The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 08, 1892, Image 3

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    Present! in llic most.elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
aud effective laxative Iw perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation,, and the many ills de
pending on a weak o- ' '.:.
condition of the
Itis themostcicelttnttcn ': en'
When one Is IM10111 or ( o
so tii a r
Every one is using it and vX ?zt
delighted with it.
s-srzs.'ox 01? ayicsrs
Blck Headache and relievo all too troubles Inci
dent to a. bilious atato of tho aystom. suoa ad
Xlzziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress afteff
eating, Fain in tho Side, &o. While their moat
pesunaclo success has boon shown in curing
ile&oaeha. ret Carter's Llttto Liver Mia ftra
equally vaiuamoin uonsupawon, curing anu pre
senting thlsannoylngcomplalnt,whilo they also
correct all dlsordcrsofthostoinachiUniuIato tho
liver and regulate tho bowels. Even If they only
en00 fa pi traa m
fAcla they would bo almost priceless to thoso who
ituffcr from this distressing cornplalnt; but fortu
nately thelrgoodness does noteud hero,and those
-who once try them will find theso llttlo pills valu.
ible In so many ways that thoy will not bo wll
rjlDg to do without them. But after allalclc bead
Is the ban? of do many llroa that hero la wherd
Iwomsie our great boaBt, Our pills cure It whila
Carter's Little Liver Pills aro very small and
very easy to tase. una or two puis inauoa aosa.
They are strictly vegetable and
do not crlne or
Tinrtro. but bv liialr nentle action -nloaso all who
uaethem. InvMaslaSccnts; fivefor$l. Bold
by druggists everywhere, or sent by malL
J-iirgeslaad oldest reliable purely eaih com
panies represented by
120 S. JardmSL. Shenanaoah.Pa.
utile, r'a k --ctufi k-titt ... I llmad.
1 iirif.f
if. .
th-, r.
. ft'
' 1 ''uko
i-- uhktitu.
ti fimia
tmi imwbUa Kid
fc.Utx.lfl-wJDriiwii.u. ' MI;jl2
Breakfast Cocoa
from which tho oxcesii ot oil
bas been removed,
la absolutely pure find
it is soluble
No Chemicals
sro ufti'd in Its preparation. It
has vtor thun thru tlmt Via
Urmalh ot Cocoa rolled with
Stnrcli, Arrowroot or Sugar,
iaud 1 therefore far mora eco
nomical, coating Uaa than one
centaenp. Itlsdellelous,nour.
l.hiiig, tlreiiKlbemog, easily
ntOESTCD, and admirably adapted for Invalids
us well ni fbr persons In health.
Sold by Crows eterywhere.
"W. BAKER & CO., Dorchestor, Kass.
Vtli .or. without locdleln. .1 mulling fna
or.rui.tln oLbmln, ntne foro.4, krr... or lndlnerollua,
o. ..xu.l cxbsuMtioB, drftlna, lo-i-ov nvrvou. d.bllllT, alrco.
1H.U.U, lsEsaor. rb.uumltm, ktua.r, ih er .ud bludjur etai.
plolaU, l.s. hug, lumbsso. .el.ilea, rvmrn.1 ill hrnlih rtc.
TbU .1..UI. L.1I ootiulhl nunAVrhil lupri.tptfii'itla el Oil
o'li.ra.tad slv s surrenl tb.t la IbaUutlr ftU br the
or S..OO0.00, ud Mill tor .11 vl tli. mbote dlat
... oroj.y. Tboui.nd. Ii.v. bi-.u curwd l.y ttila lu.ry.l iu.
tuvulloii tflar .11 olkor T.urdlm rivllvd. .nd w. giv. Uau
rtr.da of taatlBLObUl. Id tbla and tvtij c.lltar alktr
Our pow.rf.l luurat.d bl.UKM' Svi'.ouy 1. tb. boD rcr .ll.r-d w.ok men t II fK 1 1 II ALL HKI1N.
llr.lth and Tla-ar... bln-DXIb t.1 all Ol t U In Gl to 00
DAKS. Band for laria iUuiual.4 rauphlata, toal.d. fra.
ft nail. Addr.a.
csikXarxnTV miaBioi'it to oq,.
Ho. OIO Broadway. NEW YOriK.
It will pay
any on
to semi fie. to Dav rostoire on our bcfutlful llna
over lt)0 matched samples at lowest prion.
Addrves nil.CAlJV.UjiillUiLSL.l'rovldcuoe.n.L
jv: to vi
Declines to bo a Ciinditluto for
(ho Presidency.
His Nemo Will Not Go Eofora the Eepub-
lican Convention.
Auks III I'rlends to Make nn Knrnost
12n"ort In the Approaching Contest,
Which lie Says Is mi Important One
Ilocaute the Financial and Industrial
rollclca of tho Oovprnmont nro at
Stake Views of Prominent Men.
Washington, Feb. 8. The following
letter has been made public:
"Hon. J. S. Civaiikson, chairman of tbe
National KepubHcnn Committee.'
"Mr Deai; bin: 1 am not a candluato
for the Presidency, nnd my nnme will not
go before the Hi-publican Natlonnl Con
vention for thu noinlnntlon. I mnko
this announcement in duo Benson. ltjM
"To those who have tendered me their
support I own sincere thanks mid nm
most grateful lor tneir commence, iney
will, 1 nm sure,' make earnest effort in
tho approaching contest, which is ren
dered specially Important by reason of
the Industrial anil tluanclal "policies ol
tho Government being nt stake. Tho
popular decision on these issues is of
great moment aud will bo of far-reaching
consequence. Very sincerely yours,
"Jambs U. ulaine."
Secretary Rusk hald: "It will result, I
think, in President Harrison's reaoiulna
"Will it open the field for other candi
dates, or restrict It?"
"Tho field hns always been an open
one, but several gentlemen,, to whom
Secretary lllalue was a block, will enter
tho race."
"Will Ohio have a cundidntef"
"For whom will siio be?"
"For Harrison. ' Ohio lias always felt
very friendly toward Blaine, but she has
nover supported Mm tor the Presidency,
always having had In contests where ha
entered, a candidate of her own.
"I did not know," said Secretary El
kins, "that Mr. Blaino had written a
letter, but he told n number of gentle'
tlemcn that he would not bo a candidate,
nnd was satisfied that he would not be.
Secretory Tracy; "I am not surprised.
I've been expecting such a letter for some
time, ft points to Harrison s ronoiniiin
tion and re-election.
Secretary Noble said: "With Blaino
out of the field, there, is no man of sulll
cient national importance to contest the
nomination with Mr. liuarison. His ad
ministration bus been fair, lust nnd up
right lie will be renominated uuaut
mously and re-elected. As Mr, lilulut
says, his declination is made "in duo
Senator Cullom, of Illinois, says that
as secretary Blaino lias withdrawn he,
tho Senator, is in tho race for tho Bepub-
llcau nomination for President.
Decision llemlfirrcl lly United States Dl
trlot Jiiuc; ICiiohIoh
IIilLnNA, Mont., Fob. 8. Beer is not
spirituous liijuor, according to a decision
rendered here by Judge Enowles, United
States District Judge. This is an orig
ual ruling by ft Federal Court on this
bubject. '
Of the State courts that have passed
upon the question; those Of Nlw Hamp
shire, West VUgl'iin and Tennessee have
agrebd with the Judge's ruling, while
the Court of North nrolinu and one iu
New York have held the oontrnry.
Tho case on trial was thai or a man
who sold a bottle of beer to au Indian on
tho Crow Reservation. Ho was dis
charged. The Federal statute prorido a
penalty for selling spirituous liquors or
wiue to an iniuau on a VBsei-vnuon.
Alny Jtu lJuku of London.
London, Feb. 8. Among all tho titles
which have been proposed for Prince
George of W ales it is now considered that
the most probable of adoption Ih that of
Duke of Loudon. '1 his would be nu en
tirely now title, and would therefore be
subject to none nt the objections raised
by some people against tho alleged un
fortunate association of titles which have
boon borus before and have become ex
tinct, In the original family and when
ever revived, in fiom one to four genera
tions. The title of the Duke of Clareuee
is ono ot those regnrded with supersti
tious dikfavor.
ltev. Dr. Oeitii IImiiI.
NswronT, It. I., Fob! 8. A prlvato
letter received here announces tho death
ut bierru Leone, Africa, Dec. 18, otltev.
T. It. Ueda, until hint June Presiding Kl
der of the New Kuglaiid L'oiiforeuoe ot
the African Methodist Episcopal Church,
and well-known anmug the colorod Meth
odlsts of New Euglaiid. lie uccoiupauiud
IiUluip H. M. Turner on hi trip to Africa
lust October, and liking l he country de
termined to remain, though a young
num. Mr. Uedn hud occupied prominent
positions la Ida ehuroh in this section.
iloom for the lliltrlne Bou Aireitts.
A asuinuiun, Feb. 8. A room U lwlng
prepaied ut the State Department for
the use ot the Jicrhlng Sea ugoutu iu
which to hold I heir sesslous, lioglunlng
next Tuesday. Ihey will occupy the
apartment between Chief CleiU Urowji'H
room and that formerly decupled by ,
Third Assistant Secretary Foster, in '
r.linrufl tit roe.lnrocal trade arratiifiirnnta
negotiated Under Bdotiori U of the Mc -
I r,.r ....
1 Kiuley hill.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov'tRcport
Minister I'ortcr'a Visit.
Washington, Feb. 8. The presence in
New Orleans of ex-Governor Porter, U.
S. Minister to Italy, on leave of absence
from his post since Baron Fava, tho
Italian Minister, withdrew from Wash
ton ns tho result of the severance of
diplomatic relations incident to tho
Malla troubles, is tho subject of consid
erable speculation here. At tho State
Department it is said his visit has no
significance, and Minister Porter is cred
ited with saying that his visit is purely a
personal ono. As it is generally under
stood that Italy is about to resume diplo
matic relations with thu United States by
sending a minister resident to Washinton,
Minister Porter's visit to New Orleans,
the seat of tho dilllculty that gave rise to
his leaving Home, is believed to have
some connection with tho final adjust
ment of that alfair.
Uolmont Pcstert'cl by Cranks.
New Yohk, Feb. 8. August Belmont
s the latest acquaintance to the list of
New York millionaires pestered by
cranks. A man named Richard Nixon,
formerly employed at the Belmont man
sion In Fifth avenue as a butler, went to
the house last Saturday night very drunk
mul demanded tho wages lie satu wasuuo
him. He thteatencd to kill Mr. Belmont,
and for a time created great excitement
among tho inmates ol tho house. Air.
Belmont bent for the police, who took
"ixon to tho station. Mr. Belmont de
clined to press a cliargo against Nixon
and he was discharged. Mnce then no
has hung around the Belmont mansion
much to tho annoyance of the family,
who fear lie will do harm. Police pro
tection was claimed to-day, and an
ollicer was detailed to watch the mansion
and arrest Nixon if ho should appear.
Sprecklns mid tlte Sugar Trust.
New York, Feb. 8. A well-known
sugar importer aid to-day that ho had
positive assurance that Claus Spreckles
had joined tho sugar trust, so lar as ins
Philadelphia refinery was concerned. As
to the san Francisco business, the im
porter said, Spreckles would retain poj
bession of that, but with limitations as
to territory in which to sell sugar. So
confident are the importers nnd weighers
of sugar that Spreckles has gone Into the
trust despite nil denials, that many of
them believo their occupation will soon
be goue, as tho trust does not require
their services.
Trafllc Sluiiuger llubbs DIseliurtru.a
San Fkancisco, Feb. 8. It is stated
that the reason for tho discharge of Geu-
eral Traffic Manager Hubbs of the South'
cm Pacific Railroad, as demanded by Jay
Gould, was because Hubbs violated the
rule of the Trans-Contnental Associa
tion in regard to cutting rates by taking
one bundled carloads ot sugar from this
city to Chicago at 05 cents per hundred.
Gould found out about this great cut
and at onco demanded Hubbs' dlschnrgo.
Hubbs received u salary of S0,UU0 a
Almost before we kuow it. snrinur
will tie Here.
The man who trulv and sincerely
loves himself has no fears of being
B'usley March will be ulomr In lea
thun four weeks.
It (toes CoHs.Ooiirlis eoreTbroat.Crcsp,Inl!ncsss,
Whooping Ooush, llrtnchltls and Asthma. A ertal
.ur. for Consumption to tlm alau.a. and a aura relltf 1
aiTsnesd stages. Ua.alone.. JOUWlll s.q
ill.nt etT.ot after taklnr the r.t dos. Boll V
Scalar. ocrrwUrh Lait. iu M-tvM aod H0.
201 N. Main St., Slieiiancloali.
Tho Fines. Slock of liters, Alea, Cigars, k
Fine! bmnds ol oigurn always n lisnd.
Tne tt- tmt0rai'.'e iint.a.
ttnliu rtiilnLttf. ssnrmnnnntW naatororl
'Weukuess, JVcrvouaneaa, Debility, aud all
tho train of evils from early errors or later oxowses
tho resulia of ovBrrork, slekneas, worry, oto. Full
Dtrongth, dovelopmnnt, and tone given to every
organ and portion of the body. Sluu.le, natural
methods, luimndlato Improvement seeu. failure
Impossible. V.isM roferrnees. Book, eiplanatlonl
via proofs mailed (mialod) f . eo. Address
A ProfUaate Btnlnoas on Llmilnd CsplUI.
forbuslneaa and privute irrPHiideiiei Hlni
plo, durublo, uccuruto. Not u toy, but a pr.ietl
oul inachlue. Hoes not net out of order No
practice rouutred to oporutu it. Price. Ut i
A responsible agent wanted in every town, to
whom liberal Inducements will bo made.
1 ,"'", Typuw'"?r,cM!i'V1!;,
Itm9 yy B "J H fci MS u-"
Variety Actrnsses Fight.
Leadvjlle, Col., Feb. 8. Lottio Arbor
nnd Lizzie Cuilum, two variety nctressos
engaged In a bloody nlTray at an early
hour at their room. Miss Arbor drew a
long knife from tho folds of her dress
and savagely plunged It four times Into
tho breast of her antagonist. Tho latter
will die. Both women loved tho same
man who paid attention to both. Miss
Arbor is in jail.
Mysteriously Disappeared.
New York, Fob. 8. Camii Lassen, n
young German, nrrlvcd hero on Thurs
day in the steamer Ems from Bremen,
intending to go at onco to tho residence
of Joseph Morwltz, No. 237 North Sixth
street, Philadelphia. Ho hni mysteri
ously disappeared, and there nro tears of
foul play, as ho had drafts for a large
amount on his person.
Three HeavynotglUs In Succession.
New Yohk, Feb. 8. Tuesday evening,
Feb. 10, has been definitely decided a1-
tho date on which Jim Uorliett will give
his athletic entertainment at tho Madi
sou Square Garden. Corbett is to meet
threo heavyweights in succession, three
rounds apiece, and will for the first time
show to New Yorkets lils skill In a listlc
Hill Ilooui In Ki-ntucky. J
New Yohk, Feb. 8. Eleanor Fletcher
Bishop, the mother of the celebrated
mind-reailer, Washington Irving uisiiop,
who died in 1880, is living iu destitute
circumstances In this city. A great
benefit entertainment for her relief is
being arranged by prominent theatrical
and musical people.
Bablea Oan't Eat Applo Dumplings
llut thny can have gilt-edRed attacks of
Wind OjIIo. Dr. Hand's Colic Cure
ajs cure it Free samples for a few day
0. J. 3t.:Cirthy's or J. 31. Ulllan's dru
Be ten tuts fltruro It out that man
breathes seven hogsheads of air per
Startling Facta.
The American penple are rapidly becoming
araceof uervous wrecRs, aud the following
Kinrgeuslneboaire edy: Alpno iso iiempu
Ing, of IluMcr, Pa., sw.ars that wuen Ills sou
was spcecmess ironi Qt. vuus uauce ur
"lies' great llestoratlve rfervlue cured him
Mrs J it. Miller, of Valparaiso, and J. D.
l'avlnr.of Lioaansnort. Hid., eau i galnoaa)
pounas from tuning it. Mis. u. a. uaraner,
of Vistula. 1. id., w.n cured of 10 - to 50 con
vulslonsa cay. nnd mutn ueaaU3, aizzi'
nos. bacKaclie and uervous urns! ration by
one bottle. Trial bottles, ana line hooks or
marvelous cures, iree at u, n. tiagenoucu
the drtbiglst, who recommends anagaaran
tees tins unequaiea remeuy.
The best catalogue for the season of
1892 are falling thick and fast.
Shiloh'a Consumption Ouro.
This Is beyond nnestloa the most sito-
Hsslul Oough Medicine wo have ever Bold,
a lew doses invariably cure the worst cases ol
'jougu, uroup, auu uroncnuiH, wuiie iia won
leriui success in me euro oi uonsumpuua is
nrlthoul a parallel In tbe history of mediclue.
4lnce It's first dlo:) very it lias boon sold on a
iuarantee, a test which nn other medicine
ain stand. It you havo a OoikIi we earnestly
islt you to try it. Pries 10 coats, SOoenta, und
I1.U0. If your Lungs are sore, Ohitst or llacfc
tame, uwiShlloh's Porous I'lastar. Hold by
0. H. iiageubuoh, N. IS. corner Main aud
doyd streets,
Collie opera bonnotu lire mado en
tirely of feathers with strings.
Suddon Deaths.
Il-art dlseasu U bv fur the most fieauent
cau- of 8u idea detlli. wlnoli la throe out of
four eases Is utisuap rcted The xy mploms are
uol generally iinderstood These are: lyluu
;n the right side, short breath, puln or ills.
iu suie. utuK or suouiuor, irreumr
ulse, ustbaia, wea'i und huutciy B)ells, wind
n sio uaeh. wel'lng o: ankles or dropsy,
opprest"ii, dry eoiwli aud smutnerinc. Dr.
ilea' llliwl.rail .Hioat on Heart Dlseust. Ire
at ). II. llnuineli. wlio sell and guarHitiee
ur iuues- uoenuaieu new 1 1 ear. tiure, auu ms
Kestonttiie Nervlii'-, which cures nervoiif
nen, headache, sleetde'-sues ,elfeoUof drink.
log, etc. It contains uo opiates;
The spring haud organ will eoou be
having its turn.
Oh, What a Oourrh.
Will vou heed the wa-nluof
The algnal per
hat mora tor.
laps of thosurenporoHOH of that
rlble dlsetiM, Consumption, Ask yourselves
if yon can afford for tbe sake of saving SO
ents, to run the risk and do nothing for It.
Wo uno'v fron experience that Hhllon's Our
will t'ur.i your Uougb, It nover nttlg. This
explains why mora than a Million Bottles
were sold the past year. It rellajvos Oroap
tivl WhopplDic Congb at onee. Mother do
not be wlthO'U It. For lAme ItaoK, Side or
''host, asfHhlloh's l'omus Plaster. Isold by
U. 11. Ilaiteutmo r, Nt E. onrner Malu anil
Lloyd streeu.
House (lressos will have high collars
aud deep culls.
Ilirtnwou UiaRonnd, WiBtehesterCOj, N. Y,
To Alva'4 nmzllU.i Wpi'sldo Do Oeutle
men : Lttt Sprln 1 w .s trimbled with what
the itoo'or- to d me was niii.oiilar rheuma
ilsm. I wa unable to walk for nearly six
weeks Alllhls time 1 wx iilng the nmil
cluep ewrl'iHl by Ills nuendlnis do-tor, aud
Irom whleh I gut uo relief.
friend sent me a, hnvo bottle of Oactiif
Blond Cure, rtlil' h I tried, and before two
thlrdsol the Cure was used 1 was able lo
w.iiK kitnout nsiu. it is now two monuii
stneo the palus lnit me, aud have not as yit
re'ur d, and 1 ol entirely Iree from them.
Ideltyed wrttlnk! to you, a I tvns anxious
lo kno whether, was teiunorarlly or pen
niHueully omed.
It Is alih ph-nsure that I now slate that
from my present feelings, I w.mld Judge that
1 am cured
It Is h trdly necessary lor me lo r onnimend
tins iiwdioliie a I am positive thu a trial
of It toiill thu Is ueo'SHury, and I am fully
oonvlueed It wll reoommaud llaalf.
() fully j ours M ilifiAN,
For sale at lvirliu'a Drug Store, Ferguson
IIou4) Ulook, rtiieusiuloili, Pa
C ninterfelt half dollars nr nil ttt
look out for them.
Mtlos' Isftrve una Llvr Villa
VH on a now principle regulatiug the
liver, stomach and bowels throuaMha nertma.
nnw discovery. Dr. Mllex.' Pills spetddy
aute lilllousuess. had tirpl l liver, piles,
ennstlpatloii. Uneiiuuiud lor men, women,
children. Hmalleet, mildest, surest I 5) dose,
'JScls. Bain plea Free, at 0. It. llaseubucu'a
lie WIIMjo 1'laceil on Trlnl for Murder
an Felintnry 15.
New York, Feb. 8. Burton P W fbster,
gnmblcr nnd bookmaker, chnrgefl with
tho crime of murder iu the first
degree, who hns been n prisoner In tho
Tombs since August 7, 181)1, is at last to
be put on trial.
Tho case Is set down for Friday, Feb
ruary 10, and tho district attorney
promises that there will be no more
The crime for which W ebster was In
dicted and imprisoned was the shooting
and killing of Chnrles E. Goodwin, jr.,
In the lattor's apartments In I ho Perclval,
JO West 1' orty-seconu street, on tho
night ot August 2.
At the time of its occurrence thu crime
created n tremendous ssnsntion, not only
on account of its apparent cold-blooded
ness and deliberation, but because of the
lecullnr relntions of tho parties involved
uid the strange stories which were lloat
ng about in connection with some of
tnem, which gave It a llavor of mystery
and which aroused public curiosity to
the highest pitch.
An important feature of tho case was
tlie woman at the bottom of the affair.
She was Evelyn Granville, who had at
one time been an actress, but had more
recently become notorious iu other roles.
At the time of the murder of Goodwin
she was living with Gambler Webster,
who preferred to call her his "common
law wife," a term which she herself ad-
admitted accurately described her posi
After tho shooting of Goodwin, Web
ster mysteriously disappeared. Ho re
mained in concealment in this city for
nearly a week, despite the efforts of the
police to nnd his hiding place.
Then ho surrendered himself Aug. 7;
nt the olllce of his lawyers, Howc& Hum
utel, and nt tho coroner's investigation
claimed that he had acted in self-defense
in killing Goodwin.
It was said at tho time that lie might
have avoided arrest altogether und easily
nave escaped from the city to some
foreign country, had it not been that
some very uncomfortable rumors had
leaked out which made It unwiso for
those who knew of ids place of conceal
ment to attempt to shield him any longer
Iroin justice.
AVebster is not nn indlgont person. Ho
has plenty of money und niairy influential
friends among his associates of the hotting
ring nnd the gambling palaces. Even
while he is languishing iu a Tombs cell
his horses are winning big stakes at the
race tracks almost every week.
To 1'titer Chicago.
CiHCAfi, I'd). 8. A special dispatch
from Delio ; tes President Joy, of the
Wabash, u xuiug that tho road will be
running iiitn Chicago over its own tracks
before the end of the present year. The
money arrangements to build the road
from Montpelier to Chicago have been
completed. A syndicate, madu up In
New York, bought tho bonds, $o,f00,000
i 1 nn rt i, t a V
in amount. Tim nuniiillan Pardon huq
iu amount. The
no part in it.
llrltlslt CiiltiUHa Gold Production.
Washington, Feb. 8. The production
of gold in British Guiana has risen I
steadily in the past eight years. Last
years' increase was 75 per cent, over th
year previous, tho vulue being $1,801,389.
Another of the "300" Is Demi.
Decatur, 111., F.eb 8. James W. Ha
worth, ono of the 300 Grant delegates and
a leading manufacturer and citizen, is
dead, aged 50 years.
Heavy cyclonic gales aro reported by
ships entering New York harbor. They
lusted from Jan. 28 to Feb. 1.
Threo new companies hnvo been formed
for development of Mexico by building
railroads and telegraph lines.
Count De Lnnnny, Italian Ambassador
ut Berlin, is dead.
Thomas Baxter, president ot tho Bax
tor Stovo Company in Mansfield, O., Is
dead, nged 82 years. Ho was very
An Arizona sheriff's posse Is said to be
in pursuit of two Indians who are on
their way to San Carlos, with a captive
white girl.
Twonty-ilve laborers who were
mrindled by the promise of employment
in OkUhoma, on payment of $15 each,
are no'
walking baojc to wmnauM city,
The Dublin ''Independent" (.Parnell
Ite) says that tiie re-election of Mr.
Justin SlcCurthy as chairman of the Irish
Parliamentary party was due to a com
promise. Mrtt. Joseph Ribadenu and her tlnee
children, who went to Manchester, N. H.,
from Ilenryville, Que., reoently, will ba
sent Ivtek to Canada under the Pauper
Imigration not.
Charles II. Tieuodlct, confidential clerk
and bookkeeper for H. Clay Buseom, of
Troy, N. Y., is said to be an emlwawler.
Ho disappeared nearly a mouth ago nnd
is said to he in Georgia.
Tho Surveyor of Customs of Hew Yoik
lias recommended the removal In that
city of 26 Inspectors of oustoma. Dis
honesty, lack of efficiency, intemperance,
and other reasons are given.
At a caucus ot the Republican members
ot the Iowa Assembly it has been de
cided to staiid by prohibition, the only
two members regarded as "lmky"
having made speeches favorable to thtj
George II. George, a llrocktou, Hub,,
oatroluger, who whs arrested lit 1888 s
being n accessory before the tact to the
suicide of Mrs. Louis Anderson and was
discharged, wanU damage s hi the sum
of &i,000.
Two gentlemen, one a resident of New
York City and the other of Marlboro,
have agreed to contribute $13,00(1 for it
new public library building iu the last
named place, provided a structure is
erected that will cost $30,000.
Vteutliur itnllrai tuns.
Washington, IVb. 8.---For Now Eiifflandi
Cloudy weuther un.'i ralni' brisk and hbfli south
winds, fliilliiin lo di'cidcdly cooler norlhwosU
eily und luulutbly e'euitu; l'ulr to-morrow.
For Kuslcrii few Ym1.: Cloudy weal lie i' and
Itiiu or I'llow; Inlslimiii h uh soiilluu'ly wiuda,
by nlrlii lo r il) ; fair to-inoriowj
cod uu 1 In not tlieru portion.
lor iuim -in 1. nii-v .v.iiiia, New Jit'y, Dolu-
.iV.u.l Uuii'l...t.l. M .nt li.ii'l v uimU kliirtlim
........... .. . ..........
to uoilliwosteilj; oleurlu ooldor by night;
DioUibly iieoidedly colder und fair to-uiorrow.
with u cold wino.
1'or Wttoin New York and Western l'enn.
eylvuiilu: Cloudy weathor aid rain, turning to
snow; winds shifting to dedldedly colder north
westerly with u cold wave; colder and cloudy
to-morrow uymiug.
A Handsome: polish.
cent a foot
will pay for changing tho np
poaranco of old Furniture bo
completely thntitwlll look like new.
a Bsmn
ss shoe; centTSviem
It Is n seamless shoe, wlih no tncks or wnv thread
to hurt tbo feet; mado of the best lino calf, stylish
nnd easy, nnd beenme tre mats morn shoes of thia
grade than any otlur mnnvfartut er, ttcuualsband
sewed shoes costing from $1.00 to Si W.
C rr 01) fleniilno llatiil'HCued, the finest calf
aJJmJs shoo ever onercd for 8VOJ; equals French
Imported shoes which cost from $iSr) to
Cif. "0 Ilnnd-M-wed Writ Kline, lino cair.
iP6. stylish, comfortablo ami durable. Thebest
shoo ever offered nt this price t same grado as custom-made
shoes costing from $0.00 to $i.l.
GO SO l'nllro Shoot Farmers, Ilallroad Men,
Pws and LctterCarrlcrsall weartuem: llnecalfa
seamless, smooth lusldo, heavy threo soles, exten
sion edffe. Ouo pair wl II wear a year,
GO 3" Hlln ciilft no better shoe ever offered at
sLatCa this price; ono trial mil couvluco thoso
who want a slioo for comfort and service.
CSO 1-3 mill gv.OU Wnrkinurm-.!'! shoes
.ps&n are very stromr nnd durable. Those who
Rnvc' M.00 nnd 8 1.73 bcuooI shoes aro
KJUyD worn by tho boys evcryw here: theyujll, ..tho
nnvo giveu tnem a trial win wenrnootuermaiec.
on their merits, ns the increasing sales Bhow.
I arllnc S.OO llnud-Nmvcd shoe, best
haiCSU IL.9 oonRola, verystyll3h;equalsFreucll
Imported shoes rostlntr from 6t.ul to Stum.
1, miles' !j.3ll, b'J.OU mid SI. 75 shoe for
Misses are the best line Oongola. Myllsh aud durable
('notion. See that W. L. Uouglas' namo ami
prlco are stamped on tbe bottom of each shoo.
Insist on local advertised dealers supplying: you.
V. L. DOIHJLAS, UrocUton,.1Iass. bildby
Xortli nii in Hi., Slicimiicloalt
Purities the blood by ex
polling tho impuiities through
the proper chunrels and never
causes eruptions on the skin.
Regulates the bowels Cures
dyspepsia, liver and kidney
troubles, tones up the system
and gives you an appetite.
Never fails o euro any con-
dition produced by illipUlO Or
1 .
. impoverished oloou, or a dis
ordered state of stomach, liver
or kidneys.
Sold at Klrfla'8 Drue, Ware,
Frquo' Ho1l Work. Nhrmindonh Fa
II you waat lo see a flue display ot Boots ana
Hboeg, goto
Boot and Shoe Store,
(Mostettor's old stand,)
corner Coal rih! Jartltu Ut.
CtmtosJi Work unci Hcpnlrlng;
Done In tbe best ay le.
Green Truck Stand !
for Mtln. and Oak Stroels.
Fresh Oysters Received Daily.
A Hue line ot Oholaa nitOUKltlUS
Nuts and Oaitdltss.
Poultry of all Klnfltr.
McMUt r o lves ila ffrasu trues: dally
Iroui tno olty nii' Kots, which la a gusranie
toliloa omrs tlittthey wlllreoelve fresh
g Mids wh n buvl glrom him,
, nfk i -i r We, 111" naderslsnel, were
i III I jJ I AU en'lrslv oured of niDtn-ooy
1 ' u ' '"I - !), 10, I tver, 81 Area -tt..
We, His uaderslsnel, were
l'hllailel 'liU, I'u , S. Jonas Pal lus, Keiiool
Ho a ire, Pa., T. A. Krel jr., Slut igtna Pt.; IS.
M. Hui.ill, M mut AlUi. Pa : IUv. H. II. Hliar
iur. HU iburv..l'a: U I. lMlelt ill 4. Vi'ti
t-U. Ileadlar, Pa.; VVm Dlx. I8il ManLr.we rst ,
Philadelphia; II. Is. It we. '.SOU Klul W ItetU-
log, Pa ; (leoriteaud I'll. llurR trt, tit) l.-vcuit
ibt., Ite&dlaf, 1'a. Heutl for o'.rojht. 1
Ikf tf Sb? 'enfl fan