Preseriti In til tnoit tlr-Rant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE HP T1IK FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, n i ... . i : i uomDinea wim me mcuitiuas virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak o- ' , condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER f. It is the roost cinnt r-- CLEANSE THE SYSTEM ,. , When one it Bilious or t w.. , bO THAT PURE BLOOD, RBFftE'ulrtv. - . ,i HEALTH and STRNCT-' NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and al pia delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUQO'ST FOR JS-STJES-TTX ODC' 3PXG-J3 MANUFACTURED ONLY OY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL WUISVIUE. KY NEW YORK. ft. f. carter's Rifle TTnflfLTho end rcl love all tbo troubles fnof flcnt to a bilious state ot tbo nyfttem.Buoli &3 (Dizziness, Nausea, Droweiucsa, Din trees after Heating. Pain In tho Bide, &c Whlla thelrraost 'yejnarkablQ success uas uoca shown la cunog ileaaache, yet Carlora IAtOo lveir TOSS aw equally valuable la Constipation, curing and pro entlnj thisannoynjR t oiuliuut,whUa they also con-ectnlldlsordcrsoitiiORtomaoh jtlmulnletho I'.ver and regulato Uio bo welo. Evea tt tboy only curca f AcTia thoy would bo almoutprlceloss to those wha i Bufor from this dlatrcaiiing complaint; but f orttt- lately tholrgoortHOdsdocnotend hero.andthoaa Who ones try tbom will find tbeao little pille vain nbleio Bomncy raya that they will nob bo wit ling to do without thtra. But after all sick head. (is tho bans of so many llvoa that hero la wnera XT a mai a our grtut uo-u t, vuc i'lii quto is woua lOthsrsdonot. CArUrs Liltlo Liver Fills are very small and Tory e?Jiy to take. One or two plUa make a doeo. They aro strictly do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. Iavialaat25centa; tlvofor$l. Sold Ly drucglsts crer? whore or sent by maih A CARTER MED. CINE CO,, Hew Yor'tli SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE FIRE INSURANCE. largest and oldest reliable p.ircly cash corn, panloa represented by 120 S. Jardn St., Shenanaoah.Pa. finally. Ouicklv. Parmanenttv Meatorerl. Weakness, Nervousness, Ileblllfiv arnl all tho train of evils from early arrorsorlater exceasoa tho results ol OYurY,ork,aU'.knuss, worry, etc. Full fitrorijrtu, deveh.pinont, anil tone Elven to every orean and rxirtlnn ut tho body. Blmpia, natural ueiuuus. unmt'aiaie luiproroxaenL seen. tiuiuie lmposalUo, '-3,1)00 references. is. ikkji:, expiaaatioui and niVMift tn&llcii f&enledi froa. Arfflren erne medical go,, duffalo, n. y. APOLLO WAS A PERFECT fVIAH. PERFECT IK M3M!-MATCIIir IH VIAnt Sa ttrUouo tltu imateim fur italwtrt men Uiw mid? burat! l,trthTreiuilodt-th. Every UAH can bs BIROHQ ana VIGOROUS In all riictcti. i lUUnil iytbfj UK ULU. sallerlBg from HtEVOOB DC BiuiT? Lost or rautai Kan- w5rV.rtelEiKI',,nt;; any vERsoNAL wrAKNEgg can ba th HonLE vjtalitv ot biroko ffiitoJivSifSKSteiifib S.r..WJSi1.v".'P,hod uniiorru BuauroLi ursuccss" in treat- AnltctloosotMsn. Testimonial 1 ' frrni 60 states and Territories. 1 flllD Sictll ri-inif toil' efra(A-cv. sealed. mat- jjuh men uuuiv pald.forallinltwl time: ut ttwhllayoacaa. rull ExpUaatlons forUOME TREAT J1ENT Tou can be FULLY RESTORED as TDooiindl tiSTsbssnbyas. Riadsnrttitlmoalals. Addrfiiatoacs tHIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO. N.Y. Dfl- HAWDEN'G IAT$T PATtHTS btVMTH tllCTRO- BEST 55 ninviiinv IMPKOVCMINTS. SUSPEKSDRY Whl ,ur without mtdltlo nil Wetlntii from i aurvtUiui A,. at i.ii4;i- i-VfciV riV'X f -"-I----- avmi wry oiuar rkttAt bMA .r ftftr,j ... w . .Tr.'v va sv-ssia imfiwia EI.I.I-1 lili: COWtrlul iLDDrovail nn-rnfn ci i.ui iuv n . " 7. . u, r iitr. , UUALL lit. LI M, f":.a Ar':.'. "'" Ul"&'" A-Vat.u," muVfr". No,8IO Broadway, NEW YOfik, ILlSTOp BELT AICLNG DOWN A STOVE, SELECTIONS FROM THE WRITINGS OF THE' DANBURY NEWS MAN. Mr. Pnrklna 1 1 ail Miner Trlml t Do It llofurn, lint ll I'imiihI Out About II Mature He (lot Throned Ladles to tlit ItflM'lle. HopvrlRliteil by Lee A Hhopard. Ilnstnn, and t ubllnhed bye 'lnl arrangement with them.l It seems a pity that the glory of these bright May days should be marred by the gross materialism of soap and brush, nop itnd broom, thitt the fragrant .mil delicate, perfumes of budding nature utid atmospherical freshness Bholild be har nessed to the doubtful nroma of an up turned house. But over our broad and beautiful land the terrors of domustio reform hold swny, and the masculine mind is harrowed by spectacles the little happiness we are allotted in this world does not warrant. Mrs. Perkins has devoted this week to the onerous dnty of cleaning house. Since 0 o'clock Monday morning that estimable lady has been the motive power of many brushes and cloths, and of much water and soap At various hours when 1 have made my appenraneo near the house I have caught sight of her portly form through several win dows, a daring handkerchief concealing her temples aud uovenng the site of her chignon There was an expression of deep red ness upon ber features that pained me while I beheld,, but which at the same time led me to remark to mysell that it was not tho most favorable time for making a call, aud tllun looking and ap prehending 1 would turn sadly nway Monday morning we had our break' fast in our comfortable dining room. At noon I took my dinner from the lid of the ice chest. It was dreadful cold, and tasted clammy and disagreeable. In the evening 1 stood back of, the stove and par took of a slice of bread (tho butter had got mislaid) and drank some of last year's tea from the irregular spout of the milk piteher. In the morning we ate i i.r..t : .u .. ii. ,a! n t ureaiwusi in 1110 sunt tuieru wua uu ur ; , t ,4 u.. ,.... ,., , ' moving). The victuals had a flavor of great dampness and tasted as though they had been fished out of tho soap bar rel. After astonishing my internal struc ture with the meal, I accepted tin invita tion from Mrs. Perkins to tako down tho. stovo. In justice to myself it may bo well to remark that 1 never took down a stove, uor was present when that Intri cate performance was going on, aud this In n measure accounts for tho slight misgiving 1 may have entertained whoa ! brought face to face with tho tremen- dous range. Tho conversation that ensued was , soinethiug like this: I "You want to use great caro, Mr. Por . kins, and not let the whole thing fall on you and kill yourself." I This appearetl reasonable enough, and I 1 readily promised Jto-tiso my best en- i deuvors to keep ' tho whole thing from falling upon mo. -' "And, Mr. Parkins, don't got nervous ' with tho pipe, because Mary Ann has just scrubbed the floor, and that stuff gringes in awfully." 1 hadn't tho remotost idea of what tho stuff conld be thut gringos in awfully, but I didn't liko to show ignorance before Mary Ann nnd sol confidently responded: "Certainly not." "And bo very careful about your clothes, Mr. Perkins, now. won't you?' This appeal was delivered with so muoh confidence. tllmglou With' doubt that 1 hardly knew whether to treat it as a compliment or asnsplcion. nnd concluded It was best to split tho difference aud preserve silence. 'We are all ready now, Mr. Perkins Mary Ann you come hero and steady the pipe while Mr Perkins gets on tho chair and takes it down." Upon this 1 monntod a chair and rrruunul tlm nlrm Imt I mint tint r.i.rrlA.f r i in , to mention that as 1 ..rasped the pipe Mrs. Perkins grasped my legs. Uoodnoss gracious, Cyrua Davidson , Perkiusl don't you know better than to stand on one of tho boat chairs in tho houso and break richt tlirounh tho , vm I had to admit that I didn't know nny better, but cheerfully got down and mounted another ohalr. This time I caught the pipe by Its neck, and gave it a gentle pull from the chimney. It didn't move a bit, which encouraged me to believe, I could bring a little more muscle into play, and uiu'er this impres sion 1 gave an ox.tra twist. It camo this time, and so much more readily than 1 li.'ut reason to expect that 1 stopped down to the floor with It. passing over the top of the stove and rubbing off an Inch or so of skin from Mary Ann's nose. "Oh, Mosesl" screnmod that lady. "What havoyoti done? Oh, what have you done?" oned Mrs. Perkins. Singularly enough, I didn't say any thing, butgnt upon my feet as quick as 1 conld and rubbed my head, and looked all around but where Mrs. Porkins aud lu r weeping aid wero standing. "It's just like a man. You havo made ten times more work than you- have helped. Mary Ami, get tho floor cloth. Aud there's a great spot on that floor we can nover get off. I'd liko to mako a fool of myself, 1 know I should. 1 knew when you stuck your ungainly carcass on that chair you would kill somebody Does it hurt you, Mary Ann? I wouldn't Highest of all In Leavening Power.. ABSOLUT rub it too hard, we'll have to take it up dry and soap it over You awkward fool didn't you know what yon were doing? Now take the pipe out doors, and don't look any more like u smoked idiot than you can help. The manner in which this last was uttered left no room to doubt that 1 was the person referred to. ami I picked up the pipe and sorrowfully propelled it outdoors, althongh 1 am compiled ta admit that six links ol pipe varied by two elbows at opposite angles is not the most desirable thing In the world to es cort ontdoors When 1 came back Mrs. Perkins had dressed the wound on Mary Ann's face wHh a strip ol brown paper, and told me I might help to carry tho stove into this shed if 1 was sure of being quUe so ber Upon this invitntion 1 took hold of the range with the two ladies, and by loosen ing hall a dozen Joints in my spine 1 was finally successful in getting the thing out of the room Hut the pleasure ol the occasion was irretrievably lost Mrs. ! Perkins was ominously stleuL Mary Ann s air was one ot reproach, which, combined with the brown paper, gave, her an appearance of unearthly uncer-1 tamty At dinner that day 1 ato some cold cabbage and a couple of soda crackers, carefully picking oil the flakes of soap that adhered thereto This morning 1 ate my breaklaht on the stoop, and got my dinner through the milkroom win dow, eating it from the' sill It con sisted ot the last Bhce from yesterday's loaf, and two decrepit herrings. What we are to have for supper, and whether it will be necessary to go home after it, tire questions that depress me this p. in. Yours respectfully, f. Cvitus IJ. Perkins. Street I.lfo In Danhury. Old Mr. Watson, on Nelson stveet, has got a nice little bill to pay He sent a man down town for a pot of paint and a ladder. The man got tho paint and then went to a lumber yard after a ladder. " . , w 1 1 I.1 , '. " ..,1 1UU 1UUUUI mm Mill 1UD uutuc. mo , , , ,n, . . - . ehoulder This was a very smart ar raiigement and the man himself admired it very much. Ho started for home this way and didn't find any trouble in get ting along the tirst block, because people had an impression that a long ladder with a pot of yellow paint dangling on tho end oj' it wasn't exactly the thing to trifle with, so they balanced along on the curbstone or rubbed up against the buildings, Pretty soon tho man 6aw somebody in ! a store he knew, nnd he turned around ?Ve V Wm.f,?d UrVe 0WT,? f ,thS ladder into a millinery case and knocked the crown out of au eighteen dollar bon- net. Then he backed off in nffright and Knocked down two sewing machine agents with the other end. Then he started to turn around, and an old gen tlemiin who was desperately endeavoring to pull' his wifo out of danger saw the peril and shouted out, "HI there!" But it was too late. The pot struck against an awning post, tipped to One side nnd the entire contents went over the aged1 couple. This so startled the man thai be whirled completely nround, smashing in an entire store front, frightening a milkman's team and knocking over some thirteen persons who were actively dodg ing about to get out of the way. Then he dropped the ladddr aud fled into tin country, shouting "Murder" aud "Fire' at every jump. A regularly ortlaiued painter is now engaged on Mr. Watson's house. AT A PLEASflUT MOrtNlNO t FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AHD MY COMPLEXION 18 U&TTEH. My doctor tutjfi IF nrih g ntly on tbo stmtch, liver uml It'iiut" , nn t ih u pi. ununt laxativ1. TLu diink U iuuiIh irm h rh, una iapriiutUfijr use tut iosily aa t a li Hn l - I AU drugguta atll It ut bit: and ll.ul per f Hugo, lluy one toluy. ,unea I'umlly Illeilli-liio iIoTt a the llowrU each duy. lu order to bo bcaltby, tUU la ceceasary. THE NEXT Latest U. S. Gov't Report Ely PURE ltell(ioiiH Oiink MulliM Demi. rim.ADKi.iMiu, .Ian. 7 James Mullln, the reliKioiiH maniac who attempted to swallow a rotary and cros on Monday, itssertin that it would "make him live forever," divtl yesterday in the Hahne mann Hospital. He was 88 years old. Tuesday he became, violent. The t ory and cros.1 had lieen removed from his esophaRus, mid he routed the doctors and attendants. He had only une leg, but it took three stalwart policemen to over power him. He was placed in a straight jucket DIimI .Vflor 1'oilr Yearn Sutlerlng nuntJHOTor, Vt., Jan. 7. Kx -Sheriff Barton, who was ho unmercifully pounded by four prisoners, three of whom escaped from jail here on the night of Anc. 4 1880, died yesterday from his Injuries. All these years ne sun el (Ml intense pain almut the lieail Irom mows which he re reived at that, time, and often prayed fur death to relettHe him Horn Ills agony. High Water CttWiwi fttmpf-nsloit of Work, Siiamc-kix. Pa., Jmi. 7. Over 4,000 miners, slate piokein ahd laborers em ployed at. the Pennsylvania, (Jreen Itldge, SprliiK and Ferndaie collieries, between nils nince anil ait t.:nrmei. are line on account of liigli water. Tt has been rain Inn at intervals for the past two weeks. causing mine Hooding gi-enter than torn number of jetus VatHl ItatlltoHfl Collision. ItoHH, N. V.. lnri- 7. An auaine and a freight anil accommodation tram on the Nfcw York, Ontario nnd Western Rail road collided about 4 a,; yt.j, at Smyrna, in Chenango county.'" They 'were going in opposite flirectlons. engineers nheehan and Young .wore. kilei:( Another mnu Many a Mother1 Eocomtii a Bunch of Nerves. In worrying siting withsut'leop, attend- InirloacellckyUiibjf. Sift d V!0. J! Mc Oirthy or J. tf. IllUan, U,'e d rUKirijiP for i lreoanip!e vial of Dr. Hand's OjIic Cuio, It alw-tys'curhs. . "' I wi. Now that Jlie hunting, season is closed shooting matches are in order. A Huobarid' , Mistake. ilipbands Inoolleii permit wlvei, and par out,-. Liieir cm mm i , to suiter irom aeauaoue, inM'wm, neuralgia, slaf pie-snon. Ilt, ner-7cai-nes, when tiy the ute of Dr. Miles' ileatorailve Nervlno audi aerlous resulL4 could euallv be nrevented Dr.nnrlaU evrv- Ajiere aay iLcivea uutveraai auiianioiioa, anu lia- ai Immoise sale. Woint orth Co., ol Kort Wayne. Inu.; Snow & t 'o.. of Syracuse N. Y.:J. O. Wolf. Hillsdale. Mloh.: and hitn, d ednol others say "It Is tho xreu-at (teller they ever knew." It oonlalna no oplitis. Trial bottles and tine booic oa Nervoua uiaeaaes, rroe ut u. it. Ilageubuou s. If you. started the new year with new resolutions try uuu keep them Mllos' Narvo ana Liver P1U et on a uw principle regain tl mi the liver, atomarli and bowels throiigh the rieruej a new aifoovery. ur. sines' nun Bpeeiilly toio hltloiiaueaa, ruit taau, t, irpid liver, pllei, oonfllpHtlou. tmequaled lor men, women, children. Umalleet, mlMest,auresl Sidoses, ocia. "am pies peat, at v. it. uageubucn i ar-a; 4tore. There Is no mansion In heaven for the mail who is mean to his wife, Tho Seoret of Sucoesa. C. II. Ha sutnioh, tin dnilHt,bellV(!' that IhnMoretorsuoeeM U Deraeveruuce. There fore he persists I a Heaping the A i 'at line of periuuieriut, tolltil artlolea, ooametlox, driii mrt ohemlostla on I he market Heeaoeela Inilrt all poraons who have pnlnlUtlon ghoii hreatli, wenlc or hungry i pells, pain In aid or uuler, oppre-alon, n-lKbtmarr-, dry ei ugn, Hinoheltur, dropxy or heart dlkease i, n ur. .lines uaequaled New Heart Oare, lie ore It U tep lata. It li is toe laryeat sale ot any sl nllar remedy. Kino book nrtaallmn nl.lHfra". Dr. Milan' Uestoratlve Nervine la uuhii roaster for s eepieaHoeaa, ueadaohe1, ilLfl, OW.t UUU lb UUUUS1I19 11(1 npiHies, Just the lee nun l tins to feci oncouragetl the oold mndoratee, Oh, What a Oough. Wlllonheedthewa'ulng? The algnal pw iapa of tb anr aporoaoh A f that more ter rible dlaeaae. Oonaumpllon. Aatc yrturaelvw t yon eon adord far the sake or wving go euia, w run rue rise ana an notnina mr It. ainow from experieuoe that Hhlloh'a Onr tl) Core vonr Oougb. It naver ftslla. Tula u plains why mora than a Million Hottle ere aold the pat year. It rellavea Ooap ind Whopnloif Oonutt at oaoe Jdothera do ot be wUho'it It. For Lrarue Baca:, tilde or 77 'of . ft! It. 1 Maw. W to t. n. Kiaitvuuuciu, a. at. corner Majs and -4tuy3 BUW1UI. Just resolve to be a better man this ynr mun you were last, Shiloh'a OoBsumption Cure, inia ta oeyoort qaealluu the moat aac- "w'ii uouHu oietnouie wo nave ever asia, ' . 1 . , h ilmnn k n iurairiuv uure ins wo si, raiawn n Iraneultla, while ll woo. erra1 auooei In tbs aura of Oonanmntlnn ltb,iuta narall.l Id tb Ulatory of ranllaln. none iva drat dlaoo vary u, hat baaa mltf on a catvraalee, a Ust wlileli no other tnadloloe ap Htaad, It jouliv a timult aftmMtiT k yotj to try t. Prloe 10 iwnls, SO intiTaort ilmi. it your liunira are sore, tmeu, or tut ame, awmbltota'a Poroae Plaster. Hold b 1- St. tturMbuah, N. & ooruer Mala and Uoyd atreate, Pooiiln who give themselves uway aro ofU'n dear nt tho price. Bartwon thaSouod, Wfsteheater Co., N.Y. To Alva'a Draislllati 8irlllo Co Oent'e n en : La'trnwlnif I W troubled with what the dooion tod me waa miiMiitlar rtinini tlm. I wa unable to walk for nearly lx weeas. All llila tlma 1 w. mine Dip mull clue p'aaerih.d by the amending do .tor, aua Irom wlilrli I got no relief. friend aent ma a lame bolt'e of rtiptnn niortJ Cur, whi h I tried, and before two thimsat iliel una was tiMrt I Iran able n walk llhout ptln. It la iow nvo niuntlH since the ialu-,l 'it me, and have not a )l re'iir ed.und r t. el rnbrelv tree front them. I del ,yel wrltluu to von aa I h anxlnua to knoi whether I waa temporarily or per maneutly crsd. li I- aith plra'ure that I now slate that from my (ireaant feeliua, I wauld Judge that I ant oured. li 1. li irilly ueeestary lor me o rrommeni th s tn-d Hue i.g I om positive tint a irlnl of It laall that U neo a-ary, atrn I am lully oonvlnoed it wpl reooinmud Ittelf Ora fallyour M. 'OAN, For sain at Ki'lln a Drue Wore, Fcrgoson llouellloclr, Mlienandoh( fa. OUT OF WHOLE CLOTH )r.'flrnvcs' "Confession" Con cocted Ijy llio Deputies. PUBLIC SENTIMENT TURNING. Mrs. Gravel lias Qom Iasane, with No Hop 38 of Hsoovsry- No Attempt Will ho SIndo to Indict Col. llulloil - lie U In rrovfdelire, nnd In nn Interlotr llrnitea Hvery CIinrRo Alailo AualiiHt Him Suja IIuuuh Surprised at the Verdict. Denveb, Col., Jan. 7. Tho story of the deputy marshals to tho effect that Dr. Graves had rnado a partial confession Satutday on his way to tho jail, impll catiiix Colonel Bnllou, was effectually sqnelclied yesterday when John Z. Adams, one of tho stockholders of the Denver & Lakewood Itallroad, and a prominent merchant, made a sworn statement that he followed Dr. Graves from the court house to the county jail Saturday night out of curiosity, and that he heard the deputies plying the prisoner with ques tions, hut In every instance the accused protested his innocence, and that the al leged confession was ni.nle out or tho whole cloth. In view of this the district attorney lias deemed it Inadvisable to ask for tho indictment of Lawyer Uallou. 1 uhllc sentiment is now largely with the accused. The motion for a new trial in his case will be filed to-day aud argued later lu the week. Ut rfoilTer, Mrs. Oravos' physician, states that his patient has gone insane and he has no hopes for her recovery. COL. BALLOU TALKS. He 1'ooh-llooliN Grates Alleged Confes sion uml Dvnlea Solera! Cbaraea. ruovinBNOB, IL I., Jan. 7. Col Ballon sent for the, newspaper men yesterday to call at his office, and on their responding pintle a "tateinent to them. The colonel asserted his disbelief that Dr. Uraves' made any confession impli cating hint, denying that he left Denver lat Saturday secretly or in a very hur ried manner, declaring that his associate counsel knew ot his Intending departure, and expressing his surprise at the verdict. He would say nothing about the possible action ol t ' grand jury against himself. htrrga. ' t V verdict in the Graves case, Colon 'fill said: "Jly colleagues and myw If a I expected an acquittal, and were sin prise j at the result." Colonel Ltallou was sworn In as alder man from Ward !) yesterday. Numerous congratulations from friends were re ceived by him' DOES NOT WANT WAR. Salisbury Unwilling to Fight, Hut Mill Not Yield Any lllltlsli Highlit. LiVEitrooL, Jan. 7. Sir Georgo Baden Powell, a member of the British Bering Sea Commission, who, at Lord Salis bury's request, will start for Washington on Saturday next, says that Lord Salis bury told him that lie (Lord Salisbury) wishes lo avoid war with the United States, but at the same time ho wishes to be strong and to show that he is not go ing io yield a jot of the British rights Sir George says he thinks Loid Salis bury has finally brought an awkward dispute, which might have resulted in war, to arbitration, and it is his convic tion that England will win in the arbi tration. The British commissioners, he declared, have made Important investiga tions, hut tho friendliness they have es tablished with the Americans and Hus sions will yet bear fruit. Alt right-thinking moo in England nnd America, Sir George added, will be de lighted to Unci a serious bone ot conten tion removed. Cruelty to Itallroad Tnborors. Watehtown, N. Y., Jan. 7. A wan tlorer from the Atliroiulncks lias arrived liere with iicars frozen. He had u long and somowhut perilous trump. Ho tellw i Rtartling story of cruelty and oppres sion inliicted on men omployed to wtrk on the construction of the Adirondack & St. La wroitce Railroad through the forest. lie Htiya that when he seveml other TiiMii (.tnti,Ml tn lertva lhaip imn Aftur being refund pay for their work, the Ixwhch aimed revolver at Uiujn and threatened to shoot the first man who left. Hp ilnally esuaptnl at nijflit, Hi name I William Ilufftil, and lila huma Ih InElyria, O. ltemMylvaiila'H irtimticea. HiRBiSBimo, Jan. 7. The annual re port of the Auditor-General of Pennsylva nia allows receipt for the year ended November 80, 1891, of $18,007,1A1.7i, an Increase of over $4,800,000 over the pre vious year. This rettult was mainly due to the Wardsley diaolnauret,, whloli caused a prompt turning over of moneys due the State. The payment for the past, year were $10,4?3,D-rC-64, while for the previous year they aggregated over $2, 000,000. Anoflter Drawn Oame. Havaha, Jan. 7. The third game in the clu' match between Tscuigorin aud Stetuili was played on Tuesday. Taohl goriu, havjng the move, again offered an KvaiiH gambit. The game lasted thirty two in.ovea and tbeu reaultud in a draw, the player being in even position. This leave Tsehigorin till in the lead hy a acoro of one to nothing, two gamea hav ing ptoved drawa. The fourth game of the mutch will be played to-dav. Will Die or Hyill.ipboljla. Newark, N J., Jan. 7 Harold Ball, whose brother Eddie died of hydrophobia on Sunday laat, ia allowing all the symp toms of the dUeaae. Iloth the boys wore bitten by a rabid dog oil Dec. 11. Nearly all day yesterday Harold crouched behind a atove and could not lie Induced to enter the jwirlor. He refused to apeak- to any one. The attending physician Hays tliu death of Harold will only he a matter of a fw daya. Fallad Tor Hair u Million. San Francisco, Jan. 7. Lowenthal, Livingstone & Co., one of the largest grain and commikaion linns on this coast, filed a petition of inaolvency yesterday. Their llnhllltlua are placed at nearly half a million, assets $100,000. Speculation In charters of wheat carrying vessels Is given as the .cause of their embarrassment. ARB WE ... Right or PV yong? A Shoe Dressing mutt restore the bril liancy of a worn hoc, and at the same lime prntrvt the softness of the leather. ' LADIES will the Dressing you are using do both? Try it I Tour a dessert spoonful of vour Drcssine into a saucer or butter plate, set it aside for a few days, nnd it will dry to a substance as hard and brittle as crushed glass. Can such a Dressing be good for leather? woiffs ACME bii; will stand this test and dry ns a thin, oily film which is as flexible as rubber. 25 Dollars worth of New Furniture for 25 Cents. HOW? By painting 25 sguaro feet of Old Furniture with rrtv it". WOLFF & RANDOLPH, OST Worth Front Street PniI.ADEI.PniA. S3 SI-3GE centPeIwiem HIE DEST SHOE H THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a wamlcfis rIioo, v iih no tacks or wax thrrntl to hurt the li eti ma-le of the tui tao calf, stvlisli and easy and br. ata we wake more shoes of this grade thanany other manvfarturer, It equals hand Bowod fitines costliif? f n -m i.U0 to $3.00. Girt OlMSrm.iiiP Ilnm1uwrri, tI.eflnrtcalC Rhoo ever oflcn d for $5.00; cqtmln French Imported shoes vvhlcn co-it from to $12 CO. CtA. Oil llnud-(Mwd Welt tSlinr. fine calf. JJ etyllsh, comfortable and durable. 1 bo bost ehoe ever offered at thin price ; same grade as cua tom-mado phocs costing from $e.0u to $11.00.. CCO 30 Police Shot i runners. Itallroad Ken Mwi and Letter Carriers all wear them; line co' Seamless, smooth inside, bxary turco solos, cxveu Eton edffn. ono plr will wear n year. (CO 30 fluo i lift no better shoe ever offered at UfriM tlila iirL-o; one trial wli convluco tUoso who want a shoo for comfort and service. CftO '-55 nnd !M.OO WorUlnumii n'n shoes aro very btronsc nnd durable. Those who havo given them a trial will wear no othermoke. 3fWG' 00 nnd tSta?. school shoes am rauj 5- worn by tho Iwjs everywhere: theyuell on their merits, as the iuereasfng sales show. I ! AC St'laOO llnnd-papu-cd shoe, bet EnaUICO l)on,ola, very sty llli; equals Jb'reacbi Imported shoes rostlnff from $4.00 to $6.(10. linlicH '!.5t.f h'.OIk mid St. 7.1 fhon for tuiiMMwtiro iuc uKiiiiuLuu)fuia. (MyiiHuaua uurauie. juuiiuii. oew luut . u. xKiuKioit namo uuii price aro stomped on the bottom of each shoo. tTTAKK NO StTHSTITUTr.Il Insist on local advertised dealers supplying von. 1.. i)OUlSLAl3, UrocUton.ltfass. fiZildiy JOSEPH BALL, ISfortll TSlit St., CACTUS BLOOD CURE. SUPERIOR 10 SARSAPiRILLA Purifies tho blood by ex pelling the impuiitics through the proper channels and never causes eruptions on the skin, Regulates tho bowels. Cures dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up tho system and gives you an appetite. Never fails 1 o cure any con dition produced by impure or impoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kldllOVS ' Sold at Klrlli's Drug Store, fo"Mn,' ffntrl Work NhrrwndoaH Pa GOLD MEDAIi, PARIS, 187a W. UAKER & CO.'S Breakfast Coqpa from which the exceetfw lias been remove Is absolutely pur mid it it soluble. No Chemicals are uxi-d In Ha prrpurution. It hSJt mate thin three fOrwt strength of Cocoa mixed with StuiiJi, Arrowroot or Softr. ami Is therefore fur more eoo- Iuomical. tot in ff Uh thm cent a cup. ItUdellclou,ftbr ' lnhlner, streiiKtbenlng. hjmmlt iuqestmii, and admirably adapted for luwHdA as wdl m for persous In health. Said by Propers eferywhfre. W. BAKEE & CO., Dorchester, Mass DR.THEEL, 538 BPOKiafe tbi null Kcomu- t.irnian aVnfl 1 wlH ta ihoi i.ii-d .Mtss what bi u cur BtooU Polfion, tlervous Debility fip& olal Dlsftatos r h mc, hklial'Ucw H' d 1 ot FMiii U Uw iw. .8oreThroutMoulht HV.Uohi Plmi.l-- tn iitvr wl hur-t Cli-r. SWiliiuf lOrUMtMH idiuuituht.otti Kni natatrs buii-tuiii, Watu'ii aA Vtrij lost mmuorr, wk hKik. mental tntlrtr K1J BUI' r niftfOt'l Wirt niM t(aulllli fr-m SK In li- if Iton or Oft rwitrk Kt-omt cm cnrM lu 4 10 99 4f I n t t nQee l noi Ium liop, n nwr h 4VlTW dairn; liitr, Owk, t-mnil) r Boipttl Phyirlii tM Www Dr. TUKKL cum poflWly wtthcut rleUrullwi tHM bMtDPM uiD.toiM, HiPiillM'l' inTllo irrMUfctl WamuaiB if h or wr Mlvt to ltnip tor rtOOW "TmiTH" QuMki onda'T iworn teatlmonlhU. li"" .Uiit m.. a Vs, Kviti to 9, Wfd. i tJi- Bf ( 10 Pui.4a till I! WritprotMWJttl Ar (teftwvbOM i Wtfn. vl SalurJj rblltv dtdljr Tin' JlihiUwm KnelUh IHiuooiad 11 rand. 'ENNYRQYAL PLLS r- .Im.i i uj i- . . ui. & . . Pin. si s. 1 b t,iu- it-' j , 'ioke IllttOlhuav Ht tun. dm ,i. ui.i .aliluu. 'It!!.-!' fl.P loidlt-. t.. ,i-t,, bf rMmr ifUcatcrUJkCXiil-i 1 CtNtZ'-dlr iHKqum. Ws L. DOUGLAS n V If -Oh! M4 il llll