Abound the Corner P Y; Severn's' Grocery, Where you mk pnr.hae your H lldny 8l n U tliegroceiy and prwrkrttiii line. Flntat cnBtiwl goad, fnilte, oateup. FortlgM hees u (1 oth er gool. E verytbl tig new ami frsah. SEVEBN'S. AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, ,KAISEB EXFOBT BEEB. Light SXTO Dark. Corner Oeatre arid White Ste. ill OT, PA. T IC"KBS3.- OTJSt OK THIS fll'ACB. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY Wht News Oathersra Take n, Moment to Tell About Wanted buow. Stock taking next. I'motioe writing 189a. Are your resolutions ready ? December nearly over and 110 sleigh' rnii8tmaa hea front but the grip la still here. The'oold wave have poor staying (ittaitlieii. The loti man's prospect are not o the brightest. When will we hear iut: merry jluglo or siolgU bells ? Lean year will soon be here, but dou't leap too noon. The Hhoe people are busy exohang. iK misfit slippers. Slaughter sales to set rid of surplus eiojK win fiwi' ie aunouueeu. Tt to when the turkey is in the oven that the nook studies urowuiug. The tixprtsMCineu will oou get a muoh needed, rent from their lieavy wort:. When you start In to turn over a new leaf, be Mire you get the right book. HainnaoB will elect it offloere for tbe couiiuir Urui of six rnoutha this nvtniug. The Beta's Titvra It tot The writer of the brief a tlole In yester day's Repuhliea regarding too IIhram' statement In Tuesday's issiii of Omit. Ilnndler's experience In Bug's tavern daring the fall elecltor, of 1861 iinn luly worked up. If ho knew anything of the oounly'a history he would tprely know thai what the Hi.i s'ated i correct ant that there U no oecatlui lor an apology As to Capt ntniiltr'f patriotism r loyalty nonn could or can question. The riot I -lletn's tavern was started by tbe knocking down of h small Atierican Wt.u knocked it down nous can tell, but -om- bly charged ft to Oapt Handler, who wi one of the parties behind the bar under whose now the flat; was held acid by on'' of whom the flag v. as knocked down. Handler etoapad from the place during the riot. Ibis remtnisceriet U vouched for bj an eye witness. Mrs. Soott-Siddonu. P. J. Ferguson desires to call especial at tentiontothe engagement ot Mrs. Scott- Siddona and lUrry St Maur's atock com paoy who will play in Shenandoah on New Tear's evening. The great-grand daugb V r f the llluilrioiia Sarah Siddone baa b "en associated all her life in legitimate drama. Her reappearance will be particu larly interesting, for she will be aaaooiated for the first time in her life with modern drama, creating the character of the Mrs Jukton Skipworli, in a play adapted from the French by Harry St. Maur, en titled "Check and Mate." Watch Meetings. A watch meeting will be held in tbo Metbodiat Episcopal churcb tbii evening, commencing at 'en o'cl-xk. Thi wit!. toko the place ot the jsuhI prayer meeting. Watch in.eting mr vices will be held In the Evaiigeliual church to-night, cummonc ing at 9:80 o'clock One of the iiitomrtiiig feature of the meeting will be tho reciting of scripture passages containing tho word "year" and otbere expressing praise to God. A hearty invittlion is extended to alt. A NBW MINB WORKING-. Menem Zerbo and Tbomaa' Tui- key Run Vnture, Messrs. 0. J. Zirbe and .famea Thoms , of Turkey Run, have formeJ h paitnenhir and have son muueed a new mice opening n the moimtiiin just west ot Turkey Km. nnd itomediatoly above the coll ery bear- nf tht name. The operations will be uducted under the firm name of .erbe & T nomas and the workings will be known Moun'.ain oolllery. A novel method im beer, Adopted to operate It, the wholo plant, insldu and outfidn, rxing work"d bv fin-' ni ition, A 36 -horse boutr uiKne under I the breaker I'umuhes all the motive power. It 0)rte- the chain that works the scraper line, which goes down the slope UO feet, and hauls the coal up direct to the rollers in the breaker. The engine also opnratea the screen ropo anu roller oeit. rms is ine only colliery in the stale where a scraper line la used to lake the coal from indde the mine to the roller. It saves platform and dump chute mm, and other expense. The plant i a very compact one, but hes u capacity of flity tone per day. Messrs. Zerbe A Thomas are just about opening gangways aid are now ready t till all retail orders. The vein they are working is the Frlmrcse and they can furnish the cleanest and best pea, chestnut, i-tove or egg coal in the market. All order' should be addressed to Zerbe A Tboniat, Turkey ltun. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL CHRISTMAS Have uwii Dr. Bull's Congli Hyrup and nmnillinM It. Ih Itfwl tllMllelne ltl Ue. A eB ot eouauniplliiu he'e was eiimd by Its u. We mwmmoiifl It. JeOren, Koberta & Co., South Iloaton, Va. ViHA, PHILADELPHIA WANTS. Ijlke Hip ntrfiig demand for cood water in 1'iiliailtlplila, there U a grow- inf de'Tiand for good Clothing irtrong, reliable, iiliBiely, gpnteel. Kodo ate n a bettor position thau oureelves to furnish such. We have made GOOD Clothing a life ntudy. Noa tba. iho Holldajt ate uponun, many blncx in nr line deserve your oonsldera- Hon (Jnioklr g Janketa, IIoue Coat", Haatlug itoketa, 1 leg -nl Keckwear,(lloves, Oanea, Ac, A.G. Yates & Co Cor. 13 th fx. ChestnuJ Sis nent'iuHiIe ciutltlHic in tMiilHUelplila. AMUSEMENl'S. Oorumonddble. All claims not consistent with the high character ef Byrnp of Pigs are purposely avoided by tho Oal. Fig ttyrup Company. 't aoU gently on tbo kidneys, liver and bu ;et, cleansing the yst(.m effectually, but UiejMt) cure-all ana makes no pro- UDtfens that every bottle will not substan tiate. A Happy Man la h wbo aw KeU Ktaa Oil tor WiewmWatn, N 1 uraUta. TuitbudM and abntotc mlBS. 1 t'a raUHdirwnleh on rea every time. Try It.. Xt rues. aMaairiMa; u i M,ln i Stimulate the Blood. Brandreth'a I'ilU are the great blood puriHer. Tbey are a purgaiw ana u.ou tonic, they act equally on the bowels, the kidneys, and the skin, thus cleansing the system by the natural outlet of the body -they may be called the purgative sopori fic and liuretio medioine. Thoy cumulate the b'oo . so as to enable nature to thro-v off al webid humors, and cure disease no natter by what name it may be called Una or two of them taken every nigbt will prove an infallible remedy. vSold iu iwery drug and medioine store, either plain or sugar coated. lw Van Honten's farthest." Ojcoa "ileal and goes 12-28 lw. DICKINSON COLLEGE 10 Glee and Ban' u 1 AT KJBKQUSON'S THl'ATRL, College Music, Gees and IVarbes, BANJO MUSIC OF THE BEST 2l,-OOI.I.EGK MBN-20 Prioo, ICS, as, 83c Chart at Kirlln'a drug alore. JNow is the Time ! Christmas Presents ! Music Cabinets, Rattan Plush Rockers mm mi OFFtCE.BFSKS, -J $99,11 iti upufi1, - 4,50 and up ard. IM and upwtrd. - 15,99 aid vjifiri, CHAMBER SUITS, - m vi Dfd EXTEKSiON TABLES, - m d iH FINE USE LADIES DESKS, !I,N ad upmn EASELS, Ml Sljfet, - - 1,99 ni opwant Large lit Jul iti fur the Miq Tia.e, $1,91 and opwaid PICTURES. Wilcox & White Organs, Lester ..Hardniun MEEIPIANOSI: WHITE SEWING MACHINES- rUuiiw, Oifan.- jnd Bfw.ng Macblnr a aolo cheap lor i-aah pi lented by the month In . P. WILLIAM S & SQfl, 13 South Main Street SHENANUutm, m. TO PllKPAIvIt br winter. Every one is t n-. 1.j bent onmla Ur ihn iMbt money. It you m Becking barcalns In Hate or Cnpajustdiop 1 1 to Hoaman. lleaello men's good fur ra ta lor 60c, men's red undoi clolbtng for 60o a piece, men's fine working gloves at 35o a rml'-,itho BEST OVERALLS iu tlic MAltKCT HI Christmas Noveltie lent A Burp: !b. Keeo your eye on this local. Keagey, the , hotojjiihor, w h hava !'i new open ing in u fen days nod will have something inter 't, ug that will surprise the people, ti Buy Avtfrton Hoar, tie carelul that the name Lusno k Co., Ashland, Pa., it oriatnd .n rver? sack eVIMitaw Luna's PHTjily Msxtioina Move the bo e)r etch day. Host people DMli to U9 it. Beat work dwe at Ibennan's steaiu taaaciry. Svervtking wnlle and spoUosa "jsjnr. our taint rpecialty. All work gnar- & The Looeu Applioatlona. Shenandoah has 12 applioatons for saloon and liquor lioeuset for 1892 on file with the Ulerk of the Courts. Of the applicants about 80 per cent, are Poles and Hungarians. The nur ilrlir-ftt'"r Pole aad Huoaartaoa. Pint ward H Booonil waul.,...-....... -X roira wnro .... iz nourto warn .. m i VW ti wsutl- - 3 Other Nallooalitiea ST Total.. 1 It m v. i. FrKauaoN. hamasbk. FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 1892. ( tW YBAa'B B IT.) MBS. SCOTT-SIDDONS Axn MR. HAKRV HAINTMAIK8 Htoek Onoiedv uompany (tounded WT) Iu the powurrui piy. OJo A PMIl, An excellent line of Grey I'lannel Hhlrta for working Ht the very loweat from S6o up to IB JO. A Big Drive In NKCICWHA, n Fonr.ln.bandsand Tecka at oenit, tegular prlcoWcenta. Somelbing Now in Fuzzle3. Heanlan baa f on etblng new In this line. Any one trt rii the correct way of doing the puzr.!e will receive a 88 hat r Its equlva.nt. There art four rus of tolvluf; tho puzile, nnd the correct way must be given. 'Iliwe puzales we are wll'iig for 10c, or w.- will l ive cue to the i eion purehoW og.j2 wnith of good a xnd over. A'newpa'enl bat banger given away with ea b hat puiibaaen at tl S, Kali 51, S0ANLAN Stoaitoli C7) 0 O in h J.-8T DECEIVED ! ViBt tot Of M, . A. Mi x J CHI KBNB, Gtes and Ducks ! la town at 7a- S 118 Wasrf CotJBtnri. JSira's Pharmacy, JtMaloltftnwr, - raw-'-.. OFFICE.! impounded iess, Buoklen'a Arnioa Skalve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Uralses, Sbres, Uleers, Salt Kbeum, Fever Sores, fetter, Chat jied Hands, Chilblains C'ornaVend all Skin Kru)vtlons, and ioi lively cures l'iles, or no pay taent required. H is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, rnoe m cents per box. For sale by O. H. Hagenbuoh. F tlllag WatU Kill Tun. Prrraauaa. Pa., Dee. 81. A number of Muaearlaaa war employed in re uairlna u furaaea at the Matioual Tube Works at MuKeeaport yaaterdar. whaa tka waila frit in. bury In B John Igaaos, John i'uoki and Job OsiM.cli. The lat ter twe wilt die union ll.ulaa Ik AlletlMi. L.OKUOB. Deo. EI John Dillon de- ntaa that be threatened to vtfr l' ths avant of ths leatloa at ltdmaiid at Waterferd. He aays tbat ke eaiy ok of sue a evaat aa tsadlar to wake aids lees aoperei n w Bale causa. Saelth'a CI ilnt laialld. ....... IT V ILj ill Tha Ttoaail nl OUhut'haidecliJwl tbat John Saalth's aluiau for l88.08H.at l I.: valid and award aim noting. rinminv llvaBla. Jan. l. Mao mnual suppi r of the "vVelh Baptist church in the 1'. X church ball. Jan. 19. Sui'uer and baser In tbe Primitive Methodist 3ho i room. Two f'atet Qrp Caeca. ll'nsftoviri .u i ii .-n 1 .wo fata! oases of La Hr pp la.t we K rB. IlaUia Stall der, widow of Honry, and ner son, Isaac, died frem tbe disease. 6HECK3RLHATE i Priced, 25, 50 unci 75 Ciits KeaU on tale at Klrlto'a drug alore. Good Horses ! fi'we Buggies I Fine Double Carnages! In obarge of good, careful, ret)XDsible driv ers to tnro at mi limes abb k reasonable mtes at EVAN J. BAVIES' LlATBItY AND PEI3D STABLE, 13 ami 14 XartK Ummr nf l.nhrff' Lldwara tiite. Horn Inltn t JUard. Uareiul atlf ntl "jlwi to an xinoioi n .ux.i (NOt- VMdliifiF Horaea. tended to pnaupUy-cruurgse iao'srate, UNDERTAKING Falttahilly and prnropily a aadedto. rs. Geld a 1 n ver ,atber, in e dhas 1 variety, t .i,ab a fr '.'.liday preten . a Osar Yc I )J N 'am 6t 12-22-lf Fine Holiday Presents The l.olldasa lire now here, and every one la looklna around to end. 01. 1 tnt mo . I suiv able preae it to give 10 r -latl, or a flrMnd. and ibe on'v idacewnese you can be suit, d 1a al the The People's Dew Shoe Store Opr. Oeutre strtet and Mai-ket alii y. HarlDgtnn'a bonding, i-pp BioamH Jewelry store, Hbenaaduan, Pa. IIia fftnnlMt fo.itv.ul ia l-'.lttbe G and you as:, 1 all ud poor, on be bad Tn tb Jfupa fine velvet tllppai a ai ooe h pair, al- wnareti. nhMilU allnnAH nl 7ftr. 'hwher al. llen'a fluaora-ras IpiwraSl, else 'haiefl.lSL Indies one uoiigou and aaliu bocqnal, t jo. jeaiei nue vvtvti ra, headed uoiiuom opera Alt A illupera, irlr.medwltn allbri .tewbare V for for "1. el'iewbere tl 50. X AOUI. ljl"B'6UO' UieBTMl BAVii XNVKslMKiVT. if; vouwanto nfe im-ettment inspect our Hue fine ef clot hi us , dry oods. notions, boots and aboea. Nrvi aljck Juat received. Bvery aruoie a Dargan,, a an inspection win prove THE ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE 23 S. MAIN 8THBBT, "irWatcb for tbe KKD HI OF tu front. - The Iiis t The above la saaoeptlble of an addition np wo, wfat'h, wben made, tmafttorme it !oto Uw title 01 the StiurtcHt and I'aettsst TIiIiir- mt lteooff The auje la sut, tbe aaUea la past, boracfleahla fast, bnl aiiaa ot Uaem toaeh tbe -LIHG-TON ROUTE! ear For further rtleulani eonearnlrg the OiUeaao. burllnaton A Qulaay Hallruad, ad dreea, IXAUItY M. XIltlT.KR, Traveling fa sender Agent, AUJirTOWN,r.v. Ferguson House i Restaurant (Under management of Krooh Loeltett) Cor. atnln anil Cn-nlrc Streets FitWT-tiAsa i.tjnch counter. Uest beer, pori w 1. r.d lite ' on tap. 01- tars f tbe P orandK. In Dress Goods, Shawls, Silk Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Muffs, Ladies' and Children's COATS, Carpets, Rugs, Etc., at Ft nilTHvu-r,iv XTWtFK TO CLEAR OUT THE STQCi !i 113 North Main St., Shenando" '"I , t, nd 11a. Hsttl hi 4. 7J inoo: i 1.4 1 10, ib.?.. 1 wite- Id .ail tK ,7.2 FOB SJAIjE 13 AT,, ti T4,,.ri: 0,.. ! xi w. vj ouiitii iiu.iij. iqticuu. iaT f nan JOHN COSLET'S A Vmv SlilMJ Green Truck Stand ! Cor. Main art 0.!t StrmU. Fresh Oysters Reoeivevl Daily. ASneUneot Oboloa aROC'KHlW Knts and Oamdles, Poultry of all Kind. Mr. Qeattet rkivae ble green trnek dally liomtbe city market, wbirh las -uuran'ee i" jua coaicaiHK mat uiey viiirrive ireao g.ioo ! II .m went Wee a ine display 01 it.., !,. , Vboaa, goto w. Ji V I UL.ll M then baying troin bun rPHK CHEAPEST HOL8K IN tliWN ton Harness, Whips, Robes,Blankets George Robinson, tVedt'Cc itrc 1-tiiMM, Hkic-untiilooli. i-A, x r Illankkia a KKa.ally, law' 1 a tl. V f 15.' En K Boot dnd Shoo Sttn. (afloat it,, r-i . . stand.) Corsten-iCUHl n. JrU'u h. ..M CtioCotn i WALL lavfesi Attiitit Pai .T, ifl-an a I fvViiaOTnsaM.rtpu B . If . tJ M uwa In thai atvl,. d hi Graining and Dtcor&lid P. GARDEN, WV.si aHt. BUBMAHiHJA i ncli 1