I. Around the Corner AT- Seuerris Grocery, Where you can jmrchasp your Holiday goods in thegroceiy nnd provision line. Finest cauned goods, fruits, catsups. Foreign clueeeandothei goods. Everything new and hash. SEVERN'S, Coi nor Centre and "White Sts. BACK DOWN BY CHM. nnmor That Sllnlitor Montt Iran Tleen Instructed to Make an Apology. ' Loslio's Colored Number. r U vi ok'- .f-Uf '' j it h flrt of tlii colonj'i Leslie huiiib'r A mRniflcew -r- .., ni.ni Ton n Tf u tnii 1 r isi.iet u, nn riiinn nvtn tig t ior- on hero that the Chilian government has 'in Anv ricnti nublh tl r. umccs its paws cabled orders to Minister Tedro Montt at ' I reprefen s a cow oy r. " the nlnlrr Washington to mnko a sincere apology to I l n . tinted m four ininr. Ii Is artistic the United States for the unfortunato and n grew Ui ki ti-, I Iih women will he deplorable attack upon the Baltimore ri'tnuMn the pictum which rhuWB Bahy sailors on October 10 last. The apology, Kuth ClevelMtid iHku.g an tlltie. Tl.o It Is said, is linipialllled In its character. Other matters which have been in dis pute between Chill and the United States are to be speedily considered by the new administration, ON THIS SPACE. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY. What News Gatherers Tako'la Moment to Toll About. Daylight Increases. Now for moonlight. The new moon Is out. A month of winter gone. Keep the new leaf clean. Have you started adlnry? Considerable sickness yei In town JiBut begins this year March 2nd. Some new leaves are already soiled The grip didn't depart with the old "year. Pink and black is u very fctylish com binaliou. Washington's birthday will fall on a Monday. House bunting will soon be in order by tenants who have to move. Many turkeys have been gobbled up and lorever ceaaeu meir goDoie. Tho death roll of the year 1891 is an wnu9ually long and Illustrious one. The fellows who joke moBt about the grip are those who havu't had it There is always a hand of welcome ready to be oilered to the strange .umbrella. NO FEAR OF A WAR. A Chlllan-Auierlcmi's Views on the Pres ent Trouble. PninAnn. .Inn. C. J. Parker Reed, at present in this city, lias been living from time to tinio sinco 1HTU in until, in an Interview ho said there was no fenr of a war with Chill. 'Jly wife and four children," said he. 'urn In the citv ot Valparaiso, and I feel just as safe about them as though they were here in Chlcnuo. Jly wife and son keen mo nosted on the reeling entertain oil hv tlm C'hlllnus toward this country, - - . . . .... i ... 1 . and 1 feel sure unit it nas not, unaugeu ui late. Chill is a young, bright, proud and cneraetic nation. Naturally enough, her people love the United States as near ly akin to themselves in progress uuu en terprise. "Hut it was a mistake to senu t-gan iu ClilH." continued Mr. Itead. "There tho leading men are of English birtli oud parentage, and naturally look with dis favor on EL'iin. As tho representative ot the United States he Is treated with duo l'MttiHct. lint vu cannot exnect more. "As to tho Baltimore incident, tho Chilian courts are Investigating the affair and wo may bo mire that if an apology is due us we will get it without asiung, Nuturally the people are our friends ami look to the United Stotes with pride as tho highest exponent of Western civilization." Sottllng tlio Chilian Trouble London-. Jan. ii. The "Times," com menting on the Baltimore sailors' affair, cays: "Whatever satisfaction Chill may bo prepared to make to the fiunilieH of tho victims of the Valparaiso ouray aim iu tho honor of the United States, she can hardly be asked, with decency, to go be hind tho llndin : of her own tribunals upon evidence U' .en by courts of another country." WHERE WAS SLAVIN ? 1I rutin t Meet Sullivan's JIncHer art Agreed, ami l'lirfelt Money 1 Ketiirneil New Yohk, Jan. 5. Nobody to repre sent Frank P. Slavin, the Australian pugilist, appeared at tho "Herald" office at noon, as had been agreed, but Charley Johnston, of Brooklyn, and Artuur i. Lumley wcro there on uenau ot ooun i. Sullivan. Alter irlvinc half an hour's grace, Mr T. A. Stelmcr, tho sporting editor of tb,o "Herald." returned the xv.wu rorieitto Johnston, and all prospect of a match fell through. Johnston expressed great disgust at tne failuro of Slavin to send some kind of word. "Slavin and Mitchell aro not on tho level," said the Brooklyn sport; "and I'll hove nothing more to do with them. If they think they can get any more adver tising out of John L. Sullivan they are much mistaken." - rikliiK picture ol th turning o the ntn r AbysHi id .n mld.fcean and the Hi-ciiAnf the pub, niter; 'lb- MisRiiiflceiit losture of the gn at poet Wait "Whitman; (lxiiri- pieces by tb' bett muhleur photo- runners, and tin- pHge devoted to the children and the Krsphi.iogicnl department. a ill ii.lorcst our refers The hcnUtiful bit of music called ''Christmas Chimes" and Iih lourtli of the nine ol the articles by Profiler Toiti-n k- It the niost Inlereu- i . if publication ol the new ear Il ls a wondor how twelvo tuvh good number can uo lurnisned, logemor wun in- Kraphologlcal cliart, and an order on Peter Hondorson & Co. for 81. i5 worth of reset or chrysanthetium plants or flowor seeds, for 51 J but the Arkfll Weekly Company, 110 Fifth Avfinuo, New Yors, are enter prising people. Buoldon'a Arnica Salve. The llett Salve in ibo world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcert, Salt libeum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cbaj ped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no payment required, It is guaranteed to give perlccl satisfaction or money relundod. Trice Z cents por box. For sale by C U. UnEenbuch. i'.RGUHdKi. a'' 11 Hat H1-, P. J, FEKOCBOM HAHAI.KK. RID'AY, JANUARY 8,f 1892. GUS T. "WAJLLAOE ! H I'll eiv b'ubf. '' '-, FKOH l-OOOUTOWN k Original Farmers' Band and Threshing Machine, OUH OW.N OHUIIH-.T1I .. i'rlcm. 2S. s.i Hiicl so Cents k-eati, 011 sole at KlrllO's ruKsUire. Big Cut in Prices. A Card of Thanks. The trustees of the "Welsh Baptist church desire to return their sincere thanks to the general public lor their very liberal support atid patronage in donating iuch a large amount of provisions for tho annual Now Year supper ot the church, and purchasing tickets for the samo. Wo aro especially in' debted to the ladies of the church for labor ing so hurd in collecting tho provisions and preparing the tumo so nicely for tho tablf s. This part of tho work was very success, u and admired by all, having fed four bun dred and eighty four persons and leaving, after all, quito a largo lottof food to be die po d of by auction f ale. "Wo are alsc very thankful to all who persevered so success fully in sellug the tickets, and espec ially to two young ladies, Mies "Wi liams, ol Laciguns, nnd Hiss Emily Jones, nf town, who ht.vo heat all records with heretofore. Also to our dear friends at AVm. Ptnn. Through tho unlled efforts ol all combined, it has. proven a grand su cess, socially, financially and brothorly We again say, "Thank you and wish you all a happy and prosperous now year." Trustees Welsh Baitjsi- Church, Shenandoah Stimulate tho Blood. Brandroth's Pills are tho groat blood purifier. They aro a purgativo and b'ood tonic, they act equally on tho bwcls, the kidneys,- and tho .kin, thus cleansing tbo system y tho natural outlet of tho body they may be called tho purgative supori fic and diuretic medicine. They stimulate the blood so as to enable naturo to throw off all morbid humors, and euro ditcaso no matter by what name it may bo called. One or two of them taken overy night will prove an infallible remedy. Sold in every drug and mediclno store, cither plain or suirar coated, lw t . Cotton ailllt Returns. Fau. IUver, Mass., Jan. 5. Tho re turns of the cotton mills for the past past year, lire, on tho whole, far from good. They show a decrease in annual dividends of S47U.U2U. as compareu wun those of 18U0. The uverage dividend was 5 73-100 per cent. Only two corporations mild an iiinrdi as 12 nor cent., aim 14 ac tually lost money. The present slightly 1 condition promises continu- nm. Mnnv now mills for the manufac- turn nf fancv roods will probably oe fniindpil. iiwiiiu to tho generally favora. bio returns of thoso now existing, and, on tho whole, trade prospects are very encouraging. Coming EvontB. Jan. 19. bupuer and bazar Primitive MetbodWt school room. I'hyslclans' prescrli tlons have failed to reach many cafes of iheumBtism known to liave been Milwequently cured by Salvation Oil. That Is lhe rnwoii why the popular volet, is nrtictiiaiir unanimous m us iavur, Ore bott'o Is usually sulllcient. llbbon IsHiuis n Clinllenge. TJitw YniiK. Jon. 5. Austin Gibbons, lm lbtlit, wKlrrhtmuBllist. of raterson, ci. T iut, nlirlit. issued a challeuue to light In the Tni. McAuliffe or Billy Myer, of Streator, 111. He said lie preferred to fight Myer first, and that the Olympic Ulo, or iew Orleans, had offered a $5,000 purse. Ho claims that as lie defeated Andy Bowen on Dec. 20, and as Bowen deleaved -uyer twice, Myer has no ground to refuse to moet. him. He offers to .post 0U0 to guaruutee appearauce at the call of time. A Surprise). Koop your aye on this looal. Keagey, the photographer, will have his new open ing In a few days and will havo something intoraitlffg that will surprise tho pooplo. II Lauo's Family Medicine JIovos the bowels each day. Mott people seel to ueo It. Diod. JiALLEV. On the Cth Inst., at Shen andoah, Pa., Ivale, daughter of Catharine Malley. ago 22 years. Funeral will tak place on Friday, 8lh Inst., at 9 a. m from tho family residence, 331 west Uenti street. High mas? at tho Annunciation church, to ptocec d in carriages to Miner villo, where the interment will take place Friends and relatives respectfully invited to attend. l-' 3t. AMUSEMENTS. Si Perkins ! i VARfiWSkTK unui innuiiuai nj 23 irl C-ntro Strttt, DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS I Tlin frtllnnjlni, nr ftA nfri flllt Of reHCll Ol W.V enrxpetltor In town: II st Underwear, ISi-a Piece. Moiklngs, flue quality, i. pair for V5i. Table Oilcloth, all stvies. T-.we lnir, 5o rer ,nnHlri.rnhffr. flfnr!iiO. L neil Tublf- rlolt's. bi ihe Pair. 60oaplece. Nice lino of I!edpicaas,nna a mu uue oi Gents' FwrnisliiMK GoocIh. Now is the Time ! TO I'llKPARE for winter, iwery one is i..ni,i..,- 41, l,&f tynnnn fnr thft least money.. If you are seeking bargains In Hats or Cupsjustdrop in to see8cnlan. Hesells men's good fur caps for 600, men's rea under clothing for Kioarlece, men's fine working gloves at 25c b palr.Jthe BEST OVERALLS iu ilic MARKET GBc A PAIR, An excellent line of Grey Flannel Bhlrts for working at lhe very loweBt price. Dig line of good winter shirts from 25c up to J2 60. A Big Drlvo In N l'.CKW KA It Four-ln-handsana Tecks at 25 cent, regulur price 40 cents. Something Now in Puzzles. Bcanlonhas something niw In this line. Any one gtvit g the correct way of doing tbo puzzle wPl receive a S3 hot or Its equivalent. Tbtreare fonr wajs of tolvlng the ruzzle, and the correct way must be given, Hieie puzzles we aro selling for 10c, or we will give one to the person purchaslng.t2 worth of goods and over. AJnew patent hat harger given away with each hatpurehased at e-t- 2 O CO T5 13 S. Main St, S0ANLA1T ShenanJoal . Music Cabinets, Rattan jPush Rockers PARLOR SUITS, LOUNGES, -BEDSTEADS, OFFICE DFSSS, $300 and upward. 4,511 anil upward. 2,00 ana upwara. - 15.00 and upward, ITS, - - $Z0.0Q and upward EXTENSION TABLES. - 4,00 and upward FINE LINE LADIES' DESKS, 13,13 and upward EASELS, All Styles, - - 1,00 and upward PICTURES A Large Lot kt Opened fertile Holiday Trade, $1,01 and upwardPlCTURES, Wilcox 8c White Organs, r: PIANOSI:: 4- Steele ( hlcUcrliiR A u.liushuk Lester ,Hnrlman WHITE SEWING MACHINES. i'lnnos. Organs snd KewlngMHihlnissold cheap for ash or rented by the month 13 South Mam Sirett, SHENANDOAH, PA. T lie Earth! Is n pretty big plnce, but you might wander all over it and not on oitereu unywiiere else your pick of so many things FOB ILT'T'VUH CEIsTT'S That sum buvs numerous articles on our counters, which aro worth ten cents In other stores. MORGAN'S" BAZAR In. Dress Goods, Shawls, Silk Haudherchiefs, Gloves, Muffs, Ladies' and Children's COATS, Carpets, Rugs, Etc., at Ueet photographs Bnd crayons al DahVe. JUST RECEIVED ! Pineal lot of CHICKENS, Geese and Ducks In town at Jas S Thomas', 118 Wit Coal Street. NEW DRUG STORE. Shapira's Pharmacy, 107 South MulniStreet, NEXT 'DOOR TO POST OPrlCE! Prescriptions carefully eouippunded by registered pbarniucists, TO PROTECT YOUR LUNGS l'r'ocuro oho ot our Cliqst Protectors. Must Accopt a Smaller Amount. TlHTm.EiiKii. 1'a.. Jan. 4. Iu the suit of George Herstine nKainst the Li'hlgh Val lov lUllroail an order was entered vaster ilnv. dlreot iib that the planum accow lfia,UW, 1U 11BU Ol llie livc umuuHun awardeu him, or vue uuibihimiii, uo uiyiuu- cda new trial, Horstine, several yeaw ago, sustained injuries on a Lehigh pas senger train, aud upon bringing suit Wa8 awuruwl f iu.buo oy u jury. Second Game a Draw. Havana. Jan. 5. The second game In the great cues nmteh between M. Stein it, nnd II. Taehigorin, at tho Cantro Aus- triano, was playeu yenteriiay. btulnlu, who had the move played u "Ituy lop." After thirty-two moves the game was fflvi.ii un as a draw. The third name of V . .... . . x .1 mi... the inatoll will lie piayeii io-imy. xiib score Is nows Thohlgorln, l; bteiuitis, 0; drawn, 1. Evory family should have tho Genuine Imported Anchor Pain JSxpeller in the house. It is tho beet known remedy fur Iffluonzs, Hactacho, I'lini in tho Side, ChOft and J rinU. It U and ever will he tho hcEt remedy for all Ilheumatio com plaints. 29 prize meunls nwnrdcd to the manufacturer of this valuable preparation 50 cents a botlh", ai:d to be had at all drug gists. 31 RubinBkl Btirned Out. A olothipg store at Iloclclown, owned by II. Itubinski, who was formerly enRiiced in tbo cattle bueinoM in town,' wa dt-elroyed by fire on Saturday night. The loss was $5,000, partially covorf-d by.imuranee. Ohio Senatorial Ciuicus. Columpus, O., Jan. 5. At last the data of the Senatorial caucus has been et and at 8 o'clock to-morrow night in the Hall of tho House of ItepreMmtatives the battle -m l.a ffinnlit without uloves. Senatoi Ohl of the Sennto Caucus Committee and T nnnorbeitv of the House, with l'resl dent Harris of the enat and Spenkei Laylln, met and agrfed upon this date. The contest remains about the same as since the Legislative caucus, or if there may be f.ny favor Sherman lias gaiuea it l'roiiilm nt rolltlclHii Dead. Atbavv. N. Y.. Jan. 5. Win. B. Itug- ni H nrntninent Democratic politlclaa, died' at 11 o'olooklast night in this city, very suddenly, although he haB been uil- imr fnr name time. Mr. Huggles earnt from Otsego County, and wan a membei nf Amuamblv iu In 1M2 he wat made Superintendwit of I'ublio Inatnic tlon In Uie Stater and later on was Depu tv AttoriiBV-General. Ho was also Dopu- tv Bunerintendent of Insurance uudci W. II. Maxwell. DAYS ONLY! In accordance with our anneal custom, wo unload our surplus s cck at'n s iimepre- Vious 10 siopk laitmg, unu are uuer ing the ftw remaining OVERCOATS At Half Value. This sperlnl sale will only last for ten days. Wr are alto dlsprBlug ol our stock ol Shoes, Clothing, Notions, &c, atprlciwrov r heard of before lo this town. uu sutcr. nui no rcaucea, una iohosiwb will in t louslder tne pHc. Call only and lerure tonieol ihe,e vrciil bnrg,iiris. THE ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE '23 S. MAIN STEET, -Waiuh for lhe hEO IUN lu front.-S BARGAINS IH COATS Ma TO CLEAR OUT THE S Uank Note Company Kmliairamed. Boston. Jan. 6. Tho Brooks Bank Note Company of thU city U financially ..i,,!,;irrAKKuil anil an uttaciiinent nas ueen placed upon the plant by the Trepidant, rrank W. iexier. juti iwuiniyiov yih intimate about $50,000 and the iinsotH about oue-hlf. Amttlng of the stock bidders haa been called for Jan. o a; Exeter, N. H. l iilal llnllrouil CollUloii. Braver l'Aiis, Pa., Jan. 5. A freight train on tho Pittsburg Si I-ake Erie Itutl road yeaterday oinshed into a work train Btjiudlng on ii witoh near tils place. .Tumes llaintltoil. a brakenian, and a number of Hungarian laborer were se verely Injured; one ot the latter latauy, Fine Holiday Presents Tho holldajsa'o nowhere, imdtveiy onols lo Kingaroi.ua lonnu oui.iiiitinoi.suii,. a Ii- j'lesi ut to glo aielatlveora friend and he onh j la. e where you mu be tuilcd is ut lhe The People's New hoe Store Cor. (Vnlro strrrt nnd Mnrltet alley, lliirlngtou's building, (pp. Iliumui's Jeweliy More, Mienandoan, l'a, Where the fhnclot footwear lo suit tho old and jountt, rich and poor, can be hud in the coal n gion. Mi nri flue velvet sllppeis al OOoapalr, else wlieiest, (iunllle Mlrpen nl 76c, etwhcrejl. , Men's flneopnaflipieis Jl,-elfewherel.J5. Iidles' floo oimola oreia Ml l etn, beaded and KMin bouquet i6c, ehowherettl 25. I ai-lo' tluo vuei fllppeis, tilmmedwltb fur for Kl, eit-ewhoie S1.5U. o-oxixaavxaxr, SIANAQFIl. ( Ign of the BTAlt. 113 North Main St., Shenando! No. 6 South Jardin Street. Keurotury l'onter Still Very Weak. Wawiikotok, Jan. 6. Secretary Fostei spends a short time each day at thi Treausry Department, but as yet has not-fult strong enough to resume uotivt direction of affairs.. Mr. Spauldlug ii noting secretary. The fl rip 1" New Hamp.hlre. Cowcoan, N. H., Jan. 5. There aro ovei 2,000 caaea fit grip In thiB city and vicinltj and the distase U spreading. No case ol grip ban jet been reported 'among tin eonvlota in the State prison. Good Horses I Nice Buggies I Fine Double Carnages I In rha'f.' of send, csMul, rofponelbledriv trs to liir at all im( and at ressonablo rates at EVAN J. DAVIES' L1VEKY AND FEED STABLE, 12 anil 11 JVorWi l'tar Alley, Hear of l.ubeig's haidware itoro. Horaes i, tin, in Himrd. Chii IiiI ntienth n trltnto l-'eedlng Hones. AlUindi ol II AU1.ING at- tendtd tu promptly iharjes moderate. UNDERTAKING Faithfully and promptly attended lo. It Was Good. Ai has been bi rustoni for years, Mino Iloit J. K. 1 Bihufls marked the now jear by jondmg the 1israi.ii employes a ucliot full of egg nogg. Wr. Schiofly will please comlder our list fbised in his honor. CK-ii'd by tbo bbm ill'. , WibK8BAui, Pa., Ju, 5.-r-The clothi lng storua of J. Jones at Hazleton and WhttKlniven were closed yesterday by th eherlff. The Bult is en an $18,000 notl - arg fc'tore, ... . r . 11.1- 1 It hiisbeen proven by living illnesses that Van-Tina Is a rrmarvab'e sreciflofor the quick rrousiuroaiaxia be found. Costs r. j), Kinin's i'ao-lliia ish ri iiiuruuo'eBpeciui cure of lhe dllllii II and daretro lurg tioullea- lis qual canrt be 25 cents. ran-Tlna la sold at I. mHE fHKAPEBT I10U8I2 JL 1NTOWNFOU Harness, Vhips, Robes, Blankets George Robinson, Went Centre Hlrcel, hlieimiidonli. 5-A Heree BlanheU a tpeuiutyt j10n CHlEli" BUKGESS, Jmucs II. Lessltr, Hnbject to the decision ol the Cltliens Bor ough Convention. , Restaurant Cor. Main nnd Coal Bts.. BUeuanaoaii, i-a. Regular meals at popular r rices seiveti.atab units, jidles" dining t,n ro freslunenl moms at'acn ed. liar btocaeil wllh tbo flufsl biunds ol cU-rs aud lanoy drinks. Leading Restaurant in Town. WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largest and cheapest stock 1 town. Artistic Painting, Graioing anil Decorating ! J. P. GARDEN, lOt-lm 22JW. Centre Bt.HJlKNANDOAJl LEATHER and SHOE FIHDW T. O"- CLEARS", Dealer in all kinds ot Qlinnrna MUVfUUlwlWA M X Xf Larsi; and first-class stock:. All Demands of the Trade Suppliea 18 W. CENTRE ST., Kfrguson House building. SHENANDOAH. PA. Ferguson : House : RestaurantTi i iTnnp mnnflDemput lit Enoch Lockettl J Cor. fflui ii aud Ccutrc StrcctHJ FIHST-CLAHH LUNCH COUNTER. Best beer, porter and ales always on tap, gars of the finest brands. Ot-' WIEIEIIECS Has removed to Bill Jones' old standi CHRIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT 201 N. Mftln St., Bhenandoalb The Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, h I Everything in tho Drinking Lino. 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET Where be will be pleated to meet the wants' of his mends and the purine in i; o V neio by Jeon j-yj, i"4 . t ii, ' -