Clieimul j , (SUBSCRIBE FOR j The Evening Herald NEWSY, BRIGHT and crisp ! THE MRDRT raiMIOI II THIS SECTION. : 5 ' All th,e Latest, Jievla pGbUsHd in" The Evening Herald DELIVERED DY CARRIERS. ft VOL. T1I.--NO. 12. SHENANDOAH PA.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 14. 1892. ONE CENT A i The Evening Herald. ALIi THE NEWS FOB ONE CENT. 1 V , I. Hu a larger circulation In Shenandoah than any other paper published. Olrcu. latlon books open to all. The neat of war has been trnnB' ferred to Shenandoah. With two water companies there ought to be a decline In beer, as there Will be no excuse for a scarcity of water. Foil the Information of our con temporary, the Journal, we say the people are not up In arms against the electric railway. , The miners along the line of the electric railway are more than satisfied with the low rates offered them. They could not have asked for better ones. The Street Committee will stand by the electrlo railway. No one ques tions that, and what Is more, the rail way will be built and In running or der some tlmo In February. Our tdltorlal friends below the anpuataln.are requested to ,keep cool. tThei war cloud among the corporations will not burst. There will be peace all along the line nntil near election time. " , Shenandoah will .be the inotrop. oils . of, north of the mountain and were our voters permitted to vote oh the question of a city charter at the next election, it -would be carried by a handsome majority. The scales have dropped from the eyes of many people who were opposed to the change a, year ago. 4 If the telegraphic dlepatchee from Hazjeton are true, that place will, have no use for Its brand new city .charter. There are signs of properties saving in in different parts and people are becoming alarmed unnecessarily, we believe. At all events, Editor Maue "Will not forget us when he. Is ready to. give that thing away the, charter. CENTS PER YARD FOR A home-madeRag Carpet; others for55c.,55o anuupwa'rds, Also a nice line of home-mndei'Stair Carpets. Customers having carpet balls of tbeir own should send, them and .have them made into a flrst-olass carpet. O. D. FRIOKE, No, 10 S. Jardin St. 1892 NEW JUST RECEIVED lew tapestry, Met and Bofly For ilie Spring: of 1893. . , New and handsome pattern. Also a line of MO' QUJ3T1J2 and SMYRNA RUGS all new Spring Styles and' .Choice Patterns at Reduced Prices. JFZOOR OULCLOIMSNeio patterns, two , yards tviae, at ou cents. A Lot CHOICE FLORIDA ORANGES ! LARJE SIZE;, FlrtK,, JHPICY. 'OTCXiY 25 CEBITS PER D025E.HT. Just Received Another Lot of NEW COUNTRY L ARB, - t Kettle-Rendered, Strictly Pure. Just Received a Consignment 0 FINE DAIRX RT7T- TgR.sirmsiMMmh'fj ; AT KEITER'S. Pennsylvania's finances are in very creditable and satisfactory shape. The report for the year ending No vember 80 which Is Just out shows a1 balance of nearly seven irillliona In the treasury. The total receipts for the year wera nearly seventeen mil lions and. a half, an increase of ?4, 581,242 64 over the previous year's receipts. No stato in the Union has a better system of taxation, most of its money coming out of corporation profits, collateral inheritances, mort gages and licenses. These subjects like all subjects of taxation, reach the people finally, but it is in the indirect manner in which the burden is least felt by them. Guaranteed Cure. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for on- tumptlon, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will use this remedy as di rccted, giving it a fair trial, and exporionce no benefit, you may return the bottle and hp.yeyour money refunded. Wo could not make ibis offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discbvery could be rolled on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at O. It. Hagenbuch's drug store. Large sizo 60c. and 1,00. Alfred Keloy Is the youngest comedian on the American stage ui vu-uay, , Tested, the Seatine Catmoitv. ' A melodrama of uncommon strength and merit Is the attraction at'Jho'Corinno Lyceum this woekand the first production last sight vjas.QD joyed by an audience that tested the capacity of this popular theatre.; "The Midnight Alarm" is built on usual melodramatic" linos, 'std takes its name from a fire, engine-" scene in. which an Illustration' is given of the. interior work Ines. of a fire house. Buffalo Courier, "The Midnight Alarm"' will be produced' at Forguson's theatre on Thursday, 21st1 inst., for the benefit of the Columbia Hose Company. Reserved seat chart now open at, Eirlln's drug store The Joint Committee. The members of the joint committee of citizens and councllmen on tho water question held a meeting last night and, resolved to appoint a committee of five tq act in conjunction with the citizons on tho outaldo to circulate' a petition endorsing tbq joint committee in their action in the new water works movement, the petitions to bo used when the hearing on the injunction is heard on Monday next. Desirable Lodge Room. A lodge desiring a cosy mooting room on Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday evenings of each week can be accommodated at Mellet's ball, which hai been recently papered, painted and carpeted. Apply to M, Mollet. TEAR 1892 FIRST INVOICE OP of rlisso s IT IS ALLWATER. WATER HERB, "WATER THERE ANDWATER EVERYWHERE. THE TOWN IS ACTUALLY FLOODED. Thq Wator Company Injunctions, Combined With the Heavy Falls of Rain, Gives us a Wet Season. In conversation with a Herald reporter yesterday afternoon Mr. E. J. Wasloy, treasurer of the Shenandoah Waler and Gas Company said: "Thorn are many people in town who do not seom to under stand why our, company bad an injunction ssued against the electric railway. The Water company's ' position Is this: Our attorneys advised us that if we would sit Idly by and let the electrio railway com pany run over our pipe linos, and not say anything, in the iuiuro, should we have a break of pipe, or' any of our plpos should pull apart, as they do. by tho settling of the ground, or Bhould we wish to repair the pipes in any way, that wo would, of course, have to dig up the streets to get at them and, probably, pull down tho railway and stop traffic on it. In that case tho elec tric railway people could fall upon the water company for damages. Some people of town have said that we just want to hinder and obstruct the work of the railway, bnt such is - not 'our object. Our reasons for securing tho injunction are just at above stated, Tho railway people? aro as arixlbimd keep oft bf our pipe line as we aTe to keep them (iff 'ahcTthey have' so ex; pressed tb'emseWes,"but the B6rough'Goun Oil bak instructed tho railway company 'to run (n the con tor bf the street and the water Cothpany Was obliged' to obtain tho InlunctTori'to protect Itself against the fu. turai " Another thing ! 'this injunction 'was not obtained on the spur of a moment. The water company, about a month ago. served notice on too electrlo railway company not to lay its rails over the pipes' and also furnished it with maps showing the pipe lines." , ,. COUNCIL CRITICIZED. Hints That a Compromise Should ho Made. Editor IIibald ; While there' is so much being said and' done concerning the proposed now wator works, will you please allow me a space In your valuable paper to give, my views on the question. I have not had anything to say about our dandy Council for some time, not because there wasn't anything to say, but because I be lieved It was simply useless to try and get tbem to do what is right. There has not beon, for many yoars, a Council organized with brighter prospects (financially) for doing good than tho present one. With not a dollar of floating debt and a treasury in a healthy condition they started the fiscal year. Things moved along finely for a short time. Odd Fellows' day was celebrated at Tamaqua. Our Oouncilmen, ready to do honor to this day, turned out and went to Tamaqua, ostensibly for the purpose of taking in tho parade, but in reality to lako in tho stone- crusher. Ho' suit No, 1. Swelled heads. Nothing but a stone crusher will satisfy them. An outraged public submit, while their desires are gratified. Result No. 2. Stono crusher is purchased, placed alongside of tho hill pear Ellengowan, a shed erectod to hide it from the gsza of the public, and wo are S2.000 In the soup. A gracious public lor gives and forgets. An agont for the Game- well fire alarm system1 comes along and lays his little pioco. Of course the coun cilmon couldn't think of doing such an dutragoous thing as to consider tho matter at all. Kesult No. 8. Oontract is' given the above named company and once more wo aro In the soup to the extent oi $2,4C0, Now, of course, they will quit. They have covered themselves with glory (?) have literally thrown almost fd.COO bf tho people's money away, Thoy have a stone crtisher that don't crush and will have a fire alarm system to awaken' the horses by night. But sU;b financial sobemes are small matters, and not at all sultud to the calibre of our statesmen, and they aro no v going to establish wator AOrks and spend from f 100,000 to $125,000. Now they have their gait, and woe to the man who would bo considerate enough to cry, "Whoa I" One of our leading states men reasons that if thoy spend 165.000, which he claims they lawfully can do, and the water works aren't finished, they will go before the public and ask for more, and if they don't get it they are not to blame, No, the stone crushor don't work and tbey alnt to blame for that, either. Wouldn't it bo better and more In keeping with good common sense to learn tho wishes of the peopld concerning this matter? Now, It should bo borne in mind that the election to increase the debt f 1.5.000 took place more than ten years ago. Publlo sentiment may have changed since that time aid In all falrnoa o tho publlo they shbuld now be allowed-to express their wishes,' when it comes to a question of spending f 125,000, and not 15,000. What if the old company does make 80 to 100 per cent, on their investment. Tho citizens of this place ar not paying as much for water as thoy are li the otber parts of our county. Private on ter'prlsos of any kind should be1 encour nged, and not subj cted to the eelllshn si o) some oi our would-bo leading citizens, wb 1 ire In the van in this new Water works en torprlso, not because they care for the wel fare of the borough, but to gratify the! selfish ends, and to give vent to their here tofore pent-up feelings concerning the old Company, simply because thoy ain't in it Shall we bo compelled to pay for such things as these? Will not some of out councllmen open their eyes, arid see things In tbeir true light? I don't believe th?r are a hundred people in this place who be lieve in or want now water work'. I do believe that If an agreement were made with the old company to satisfy tho judg ment thoy hold against the borough, pay all expenses incurred thus far, and givn the borough free water, a sonslble con elusion would be reached, and oco of some good to every taxpayer in this place. Let something of this kind be done at once and stop this childish business. Cmmon Sense. Frank Leslie's Weekly. Everybody should see this week's bsuebl JVont Leslie's Weekly. It contains a beautiful double page of illustrations of the D.-exel Institute, the gift of Mr. Anthony J. Drexel, of Philadelphia, to that' city, together with an Interesting article dfcB criplivo of that institute and of tho Childs- Drexel Union Printer's Homo at Denver, Colj Among the other interesting pages are a page bf illustrations 6f foreign events, a beautiful frontispiece descriptive oi Washington life, and a page of specimens of tho wonderful collection of Japanose works and curios- at tho American, Art Gallorios. The:leadlng'oditorial ls by Sen ator Charlos T. baxt'on on "How Shbuld Questions Belatlng to' Election Contests .be Determined ?" and will be of interest to all good citizons. Don't fail to see this num. ber,, , ' , One Of tho. cleanest comedy drama)' on the road is-"0'Flynn in Mexico." It will ap pear at Ferguson's theatre on Saturday, Jan. 16th. A Rare' Treat In "Storo. Probably the richest treat ever given to cannoiseurs in. theatricals will takb place with the adyent of "O'Flynn in Mexico" and thoso woll versed In stage history will readily recognize in the cast ladies and gontlemen who have boon Associated with none but first class companies'. Artists from the great Daly's theatre, A. M. Pal' mer's famous Block and leading organlza tlons such as Fanny Davenport's, Clara Morris, Mary Anderson's and others. The managers of this ontorprlse will present the full cast through these columns and requost tho readers to fully satisfy themselves through New York friends and commer cial travelors of their standing. A list ol well written and original songs and dance with a fine vein of the comic will be one ol tho foaturos truly an entertaining combina tion of dramatic intensity and laugh pro ducing comedy. My Darlin, Every toime Oi look at ye Oim paralyzed, "Judge." The opening cartoon of Judge for Janu ary 10th Is devoted to the railroad ques tion, presenting the proposition, "The wonder is that there are not more railroad accidents." A very arauiing double page cartoon Is.entitIod "Bashful Jimmy," and represents Mr. Blaine in a bashful attitude before two elderly maidens labelled re spectively "For the Democratio Party" and "For the Bepubllcan Party." This cartoon is one of tho most amusing of the Ulaine-uarrison series. The last pag cartoon is devoted to La Grippe and its various remedlos. The pictures in this number aro unusually attractive and sug gestive. Price 10 cents. Get it of your newsdealer, Died. BEDDALL. On the 12th Inst., at Sben andoab, Pa., Sir Koland, son of George W. and Mary Boddall, aged 1 year and 3 days. Funeral will take place at 2 p. m on Friday afternoon, from the family resi dence on West Centre street. Interment In the Odd Follows.' cemetery. Friends and relatives respectfully invltod to attend. 1.18 2L Coming Baok. Allrod Kolcy and bis company of fun makers will bo with us once araln at Fer guson's theatre on Saturday, Jan. 16th. Tbey will present the delightful comedy drama "O'Flynn in Mexico." Tickets now on salo at Eirlln's drug store. A Surprise. Eoep your eye on this local. Keagoy, the photographor, will have his new open ing In a few days and will have something Interesting that will surprise the people, tf Ladles' Committee Meetincr. Ladies who are to take part in the Grant Band fair will meet In the Grant Band room, Franey's building, corner of Main and Oak streets, on Friday, 16th inst.. at 7:80 p. m, l-13-2i Waters' Weiss beer Is tie best, John A Bellly sole agent. 6-6-tf BOROUGH ITEMS GLEANINGS BY THE LOCAL CORPS OF REPORTERS. WHAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAK A Miner Meets With Serious In- Jury While at Work The Joint Committee Holds Another Mooting. Jlen'ry Seeber, of'South Jardin street, met with a'BeribU3 a cident in Turkey Bui. colliery yesterday. While he was at work a piece of rock fell and stripped the flesh and muscles from one of his fast, an in jury wbich the attending physician says U frequently worse than a fracture. Air, Seeber will be incapacitated for work for ome time. Buoklen's Arnica Salve. Tbe Best Salve in the world for' Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores, Tetter,- Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, omo payment required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded.' Price 25 cents per box. For cale by C. II. Hagenbucb. Speolal Scenery. One scene used in1 the production of O'Flynd in Mex'i'cb'Jft silk plush. It'cost ?138. This great company will appear at Ferguson's theatre oif Saturday, Jan. 16.h, Another Candidate Editor Hiraid : I ftifrfift w'ikb n M." as to what be sai'd't-Ririirdincr P .fe fl O. & I. Co. bosses in the Council. Whlln I think that Mr.-Bradigan wvuld make as good a councilman as could be had, yet we know not what measures might come up before our council mn In hnrlu' ttutt irnM place him .In a position that he' 'would have to decide betwooo a good paying position and the interests of his constituents. Thoro is a man in our ward who, I think, would All the bill completely, and if tho Citizen's party take him up they will be sure of vic tory. He is fearless in his speech and honest. Skcond Ward Votkr. Jan. 12. 1802. A Leader. Sinco its first introduction, Electric Bit ters has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alternatives- containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, It Is reCognlzod as tbe best and purest medicine for all ail ments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It will cure Sick. Headache, Indigestion, Con' stlpation, and drive Malaria from the sys- torn. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or tho money will bo refunded. Price only 60c. p r bottle. Sold by C. H. Uagonbuch. Rich Costumes. Tho costumes worn by tho O'Flynn In Mexico company are said to have cost over two thousand dollars. They aro gorgeous. This celebrated company will appear at Ferguson's theatre on Saturdiy, Jan. 16th. Merry Telegraphers. Tho first annual grand ball of the Order Railroad Telegraphers will be beld in Centennial Hall, Pottsville, this ovoning, Music by Schoppe's full orchestra. The telegraph operators will hold a seln t ball at Tamaqua on Wednesday evening, 29th Inst. There will bo a tournament for railroad operators, or operators who handle railroad business, A handsome prize to tho speediest sender and best receiver. Entries should bo sent to O. A. Brobst, dispatcher's office, O. R. It. of N. J Mauch Chunk, Pa. Rheumatism, the kinor of all disA&sen. la quickly conquered by the celebrated im ported "Anchor Pain Exoeller." Trv it and be convinced. 60 cents a bottle. Sold at all druggists. 8t Speolal Train, Parties who will attend the telegraphers' ball at Pottsville to-night will ba enabled to leave that place at 3:30 o'clock to-morrow morning, via the Lehigh Valley It. R., and arrive here at 4:30. Installation. District President, Wm. Mowrey, bf Mahanoy City, will install the newly elected tfflcers of Otmp 200, P. 0. 8. of A., this evening, after which an interesting debate has been prepared for the entertain ment of the members. Take Our Word for It Standing soon will be sold at a premium at Ferguson's theatre on Saturday, Jan. lG'.h, when Alfred Eelcy and his company of fun makers will present tbe laugh fac tory. Tickets now on sale at Kirjin's drugstore. There are many common liniments sold but there is onlv one ereal Taln cure for all forms of Sprains, Cuts, Ilralsen and all bodily pain. IU name-. Is Ued, Flag OH. CkwU 25 cents, Hold at P,r, I). KininTi drug store. Alfred Keloy Is certainly a very clever comedian. PERSONAL. James Kane spuni yesterday at Polta- ville. J. O. Roads, of PotUvIHe, was In tcwa last evening. Mrs. Walter Smith returned to her home in Olyphant yesterday. John A. Boilly attended to business at tho county seat yesterday. Our good-natured and hustling friend. Maxwell, of tho Nlckle Plate Railroad, vai in town yesterday looking after some business for his road. W. B. Bitting, representing the Netcochggue Manufacturing Company, was in town yesterday and showed his pleasant face in the Herald's sanctutri. 'Squire Hassler and Daniel Snyr'er, of town, visited tbe Herald office yesterday and after an inspection of our composing and press rooms, expressed the opinion that Shenandoah' should be proud of such an establishment. Entirely Satisfactory. W. J. Arkell, publisher of Judge and Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, writes; Judqk But DINO. Cor. Fifth Ave. and Sixteenth I th St.. 14, 1891. J New York, January "About three weeks sinco, while suffer ing from a severe cold which bad settled on my chest, I applied an Allcock's Porus Plwtor, and in a short time obtained re lief. 'In my opinion, those plasters should be in' every household, for use in case of coughs, 'colds, sprains, bruues, or pains Of any-kind. I know that in my case the re sults have been entirely ' satisfactory and beneficial." a. . jr in, Tn MpTtpn" mmnanv 'faeta tlin an.(tnM capacity of every theatre. Military Organization. Tho members of the Major Jennlng's Council, No. 368, Jr. O. U: A. M of town, together with other councils in the county, bavo formed what is known at 1st Regiment, Jr. O. U. A. M., to be fully equipped In accordance with the regulations of tbe' U. S. Army. The members of town are known as company A, aro dril ling Monday and Friday evenings of each week at tbe electrio light houso. Tbey will make their first public appearance on Washington's Birthday. So Shenandoah can boast of a military organization, al though it is not a government affair. The Most Pleasant Way Of preventing the grippe, colds, head aches, and fevers is to use the liquid laxa tive romody Syrup of Figs, whenever tho system needs a gentle, yet effective cleans ing. To be benefited one must get tbe true remedy manufactured by tho Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by all druggists in 50c. and $1 bottles. Closing Out, At great bargains, a first-class line of second hand stovos, ranges and heaters ; both doublo and single heaters, and every stovo warranted. Call and see them, as they will re sold at a sacrifice, to close out the stock, at No. 131 South Main street (Ilrennan's building), Shenandoah, near Steam Laundry. 12-30-tf We can safely assert that nothing equals Dr. Bull's Oougu Hymp or fail eases ol sore throat, coughB, colds, eto. l'rlce only 25 cents a bottle. "Columbian Fair Maroh," Tho latent In sheet music. Also 8,000 copies to select from. Brumm's, 18 East Centre street. 1-6-tf Elegant Scenery. Et ery particle of scenery used In the pro duction of "O'Flynn in Mexico" Is carried by tbe company and is made to fit any stage in America. This great company will appear at Ferguson's theatro on Sat urday, (January lutb. "Let obsrrvailon with extended view. aur. vey good things from China to Peru'' and be wiu not aaa unyuunK oi suca juiomsuiug merit In Hilling ull the pains that flesh 1 Salvation Oil, as be will know, when be has given it a tolr trial. Lane's Family Modlolne Moves tho bowols each day. Most people need to use it. Best work done at Brennan's steam sundry. Everything white and spotless. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's Everybody Knows Everybody Knows Everybody Kuows That; Colgate's Tliut Colgate's That Colgate's Toilet Soaps Toilet Soapa Toilet Soapa Are the Beet Aro the Beat Are.tho Best When you are getting piece ol Toilet Soap get It food, for It lasts longer and elves better satlsfUcU on generally. A piece of Soap with, the name of Colgate on It can be dopended, upon as the purest and best that can be pur chased for the fnoney. A full line at 122 North JardiiBL Street, ffitfiiTlrrlsi r f ihilfristir'i