The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 15, 1892, Image 1

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111 the Latcnfc TJWn !
The livening Herald
The Evening Herald
Delivered by carriers.
VOL. V1I.--NO. 3.
The Evening. H,erald.
UMBjwgerclrctJlaticn In Shenandoah than
any other paper published. Clrcu.
latlon booka open to all.
President McLcod, ofthe rhlladcl
phla and Reading Railroad Company,
has reason to feel proud of the work
ho has accomplished during the past
crty Intrusted to his management
which has not been eclipsed since the
The prosperity of this corporation
not only adects the holders of Its se
cuvltles, many of whom reside In
Philadelphia, but it Interests a great
.army of wage earners', the railroad
and tho coal and Iron companies giv
ing employment to- 41,637 men, to
whom $18,237,202 was paid as wages
last year.
One of the commendable features of
President McLeod's management Is
that the property is not-allowed to de
teriorate. He is quick to take advan
tage of extensions and alliances
which 'will add to the company's
traffic, and he maintains and adds to
the equipment of the property that
the trafllo, when obtained, may be
speedily and profitably handled. The
expenditures for betterments of a
' permanent nature" and fdr now' rolling
stock were $1,773,469.
The management has looked out for
the future also by arranging to issue
$10,000,000 of collateral trust bonds,
from the proceeds of' which better
ments and equipment will be provided
without diverting tho earnings from
the Income bondholders and stock
holders. The junior security holders, es
pecially, have reason to feel encouraged
as the policy of' tho management is
evidently one of justice Ui all classes
who are Interested.' '
The old Inhabitant has not been
heard from of late on the weather
home-made Rag Carpet; others
iorooc.,ooD unu upwards. Also
'a nice line of home-made Stair
Carpets'. Customers having carpet
balls lof their own' should send them
aud'have them made into a llfst-olnss
carpet. O. D. FRICKE. -
No. 10 S.Jaiidin Est.
A Lot
Just Received Another Lot
Just Received a Consignment of JFXZVjE DAIRY BUT
TER, Strictly JBresh.
Four Cars Choice Timothy Hay,
One Car Rated Ray.
Two Cars Mlddlinya.
Three Cars White Oats
One Car Yelloio Corn.
One Car Minnesota JBancy Patent Flour.
One Car Pure Chop. " fiy
hueatidn, He Is very "wise to Keep a
' t . ! V" rtU -111.-..-'-
mum as an oyster, xuo wium m
far has been 'very milch oiit of tin
t - . - VI11 lif in'nn listen in
usual coume. xi wui utu -
arrive, or plan t6 linger Into spring,
or else get badly left.
I Tho MostFleasant Way
Of preventing tho grippe, coTd, head
aches, "and fevers is to ute the liquid laxa
tive remedy Syrup bf Figs,' whenever the
tastem needs a senile, yet'effoetivo cleans
ing. To he benefited one must (tot tho
true rnm',- "iahufactured by the Cali
fornia Fii; Syrup oo. only. For sale by
jail druggists in 60c and f I bottles.
tin Mexico" company' tests the seating
capacity of every theatre.
i Candidate for Council.
Editor' IIkrald: My 'aUontion was
callod to "Kicker's" letter In Saturday's
Issue Kvenino IIhralb yesterday, Not
having given his letter any attention pre
Mow, I concluded I would carefully r6a'd
it over. In justice to myself, I will say
that ho is wrong in accusing mo of any
personal feeling in this matter I had fully
intended retiring at the expiration of my
term, but when I found that for the rea'.on
of having done what I considered my doty
as a raemoor of Council, andespecially as a
member of tho law committee of that'
body, tho friends of the water company
boasted that this would cost mo the position
I hold, this, I concluded, I Would resent
and announce myself is a candidate. II
my position is wrong tho people shall so
determine, and not the money - of this
corporation, or my'personal enemies.
Resp'y Tours,
' - A. B. Lamb,
Shenandoah, Jan. 13, 1892, '
Of the cleanest comedy dramas on tho
road is1 "O'Flynn In Mexico." It will ap
pear at Ferguson's theatre on Saturday,
Jan.lGlh.-" '"'
"A Royal Pass.
The locomotive race in Staley's "A
Koyal Pass" Is' certainly taking-first place
of a-mechanlcal effect, oh the'stage. The
press everywhere pronounce 'it superior to
all other effects. "'A' Itdyal Pass" will bo
produced at Ferguson's theatre next Mon
day evening.
Altrod Keloy
Is certainly a very clever comedian.
A Surprise.
Keep your eye on- this' local. Keagey,
the'photographer, will have his new open
ing in a few days and will have something
interesting that will surprise the people, tf
Waters' Weiss beer is the best. John A.
Reilly sole agent. S-S-tf
Desirable Lodge Room.
A lodfje desiring a cosy meetmg rocm on
Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday evenings
of each week can be accommodated at
Mellet's hall, which has been recently
papered, painted and carpoted. Apply to
VI. Mellct.
Strictly Pure.
Extracts' From the Sermons of
Rev. William MoNally in the
Presbyterian Church on its
Speedy Fulfillment.
By request of a number of town people,
Including sevoral of the - Hebrew resident;,
the Herald publishes tho iollowing ex
t act from the sermon preached by Rev.
HviUUm UoNt.llj- it. urn rresoyterian
church last Sunday evening on "The
Jltettoratlori of Israel. Signs of Fulfill
ment,1' Text! Daniel XII. 0 7. Luke
XXI. 24. If the prophetia utterancos con
cerning Israel and Judah' are to be fulfilled
they will only bo so when Odd has gathered
His ancient people out of the lands wither
H6 bas scattered thom. Their gathering
ahd restoration will just be as literal as was"
their scattering. Tue blessing' promised
will bo as surely and cert&lnly'fulflllod'as
was the curse, and wo have seen that In'tho'
down-treading and' oppression of th
Hebrew peoplo, and yet thmr distinct and
inextinguishable national life are'am'ohg
the most signal fulfillments of prophecy
How they have maintained and preserved
their national 'distinctions must be a hard
puzzle'to the man who does not read and
understand what Jehovah, spake concern
trig thorn by His prophets thousands of
years ago. Study the "signs of tho' times'
in toe matter of Israel's" restoration' and
see'hbw these ancient 'prophecies are befng
lulullod, and bow 'the set tltae fcTrSdeem
Israelis nlgti at' hand. We will riotTce,
first, tho increased interest of loading Jews
In the land of their fatheis. Some Venn
ago Baron Rotshchild obtained a mortgage
from the Turkish government on the whole
of Palestine for money which be would
loan to it on' no other- terms; and money
which that dying' nation can never'b'a'v,
Thd'Turks have had postcssionbf Paloetino
for nearly 1,200 years ' and have dft
possessed Israol since they captured
Jerusalem In the year 635 or 6. The
Turkish government has always been
Israel's persecutor, as well as the usurper
of their land, which God promised to
Abraham and his ' seed. In case of
European warand tho fall of thoTurkish
Empire, which will surely come, Bardn
Rothschild has only got tb foreclose' his
mortgage andlhen all Palestine belongs it
ohe pHhceltf Jertl The' name of Baron'
Hircch is a household word, not only with
ms own race, but among the civilized poo
plo everywhere. He is now advocating the
cause of bis poople against ,the barbarous
cruo'ties propetrated on the Jews by the
lluBslan government and is dovising a great
schomo by which five millions" of 'Hebrews
in Kussia may find homes in moro con
gonial toll, and tho cry'Is "Palestine)
Palestine II" As by common instinct, the
thoughts of all nations turn to Palestine as
the ultimate refuge of the persecuted Jews,
Second, notice4 further tho events that urn
bringing about the colonization of Pales
tine. Iho Jigyptlan persecutions which
forced the first exodus into Palestine are
being re-enacted in Russia and Turkey to
day and must end in their expulsion from
those countries, when they will latgely
settle down In- Palestine, tho land of their
fathers. The horrid and sickening persecu
.1 , T . . .
nuns ia iiutsia, in some respects, outstrip
wose of .Egypt. Another sign of thi
fulfillment of prophecy is the large settle
ments of Jews already in Palestine. It is
estimated that about 120;000 are nowsottlod
in 'different parts of the country. A few
years ago but 8.000 could be f und In all
Palestine. In 1882 there were 20 000. Th
memorial which' was presented t tho
President of tho United States last March,
and which was numerously signed by the
leading men of the country, requesting tho
government to use its good offices and
influence with the great powers ot Buropo
to the end that an International con
ference be held to consider the condi
tion ot tho Israelites and tho expediency
Of restoring to thetn their ancient
land of Palestine, as a country
and ft home, is a Very signiflcent event
There never has been an age since the de
struction of Jerusalem and tho subsequent
dispersion 'of the Jewish people in which
tho taco wholly abandoned tbehopo of one
dj returning to the' home of their fathers.
Eighteen centuries of exile and wandering
has not dimmed their hope. Mrs. Orattan
Guinness, of London, says a society has re
cently been formed there, called the "Ouo-
veyei Zlon Society," for the purpose of pro
mbtlfig the ro-colonlzatlon bf Palestine by
its rlghtfulowners. A remarkable petition
adoptod at a large meeting of this society
was presented by i,ord ltothschild to the
Marqujs of Salisbury. It urgod him to use
hfs Influence with BussIa th..t she would
make tho departure of the poor Jewish
exiles as easy as possible! and with Turkey,
that' she-would receive them and protect
them in Palestine and neighboring' dis
tricts.- The persecuted peoplo iire 'dlroct-
itiirlhelr Anll-Rt!rinV nit), nn'nAianf nn
tUo' land of p".$mj. fe'li the 'mean
Our special artist visited Lost Creek yesterday and found the people of tho place vory
much agitated over tho situation of affairs caused by tho recent injunction served
by the watfr company on the oleotric railway company. Th illustration reflects the
fears of Lost Creek patrons oi our markets,
ing of this unprecedented, though natural,
movement? It tells us that tho time bas
arrived in the good province oi God for the
long predicted restoration of Israelites to
their own land. Tho incipient restoration
wu are now witnessing is a profoundly in
teresting event .to Christians, confirming
their faith In tho inspiration of the Bible
and indicating to them in the strongest and
clearest way that tho coming of the Lord
drawnth nigh. It was tho one sign wanting
till within tho last few years, but it shines
out now each month more clearly and
should arrest the" attontion of all. In a
word, a careful etiidy of Scripture shows
that the present Jewish crisis is the be
ginning of the end. We are farther iri
ftfrrbodthrough the' press, that the 'plans
and specifications of the" new' temple ' at
Jerusalem aro' out. "There ' will' 'soon1 be
elected: on the' Dethlehem road. 500
hbuWj and just over the Kodrori"vailey
110 houses are going1 up. Another man'
has butVt' a village at Jabbok, or Jacob's1
bridge. They are buying ground, and
planting vineyards. One" colony alone
having planted fivo millont of vinos and
many trees, some with the intention of
raising the silk worm and others taking up
other branches of Industry. This is a ful-.
fillment of Joromiah 32; 84-87. A railroad
will soon connect Jerusalem with the sea
coait. loo trade 'or Jerusalem Is- now
principally' In tho hands of the Jowb.
Jerusalem Is ceasing to bo trodden down
of the Gentiles'. The time tho Turks wefo'
to have rule over tho Jows' country was
1,200 years (Rev. XI.2) to which, If wo add
630, when Jerusalem was taken by the'
Tutks, wo como to 1890. An' Episcopal
clergyman In "England predicted this in'
tno year uoy, or ira years ago. wo aro
qtiito safe in saying that betweon now and
1805 the Jews will become a nation in Pal
estine. Take another viow, as held by
Prof. Totten, of Yale. "Times of the
Gentllo;." These commenced evidently
with the first great empire, "Tho Head of
Gold," or Babylon. It has been "Gentile
times'" ever since. Tho first King of
Babylon was crowned say 3378A. M., leav
ing out months, Now how long were the
times of the Gentiles to continuo? Moses
predicted that Israel should bo punished
seven times for her sins. The seven times
or years of Nebuchadnezzar's insanity are
also typical of Gentile times. 860 multi
piled by 7 2520. 2520 and 3378 6898 A.
M , or our 1000 A. D. This is the astro
nomical year of C800. On March 20th. 1892.
the civil Jewish year of C65-2 will begin:
and in September, 1892, the 665-2 sacred
jear begins. M-trch, 1000. will be the be
ginning of tho Jewish year 665-1Q, or, ai
we would say, 6000. Now what is there
signifient in this? Very much. It is the
yer of Jehovah I Another fact oi pecu
liar significauce to this Jebovelio Jewish
scale of time : As it is shorter by 238 years
than the actual or natural astronomical one
of '6898 'years, It mutt hare had Its origin
38 years later. Tho key to tho Jewish
calendar, which has always mystified
chronolOgiets Is to be found In tho last
paragraph of tho last verso of Genesis JIV,
xnen oegan men to call on the name ol
tho Lord," I. e. of Jehovah. Now, when
was thi. ? It was two years after the birth
of Udos, for Adam was 180 years aid at the
birth of Seth, and the latter was 100' years
old' when Enos was born, or the 237, nearly
the beginning of the 238tb aBtr'on, mical
year of tho World, It, was Anlhat men
began to call upon the name of Jehovah,
and when they bnve called upon Him at
many y ars as his natno cbronolojjlcallv
signifies, 6000, He will AaMowit, as all col
lateral prophecy unites in testifying.
6600 ahd 238 6898, or 1900 A. D. So the
great' significance of the Jewish year 665.10,
or 6600, as we would say.
A Leader,
Since its first introducticn, Electrio Bit
ters bas gained rapidly In popular favor,
until now It Is clearly in the lead among
puro medicinal tonics and alternatives
containing nothing which permits its use
as a coverage or intoxicant, it is recognized
as tho best and purest medicine for all ail
ments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It
will cure Sick Hoadachp, Indigestion, Con
stipation, and drive Mai aria from the sys
tem, oatistacllon guaranteed with each
bottle or tt)0. money will bp refunded.
Prjoe'only 60c. per bottle; Sold bv O. H.
1C. Vv
should the' injunction "bo' sustained.
A. C. Coon, of Kingston, was In town
Division Superintendent John L. Will
iams spent to-day at- Mahanoy City.
W. P. Sadler, Jr., John F. Finney and
O. E. Titman' attended court at Pottaville
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Oliver, their son,
Koliert, and daughter, Mrs. Charles Bur-
chill, aro suffering from severe attacks of
the grip.
At a meeting of Jennings Council, Jr.
O. U. A. M this week First Sergeant O.
I. Straugbn was presented with a hand
some enameled emblem of the Order by
Colonel Sanger) William H. Deltrey also
received a handsome emblem!
Guaranteed. Guro.
"Vy.e authorize our 'advertisoi' druggist to
sen ir. King's .Now Discovery for on
sumption, Coughs and 'Colds, upon this
condition. If yon are afflicted with a
Cbughj any Lurig, Tjiroat or Chest
iruuuie, anu wni use mis remedy as di
rected, giving It a fair trial, and experience
no benefit, you mas return thd - bottle and
hftveVbur money; 'refunded. We could
not make this offer did We ribt kri6w that
Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied
on. It never 'disappoints. Trial bottles
"free at O, H. Hage'nbuch's drug store.
Large size 60c. and 1,00.
Alfrod, Keloy
Is the youngest comediuh on the American
stago of to-day;
Everybody Likoa It.
"The Midnight Alarm" as given at the
uorlnno -Uycoum last evening' is one of
those fioces that evary body likes became It
is1 overy-day lifo, made doubly Interesting
by the introduction of a few more sensa
tions and narrow escapes than usually
happen off the stage. Tho scen9 of the
attempt to wreck a "douth Shore Express"
ahd the fire scene are very realistic and
exciting. It is a fiye-act melodrama and
sure to draw good house'. Bttffalo En
quirer. "Thn Midnight Alarm" will be
produced at Forguson's thoatr'etbn the 21st
Inst , for the benefit of tho Oolumbin Hobo
Company. The Schoppe orchostra will
furnish the music. Reserved seat chart
now open at Ferguson's theatre.
Special Scenery.
One scone used in tho production of
"O'Flynn in Mexico" is silk plush. It cost
$138. This great company -will appear at
trerguson's theatre on Saturday, Jan. 16.h.
The Telegraphers' Ball.
The first annual grand ball of the Order
of Telegraphers, held at Ppttsville last
night, was a gratifying succjss. Railroad
telegraphers and other employes from all
parts of the county were la attendande and
Shenandoah was well represented. Tho
Schoppe orchestra, of town, 'furnished
excellent dancing music
Rheumatism, the king of all diseases, is
quickly conquered by" the celebrated ' im
ported "Anchor Pain Eitpeller." Try 'Ik
and be convinced. 60 cents a bottle.i Solo?
at all druggists. 3t
Take Our Word for It
Standing soon will be sold at a premium
at Ferguson's theatre on Saturday, Jan.
16th, when Alfred Kelcy and his company
of fun makers will present the laugh fac
tory. Tickets now on sale at Kirlin's
drug store.
Stopped by the Storm.
The Knickerbocker colliery at Yatosvllle
was obliged to suspend operations to-day
on account of the heavy snow storm.
Gunning for Contraots.
The town was visited yestorday by a
score of pipe and pumping engine manu
facturers, who pressed their claims for con
tracts to supply material for the proposed
borough waterworks. They held consulta
tions with members of the joint com
mittee. Coughing Leads to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at
There ara manv cnmjnnn llnfmnnfa mi
but there Is only one great pain cure tot all
forms of Upralns, Cuts, Uralses and all bodily
pain.-lu name is Ked riser oil. Coata iu
wnu,, Boldatl'.P,U,KlrUntaaroiTore.o.
The Hazlotoa "Sentinel" Man' Says
Naughty Things.
May Davenport's Burlesque Company,
which is to appear hero, played at
Hazloton on Tuosday eveniug, last, and
this Is" what tho dramatic crltio of tho
llnzlcton Sentinel says of her: "Hazle
Halt held a queer crowd last night. It was
a low browed, 'retreating crowd that made
a man feel 'ashamed of himself. The faces
In thb"fr6'nt rows wo.e 1 k'o those peculiar
musyousee on the Inside pages bf the
Polico Gazette, which you read in the
barber shop when you go there to get
Tbero wasn't a woman in the audience.
Men well known around town sneaked' in
With guilty smiles on their faces.
When the curtain went up Gorge Free
bio came out as "end man." Hazleton has
had many things' charged to if, but If
George Froebio bills hlmsolf as coming
from Hazleton the town ought to go down
tho mines. A town that can produce a
monstrosity in the end man line like that
has a great deal to answer for. It has been
said that George claims to como from the
"metropolis," wherever that is. It was the
earnest wish of a $217 houso that he wou'd
go there and melt.
There wore seven females on the stage.
Three little Hazleton girls weae decoyed in
to take part in the performance. They
sat on the stago like blocks,' painted worse
than cigar signs, One of the girls was
subsequently yanked out by her sittor, who
threatened to call tho police.
But the show.
May Davenport, a top-heavy looking"
specimen, was the Interlocutor. There" was
a farmer, and three fairies with faces sharp
and rough enough to cut cold slaw, and
voices that could only blend -with 'tho sweet
cadences of a saw being filed.
The jokes were villainous. Tho club
swinger was great. The only thing that
ca6 be charged against him- is' that lie' is irr
very bad company. The' pianist waS a
villainous player and Datonport 'refused to
pay'hlrn moro than' fifty ' cents', and it'waa
money thrown away.
Tho manager was fearful of arrest. He
len, the hall, when the curtain rang down.
But nobody1 made such a mAva. KoricH it.
should Have bee'h made.
TJje Sentinel adds: "Performances such
as tho May Davenport dmpany givo call
for the intervention of the strong" arm "of
tho law."
Buoklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho Best Salvo in the world for Cuts.
Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum Pmar
Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and' posi
tively cures Piles, or no payment required.
It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
n. mnnav vttfimAnA T) oe . -
box. For sale by O. H. Hagenbuch.
Rioh Costumes.
The costumes worn by the O'Flvnn in
Mexico company are said to have cost over
two thousand dollars. They are gorgeous.
ibis celebrated company will appear at
Ferguson's theatre on Saturday, Jan. 16th.
- A Pipe Broke.
Thefcipils of the West Centre street
school blsllding were dismissed yesterday
morning. A water pipe broke, flooding
the cellar of the building, extinguishing
the fires of the furnaces and making it
impossible to keep the rooms heated. The
building was re-opened to-day.
"Columbian Fair March,"
The latest in sheet music. Also 3,000
copies to select from. Brumm's, 18 East
Centre stroot. 1-S-tf
Elegant Scenery.
Every particle of scenery used in the pro
duction of "O'Flvnn In Mexico" is carried
by the company and is made to fit any
stage In America. This great comn&n.v
will appear at Ferguson's theatre on Sat
urday, January 16th.
"Let observation with extended view, sur.
vey good things from China to Peru" and be
will not find unytning of icb astonlsblue
merit in Killing all the palua that flesh la
bi-lr to, a salvation Oil, as he will know,
when be bas given it a fair trial.
"Do you know Alfred Kelcy ?"
Best work done at Brennan'a steam
sundry. Everything white and spotless.
Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar
anteed. Best photographs anil crayons at Dabb's
Everybody Knows
Everybody Knows
Everybody Knows
That Colgate's
That Colgate's
Toilet Soaps
Toilet Boaps
Toilet Soaps
Are tho Best
Are the Heat
Arejthe Best
"When you are getting a piece ot Toilet Soap
get It good, for It lasts longer and given better
satisfaction generally, A piece of Soap with
the name of Colgate on it can be depended
upon aa the purest and best that can be pur
chased for the money. A full line at
'mWoh Jardlak'. Street,