The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 13, 1892, Image 3

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    st svwf Itr-n-
st- J
: i
Present! in the most elegant form
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative tu perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
pending on a weak o- "
condition of the
It lithe most cxccllsntrcn ! .iinnn'
When oneis Uiliotit or t -m.-
and STruttGT'
Every one is using it and aD pjfc
delighted with it.
Blck no&dache and relievo all tbotronblas Iset
dent to a bilious state of tha system, suoli oa
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress aftes
eating, l'aln la the Bids, &c. Whilo thelrmosS
remarkable success lias been shown la cuilrjg
jleaSacho, yet 0011618 tlttla Id7or Pills aw
equally valuabloln Constipation, curing and pro
Testing this annoying complaint, Tvuila thoyalsd
correct all disorders of tho b tomachMImulate tha
fAtbsthey would boalmostpriceleaa to those who
Isntfer from this distressing complaint; but fortu
nately thelreoodnoss does not end horo.and thosa
Who once try then will find thesallttlo pills vain.
Able In so many ways that tboy will not ba wil
Olng to do without them. But after allslclhea4
(Is tho bans of Bomanyllroa that horots where)
vemakeourcTcatboast. OurpllUcuroltwhilo
others do not.
Carter's Little Livor Pills aro very small and
. very easy to take. Ono or two pills make a doso.
They are titrlatly vegetable and do not gripo or
.purge, but by Uiolr gentle action ploasoall who
ueetbem. Invlalst25centsj flvoforll. Bold
by druggists everywhere, or sent by
largest and oldest reliable purely cash com
panies represented by
120 S. JardinSt, Shenanooah.Pa.
i i.ncuia t-namoua uraao
wnT 'luil uuly nil Inc. A
.fc yj. r iULif t. Ml ySV
I Pru.i:it fif Ck(rHr:rw & "i Wa-A
TynondJli ml In Itp.1 nt,j t, ,ij merUUois?
Mboic. .Jou nirh .tin rl" . i Tnlffl V
QO other. i.'Hii j7ttrmM mbititw V
'.?.?'?! V,'" "".'! "onlS S
fiT sun. 11..0V6 r, ni u.-r'iSLIiQSt
m hi.- iff viwuiiKi ivv.,ci"a UMnNquiiN.
sclontlno method that
cannot fall unless tho
caso Is beyond human
aid. You feel Improved
tho first day,feel a beue
flt every day: soon know ,
Yourself a klnir amnnir '
dt n new nflnwrna
men In body, mind and
heart. Drains and losses
ended. Every obstaclo
to happy married life re
moved. Nerve force,
will, energy, bruin power,
when falling or lost aro
restored by this treat
ment. All btnaljand weak
Eirtlonaof the body en
rued and strengthened.
Victims of abuses and
excesses, reclaim your
manhood ! Sufferers from
regain your vlaor! Don't
despalr.ovcn If In the lost
staties. Don't bo dlsheart
ened If quacks bavo rob
bed you. Lctusshowyou
buslnesshonor still er.s.e ffiTRKE
nil" roli "IT ,'""' w"h explanations & proof
mailed scute.! true. Over S.OOO referencea.
WITH utcm-
.Ju!Ifi.;'.'f f', "mM reioltlot from
1...V... uSiSS"'' lostss, n.rroui debility, iltcp-
VlnliioooS,"ii! "all, hit b, lbs ...r.r
l". uiVJfYtr .if r.JJi'i:: VS"? nnl.a.
No.OIti Broadway, NEW YOrtfc,
Jvdgo Grcsluun's Exporionce
With a Crnzy Jlau.
Ho Wanted $5,000 Which He Bald Jaj
Gould Had Left in tho Judgo's Oare.
lie Iiiiuclncd Anurclilats Were Pursuing
Him With Intent to Kill Mr. Gresham
Alone With the 9In!mnn for Kevernl
IIours--Arri!strd mill Will lie Tukeu
to mi Asylum for Uxanilnntloii.
Chicago, Jim. la. Judge Walter Q.
Greslmm had an experience with n crazy
wan yesterday, which is best told in the
distinguished jurist's own words:
"In the morning when I first entered
tho Chambers in the northeast of the
court room, I found Judges Dlodgett
and Jenkins and this man. After speak
ing to Judges Blodgett and Jenkins this
man approached, asking of some ono a
numo I did not know.
"About 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon
tho man entered the chamber on the
other side of the hall where I was and
told me that tho Murshal had that money
locked up and would not givo it to him,
as I had oitlercd he should. Not yet re
alizing that the man was out of his mind
I asked him what money ho referred to
and lie said that $5,000 which Jay Gould
hnd paitl for him mid which it had been
ordered lie should have.
"I then looked into his face and ob
served u wild expression on his counte
nance nnd told him to go witli mo to tho
Marshal and I would see that he got what
he was entitled to. Ho declined, saying
that the Anarchists were nfter him and
wanted to kill him.
"1 had managed to get between him
and the door, and, keeping my eyes ou
him, told him to sit down and I would
be back in a moment. Ho then took a
beat, and I at once went to the Marshal's
office, told tho deputies what" had oc
curred, and told them to inform tho po
lice of tho condition of the poor man
so that ho might bo cared for.
"Deputy Hayes returned with me, nnd
when the deputy entered tho room his
presence seemed to excite tho man and
he declined to go with the ofllcer. I di
rected the deputy to leave the room for a
time, which he did, not closing the door
after him. The man then closed the
door, and went to tho door leading from
the Chambers to tho court room and
locked it.
'His manner did not indlcte that ho
was dangerous. I told him to sit down
and he did so.
"In the .meantime somo of tho deputies
had sent for the police and they wero
outside of tho door. Tho man in some
way learned of their presence and again
became excited.
"I told tho police and the marshals
that they had better not enter tho room
for a time. Tho man again convinced
himself that the door leading to tho
court room was still locked and tried to
lock tho hall door, but found no key.
"I had him take a seut atraln and tnhf
him 1 must go soon, at the same time
keeping carcml wutch on him. He nsked
what would become of him, and re
quested that I protect him until tho
military arrived, I told him ho'd better
demand the protection of the Marsliul
until the soldiers arrived and ho said ho
would do so.
"I then went out and requested Mar
shal Hitchcock to go in tho room, as I
expected to leave it soon. He could not
not go, but sent his son, and I told tho
man that the young man was Marshal
Hitchcock's son nnd would afford him
protection when I left, and immediately
quitted the room."
Two policemen and two other men,
nfter a struggle, succeeded iu overpower
ing the lunatic, who, witli a cano which
ho carried, attempted to prevent his cap
ture. He gave his name as Martin Mc
Ciuahay, is of powerful build and about
CO years old. Nothing further is known
of him. He will doubtless be sent to au
insane asylum.
llrlbliip; Is Alleged.
CoMncrjus, O., Jan. 13. Indirect
charges of bribery in the United States
Senatorial caucus which came to a close
last Wednesday have been made since
men, but only recently havo they as
sumed deflniteness. An evening news
paper, the "Post," charged that Hepre
fcentutive J. F. Daugherty, of Fayette
county, received $3,000 for his vote in
the caucus. Yesterday Mr. McGrew
nrose to a question of privilege and do
nled the chargo, asking the House to in
vestigate tho matter if it saw lit. No
action was taken. A sensation was
caused late in the afternoon when it was
fonndthat City Editor Kelly and Re
porter H. D. Landon, of the "Post," had
been taken beforo tho grand jury, now
in session, to givo ovidenco in tho case.
MunuEhnii's Account All ltltjlit.
West Chester, Pa., Jan. 13. Tho ac
counts of the missing inwyor R. Jones
Monaghan, who was tho Eastern Mana
ger of the Pennsylvania Mortgage com
pany, have been thoroughly investigated
and at a meeting of the directors of tho
company hold yustorday they were an
nounced to bo perfectly struight in every
particular. The missing man recently
cabled his wife from Australia that he
was well but gave no particulars or
reasons for ids disappearance.
Failure of Jtomo's Prlncliml Hunk.
Rome, Jan. 13. Fonzl's bank has failed
for several millions of lire. Considera
ble excitement prevails as tho bank was
considered ono of the most solvent in
Italy, mid among the depositors were
many leading business firms. The full
extent of tho failure is as yet uncurtain,
but an investigation is being held. Fonzi
has disappeared and the authorities are'
inquiring for him in all directions. It is
rumored that ho has gone to Africa.
A Conductor Killed.
Beujjionti, Pa., Jan. 13. Conductor
is. i. Cooper, one of the host railroad
employes on tho Pennsylvania system,
fell from his train at Centre Hall last
ww run -over nnJ Instantly
killed. Mr. Cooper loiwus a widow and
one chil l at Hiinbury, Pa.
I'nrtllmit Jtluniilnclll,
London, Jan. 13. Considerable anx
iety has been created by the nows that
CaralnalwMaiuilug has been aflllcted
withrOncKUU since Thursday last. No
erious resultSls at present apprehended.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
ll Powder
A Tarty uf American Sailors Stoned In
Valparaiso by a Moh
Wasiiinqtos, Jan. 13. Tho following
dispatch, received at tho Navy Depart
ment several days ago from Commander
Evans, was made public yesterday after
noon: VALTAttAtso, Jan. 0, 1891.
To the Secretary op the Navy:
Yesterday afternoon my gig, while
lying off tho landing place waiting for
me, was stoned by three men in a crowd
of bad character. No one injured. I
visited immediately the Chilian senior
naval officer afloat, and requested him to
notify the police authorities here that I
demanded their efficient protection, and
that if tho ollenco was repeated I should
take tho matter into my owu hands and
protect my men with arms. Much re
gret was expressed by the Chilian senior
naval officer, who went at once to the
police. To-day I havo assurances that
the parties will be punished and protec
tion given. (Signed) Evans.
Xlie Government r.nylnjr In Hugo Stores
of Dynninlte CurtrldtreM.
CmcAoo, Jan. 13. Mortimer MoRoberts
of this city, who has a contract to fur
nish all the dynamite cartridges for the
United fatates Army and Navy, said to
day that liis factory, which is located at
Dubuquo, has put on a double force of
workmen aud is working night and day
turning out their product.
No fewer than two thousand men havo
been engaged for the work, and it is
stated that the payments made by tho
Government will foot up into hundreds
oi tnousanus or dollars.
The prospect of a possible war with
Chili is assumed to be the cause for push
ing the manufacture. Until a year ago
rue uniteu btates purchased all her car-
triages or England.
The Case of Flrcmnn Shields.
Washington, Jan. 13. The testimony
taken by District-Attorney Carter in
San Francisco iu the caso of Fireman
ahields, of the American merchant
steamer Keweenaw, is causing a revival
or tno war reeling against Chili. Some
people do not accept tho case as a worthy
one, yet, most men in olllcial Hie are In
clined to accept it as indicative of tho
feeling in Chili against Americans. It
is not probable that the Administration
will make an issuo of the Shields case,
for there is a grave doubt as to his citi
zenship, and tome authorities aro in
clined to question the merits of tho case.
A Flagman nnd Fireman Killed In
Btnnlly nnd their llodlos Iltirnod.
Castile, N. Y., Jan. 13. A rear-end
collision between tvo Lehigh Valley
freight trains occurred in the Erie yard
here at 0 a. m. A flagman named Mc
Carthy of Buflalo, and a brakeman
named Woodruff, who was making his
first trip, were in the caboose and wero
instantly killed.
Ten cars were wrecked. Ave of which.
loaded with oil, caucht fire and were en
tirely consumed, burning tho bodies of
xne tieau men.
The engineer and fireman escaped mr
Arrest of a Smuggler.
Lockport, N. Y.. Jan. 18. Josenh L.
Rice of Rochester was arrested here yes
terday by Deputy Marshal Bardwell for
smuggling operations and bribery, and
was arraigned before U. S. Commissioner
Gilbert. Rice, who confessed to the
charge, owes his arrest to a bonbt uttered
while in Rochester to auotlier merchant
there, to tho effect that ho had smuggled
$800 worth of goods from Europo on tho
Augusta Victoria, by giving the examin
ing Custom House official $10. This was
overueara by Deputy .Marshal Ponieroy,
who, after ascortalidjjg who Rice was, re
ported the niatterVto Bardwell, who
uiaue tno arrest.
The Strike lleoiiencd.
NAsnviLLE, Tenn., Jan, 13, The Ex
press messengers' strike is ou ugaln
and with greater force than ever.
Grand Master Ziba Hurd of Chicago, the
chief officer of the Express Messengers'
iirotueruoou, arrived here yesterday and
met J. H. Bradhcld of Atlanta. These
two gentlemen are members of the
executive committee of the Messengers'
Brotherhood. After making an inves
tigation of the strlko thoy ordered
out every messenger iu the employ of the
Southern Express Company. The strike
will take effect Immediately, and will
last until satisfaction is secured. They
claim that an attempt was made to crush
out the Brotherhood.
T.uthornna In tho United Stntes.
Washington, Jan. 13. Tho Census Of
fice has issued its fifth bulletin on
church statistics, which contains the en
tiro Lutheran communion in the United
States. The statistics given represent
400 bodies of Lutherans, 13. independent
synods and many independent congre
gations. The bulletin gives the total
number of church organizations at
8,437; value of church property, $51,
218,231, number of communicants oi
members, 1,190,514.
K1B0.000 Fire Iu lloclmster.
Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 13. Thi
eight-story building, until recently oc
cupied by Hiram Sibley as a seed store,
was destrcyed by lire yesterday. The
walls fell tin the Second Baptist Church,
and that structure was badly damaged.
Several adjoining smaller buildings were
aUo fecoruhed. Tho lots aggregates
$150,000. Mortimer llronuau, of Hose S,
fqll from a ladder and was nerlously'lu'
The grin la uo longer exclusively the
badge of a commercial traveler's
A Ketnurknble Itenieilv.
A man in a neighboring town having
heard that ntrup r.nnld 1.
crawling head first dowu stairs when the
emu is coming on, tried it Friday. Ho
felt the dreaded approach of the shalte,
and dronnimr on hln h.anrU nn.i tn.
started down tho front stairs. Just as he
started two old ladies came up on the Btoop
to consult with his wife in regard to
Btnpping yuu necKties to tno poor of Now
York, and it bo happened that tho mo-
ment they opened tho door lie lost his
balance and came down upon them like
an avalanche with spokes in it, nnd be-
lore tney could even think of saving
themselves tfio nnpmv wna tlm,,.
and the next instant ,i horriblo mixture
or unmnnity and cloth went revolving
across uie smowaik and Into the street,
to the unmixed astonishment of tho neiuh
bors and to the unconcealed disgust of
tho participants. But it cured him.
The penalty for refusing a leap year
proposal is a iorieif, oi S1IK dress.
Mlloa' Nervo nnd Xiivor Pills
ict on a now principle regulating tht
liver, Motnacli and bowel! throuah the nervet
V new discovery. Dr. Miles' fills speedily
oonstlpatlon. unequaled lor men, women,
children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 50 doses.
25ct. Samples Free, at O. II. UagenbucU'f
The grip aud other aliments have
diuiiuisueu the atteudauce at churches.
A Mystory Explained.
The papers contain frequent notloes of rich,
pretty nnl educated ulrls elonlnir with
negroes, tramps and eiauinnen. The well-
Known specialist, ur. f ratiKiin sum, says all
linh nl.le a n m..-A k....,.n-t
very Imp islve, unbal inced; usually sublect
i uGuuamiu, iieur.jgiu, sieepiesiuess, ltu
modi-rats cry I m; or lauehloe. 1'hesa shown
weas nervous systHm for which there Is uo
remeuytquai 10 Meliorative Nervine. Trial
bottles and a line boo', containing muny
marvelous cures, tree ir O. II. llageubucls
drug Ktore, who also sell, HUd guarantee Dr.
Miles' o-elebMted New lieurL num. thn finp,.!
of heart toulcs. Cures fluttering, short
Ii9st week was the firul.ivr.Blr nfoi,!,.
wiuiry weniuer lor ill IB season.
Shlloh's Oonsuinntlcm Curo.
Thld la li.VAnil niiaoHnn 4V... . .
cestui Cough Medicine wo have ever sold.
lew doses invariably cure the worst cases ol
IVliir ll. tlmiln. n nil tlmnnhlllo mhlla tin
-w-"o-r i ,i ""ii" 11.0 wuu-
n..wv- ,' ,uu I.UIO Ul UUI1SU UJ UUOU 1
v fhnnl .1 n.Hl .1 In V. L.I... . ... .
i'iirei iu vun mnwi j in iiit-'mcinp.
Since It's llrst discovery- It has bean sold on
tuu,(..,io, ir.. ..mi:.! jiii uiunr uieuicinr
vi u t .1 .1 T. ...... K, ...... -1- . ...
. o.kuu. jui, ,uukii we earnestly
ink you to try It. I'rloe 10 cents. 60 cents, and
tl fill I f vmil I .IllKvu nca anA it 1
tame, use Hhlioh'a Porou? Plaster. Sold b
O. H. Ifatreaimcli. N. E, corner Main anb
"When a man hires a dress suit to rrn
uii a icai ua must, puy tuu rent.
Height of Cruelty.
.v.. , Mw.vlt Dc.iivMu icvoiyw mo hv ra
ti lorn s th V liAfinrVA VVhllunrin.!
Vprtrnm wnmon mMm.i 11..
UM I ll iirilrl ntftnn-illiif rn ii.,- p.. .r
IsttmlieUht of cruelty. Hiey have a weak
llPUrt- PMiiftlncr nlinrtnciia nf hraoit. i
puln In hi do, weak and hungry spells, and
uuhsij DiiuitiHK "ji umvic-j, uupresnioD, rnog
mi;, emotherlDKand dropHy. Dr Miles' New
1 1 nn t t. (nenla lust tl,. . v, I - r.. L
10 juomutj iuiuk nir mem. ror
he rnervunQesg, he-idache, weakness, etc.,
lily Ttac, .mti.u Mai-.i .. t ' i- '
. nuui o ja uuuuuieii. r ine
reatsn on "Heart and Nervom Disease" and
isuinuii'iui iree. twin anu
guaranteed by C. 11. lUuonbuch.
T!linl rlnll v lmu hnpn noArl D.,i.
stltute for dynamite in blaatliip;.
Bartow on thnHonnd, Wf sti'hesler Co., N. V.
To Alva's IlruzlllHn HitiniMn iv,
men: Irfistsprlnif 1 wai troubled with what
the douiori to'd me was muscular rheuma
tlsni, I wa iiiiHblo to walk for nearly six
weeks. All this lime I wn iiktn ti,a .naHi.
cine p eserliii-d by (he attending do.-tor, nud
liom which I gut no relief.
... ' lT).eua Bel?t ms 11 '""wo bottle of Cactus
Wood Cure, whli li I trl,t nnn imrnra ......
thlrdsol the Cure was usod I was able to
walk without pain. It Is now iwo muuths
since the palnsloft me, and have not as yet
renin id, and t tfo) entirely Iree from them.
i uui ijou ivruiiiK to you, as i was anxious
O know Whether I Wiia tnmnnnirllv .k na.
inaneutly cured,
11 Is with pleasure that I now slate that
from my present feelings, I would Judge that
I am cured.
Ills lurdly necessary for me to r-commeud
this medicine, us I am nnsttivA tint n -ini
or It Is nil that Is ueo-Hsary, and I ntn fully
IViivlnrni1 it will mwimra.nil iiui
Kor sale at Kirlln's Drug Store, Ftrguson
Homo Illook, Bhenando th, la.
Thfi hoot nnil alinn ,vmii uinl fit. ,ln.,l .
...... ...... v u.w. ,i,L ,ui VII7UI-
era are pleased with the coming snow.
1 1 1 fiTI I fl P Wei ,hB undersluned, were
Hlr I lliir en'lrely cured of rupture hy
UI I U 1 1 U Dr. 1. 11. vtayer, 81 Arcbut:,
hlladl bin. I'll. H. Jones 1'hlltn.s. irnnnm
Hi,uare, l'u.i T. A. Kreltz, Hlitlngtim. l'a.; Jfi,
M.Hmall, Mount Alio fu.! Kev. 8. II. Hltsr
in in. nifibitrv. l'a.: D J.l)ulllt 211 H. lain
xt., Headlu. hi.; Wnt Dlx, 1S2H Montrose Ht ,
Philadelphia: 11. li. Howe, SOU Him Ht., I toad
lug, l'a; (Uorgoand I'll. UurKurt, 430 lxwuit
Ht., Heading, IU. HruiX for olruular.
Clllcers of tho New York Legislature Mnk
Albany, N. Y., Jan. 13. The first
night session of the Legislature nnd th
first practical session of any consequence
took placo last night. The galleries re
served for dpectators were crowded, many
prominent society Utiles being in th
crown nnd on the door of both Senat
and Assembly.
In tho Senate the proceedings began tit
o o ciock, iieut.-uov. Hheehan ascending
the rostrum and Rev. Mr. Phelps deliver
ing tho prayer. Senator Saxton was in
his seat and so all tho members of the
Senate wero present including the new
senator , wnlker. As soon asthegeneral
proceedings were over the Lieutenant
Governor announced the committees, the
more important, or winch are given:
Finance Cantor, McCnrren, Parker,
Osborne, Bloodgootl.Erwln, Smith.
Jtitticlary Hoescti, Parker, McMahon
t-anior, Jtlcuielland, JJloodgood, Uiixton
O'Connor, Mullln.
Taxation and Retrenchment Parker,
l'lttnkitt, Osborne, Erwln, O'Connor.
General Laws McMahon, Parker.
r-i . ,n. . . . ..'
junior, r,nures, n,rwin, uoggeshall
Railroads Edwards. Plunkitt, Mc
Carthy, Hagan, McClelland, Walker,
IU 1111111.
Cities Brown, Hagan, McCarthy,
Entires. Nichols. Cotrceshall. Richardson
Tho Ways and Means Committee of the
Assembly is composed of Messrs. Bush
Ulster; Riley, Connolly, Farnuhar, Qulg
ley, Lalng, Hall, Husted, Deyo, Malby,
A. H. Pierson.
Mr. Sulzer is Chairman of the Judiciary
Committee, and the Committee on Rules
consists of the Speaker, Bush, Ulster;
llitt; Sulzer, Husted, Gallagher.
Col. ltoles and Kx.Cnugrcssmnti Scriintoii
of Scrnnton, i'a.. nt Variance.
Sciianton, Pa., Jun, 13. Col. Henrv
M. Boies' articles on "Pauperism and
Crime," printed in the "Tribune," and
the comments made on one iu which the
Roman Catholic Church was spoken of
as being antagonistic to American insti
tutions and patriotism, have resulted in
seusational libel suiU, which were com
menced hero yesterday.
The Colonel, who is a member of trw
State Boartl of Charities, and part owner
oi tno irlimniy sues ex-Congressman
Scrantou for $100,000 damages, and the
latter is now suing the "Tribune" Pub
lishing company for libel, basing his
action on certain charges made to the
effect that his political career during the
past, uozjii years has been marked by du
plicity and t.e -.'liery and blackmail.
Boie isa and somo broad
insinuation having been made acrninst
mm in the "lieptibllcan," the Congress
man's paiter, concerning Boles, it is prob
able that a counter suit will soon be
brought against Scranton. Other suits
will follow, in all probability, as several
of the rich owners of "Tribune" stock
feel aggrieved at Scranton's broad reflec
Ctrmmorclnl Travelers AVnnt Special Ituti-s
Washington. Jan. 13. Tho commer
cial travelers of the country believo in
uemg eany in tno Held ami In not falling
to achieve tiieir aims throuirh ltrocrns.
tination or luck of energy. They have
already begun to move ou Congress for
an amendment to the Inter-Stnte Com
merce law which will permit tho rail
roads to give tltem special rates of faro
and an extra allowance of baggage.
Several bills on the subject have been
introduced. The House Committee on
Foreign and Inter-State Commerce took
up tho subject yesterday aud devoted its
session to a discussion of the matter.
This discussion developed a favorable
feeling In the committee towards the re
quest of tho commercial travelers, and
showed that they will probably get
wuac tney want trom tuo committee.
Ostrander and Trnmpbottr Still In Jail.
Kingston, N. Y., Jan. 13. A hearing
came on before Judge Cody of Hudson lu
the Supreme Court chambers here, yes-
lertiay, ior a reduction ot uall in tho case
of the defaulting treasurer, James E. Os
trander of the Ulster County Savings
institution, and the reduction of that of
his accomplice, Matthew J. Trumnbour.
After lengthy argument .the Judge do-
citieti mat, he nati no jurisdiction nnd
that tho matter must bo taken before a
Supreme Court judge by habeas corpus
or otherwise. The prisoners were taken
utick to jail and it may bo some time be
fore they secure their release.
Aransas X'ass Situation Unchanged.
Taylor, Texas, Jan. 13. The Aransas
Pass strlko situation is unchanged. Both
sides appear linn. It is tho opinion of
employes hero that n tie-up on all Texas
roads tributary to tho Aransas Pass is in
evitable, fliey still refuse to handle the
large number of Aransas Pass freight
cars sitio iracxeu in the international nnd
Great Northern yard here and the em
ployes of that company say they will
strike if Receiver Campbell insists upon
their being moved by'them.
Alleged Misappropriation of Funds.
Boston, Jan. 13. A bill litis been nid
n the Circuit Court aKtiinst William R
Disney, a member of the firm of Stint..
duff, Disney & Co., of Baltimore, by
counsel for Young, Crelghtou & Biggs,
alleging that Dlwiey has appropriated
patiiiersitip luittis ot mo old lirms of
Hurst, Miller & Co., nnd Creiahton, Dis
ney & C, to tho amount of 410.000. nnd
nsllm; for an injunction to rostrnln any
disposition of Disney's Interest lu the
Dultlmore House.
Tangier llebulllon Spreading,
Maiirid, Jan. 13. -The insurrection in
tho vicinity of Tangier is spreading.
The mountain tribes demand that the
Governor of the Ungera Province, who
lias been noted for his cruoltv and ranaa-
ity, shall be deposed, aud .that otherwise
they will throw off forever the authority
of the Sultan.
Knglund's Heir l're.umptlvii Hotter.
London. .Tan 13 A l,i,ttut(,, lo,.,i
late last evening says that on the whole
tno Duke of Clarence nnd Avondale
passeu a lavoriitue tiay. it was, added
that there is nn mnrknil nh IllllPO ll, lata
condition, hut that he is somewhat bet
ter man no was during tho day.
The Man Who Surrenders Ills Pension.
Boston. Mass.. Jan. 13. TThmuo.i p.
land is the name of tho veteran who no-
lllletl beoretury Noble of the surrender of
his penslou. ' He served three years in tht
Infuntrv and licnvv artillery lit.
tion amounted to $8 per month. He says.
uo ia luuy uuiB m Bupport Himself,
The nrice of Wolff's Acme Blacking la
20c. A bottle, and it U cheap tit that. It
costs more to fill a bottle with Acme Black
ing than other liquid llrtwlngs cost com
plete for the market, inrhttling fancy boxee,
artistic Btoppers, and other paraphernalia.
We sell the Jilackir.gnot the package.
As It Is our desire to fell Acmf Ilr.ACKiNO
cheaper If posRlble. tut r d tinn-cl'-es tin
nblo to do h owing to Iu present cost of
making, we hold u prli oi
Open for1
Until the 1st dny of January, 1893, to be paid
to any one who furnishes a formula ena
bling us to mnko It at Mich u price thin h
retailer can prolltnbly sell it nt loo. a bottle.
WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia.
It COBta 10c. to find nnt-wlint PiTr-trn-w I
and docs. A wimln linen nf itifnrmntlnn
could not givo a correct idea. I'ik-Koii
i,. .i - ,.,! , y . , , , ,
in buuiiauieui me onty pttiniwnicn maves)
Asia whiW glass look like colored glass.
a it i : .
.nil iviaiici., Dell 11,
S3 SHQ rSPs.
.bur? tim Ksr kssm1 'n.'a.c.K.",?r ssf i?ir.
and. easy, and bemuse we make more ehoet of Ihlt
grade than anu otlier manufacturer. It cuuals hand
sewed shoes costing from 1.00 to JitX).
S1 e.entiliio llnnil.scwrd, tho finest ealf
sZZZXJti ovcr. ,"Vrcil for SMuif equals French
Imported shoes whlcn cost from J.oil to $12 no.
T StVllsh. enmfnrlntitn nnH H,. I.l -u-l .
shoo ever ottered at this price t same grade as cus-
tOTwnadeslioes posting from $0.00 to $'"ll.
S3 50 ,,9"-' J;l'n,'l Farmers, Railroad Men
seamless, smooth Inside, heavy thrco soles, exten
sion edite. Onopalrwlllwearojear.
uu iiid luii nu uetiersnoeeveroiTerea ac
thl.s nrlf-ni onn t-lnl nnn...
whoivant a shoe for comfort and service.
have given them n trial will wear no other make.
KOVC' '-!.()0 nnd 81.73 school shoes am
yj worn hy tho borsoverywhere; theycell
on their merits, as tho Increasing sales show.
I nrllPC tjll.UO Ilanil-ni'Meil shoe, best
. . , 7 IJonBoIa,verystyllshiequal3Freuchi
Imported shoes costlmrfrom 4 l-lxlto 6.ui.
lindlcs" iSfSO, s-J.tlO nud S.1.75 shoo for
Misses aro tho best flnoUongola. Myllsh aud durable.
Cnutlon. Sen that W. L. Douclas' narno and
prlco aro stamped on the bottom of each shoo.
Insist on local advertised dealers BilDDlvintr von.
XV. li. DOUGLAS, IJrockton.nfiS. ISfiYy
Kortli main St., SliciMiiidoalt
Puritiea tho blood by ex
pelling the impurities through,
the proper channels and never
causes eruptions on tho skin.
Regulates tho bowels. Cures
dyspepsia, liver and kidney
troubles, tones ur the system
and gives you an appetite.
Never fails o curo any con
dition produced by impure or
impoverished blood, or a dis
ordered state of stomach, liver
or kidneys.
Sold at Kirlln's Orun Stcre,
Ferguson's Hotel liloek. Shenandoah, fa
If you want to Bee a nue display ot Boot! and
wuura. gij ill
Boot and Shoe Store,
(Moatoller's old stand,)
coruer Coal nnrt Jarcllti Hts.
Custom Worlc and Repairing;
Dune in the best ntyle.
Green Truck Stand !
Cor. Main and Oik Streets.
Fresh Oysters Received Daily.
A line line ol Choice OUOQEItlES
Nuts and Candles.
Poultry of all Kinds.
Mr fVtnttnf miuIiub til. .. .. .-...-v. .i.ii
" ., .'Wl.V- III. kIDQII 111IU& UU11V
iiniii (lie city mHrKcts, which in a KunrauUe
tohtscuvomer that they will receive fresh
goods uun buyluffroiu him,
Win not (,(. ni Atn.a nlAnl, n
The best temperance drUih,&,