The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 11, 1892, Image 1

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The Evening Herald
ml tlie t Latest fletfa
The Evening Herald
VOI,. VlI.-NO. 9.
The Evening Herald.
lias a larger circulation In Bhenandoab. than
any other paper published. Circu
lation books open to all.
The President has Issued a procla
mation of retaliation against those
countries which have refused to enter
into reciprocity trade relations with
this country.
Last year's corn crop In the South
was the largest pn record a healthy
sign for that part of the Union. The
Bouth's besetting evil has always
been too much cotton and not enough
Shenandoah Is fortunate In hav
ing fuch an organ as the Sunday
JVeurs. In reading its editorials and
comments on various things, we are
told that it is the only paper. Its edi
tors are the only ones who know any
thing about journalism. They have
big beads. Not naturally so, but
swelled. This disease is very piinful
'to the people of Schuylkill and other
counties. down from the band
wagon, Messrs. Doyle. Como down,
we say ! You'll fall of. The Call.
Cooncilmen and school directors
are not as important public function
aries from a national standpoint as
presidents and congressmen, but the
selection of the right sort of council
men and school directors is of tho
utmost Important to the people of
Shenandoah. The time is coming to
look up Rood men for these Important
The New York Press says: "Tin
plate facts will not down to please
calamity liars. On the contrary, they
insist on hopping up. The Iioch
Laird Estate and Mining, the James
River Steel and Iron Company and
the Cash Tin Mining Company of
Virginia have organized a company
with $2,000,000 capital, partly re
presented by 4,000 acres of iron ore
home-made Rag Carpet; others
Ifor 55c..55o uDilun wards. Also
'u nice Hue of home-made Stair
Carpets. Customers liavlDg carpet
balls of their own si ould send them
aud have them made Into a first-class
carpet. C. D. FRIOKE,
No. 10 S. Jaudin St.
New Tapestry, Yelvet and Body Brussels !
For the Spring: of 189a.
New and handsome pattern. Also a line of MO
QJJJET1B and SMYRNA RUGS all new Spring Styles
and Choice Patterns at Reduced JPrtoes.
FLOOR OILCLOIHSNew patterns, two yards
wide, at 50 cents.
Strictly Choice Goods.
Our Fresh Roasted Java Coffee.
Our 880 Roasted Coffee.
Our Fancy California Prunes.
Our Neiv Lebanon Summer Sausage.
Our JBancy Bloater Mackerel.
Our Fresh Creamery and Dairy Butter.
Our New Strictly Pure Country Lard.
A Quarter of a Dollar will Buy
6 pouiulH New Country Dried Apples.
5 pounds New Californln 1,1 uni Beans.
3 pounds New Knlstus clean, no taenia.
3 pounds New Carolina Jkt. N.
6 pounds Prcsli UolXoats,
Two Cars Choice Timoihy Hay.
land, to build a tin plate mill in that
state, that will turn out GOO boxes dally
and employ 600 hands. We are going
to make our own tin plate in this
country If the worklngmen will say
by their voice that the Democrat
must keep their bands off.
The Democrats take advantage to
show their friendship to foreigners to
secure their votes, but how will the
Jews take their action In the House of
Representatives at Washington In
refusing to authorize the Government
to employ a vessel to carry the con
trunnions of grain, etc., of ourcitizens
to the starving peasantry of Russia?
If you aro going to run for office th's
spring, announce yourself in tho Herald
Our 'Lias Reed is getting thoro In great
shape. He is smart and sharp and basso
cured several fat positions for Republicans,
nil of which is doing pretty good when It
is taken into consideration that he has two
Democrats as colleagues in the County
Commissioner's office. Minersville Messen
There will be much disappointment this
year for seekers after county offices, be
cause there will bo so few to fill, viz
District Attorney and Director of the
Mabanoy City, not to be behind hand
this year, has quite a number of candidates
for olSces.
There will be no dearth of candidates for
the borough offices this spring, and the
primaries will be well attended.
This year's borough government should
be in good hands since, with the comple
tion of tho electric railway and the Intro'
duction of other industries It will require
men of business experience and good
John Cather, Sr., is with us again.
Elmer J. Was ley visited Pottsyille on
O. D. Hess was a Pottsvilln visifor on
John M. Price and his whole family, of
No. 4, are ill witb the grip.
Miss Lizzie' Birgin, of town, spent yes
terday with her parents at Girardville.
Hon. D, D. Phillips, of Gordon, was Id
town on Saturday to meet President Sadler,
of the Electric railway.
Thomas L, Stevenson, of West Coal
street, is suffering from a bruised ankle,
sustained by an accident in the mines last
week. ,
Closing Out,
At great bargains, a first-class lino of
second hand stoves, ranges and heaters ;
both double and single heaters, and every
stove warranted. Call and see tbem, es
they will be sold at a sacrifice, to close out
the stock, at No. 131 South Main street
(Hrennan's building), Shenandoah, near
Steam Laundry. 12-80-tf
Work: Was Started Tbia Morning
and Speedy and Cheap Travel
to Pottsvillo Will Soon be
It was cheering news this morning to
learn that the Pennsylvania Kallroad
Company bad taken steps to put its short
lino routo botween here and Pottsvillo in
condition for travel.
Tbo suspension of traffic on this line has
been a source of great inconvenience and
tho uncertainty that has hovered over the
f Jture j the branch has been the subject
of considerable discussion, marked by ex'
pressions of regret.
The advantages of th short lino over
tho Delano routo bavo beon a saving of
one-third in the price of faro and a saving
in time of travel ot at least half an hour
made It vory popular, and this popularity
was increased by tho adoption of a now
schedule, just boforo the road was aban
The new schedulo enabled people to leave
town for Pottsvillo at 11:45 a. m., attond
court and return hero in time for supper,
Those are advantages with which the Le
high Vaiiy road cannot compete and when
deprived of them tho people naturally felt
But, with its usual spirit of enterprise,
tho Pennsylvania Company has once more
stepped forward and will again put tho line
in condition. Tbo section of the road dam
aged by the cave-in will remain abandoned
and a new track will be laid around it. A
gang of .workmen and several hones and
carts were sent to tho placo early this morn
ing and began operations. It is believed
that trains will be running under the old
schodulo within a few days.
They all Read It
As a proof that the Herald is widely
road and that it Is the advertising medium
of this section, Mr. Wilson Otto, a young
man well known Ip town, is willing to
attest. Friday afternoon Mr. Otto placed
an advertisement in the Ribald, calling
for the return of a modal be lost the night
before. Saturday morning Mr. Otto called
at the Herald office and said, "You may
WUe my advertisement out. I received
the medal within three hours alter the
Herald was Issued lust night ana I giv.
the papor crodit for tho return." The
advertisement cost Mr. Otto but CO cents.
As an ther piece of evidence that tljt
Ukrald is widely road we reli-r our
readers to the several communications in
to-days issue on various subjects. It may
be stated here that the Herald will gldlj
publish all proper communications, what
ever tho number may be, but it is hoped
that our request in Saturday's issue will be
respected that the communications be as
short as a fair presentation of tbe su jecu
will admit. It is also necessary that ail
correspondents shall furnish their real
names with communications, not for publi
cation, but as an evidence of good faith.
This rule is imperative. Two communica
tions signed "Water" and "Special Elec
tion" received at this office this morning
will not be published because that rule has
nJtbeon complied with.
Buoklen'a Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Itboum, Fever
Sores, Totter, Cbarped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no payment required.
It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 23 cents per
box. For sale by O. U. Uagenbuch.
Telegrapher's Ball.
Tbe first annual grand ball under the
auspices of Order Kail road Telegrapher
will be held at Pottivllle, Pa., on Thurs
day, January 14th, 1882. The officers of
of the evening will be: J. Edmund Stan
ton, master of ceromonios; J. D, Reilly,
floor manager; H. Ko.ber, M, A, Halton,
J. K. Qulnn, O. K. Anderson and J. W.
Curtln, committee of arrangements; Thos.
Reilly, H, M. Reynolds, A, B. Carney, J.
D. Scanlan and n. S. Koons, assistant floor
managers. Music will be furnished by tbo
Schoppe orchestra. The elegant dancing
programmes secured for the occasion are
from tbo Herald ofllco, Thoy aro of ex
quisite and very appropriate design and the
printing is equal to tho work of ibe best
city establishment.
A, Surprise
Keep your eye on this local. Keagey,
the photographer, will have his new Open
ing lnA fftw ilHVs'fin1 will fi.vA inmA(hln
interesting that will surprise the, people,' tf
Opposed to the Bossos.
Editor Ukrald; I notice in youi
contemporary, tho News, yesterday, thai
Mr. Rradigan, assistant superintendent ol
tbe P. & 11. O. & I Co., will be a candl
Hate for Council. With all due respect to
Mr. Bradigan, I would say that he ought
to see that there are too many of his com
pany in that body now and it this thing
koops on the Council and, perhaps, the
School Board will become boss machines.
Elect good men not connected nith the
company and the people wilt not be led to
suspect that tbo work of Council wilt first
be for tbe company and then the people.
Give tbe other people a chance.
Jan. 11, 1892. J. O. M.
Hit Right.
Editor Herald : Saturday's Herald
was read by mo with great satisfaction.
The writer of the communication on the
doings of the joint water committee hit
hard and hit right. He may be wrong in
quobtioning the motivos of Messrs. Lamb,
Wurm and Cable, and I hope he is, but in
tho main he is correct. Let tbe people
settle this business at a special election. 1
am for a new water company and think a
majority of the voters aro, but let us say bo
by our ballots and leave- no quo'tion as to
the acts of the joint committee. It will be
tho best way out of the difficulty and will
give better satisfaction to all concerned.
Jan. 11, 1892.
Gambling Complained Of.
Editor Herald : Allow me to call
attention of the Burgess to tho numerous
pokor dons and other gambling places in
town whore the young men of town spend
their evenings and Sundays to thoir regret.
Tbore is ilways ono or two professionals
(unknown, of course,) in the game who
generally win the poor boys' earnings. A
little inquiry will put the officers on tbe
right track. It Is lawful to "pull" these
places, as it was done lately in Philadel
One Who Knows
Shenandoah, Pa., Jan. 11, 1892.
Well Ploased.
Editor Herald; As a Hebrew, I
wish to state publicly that since I have
been in the to n nothing has boen more
interesting and pleating to me than Rev,
"W. McNally's last two sermons on "The
Second Cuming of Christ." I would ad
vise all tbe people of my race in town to
hear the reverend gentleman's next ser
mon on the subject of their deliverance.
It will bo a treat for them,
. Hebrew.
Shenandoah, Pa., Jan. 11, 1892.
Elect tho Boat.
editor ukrald: under the new
eloction law it will bo necessary to elect
the very best men for tho election board,
it is essential for the interests of all parties
that there should be no mistake in this.
Get tbe beet, tbe law will do tbe rest.
Shenandoah, Jan. 9, 1862.
Tho Most Pleasant Way
Of preventing tbo grippe, cold, head
aches, and levers is tu use the liquid laxa
live remedy Sirup of Figs, whenever tho
system need? a gentle, jet tflective cleans
I g. To be benfHed onu must get the
true remdy mamifactijjd by the Cali-
Ionia Fig Syrup Co. J.!jW- For sale by
all druggists in fiOo at JaBbottles.
The BontKnoral.
Tho funeral of the Wato William Bent
who died un tbe Gth Inst., took placo Satur
day afternoon from tbe late residence on
West Cheery stroet. It was a large one
and mr inhere of Shenandoah Lodge, No.
611, F. & A. M.. and PlaiSk Kidge Lodge,
No 880, L'O. O. J, were in attendance.
Interment was made in tho Odd Follows'
A Leader.
Sinco its first introductu n, Electrio Bit
ters has gaim d rapidly in popular favor
until now it is clearly in tbe lead amo'g
pure medicinal tonics and a'teruatives
containing nothing which permits its use
as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized
as the best and purest medicine for all ail
ments nt Siomach Liver or Kidnovs. Ii
will cure Sick Headache, Indigestion, Con
stipation, and drivo Malaria trem the sys
tem. Satisfaction guaranteed with each
bottle or the money will be refunded.
Price only 60c. p r bottle. Sold by O. II
Coughing LeadB to Consumption.
Kern 't Balsam will stop tbe cough at
"Columbian Fair March,"
Tho latent in sheet music Also 8,000
copies to select from. Brumm's, 18 East
Centro street. 1-5-tf
Desirable Lodge Room.
A lodg desiring a cosy meeting ro m on
Wednesday, Saturday, pr Sunday evenings
of each week can be accommodated at
Mollet's hall, which ha been recently
papered, painted and carpeted, Apply to
M. MelleU
"Let observation with extended view, sur
vey good things from China to Tern" and ha
will not And anything ol such astonishing
merit In killing all the pains that flesh la
heir to, as (Salvation Oil, as be will know,
when be baa given it a lair trial.
Quarterly Meeting in tho Motho-
dlst Episcopal, Church A Ser
mon Rev. S. W. Thomas, D.
D., Presiding Elder.
Sunday was what tho Methodists call
quarterly mooting. It was tho occa-ion of
the stated visitation of tho Presiding Llder,
Rev. S. W. Thomas, D. 1)., who con
ducted the quarterly Love Feast at 9 a. ra.
and preached at 10:30. He was grated by
a largo congregation who were deeply im
pressed by bis earnest words of counsel
and comfort. He spoke from John I-1G:
'Of His fullness have all we received, and
grace tor grace." After lifting the
thoughts of bis hearers to a fuller appro
hension of the boundlessness of God and
His resources, ho grouped his thoughts
under tbreo general heads. 1st Divino
lovois equal to human capacity. 2nd
Divine power is equal to human extremity
3d Divine comfort is equal to human
frailty. We receive "grace for grace."
God takes us just as wo are and fills us
full. He is able to do exceeding abund
anlly above all that wo ask or think accord
ing to the power that workoth in us. In
return ho asks us to servo Him with all our
powers. "Thou shalt love tho Lord thy
God with all thy heart" not somebody
else's heart "and with-all thy mind"
not somebody else's mind "and with all
thy soul" notsomebody else's soul "and
with all thy strength" not somebody's
oleos strength. Divino power supple
moms our weakness and provides for our
emergencies. The old Testament worthies
for whom God wrobgbt special miracles
aro having their experiences repeated in
every day life now not perhaps in identl
cal forms but in vital principles. There me
multitudes of heroes and martyrs who,
like tbe apostle, are dying daily crucify
ing tbo flesh and its lusts suffering for
consciences' sake who would rather die for
the truth than surrender it but the asso
ciated press never heralds their names.
For evory man that abstracts money from
his employer's safe there Are thousands
who have a chance to do it and won't, but
it is only the rascal that becomes famous.
To those faithful souls whose toilsome lot
becomes wearisomo to flesh and blood
thero Is an InSnito preciousness in tho
divine power which helps and the divine
comfort which sustains. Those points
were skilfully elaborated and beautifully
illustrated trom practical life. In tbe af
ternoon be addressed tbe Sunday school.
This was Dr. Thomas' first appearance in a
Sunday service in Shenandoah and it will
not soon be forgotten by those who heard
him. Tho evening sermon was by the
panor who raised : "Tho Battle Cry ol
the Church. "O Lord rovive'Thy work."
A Pastor Ordained.
The ordination of Kev Owoi' Enoch, the
recently called paslor of the Welsh Cjii
grogatlonal cburcb, commenced In the
c lurch on Saturday evening, Revs, Lewis,
of Scranlon, and Davies, of Mt. Oarmol
officiating, The formal ceremoii) took
place yosterday morning, when Rev, F. T
Evans, of Mahanoy City, delivered the
charge to Rev. Enoch Rev. Lewis d, -livered
the cbargo to tho church. Rev
Davies delivered the ordination prayer
At the conclusion of these ceremonies
Rovs, Evans and Lewis preached nble ser
mons. At 2 o'clock v. ra.. Rev. D. I Evans,
of the Welsh Baptist chureh, and R v
P -wick, of tho M. E. church, preached
two stirring sermons in English. Th
evening service was in Welsh, tbe preach
ing being by Revs. F. T. Evans and M
L wis. People crowded tha church -nd
isteced attentively for nearl three hour
The singing in tho evening service was
treat. Tho choir was ei-necially good am;
rendered "I wl'l arise and go to my father'
,ith splendid effect. The church can raise
a splendid Choir, as it has some of the be-1
volco in town. It Ii hop-d both Welsh
churches will give their attention to choi
E Beyan.
Jan. 11, 1892
Immense Antlora.
On Saturday Henry Welderhold receiv
ed from his broth'-r, Theodore, in Colorado
theaounted head, neck and antlers of an
elk They are of immense size, probably
the largest ever so n here, and have a com
bined weight of 800 pounds. They wore
mounted at Boulder, Col,, and shipped
d'rect to Mr. Welderhold, who will take
them with him to Germany next Summer,
Each antler has six prongs and there is a
span of fire feet between the highest point
Tbe neck is eighteen inches In diameter.
They aro now on exhibition at Ruhlann
Bros.' butcher ib ip, on East Centre street
There are many common liniments nold
but there In only one grrat l'ln cure for all
forms or dpralus. Oula, Urulsea andall bodilv
pain. Its name is Ited Flag Oil. Oosu Si
cents. Bold at P, I'.l). K lrllu 1 drug store.
Best photograp hi and crayons at Dabb's
A Republican Paper Publishes a
Philadelphia, Jun. 8 Tho Daily
Ntws of .this city, a Republican paper.
sayi: "There are M8 Democrats in the
Bridesburg Arsenal, and tho wiv and
children of these men aro more obnoxioU'
to the wives and child -en of Republicans
there than tbe Bourbon placeholders
theraselve.". There are 700 Democrat! in
the post office, and any mother's eon of
them can act as a window-book man, or
take any other part in p litics, without
fear of losing his place; but, if a Republi
can in the post office dares to join a Re-
pub'ican ward committee, his is
likely to go. Under Surveyor Ridgway,
the best places are held by hide bound
Democrats. While hundreds of displaced
Republicans walk tho strcots without work,
and their piacoj aro filled under a Repub
lican President by Democratic heelers."
The publication has created quite a stir
intho Republican ranks and steps aru to
bo taken to ascertain why the wolvas are
allowed to remain in the fo i
"Uncle Tom's Ctibln."
Marney & McGiiwon'o Spectacu ar
Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. showed at tbo
Bedford Opera Huuso. This company i.
composed of tho best artists that money
can procure. The company number
twenty people e.nd among them are some
of tho strongest specialists in A .erica.
They carry their special scenery for each
act, and it is without doubt tho greatest
production of Uncle Tom now traveling
Bedford (Ind ) Democrat. "Uncle Tom's
Cabin" will be produ:ed at Ferguson's
tbeatro to-night.
Resolutions of Condolence.
The following resoluli n was adopted by
tbo Shenandoah School Board, at its regu
lar meeting on the Ctb inst :
Resoloed, That our fellow member R. A.
Davenport has our heartfelt sympathy in
this his present bereavement and that as a
mark of respect to him and his decease
wife, we will attend the funenl in a body,
and request tbe teachers and janitors also to
Resolved, That the foregoing resolution
be spread on tbe minutes of te boa'd and
published In the Shenandoah Ueaald and
a copy of the same be presented to tbe
family of the deceased.
Frank Hanka
Wm. Trezisk
Phil. H. Garlk
Alumni Banquet.
On Saturday the executive committee
met at the home of Miss Fairchild, on
Whito street, to make arrangements for a
banquet to bo held February 19 1892. at
Pennsylvania Hall, Poltiville, for tho
Keystone Alumni members residing in the
anthracite district of Pennsylvania, Qjita
a lengthy programme was arranged and a
general good time is anticipated.
M. E. Revivals.
Rovival mot'lii gs will be held in hs
Mi'hodist Episcopal church this we9k.
Tho Pillowing su j ts of discours ve
bein seleettd: Monday, 'You Must bi
O nverted." Tue day, "But ust I g o
tie A'tar." W'dnosday, I'ho Y o
0 n."' Thu".Uy, "That Wife I M r
rled ' Friday, "Are You 'Pat Keel
ing?" "tuy Keystone Sour. Be careful tha she
.e Lxssio & Co., ABhland, I'- is
orintd on every Rck 8-R-"
CAMPBELL On tbe 9.h inst., at
Turkey Run. Pa., Daniel Campbell, aged
61 year?. Funeral will take plsce cn Tues
day, 12th inst , at 9 a. m. High Mass at
the Annunciation church, Shenandoah.
Interment in the Annunciation comotery.
Relatives and friends rospectfully iovited
to attend. 1-11-lt
FOLEY. In Shenandoah, on Sundsy,
January 10th, 1802, Nellie, infant daugh
ter of Martin Foley.
Funeral to take place from the rosideneo,
413 West Coal streot, Wednesday after
noon at 2 o'clock. 1-1 l-2t
Best work done at Brennan'a steam
'sundry. Everything white and spotless.
Lace curtains a specialty, All work guar
anteed, of 7huMe" is Ihe unhappy sufferer
with pains and rheumatlMn. Ilea Flag 'Ilia
the ijni' ns pain cure for Rheumatism, Gout,
Neuralgia and .Lumbago, Costs 25 cei t.
Hod Flag Oil la sold at 1. I'. D. Klrlln's dius
Everybody Knowa
Everybody Knows
Everybody Knows
That Colgate's
That Colgate's
That Colgate's
Toilet Soaps
Tol'ct Soaps
Toilet Boapa
Are tbo Beet
Are the Best
Are the Best
When you are getting a piece ot Toilet Bqap
get It good, for It laiU longer and give better
satisfaction generally. A piece of Bo. p with
the name or Colgate on it can be rtrpendixl
upon as the purest and brst that can be pur
chased for tbe money, A full Hue at
122 North Jardin S treat.