The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 09, 1892, Image 1

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The Evening Herald
Jill tlje Latest. jJetfs
The Evening Herald
VOL. VII.--NO. 8;
The Evening Herald.
lias a larger circulation In Bhonandoan than
L any other paper published. Clrcu.
5 latlon books open to all.
i While It Is complained tliat Potts
r vllle received the lion's share of the
,1 appointments on the hill, it cannot be
'gainsayed that they are Rood ones
throughout. The re-appolntments
1 are men of experience, consequently
) desirable for thelt respective positions,
while the nW ones have been chosen
olely for their merits and entire
adaptability for the positions to which
i they have been appolnted.iJepu&Ji
Scan. A The abilities of the appointees are
1 not questioned and it; Is, hoped that
v the Pottsvllle people are not foolish
enough to glory in the belief that com-
petent men can only be secured In
I their town. Pottsvllle always has
been, is, and always will be hoggish
I The coolest man in the world is he
, who gets his printing done at some
f little job office and comes to the news
paper office for a free puff. There are
isuch people living yet, we are sorry to
f ay wuo are either so stupid or un
" thinking as to suppose that a news
lgaper is published as a gift ontetprlse,
and that its columns should be given
-ft way; that it can live on wind and
h 'exist by puffing; that it is ft public
Convenience, everybody's friend,
jrwhloh does not need patronage, but
cornea out dally or weekly for the gen-
eral benefit, and pay its own expenses.
; We have no kind words for the man
jtwho pays for hla enterprise at one
place and expects the newspapor
printer to help for nothing.
A. gHENANDOAir grumbler now
grumbles because Pottsvllle got eleven
cut of the nineteen appointments
made by the Commissioners on Mon
day, and Shenandoah got left. And
again he grumbles because Pottsvllle
'sets more iurors than Sheuaudoah.
bio should remember In this connec
tion that there is a law governing the
'character and class of men whose
nameigo into the jury wheel. This
home-made Rag Carpet; others
for65c.,65o auduuwards. Also
ja nice line of home-made Btair
Carpets. Customers having carpet
balls of their own should send them
and have them made into a first-class
carpet. U. D. FRIOKE,
No. 10 S. Jardin St.
(New Tapestry, Velvet
For the Spring: of 1802,
QUJET1B and SMYRNA ItUGS-all new Spring Styles
and Choice Patterns at Reduced Prices.
FLOOR OILCLOlHS-JTew vatterns.
wide, at 60 cents.
Strictly Choice Goods.
F Our 38c Roasted Coffee.
If Our Fancy California
j Our JVetv Lebanon
Our JBancy Bloater Mackerel.
, Our Fresh Creamery and Dairy Butter.
Our New Strictly Pure Country Lard.
A Quarter of a
pounds New Country Dried
5 pounds New California Lima Beans.
3 pounds New Raising clean, no stems.
3 pounds New Carolina Rice.
6 pounds Frcsli Rolled Oats.
Two Cars Choice Timothy Hay.
may have something to do with tin
seemingly undue proportion ofjurort
taken from Pottsvllle. Republican.
The "Shenandoah grumbler," thf
Hekald and the Republican are all
well aware that there is a law gov
erning the character and class of men
whose names go into the jury wheel.
They are also aware that that law It
subservient to a custom established at
the county seat, whereby, a crowd ol
corner ornaments, heelers and ealoon
suckers are pensioners, supported by
jury and arbitration fees. The cor
respondent to the Herald hit the
bull's eye. The harder Pottsvllle 1b
hit the louder it squeals.
By its own language the Herald
or its correspondent insinuates that
Pottsvllle cets the largest batch of
Iurors bv crooked work. Does our
esteemed Republican contemporary
mean to cast a reflection on the in
tegrity of Sherlft Comrey and Jury
Commissioner Batdorff as they retire
from office? Chronicle.
There are more than the Herald
and its correspondents and readers
north of the mountain wondering
over Pottsvllle's good luck in the jury
business. In every drawing two
thirds of the jurors loom up In the
persons of Pottsvllle men. If the
people of that place had the same luck
with lotteries they would soon wipe
them out of existence. No, the HER'
ALD is not reflecting upon anybody.
We are only surprised by Pottsvllle's
good luck.
Stood the Tost.
All cock' 8 Porus Plasters are unapproacb
abla in curative properties, rapidity and
safety of action, and are the only reliable
plasters ever produced. They have suc
cessfully stood the tost of over thirty yours'
uso by the public; their virtues have never
been equalled 'jy, the unscrupulous imita
tors who have sought to trade upon the
reputation of Allcock's by making plasters
with holes In them, and claiming thorn to
be "just as good as Allcock's," and they
stand to-day indorsed by not only tho
highest medical authorities, but by millions
of gratoful patients who have proved their
efficacy as a household remedy.
Beware of imitations, and do not bo de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for All
cock's, and let no solicitation or explana
tion induce you to accept a substitute, lw
Desirable Lodge Room.
A lodge desiring a cosy meeting room on
Wednesday, Saturday, or Sunday ovenings
of each week can be accommodated at
Mollet's ball, which has been recently
papered, painted and carpeted, Apply to
II, Mellet.
and Body Brusse
two yards
Summer Sausage.
Dollar will Buy
Whoro Those Who Are So Dis
posed May Attend DlTino
"Worship To-morrow Other
Local News.
All Saints' Episcopal church, Oak street,
near Main, Bev. Floyd E. West, rector.
Services as follows : Morning prayer and
litany with reading and sermon, 10:30.
Evening prayer andsermon, 6:30 Sunday
school at 2 p. m. The rector officiates and
preaches at the morning service on the
second and fourth Sundays of each month
and at the evening service on the first and
third, a lay'r-'ader officiating in his absence.
P. M. church, corner of Jardin and Oak
streets. Services Sunday at 10:30 5. m
and C-.30 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m.
Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor at G
p. m. every Sabbath. Classes meet Tues
day and Wednesday evenings at 7 o'clock
and Sunday at 0:30 a. m. General prayer
meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. H. G,
Bussell, pastor.
Ebenezer Evangelical church. Itov. H.
J. Glick, pastor. Services Sunday at
10 a. m. in Gorman, and 6:30 p. m. in
English. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.
All are heartily invited, to attend.
Trinity Reformed church. Bev. Bobert
O'Boyle, pastor. Services to-morrow
morning and evening. English services in
the morning and evening. Sunday school
at 1:30 p.' in.
English Baptist church, South Jardin
itreet. Bev. H. G. James, pastor. Preach
ing at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. by the
the pastor. Morning subject: Growth in
Grace. Evening subject : Tho Barren
Fig Tree. Sabbath school at 2 p. m.
Deacon John Bunn, ;uporintendent. On
Monday ovonlng at 7:30 the B, Y. P.
Union will meet. On Wednesday evening
evening at 7' 0'cjock a general prayer
Welsh Baptist church, D. I. Evans, paS'
tor. Service in tho morning at 10 a. m
Ho service la the evonlng. Sunday school
at 2 p. m.
41. E. church, Bov. Wm. Powick, pastor.
Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30
p. m. Fourth quarterly meeting. Love
Feast at 9 a. in. in charge of the Bev. S
W. Thomas, D, D., presiding elder, who
will preach at 10:30. Sunday school at 2
p. m., followed by the devotional meeting
of the Ep worth League. Preaching by
the pastor at 6:30 p. m. Subject: "Tho
Battle Ory." Bovival services every
n'ght. Come and welcome.
Presbyterian church, Bev." W. McHally,
pastor. Servicos at 10:30 a. in. and 6:30 p,
m. In tho morning the subject will be
"The Defeat at Al, or Sin in tho Gimp."
Sunday school at 2 p. m. In the evening
tho subject of "The Lord's Second Ojm-
lng" will be continued and the theme wil
be "The Btstoraiion of Israel, and Signs
of its Fulfilment." All are cordially in
vited, both Jew and G nlile.
Welsh Congregational cjuuch, Bay
Owen Enoch, pastor. Ordination services
Saturday evening at 7 p. m. A Walsh
Sermon by Bev. E. B. Lewis. Scranton.
Sunday at 10 a. m. the ordination will take
place, when Bevs. E, B. Lewis and F. F
Evans, of Lansford, will take part. The
service will be conducted in Welsh. Ser
mons in English at 2 p. m. by Bev. D. I.
Evans, and Bev. Wm. Powick, of town
At 6 p. m. Bevs. F. F Evans and E B.
Lewis will preach in t Welsh. Monday
evening lat 7 prayer mo'ting, Tuesday
evening at 7 Christian Endeivor. Thurs
day ovoning at 7 class meeting, Cordial
welcome to all.
A Million Friends.
A friend In need is a friend indeed, and
not less than one million poople have found
just such a friend in Dr. King's Hew Dis
covery fr Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. If you have never used this Great
Cough Medicine, one trial will convince
you that It baa wonderful curative powers
in all diieasos of Throat, Chest and Lungs
Each bottle la guaranteed to do all that Is
claimed or money will bo roundod. Trial
bottles tree at O. U. Hagenbuch'a drug
store. Large bottles 50c. and $1.00.
Closing' Out,
At great bargains, a first-class line of
secondhand stoves, ranges and heaters;
both double and single heaters, and every
stove warranted. Call and soe them, as
ttioy will be sold at a sacrifice, to close out
the stock, at Ho, 131 South Main street
(llronnan's building), Shenandoah, near
Steam Laundry. 12-30-tf
A Friend in Need,
Cmnty Commissioners (to colleague)
"Well, we have accomplished good work
the pait year. We've ooraploted the new
court house. '
( 'olleague. "Yes, what will we do next?'
O. O. "Increase the assessments in
Shenandoah to pay for It."
Town and County.
Tho now iron bridge over the Lehigh
Valley railroad leaves soveral more inches
space under it than the old rod bridge.
Keep the paveraont' clear of snow and
Ice. Tho borough' ordinance provides a
penalty for not doing so.
Ex-Tax Collector Titman settled his
county tax duplicate in full yesterday.
Cmnty Superintendent Weiss has ar
ranged to hold a local institute at Auburn
on Friday and Saturday, Januaty 22 and
23. Among the instructors will bo Doputy
Ststo Superintendent Houck.
Among those convicted on Thursday for
selling liquor without license were Will
iam Davonport, of Horweiean township;
M'chael Gaulfleld, Cbnrlei Dougherty,
Charles Carroll and John O'Brien, all of
West Mahanoy township. Ail wore sen
tenced to pay the costs of prosecution, a
fine of $500 and sent to tho county prison
for a term of three months, excepting
Charles Dougherty who, on account of ill
health, was permitted to go upon payment
of costs. His case will be held over him,
and if he fails to comply with the law, he
will also be fined $500 and sent to prison.
The jury in the case of Hamilton Bos-
king, of Sbonandoah, indicte'd for larceny
as Dalle, on oath ot David JNicewintur, a
Shenandoah hotel keeper, returned with a
verdict of guilty. Hoskins was sentenced
to pay a fine of $20, costs, restore property,
and four months imprisonment.
The grand jury found a true bill against
I, H. Carl for selling liquor on Sunday.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively curo3 Piles, or no payment required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by C. H. Hagenbuch.
Ordination ServieeB,
Services will be held in the Welsh Con
gregational church, commencing Saturday
evoning and all day Sunday, when the Bev.
Owen Enoch will bo ordained to tho full
work of tho ministry. Mr. Enoch is a
native oi Hewsquay, Cardiganshire. Ho
received his collegiate training at tho Pres
byterian college, Carmarthen, where he
computed his course of four years last
July, Mr. Enoch has been in this coun
try barely three months. Tho following
gentlomen are expected to take part in tho
services : Bev. F. F. Evans, Lansford ;
Bev. E. B. Lewis, Scranton; Bev. Mr.
Evans, Baptist minister of town, and Bev.
Wm. Powick.
"Unole Tom's Cabin."
Marney & McGowen'a Spectacular
Unele Tim's Otbin Co. showed at the
Bedford Opera Houso. This company Is
composed of the best artists that money
can procure. The company cumbers
twenty people and among them are somn
of the strongest specialists in America.
Toey carry their special scenery for each
act, and it is without dou 't the gjeilest
production of Uncle Tom now traveling
Bedford (Ind.) Democrat. "Uncle Tora'a
Cnbin" will h nroiii eU at Ferguson'
thoatre on Monday night.
Every family should have the Gonuine
imported Anch ir Pain Expellor in the
11 uso. It is the host known remedy for
Ii.fluenz-, Backache, Pans In. tho Side
Chett and J lntf. It is and ever will bt
the best rrmcd lor all Bheumatic com
plaints. 0 prize medals awurded to the
manufacturer o this valuable preparation.
50 cents a bottle, and to be had at all drug
gists. 3t
Annual Encampment.
The twonty-sixth annual Encampment
of the Department of Pennsylvania, Grand
Army of the Bepublio, will convene at
Pittsburg, Wedneay, Fobruary 24th.
Headquarters will bo establls ed at the
Seventh Avenue Hotel on th- 23 1. Ar
rangements have been made over the
various railroads for a rate of one fare for
tbo round trip on cird orders, to be sold
good going Fob'Uiry 2 id to 21th, and good
roturning unttl February 29th, inclusive.
Found Out.
The best and camint way to get rid of a
Cough or cold that may develop Into con
sumption la to Invest 25 ueuu In a bottle ot
1'au.Tlna, the gr at remedy fir Coughs, Olds,
La arlppe, Throat and I.ung Disorders, Trial
bottles nee ut 1. 1. U. Klillu's drug store.
CAMPBELL. On tho 9th Inst., at Tur
key Ku, Pa , Daniel Campbell, aged 51
years. Fcqeial will tako placo on Mon
day, 11th Inst,, at 0 a, m. High Mais at
the Annunciation church, Sbonandoah.
Interment In the Annunciation cemetery.
Bolatlves and friends reepectfully Invited
to attend. 1 0 It.
Tho Sins of the Father, Etc
Pottsvllle Father (to hla youngest)
"Johnny, my son, what would you like to
have lor a blrthday'present ?"
The Youngest "O, give me one of those
nice jury wheels you talk so much about."
Lane's Family Modloino
Moves the bowels each day. Most people
need to use iU
Waters' Welaa beor it tho best. John A.
Beilly tole agent. o-5-tf
Cases In Court In "Whioh Town
People are Interested Gon
stableToomey's Caso Set
Down' for Trial.
One day last October while Policeman
D. J. Conners, of town, was in a Pottsville
saloon with frionds a fellow named Michael
Kelly, residing at Gilberton, entortd the
place. Some weeks previous Connors had
arrested Kelly in town on a charge of
disorderly conducted and the arrest
poisoned the lattor's mind against the
officer. As Kelly entered he exclaimed,
'Hello, Conner! I" The policeman re
turned the salutation pleasantly and added,
Come and have something, I'm setting
them up."
Kelly turned with a scowl on his face
and said, "Ho, I w.uldn't drink with you
and, what is more, 1 can pay for my
"O. very well:" replied Conners, "I
wouldn't give you one, now."
"You're a dirty ," re
torted Kelly.
This was too much for Conners, who
shot out his right arm. The blow landed
on Kelly'B face and knocked him down.
Kelly gathered himself up and hastened
to 'Squire Hill's office. When Conners
was on his way to take a train to Shenan
I doah he was arrested. Hh gave bail to
I answer a charge of assault and battery pre'
forred by Kelly,
On Wednesday the caso went before the
grand jury. Tho bill was ignorod and
Kelly was saddled with the costs.
This case should, serve as a warning to
toughs who labor under tho idea that a
policeman Is an animated spittoon. A po
liceman is entitled to the same rights and
respect accorded any other citizen.
The Williams Funeral.
The funeral of William Williams, the
fire boss who met his death in one of the
Park collieries, took place yesterday after
noon. Tho services ere conducted at the
late residence in Pirk Place by Bjv. D. I.
Evans, pastor of the Welsh Baptist church,
of town. Tbo remains were then placed on
a Lehigh Valley train and arrived here,
accompanied by a number of mourners,
at 1:40 p. m. The cortege then proceeded
to tho Odd Fellows' cemetery, headed by
tho members of Washington Camp, Ho.
112, P. O. S. of A. Tho pall bearers were
Messrs. George L. Hafner, Henry Sampsell,
John William i, El ward Brown, Samuel
Ball and Joseph Lohm er.
Daniel Campbell died at his homo In
Turkey Run this morning from pneumo
nia. Ho was 51 yesrs of age and leaves a
widow and eleven children. All the child
ren, except one, reside in town, The
youngest la 13 years ot ago. John J, Ctmp-
ootl, tho second oldest son, is a resident of
MunWna. Tho deceased had been a resi
d 'lit of Shenandoah for thirteen years.
The funeral will tako place at 9 a. m. on
Monday. High Mass in tho Annunciation
"Y" Programme,
The following programme will be offered
al the "Y" meeting tfa ! evening:
Heading, MUr Sbollenberger.
Kssay, -Our Home," .Mabel Marshall.
Bluging. Oboir,
"Joys 01 BlngleLlle," John T. lawson.
Heading, Currle Smith.
In, trumemal music. Mame Eoyer.
"How 1 tpentWew Years."
Critic, Edwaru Dauau.
Deserving Praise.
We desire to say to our citizens, that for
years we have been selling Dr. King's Hew
Discovory for Consumption, Dr. King's
How Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve
and Eloctrlo Bitters, and have never
handled remedios that sell as well, or that
have given such universal satisfaction.
We do not hosltate to guarantee them
every time, aud wo stand ready to refund
tho purchase prico, if satisfactory results do
not follow their use. These remedies have
won their great popularity purely on their
merits. O. H. Hagpnbuch, Druggist.
To Correspondents.
It is not the intention of tbo Herald to
nbridgo the discussion of public affairs
through its columns, but it has become
necessary to request that all communlca
lions must bo as brief as a fair presentation
of tho subject will admit.
Revival Services.
The revival services t the Methollst
Episcopal church will be continued next
week. Last night the Bev, Charles Boads,
of Philadelphia, will preach. This Is Dr,
Thomas first appearance in Shenandoah
and he will doubtless bo greeted by a large
It has been proven by living witnesses that
Pau.TlnaisR remarkable Biiecinofortbeoulr.k
oureof Ibe dlQlcult and danutroua tbroaiand
luug troubles, lis equal cant lie found. Onala
25 cents. Tan -Tina la sold at 1'
P. D. Klrlln'a
drug store.
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's.
Mrs. B. J. Yost has the grip.
Wolf Lovino is on tho sick list.
Councilman Hopkins Is on tho sick list.
Phil. Coffee was a visitor to Ashland on
Sam. Major is spending a fow days at
Isaac Shapira spent part of the week at
John Fishburn was a visitor to Minors-
ville on Saturday.
Edward and Charles Boughey spent
Sunday in Minersville.
G. M. (Lanizan) Boyor is bravely fight
ing the grip on hU feet.
Miss Susie Bedford, of Pottsville, is
visiting at S. A. Beddall's.
Mr. and Mrs. Bailey, of Zanesville,
Ohio, are visiting at James Heaton's, Ho. 4.
Mrs. F, Pritchard and her daughter,
Mrs Harry Beyrant, loft for Steolton on
James Heaten, of Ho. 4, who',ha9 had a
sovero attack of the grip, ;ia out again and
whs in town yesterday.
William Oerther and wife, of Minors-
ville, who had beon visiting friends here,
returned to their home of Monday.
Hon. Joel B McCamant, a formor citizen
of town, we are sorry to learn, had a bad
fall on the ice at Bethlehem, the other day,
and sustained seriom injury.
John O'Cjnnol, of Buffalo, H. Y
brother of Miss Lizzie O'Connell, one of
our town school teachers, who was visiting
in town, returned yosterday.
President Sadler, of the Electric Bail
way, and P. Buns, one of Harrisburg's
most prominent and solid citizens, regis
tered at the Ferguson House last evening.
Captain Frank H. Bernbart, of Llew
ellyn, brother of Mrs. William C. Bich
ards, of South Jardin street, has gone to
Gaineville, Florida, to escape the frosts
and snows of the'northern states.
The Most Pleasant Way
Of preventing the grippe, colds, head
aches, and fever is to use the liquid laxa
tive remedy Syrup of Figs, whenever the
system needs a gentle, yet effective cleans
ing. To be benefited one must get the
true remedy manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by
all druggists in 50c. and $1 bottles. -
Letter List.' "
The following letters remain uncalledjibr
in the Shenandoah, Schuylkill connty, IJa,
post office, January 9, 1892 :
Brown & Hitter.
O'Bery, D. O.
Ash & Beamans.
White, D. M.
Partiea calling for advertised , letters
should please say "advertised." One cent
will bo charged on all advertised lettors.
H. O. Boyer, P. M.
"The Comet."
We are in receipt of the Lehigh Valley
Comet, a quarterly issuod by E. B. Bying
ton, the Goneral Passenger Agent of the
Lehigh Valley Co., assisted by Harry
Brown, artist and writer. The latest num
ber is a most excellent one, being full of
interesting railroad and other matter.
Coming Again.
Tho DoMosa family will give oneof their
unique and interesting musical entertain
ments on Feb. 22nd, in Ferguson's theatre.
They come under the auspices of Cone
mandery Ho. 14, Sons of America,
The Toomey Case.
Tho caso of Oonstablo Toomey, who is
charged with fatally shooting Mike Bob
bin, has beon sot down for trial on Thurs
day next.
Buy Keystone flour. Be careful that tha
name Lussirj & Co., Ashland, Fa., la
printed on every sack. 3-3-3taw
Be Wise In time and nrrr.nrfl Dr. Tlull'ft
Cough Hyrup which always cures coughs
and coUla.Hnd prevents consumption rrloe
25 cents a bottle.
Best work done at Brennan's steam
tundry. Everything white and spotless.
Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar
anteed. Ask for Van Houton's
Cocoa take no
"Columbian Fair March,"
The latest in sheet muuic. Also 3,000.
copies to select from. Brumm's, 18 East
Centre street. 1-6-tf
Physicians' presorlrtlons have failed to
reach mauv cases of rheumatism known in
hiivo been subsequently cured by Balvallon
uii. iiiui, ih me reason wny me popular
voice la practically unanimous lu Its lavor.
One bottle la usually sufficient.
Everybody Knows
Kverybody Knows
Everybody Knows
That Colgate's
That Colgate's
That Colgate's
Toilet Soaps
Toilet Roups
Toilet Soaps
Are tbo Best
Are the Best
Are the Boat
When you are getting a pleco ol Toilet Soap
get It good, for It lasts longer and Rives better
satisfaction generally. A piece of Soip with
the name of Colgate on it can be depended
upon as the purest and best that can be pur
chased for the money. A full line al
122 North. Jardin Staroet.