The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 19, 1892, Image 1

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    ,) 111
in t uje t uaueac t jewu
jThe Evening Herald
The Evening Herald
THf I iPriru nnioi m THIS SECTION.
VOL. V11.--ISU. JO.
The Evening IIerald.
Has a larger circulation Jn Bhenandoah tharj
any other paper published. Olrcu- ,
latlon books open 10 an.
" District Attorney E. H. Koch has
Buccuinbed to the heavy pressure
brought to bear on him by his numer-
ous Wends and will be a candidate for
the Republican nomination for Judge
Mr. Koch is a brilliant young man of
high legal attainments, as his present
administration prove3, and if thq
Republicans nominate him we believe1
ho will bo triumphantly elected. Bid
election to the District Attorneyship
three years ago abundantly proves his
popularity and, we think, the party
will do well by choosing him for thj
Eli Pekkins in a recent interview
said : "I have been to Harney's Peak,
Fund they have tin mines 15x20 miles
square, x bow ore, any quantities or
- .... j.
lit, 00 per cent, tin, and President'
i James Wilson told me that when they
got their water rights and stamp
' mills In they would knock the price
,of block tin from $400 per ton, to $300,
h aud in less than 400 days, and begin
saving $35,000,000 year to this coun
try. You wj! The low tariff fel
LlowB'aii'd free traders are 'eating crow'
all over the West, and six months
f from now a protective tariff campaign
will sweep the country,"
That fortification's appropriation
' bill, appropriate ?100,OQO,000 cover-
' ing a period of eleven years, to place
our seaboard in a defensible condition,
o;ight to pass Congress. It is not too
much for such a country as ours to
spend for such a purpose, and it will
be money well spent. We are now at
peace to be sure, but how soon some
question may bring us into conflict
with some other power, we can not
foresee. It Is best to be prepared
against any emergency. One of our
best safeguards and means of peace, is
to. be prepared for war. Our coast
Carpets and Oil Cloths
Reduced to make room for a large
spring stock. Call lor bargains.
C. D. Fricke's Carpet Store,
10 S. Jardlu St., Shenandoah.
A Lot
Just Received AnotJier Zot of KMJV COUNTRY LARD,
JLettle-Rendered, Strictly Pure,
Just Received a Consignment of JTUSR DAIRY BUT
TER, Strictly Iresh.
JToxir Cars Choice Timothy May.
One Car Baled Straw.
Two Cars Middlings.
Three Cars White Oats.
One Car Yellow Corn.
One Car Minnesota Xancy Patent Flotir.
unv car jure Vhop.
should not be left in its present de
fenceless condition any longer, und
this Congress will fall in doing its one
great duty to the country If it doeB
not provide for proper coast defenses
and continue the reestabllshmeut of a
creditable navy.
Wllkes-Barre wants to annex a
number of neighboring places and
become a large city. Bethlehem is
also on the alert and wants to take in
South and West Bethleheins. Hazle-
ton, too, and Pottsvlllel What Is the
matter with making Ashland, Girard
vllle, Rappahannock, Colorado, Lost
Creek, Wm. Penn, Brownsville. Jack
son's, Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and
Shenandoah one big city? Sixty
thousand population I Whew I
The New York Tribune says if Mr.
Blaine were elected, and should ask
Mr. Harrison to take charge of the
State Department, there is no reason
why the request should not be met
with ready acceptance and popular
approval. If both should step aside,
and Governor McKinley, or Senator
Sherman, or either of half a dozen
strong ment should be nominated, the
Republican party would not find itself
crippled in any state which It has
reason to expect to carry. The fact is
that its voters are moved by Its
principles. No antagonism, of ideas,
no personal rivalries or wrangles,
deprive, tho Republican party with
freedom to choose as may seem best
when the time for nomination comes.
The fight in Philadelphia over the
delegates to the next Republican Nu
tional Convention is to be deplored.
The Administration fared badly in the
contest, every delegate being in.
structed for Blaine.
Buoklen's Arnica Salve.
The Beet Salvo in tho world for Cuts,
Brulsos, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively euros Piles, or no payment required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Prico 23 cents per
box. For sale by O. H. Hagonbuch.
Oontraot Awarded.
John H. Evans, of town, was to-day
nwarded tho contract for driving tho curved
tunnel over the East Mahanoy tunnol, in
Buck Mountain colliery. The tunnol is to
bo 7x10 and 600 feet in length.
v .
A Boy Took His Doao Boforo Go
ing to Bod and Very Fortu
nately Discovered His
Mistake In Time.
Uany, tho flfteon-joar-oldsonof Charles
Powell, ol West Line ttreot, narrowly es
caped joining tho long list of grip victims
Sunday ovoning.
lie had bcon ailing for some time past
and a physician prescribed medicino for
him, Tho boy has been tho room mato of
another boy of about the samo ace. Tho
modicino was kopt on a table in their hod
room and besido it Blood a bottle of similar
appearanco containing laudanum.
Sunday evening, as Barry and his com
pun ion wete about to retire, the former
picked up ono of the bottlos, poured out a
tabiespoonful of the mixture, and swal
lowed it. The tasto of tho mixture soomod
peculiar and Harry turned tho bottlo over
to bring tho label on it toward him. His
eyes almost jumped from their sockets as
ho read "Poison Laudanum.' The room
mate was torror stricken, but Harry re
tained his presence of mind. Ho hurriedly
redressed himself and hastened to Dr. Cal
len's office as iast as ho could run. The
doctor administered an antidoto. Ho ro
raalned with the boy some time, requiring
him him to swallow salt and wator, warm
water, and, finally, mustard and wator,
The latter mixture nipped the action of the
poison in tho bud and the boy was declared
out of danger. It was a narrow escape.
Now Try This.
It will cost you nothing and will surely
do you good, if you havo a Cough, Cold, or
any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs,
Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to
give relier, or monoy will be paid back,
Sufferers from La Grippe found it just the
thing and under its use had a speedy blJ
perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at
our expense and learn for yourself just how
good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at O,
11. iiagenbuch s -Drug store. Large size
GOc. and $1.
Realistic and Thrilling.
Tho National last night held a large
audience which witnessed with evident en
joyment and considerable enthusiasm the
rather thrilling five-act drama, "The Mid
night Alarm." The excollent stage sotting
evoked much applause, tho scenes wbers
the fast express flies across the draw bridgo,
after the attempt to wreck it had beon
foiled, and the ono showing tho interior of
tho engiro house, and tho receipt of the
alarm of fire, changing to tho exterior of
the house and showing the smoking steamer
dashing thruugh the storm to tho fire, wore
realistic and th rilling. Philadelphia Press.
"The Midnight Alarm" will be produced
at Ferguson's theatre on the 21st., for the
benefit of the Columbia Hose Company,
Musio will be furnished by the Schopp
orchestra of ten pieces. Kojervod seat
chart now open at Kirlin's drug store.
Seoret Sooiety Notes.
Shenandoah Commandery, No. 14 (M
A.) S. of A., will have an installation o
officers on Thursday eveuing, noxt. Dis
trict Commander J. I. Bier, ot Port
Carbon, will install the officers. Members
of the Gommanderies of Port Carbon,
Mahanoy City and Ashland will bo present.
The ceremony will bo followed by a Spread
There will be an Important meeting of
Major Jennings Council, Jr. 0. 17. A. M
this evening.
Co, A, Jr. O. U. A. 31. Guards, drills in
the Bowers streot electric light station every
Monday and Friday evenings. The organi
zation is making rapid progress in Ha
work and will make a hit when it aopears
publicly in the near future. Uniforms
have been ordered.
fThe Moat PleaBant Way
Of preventing the grippe, colds, bead,
aches, and fevers is to use the liquid laxa.
tlve remedy Syrup of Figs, whenever tho
system needs a gentle, yet effective cleans
ing. To bo benefited one must get the
true remody manufactured by the Call
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only, For sale by
All druggists In GOc. and $1 bottles.
Best work dono at Bronnan's steam
.aundry. Everything white and spotless,
Lace curtains a spoclally. All work guar.
It Suits tho Peoplo
Is what druggists say, because they are tired
of the many bitter cough remedies. l'an-Tlna
U tho most plbataut tasting medlolue.
l.uug disorders, 23 cents. l'an-Tlna Is told at
r. r. v. Kiniu'i drug store.
Desirable Lodge Boom.
A lodgo desiring a cosy meeting room on
Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday ovenlogi
ot each week can bo accommodated
Mollct's hall, which ha? been recently
papered, painted and carpoted. Apply to
M. Mellet.
Christ Schmidt spent to-day at the county
Councilman Moaklor and James Shields
did" Pottsvillo to-day together.
J C, JIcGlnnis and David James wont
to Pottsvillo this morning to transact coal
Miss Mattle Price, agod 1C years, daugh
ter of John M. Price, of No. 3, died this
J. II. Evans spont to-day at Now Bostoii
on important business connected with one
of the collieries there.
Mrs. J. K. P. Scheifly and son, George,
took a Lehigh Valley train lor Hazleton
this morning, to attend tho funeral of t,
Mrs. llattio Burkhart and Miss -Mary
Kano, of Weathorly, who aro tho guests oi
the family of Mahanoy City's Chief Bur
gess, paid a brief visit to Mrs. Hawley, ol
Eisl Coal street, yosterday.
"Jim" Smith Is a hustler. Ho says ho is
going to get tbo Democratic nomination for
Chief Burgoss.
Elect none but the best men for election
officers. Under tho new law it will require
mon of intelligence and good, common
sense to fill tho positions on thoso boards.
The first election undor tho now ballot
law will take place in November. People
who want to voto advisedly should got a
copy of the law and read it over carefully.
Every person seeking a nomination for a
borough office should make an announce
ment through his local paper. It costs
little, not counting all the fun tbo:e is in it.
Tho olection of Lawyer Marr, of Ash
land, as Chairman of tho Democratic
County Committee, was a bitter dose to the
Young Democracy that were to do wonders
this year. They havo come down from
their band wagon in good style. The
""Wall Paper Syndlcalo" is still on top and
it proposes to stay thore.
The S'Ncwa did not predict correctly,
It was sure of Wadlinger. Dr. Bissell, of
Mahanoy City, could have given the
Doyles points long ago on this subject,
correctly. Doc. Bissell is longer-headed
than bis colleagues in his party give him
credit. Ho can do more, if ho so feels
disposed, than all tho so-called leaders in
Mahanoy City put together.
New candidates for this and that office in
tho coming borough election are mentioned
daiiy, but most of them aro too modest to
announce themso'ves in the Herald.
Safe ana Effective.
Brandreth's Fills are tho safest and most
effective remedy for Indigestion, Irregu
larity of the Bowels, Constipation, Bullous
ness, Headache. Dizziness, Malaria, or any
disease arising from an impure state of the
blood. Tbey have boon in use in this
country for over fifty years, and the thou
sands of unimpeachable testimonials from
thoso who have used them, and their con
stantly increasing sale, is incontrovertible
ovidonce that they psrform all that
claimed for them. Sold in every drug and
medicine store, either plain or sugar-coated
All "In It."
There are sixty thousand people in the
Mahanoy V Hey, between Mahanoy City
and Locust Dale. When tbo electric rail-
rond is complrtod, and it will be possiblo to
travel the wi.olo, or any part of tho valley,
for five cents, wo will pra. tlcally be one
large citv of sixty thousand Inhabitants.
Qirardville Star.
29 prize medals have boen awarded to the
manufacturers of the only genuine im
portod Anchor Pain Expoller, the great
German remedy for all Rhoumatio dis
eases, Gout, Neuralgia, Sprains, &c. 60
cents a bottlo, at all druggists. 3t
A meeting of the local members of the
Itepublican Standing Committee will bo
held this (Tuesday) evoning, at 7:30 o'clock,
in Phillips' drug store, 19 South Main
street. By order of
David Moroan, Chairman,
A Truthful Milkman.
"G'long widyer. Hburo there's no new
wathor company's whator In it at all."
- Best photographs and crayons at Dabb' a
Window gardening Is now receiving
attention from lovers of flowers,
Appeal in Behalf
When Bll an' Jim an I were boys
A many yeara ago.
ITow gaily did wa used to hall
The coinln' ot the snow 1
Our sleds frcsh-palnted r. d, an' wth
Their runners round tin bright,
Seemed to respond rl&ht briskly
To our clamor of delight.
As we dragged ti up the slippery road
That climbed the rugged hill
Where stood the old mine mretln' house
Bo solemn-like an' still.
BOBBY AND nia "BOn,"
Tho deacon he would roll hi eyes
An' gnash his toothless gums,
An' clear his skinny thioat, an' twirl
ills saintly, bony thumbs;
An1 tell us: " When X was a boy,
'1 hy taught me to eschew
The godless, rlbal vanities
Which modern youth pursue !
The pathway that leads down to hell
Is slippery, straight and wide,
An' Satan lurks there for his prey
Where boys are wont to elide."
Ilo who ever in his life
Has been a little boy,
Will not reprove me wlien he hears
1 he language I employ.
To stigmatize as wickedness
A person's zenlons spite,
In interfering with the play
Wherein we louud delight.
And so I say with confidence.
Not unalloyed with pride,
Qol durn tho man who sprinkles asbrs
Where the youngsters want to slide.
Now If the hill got baro In spots,
As hills will do, why, then
We'd haul on lee an' snow to patch
Those bald spots up again.
Out, oh I with what sad certainty
Our spirits would subside,
When Deacon Prlsbce sprinkled ashes
On the place we used to slide I
Hut until a man has turned bis face
Against the wall an' died,
lie must expect to gel his share
Of ashes on bis rllde.
Chance ot a Lifetime.
J. Coffee has purchased at Sheriff's salo
tho entire stock of dry goods and groceries
of Lefller Bros., at Locust Dale; besides
an immense quantity of Blmilar goods from
a Sliamokin party, no will remove tho
combined stock by Thursday morning to
his corner store in the post office building.
Those wishing to save money should avail
themselves of this opportunity. Tea,
formerly sold at GO cts., at 25 cts. Granu
lated sugar, 4 cts. Bost Java coffee, 21 cts.
Barley and rice, 3 and 4 cts. Storekeepers
can secure bargains in soaps, show cafes,
scaloa and fixtures by purchasing at once.
Iitfalsfull of sorrows and dUapnolntments,
hut the most sanguine hopes of
mi v
those who
try ur. null's uoukIi byrup,
vniD. ar
are always
. realized, it never dl
I Price 25 cents.
.ppolnts. At all dealers.
Posses in Politics.
EniTon Herald : I am a Democrat,
but have been a rfader and eubtcrlber of
your paper since 1870 and, on the latter
ground, I nsk tor small ipaco In your
paper to express my views on affairs politi
cal und otherwise, so far as tho town is
concorned. I wish to refer to the schemes
adopted by certain bosses in the employ of
tho P. & R. C. & I. O). Under F. B,
Ofwon no one holding a position under
that company was permitted to hold a
olitical office. It is quite different now
and, as a consequonce, there are many
citizen miners woo are deprived of the
free und full oxerciso of speech aud ballot.
I cannot say positively tbat bosses havo
made direct throats to enforce tin ir
de.ires. "We all know tLa. ther aro m ro
ways than one to kill a cat und no one is
belter acquainted with tbn ways than the
modern I. & It. Company boss.
Tho company would gain much more if
Mr. Gowen's policy were put in operation
again. Tho clamoring of tho bossos for
positions in the Borough Council leads to
suipicion und thai suspicion incr a o- wi h
the ucti ns of those who succeed in getting
there and mukes the community more
delicate in awarding concessions to tho
company than it would bo Yihder other
circumstances. Ouly retontly tho power
ot tno boss has beon put to the test
The joint water committee decided to
circulate petitions for tho signa urts of the
citizens of town setting forth an endorse
ment of the work ol the joint committee.
Those petitions aro to bo used in the in
junction suit. Cerluin bosses took copies
of the petition und industriously circulated
thorn urnong the employes of their colliery.
A nice place to get the expression of a
citizen. It is the same thing as calling.tho
miner up bofore his boss and asking him,
"Do you likeiyour boss? ' But I am gltd
to learn that there is at least one boss who
was fearless enough to take a stand against
tho whipping in proctss and ono of tho
bosses who was circulating a petition was
given to understand in unmistakable .eras
that he was stepping over the boundary.
That he was out of his element and that
by virtue of his position, as boss of lhecol
liery, ho was securing tho, signatures of
men who undoubtedly act otherwise injthu
absence ol "his lordship," I am a miner
and a c lizon and am ub independent as any
one working in this region, but I freely
admit that I have at times surrendered my
rights of citizenship to save my bread and
butter. There have been times when u
day's work has almost stood between my
family and starvation and it would havo
boon folly for me to stand upon a political
point at the expense of my work when I
knew so many were waiting to drup into
my placo. I do not bay tbat all the btsses
me their p sitions for political and other
influence. There are some I know per
sonally who will not do it, and cannot bo
induced to, but I hold that there should be
none. Hoping you will publi-h this and
give tho miners and bosses of the town the
benefit of iho sontiments, I remain yours
truly. Pick and DniLL.
Shenandoah, Jan. 17, 1SU2
Nothing Compares With It.
The mania fur realism on the stage ap
pears to bo unbounded. Fire ongines,
patrol wagons, buzz-saws, stamping mills
and saw mills have beon used "to hold thj
mirror up to nature," But plays wi h
these features are as nothing compared with
"The Midnight Alarm," presented at
Jacobs' Academy last night. "The Mid
night Alarm" is bound to please, becau o it
goes a long distance toward salltfying the
current rage for realism. Buffalo Courier.
"Tho Midnight Alarm" will bo produced
at Ferguson's theatre on Thursday even
ing, next, for tho benefit of the Columbia
Hose Company. Musio by tho Schoppo
orchestra. Kesorved seat chart now open
at Kirlin's drug store.
Reading Relief Report.
The statement of the Philadelphia and
Reading Railroad Relief Association for
the month of December last shows pay
ments aggregating $20 041 00. On account
ot deaths, Ml COO; on account of accident
disablements, $5,121; on sick disablements,
$4 023. CO. Tho total number of cases was
Unrns or wonnds should be 'attended in
carelully, especially In cold weather. We
would recommend Salvation oil for sncn
cases. All dealers sell It for only 23 cents a
Waters' Weiss beer is the best.
Keilly solo agent.
John A.
Everybody Knows
Everybody Knows
Everybody Knows
That: Colgate's
That Colgate's
That Coiguto's
Toilet Soaps
Tollot Boaps
Toilet Boaps
Are' tho Best
Are tho Best
Are;tho Best
When you are getting a piece ol Toilet Soap
get It good, for it lusts longer and gives better
satisfaction generally. A piece of Soap with
the name of Colgate on It can be depended
upon as the purest and best that can be pur
chased for the money, A full line ut
122 North Jardin Street.