The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 07, 1892, Image 1

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The Evenjng Herald
f fltfl
All tlje LateBt NeiV3
The Evening Herald
VOL. VII.--KO. 6.
The Evening Herald.
Has a larger circulation In Bbcnandoab. than
any other paper published. Circu
lation books open to all.
THE demand of the Massachusetts
Mugwumps, at the recent meeting of
the Massachusetts Reform Club in
Boston, that the Democratic party
nominate Cleveland or sacrifice the
Independent vote, is greeted by the
Democratic press as a piece of subllmo
presumption or sublimated Ignorance.
y-1 TT.r.lH ......w.aml TnmnnMiltn
polioy of repeal does not meet the ap
proval of his party. It is said that
the repeal of the McKiuley act would
not revive the former tariff ait, but
would leave us without any tariff law
nrlintoror- Pprhnns Mir fiovernor is a
n uh.u. v.. - (
I . - , lt . 1 . L 1 1...
hlB usual circuitous route.
The present unprecedented business
disturbance and financial depression
in England are largely attributed to
the eflect of the MoKinley tariff by
thoeo who dlscusB the situation. As
an example of this feeling the follow
ing sentiment waa published lu a
recent edition of the London Finan
cial Times :
It is to be hoped that the American
people will tear up the McKInley law,
root and branch, and signs are not
wanting that it will come about. The
Welsh manufacturers have strong
sided champions in Chicago and
Saloonkeepers will find profit in
? careful perusal of the Bupreme Court
decision sustaining tho law which
maljes them liable to damages when
intoxicated persons to whom they
Jiave sold liquor become Injured while
drunk. The plea that tho injured
person is guilty of contributory neg
llgeuce In voluntarily taking the
liquor is not entertained by tho court,
which replies : "Every drunkard not
only takes liquor voluntarily, but
whenever he pan get It, and because
khome-madeltag Carpel; others
jiorooe.,000 anu upwards. Aleo
ft nlnn linn nf linmn.ti-in.ln Ktulr
Carpets. Customers having carpet
balls of thoir own should send them
and have them made into a llrst-olass
carpet. C. D. FRICKE,
No, 10 S. Jahdin St.
ff HP"
1892 j NEW YEAR 1882
New Tapestry, Velvet and Body Brussels !
For tlie Spring: of 189a,
New and Ji and some pattern. Also a line of MO
QJJBX1B and SMYRNA BUGS-all new Spring Styles
and Choice Patterns at Bedubed Prices.
BLOOB OILCLOTHS Neio patterns, two yards
tvide, at SO cents.
Strictly Choice Goods.
Our Bresh Itoasted Java Coffee.
Our 28c Boasted Coffee.
Our JTancy California Prunes.
Our New Lebanon Summer Sausage.
Our JDancy Bloater Mackerel.
Our Bresh Creamery and Dairy Butter.
Our Netv Strictly Pure Country Lard.
A Quarter of a Dollar -will Buy
6 pounds New Country Dried Applet).
5 pounds New California Mmu Beans.
3 pounds New Raisins clean, no stems.
3 pounds New Carolina Itlcc.
6 pounds Fresh Rolled Oats,
Tho Cars Choice Timothy Hay.
of his weakness law makes the saloon
keeper responsible fur soiling to Buoh
persons, lie has not the will power
to resist the temptation, and for this
reason the sale to him is forbidden."
The decision was made lu the case of a
man who died from pneumonia con
tracted while drunk.
The Democratic Congress, under
the whip and spur of the Democratic
press, has promised to cut down tho
approi rlatlons at least $100,000,000 nt
this season. Where will the crippling
programme begin? That istheques
tlon that confronts the Democrary. It
already realizes that It is a very
serious question. Several newspapers
that were loudest a few months ago In
denunciation of a so called "Billion
Dollar Congress" nffw admit that this
is a growing country ; that the de
mands upon the public treasury are
necessarily increasing; that the pro
tection of domestic Interests, the care
of the pensioner, the extension of the
postal service, the needs oi the
Agricultural Department, of tho new
navy, and of tho World's Fair, all call
for larger, and not smaller appropria
tions. The Democratic Congress is
advised that this is a great country.
Generous appropriations by Congreis
have not been made In the interests of
the thickly settled and Republican
East, but largely for the Democratic
South and the growing and expanding
states of tho West and of the Pacific
coast. The "Billion Dollar Congress"
was a good enough cry for election
purposes, but it is not too early to
predict that very little of it will be
heard during this session of Congress.
European circles have been some-
whut surprised, if not atartlo'l, by n
current rumor to the eflect that Kaiser
Wllhelm is considering .the advisa
bility of submitting himself to a
thorough examination by an interna
tional medical and surgical commission
in order to summarily suppress the
frequent asset tions in the English, the
French and tho American press that
he is more or less Insane. A more
effective means to secure this end
would be to suppress Boma of the
Kaiser's speeches.
It has been proven by living witnesses that
I'au-Tlna Is a remarkable speciflo for tun quick
cure of tho difficult and dmietrous throat and
lung troubles- lis equal can't bo round. Costs
2i cents. t'an-TIna Is sold at 1. P. D. Klrlln's
drug store.
Prldo and Poverty no Excuse for
Violating a Rule of tho Board.
No Elootrlo Lights for
Tho diroctors present at tho meeting of
tho School Board last night were Messrs.
Beddall, O'Hoarn, Oallugher, Butts, Bron
nan, "Williams, Bachman, Gable, Baird,
Treziso, Muldoon, Ilnnna and Conry.
Superintendent Frouman was not pro
pared to make his usual report on school
attendance, as tho school month will not
close until Tuotday next. Mr. Freeman
recommended that gas bo introduced into
room 1 of the High School building and
the board adopted the recommendation.
A request by cortain teachers for new
school map? was grantod.
When the high school committee was
called upon to roport, Mr. lialrd stated
that he paid 23 visits to schools during tho
past month.
Mr. Butts report that the electric light
company asks too muih for furnishing
school rooms with lamps and the board
decided to increase tho supply of coal oil
lamps whoro more light is required.
Mr. Treziso cnid ho noticed that tho
Union street night school was being opened
at 0:30 every evening. The board decided
thai' all the night schools shall open at tho
samo hour.
Air. Toomey, of Brownsville, asked tho
board to allow his two children to attond a
town school without payment of tuition
fees. IIo was asked why they could not at
tend tho Brownsville school. Mr. Tuomey
said the teacher there, had abused tho chil
dren. He was then asked if tho mattor
had beon drawn to the attention of tho
School Board. Ho said it had and that
body insisted upon an apology being made
to the teacher. It was decided that Mr.
Toomey's children may attend the town
school upon payment of the regular tui
tion foos nh&rged non-resident?.
It was recently decided to build a large
chimney through tho centre of the White
stroet school building. Last night the
board decldod to defer the work until va
cation. Resolutions of condolence with School
Director R. A. Davooport upon the death
of his wife wore road, adopted and ordored
to be published.
Tue subject of devising a plan by which
tho borough assessors may bo enabled to
mako mora complete assessments was die
cussed at length. Tho matter will receive
attention In tho noar future. Said a di
rector after tho mooting : "I see tho Potts
ville Miners' Journal has raised tho point
that county seat properties aio assessed ai
one-hair their value, whilo Shenandoah
assessments are mado at but ono-quartor.
The Journal urgoi the assessors to give
special attention to Shenandoah. I say
'Anion I' and let the assessors start on the
properties in town owned by Pottsville
puttier. Let thorn find out why it is that
no mention is mado on the borough dupli
cate of the properties owned by tbo 1'. &
R C. & I. Co. "With the properties of the
company on Emorick, "Whito, Bowers and
oilier streets asstssod tho assessors will be
making somo advance towards tho reform
aked for by tho Journal."
' Deserving Praise.
"Wo desire to say to our citizens, that for
years we hayo been soiling Dr. King's Now
Discovory for Consumption, Dr. King's
New Llfo Pills, liucklon's Arnica Salve
and Uloctrio Bitters, and hayo never
handled remedies that soil as well, or that
have given such unirorsal satisfaction.
We do not hesitate to guarantee them
every tlmo, and wo stand ready to refund
tho purchase price, if satisfactory results u"o
not follow their use. These remcdios have
won thoir groat popularity purely on their
merits. O. II. Hagenbucb, Druggist.
Difficult; Operation.
A succossful operation was porformod
December 9th, at Mahanoy Plane, by Dr.
Langton, assisted by Dr. Oillen, of town,
on Mrs. Thomas Uanlon, who was relieved
of a tumor larger than an egg. She had
been a great suiferor, hut thanks to Drs.
Langton's and Gallon's skillful treatmont,
sho Is now recovering rapidly.
Closing Out,
At great bargains, a first-class lino of
second hand stoves, ranges and heaters j
both double and Binglo heaters, and evory
stove warranted. Call and soo them, as
they will be told at a sacrifice, to close out
tho stock, at No, 131 South Main street
(Uronnan's building), Shenandoah, near
Steam Laundry. 12-30-tf
Dividend Declared.
The Board of Directors of tho First
National Bank, of Sbonandoah. Pa., hvro
this day doclarod a semi-annual dividend
of five (6) per cent., payable on demand,
Johk R, Liisinriko, Cashier,
Shenandoah, Pa., Jan. 4, 1692. l-5-3t
N. J. Owens is on tbo sick list.
Morris Gtocdlo spent to-day in Pottsyillo
Itov. John Gruhler visited Reading on
Hon. T. J Uiggins spent a part of to-day
In PoltsvilX
Joic Ooakley and Nut. Gay, ol Phila
delpb'a, are visiting friends in town.
Jlenry Oook, janitor of tbo Lloyd street
school building, is n victim of the grip.
John Cither, Sr., since ho wont to
Philadelphia, has not gained any strongth
S. L, Brown begun tho new year by
harboring ono of Job's "comfortora" on
bis reck.
Miss Jennie Thomas, who lias been lo
the city of Brotherly Love, returned home
last evening.
R. H. Morgan, tho regalia manufacturer
of town, spent a fow hours last evening in
Mahanoy City ar.d secured two largo orders
for caps for two Oreok societies, which
means more work for ono of our cap
factories in town. Mr. Morgan believes in
patronizing homo industries, and his caps
are always turnod out so as to compete
wUh tho best in tho stato.
Tho Most Pleasant Way
Of preventing tho grippe, colds, head
aches, and ti v. rs is to uso tho liquid laxa
tivo romedy Syrup of Figs, whenever the
system needs a gentle, yet effective cleans
ing. To bo benefited one must got the
truo remedy manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by
all druggists in 50c. and $1 bottles.
"SI Perkins."
To all lovers of Yankee life tho play this
ovs-iing is awaited with considerable in
terest. "S.1 Perkins" is a well known
character and has becomo famous as the
hero 0 a play of tho name name- that
abounds in many thrilling situations, an
abundance of comedy scenes and plenty of
singing and dancing. It is all of tho
country kind and like tho many rural
productions now boforo tho public is simply
a picture of homely farm life cleverly
told. It will be a comploto performance in
every way and the play has been almost
all overhauled since Its last presentation in
this city last season, when it made a de
cldod impression. Sunbury Daily. "Si
Perkins" will bo presented at Ferguson's
theatre to-morrow nisht.
Vigilance at Allentown.
Keck, tho man who vrill be tried for
murdering an old fa-mer and his wife near
Allentown not long ago, will not be shown
much moroy, according to tho Allentown
Chronicle and News. It says : "A report
was circulated thU the "Vigilance Com
mittoo, which is laid to havo been formed
at Ironton soon after the murder, is now
fully two hundred strong and will occupy
seats in tho court room during tho trial.
Tho ovidenca will bo carefully weighed;
if it is not considered strong enough to
convict I .eck, well and good. If, low
ever, a case of rrurdor in the first degree
is In tho iudgmor.t of the Vigilance Com
milteo maau out and a verdict of a quitial
rendered, then, the story goes, both Keck
and the jury wjll bo mobbed. Tho roadoi
is not compelled to balievo this story."
Stood, the Test.
Allcock's Porus Plasters are unapproacb
tbla in cumtivo propertied, rapidity and
My of action, and are tho only roliahb
plasters over produced. Thoy havo suc
t8(ully stood tho test of over thirty years'
uso by the public; their virtues havo nover
been equalled by the unscrupulous imita
tors who havo sought to trado upon the
reputation of Allcock's by making plasters
with holes in thorn, and claiming thorn t
bo "just as good as Allcocl u," and thoy
stand to-duy indorsed by not only the
highest medical authorities, but by millions
of grateful patients who havo proved their
e flloacy as a household remedy.
ll(iaro of imitations, and do not bo de
ceived by misrepresentation. Ask for All
cock's, and let no solicitation or explana
tion induce you to accept a substitute. Iw
Fourth Ward Notes.
Mr. Cantwell, wife and child are on tho
grip list.
Mrs. John Manley ts on tho sick list.
JSddio Bronnan and bis father are vic
tims of tho grip.
The corners In tho ward would bo con
siderably improved if somo of our polloe
would visit tbem oftener.
Pound Out.
The best an', easiest way to get rid of a
Cough or cold that may develop Into con
sumption la to luvest 2 ceuta in a bottlo of
I'nu-Tlna, the great remedy fir Coughs, Colds,
La Grippe, Throat and Lunif Dlsordero. Trial
bottles Iree at 1. V. 1). Klrllu's drug store.
The Lent Funoral.
Tho funeral of the late William Bnt
will take placo from his lato residence, cor
nor ol Cherry and West streets, on Satur
day, 7th Inst., at 2 p, m. Intorment in tbo
Odd Fellows' cemetery, Shenandoah, Pa.
Shenandoah Lodgo, No. 611, F. & A. M.,
will moot at thoir ball at 1:15 p. m. Mom
bors of tho craft ure respectfully Invited to
attend. l-7-2t
Best work done at Urennan'n steam
laundry. Everything whito and spotless.
Lace curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed.
Eleotrlo Track Laying In Town
Was Begun Yesterday and
RallB Are Being Laid West
ward From Lost Greek.
Tho snow s'orm jeitorday did not pre
vont thn trm.!'mori nnd others employed by
tho M. O , S G. & A. electric railway
continuing their wort' Ground was
broken at tho west end of Coal stnot, pre
paratory to laying tbo tracks. The force of
mon is uudor direction of Mr. Stdlcr, son
of the company's president. Track laying
from Clcary's crossing to iho Lst Creek
road Is being pushed vigorously
and yesterday morning a gang of mon
commencod to lay tracks on Ferguson
Avenue, extending from tbo Lost Crook
road. Work on the power house at Rappa
hannock in going on very satisfactorily and
beforo many days tho electrical depart
ment of tho station wdl bo under way.
A Candidate.
David Evans, of South Jtrdin street, has
announced himself as a candidato for the
nomination for High Constable on the
Citizons' ticket. Mr. Evans is one of tbo
oldest and best known citizen of tho town,
having rosided hero for 28 years. Should
ho bo favored with a nomination and
election ho will undoubtedly fill tho office
to the entire satisfaction of his constituents
and tho people 1 j gtneral.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no paymont required.
It is gucrantoed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money rofundxl. Pnco 2-5 cents per
box. For sale by C. II. Hagonbuch.
MALLET. On tbo 6th Inst., at Shen
andoah,-Pa.,Kato,-daugbtor- Of Catharine
Malloy, ago 22 years. Funoral will tako
placo on Friday, 8th inst., at 9 a. ro., from
tho family residence, 331 Wost Centio
street. Iligh mass at tho Annunciation
church, to proceed in carriages to Miners,
ville, where the interment will take place.
vFrionds and relatives espectfully Invited
to attend. 1-6 St.
1JEMT. On the 6th inst., at Shenan
doah, Pa., William Bent, agod 61 years 11
montliB and 0 days. Funoral will tako
placo on Saturday, 9th inst., at 2 p. m.,
from his lato residence, corner West and
Cherry streets. Intormont in Odd "bel
lows' comttjry. Friends and relatives re
spectfullyjnvited. 1 7-2t
Dolls I Dolls I Dolls I
Largest and best assortment in town.
Kid body and dressed dolls 25 cents. Toys
of all descriptions. All tho latost games,
puzzles, picturo and story books. Bisque
figures, china varo, etc. Handeomo plush
proeonts for Curistmas. At Mellet's, 22
East Centre street.
Increase of Pension,
'Squire ahoemaki r has secuied an in
crease of ponsion for John Dougherty.
The pension is raited from JG to 510 pi r
Lane's Family Medicine
Moves tho bowels each day. Most people
need to uso it.
Modal Lost.
A soldier's medal inscribed "Lieut. W.
II. Otto, 103d Pa., 1803." Finder will be
suitably rowardod by returning samo to
Mrs. Mann's boarding house, 104 South
Main street. 1-7-lt
All membors of Plank Ridge Lodgo,
880, I. O. O. F., aro rtquostod to be present
at '-heir mxt regular meeting, Friday,
January 8, lfJ2, to make arrangements to
attend the funoral of our lato brothor,
Willhra Iier.t.
1 -7'2l Attest : E. D. Bedbail, Sec'y.
Buy Keystone fiour. Bo careful that th
lame Litssia & Co., Ashland, Pa., ir
jrintd on overy sack. 8-3-3taw
Henry IrWug'H ban Shot.
London, Jan. 7. Henry Irving's
second son, Lawrence, either Intention
ally or accidentally, shot himself yostor
day afternoon at bis lodgings in Bel
fast. It in alleged Unit ho was despondent.
The news of his son having fihot himself
did not reach Henry Irving until the play
had commenced nt tho Lyceum last
evening. Tho nctor retained his com
posure ruwmrknbly, but this tvus purtly
attributed t' the fact that the announce
ment of tho shooting was accompanied
by it ruiiiwuriug telegram from the doctors
in uttondunce on the young man, to tho
elfect tbut thoy hoped for his recovery.
Be wise In time and procure Dr. Bull's
Cough Hyrup whlfb always euros coughs
andootdi.and prevents cousumptlou. 1'rlco
25 cents a bottle.
Ask for Van Houton's Cocoa tako no
other. 1-4-lw
Mahanoy City Items.
Snow, beautiful snow, has at last mado
its appearance and Iho sleigh belH are
hoard everywhere. Tho fall of the boauti
lul snow was enough to make the roads in
town good riding over.
K II. Morgan, tho regalia manufacturer
of Shenandoah, was Eeen on our streets last
Edward Ford, our popular young knight
of tho cleaver arid block, spent a few hours
last evening in your city, calling on old
Doputy Cjinmander, J. I. Bior, of Port
Carbon, accompanied by several membeis
of Port Ctrbon Commandery, Sons of
America, installed tho officri of tho
ensuing term of Garfield O mimandery, of
this town, on Tuesday evening. A pleasant
entertainment wts accorded the visitors
after tho at'juurnmentof theCou.mande'-y.
Too DeMos family gave an excel. ont
entertainment last evening to a crowded
h U30 for the benofir of the English Bap
tist church.
Tom Grar t, ot your place, was In town
la : evoning.
Mrs. Erhart, teacher of mu-ic of Shen
andoah, was in town yesterday aftnrnoi n.
Editor Rausch, of the Mahanoy Oily
Tribune, is very low with a second attack
dT tho grip, and fears are entertained of i'f)
developing into pneumonia.
Editor Parker, Sr., of tho Tri- Weekly,
is also do n with tbo grip.
P. H. McGuiro, one of tho oldest resi
dents and business men of tho town, died
yesterday. Grip was the cause of his
death ,
Dr. P. A. Bissol took one of his pationts
to a hospital in Philadelphia on Tuesday
for treatment, tho doctor giving his time
gratis and the ladies of tbo Women' Re
lief Corps furnished the money for her ex
penses wbilo in the city.
Our doctors aro very busy at present with
cases of tho grip and pneumonia. If this
kind of weather continues a week or so
thoy will get a much needed rest.
Mahanoy City, Jan. 7, 1891.
A Million Friends.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, and
not loss than ono million people havo found
just such a friend in Dr. King's New Dis
covery fur Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. If you havo never used this Great
Cough Modicino, one trial will convinco
you that it has wonderful curativo powers
in all diseases of Throat, Chest nnd Lungs.
Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that U
claimed or money will bo rorundod. Trial
bottles tree at O, H. Hagenbuch's drug
store. Largo bottles 60c. and 91,00.
Almshouse Monthly Roport.
Following is the report of tho Board of
Poor Directors for tho month ondod Do
comber 31 :
Census of tho house for tho month end
ing December 31, 1891 :
Number of Inmates In the houso Deo. 1 470
" " Jan. 1 4it
In rease last month 13
Nnmber ol inmates In the bonne Jun, 1, 'U2..451
Number to same lime this year rss
Increase during last year &!
Of tbo above 75 are insano and idiotic;
103 under medical treatment; 7 children.
Admitted during the month, 45; dis
charged and absconded, ?8; bound out, 0;
born, 7; died, 12.
Lidgingsand meals wero furnished to
35 persons.
Bills we:e read and orders were
drawn Dee. 31. 18U1, amounting to, ..3 593 "0
Previous 1mu , 70,981 70
Total lu 1881 !71,675 00
This amount includes $5,-180 expanded
for repairs, not provided for in tbo appro
priation. Evory family should have tho Genuine
Imported Anchor Pain Expollor in tho
houso. It is tbo best known remedy for
Influenza, Baokache, Pains in tho Side,
Chest and Joints. It is and ever will bo
tbo be6t remedy for all Rheumatic com
plaints. 29 prize medals awarded to tho
manufacturers of thisvaluablo preparation.
CO cents a bottle, and to bo bad at all drug
gists. 3t
True Bills.
The Grand Jury yesterday found truo
bills of indlctmont against Harry Shaw, of
Pottsville, and Joro Toomey, of town.
Waters' Weiss beer is the best. John A.
Rollly sole agent 6-6-tf
"Columbian Fair March."
Tbo latost In sheet music. Also 8,000
copies to select from. Brumm's, 18 Eest
Cenlro street. 1-5-tf
Everybody Knows
Everybody Knows
Everybody Kuows
That Colgate's
That Colgate's
That Colgate's
Toilet Soaps
Toilet fioaiw
Toilet Soaps
Are tbo Beat
Are the Heat
Arc the Boat
When you are getting a piece ol Toilet Boap
get It good, for It lotU longer and gives better
satlsntctlon generally. A piece of Boip with
the name of Colgate on It can be depended,
upon as the purest and best that can be pur
chased lor the money, A full Ulb at
122 North Jardin Stroot.