. Ilf, 0),
wnallnoone pure language will be, w
are n t iold, but may it not bo the ancien
ueorew, tb language of God's cbosei.
people? Every true christian must ean,
estly detlro the establishment of this king
dom of blessedness then let us unite wiili
the Apostle John, and pray, "Even ,0.
Come, Lord Je-us."
A Llttlo Girl's Experience In a
Ml. and Mrs. Luren Trescott are koepen-
ot tho Hiiv. Lighthouse at Sand Bdch
Mich ,and are blessod with a daughter.foi-
years old. Lat April she was taken dow
with Measlea, followed with a dread. al
cough and turning into a Fever. Doctors
t home and at Detroit treutod her. but in
vain. ho grew wi rse rapidly, until she was
mere "handful of bones." Then she
tried Dr. King's New Discovery and after
the uso of two and a half bottles, was com
pletely cured. They say Dr. King's New
Discovery is worth its weight in gold, yet
you may get a trial bottle froe at O. H.
Hagenbuch's drug store.
Desirable Lodge Room,
A lodge desiring a cosy meeting room on
Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday evenings
of each wook can bo accommodated at
Mollet'i ball, which has been recently
papered, painted and carpeted. Apply to
il. Mellet.
ainiSSW. ohtoa &utZr iM
nppoimjran naa. Don-nail to get the
inulue: avoid subst tutea. nnstji imlt
urn more.
Thomas Balrd and Daniel Orrdon
Were Nominated by Acclama
tion for School Direotors.
Other Nominees.
Last night's primary of the Citizens'
party, of the Second ward, was held in
'"Kuson's "nt ball.
The crowd prosent was large, filling the
room almost to suffocation.
It was some time after the hour fixed for
the meeting when Supervisor Llewellvn
Otiiod tbo mooting to orJor, Bnd niraed
'Hquire Dengler as chairman. Tho 'Squi'e
waj elected by acclamation and took the
chair, using bis huge cane for a eavel.
W. J. Morean was chosen secretary and
Messrs. W. N. JSbrhart and Elmer Was
ley tellers.
The first business was the nomination of
a candidate for Council for three years,
K. W. Stout, John H. Evans and F. J,
rortz were named, tho latter without
un balloting B. W. Stout came oil an
easy victor.
Tiu n : j 1 t-v n ,
xuuuinmwaaau uaniei ugaen were
nominated for School Directors by accla
matioD' tho former for throe years and the
for Judge of Election F, B. Houkins.
dr., was nominated by acclamation.
Andrew Stank was nominated for In
spector ot Election, and George H. Krick
tor ward assessor.
Only 'onesetof Borough Ojnferees wore
named, In the interest of Burcoss Lessir.
and they were chosen by acclamation. If
ean nad ln9lruoted any one to name
his conferrees he failed to do so. The con
fnrroesaro A. Woomer, Eobert Hagen
buch and Patrick Sullivan.
For tho Standing Committeo H. O.
Boyer was cuosen by acclamation.
. FenItinera In Other Countries to
Receive No Money.
Washington, Feb. 10. The attention
cf Congressman Newberry of Illinois,
hiving been called to a dispatch from
Montreal stating that there Is much
anxiety among persons resldlnir iu Cana
da and drawing pensions from the United
States Government, over his bill pro
viding that no pensions shall be paid to
anj- person who is not it resident of the
United States.
Mr. Newberry said bis measure was a
good one, and Its main object was to
bring the pensioners resldinir In other
countries, back to the Unltod States.
la Ltenuany. Austria. Turkey. Ee-vnfc.
and in fact all over the world, he said,
there were large numbers of United
States pensioners residing who had no
intention of ever returning to the United
They could live abroad chenner. anil
they were raising families, the sonB be
coming citizens of foreign countries, and,
In case of war with the United States,
they would fight ugainst their mother
"When I was In Germany," Mr. New
berry continued, "I talked with any
number of United Stntes pensioners who
expressed an intention of' remalnlntr
away irom home, and altogether, about
iu,uuu, or more, of such people are living
inrougnout tue world."
Sheriff Welsh Says the Kidnapper Will
lie GIveu to New York State.
White Plains, N. Y Feb. 10. The
Waterbury kidnapping case came before
the Westchester grand jury, that body
having Its session.
Charles P. Waterbury of Long Ridge
and bis little 8-year-old Bon Ward, who
was kidnapped by Charles E. Wuterbnrv.
John McC nn and Sam Sutherland, came
vo w uite i-iains in response to Bubpoenas
by District-Attorney. Piatt.
Both father and son went before th
grnnd jury and told the story of the kid.
napping. It is said that the recital of
the cabe by little Ward made a profound
impression on the jurymen.
sheriff Thomas welsh of Cennectlcut
was also here, He said the Connecticut
authorities would deliver the three kid
nappers over to the Westchester authori
ties If the grand jury found un indict
ment. Tho Ladles.
The pleasant effect and porfe:t safety
with which ladles may ntn tha Dulllnrnla
liquid laxative SvruD of Fi. t.niW 1!
conditions, makes it their favorite remedy.
To got tbo truo and genuine article, look
for tho narao of the California Fig Syrup
uo., printed noar tbo bottom of tbo pack
Severo Injury,
On Saturday, Daniel Lebe, of Mavborrv
alley, who is employed at the Beddall
Bros' washery, near Gilberton, met with a
painful, although not a serious Injury
h'6 81 hb uu,l, work ha "PP Pn
large nal , which passed through his mm
I, . . .' . . . v. . "'"a"
boot and Into his right foot.
0001 800 1010 m K" '00- " now
I under the care of Dr. Stein.
Cashier L-isenrlng, of Uiz'eton, was in
town to-day.
Conductor Z-ich Moyr, who ran be
tween Wilkes-Barro and Poltsvllle, has
been transferred to another division.
Tho Baldwin Comely O mpanv will
appear at Ferguson's theatro all next week
(except Wednesday). They open their
engagement Kith tho sensational drama
entitled, "Michael Strogoff," of their per-
lormance of this play the Oswego Times
mentions as follows ; The Baldwin Comedy
Company opened a week's encaeemont at
tho Opera House last night in that well
known Imelodrama, Michael Strogoff.
Tho play is ono of such strength that only
a company of artists can successfully
prosent it. Ba it to the credit of the
Baldwin company that they handled
Michael Strogoff last night admirably.
Allen Demond, as Michael Strogoff. made
a moit excellent impression. And in fact
it mty be truthfully said that the entire
company is without a stick. Admission
10, 20 and 30 cents. Soats on sale 9 a. m.
"Our Shoes Don't Pinch "
A gunjj of itinerant impostors under thn
guise of artists bave invaded the town and
are trying to pass an inferior grade of
bromide prints on the people, upon which
they are compelled to pay fifty conls at
time of giving order. Subseouentlr .
charge of two dollars (for wh'ch there is
no stipulation) is imposed. These men are
not artists and know nothine of art. Thev
receive from their manufacturer! whatever
grade can be obtained at the lowest nrir
The real makers of these pictures are be
ginners who aro struggling to learn the
business and who are willing to work for
merely enough to pay their ex
penses. Tho pictures are made in
the cities of the cheapest grades
of materials. Consider well before giving
them your order. The photoeranhew of
the city struggle to please their patrons, not
requiring any "down fee." but euarantnn
satisfaction, or money refunded.
H 4.RRT T. Hall,
Manager Roshon Gallery. 2-10 It
Demand Heard Around the World.
this a strong cartoon in this week's
sue of Judge. It pictures President Har
rison holding the Unittd States flag backed
Dy a united .North end South, standing
firm in defense of this country's rights.
Chili, being wrong, is represented as mak
ing ample aoology. The front Daee shows
one how the Democratic majority under
the leader Holman, the watch-dog of the
treasury, has cut off all appropriations of
every kind. He is represented as a coun
try tailor who has sadly dolapidated Uncle
-am's garments. It is tho best tort of a
Republican argument. Get this week's
Judge of your newsdealer. Price, 10
Preliminary Meeting.
A meeting will be held in Beddall's hall.
above It. H. Morgan's store, on Friday
evening, February 12ih at 8 o'clock, for tho
purpose of organizing a Game and Fleb
Protective Aisociation. The people of
Mahanoy Guy. Pottsville, Sbamokin and
Ashland have recently orgnlzed a similar
association, and are doing good work in
protecting the game. Let Shenandoah do
The License Mill.
The Court acted on the followinn Shen
andoah licenses: K-jcted Mrs. Alice
Mann, Third ward. Granted James J.
Bradigan, Fifth ward.
Third Ward Primary.
The Third ward primary ol the Citizens'
party will be held in Ferguson's front hall
this evening at 7 o'clock.
Koagoy la Ahead.
And ho is on tho first tbor. Remember,
no steps to climb with your children, ani
his work talks without money.
Editors Meet.
The editors of the Schuylkill county
association held their regular quarterly
mooting at Pottsville yesterday.
As our reporter came along Water street last
night, shivering with the chill night air, and
drawing his overcoat tightly about him, ho
thought, "now Is tho time for coughs and colds "
but If poor mortals only knew what a certain
cure Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup is, how few would
long suiter, and then It costs only twenty-nvo
cents. Smdusky, (O110) JitgUitr.
Everybody Knows
Everybody Knows
Everybody Known
That Colgate's
That Colgate's
That Colgate's
Toilet Soups
Toilet Boapa
Toilet Soaps
Are the Beet
Are the Beat
Ate the Host
When yon are gettlni a nleeo ot Toilet Boau
get It good, for It Inst longer nnd gives better
satisfaction generally, A piece of Boap with
the name or Colgate on it can be depended
upon as the purest and best that can be pur.
chased for the monoy. A full line at
122 North. Jardin Street.