The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, February 02, 1892, Image 1

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III tlie Latest JJetfs
The Evening Herald
The Evening Herald
VOL. VII.-NO. 28.
The Evening Herald.
Has a larger circulation In Bhenandoah than
any other paper published. Circu
lation books open to all.
The political fights In Philadelphia
are not confined to ono party only.
They are both "in It."
The last of the "Mogul" pattern
engines has been retired from service,
no one being willing to run it. 'Tis
best. Had they been recalled sooner,
several lives would have been saved.
The election is but two weeks of!
and it behooves the CitizenB party, if
It wants to achieve success, to get to
gether, prevent outsiders from run
uing the primaries and then submit to
the nominations made.
It begins to look aB If there will be
two Democratlo State Conventions
held In New York this year. Senator
Hill will have lost his cunning if he
does not capture the opposition con
vention. Hill will rule until the
Republicans of that state get together,
bury all differences, and vote.
The promoters of the McKinley
tarifl meant it to push forward the
policy of America for the Americans.
One method of realizing it was to
keep all work within their own do
minions. The country was to be
made self-supplying; what could be
. produced at home was not to be
bought abroad. That was the key
note of the McKinley scheme, and it
Is working out the idea of Its de
signers with the precision and effec
tiveness of a machine.
The Western States seem to be
vlelng with each other which shall
make the most liberal donation to
Russia's starving people. Nebraska
has contributed not lees than sixty car
loads of corn and wheat, of which
thirty car loads will be hauled to the
Atlantic seaboard gratis by the Penn
sylvania Railroad, while the New
York Central will take the other
Carpets and Oil Cloths
Reduced to make room for a large
spring Btock. Call lor bargains.
C. D. Fricke's Carpet Store,
10 S. Jar din St., Shenandoah.
Quality tlte First Consideration, nucl Prices Guaranteed
as Low as Consistent -villi Good Quality.
Our Fancy Minnesota Patent Flour and North
Western Daisy 1'lottr are giving entire satisaction.
The Vest evidence is the increased sales of both brands.
BBE&D the result.
Fancy Creamery Butter always fresh.
California Canned Xruits
Peaches, Pears, Plums, Apricots and Cherries.
California Silver Prunes extra large and fine.
Canned Corn several brands of extra quality.
Old Government Java Coffee fresh roasted.
Florida Oranges large, sweet and juicy. Another lot
just received.
Choice Muscatel Raisins Large and clean, no stems, 3
pounds for 25c.
Canned Salmon Uxtrn quality, 3 cans for 25c.
Fine Table Syrup-at 10 unci ijc, strictly pure sugar goods,
mixed Nuts a pounds for 35c.
Dried Apples -6 pounds for 25c.
In Velvet, Body and Tapestry Brussels arc coming In dnlly.
New Spring styles, very handsome patterns, and prices
never were lower.
Our New FLO Oil OIL CLOTHS are all right in price,
Style and quality, our 3-yard wide at 25c and J-yards wide
at 50c are well worth the money.
thirty. Just how these generous do
nations are to bo disposed of when
they reach New York Is undecided, as
the Democratic House refuse to give a
government ship a-dollar in money t
send this food to Russia.
The Democrats of town always
make it a point to call their primaries
after the time is fixed for holding those
of the CitizenB1 party, which gives
them an opportunity to attend the
Citizens' conventions and help nomi
nate a ticket, and then go to their own
primaries and nominate what appeare
to them to be a knock-out slate. This
is grossly unjust and the cry for
Btringeut measures to stop it does not
come single handed. It is suggested
that the name of every man who
votes in any of the forthcoming Citi
zen9' primaries be recorded. This
will serve a two-fold purpose. The
record will handicap the voterB in the
Democratic primaries and will pre
vent any one from voting more than
once, which, under the present rules
of the Citizens' parly, is a common
practice. Indeed it Is considered one
of the most amusing features of the
campaign. The committee has
right to make such rules and they
should be embodied in the call. In
justice to the Citizens' party it should
be done.
After twenty years of active and
Invaluable Service in the journalistic
field of Schuylkill county Hon. John
Parker relinquishes the editorship of
the Mahanoy City 2Vf- Weekly Record,
Hia withdrawal is a source of regret
to his journalistlo colleagues in the
county, particularly to his friends on
the Herald, who have always enter
tained the high esteem for him and
who say with the publlo, feelingly,
"Well done, good and faithful ser
vant." John Parker, Jr., assumes the
editorship of the 2W- Weekly. He is
a, bright and energetlo young man
who will make a promising successor
to his father.
Lane's Family Medicine
Moves tho bowels each day. Most peoplo
need to use it.
Buy Keystone flour. Be careful that thi
asme Lbssio & Co., Ashland, I'a., it
jrinW on every sack. 3-3-3taw
Waters' Weiss beer is the best. John A.
Reilly sola agent. 6-E-tf
Half-Burned Carbons Turned to
Dostruotlvo TJbo A Bold, Bad
Man at Lanlgans Nickel-ln-tho-Slot.
The boys of the streot have found a new
source of amusement. By soma accident
they discovered thai the half-burn' d car
bons from electric lights will cut glass, and
as a consequence plate glass windows are
beginning to suffer. The only remedy ior
this malicious mischief seems to be to have
tho lamp cleaners take awny the burned
carbons instead of throwing them In the
Tho residents of Ellongowan are con
siderably excited over the actions of a
young man' who is styled as "Jack, the
Hugger." II 0 hangs around tho dark and
shady stroots and alleys and watches for
young girls and married women. He never
molests them if thoy aro accompanied by
male escorts. On several occasions lately
ho has followed a number of young ladies
and as soon as an unfrequented spot was
reach od he has rushed upon them, placed
his arms about them and embraced them
before tboy could make an outcry. He
then raado an effort to kiss them and made
Improper proposals to them.
Last week I heard of tho formation of an
anti-treat society In Now Jersey. This
week we heard of another method adopted
by a family in this village to save money,
The family consists of a father and two
grown up boys. They are not total
abstainers, but at the same time are never
known to get drunk. It was their custom
to buy a glass of are twico a day ; one at
noon and the othor In the evening. Talk
log the matter over together one day they
came to the conclusion that thirty cents a
day would amount to quite a sum in a
year, so thoy adopted tho following plan
which they have since carried out: They
purchase a barrel of ale which they have
rolled into their cellar, and then instead of
visiting a restaurant they go to the cellar,
take a glass of ale, drop a nicfclo in a box
provided for the purpose, and go about
their business. By this means they more
than pay for their ale by the profits derived
from tho sale to themselves, which under
the old plan would go Into the pockets ol
tho keeper of the restaurant.
"The sidewalk of the man who has noth
ing to do Is easily picked out," remarked
the grumbler the othor morning. "It has
a lot of snow and slush on it. The busy
man who Is at work from early morning
until late at night has his walk nice y
cleaned, but the idln man is invariably too
busy for work especially such as this.
Ho puts his trust in Prov.dence and waits
for a thaw. If he waits, long enough It
comes, but not until he has been thor
ously discussed by all who piss by his
"Mary," called the husband upstairs,
"why don't you come down? H&ven't
you finished your letter yet?"
"I flnlshod the letter long ago."
"What keeps you, then ?"
"I am writing the postscript."
"Gracious mo I Have I got to mind this
baby two hours longor?"
Men who opposo Improvements; men
who never push their business; those who
distrust public-spirited men ; those who run
down tho town to strangers ; those who
show no hospitalities to strangers ; m-n
who envy their neighbor's prosperity;
men who oppose everything that ooes not
originate with tbem ; men who wear long
faces when strangers speak of locating in
town ; those who find fault with all enter
prises with whiob thoy aro not connectod ;
men who opposo every publlo enterprise
that is not likely to ba of pecuniary benoftt
to themselves; men who never subscribe
for, advertise in, or In any way patronize
their local paper, and who aro always
ready to find fault with what it contains.
When your clothes from your hat to your socks
Have tickled and scrubbed you all day ;
When your brain la a musical box
With a barrel that turns tho wrong way s
When you and you're too big for your coat
And a great deal too small for your vest,
With a pint of warm oil for your throat,
And a pound of tin tacks In your chest ;
When you've got a bochlvo In your head,
And a sewing machine In your ear,
And you feel that you've oaten your bed,
Ard you'vo got a bad headache down here ;
When your lips are like underdone paste,
And you're highly gambogo In the gill,
And your mouth has a coppery taste,
As If you'd Just bitten a pill i
And wherever you tread,
From a yawning abyss
You recoil with a yell,
You are batter In bed,
For, depend upon this.
You are not at all well.
Have you any form of Rheumatic dis
ease? If so a bottle of tho genuine Im
ported Anchor 1'aln Bxpellor is the happy
relief. Try it and be convinced. CO cents
a bottle. All drugg-Iits. 8t
Oloao of tho "Herald" Amateur
Writers' Contest.
Some weeks ago tin Herald announced
that, as encourngeniont to tho local am
ateur journalists, It would effar a substan
tial prize to tho boy or girl who would
write the shorten, most interesting and
amusing sketch on a subject to bo based
upon the abovo Illustration. Immediately
alter tho announcement sketches poured in
upon the prize editor with such rapidity
as to almost drive him crazy. Some were
long, some short, somo medium, some
broad (in hints), many narrow (minded)
and not a fow very deep. O e competitor
(one of the deep ones) sent a remarkably
brief sketch in which he tried to show a
relationship between EJitor-in-Cbief Boyer
and the animal bitched In the illustration.
It was a heroic effort, but so deep that we
could not get at tho bottom of it. It was
signed "School Boy." There was a post
script to the sketch which road "The prize
should come to me." Unfortunately our
prize editor cannot agree with "School
Boy." Aside from the merits of the
sketch, "School Boy" is barred out. First,
became the competition was only open to
local amateur journalists, and tho compel!
tor's communication was dated "Mahanoy
Plane, Pa." Second, there aro ear-marks
about the communication that lead the
prize editor to the conclusion that the
competitor did not act in good faith, that
the real name supplied is as fictitious as the
nom de plume, and that If tho writer had
signed the communication "School
Teacher, Shenandoah, Pa," he would have
boen more within tho bounds of truth
Alia tentanda via est.
It was highly gratifying to the Herald
to see so much interest taken in the contest
and the only regret is that thore aro not
prizes enough to go around. A careful
perusal of nearly three dozen contributions
has led tho prize editor to the conclusion
that the prize ran be awarded and that the
winner is the competitor who signs himsolf
"Kid .Flash," who will be given the prize
when he presents himself at the Herald
office and proves authorship. His sketch,
as will be seen at a glance, embraces all tho
provisions of the conditions ior the com
petition, It Is short, It Is interesting, in a
"Mother Goose" sense; and it has an
amusing conclusion.
A contribution by "June" is doserving
of mention and would be entitled to tbe
second prize, had one been offered. Under
the ircumstanco4 we can do no mora than
congratulat the writer and oflVr wishe3 for
succors in the nnt competition.
Tho following U ill" prize winner :
"Hurrah I the frost has come to stay,"
Cried John Small with a shout.
"I'll have to buy a mulo and cart,
"To haul my Ico about."
And, suiting action to tho word,
Ho bought a mulo and cart.
And named the mulo "Supreme," because
It pleased both mind and heart.
Next morn "Supreme" unto the cart,
In harness new, was geared :
And this la how mulo, cart and John,
With whip In hand, appeared.
The people, all, In wonder gazed
And murmured "What a team 1"
But John would Blmply jerk the lines
To show be reigned supreme.
He used tho whip wrth vigor once,
To make his muleshln 1
A pair of glittering hoofs were seen,
Which wafted to tho sky
Another soul to Join tho throng
Of lovoua gone and snort.
Where no more mules will bother John,
Who reigned "supreme"-ly short.
Letter from OyruB W. Field, Jr.
8 East SGtii Street, 1
New York, May 8ih, 1883. J
Several times this winter I have tuff red
from sevoro colds on my lungs. Each tlmo
I have appllod Allcock's Porus Plasters,
and in every Instmce I have been quickly
relieved by applying one across my cbost
and ono on my back. My friends, through
my advice, have tried the experiment and
also found It most successful. I feol that I
can recommend them most highly to any
one who may soo fit to try lliem,
lw Cyrus W. Field, Jr.
Desirable Lodge Room.
A lodgu desiring a cosy meeting room on
Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday evonings
of each week can be accommodated at
Mellet's hall, which has beon recently
papered, painted and carpeted. Apply' to
M. Mollot.
Host work done at Brennan's stoam
.aundry. Everything whito aud spotless.
Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar
anteed. .
In cheapness, and unrivalled In popularity It
Dr. Hull's Cough Hyrap,
Price 24 cents a uot
Best photographs and crayons at Dubb's
Wnat La Grippe Really is ; Where
It Originated ; How It 1b Pro
pagatod and tho Way by
Which it Can bo Avoided.
It has, at la't, been discovered and de
finitely settled just what "Li Grippe" is,
and bow it first started.
It Is an Infection, low fever, and It
originated in Asia frm tho wet marshes
around Bukhara. Thence it was taken to
Russia by the traders who came from the
crowdod bszirs ol tho Asiastic capital.
From Europe it cme to America, and here
tho germs aro to-day and the fever raging.
Being a fever, it arises, as all fovors do,
from a weakened and run down condition
of the system, hence somo peop'e have it
aud others do not. Somo have it severely
and others mildly, but in every oaso it is
due, as all fevers aro, to a disordered and
weakened kidney ana liver. jNo man or
woman whose kidneys are in perfect or
strong condition ever had tho grippp, even
with the worst oxposure, and no ono ever
suffered with it whose kidneys aud liver
were not out of order. In writing on this
subject, which Is one ol tho most impor
tant now before tho poople, the New York
Herald gives, in a recent issue, some good
advice. It says: "All classes should
avoid crowded assemblages, avoid over
exertion, and see that their systems aro
toned up and built up."
This is common sense. But it is not al
ways easy to do. Ono can easily say "Tone
up tho system, strengthen tho kidneys and
liver," but how? There has never been
but ono standard remedy for strengthening
and restoring these great organs, and that
is Warner's Safo Cure. You know that,
if you stop to mink, it you refresh your
memory and recall how many people you
have heard speak favorably of it, who
have perhaps told you what It has done for
them. It goes directly to the seat of most
physical trouble and all posslblo grippe.
It strengthens, It renewB, it fortifies these
great organs, and thus when the germs of
grippe come to the system, they are unable
to find a lodgment, and aro killed before
they can propagate.
The foregoing facts aro fully endorsod by
the most eminent physicians, both abroad
and in America. Or. Gustav Webber, of
the royal court of Germany ; Dr. Hoesch,
of Barlin ; Dr. William Edward Kobson,
ot the royal navy, England ; Dr. Andrew
Wilson, of tho Koyal Society of Edin
burgh, and mo-t broad-minded and liberal
physicians in America have unhesitatingly
affirmed tho same.
You who read this article are in danger
of contracting the grippe, which may leave
its painful and baneful effects upon your
systom unless you are in a strong, a healthy
and vigorous condition to-day. If you
feel languid, restless, irritable, despondent,
if your appetite is uncertain, your rest
broken ; if you fool any signs of fnverish-
ncss or chilliness you noed to take iramedi
mo steps against it. You need to fortify
your kidneys and liver, and you can do so
absolutely In but ono way and that is by
the aid of the great cure above namod.
Farewell Party.
Mr. P J. Keiiy, who will leave town to
morrow for Biueflold, West Virginia, was
tendered a farewell party in Ferguson's
front hall last evening by a large number
of his friends. Several couples danced
until an early hour this morning and to
day Mr. Kolly is nursing an arm rendered
lame by the cordial farewell handshakings
given him by his many woll-wishers.
Buoklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho Uost;Salvo In the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fover
Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively curesPiles, or no payment required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money relunaea. I'rico cents per
box. For sale by 0. U. Hagenbuch.
2,000 cloth bound books, worth 60 cents,
for 20 cents each; 6,000 25-cent paper
covered novels, all new, for 10 vents each,
at Max Reese's, West Centre street, Fer
guson Hotel blook.
Arm Out Off.
A Pole, whose name could not be learned,
had bis right arm cut off last night by fall
ing from a freight train at St. Nicholas,
He was removod to the Miners' Hospital,
The Ladles.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladies may uso the California
liquid laxative Syrup of Figs, under all
conditions, makos it their favorite remedy.
To got tho true and genuine article, look
for tho name of the California Fig Syrup
Co., printed noar tho bottom of the pack
age. A Surprise.
Koop your eyo on this local. Kcagey,
tho photographer, will have his now open
ing in a few-days and will have something
interesting that will surprise the people. If
A Voloo From Florida.
Dr. W. F. Uvoum. Live Oak. Florida, says
lied Flag OH la one of the most successful
pain cures wo sell. It's an unfailing remedy
for Itheum&tlsm, Neuralgia and Hpralns.
llsd Flag Oil cost 25 oenU. Bold at P. F. D.
mum's a rug tiore.
Citizens Protest.
Editor Herald: 'We beg leave t.
place before tho publia the following pro
ton, which wo believe is fuily justifiable
AVo think it is entirely unnecessary that
the Grant C irnet Hand ol town should hold
tho fair thoy have announced for the near
future when it has $800 In Its treasury
according to a statoment made by a mem
ber of tbo Board of Control. We think it
unjust for the organizilion to txke ?2.6(X.'
from tho people of tho town, as it did
Inside of a year ago by means of its fair
picnic and monthly collections, and also in
premiums. We take it that the organisa
tion Is imposing upon the good nature f
tho public and that tha action is col
croditublo to some of those who are trying
to play a conspicuous part in the approach
Ing fair. Wu believe that, with $800 on
hand, the monthly collections ior tho com
ing year, and with the expenses for their
instructor, who receives $000 per year, and
rent (?15 psr month) secured, of whiob
there Is no doubt, tho band Is will pro
vided for. We wish the public, the Board
of Control and band to understand that we
do not harbor any ill-fueling agai ,s. the
organization and have no Inclination to
hinder Its progrosj and success. We sub
mit this as a mild and polite protest and
believe that all sensible pe 'plo will ap
preciate the spirit in which it is inai e.
Signed by,
Shenandoah, Pa., Feb. 2, 1832.
It Should be in Every House.
J. B. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharpiburg,
Pa., says ho will not be without Dr. King's
Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, that It cured his wife who was
threatened with Pneumonia after an at
tack of "Le Grippe," when various other
remedies and several physicians had done
her no good. Bobert Barbnr, of Cooks
port, Pa., claims Dr. King's New Dis
covery has done him more good than any
thing he ever used for Lung Trouble.
Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bottles
at O. H. Hagnnbuch's Drug Store. Largo
bottles, 60:. and $1.
Surprise Party.
A surprise party wis held last evoning
at No. 17 North Bowers street by tho
ladies of the Lutheran Mission, in honor of
Miss Lizzie Bartsch, on tbo attainment of
her 10th anniversary. Tho evening was
spent most pleasantly, games, dancing, and
vocal and instrumental music, and an ex
cellent feast being indulged in. Tbo guests
were Misses Mary and Annie Kimmol,
Ciroline, Annie and Paul no Bierman,
Ida Kolb, Lizzie Leho, Rosio Selbacb,
Mary Rissier, Sudio Davis, Lena Hess,
Fannio Grubler, Maino Biermun and
Mrs. Knte Dornbach. Also Messrs.
Goororo and Harry Hafner, Christ, Chirks
and Henry Fo tz, Charles and William
Hildobrind, Martin and Fred. Gruhler,
Je'se Tnomas, Charles Ka z, Willi m
Kroiger, William Griffiths, John Now,
Levi Irvln and idolph Newmann.
New and Neat.
John W. Wo ks, who purchased Jones'
siloon and restaurant, at 17 South Main
street, has had the place so extensively
altered and Improved as to make it almost
new. Ilo has put in an entire new stock of
ales, porters, beers, segars, etc., and has
annexed to the place an excellent eating
department, which will be under the di
rection of "Felt" Beyrant, the well known
caterer of town. With the alterations ho
has made and the acquisition of Mr. Boy-
rant, Mr. Weeks can now pride himself of
having ene of tho beet restaurants in the
region. 2-1 St
Young lady to wait on customers and
generally assist at tho Boshon photograph
gallery. Apply at once.
1-30-tf. H. T. Hall. Manager.
Postponed Again.
Arguments was to have been made be
fore the court at Pot'sville yesterday In the
injunction suit of the water company
against this borough but was postponed
until next Monday on account of 11 noes of
Mr. Pomeroy.
Chllblalus, cuts or wounds, can be cured In
short time by the use ot Balvatlon Oil. i'rlce
23 ceuU.
"Helyott Waltz."
The "Helyett Waltz," the newest and
most popular waltz out, at Brumm'a jswelry
and music store. 1 6-tf
Everybody Knows
Everybody Knows
Everybody Knows
That Colgate's
Toilet Soaps
Toilet Soaps
Toilet Soaps
Areltlio Beet
Are the Beat
Are;the Best
When you are getting a piece ol Toilet Hoap
got It good, for It lasts longer and gives better
satisfaction generally. A piece of Boip with
the name of Colgate on It can be depended
upon a the purest and best that can be pur
chased for the money. A full line at
122 North. Jar din Street.