The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 20, 1892, Image 3

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    Present In the most elegant fO"m
or THE
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plnnts known to be
most berefieial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Coiisti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak o
condition of the !
it is the most excellent rrti vn
CLE4NSE TfiESySTEA? t,v . ft
When one is Dilious 01 C ..h.
i-so THAT
Every one is using it and al es
delighted with it.
i "3rEt.t3TE 3ttE 3PXG-JO
IScx Keadacheand relieve aU tbo troubles incf
'dent to a billons state of the system, snob, as
Dimness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after
tlng. Pain In the Bide, &o. While their most
Trosiarkabla success baajbeea shown la corjiifj
31eaaftch-76t'Carlot'fl Llttla TJver Tim fttfl
equally valnable In Constipation, curing nnd pro
Tenting thiaannoyinffcomplalntwhilo they alatj
xorrect aU disorders of ILob toinftchUmulata tho
.liver and regialuto tho bowels. Eyoulf theyonlj
UUbalhey would 60 eJmos'i priceless to those who
Mailer from this distressing complaint; but fortu
nately tbelr goodness does notend here,and thosa
-who once try them will find these little pills vain
table In soman? ways that they mil not bo wll
tllog to do without them. But&fterallelcfcheai,
111 the bane of so many Uvea that bora Is where
wa make onr great boast. Our pills curs It whlla
others do not.
Carter's Zittlo Liver Villn art) very small and
Tery easy to take. Ono or two pills make a dose.
TLey are strictly Tffc'etable atid do not gilfa or
purge, but by their gontlo action please all who
ciethem. Invlalsat25centsi uvefor$l. Sola
by druggists everywhere, or sent by mall.
ICargestand oldest reliable
panles represented by
120 S. Jardm St., Shenanaoah.Pa.
I -afcci-fi cnrxiira uitUAtipd Kraaa.
TS.. BUFB -f tw iAl-L iV.,.,7,
itfiif r for r.aJio. h i,tt.. ..
- ,. t-aemlcal IUMbq Kauiirs.
011 br u towl Dminiii. I'titlilK.. 12
Breakfast Cocoa
from which the excess of oil
has been removed,
la nbsoultlii pure tml
f it totuhle.
No Chemicals
are uwd In Its preparation. It
nas i,:ore than thru timet the
ttrevgth of Cocoa mixed vlth
Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar.
and Is therefore far more eco-
Gnomical, coiling lett than ont
ictntaaip. Itlsclellclpue.nour.
Ishloe, ttrensthenlng. eisily
motSTr.l), and admirably adapted for lnrallds
as well fts fur persons lnjiea)lh.
Sold by Crneeri etfrywhere.
"W. B AKB, & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
Will r without mtdlelnt all Watlntu rasultlns from
ihara, and lv esrr&l that it ImUntlr ftlt br tb Iwr
crw forfU i, and mUI cur tvt th brt sli4.
Pt 4 of uttuQt Bare dhs euri ty tbu tearrtlon
arur all otbtr TmdlH failed, and wtglra bbtt-
iradt ( taitlmontali in Uil and err
rr atkar atata.
uur pewtmu imrrv4 VLt(TK
mnffaval m,MtMf(t Mi ktrir.unnv i
Htalta aad Vlsrapaa -Klak fjl'iuilictii u sua Z
"VT "I" wa utaai w iir b mm HALL UKL1H.
?-4t:n B,rffr Ur UWaUl aatblut alid. fr..
No.Oip roadway, NEW YORK.
- - ' .I. ii I
FOIl SALE. A. gooij aud Knu'tle
liorte,-suitable for all kluds of Wi'ik, for
sale cliejp. .Apply 10 ft J. tutuu, 21 East
Centre Street, HUnhnaoaU: " vr I6-tl
TlVER Hl 1 1 II
Contest for tho National Dem
ocratic Convontion.
Bolleved that New York Will Maka a
Strenuous Effort for tha Prizs.
The Arrlvnl or the Tammany -Men Makes
the Situation Assume a New Aspect
Chicago, Cincinnati anil ImtlHiinpolls
Also In th Fight to Stny-llrlce, Oorraan
anil Hill Mow Said to Furor the Windy
Wasmnuton, Jan. 20. The il'st of tho
delegations to press the claims bf Six
cltleS for the locatlou of the Democratic
National Convention upon the members
of tho National Committee reached hero
Japt night.
It consists of about 50 Tammany
braves headed by Richard CroVer, the
head of that organization. , ,
Tho aspirants for the honor of enter
taining the convention aro New York,
Cincinnati, MInncapplls. and St. Paul,
Indianapolis, Kansas City and Milwaukee.
There are about 20 members of the
committee In Vashipgton this morning,
ant they are In great demjind by the
members of the several delegations.
Kvery boomer thinks his city Is sure to
be chosen, but no one can tell what tht
result will be, or make a decent approx
imation of the vote on tho first ballot.
It Is reported that Senator and Chair
man lirice is working fot Cincinnati, and
under the supposition that New York did
not really want the Convention. There
was a feeling that the contest lay be
tween Cinciunatl and Indianapolis, but
the appearanco of Croker and his Tnm
niany braves put a new phase on the
situation, and It Is the impression this
morning that New York will make a
strenuous fight for the Convention.
The National Committee will meet nt
noon to-morrow. The advocates of the
several cities, it Is expected, will be
heard in public, and the Committee will
go Into executive session to vote. Mil
waukee will be represented by Mayor
Somers, Judge Donnelly and Senator
Vilas, Indianapolis by Senator Turpie,
Kansas City by Gov. Francis J. Pratner
and Senator Vest.
The rumor is now current that al
though Chicago Is not an op'eu 'competitor
for the Convention, forces 'are at wprk
which will succeed In Inducing a ma
jority of tho Committee to vote for hold
ing the Convention there. These forces
are said to include Messrs. Brlce, Gor
man and mil.
The Pllgriinaeo or Their I.Ives.
Washington, Jan. 20. General John
Palmer, Commander- ln-Chlef of tho G.
A. R., is In Washington. He says the
old soldiers will make the coming en
campment in Washington the pilgrimage
of their lives. Massachusetts, New York,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, Kansas, and
all the big Statos will, ho says, turn out
as they never did before. The Michigan
people, General Palmer says, have told
him that their posts will turn out more
men than they did to tho Detroit encamp
ment, right at home. General Palmer
Ihlnks Illinois will send 20,000 men.
Heir to Two Millions,
Philadelphia, Jan. 20. Information
lias just been received by Joseph Ilealey
of Swedesboro, N. J., that by the death
of an uncle In England, of whom he was
a namesake, he has fallen heir to a for
tune of nearly $2,000,009. Mr, Ilealey is
quite wealthy, and was formerly en
gaged In wool Importation and manu
facturing in Manchester, England, and
was tjie owper of several vessels. He is
said to "be a' jec'orid cousin of the Duke
of Marlborough.
Merchants Iluriied Out In Seranton.
Sciunton-, Pa., Jan. 20. Fire in the
lnornlno lll-tbft Wllllnma hlrwk
walina avenue, nartiallv ..destrn'veil tbn '
building ahd totally destroyed the stock ;
of the following merchants. J. D. Knltrht. 1
commission house, 'W.' A. Gallagher,
iruit warehouse, and, Uelbert's bakery,
rue total loss aggregates siu.i
acJifrceates J12.000. insnr.
nnce $9,000, Frank Shull, of Crystal
House Co.. was bvcrcohie by smoke, and
his condition is critical.
Strike of Gniulto Cullers.
Scbanton, Pa., Jan. 20. One hundred
granite cutters employed on tha Govern
ment Post Office building here, struck
during JJiafjernijpii, because one of
their number, had been discharged for a
faulty'jijeco of work1. 'ThdVtVikers claim
that'the blafne' rests pp3u 'the foreman
wllowif furnished by ' the "supervising
architect of the Treasury. ' They will not
return to work unless their fellow work
man is leinstated.
Annual MeetlllB Lelilch Vulley Company.
Piiiladepiiia, Jan. 20. At the annual
meeting of the Lehigh Valley railroad
company hero President Elisha P. Wilber
and the old Board of Directors were re
elected. The apuual report presented to
the meeting showed the gross earnings
for the year to have been $1H,910,2GO;
operating expenses, including rental of
leased lines, $18,075,003, leaving a net
revenue of 5,9a 1,1151.
Cuthollc Church llurned.
BniDOEr-oitT, Conn., Jan. .20. St.
Thomas Roman Catholic Church In Fair
Held, together with the parochial school
and convent attached, were burned last
evening. H is supposed that the Are was
Incendiary. No -one was Injured,' but
several nuns narrowly escaped with their
lives. The buildings were, only recently
erected. Loss $100,000.
The Arnnas Strike Knded.
Tayloii, Tex., Jan. 20. The Aransas
Pass strike is ended, the strikors having
lost. They ascribe their defeat to the
half-hearted support of the Brotherhood.
They will ho ru-engagod only as vacancies
occur, and "Scabs" will be discharged
only in case 0f incompetency. The
freight which was ,em ut Aransas Pass
has been removed.1
Honoring Lu slllrthduy.
Atlanta, Oa., Jau, 20. Georgia was
the first Stato to make the birthday of
Robert E. Lee a legal holiday; fYWer
day his anniversary was TppropHately
observed all over the Stato. In . AtlaT?t
there was a great meeting last night!TOt.,'J
au aiiurcss y wongressmau U'Ferrall.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Iter. Mr. Slioher Stands a Good
if ltelnstatement.
Barhytown, N. Y., Jan. 20. Rav
Francis E. Shober, who left this place a
week ago under a cloud, havinir been de-
nosed from tho mlnl.t., l,, ni.i,nn
Potter for aliened drunkenness, has ro-
turned nd was received with onun nrm
by the people of the church to which he
lormerly ministered.
His friends have been busy during his
absence collecting evidence to refute ths
charges ma'de against Mr. Shober.
The Bev. Dr. Henry L. Zelgenfuss,
Archdeacon of the Poughkeepsle diocese,
is among those who are working in be
half of the deposed rector.
Dr. Parker, of Poughkeepsle, ono of
the physicians who attended Mr Shober,
is said to have admitted that the state
ments made to him of Mr. Shober's
drinking habits had much to do with his
assent to the diagnosis of delirium
It is also said to be generally believed
in Poughkeepsle that Mrs. Shober will
begin a suit for divorce, which will bo
bitterly contested by her husband.
Dr. Ziegenfuss is reported as saying
that Bishop Potter acted hastily in the
He has secured a eprHflratn frnm hU
family physician in Salisbury, N. C, to
the effect that since a boy any slight
jticunesa nas always been accompanied by
It was thought that the delirium
tremens were brought on by excessive
uruiK, um. as ne can prove to the con
trary and as Archdeacon Harry L,
Ziegenfuss has espoused his cause, It is
supposed that Bishop Potter will un-
uonDteuiy reinstate him.
A Sled Load of Younir People and a Train
In Collision.
St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 20. A Missouri
Pacific railroad train ran Into a sleighing
party of 21 persons at Foerstelville, six
miles west bf this city last night, and
killed eight. At that place there is
steep hill which has been used by persons
in the neighborhood during the prevail
ing cold snap as a sort of tobaggan slide
The road down the hill leads across tho
railroad tracks.
A disaster or a serious accident has
been predicted at this spot, butthe young
rpiKS only laugued at the prophets and
kept up their dangerous sport. Last
evening there was a party of 21 on a sled
who had been indulging In the sport for
some time, nut nnaiiy their merry
making came to an abrupt and sad end.
As their sled, a pair of bobs connected by
a long pianK strucK tne railroad tracks.
a Wabash train dashed into it, killing
eight of its occupants nnd maiming many
oiners, not one or tne party, It is said,
escapeu uninjured.
Medical Students Steal a Corpse,
iNWANAroLis, Ind., Jan. 20. Miss
wnma Uossell, who had been III for 10
years with a disease that baflled medi
cal skiu, died Dec. V). She was not
buried until Sunday last, however, the
lamuy leanng a burking expedition.
Last night at midnight Sexton Speer
louno: that t(ie grave had been disturbed,
aim mm relatives ot tlie dead woman
followed wagon tracks to the Central
uollege of Physicians and Surgeons. Tho
rnllr wprn fhair
ultv of the colleen nenntttirl an (nitl
called in, and the ta&
Bation, which disclosed the body stripped
and ready for dissection. The discovery
has caused a sensation, and several war-
rants nave been issued.
Strong Ivvliloiw e Against Merclor.
Quebec, Jan. 20. Before tho Royal
oouunlsslou named to investigate mal
feasance in ofllce against ex-Premier Mer
clcr and, his late colleagues, It was in
evidence that Mercler made a contract
last year with a stationer named Taug
lals to provide' all the stationery required
by the public departments. So far Taug
lalu has been paid $85,000 and has sup
plied $11,000 worth of stationery. Cash
ier Webb of' the Union Bank swore that
$25,000 of the proceeds of Tauglals check
from the government was placed to Mcr
cier's credit, and $21,000 to the credit of
Ernett PacaudJ Mercier's friend and
party organizer.
Tallest Man in tho World Uoail.
, Baltimore, Jan. 20. "Cpl." Pickett
Nelson, who claimed to be the tallest
man on earth, Is dead here. Huhad been
111 for.three weeks with typhoid fever.
HU body measures eight feet five Inches
in length. In life he claimed to be eight
feet one inch tall and to weigh 887
pounds. It was alleged at his late home
that after death his frame relaxed ami
became four Inches longer than it had
been. A part of the front of tho hoube
yill have to be torn out to remove the
body-for burial as thp doors and windows
are toojsniaH to perniit ot the removal
of the coffin.
Kai'le will Succeed Judge linger.
Ar-BAHY, N. Y., Jun. 20. Gov. Flower
has'senli in the name of Judge Robert
Earle, of the Court of Appeals, to be
Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals lu
place of Judge linger, deceased.
Governor Flower sent tho nomination
of Isaac Maynard, Deputy Attorney Gen
eral, to All Judge Kudo's place on the
bench to the Senate. Both Judge Earle
and Maynard were confirmed by tho Sen
ate. Virginia lllll to Abolish netting.
Richmond, Va., Jan. 20. A bill is
now beforo the Senate Committee on
Geuewl Laws to prevent and punish bet
ting, gambling, book-making and other
forms oi bettlut,'. The bill is especially
aimed at tho Virginia Monte Carlo Just
across the Pctomao river from Washing
ton,' D. g.
There Is 'prospects of co'lislderable
uuuauib' 1 11 'bo town nest spring.
Land Transformed by Ants.
A traveler In Central Australia has
Chancs) discovered that the surface of tho coun
try has been greatly changed by what
maS api?ar at first thought- a ridiculous
affcncy tho white .ants. On plain and
'? thickets their nests aro so numerous
that It Is dlfllcult to drive amonir them.
The olay with which tho nests aro built
whet? cemented with resinous
matter, as hard as brick, and when tho
nests fall to pieces they forn c)ay flats,
almost Impervious to water nnd not
easily cut up by traffic. Tho work of
these creatures can ho studied In all
stages; Brat in the thickets, where they
are commencing work; then in tho more
open country, where they have crowded
out tho timber; next on tho plans,
where half the hills will he found de
serted; and lastly on tho clay flats,
where they have almost entirely dis
appeared and tho scrub has begun to
grow again. The nests are further ro
markablo for tho large proportion of
Iron thoy contain.
The basilisk was the most famous of
tho many fabulous monsters of medie
val folklore. According to tho popular
notion it was hatched by a toad from
an egtf laid by a cock y the common
barnyard fowl in tho nncient picture
books it was usually represented as an
eiht-limbcd serpent or dragon, some
times with and sometimes without
Tiny Beal head adorn the fashloua-
iiiu nat.
"Have you an Injunction?" is a bye
word now.
Mothers, bo Patient.
Tho little ones suffer drond fully when
'Vind Cillc sflllcts thom. They get well
quickly vhen Dr. Hsnd's Oolio Cure is
given to them. Free samplps at C. J. Mc
Carthy's or J. M. Hillan's drug storo 1
The latest In gentlemen's walking
gloves is a shade of cream gold.
Miles" Nervo hna Liver Pills
Let on a now principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels Ihrouah the nervei.
V new discovery. Br. Miles' Fills speedily
raie biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
oonstlpatlou. Unequaled lor men, women,
children. Smallest, lulMest, surest J aldoses.
25cts. Samples Kree, at v. 11. UacoubutlTs
lnis store.
Glycerine nnd tannin applied night
and morning relieves tender feet.
A National Event.
The holdlnc of the World's dVlr in n
scaroiy U ty ye .n old will be a remarkable
event, but. whether It will really benetlttbis
nation us much us the discovery oi the
Restorative Nervine by Dr Franklin Miles la
uuuuuui. iuis is jusi wnac mo American
people need to cure their excessive nervous
ness. dvsDonsla. headache. dlxzinRH sioan.
lessness, uturaUla, nervous debility, dullness,
conlulou of mind, etc It acts like a charm.
Trial bottles aud line book on "Nervous and
Heart DUeases," with unequaled testliuoululi,
free at O. II. Ilagenbircb's drugstore. It is
vmrranted to contain no opium, morphine or
This is leap year and a girl Is ex
pected to jump at th first oiler.
Shiloh'a Consumption Ouro.
. . v! wton. question tne most suo-
uwniui uuugu meuicine we nave ever sold,
lew doses invariably cure tbo worst cases of
Oooijh, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its won
lerlu! succeis In the cure of Consumption is
without a parallel In the history of medicine.
Since It's first discovery it lias been sold on a
raarantee, a test which no other medicine
;an stand. Ii you have a 3oueh we earnestly
.'."S0?,0 ,ry 1rlce 10 cent" 50 oent't and
H.00. If your ljungs aro sore, Chest, or . Back
lame, use Hhllob's Porous Pinstar uni.i v...
p. H. Uagenbuch, N. IS. corner Main and
uiuyu Nireeis,
Not one nersbn in 2f).nnn
heel down evenly all around.
Remarkable Faots.
Heart disease Is umallv unnnmpii in h in.
curable, but when properly treated a larea
proportion oi cases ran bi cured. Thus Mrs.
Imlra Hatch, of Elkhart. Ind., and Mrs.
MaryL. linker, ol Ovlrl. Minh ra..
alter uflcrlng 20 yea's. 8. (3. Llnbur er,
druKKlstatBan Jose. III., says that Dr. Miles'
New llniirt. I'n.n ...I. I n i. , . i. .. . .
'worked wonders for itlaurlra" t . '
of Buclnnan, Mich., who had heart dlseasa
or aj years, says two bottles made him "feel
like a new man nr Mitou' v.....
Is wild and guaranteed by O. H Hagenbuch
the druggist. Book of wonderful testimonials
It Is. better to let Mm h
shnesgo unhlacked than to miss a
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the wanlngr Ths signal per
aos of the sura annrn.i.h nf fl,ai mn
rlble disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves
lr you can anord for the sake of saving 60
ents, to run the Tlsk and do nothing forlL
we snow iron experience thaL Hhlloh'a Curs
vrlll Cure yonr Coucrh. it n,vr rniia ihi.
eiplalus i why more than a Million Bottles
weresoldthe uahl vaai. ri. naiu... niLn
and Whopping Cough at once. Mothers do
not be without It. For Lame Baok, Hide or
Chest, usflHhlloh'g Porous Plaster. Bold by
U ,H. llatenbuci, N. E. oormtr Malu and
uiujiu Bireeis.
The fashionable clrl must Ii nvn n.
great variety of fancy wear.
lUrfw on tbaSottnd, Wtstchester Co,, N. V.
To Alva's Brazilian Hneeliin iv rfuntio.
men ! Lavt spring I was troubled with what
the dooion to d me was muscular rheuma
tism. I was tinabla to walk for nearly six
weeks. All tbla time 1 ws mini? ihn m.ii-
cinap escrllied by the attendlug doctor, and
I torn which I got na relief.
menu sent me a large bottle of Cactus
Wood Cure. Willi h I tried, and hnrara twn
tblrdsol the Cure was used I was able to
walk without pain. It Is now two mouths
since tho pains lelt ine, aud have not as yet
eiur. cu, iiuui 1101 mureiy ireo irom inem,
I delived writlmr to vou. as I wnu aiiYiima
to know whether 1 was temporarily or per'
maneutly oared. ,
it is nun pleasure mat I now stije that
from rav present feelinus. 1 would Indian that.
I um cured.
It 1. n vrdly necessary lor me to recommend
this m.d Id no. as 1 um nodltlvn tint a. trini
of It Is all that Is ueosary, aud I am luily
convinced it wpl reconlmeuilitself.
uni'ciuiiy juurs, .11. it'll, An,
for sale, at Ktrlln's Drug fltOre, Ferguson
Home Block, menamloih, l'a,
Its Phases l)isciissqd at tho
Cnbinot Mooting.
Rumor That lie Did Not Loave
Account of Illness as Reported
Has the Secretary of State. Had a railing
Out Willi th l'resldent-Tlie Special
Mrssagn Cannot Now IS. Transmitted
Until Next Week - Admiral Walker
Ordered to Valparaiso Oherardl Will
Hiito Full Charge of the United States
Wabiiinoton, Jan. 20. Every member
of the Cabinet except Secretary Foster
was present at the beginning of the
meeting yesterday.
Secretary Blaine came In a trifle late.
Ho had with him a memorandum of dis
patches which he has received In the last
two days, and he read them over to his
They related to the withdrawal of the
offensive circular of Minister Matta. The
Secretary stated that the proposals made
by the Chilian Government were alto
gether Inadequate.
Tho United States Insists upon the
withdrawal of tho offensive dispatch,
and has demanded that its withdrawal
bo made as general In Its character as
the original dispatch.
The Chilian Government is willing to
do nothing further than cancel it with
out explanation.
The Secretary had hardly finished his
reading before lie was taken ill and had
to leave tho meeting.
After his withdrawal the President
went over with the others the rough
notes of his message to Congress, which
he had jotted down in his usual way be
fore embodying it in permanent form.
lile members improved, but as the Sec
retary of State was absent action was
Tho illness of Secretary Blaine will
result in delaying the transmission of
the Chlliau correspondence to Congress,
piobably until next week. When he
left the White House the Cabinet was
discussing the message of the President
to accompany the correspondence, as
the President desires, of course, that
what he has to say, his recommendations.
etc., hh&itb.ivo the concurrence and ap
proval or i.i rtirmoers oi tne cabinet.
But no ii .. ,un had been reached
when Sir. L, ue was compelled to leave.
and as he vii-, the official most interested
in the mailer, the further discussion
was without result. The next Cabinet
meeting will not occur until Friday, and
as tho conclusion of the members, what
ever It Is, will have to be put in shape
after the adjournment, tho message will
not bo ready for transmission before
faaturday, and as Congress, in all, prob
ability, will not be in session that day,
the week will have passed before an op
portunity to get It beforo Congress will
have presented itsulf.
'lhe rumors that the delav in beiidlncr
in the message and correspondence was
due to the expected offer of arbitration
by a friendly power, or the receipt of ad
vices that a more friendly spirit prevails
in Chlliau official circles, are untrue.
Neither of these occurred.
The order Issued by the Secretary of
the Navy to Admiral Gherardi to proceed
10 tlie south Atlantic station, stopping
at Bahia in Brazil for further instruc
tions confirms the earlier debpatches.
Admiral Walker will sull at once for
Valparaiso, and, la accordance with the
dispatches &ent him yesterday, will
doubtless go by way of Cape Horn in
stead of attempting tho passage of the
Straits of Magellan with the Chilian fleet
blocking tho way.
By the time the Chlchgo, Atlanta, aud
Bennington reach Chilian waters they
will have the Boston, Charleston aud
Yorktown to keep them company, with
tlie Baltimore near at hand. Admiral
Uherardi, with the Philadelphia, Kear
suge and Concord, will reach Valparaiso
in three weeks, and we shall have ten of
the llnest vessels in the navy at the seat
of action.
Admiral Gherardi, as senior in com
mand, will have charge of operations and
Admiral Walker will be second lu
command. With this licet In Chilian
waters the United States will bo m a
position to keep the Chilian fleet fully
engaged until our land forces can bo
brought Into action.
Humor thut He Hid Not Iti tlie mi Account
of Illness.
AVashixotos, Jan. 20. The report is
persistently circulated this morning
that Mr. Blaine'B sudden departure from
the Cabinet meeting yesterday aud his
failure to attend the State dinner last
night is tho result of a direct conflict
between the President and tho Secretary
of Stato growing out of the Chilian situ
ation. lhe fact Is noted that Mr. Blaine did
not send his regrets to tho AVhite House
until the hour set for tho dinner had ar
rived, in face of the fact thut ho assured
his friends that he was not ill.
A United Struts Senator expresses the
opinion that from his knowledge of the
very delicato arid critical, situation of af
fairs aud frotrt tlie fact Ijiat Mr. Blaine
has all along been in favor of a peace
policy he is Inclined to believe that there is
a berioti8.itsuudel&tahd(nij Jietwe
President' and' the SeCfet'ary 'of Stat
een tho
Helm to a Illg Kstate,
ieun to a mg instate.
Jan, 20. It is;sa-id that
rAofHlils cltv haYbedfi notl
e, with two brothers ofd two
S. D. Rogcri
fled thai ho.
sisters, are tho direct heirs to th?3,000,
000 estate of the late John Rogers, their
uuole of GlAsgow, Scotland Tlie sisters
are in Mairif, one brother' in California
and anothor lu' Texas. ' "
5,000 Casry tf tjrli lu HrooUUin, Mass.
Brockton, Mass., Jan'. 19. Grip in a
very severe form prevails in this city.
A well known physlclau says there are
6,0QQ cases tho town. 't'hree cases ot
diphtheria were reported yesterday, aud
several houses aro qnaruntiusd for other
contagious diseases.
(ior. Holes lu the ltaoe.
Des Moines, la., Jan. 20. It is an
nounced that from this time forth Got.
Boles will openly takja tho , field as a.
Presidential candid tAJa'
When you ask for a bottle
of VVqlff's Acme Blacking
sec that you get the genuine.
The real ai tide made by us
cannot be bought for ess
than 20C a bottle. It is good
material and wotth its price.
There are imitations offered
claiming to be "Just as good"
for less money. Don't buy
them. If the " Just as good "
has any merit it ought to sell
without invoking the aid of
comparison with our Acme
WOLFF &, II ANDOLPH, Fhiladelphir.
is the name of n imhit ul,;l, ,i-
, 1 "- " nuiiv
that no other mint rmi do ,...;..i.i
with it looks like colore glass. A 10c
bottle Of PlK-lto.N will decorate a market
basket full of glassware. AU retailers scjl it.
t. ? aearnl"" she, with no tacks or war threat
i?ur.'.th,"',et,! miuie ot ' "no calf, styllsS
gradailianoni, oihtr manufacturer. It equals hand
L"i shoes posting f rom t im to S5.W. nuau,"0"u
5 f OO Hcniilnn llanil-scwrd, the finest caie
.t! 00 ever otrered for till); equals UreacU
Imported I shoes which cost from 3.WI to S12.00.
Sal ?, ,,!n,m,-sfWfd , Welt, Shop, line calf.
IhnT ?Zli3K pom'riblo and durable The best
shoe crer offered nt this price t samo (trade as cus-rn-marte
shoes costing from 6.uj to tjoi).
S3.a?nVt".? fJ11".0' farmers. KalU-oad Men
Ir.!TiI..a.,U1 iLte.rCarrlc.rstt" wearthem: Unecslf,
seamless, smooth Inside, heary three soles, exten-
"51 uue pair win wearayear.
R2 aO nuo cnlfi no better shoe ever offered at
? " this price; ono trial will convince
S2.a5nS'U?-uw Worklngmnn's shoes
S? i.ore.iTery "ro? K and durable. Those who
bare glren them a trial will wesr no other make.
Rnvc) Stti.OO nnd 81.73 school shoes am
".y worn by t he boys everywhere; they sell
on their merits, ns tho Increasing sales shSw.
LnniPn S?u". Hnnd-xrwcd shoe, best
. ajr T noasola. verystyllsh; eqaalslTencbi
Imported shoeseostlnnfrom tl.W to SOJX).
l.ndles'VS.OO, 8.00 nnd 81.75 shoo for
Hisses are the best fine Uongola. stylish and durable.
Cnmion.-See that W. L. IJoula namo ana
rrlce are stamped on the bottom of each shoo,
Insist on local 1 adjertlwd dealers sitpplylag you.
W. It. IOU(.LiAb, HrocUtop.Mass. Sold by
Nortli Mnln St., SIiciMtiitlpdli
superiqr to amm
Purifies the blood by ex
pelling the iinpuiities through
the proper channels and never
causes eruptions on the skin.
Regulates the bowels. Cures
dyspepsia, liver and kidney
troubles, tones up tho system
and gives you an appetite.
Never fails o cure any con
dition produced by iinpure or
impoverished blood, or a dis
ordered state of stomach, liver
or kidneys.
Sold at Ktrlln's Drug Store,
Ferguson' t Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa
II you want to se a floe display ot Hoots aca
Boot and Shoe Store,
(Masteller's old stand,)
turner Coal and Jardlu His.
Custom Work aud ncpairlug:
Done In the best Myle.
Green Truck Stand !
Cor. Main and Oak Streets.
Fresli Oysters Received Daily.
A fine line ot Choice OIIOCEUIES
Nuts and Candles.
Poultry of all Kinds.
..... Yi3uei. receives his green truck aany
rom tlie cltv markets, which Is a guarantee
-....umuiuBn urn mey win receivu irusa
Hoods whsn bitylug from him.
FlnCdt bran da nf nltmrti nluruva tn Yiantt
vvtis the'