The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 23, 1892, Image 1

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    V 5W
The Evening Herald
mi t Hie t uaieac tjewa
The Evening Herald
VOL. V1I.--NO. 20.
The Evening Herald.
Has a larger circulation In Shenandoah than
any other paper published. Circu
lation hooks open to all.
The libel suit of Senator Matthew
Stanley Quay against the Pittsburg
Iost Is at an end and the Senator Is
again vindicated. This victory Is
especially Blguiflcaut, inasmuch that
the defendants went into court blow
ing horns and notifying the public to
be prepared for startling exposures in
connection with the character of the
distinguished Senator, Martin and
others. The exposures failed to de
velop and the Ingenuity of the dis
tinguished counsel for the defendants
failed to make of Quay what the New
York World has bo often predicted he
would prove to be if he dared to take
the witness stand in a court of justice.
Quay's statement in his own behalf
before the United States Senate was
pooh-poohed and treated as "only
Quay talk." The Democrats and their
co operators in the Republican ranks
said that nothing could satisfy the
people short of a libel suit by Quay
and his appearance on the witness
stand. They have been accommodated
at last and now have the verdicts of
two juries to munch upon for a while.
Quay has convicted bis viliflers, who
are now pUclng their trust in God and
Quay's good nature to intercede for
With promised new mall fecllltf'-iOi
Shenandoah, Glrardville and Ashland"
will be greatly benefitted.
The New York Democrats are tak
ing the whole hog. If the Hepubll-
canS'ever get a foothold in New York
state again it must bo tnrougn a
Better mall facilities coming, wait
a little longer.
Postmaster-Gen. Wanamaker's
idea of entendlng the freo delivery of
mall matter has "caught on" in Con
gress, and three bills authorizing such
Carpets and Oil Cloths
Reduced to make room foralirgo
spring stock. Call for bargalts.
C. D. Fricke's Carpet Store,
10 S. Jardlu St., Shenandoah.
Quality itac First Consideration, anO, JPrlces Guaranteed
as Low as Consistent witli Good Quality,
Our Fancy Minnesota Patent' Flour and NortJi
We8teni Daisy Mour are giving entire satisfaction.
The best evidence is the increased sales of both brands.
VREAD the result.
Eancy Creamery Butter always fresh.
California Canned Fruits
Peaches, Pears, Plums, Apricots and Cherries.
California Silver Prunes extra large and fine.
Canned Corn several brands of extra quality.
Old Government Java Coffee fresh roasted.
Ilorida Oranges large, sweet and juicy. Another lot
just received.
Choice hluscatel Italsius
pounds for 25c.
banned Salmon Kxtrn quality, a cans for 25c.
Pine Table vSyrup-at 10 and xac, strictly pure sugar goods.
mixed Nuts 2 pounds for 25c.
Dried Apples -6 pounds for 25c.
In Velvet, Body and Tapestry Ilrusscls arc coming In dally.
New Spring: styles, verj handsome patterns, and prices
never -were lower.
Our New PL.OOIC oil, CLOTHS are all right in price,
style and quality. Our zyrd wide at 25c and a-yartlet wide
at 30c arc well worth the money.
extension have already been intro
duced in tho House.
Kentucky, Bays Hill's presidential
boom has knocked Clevelaud entlrelj
out of tho water, and tho New York
delegation will go to the convention
unanimous for Hill. He sayB tht
only thing to prevent Hill's nomina
tion Is the fear that Cleveland isgolng
to knife him in the election. Should
this seem likely to endanger his
ohancea of success he thinks that
Senator Gorman will be nominated.
Last evening the survivors of Com
pany B and D, of the old and popular
Seventh Regiment, National Guard,
met In Slmmokln to reorganize and
oiler their services to the Koverument
in the event of war being declared
with Chile. The members of Cap
tain Johnson's Company, H, of this
borough, also of the Sevtnth, are
anxious to do the same thing. Let a
call be Issued so that 'Co. H may be
placed on proper footing. It may
mean its re-admtsslon Into theNatlonal
Guard. There is a strong feeling
among the young men of this com
munity in favor of connecting them
selves with the National Guard and
prompt action would no doubt result
in the speedy formation of a company
of material that would be a suitable
successor of Shenandoah's old-time
pride. Give the boys a vent for their
patriotism. -The spirit will never
move them more than it does at' tho
present day and now is the time to
Mm, Wm. Stein is the Shenandoah rep
resentative of the "World's Fair Auxiliary.
P. J. Mulholland, formerly a resident of
town, but now of Uarrisburg, circulated
among town friends to-day.
Rev, Wm. McNally, tho Presbyterian
minister, will exchange pulpits with Rev.
J. "W. Mann, of Ashland, to-morrow.
Miss Nellie Reilly and Messrs. John
Reilly and M. O'H&ra attended the ball of
the S. I. Q. Club at Ashland on Thursday
Mrs. McNally, wife of Rev. Wm. Mc
Nally, who ha been ill for sevoral dajs,
was out yesterday for the first time since
her Illness.
Moses Goldstein, formerly of town, who
removed to Seattle, Washington, some
years ago,'has left that placa and Is now
located In California.
It la either a freeze or a thaw.
-Lartje and clean, no stems, 3
Whoro Those Who Are So Dis
posed May Attend Divino
Worship To-morrow Other
Local Nows.
Eng'ish Baptist church, South Jardln
street, Ruy. II. O. James, pastor. Jubileo
sorvlces at 10:30a. m.j 2 and 0:30 p! m., by
tho following rovorond gBntlomon, (D. V );
K. Edwards, Minersville; I, M. Lyons,
Qirardville; O II. Fitzwilliams, Shamokin;
Jo' n Hagne, Plymouth. In tho morning
the cancelled note will be burned by two
of tho oldest mo rubers and the building
will b-3 dodlcitod to tho Lord, Iroo ol
debt, by tho pastor.
All Saints' Episcopal church, Oik street,
near Main, Rev. Floyd E. West, rector.
Servicos as follows : Morning prayer and
litany with reading and sormon, 10:30.
Evening prayer and sormon, 6:30 Sunday
school at 2 p. m. The rector officiates and
preaches at tho morning service on tho
second and fourth Sundays of each month
and at the evening service on tho first and
third, a lay r ader officiating in hlsabsence.
Trinity Reformed church. Rev. Robert
O'Boyle, pastor. Sorvlces to-morrow
morning and evening. English icrvicos in
tho morning and ovoning. Sunday school
at 1:30 p. m.
First Methodist Episcopal church, Rev,
Wm. Powich, pastor, bervices to-morrow
at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Morning sub
ject: "The Gymnastics of Religion."
Evening subject; "Everlasting Punish
ment." Sunday school at 2 p. m., followed
by tho devotional meeting of the Epworth
League. All are invited.
P. M. church, corner of Jardin and Oak
streets. Services Sunday at 10:30 a. m.
and 6:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m.
Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor at 6
p. m. every Sabbath. Classes meet Tues
day and Wednosday evonings at 7 o'clock
and Sunday at 0:30 a. m. General prayer
meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. II. G,
Russell, pastor.
Welsh Baptist church, Rav. D. L Evans.
pastor. Sorvices to-morrow at 10 a. m. in
Welsh and G p. m. in English. Morning
subject: "Scones Made Perfect." Even
ing subjsct: "Why Hold Ye." Sunday
BChool at 2 p. m. Prayer meeting at 7 p,
m. Monday. Class mooting Thursday
evening at 7 o'clock.
Ebonizor Evangolical church. Rov. H.
J. Glick, pastor. Services Sunday at
1U a. m. In Gorman, and 6:30 p. m. in
English. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.
All are heartily invited to attend.
English Lutheran church, Rav. M. H
Il&vico, pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and
6,30 p, m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30.
Welsh Oongrogatlonaf church, Rev.
Owen Enoch, pastor. Preaching services
at 10 a. m. and 0 p. m, Sunday school at
2 p. m. Monday evening at 7, prayer
meeting. Tuesday evening at 7, Christian
Endeavor Society, Thursday evening at
7, class meeting. Cordial welcome to all.
Presbyterian church, Rov. W. McNally,
pastor. Services at 10:31 a. m. and 6:30 p.
m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Rov. J. W.
Mann, ot Ashland, will occupy tho pulpit
morning and evening. Next Sabbath even
ing the paetdr Will (D. V.) resumo his dis
courioontho "Lord's Socond Coming."
Christian Endeavor on Tuesday evening,
and prayer meeting on Thursday evening
at 7:30. All aro cordially Invited, Seals
Buoklon'a Arnlon Salve.
Tho Rest Salve In the world for Cuts,
Druises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Soros, Totter, Cbappod Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively euros Piles, or no payment required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by O. U. Uagenbuch.
Recorded Under Protest..
Editor Hkrald ; Will yoi pieaso note
In your Republican paper 0 fact lDat a
Polish man is doing .torvice on the paid
police force. Adi this to tho Iohr list of
brhllant (?) acts of our present Republican
Borough Council.
Fourth Ward,
Shenandoah, Jan. 22, 1892,
Tho correspondent is narlly justified in
calling tho present Borough Council a
Republican body. But lot that be as It
may, he must bear in mind that thapald
police are under the control of the Lamp
and Police Com mil too and that commitloo
consists of M. G. Wurm (Damocrat) T.
II. Van Dusen (Republican) and T,
Moakter (Democrat). Ed
Tho Most Pleasant Way
Of preventing tho grippe, colds, head
aches, and fevers is to uo the liquid laxa
tiro romedy Syrup of Figs, whenever the
system needs a gentle, yet effective cleans
ing. To bo benefited one must got the
true remedy manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup-Co. only. For -sale by
all druggists in 60c. and?! bottles.
PlTTsnuno, Janunry 22. Tho jury in
UA.ili.n. Ct.,i r.. - I 1 1 1. i.-., -1
iuonuun umuioj vfuiij. kiu. niu uujiiurjf x ugi-1 uousuing uompany, A. J. lisrr,
president, and James Mile?, editor, brought in a verdict this evening of guilty in the
mauuui nuu iuim m muiubUU
"Jaok" McCarthy's Opinion
Those in the Rtgion.
"Jack" MtCirthy, of the Hazloton
Sentinel, has missed his vocation by not
attaching himself to Puck or Judge. Hear
him on the coal region bands :
Every band, brass, silver cornet or
string, in tho coal region town is "tho best
in tho region1' if the local prints are to bo
taken at face value.
In the counties of Luzerno, Carbon and
Schuylkill there aro 129 regularly organ
ized bands, some of which aro known to
famo and many of which are not, but if
the 1331 men that comprise them got to
gether Niagara wouldn't bo in It for noise
Like the average flrq company tho
average coal region band is a sort of na
tional affair. You rarely find' different
natlonaltios represented and the idea nf
harmony in nationality is vory often above
the idea of harmony in sound,
The Germans, Irish, Polos and Hues
load In tho band Idea. There are 53 bands
in which the membership is exclusively
German, 20 American, 19 Irish, 14 Poles,
6 Hungarians. This does not count in tho
drum corps, a crude form of art in which
the American youths delight, nor dooa it
count string ban's, but only "parading"
bands, tho acme of musical nchlevomrnt
The band leader is tho editor in cbiuf of
the band Ho dips out the selections hip
subordinates grin t out on tho ambient air
upon all occasions from lively tosorenoa d
sad and in no single instance has a public
print ever bad tho temerity to call t'-e
work of this porsonage "bummy," or evon
III advised,
It will be remembered by tho Ho--,
Robert E PaUlson that when bo brought
his austere and religious mug to Shenan
doah that the band played "Listen to My
Talo of Woe," and when the buoyant and
effervescent Mr. Delamater came along it
ground out "Llston to the Mocking Bird."
The case of the Weatborly band that!
playod "What Shall tho Harvest Be" wbilo
serenading a newly married couplo is still
fresh In the public mind having been over
since a contributing causa to the celibacy ol
men and the old maidenhood of women.
While the in i takes of the Moses who
leads a band aro not as likoly to be pictured
in the public prints as the bad acting of a
bumble actor an outraged public sentiment
occasionally culls them down as in tho caso
of tho Shamokin band, which played
Johnny Got lour Gun" when coming
from a funeral. When tho collector went
around to the citizens for money to keep
tho ' suporb organization up - to its high
standard of excellence," as the forbearing
editor pat it, ho was eat up.n and told to go
to the crowded regions below.
Spoolmon Cases.
S. H. Clifford, Now Cassel, Wis., was
troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism
his Stomach was disordered, his Liver .n a
affected to an alarming degree,- appetite
fell away, and he was terribly reduced in
flesh and strength. Throe bottlos of Elec
tric cured him.
Edward Sbophord, Harrisburg, 111., had
a running sore on bis leg of eight years'
etinding. Used three bottles of Electric
Bitlors and seven boxos of Bucklen's
Arnica Salve, and bis log Is sound and
well, John Speaker, Catawba, O,, had
five largo Fever sores on uis leg, doctors
said ha was incurable. One bottle Electrio
Bittern and ona box Bucklen's Arnica
Salve cured him entirely. Sold by O. H.
Uagenbuch, Druggist,
Best, photographs and crayons alDabb's
the famous criminal libol suit of Senator
T I 1 ... 1 .
How Some of our Townsmen
Would Treat Chile.
Arthur Trezise I'd take them down to
the slation and give thom a shock.
Max Rposo Send them here and I send
thom to Europo at the lowest rates.
P. J. Ferguson I would get as many as
I could into my theatro and get May
Davenport's company to give a show.
T. J. Hlgglns I think a few months ser
vice on a joint water committoo would
cool them down.
Torn Sanger What's tho matter with
sending Co. A down thero ?
Jim Smith Just let mo get the Chief
Burgesnbip and I'll show you how I would
treat them.
Phil Holman Lot thom take turns on
my Turkey Run routo.
John Burtsch Thoy would have a picn'c
then. Send them with mo to Fisher's
patch some cold morning.
'Squiro Mtinaghan Got somebody to
swea out a warrant and I'll -.tend Jerry
after thom. '
flennr Doyle Put up the stuff and we
will send thf Sunday S'Jfeva to. them.'
Polic-'mun Dtvis It' wt only had thom
here our lockud wnu p bo a dandy place
for them.
El. Gibbons I don't know. Ask P. J.
Pat Omo If thi-y can handle picks
send them down O ml street
Tom Grunt Get tin injunction against
Wm Kimroel A petition may do some
Gha-. Bowmnn There's plenty lind out
wjit if thny aro not sa U&ai where thoy
Jim Daniels They aro too far away. I'
I catch any ol tbom on the coal trains I
will toll you.
Jimmy Kane Mike gate tenders out of
Constable Phillips I'd take them all
beforo 'Squire II i 1 .
J. P. Wlllia us I would bury tbom.
Jim Mitchell Turn tho hoso on them.
Over two wooks havo elapsed sinco tho
lengthy discussion was held In the Bor
ough Council over the water question and
It has not yet suited tho joint committee to
stato what tho proposed new water works
aro to cost and how much over tho amount
tho committee claims to have at Its disposal
tho borough will bo obliged to pay. What
will the I. O. U. be, gentlemen 7
Waters' Wolss boor Is the best. John A.
Reilly solo agent, 6-6-tf
Whisperings of tho People Caught
on tho Ply.
Many Of OUr tOWLSlllHti Mttnmln.l nmi.f
to-day on license business.
The livervmen are In irnnrl hi,
nands for sleighs a-o coming in from all
Coasting accidents contlnnn. Tha lafoct
U that of I. Robbins eon, at Pottsville,
wno had his skull fractured.
Sorno of the young men intrusted with
ho I sea and sleiirhs On tho itrAPljk am nt
direful us they should bo. This is es
pecially true when lurng corner.
Strineers and ties nrn lining lM ; it,
excavation made for tho olectrio railway on
Mest (joal street. The digging is pro
gressing favorably and Gilbert street h
been reached,
Liveryman Daddow drove quite a jolly
party to Ringtown last evening. Those
who took advantago of tho Aoh sleighing
were : Mr. and Mrs. W. .T. .Innnhi v
and Mrs. Al. Broom, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
i-nis, Jr., and JUiss Annie Johnson.
It looks as if Cmgross wojld pass an ap
propriation to pay the fares of a'l old sol
diers who attend tho meelinir nf ihn Ttfu-
tional Encampment of tho G. A. R. thit
year; consiqoutly the different posts w'll
fill up the next fow months.
Tho Republicans of Schuylkill county
have very wisely decided to induce Dis
trict Attorney R H. Koch, of Pottsvillo, tc
accept the nomination for Judge. He is a
gentleman of high legal attainments, and
during his present term of ollico has
demonstrated his ability as a lawyer and la
eminently qualified to occupy a seat on the
bench. There are fow persons in Schuyl
kill who aro bettor fittod and none more
deserving of this Dosition than Mr. Kni-h
Shamokin Dispatch
Ihe time for holding tho spring election
is approaching ranidlv and thorn ; mnrh
activity among the politicians and those
seeking offices.
The Burgees fiirht h now mnflnuH .-
tween Smith tind Acker, Democrat;, and.
Lessig and Dean, Republicans.
An Unlucky Ride.
Thursday afternoon several of Sam
Major's friends calloj at his cigar storo with
a horse and sleigh and invited Sam to take
a ride. He willingly acquiesced, and im
mediately boarded the cutter. Everything
went lovely and the occupants of the
sleigh wero In a jolly mood, when their
ride was brought to a sudden termination.
When on West street, near the Lloyd
street school building, Sam thought the
speed at which thoy were traveling was toe
sluw, and immediately applied tho whip
whereupon Mr. M-ijor turned a complete
somersault aud landed on tho snow upor
hi bead. A physician was calif d and pro
nounced no bonos broken, nnd the unlucky
tobacconist was again placed in the eleigb
with a requwt that the horeo bo allowed tc
walk fcr too rostof the way. His request
was complied with and tho unluaky man is
to day receiving tho condolence, of his
numerous friend).
Chance ot a Lifetimo.
J. Coffee has purchased at Sheriff's sale
the entire stool- of dry goods and groceries
of LeflW Bros , at Lncuit Dale ; besides
n immense quantity of similar goids from
n Skumokin party. He will remove tho
combined 6lock-by Thursday morning to
his corner store in the post office building.
Thoso wishing to eavo money should avail
themselves of this opportunity. Tea,
formerly sold at CO cts., at 25 cts. Granu
lated sugar, 4 cts. Best Java coffee, 21 cts.
Barley and rice, 3 and 4 cts. Storekeepers
can secure bargains in soaps, show cases,
scale; and fixtures by purchasing at once.
Fatal Injuries.
A Polish miner employed in Packer No.
3 colliery was the victim of a fall of coal
yestorday afternoon. He received tho
weight of the fall on his back and the back
of his head aud was" removed to his homo
on North Chostnut street in a critical
condition. Towards evening he died.
2,000 cloth bound books, worth CO cents,
for 20 cents each; 5,000 26-cent paper
covered novels, all new, for 10 t'onts each.
at Max Reese's, Wost Centre street, Fer
guson Hotol block,
Everybody Knows
Everybody Knowe
Everybody Knows
That Colgate's
That Colgate's
Toilet Soaps
Toilet Soaps
Toilet Boaps
Aro' tho nest
Are the llest
Are;tho Best
AVhou you are gettlne a piece ot Toilet Soap
get It good, for It lasU longer nnd gives better
satisfaction Generally. A piece of Boipwlth
he name of Colgate ou it can bo depended
upon oaths purest and beat that can be pu
chased for the money, A fall line at
122 North Jardin StreoU