ii GRAYES CONFESSES IllO Doctor His Partly Guilt. Admits COLONKL BALLOU IMPLICATED. Before tho Verdict of Guilty W An nouneed the Latter Had Pled' Graves rnlil Ills Keepers on llio Wij to IhII 'Jilt IImIIuii 1Vas ltespntislble fur tli Cnnvlrtlnn, unit Yn llinwlly Guilty Villi Him In Causing the Death of Mr. JSurnaby--Haiti Hint lie. 1'ollnweil tlie In structions of the. Colonel In Ills Testimony-- Irumatlo Hwnii In the Court Iloom AVllen the Verdlrt AVftS Hindered Tin) Doctor Threatens to Commit huli-lile. Dknvbb, Col., Jnn, 4. Dr. Gravos lins mndu n partial confession of his puilt, Implicating Col. Ballon in tbu drat h of lire. Bnrnaby, nnd the Colonel liai fled. Before the verdict of the jury was made known Saturday niglit, the Provi dence lawyer made his preparations to f-enpe. He left thu court room after lis-U-iiing to the greater portion of Distilct-Aum-iicy Stevens' closing argument. He vent directly to the Vallejo, the privnte luit-1 where lie was stopping, and hur !! i'Ij pReked his belongings, lie called j ii i i'mt Evans, of the hotel, to his apart-Jijw;,-. and told him that lie desired to tnic his billa. l In- latter expressed his surprise that tin httWrwnilM lnnA an imavnulullir V n I he fate. if his client, hftrt not. i. 1 determined. Col. Ballon n1oln t. .'.-y upon him, telling him that his! 1 n ss euKcments would not permit ' t Hi remaining longer. He left the ! 1 " 1 without stonnintr for sum.er. Hi. ' vile went with him. They lunched -f . tin obscure restaurant in this city and v it lo the Union Depot. 1 .1. Jlallou bought tickets nnd took the "J" l c mmis island train for the East. ::. .r:.ji. " ,vi '"i,JMr . -ii ,i rZ . '. X: "VPI; t. I. 3 ,, J l mined to him on the ...... .... .1 ' ...A... r. vr his secret denarture the start- leniV't, condemning Dr. Graves to in was ioujiU. ik'fore ftir flip lllrvo 1 .irt ure he licensed wl of lielnlr ni, im ' rt . JJ i ' . It is supposed juice oi j.-. Graves. It is supposed i tins, coupind with n premonition of j ' i. wuuiu ue, lriguiuneu l .j , , . Court when the verdict ' ie scene m ,ieu was Aainalle in the extreme. I i. If piwt 8 o'cloClt the deputy i i was Himmoned to the jury roem. w taors realized that the hour had ' .ui mere was great exciremeiiL. in iiiiutes more thu jury tiled slowly n P. Lower carried n roll of papers 1 n ii- hand indicating that lie had been ri. "ii foreman. ntlemen, have you arrived at a mi i , . t , " ahked Judge llising. v, i have, your Honor," responded the f,n i .nuil, pas'-ing the roll of paper to the jim ,u who panned St to the cleric. i hi spectators held their breath bb he ren.l hlowly and dlktlnctly the venliet. i deep flush pahaed over tha face of In . f I raves, followed by a deathly pallor, ile loohed at tlie ceiling with apparent i.. rvnil.TIMIl. V,he.i the clerk rlronnunced tho words "nun. I r in the first degree," the audi ence hi .rted to cheer, but a bailiff rapped Jur ord. r aud intercepted the demonstra- 11 The sweat dropped from the brow of the nc -.ised and he roM) from his chair. Will you poll the juryr" asUed the court ..! Judae Furmau, oouiisel for the deitni . , "No," ho exclaimed abruptly. The jnry was then excused and there wa a maun synipathUere to the oondewued man. J ml Furman placed his hands over his In "t and wept. In all his experl ii.i e t uta was the &ihi conviction any th-i, i.i his bad ever wift'iii-ed. The de- ji-nt . led to crusn mm. ;; ' SSr ! nil in i'i9couuty3aii. v.'. . hn Irnm were tnken out too Itiel.i'l in lr. Oraves' wrista ue snmi- 1 .1 id begged for a low ral..utes HICK HUH to j- (Ill lieen Iliaii 1 1 was granted, ttut lor ten 111 ro , 1 . Then dejected, he was taken ; 1. way to Jail after his fate bad 1 minced by the jury, Dr. 3ves da ii, nging statements about Ool. Tiulli, 1 i.i. 1 .'I. nA .it nnm nut li bph nev.. v 'n.'i.i haie been convieted," he ,i(. -1 v. .11,1 , d to testify that I sent , . i.i.w M.-a nim.i.r v.i.,,1 i nut it nu. He la Bid It v as l u-ii l i,,r,med his tuntvuctlons aud It is i i ' i ikIi t i l.at he should go tree and I to : in H.iiKiv.K." ' tii lives has r. i i"ived many de j-pii hii "f (indoU'Ut t . hut ii' fl-ui i t ul l.nilou. lie hn-. nui Ik were .11 houd Of i mi e Iii iii-ph'-ture. i.l in nt fol. Bull Coli' ail, pi i heculiugw.il cmlil 1 hi . .mil 111 111. "Alt . m's lliijlit John v -s Iril 11 i- 1-lHte (ill I iilluu liaS f.eil. it is .1- e.iby to In' '"i-k as it w.ie for hiiu to disuppi.ir Im u. lk-.ier. I will fml6w Uim to the ullmuit parts of 1'ie v-iji Hi.'' Thf Ki.md : ii y will meet noon evitcj i. l"iiu h-xmh-, h' lnn' ihifUl Will be COB""' this after it ( nl wi lt is ex- ritet' il that he ill bo 1 J in l!m next few days. ti- nruifi is in the c.miieiiuit' td cell of I..4I hrm nnd Kllfulll IVht- h 1-. I' ACed , p' over him. Suicide U i- a imently threatenwl to uA ;l.v wa a utUaule o : I, ii- l.e fle l hi- l'tr j e ter- j'i i tin - UlOi II- lug, -een sit ting in dishnlnll'' li.e Hnie of hi i'ide iron co' .,til...i4 inn hi.ir. l.ii nut mm 'oi. mi liod. this Is teinbli,' lie x- claWJ -I am an iunooetit mau." f).',. i.ri loll'd down his chl(. 'Xhfi Ue betfteii tl.m his wife be not U- tfcn wn' , . "i ,i LiuiiLlrs are a.i.uJy great enouii. " he i-md. There was a wild I'leaii. hi'-ue that siiggi-ttii desp.ia t'tou i" i"'' "' -''vir. He ref lined to tnllt bboni i" J'nl.ii'i it all. 'to, 0 raven and his mother have not rt-en the eoudeuiufd man aiuce he has Wu locktd up. The wife iejieartbrokeu trndspeutjterdaylnbeib Judge Fur man, on of the l.wyer of tho accused, vna th only vti-itiw Dr. Groves had yeu-.vinty. DRIVI.N INTO THE BU3H. American Troops Hrvo nu Knsy Time With Gurzu's Men. San Antonio, Tex., Jnn, 4. The work of tho United States troops in routing th6 Oarzu revolutionists on tho border lias so far been very successful; and Gen eral David Stanley says he believes that lie can keep tho Mexican offenders in sub jection with the prosent military force Anothor engagement took place Saturday near Itluggohl, tho following account of which has been received at military head quarters: "Second Lteutenat George T. Langhorn of the Third Cavalry and his detachment of thirty troopers, with the Sheriff of Duval county mid a posse of United States deputy marshals, have just arrived hero with one prisoner. Tho prisoner is Col. l'ablo Munaa, who is one of the leader in the Garza movement. Lieutenant, Lang horn reports that Saturday they struck a camp of revolutionists three miles from the Los Cuenateg ranch, and five miles from here. The revolutionists discovered the United States troops nnd escaped Into a dense chaparral. It is not known that any of them were wounded, although many shots were fired after them, ns they dashed into tho brush. The capture of Col. Jlunaz was made. Tho horhM and equipments of several revolutionists were captured, as were nlo two gross of am munition, badges, and many important papers." Tho dispatch is signed by Capt. Vf. T. Wheeler of the Third Cavalry, who is tho temporary Commander of Fort Ringgold during the absence of Capt. John G. Dourko, who is engaged in scouting op erations. Col. rabio Munnz, who was taken prisoner, is n prominent citizen of northern Jfexlco, lie will be tried in the Federal Court her on the charge of viola ting tho neutrality lawe of this country. Ho is said to be quite wealthy. GOVERNMENT FINANCES. M"ihl.V Public Debt Statement Issued Ily .... "'e T"""""y U"Pnrtmet, Vf?0": 4jMh 4TThf ,,nont 2uW1 statcn,eIlt lssued from tha 'rea9ury Department shows an increase !n the a8Kreate of the debt during the lAnr. mnnl i a..,ro,nl t.. f.nA Tin nn I - w.uwMumm w t, v-xj i m.w. i 1 WAD a I i-nmAnn nr Kl lltH 1 Jll i . ' non-interest bearing debt, an increase of H00 in tho bonded del't ailil a decrease of W,5iVi,708.0l) i-.-uie surpnls cash in tho trcasurr. The total debt to-day, less $84,574,- I 128.30 net cash balance or eurnlus. and . the 5100,000,000 gold refcervc, is SS41, 407,- IJtQ H f .1.!.. l lua imn i. ... 1 w' - ' - ux "L llll- Ulliuillll, no.l,uu,wu IS 111- , t;re8t bearing debt, and up of 000 f0r P cent bonds aud $25,0(11,500 ' , j. ,. ' . lici 1IUIV 1,1111.111111111. The principal of tho outstanding bonds has been reduced J33.0!S,770 durinc the calendar year just closed, $280,100 fours mif1 ui rio nr.u tn,,r n,i l,ir Lnvinr. been redeemed during tho twelve months. The net cash or surilus in the Trean- i iiit- rtvi-liiulvf. r,f tin, l.wn lnmilrerl ngninst 957,571,812 on January 1st a yenr ago. , Of the surplus to-day National lmnk depositories hold $20,&.r-l,0!8 against (34,109,872 a year ago. The treasury gold coin and bullion assets to-day aggregate (378,840,749, about six millions less than a month ago, and fourteen millions less than on January 1st, 1890. WITHOUT FOOD FOR 040 DAYS. The Allentown I'linter ll How Blind, lled lttdilin nnd Paral) tic. Philadelphia, Jan. 4. Mrs. Adam Wuchter of Whitehall, seven miles from here, whose strange experience as an in voluntary faster created such widespread Interest during the summer nnd fall of 1800, is still alive, apparently having sub histed 040 days without swallowing a moreJ of solid food. She is now blind, bed-ridden, paralytic and wasted to a shadow, Since April 4, 1880, she has been unable to swallow anything, except occasionally a few drops of water, and a few months ago succeeded in swallowing a little beef tea nnd orati juice. Hoyil Snlil to Hnvo Won. Washington. Jnn. 4. While no offi cial Information can "be secured in regard to tho report that the United States Su- prune Couit had by n vote of six to three the contest between ooyn c tmsz isnsf a-s .,j i ,,.,n. ,nt. iWa i rl. "TO"i , nus troub e ahead for tha person or per- Bons who gave out the decision before it was formally rendered by the court. Chief Justice Fuller has instituted an In vestigation which is still In progiess with a view to ferreting out the guilty parties. Idaho Seimtnriiil Content. Wasuikoton, Jan. 4. The Senate com .nilttee on elections will take up the I'lilAho Senatorial coutest either on the 7th nr 1 1th of this month, the dat i to which Mr. Clascett, who U oontCiinK Senator 1 Dubois seat, asked a ""' poueuient. ; Senator Dubois was elednt us a thinl i Senator from Idaho to succeed Judge ' HoObnueU, and Mr. TIih-u cluiins that this election was Hi r.il He his pre p.iu.l a In Uf setting f, 1 1 !i hU t-lenient ' ol I he r i ? . ml Senator Dubois hill also pu'l..i is! .i pamphlet in which his side of the eontrovei-y is elaborately nrgueu. Coiliult iliid Mlteliell May tit Hfiet. w kv.k, .Ian 4. The pugilistic rra t' i nit Inn e nut uiveo up all hope that C , i ,..'kH Aiiu-t'ull glove contest will i.i i Le phiic. Superintendent Mur ra ' . ,i.ii that he will not permit the coui l i')' " "If they do not accept as dedsiie. liepirr-euuitivea of lioth pugll lstb suiiisfiit ii leal opinion their articles of agreement fmui Civil Justice Peter Mltchrll, m1 o sas that Superintendent M'lrny I n' -nisiiit-rpreted the lawjand thut in Ii- ('jiiiiiun, ttmre Is no law to prevent the mutest from tailing place. Nn Troll; Konila for UrooVlui. i: usncLrN, Jan. 4. Mayor tioouy ns vetoi-d the ordluauce recently passed by the Commou Council permitting the horse ears i umpanies of the city to use the ti oiler) )'tem of propulsion. Tlirt uf 1 iinillj rl of til drip. Havlbhii i., il.iss., Jan. 4. The fam- lly of 'iii .u;i Ail n, uf this place, hai etiO'eredriMtly from the grip. All the mcuibTb ..in- uttucke.l willi tho disease and three of them hive diod Hllll Vtnr tn Mtll. ljrrMOKB Vxvui, Ue., J. Owlu? to reoept rains, the Androicecila Blver is hlfhsr th& It has ha fer II yrs. A CRISIS IMPBKDIHO Dlfforoncos in tho Exports of the Chili Ontragc. RCVIE'W OF TBCR PROCURATOR. Ho rindu That tha Amsrioau Sa lon Wera tba Aggressor in tho Tight, An Issue That Cun Only llo Mettled Tly the InicHtlf.wtioii of in Impartial Tri bunal Sulior llnmero, the Mexican Min uter, Mm Nut Hee.li Asked to Ae.t us Arbitrator- rroaldent Harrison trill feooii Hr-cult to Cougross on thu Huhjcct ffAsraitoTos, Jan. 4. Chilian affairs aro likely to be brought to a crisis within the next two or three days. The report of the Procurator Fiscal lias been con cluded and is to bo tabled to Minister Montt to-day and will be laid by him before Secretary Ulalne. There is a dis tinct issue as to facts between the results of the trial by the Chilian authorities and the presentation of the case made by President Harrison in his message, which was oased on the report made by a board of officers of the oruiser Baltimore. Presi dent Harrison says in his message: "These attacks were unprovoked, and our men were conducting themselves in a peaceable and orderly manner. Some of the police of the city took part in the assault and used their weapons with fatal effect." v There appears to be no disposition on the part of the Chilian Judge to probe too deeply into the port tni.en by the Chilian police, for the evidence of a witm -a be fore Judge of Crimes Foster that lie saw three policemen hold the American sailor who was killed receives no further atten tion from the reviewing judge. Kun ming It up he finds that th -American sailors were the aftirjpmiat, and that the flhllinnp nvr.-i .rtpl-f.lv on rlin fli.fi.TiHt v. T . ' 1 l i n jeti is uienriy iinpoHttiuie 10 reeuuciie lut , l.vn vlnwil hniv IS nn nhafilnta nnnflli-r oi tact on every position, it is clearly for the purpose of fortifying the Ameri can position, as laid down in the Pretd- dent's message, that Judge Advocate General IJemy is now on his way to Smi Francisco to take the depositions of sail- oib 011 the Baltimore as soon ns she nr ..lt'UD M.'l.tl.. A ... A. Inn... ...Ill . ""i" "i"'u .iiuciii-oiio mil Ilium n to nenevo tnat i'resi i"t is tho corroc i,,i .liM,,.., dent Hurrison's state correct one, yet, on the other hand, diplomats here ngreu Hint equal honesty nnd sincerity must be conceded to the Chilian Uovcrnment, and that wo cannot claim, n priori, that the Chilian Procurator has deliberately fulslfled the facts to vindicate his government from an otherwise untenable position. With two honest statements so widely nt variance there appears to be but one course an investigation of the subject by some entirely impartial tribunal. A statement that Minister Jfome.ro has al ready been requested by Minister Montt to act ns arbitrator proves to have been as premature as the statement that the Ger man Minister at Valparaiso had offered the good oflioes of Uermany an mediator between Chili and tho United States. PROCUrtATOR RSCAL'S REPORT. lie Cannot Toll AVIm is Responslbln for tho ISuUlinorw Outrage Vali'auaiso, Chili, Jnn. 4. Tho Pro curator Fiscal has concluded his review of the Baltimore c!.e. He finds that IJodriguoz, Gomez nnd Aiumaila, the three rioters who were held by Judge of Crimes Foster, are guilty of stabbing and otherwise wound ing the American sailors, but he says that the evidenco is not strong enough to show that the wounds inflicted by the four prisoners oaused the deaths of Boat swain's Mate Charles Itiggin and Ooal Heaver Turubull. He finds tho Balti more sailor Davidson guilty of assault upon a Chilian Malldr. Rodriguez acknowledged stabbing Itlg' gin because the latter assaulted one of tUu tuiiiore of the Chilian torpedo boat Almiruute Cochrane. Seeing the Chilian seaman ill treated Rodriauei! stuck his knife Into Kinuau's bactt. fionici! niiiuitted stnhbtnn; Tuinbull In the back three times, and said he did so in defending some friends of his whom Turnbull liuu knocked uown, Aguni.'ida deiikd haling had anything l iln uith the asHault. but was shown by otliL-i' witnesses to have participated In It i.urtez. another of the piisoners, also nlWed that he took no part in the affair. A levolier was found on him, hut he i.niil be carries it to defend himself. it. tiiiw oiilv remains for Judge of Crimes Foster to pass sentence on the three convicted prisoners. Itelative to Cortez's implication the Prosecutor Fiscal earn that more data are reuuirea, The Fiscal comes to the conclusion that It is impossible to determine who fired the shot which tilled Bi-'tfiu. It will be remembered that one of the wltnessis, fu'coidliw to Judge Foster's report, testi lied that he saw three policemen holding lllLretn at the time the fatal shot was lli-r.l Minister Pedro Montt has been uottfled that the Chilian (ioveuunent is I' illinji and anxious to accept arbitrators mutu ally agreeable to loth countries, in the Baltimore affair, if that course shall be nroDOied bv the United Btutes. The entire report of the Fiscal will be cabled to-day for t lie information of the United Stales tioveiuineiit It is piobable tb.it an extended amnesty will b procittinieu snoriiy. Warlike Anllvlty at Kan UIgo. San Fxcco, Jan. 4. A dispatch from San Diego buys thu cruiser Ban l''rancUi o is transfer Ing f:u-?e quantities uf ammunition and other supplies to tut cruiser Ch.iMcno'i. 'luo C'Uiii leHton has received orders to be leady for sen at a moment's notice. Sun Francisco will be made the basis of supplies and opeiation in event of trouble ilh Chili, and the entire Pacific s-jimdron will inuke this port its head j.i.tru re. It is autlioiita tlvely M.ited tliit dett. ilet.iioK is pre paring to rccilie seveial lolip.uilert of tirtilloiv whiih hate beeu ordered tiaus- I ' i j , i ftrrwl to thib point. May Dead of Itshles. Nswajuc, NT. J., Jan. 4. Kdward Hall, 4-vei old, d'eil of hydrophobia jester- "ay, at his li'.ir.t In this city. The little frUow wa boilly hittea by a mauiil ownsd bj Campbell Clark, a prominent cltlLn of this city, on uc. u. Aynacr INSTITUTE ! Candies, China and Lamps. ()UR OFFBK this week to teachers Is fall of interest. D.in't you know tvliy ? yt nro liemlriuiirters for X-iuas rIOm untl holiday goods of almost OlbCOUVr OF TEN I'Ktt CENT, on till purchase to the amount of 85 00 nuil upward to all teachers. I'lusli Goods, Dolls and Tovu In endless variety, toilet sets, nil nmkea lo biilt till jmrees. OTTIR, O-A-IfcTIDXIES Are pronounced most delicious, only 20 cents per pound, all kinds. OONCAN(IWADIJilJir IKAUPITRRS .OF T'WO STORES!: 16 West Centre Street and 34 nnHEttE Is money In It for you If you purchase your holiday goods from ua." Five hundred styles dreistd iIoIIh, from Co to SI CO eaoli. Drills' shoes, stockings, trim'ss, tables, bureaus, chairs, toilet sols, paintboxes, writing desk, doll swings, air lilies, .'rums, trains of cars, gun boaU and itber articles run by steam, A largo tot o' niscuanloal toys, Uw chests uud all the latin! games, A Jl U and build r.g I'lochs, I'liisajBiiet ana Maiuciire ubis -VutUjuo ullvur toilet and manicure et, dictionary uud bioio stand hold i, hook nnd ladder nnd fire engines, In stoves, German tops, trunipcLs and many other articles in this line. Musical Instruments, Perfumery, Sleighs ! China Sets,, Magic Lanterns, &e. To ministers of the gospel and school teachers, 10 per cent, oil on nil goods bought. All Knds must tie sold before January It A, and no rcasniuiblH oiler tefused. full early and have the pick of the lot. You can select what you wunr, which will tie set ushle.on puvmeut of a smull deposit. i iii actelp-aia va& Jiaading HaJr :- . Tim I"dt 4n efeiit JN'oe. JH, JS'Jl : suns iuu mmm as mimi w Hew Ynrx via PhiUtae'rmie, wosii euai 2.10 SJB, 7.90 k oi. and 12 85 'AW ami 5.5 i.. . Smirtay 3.UI snd 7.4 a. to. Fo- Sm ' oi Ii, via ilaueb Ohuiut. week days, 4 7.20 a. in. and lit', aud XS0 p. in. K r Readlnf; and l'bllaHeiphUi week dayt, 2.1H .2, VJ, a. m , 12.35 T.) and 5.S6 p: V . isnn iiy,,iuann j. a. m., i.uj I'' r Harrlsbojy, week duvs. 1. m. !.u,-.) a. m. 'A OU, p. m. v Alleutowu, week days, 7. W t. m., 12.' 2 60 n. For Vottsvbis. week flays, 2.1,7.!W,. Ju. liio 2,'nt- tnd 5,Wt. m. Sunday, 2.10 and 7., a, , rsm, or TuoBHiiiii find Mahanoy Ulty, wees da -a, 2.10, 7.M, a. m., 1231 S.W snd SX p. '-, nmiojiy, .uuia i.ut u. m., i.ju i. m iniiion&i -r is.anoy uiiy, wwii. Miya i.m P-nl' r ir U'.umtiw ami uuiuiuiiih, w' 7.w. ni.,l.Wp. ra. w i' WllUunumon. Hiinburv ana lwlBlmri week lays. 8,26, 7. and 11.8" m ,1J5,7. k. nunoay nrci iii., a.'j.i p. m. 'r Hahaooy Plane, wctt iUy, a.10 S3. S v 7.QI1 nuil lf.ftl fc. m.. 12.S5. 1.KS. 2.8U. 5.06 7 1' C ':,. ' m. SBQllwri a in. a-iso turn .ii 1. 15. 4.30 i 'il. fir miuritvilln (Rsnrskr.unoelc HtMHUt ween osya, 2.1 , 8.2'i, 5.2P, r.l .nd 11.80 v. 'a. 12.86, I K 5.50, S.56, 7.00 kh I K.2S. p m. "and ay til Hi T4X.m., R.W, 4JW p.m. rw AfltlllUMl Httfilllu&lil. ffeeK 8 26. 5.21,7.20, UX m., 7.00 and T. r lit n 13 ., J a E - rA!NfK WlVt KI1KN 'MllO.Cii : ve Dew Voir, via Philadelphia, week dy.T.tf tk. m.. IjW, TJW P. n Ulo n . nuiwy. n-i' ii. in., uiMu. ave Sow Tork via Mam-" "hunt. . k iUj , 8, . m., 1.00 and 8.15 p. m. Bur.- dav. 7 00 a. m 4tYb JTIUlUUDlllUlR, n.AAV 1, .. , U Jll, J ,. ,1 m . r iMt uaft 8.UI d. m.. ft m Bta a a .1 CallowhiU and 8.85 a. m. and U.l l. i-om BtU ano suosie. hiumi ).( St Urediuti, roei. days, U. t.io, 'ii.P' nrt l.M a. in.. UK. 7JSI p. m. rniuoay l jw : a lO.W a. m. , , foiievme. un, ., '" . m. I2 , s ll p. m. Bnnday, 8.40, 7.00 . td. mm , mi Leave Tttminua, wnik 0y, 8.8U, -:. aC list . w.. ML T.18, and 9M p. m. sanaay lis - tO k ii w.S. 1 11 a rrt J.euve Mansnoy 'Jity, wwi i. . d 11.17 . nt., 7.bj4 . p. m rui day 3.4(1,8.17 a. m , 8.J0 p. m. film ik ll. il .i. ra .i.06. im. 'W. ,7.47, an 10 00 'j. ui. Munoayn.1 . " 1.87,5.01 P n, t9ave wi:aruvnm inji.u.My' weec lays, 2.47 4.117, . B, -ni s.st a- hi., '4 ; 2 U i,', b.n, H OS sod 10.0s ii in MindW. ,11- . W . rrt U At . K In Tt ill. " "-L ."- - . rtrt tt J . rt 11.65 .nj.8. and 11.16 p. Bmayll.l I, willlamnooil. wmk no, 'r Baltiinam. VftUtbttueUOt th ft via . A O. S.H.Ulfoesl ualas. leave WWrd vvenue UtBJ.iuwdlpni, (r. 4 n, n ... tttui attm iin hi . s.ai a.rj k-i 7 is HtafaaT. &5 8.08111 a. at.. 80 6 42 ' 7.11 1 la, tui iiwieiilTV DIVUiUJN. Leave Fuliedtilrhifc, UiusUiBt suwiWuwl ).. ooteou wimn. f'er AtltmeCttv, 'et-dftW-Krpreii,T00. m. 2.0O, L ao wmmoctatlon, H oo . m. ana o.w, m niadRys. BTpress, 8.00 .. ni. Aeooin ,u .nn. '.JKl a. m. ml 4.30 a. m 'Marntnjt. Utue .VUande Cijy, djr V '.-!' an1 ArlmlllMlJI ar nnwi. We-V-d'l I n 4A n itn .. ... curt i IVI m An. 'uumo4dtl.Hi8.nl a. in. and 4.80 p m Bun. lays-Ezprews, 4.0i, p. in. Aooommodittlun 7 80 a. in. and 4.80 p. m. ti 14. HANUQCli Will lreM r mv& f.. M I r. ). P'ti. fli'tt'l Uir''. UPTURE We. Hie undernlnert, were en'iriy puri m nipiu"-i l)r. J. 11, Mayer. -i Arn 1-1 f,.llnHl 1,1a T H. .ImlHB Pill I HH. ll OnilC -ua,.ie l'a.; T. a iiinim, ni-iiiiiBwu. 1 -'.., . M.Huiail, Mount Am. a: 1 ev.H. li.BU'r men, Mv'bun.Vs; 1 J.IiHHt 214 K. 12 h t . ltcadiin, Hi.; Wm Dix 1H36 MontraMHt 1. PlillUoli'lilo: 11. 1. It ai.sini nut m,., wiu. lug, ; (Hnrsjeano l'W lluil-Hrt, 4 1111. 1., muni ra. iui nn u'-i;, ni- MEN WANTED To Uat a l'ltU Tiire for lUi B'm.FjW lul v irxCtMfW Ml WlWMiJUneee l.,r;vr sAu.1 ""M-. lmpot.iirT. Ae. ,.'- ! ."iliiii -! our Sp4l el will eu F U MMtk's s(41uae CHRISTMAS SANTA GLAUS ' North Main Street, Lehigh Valley Railroad. AaaAKQEMENT Jf FASSESQBR 'XJlAINfi. NOV 15. 1801.- ''Msenger trains will leave Hueoaudoah for ulsncb (m'-iDk, LeblKliton, Hallngtou, Cata Auqaa, Allen'own, liethlellMn, Kastou, 1'Ull -Aiutiua., iiiiniiuwu, iwiuieuuu, mtiBtli tdclpht&aad New York at 6.47, 7.40, U. lux, aie, a.ipi p. in. For Belvldere. De'nware Wstei Oaii and -Itr Jinl9l)urg at 5.47, a. m., aud S.28 p. m. ror uamDertviue aua l reoto , s.m a. m For White Haven, WlUes-Barre and rats ton 6.47, 8.m. 1 1.41 a. m., 3.10 .ina 638 p. m. ForTunkhaunosk, 10,41a. m 3.10 and 6.26 o. so. Kor iVubnrn, Ithaca, (Geneva and and tiyoiiB 10.41 a. m. Hiil 6.2)1 p. m. For Laoryvllle, Towanda. Havre, Waverlr, Runlra, Kwhoster, Uatralo, Niagara, falls, 'hleoRO and all imlutii Vwl at 10.41 a. m.,and iM p. m. For Klm'ra and the Wont via Halsmanca at S.10 p, rn. For Audenrled, Hasletou, tltojitUm, Iium her Yard, Weatherly and Penn Hsven June :ion aio.K, ;.l'j, ,U3 . m.nuu uv uoa 66 p.m. Hor Jcunesvllls, I.ovlstoii and Heave Hesdow, 7.40, 9.03 a. m. and 5,'JK p. m. For sorantoa at 5.47 0 08, 10.41a. m. SlOand ib p. nl. For Hnslo Iironlc. Joddo, UrlAos and Fnw end atS.47,7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. ni., 11S2 3.10 and 6.28 p. m. For tlastiiio at 6.41 aud K.08 a. m and U0 d. m For Wlgfnn, Qllbertou and FrankvUle nt .60 and tifii a. m., and 4.10 p. m. rat xaieuvute animuuy viiy uui tBinuu, .47, 7.W, 6.08, 10.11, a.m., 12.62, 8.10,UH, 8,03, ina w.n a. m. For Lrfwl CTreok. 3lnudvUl( and Ashlind 4.27, 7.4S.8J2. 10.16 a .m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, HJb B.C0 lutdt.llp. m. For Da'nwpter, Bl. Olalr and f.-ltavllle 660 .40,852 9.08, 10.11 a. U., 13JU.S.10, 4.10, 6.M u.m. For Back Mcmnuiin, new Boston ana Horaa, 7.40, 8.0H, 1 '.II a. m., 12J2, 8.10, 6.i and ,vi ti. no For tuven Hun. Ccntmlla. lit. Oarmel nd Hnamokin, 8.12, and 10.15 a. to., 1.40, 4-H ud 8.o p m. , , Tmlnq leave Bnamokin lor Bnenandoaki, 7.3, 116 a. m.. 2.10, 4.30 and UJ30 p. in., ariivJm; KtBhenan-Hoah, 8.06 a.m., 12.62. 8.10, 6.28 and ll.nn For Lolly, Audourlad, fillvsr llrook J nc tlnnso Hslflon5.47. 7.40,0.08, und 10.41 a. ra 12.52, 3.10, 5.20 and 8. ,8 p. iii- For ixmi Creak, Blrardvii e ana Atniaita, I..W.0.10 11.85 a. m., 2.45 p. to For DarHwater. Hi. U (Jlalr and PolU) villi, s m n ft m -J.4A n. m. For Yateevuie, Monanoy uny mu tisuuiu m, 11.85 . m.. 1.41, 4.40, 6.0!lp m. f i Loay, Aadenrled aud tloeleton, 841 1 4il n m ForMaueh Chunk. Leliinhton, Blatlntton. llatnfjLnatOrr A ImtifftL at lethlebem, HMtor mil new Torn, i.n nt., i.m p. m jfor niiiaa.i'nni i.tuaai. a. B. BYINTON. ,m'l Poos. AgL. Bethlehem. A J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leasee, Mort-agee and Bonds written BiairiHeetii5eijiiiii eii wmium promptly attaodetl to. Ileal H ColWioa aad Insurance Agency rinrnnl CTIm Tnanranoe BnslntfM. Represent B lb.- Northwestern Ufti limuranoetlo Orifioie-Ttaldoon, balldlm;, corner Cantro and We"t Kte., nuienauaoeu, Oooa hropttrtie All Kinds For Sale. 1 1 wn eta' v doalile frame dwelling house iuinil ranlniirAnl. on ISOSt lien W6 Bt 2. A dwelling aud restaurant ou Rest Ciena 8 lol able nroperty on onruer Onntre and Janlin streets, suitable for nuslnsss par 4. A twosiory doutnn irame oweiunj, on went ljiovustrwi. 6 Twi' 2 ry traate dwellings on Well Cejl- v.t u, rttA. a -!, . ,l.,ra rJtart. llniy. etn t.liA nnruar el Oial una i.-uomuuv streets niiaremuuw 7. Tw i-i'ln-v IuitI house on NmiUfUestnul rrtint 1 . , .u... tth.iM tthttreaj' R.-.TIM ee twMtoijt douo&TSBpe bnlldlfi eor.ier of LWyd d flnnen streem. ri ix.itAjiirftK.M.i)., ' PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON, Sbaniloali. OfllM- WetUoydiBtlrertJBhl WANTS, &o. s iu?vrtiu"J"nt eolumn, not exceeding tliir' 62JZ ."J!.' tr,'!i0?' Voe- lT twoi 1 for Hirer; oie week. iwu ween, one KiT, "AIjE A good and i;entlo mle chefn"''?011') ),lu,ls f W .rk. for 'CrerPeetfffiUkg-,,,J- ?J FO It SAlilSTiie graTTeaTiiolf Kkank Lewis, JOII! KlSR .IloWKn. JltUR O'Nl lLI., ' 1'iiANK onntNaTON. .,,,, JAMBS MCU0NI.D, "J'"'r Trustees SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000,00 A. W. LasGfirng, Pros., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenrwq, Cashier, 9 W. Yost, Ass' 't Cashier. Xnmlly From 9 to 34 CffiNT. INTEREST I GO TO JADQUARTERS F0'UEE CONFECTIONERY (IIO.ME-SIAI).) xree uruiimenis, oca. Wholesale aud Retail. thii av I T- m r r , m r mm Ml W I .1 K U K t: . f" HI III Are abolntelv nitre. Sunday School uuurcnox, boci.'i les, no , supplied at wholes ile riitei. p.p. .mam. man and .a TT TrTTTTT-T iu'i- ii. mum oi., oiieuhhuZi P flUUVLVflr-.l RAILROAD. scBnYKcim. nrviBioN On anil ater Novemter 15, 1891, fra.'iu will Uave S'ietanX iah ns fo loint, Snr Wigtna, tilltierton, Fraokvllie, New it!e, Bt. CUr, -ind way ptlnU ,. .10, 11.45 n 'i and 4,15 p in, andsys, 000, 9.4u a m nnd 8.10 p ra. i'ot rottsville, 6.0J, 9.1U, 11 45 a rn aad 4.15 .1 r snnd&ys, 600, 0.40 a m and 3.10 n m, c Beading, 8.00, 11 45 a m and 4.15 pm, ' 'andays. 00, U.40 a. nt. and 8.10 p tn For Pottslnwn. Phoeiuirvjlle, janrnsliwB ' rbllafleipiihi t Jiroad sfeet stai ion, t. ). 11.15 . in. Mid 4.15 p m week days xcdeysi 000, 9.40 a in 3.10 p m Trains leave FraelrVbe or Mhenandoui n i.'.c.iujaim-:15 01, 7 42,13,03 p m. Jaa. df f i w -t is and j.60 n m. jEav Pot'tville lor Unenondoah. 10.15 ane ).4S,um 4.40, 7.15. 0.42 p ns. Bundays, 10.40 up 1. , Lrfave Philadelphlh (Broad s reet station). H ?ottvllls find Bhenandoali. 5.57 8 3r- a m i. I) nail 7,00 ii at week ileys, BundiM 0.50, and ,M Mil H NOV YOM. J.W. 4,l, l. S.8ti. S.ll. 7.85. ),'. 4.60. U.O0'JdlU4. 11.85 tm.19 on noon. tltil t 1i'r,..l.tJ (1.50 i ni.l 1.40. :ia, H ' 4, t.02 1,".2I 8.50 7.18 8.1? ua.l 10.00 m, ix.ui igai, i iMuu.lav .y.fl, 1.05. 1. Vt. i.ia.h.30.. 0. 11 35 At 12.41, 1.40,2.30, 4.02, llra!te, .H. 5 23. s 2 ' . ' I, m airl uoi meat For Baa Girl. Long Branch and Intermediate stations 8.20 and 11 11 a. in., 4.00 p m. weelr days. Kieehold only 6.O0 pm week dny. For Ualtimoro and Wasnincton 3.50. 7.20. 0.10 su l 11.18 a. m 4 41, 0 57, 7.40 p.m. and 12.03 nigniaauy unu b ai, m.uii in., tza tumiiea illy ezuress wlln dlnme car tollaltlmnre) 1 p. m. woa ottys. e or uuiiiuiore uuiy .vi wee i qys, B.oa, u.30 o. in. dullv. i'or uionuiimu, 720 it. m. aud 12.03 night dallv. 1 30 n. m DtUliil.iy. Train lewe it' iiir I'lLUo.irir lie (vest .'very doy ii 12.3 aud l.ri t S3.' ,11m' ed &.id 7.35H m. w. V tooni. 8 15 . -a ana 4.1 ) p m e vr a . t at PltljbarB -jiiy. 11-il ai is' 11 ftet lssrs save luabnry for W,i' am p.n, .nflalKOit, ilo'hetr !i 'iliinnurt h !i .m a, m ilally, and 1 35 piii wee' ' Klinlra iWp m 'ft darn. I o i. rle its 'nierniMllatepi'nt. ) llv. Ivielc Haven. 6 ll. anil 18 Ully, 1 35 mi t P. m. week avn v inYU D.lu m an io ua r " 1 "1 ' .' ' as a. tamaaaye, 1 5 M. P'TlJH, J H,W'Ul "Vi- Men. !"' w I" John Ft Coyle, Attorney-at-Law AMD Real Estate Agent, 0FF1UB BHIUIAI.L'S MUJLD1N8, Oor.Maln and Centre Streets. SHEHANDOAH, PA. PROPERTY FOR SALE: A. two and one-hatf story double frame dwelllBE UoUM, with st ' ' "'hjiii aait run taumnt. floated on Kakt CJentflrmfi A. valuable property located 01. Bo- . t din street. 3tteven dwalllnK bouses at the corm.r of Oil pert ana tiioyu streeis. unuii iuvcbuiiuui. Terms reasonable. JOHM U. EVANS' SALOON, First National Bank, 3(1 K. OENTUE BT., BHENA NDOAH FRESH BEER. POPPER, ALE, Finest brands of clears always on band. a lluck v v wfti jiinii m m .m. fit. The best temperance drinks.