The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 15, 1892, Image 3

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    Present) In tlio mrt elegant form
or Tin
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma-'
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak or "
condition of the
ItiithemostCitcellMitren n'
When one it lliliotn 1r t .',11-
Every one is using it and aU ss&
delighted with it.
S"5r3BLXT3t 035 FXOS
IP 111
Blck Hoadathe and rellovaall tho troubles Incl
flont to a bilious state of tho system, such as
BIzilnesi, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after
oatlng, Pain in the Bide, to. Walla their most
yemaikable succosa has been shown In curjag
Sleaaacho, yet Oartor'a I.ttlo tdvor Pills nra
equally valnablo In Constipation, curing and pro
Tenting this annoyinicoaplalnt, whllo they alsa
correct all disorders or t hos tomachtlruulato tua
S Iter and regulato tho bowelj. EvealfUicyoalj
(Aebsthey would boalmostprleelosa to those who
Isulfer from this distressing complaint; but fortu
nately thelrgoodhcbs does notond here,aud thosa
who once try thsm will and theso HtUo pills Yulu
leblo In so many ways that thoy wilLuot bo wil.
tllsg to do without them. But Iter nllslcli heaj
IsthebanBOt so many lives that herajswnera
Itrs make our great boast. Our pills cure it whllo
lothers do not.
.Carter's iittlo liver Pills aro very small and
vsry "V t" 0na or two rills makoa doss.
Thoy are strictly vegetable and do not grips or
purge, but by their gentle action please all who
me them. InrlalsatSScentsi Ave for $1. Bold
by druggists everywhere, or sent by maU,
Largest, and oldest reliable purely cash com.
panics represented by
120 S. JardmSt, Shenanaouh.Pa,
llttkeater't E.ell.h "ulduoad-RruA,
T$. iwr- i -iUalf tii Kfl ut
Drurjrut r Xtttirt i, nt...
ZveSmond Br mJ it ittid (sol Gild rnMaUIa'
"xSf ibo"-' Iii i Litis rl'.him Take
vW"ti!i Kft 4 dangmxti $ubttitw
'?iilM'yr ipViiculV1' UidwUU ni
Loo4l DrutfgUU. FhlladiL l2
i nr.
It Ourei Cold,Corhi,SoreThroittOrp,InflueM ft.
Whooping Cough. Bionc hi til nl Aithma. X crtt
an far Comumption la Bri iui, ad anrt rel!f 1
Advftnoed lUgea. Uiettoaoe. You will ice the ex
ellcnt effect after tiklng the fir it doe. BU ty
4tJm Tfrjwhr. Lergt kiuee. W mtl kaA Un.
Will t, wllhoot ntdlclu .11 WmImm fgmlllns from
ovfri.iftiina or br.Ia, ntrv fore,,, tie,,.,, or ludl.erctlan.
V "'! '"'n.Sr.Ini, li...ti, L.rfDoid.lllllr, .lop!
, i !;'l.. S'i r6tllin. UMr, llur ol H4d.r urn.
VtiflVAtftlt!;?- ' eli f.o.f.l lll-b..lll, .c.
lh,r.,L4jl?M,urt,iittb.tliii.Uotl; l.ltbtih. v .r.t
or . turf.H f 5.U0O.OO. ul m ,ur, ,u J, th, Jbot, I..V.
ItH'XL'ttJhi "Zii: .b"!!! .!?" ?."' "'".
Uui t)owrlt iUDrAtkd It LLtTu ft) ii.uouhuv :
Pi IB., 0a4 Ut Ur llluttrtUd tftUDMrn. kltcl. fit
no.oiu uroa away. new YORK.
Albert Victor's Denth Creates
- Widespread Sorrow.
Prinos'ss May, Hi Betrothedjjnconsola'blp,
and Eoported Sfiri6ihly 111-
's - r .i
Tho Heir l'reumptlvo's Condition llml
lleen IteRiirded "MS Improved History
of the yomijr l'rlnce's I.lfo--SicuIatlin
ICHgnrdlng IlicSuccrsslon Should Prince
" G-ori;e Die the Diilie or rife May Uo
jmioio l'rlnco Consort Arrangements
'for tlio runoral Jfot Completed.
London, Jnn. J5. Tho Prince und
Princess of Wales are too rhilch pros
trated by grief to suggest ns yet any de
tallH for tho funernl of their son, Prince
Albert Victor, .Diiko of- Clarence and
Avomlale. vlinsentiack of pneumonia ter
minated fatally yesterday. It is likely,
however, MmL.tliO funeral will bejield nt
Frogmore oi Ti u'esddy. ;
The Priiiec'jS 6 Wnlcs Tifsaid to hear
lier first grelit befeavcinentVith gfetitor
fortitjido than the Prince, wluise quiet
nnd haggard appriarancei when he ap
.pwred.At a window In the nfternoon,.and
looked .upon the familiar grounds lu
wliich ho had seen his family grow up.
The Princess Hay is saiil to be almost
on, (ha verge of mental collapse, The
, worst sign Is her resllessitess. i'-phe wan
'ders about In an aimless way through
the hotlse, as if she expected to meet her
royal lover somewhere alive, and 1)0
greeted by him in tho old way Her
grief at the deathbed was so overwhelm
ing that it attracted tho attention of the
Prince and Princess of Wales' from their
own. She is reported seriously 111 this
When the last moment,") came the
Prince and Princess of Wales, the Prince
and Princesl of Tcck, and the Princess
Victoria llary, commonly known as the
Princess May, the betrothedof tho dy
ing Prince, were grouped nt tho bedside.
Tho Princess May had passed a sleepless
night, but she bore herself with courage
in face of her terrible affliction. Her
eyes, red with weeping, and the heaving
breast, told of her broken heart. The
rrincess of Wales was apparently over
whelmed by the sense ot her privation.
When the first' outburst of sorrow over
the Prince's death has passed away, it
would not bo strange to find that tho
grief-stricken betrothed of the dead
Prince will receive tiie largest amount of
sympathy. PeOplo will not forget, how
ever, that tho Princess of Wales, the
future Queen of! England, Is mourning
her flrst-b'orn; but the picture of that
weepingigirl, of the poor Princess May,
only a few days ago the happy, proud,
much-envied betrothed of the heir-apparent,
whose hopes and future are thus
crushed beneath the stride of death, Is
tho saddest of all.
Prince Albert Victor Christian Ed
ward, Duke of Clarenca 'and Avondale,
eldest son of the Prince of Wales, and
heir presumptive of the throne of Eng
lnnd, was bornJan. 8, 1804. After an
rducatlon nt Trinity Collfge, Cam
bridge, and nt the Heidelberg Univer
sity, he served two years as a naval
cadet on the Britannia, nnd started In
1871) for a three-year voyage around the
world, (n company with his brother,
Prlnc George.
. He was created Duke of Clarence and
Avondale nnd Earl ot Athlone .in 1800,
nnd nt once took his seat in the House
.of Lords, He was -also made third
major in tho Tenth Hussar Regiment, of
which his father is colonel. To his as
sociates he has always been known as
"Prince Eddie," and because of his good
dressing the people called him "Collars
and Cull's."
liy the death of the Duke of Clarence
nnd Avondale Prince Georgo of Wales
becomes tho heir of the Prince of Wales,
mid therefore heir-presumptive to tho
Prince George Frederick Ernest Albert
of Wales was born June 3, 18G5. He
soon displayed a predilection for naval
affairs, aud after serving in minor capuc-
itcs was appointed in March, -1000, to
the command of the gunboat Thrush,
and while on'thls vessel ho was attached
to the British North American Squadron.
Iu August, J801, he was promoted to the
rank of commander iu Her Majesty's
It may be stated that Prince Georgo is
far more popular among ull classes ot
llritish society.
The gossip concerning tho succession,
which was freely Indulged Jn dnring the
Illness ot tho Duke, has beeji greatly in
creased by his death. It' Is generally
agreed that haste will now be made in
bringing about the marriage ot Princo
Georgo to remove the possibility of the
llte succession.
On July 20, 1880, Aloxander William
Ueorgo Duff, who was then Earl ot Fife,
but who was 'Hubsennontly created Duke
of Fife, married Princess Louiso Victoria
Alexandra Daginar, eldnst daughter of
the Prince and Princess of Wules. Of
this mnrrlnao there was born on May 17,
1H01, u daughter, who was christened
Alcxiindia Victoria Alberta Edwina Lou
isa Dutr.
As the succession now stauds, In the
advent of tho death, ot the Prince ; of
W ales and l'rlnce George, the throno of
(England would fall to the wife of the
Duke of Filr, nnd after death to Ludy
Alexandra Duff, her daughter, who Is
not yot a year old.
This possibility Is not viewed with any
quauinuty uy vue members of the no
bility, who believe that ull the heirs to
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
the throno should 1o of the full blood
It is hinted very broadly that a mnr
riage between Princil Georgo and Prin
cess Victoria' May of 'Teck will boar
ranged. The weekly paper, "Modern
Society," however, asserts that a mar
riage has nlready been arranged between
Prince George and a daughter of Prince
and Princess Christian.
Princess Christian "is the third daugh
ter of the Queon, and was married to
Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Augustcnburg
on July B,
18C0. There arc four children of this
marriage, two sons nnd two daughters.
The eldest daughter, Princess Victoria
Louiso, was bom 'May 8, 1870,. nnd the
younger, Princess Krancesca Jusepha,
was born Aug. 14, 1872.
No performances were given In any of
the leading theaters last night, all having
cloicdstheir'doors as a token of respect
to the dead Prince.
All the newspapers of every shade of
opinion express iu their leaders deep re
gret nnd the most profound sympathy
with the Prince and Princess of Wales
and Princess May.
Sorrow In the Dominion.
Toronto, Jan. 15. Despatoh'es received
here indicate that profound sorrow has
been created throughout tho whole o(
Canada by the announcement that
Prince Albert Victor had succumbed to
his Illness. Everywhere flags are flying
nt half mast from public buildings, while
from many private residences and busi
ness places floats the same sign of general
grief. J. R. Robertson Masonic Grand
Master for Canada, sent tho following
dispatch to tho Prince of Wales; "Will
your Royal Highness in your deep sorrow
uccept assurances of loyal and respectful
sympathy from 20,000 Frco Masons and
Uritish subjects in the Grand Lodge ol
Canada. ' '
Enumeration Dill Passed--Senators Ad
judged Guilty of Coutempt
. Albany, N. Y., Jan. 15. Upon the
question of substitution of a now enum
eration bill Senator Coggeshall asked to
be excused from voting, stating that ho
had not read the bill nnd therefore
could not vote Intelligently. The Lieu
tenant-Governor put the question to the
Senate as to whether Mr. Coggeshall
shpuld be excused, and by a party vot
permission was refused.
Senators Erwin, O'Connor nnd Saxton
each followed Senator Coggeshall's ex
ample and were treated In like manner
by the Senate. A substitute was adopt
ed, and the question recurred on the
final pnsiage of the bill. Tho Senators
again refused to voto.
After the roll hnd been finished and tha
bill announced as passed, Senator Cantor
offered his resolution: "Resolved that
the members of the Senate refusing to
vote be adjudged guilty of contempt and
that the whole matter bo referred to the
Senator Coggleshall voted "No," ex
plaining himself in favor of an enumera
tion bill but not being willing to vote
for one he hnd not read. Senators Er
win, Saxton, nnd O'Connor positively re
fused to voto. Senator Erwin announced
that he would rather go to jail than stul
tlfy himself.
The resolution was thereupon passed,
every Democratic Senatyr voting in the
affirmative, 17 in ull, and 0 Republicans
voting against. The members iu ques
tion not voting were adjudged guilty of
On Trnln ltobher Pcrry's-Trnll.
Suspension Bkidqk, N, Y., Jan. 15.
A. A. Eusten, a Pinkerton detective
from Now York, passed through here
on the trail of Oliver Perry, the man
who robbed the express car on the New
York Central last fall. The detectlva
had a letter written by Perry and mailed
at Guelph, Out. Eusten found that tha
description of the man who called for
Perry's mail at Guelph tallied with tha
description by Agent Moore of. tho man
who committed th'o robbery. Eusten is
confldeut heyftlcapturo him iu a shott
time. lie says rerry has n woman
friend, who keeps him posted on the
movements of the ofllclals.
Wnrrliignn Sunday Newspnpers.
PittbbukQ, Jan. 15. The Law and Or
der Society lias begun its war oq tha
buuday newspapers, Ihomas Mathews,
a newsdealer, and George Smith, a news
boy, have been arroated on - a churge ol
engaging in worldly employmentoo Sun
day in sewing newspapers, rney gave
ball for a hearing to-day. At least a
hundred other informations have been
made and wholesale arrestsare expected
Death of Dr. Charles A. Allien,
Princeton, N. J., Jan. IS. Charles
Augustus Aiken D, D., Ph. D , Stuart
Professor of tho Relation of Philosophy
nnd bolence to J.he Ulirntfau , lieliglop
and of Oriental and Qld Testament Liter
ature and editor of the P'rlncetou "Ite
view,"' died yesterday vof pneumonia.
Dr. AlKen wus born In Vermont In 1KJ7
He graduated fioiu .Dartmouth College
In ItHU. - -
Vurttirjtiuko Slior lis la Tennessee,
Memphis, Tenu., Jan. 15. Considera
ble alarm was ireattxl In tills olty at
o'clock yostirdny morning by two severe
shocks of uirthqufiKo, nearly equallin!
in intensity tuose wnicn were
on the night ClmrJeslou was
The vibrations wore from
.south, aiuj wn generally lVlt
uouth'of this wtlon
felt here
north to
nt points
IwimUlltle Olxuruct Tiniel.
WiLKBHBAnuE, l'a., Jan. Hi. A land
slide occiirrnl jebleitlay on lbn Pbla
vvnre & Hudson Itailroad near Nlncoke,
which covered the tiack fin cuvernl hun
dred yards. Truin are being run
around the landslide. ,whk;h it-will take
some time to clcui nwdy.
The grip continues its hold on many
people regardless of the weather.
Slurilrr iu first Degree.
Aixentown, Pa., Jan, 10. After being
out two hours the jury in the murtlei
trial of William Keck, charged with
having murdored Mrs. Jcannettu Nibsch
on Nov. H last, brought in a verdict oi
guilty of mtirdei iu the first degree.
Iowa Senate Deadlock ltroUcn.
De8 Moines,- Iowa,. Jan. 15. Tho dead
lock iu the Senate was broken yesterdaj
by the elecHon of Cliff, Republican, foi
Secretary nnd all the other Democratic
nominees, Jirower acting with tho Demo
A Younjr "Woman .Ulsslujr.
SANquJ, Mass,, Jan. 15. jMlss Annie
Bridge?, nged 23, lias been missing from
her homo sinco Jan. tl, and no clue to hei
whereabouts can he obtained.
This Is the month for the January
thaw, but we ought to have a real
freeze up first.
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the viiv hlng? The nlirnal per
naps or IbiBUre approach of that more tor
riuiedlMeasa. Conbumntlou. Ask yourselves
if you can afloril for tho sake of savin? AO
ceuiti, to run inu riss: ana ao noimn lor il,
We knowfrorn experience that Hhlloh's Cur
will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This
explains why more than a Million Bottles
were sold the nasi year. It relieves Croun
nd Whopping Conirti at once. Mothers do
not be without it. Kur Lima Bacs, Hide or
Obeht. usaBlilloU's Porous Plaster. Hold by
C. il. (Iaeabuch, N. a. comer Main and
joya streets.
A younir fellow who pitched an
adorer of bis sweetheart into the.cteek
suid he couldn't brook a rival.
There's Nothing on Earth
So good I'or n baby eufl'drinft with "Wind
O llc as Dr. Uand'B 0 jlio Oure. It soothes
and cure?. Sum pica gratis for a few days
at J. M. Hillan's or C. J. McCarthy's
Almost every one In the world is
wicked enoui;fl to wish that soine'dri'e
would die uud leave liim money.
Mlloa' ftierve ana Llvor Pillei
el ou a now nrlnclnle reaulatine the
liver, stomach and bowels throuoh the nerns
new discovery. Dr. Miles Pills speedily
eme biliousness, had taste, torpid liver, plies,
constipation. Uneaualed lor men. women.
children. Bmallest, mildest, surest! 51 duties,
15cls. Humpies Free, at V. U. iiugenbucU's
Wlio is it that lakes somethlnir from
something and yet leaves everything
as he Unas it . tiih photographer.
A Mystery Explained.
The papers contain frequent notices of rich.
pretty and educated girls eloping with
negroes, tramps and cmclimen. Tlie well
Known specialist, Dr. Fraufclln Mll, says all
such girls are more or 1-ss bysterlcal, uervous,
very Imp lslvo, unn.unncea; usually sublect
to headache, neuralgia. sleeDiessnevs. lm-
modrata crying or laughtner. Thesashowa
wea k nervous sysism lor wnicn mere is no
remedy equal to Itesioratlvo Nervine. Trial
bottles and u flue boo r, containing imny
marvelous cures, tree n' U. 11. liueeubucii's
drug store, who also sell, and guarantee Dr.
Allies' ccieoraiea rew rieari uure, tne nnesi
of heart tonics. Cures fluttering, short
breath, etc.
A diamond in one's ohirt front !s not
quite as useful just now as a quinine
pill iu one's Biomacii.
Shiloh's Consumption Guro.
This Is beyond question the most suc
cessful Cough Medicine we havo ever sold,
9i lew doses Invariably cure the worst cases ol
ijongn, Croup, and Hrouchltls, while Its won-
lerim success in mo cure ot consumption is
without a parallel In the history of medicine.
uc It's nrst discovery It tias been sold on a
ruaranle,a test which no other medicine
an stand. Il you have a Cough we earnestly
irk you 10 try it. i rica iu cenis, ou cenis, ana
tl.M). If your Langs are sore, Chest or Haok
.ame, usssHhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold bv
(3. II. Kagenbuoh, N. K. corner Main and
uioya streets,
Tho pant fow days have been quite
disagreeable and helped along the
grip again.
Height of Cruelty.
Nervnus women seldom receive the svm
plomsthy deserve. WM'oof'eutlie pictures
of health, they are constantly ailing. To
witnuoid sympatny from these unfortunate
Is the beU'lit of cruelty. They have n weak
heart, causing shortness of breath, fluttering.
pain In side, weak and hungry spells, and
miniiy nweuiutt Ul HUK1BS, oppression, cm
in, smotherluprand dropsy. Dr Miles N
Heart Cure Is Just the thins for them Kor
the r nerv usuoss, headache, weakness, e'o
his rtest rati ve Nervl e Is unqunled. Fine
ireat se ou "Heart and Nervous Disease" and
marvelous testimonials Iree, Hold ana
guaranteed uy u. 11. liagenbucb.
The tnstpa of sleighing has onlv
jjhnipened the appetite of Its lovtis
lor more oi it.
ilirtw on tho Hound, Wt strhester Co,, N. Y,
To Alva's Brazilian Hnpclfln Co cienlie.
mtn:-Latsprlng I was troubled with what
me aooior-i to a me was muscular rheuina
tlsm. I wa unable to walk for nearly nix
wcess, All tills lime 1 ws using the medl-
cinap escnoeu oy ina nnenuing doctor, ana
Irom which I irot no relief.
frlwdseutme a large bottle of Cactus
mood cure, wnu u l tried, and before two
tuirasui inoLure was used I wns able to
walk without pain. It Is now two moullin
since tho pains lsit me, and have not as yet
remr i d, and I li el entirely Iree from them.
I delayed writing to you, as I was anxious
to snow wnetner i was temporarily or per
manently cured.
It Is with pleasure that I now state that
from my present feullugs, I would Judge that
I uin cured.
It la h irdly necessary lor mo lo rf commend
this medicine, us I am positive that u trial
of It Is all that is ueo R.ary, and 1 aru lully
ouuviuueu ib win reuoiuiiieuu liseu.
(InLlxnitlvtrmr M llfllllK.
Kor sale at Klrllu's Drug Store, Ftrgusou
iiuu.o diugk, oueuuuud ll, I N.
Its not a
moving day
0 'iiuienceu.
vprv great way ofl till
aud house hunting has
We. the underslsned. were
en'ireiy ourea ot luptureuy
Dr. J. 11. Mayer. 81 Arch nt .
rhlladel Ilia, l'a, H, Jones l'ht Ids, Kennel
Hrtlisre. l'a.; T, A. KreltK, HlJtlUEtou. Vaj K.
M. HjnaJI, Mount Alio. 10.1 liev.B. ll.rihsr
man, fuubury, l'a.: I) J, Dtllelt SUH. 12th
Ht Heading ra.; wm. uix. idj Montrose at,
,,,.i.iA. t. , ..... .,mi u, i . .
lug, l'a; Ueorueand I'll, lturkart, i!9 Locust
BU, Heading-, l'a. Bena for circular.
Jnno3burg'a Lnto Bunk Cash
ier Short $30,000.
The Bank Examiner Oharaoterzis Him at
a Scoundrel and Thief.
The Depositors Will Not I.oso Anything--'
Hill Had lleen Trusted Cn.lilor Tor 30
Years nnd Systematically Appropriated
Die Funds'-IIls Two Ilrotliers Wcro
Defaulters, and One ot Thorn Com
mitted Suicide.
Jamesbuiio, N. J., Jan. 15. The cloud
of suspicion nnd distrust which has hov
ered over tho nets of T. Wilton Hill in
his late capacity as cashier of the James
burg National Bank has at last been
broken, revealing him a defaulter to tho
nmonnt of $25,000 or more Hill had
been the Jamesburg Bank's cashier for
20 years. His death occurred three
weeks ngo, and before he was buried
rumors were circulated Impugning bis
A Government bank examiner wns
called In to examine the bank's books.
Yesterdny this examination was con
cluded, and the cxnmluer's report show
ed that Hill was an embezzer to the ex
tent of $25,000 to foO.000, that ho ap
propriated all the assets of tho bank he
could lay bis hands on, and even sys
matically robbed the depositors.
F. L Btickelow, the president of the
bank, nnd his family own three-quarters
of the $75,000 stock, nnd the greater part
of the balnnco is divided up between
Directors V. II. Courter, J. C. McGee,
George Van Arsdalen nnd Mr. Towntend.
In any event the depositors will be safe,
ns the directors will be compelled to
mnko good tho loss.
It is reported that when the Govern
ment examiner was leaving town he told
n depositor that Hill was both a scoundrel
and a thief.
Hill's salary as cashier of the bank
wns only $1,500 a year, yet his expenses
were reported to be nt least $20 a day.
Hill's favorite hobby was keeping a
fancy poultry farm on which he spent
much time nnd money, but which, it is
said, was never a paying investment.
The stock on the farm was sold at auc
tion on Wednesday.
The hr f'irv of the liill family has
been n rem ! -Oil" one. John T. Hill,
whose dea'- . irrod about a year ago,
was pie-udin.. of tho Ninth National
Bank of Ni-w York, Only after his death
did it ljt-,:o. 10 known that he had em
bezzled $400,000 of that institution's
money. ,
Charles Hill, unother biothcr of T.
Wilton, wns for many years the trusted
cashier of tho First Natloual Bank here.
About four years ngo he committed sui
cide, almost simultaneously with llah-
lou Runyon, then president of tho bank.
Theso two had combined in wildcat
schemes in Wall street, and took their
lives when the fact of their $70,000 de
falcation became known.
Hill leaves a wife nnd two daughters
to bear the stigma ot a dishonored name.
An Kntliuslntic Gatlierlnc; and a Spirited
Aririlliieiit" Iloniirs Divided.
Boston, Jan. 15, Sanders' Theater,
Unmbrldge, was Ulled last nlRht with a
large and Interested nuilience gathered to
listen to the joint debate between rcpre.
sentatlve students of 'Yale and Harvard.
rue proposition under discussion was
"That a vounc man cabtlntr his ballot In
1803, should vote for the nominee of the
Democratic party."
the debate was opened by it. it. Upton
of Yale, fn the alllrinatlvo who declared
that tho Democratic party was the party
ol lair trade nnd progressive Ideas.
U. I' , fjostigan of Harvard was the first
speaker in the negative and confined his
remarks wholly to a review of the two
parties positions on the silver question
With the record of tho Democratic party
upon this question In view, the new voter
should vote against its nominee.
Other speakers followed, but no vote
was taken at the close of the debate, and
the speakers on either side presented
such strong arguments ns to leave
newly Hedged voter in a tangle of uu
certainty and doubt.
No News of Young Do Lima.
New YonK, Jnn. 15. The whereabouts
of Edward Do Limn, the young man who
so mysteriously disappeared on Jan 5,
nre still unknown, the missing man
lived with his mother, brother and sister
at the Hotel iJingham. the theory o
the missing man's brother Is that he
went on board the steamship Trave to
say goodby to some friends aud was
carried out to sea. Tho Trave has ar
rived at Southampton, hut nt the oflico
of De Limn & Co. it is said that no cable
gram from the missing man has been re
ceived. .
Suicide Hun in the Family.
SrniUQFiBUJ, Mass,, Jan. 14. -The body
oi Jewis j uooiey, a prominent mer
chant of Westlleld, who committed sul
cido Vednonday night during u tempor
ary Ot of disunity by diowuiiig himself.
was reioveied yesterdny. (Jooley was a
prominent .Mason nnd Odd bellow.
curious fact iu connection with the man
ner of Mr. C'ooley's death is that both
his father and brotbdr took their lives iu
the same way.
The Sultchiuan Was llestumsllile.
New Haves, Conn-, Jan. 15. The In
vestlgatipn into tho cause of the accident
on the New York, fcew Haven & Hart
ford Itailroad near here revealed tha fact
that Switchman Hugh Houghton wns re
sponsible for the accident. The company
at once discharged Houghton, who is 70
years old and lias worked for the railroad
nearly ou yoara.
Deutli of Dr. liondltrh.
llosro.x, Jan. 15. Dr. Henry Iugersoll
liowdltcu uieu nt ins iiomu Here yes
terday. Ho was 81 years old. To Dr
liowditch la due tho discovery of tho law
ot soil moisture ns a potent cause
consumption In New York. He was tb
author ot several medical publications,
llxecutions Against Clothiers.
noLUDAYBBuno, Pa,, Jan. 15. H. O
Stol ,& Sons, clothiers, of Altoona, had
executions issued against them yester
day. Their liabilities are $12,000, and
assets are fS,tKKJ. iJi)
The price of WolfTa Acme Blacking 1
20c. a bottle, and it is cheap at that. It
costs more to fill a bottln with Acme Black
ing than other liquid Dressings cost com
plete for the market, including fnncy boxes,
artistic stoppers, nnd other paraphernalia,
We tell the Illackinp Jiof the ptiekage.
As it Is our desire to sell Aotr Dlackino
cheaper If possible, tut nnd ourselves un
nblo to do so owing to Il present cost of
making, we hold a prize of
Until tho 1st dny of January, 1893, to ho paid
to any one who furnishes u formula ena
hllnc us to make It ut such a price that u
retailer can profitably boII it nt 10c. a bottle.
WOLFF & IiANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
It cost 10c. to find out wlint Pik-Hon U
and does. A wholo pace of information
could not give o correct idea. Pilc-Kou
la the name of the only point wnicn maKet
)&ia whits glass look like colored plasa.
All retailers tell it.
ii 13 nM-amieassnoe, witn no lactnor wax tnreaa
to hurt tho feet; mado of tho best lino calf, stylish
and easy, anil bemuse we make more shoes of this
grade than any ether manufacturer, it equals hand
Bowed shoe costing from $4.00 to $5 00.
uii (unmix' iifinn-HcwtMi. inennpsicaii
shoe ever offered for $3.W)j equals French
Imported shoes which cost from $SAi to $12.00.
fCA 00 Iliunlpuod Wflt Hlioe, flno calf,
Btyllsh, comfortable and durable The best
hoe ever offered at this price t same (trade as cus
tom-madn shoes costing from $6.00 to $'J.0ii.
CCO 30 1'ollco Slinci Farmers. Itailroad Hen
1J W ana Lelter(?nrrlrrtnll wpnrtlim- flnAenlf.
seamless, smooth inside, heavy threo soles, exten
sion edi;p. tne pair will wear a year.
CEO DO liuo cuni no better shoo ever offered at
Dmm this Tirlco: ono trial will ennvliu-ii thnir
who want a shoo for comfort nnd service.
(CO ana .un orittntjiiinir shoes
P& aro very strong nnd durable. Thow who
nave given mem a trial win wear no other make.
B9riMG' UO and 1.75 school shoes aro
OUVD worn livlhn tuivaiirvwliro thsvrtl
on their merits, at tho increasing sales show.
uUll ICO ltnncnl.i. vprvRtvllaht Wrtnit
Imported shoes costingfrom Sl.Oi) to ffJ.rtt.
IjnillPH tf.SO, .00 und SI.73 shoe for
Misses nre the best fine Dongcla. stylish and durable.
uuuiioii, aeo mat . l. ijousias namo ana
price aru stamped on the bottom of each shoo.
Tnsfaton local adTrtlmd dealers RiinnlTlni. rm
V. Li. lJUUtiLAri, llroclitou, Mass. Sold by
Nortlt ItlHlii St., SlieiiMildonli
PurifieB the blood by ex
pelling the impuiities through
the proper channels and never
causes eruptions on the skin.
Regulates the bowels. Cures
dyspepsia, liver and kidney
troubles, tones up the system
and gives you an appetite.
Never fails 1 o cure any con
dition prodiiced by impure or
impoverished blood, or a dis
ordered stato of stomach, liver
or kidneys.
Sold at Klrlln'8 Drug Store,
Ftrgmon'i Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa
If you want to see a fine display ot Boots ana
nnoes, goto
Boot aud Shoe Store,
(Mastellor's old stand,)
coriiHr Coal and Jnrrtlu Uts.
Cu&lom Worltantl Repairing
Done In the best 6lyle,
Green Truck Stand !
Cor. Main and Oak Streets.
Fresh Oysters Received Daily.
A flue Hue ol Choice (1R0CEIUH8
Nuts and Candles.
Poultry of all Kinds.
Mr, Costlet receives his green truck dally
trom the city markets, which Is a gusranlee
to his customers that they will receive fresh
goods whn huytnefrom him.
Finest brands ot cigars always on hand.
The best temperance dxtuka.
Open for