5 ' if 4 IF SUBSCRIBE FOR All ty luteal 4 jfeg fUtUtrltO M The Evenmg Hgrgjd , iwsy, height km na? Tnf UBOEST PKOULTN. 11 WIS SECTiU. The Evening Herald SHENAXDOAH. PA.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 31. 1891. VOL. VI.--NO. 2S3 oma GENT n The Evening Herald. AM THE NFW8 TOR ONE CUNT. Uu a larger circulation In Bhenandoah than any o'tw paper publlthod. Circu lation books npn to all. Hjw uo do our conscientious lie puoib ans feel over the stealing of tbe New ork Legislature by the Demo crats . ere ure inoro old women In the Republican party than is good for it Demi crate take the bull by the horns mm do not fear nfter result. I It Is time the tlepublloau stiffen ht.r backbones and uuet the Issue a present- d them and act promptly. i tV Republicans are going to ny t'ii3 Congressional district next tar ill personal matters innet bo-left s.de -it f he patty ngiee upon some f good l ' and jiopulur man and vote 1 1 ai d his eleotlon will bo as- l have lost tuie uiuniut , 1 - -vial fight. There has t i'h of child's play;-no let's ijc u 'o buslnees. Xj., ... - ixuubK hai probably, d ring his term, appointed more j . go than any other President in the same period of time ice, V told, nlnety-elateb federal judgoB. It liaa already fnfle1r President HarxJ. son s lot to appo forly-threo of these and lie has yet over a year to servo in the Preaidotioy. His selec tions for tv "sa important offices have renera'ly v hi tbe commendation of lartles. "up M", anion Republican says with Utt. efkrt of the people Penubylva- I la a r "ko the next He tier of J . nody that wouia f'lv ntsrory, iuut would attract the ' c of the pntire country, that ould io pointed to as the greatest i .p.ji'lor o." wisdom, expeiienee ni r y, iint'i pretent and depaited, -... ate capital .ever contained. I it a 1 1 t at man of Dotn patl'tw, ftxrjt shout f he tate, who are willing I to "'ctiy it' In the next House of fARCj Uunmuurg, stand I IINTti PER. YAUD FOR A bom -made Rag Carpet; other jr tj'.,aoo nniuipwarug. aiso iiii line or nome-maae utair Itipet" ' usinmera having carpet iiuot i.ui t own si.oum sonu tnem 1 Litve tticm nuuta Into a first'Olao) ri, c u. u. FitLuttis, ISO, 1UH. JAHDlNCyr. Wonest Goods at Fain Ah a t gn POOR In th line of Ouod Goods usoihw lot tii -Now Country Lard, strictly pure kettle rendered, Ou BJ KING MOZJJSSJSS, 2 tff. or HSc, is strictly Fee1 h loansnot mioaml floods and the best we can buy. pur 1ATSLB SYKUJP, at 10a a quart, Is bright coIjv fine 'flavor, pure suyarnot mixed with glu- What's ia TVli pa a I'anc-frlcc far I -.v lie n a trial will convince you tliutyou can buy AS GOOB un Rrllele for Iqi.WBR. VIIICK ? Try a semplu saaJc ot lour S ANCV MINNESOTA PATUNT aatl lie con- ivtiicrtl tltat you ouu save money. Wc jftiaraiitcc It too jpqual to tlic lilfflietjit price! Oar KtVURSIIMl BUCKWHEAT VI.OUR Is a cUoloe iartltlc, , I Itlrlcdand l'rcsli gr!u. Try NOU rM.w'aSTWSllV r t. 11 ill atn j h a few da s, a Car 3 Our Old-Tlme CORN STEAt, let made of new coru-Klln- Wallace tbey are Thh If ew York Tribune says thai "the majority of 180 that began tumbling into Washington In the Utter part of Novenibtr have not thin fur fulfilled either their own pro gramme or the public expectation. They came togethei ,not hat monlouBly, but lu violent collision, l'hey begun With wrangling over the very question on whloh they eeemed o united and harmonious n year ago. They separ ated Into faotions on the question of freo trade at the oulset, and iifter spending weoke in a bitter controversy onded with a split whloh, according tolbelrown organs, eemns irremedi able. On the question of freo silver llieare equally Inharmonious and unomlpromlBiug, and the division of the efllolal spoils Instead of being made in aooordauue with the prinoiple of olvil service reform has beeu so bungling! ilnf thn hundreds have been (Hwrnuii.il where one lias been pleated, and the public service, bo far ne the new men In power on reneli it, Is borne down by incompetence aud disgraced by the Iowist partisan ship." POLITICAL POINTERS. Next year Uio following offlcora vjlil be elected in this county: Judgu, Oongreaa man, six Itepretentatlvea to ttio Lecri'la tuio, Sonator from the WJ'.h district,, Dis lilct Attorney and Poor Director. Among the Republicans mentioned for District Attorney are MajWIlhelm, of Ashland, and Shay, of PoUivllle. Lawyer Lyon, of Mahanoy City, wants to go to tbe National Republican Oonven' :inn tnri 'Snnirp .T J C'.julft nt the trai place, wants to reprwerit this district In th( next Legltlaluro. The Beooti'l LuKislallva district ought to be regained irora tho Democrati and can be if the ri&bt party It nominated next year. Among thoo named who can accomplish that fact is Hon. D. D. Phillip!, of Gor don, and the Republicans will make no mUt&ke in nominating, him. Lt all Jealoutlee be laid 'aside next year, and not only-cm the Second district be redeomed, but tho Pint, also. Hiurah for tho Holidayo I Rlxbl now ws are ready for business with an immense assortment of ChrhtmM gift in watchftk, jwlry, silverware, muslo books, gJd and silver-headed canes urn breylas, etc., eta. B. R. Dbuum. All kinds of candies, '20 cents per lb., At Dunean & Waldley's. 12--t Prices ! lutisfnotion. GOODS Never do at ANY PRICE. mo invite your attention to a Name ! m partlaular Imiml oJI'lour, l'lour lu tlic marltet. nAIB V" PlOiir. Load of SALT, Coarse and Fm. up alonjpide ef Wllllmu A. ud remain emmllng while being counted. mikebobbindi.es THE MAN SHOT BY CONSTABLE! TOOMBY DEAD. THE OFFICER IS UNDER ARREST But He Will Vary Likely be lle- leonod After the Verdict of trie Coroners1 Jury 1 Rendered. MikeBobWn, wha wa shot abotit two woht duo, while trylBg to escape irom Oonstab'e Jero Toomey, died at the Miners' Hospital yesterday. John Robbin, brother of the deoeased, At once swore out a warrant for the arreat of Constable Toomey. The warrant was Issued by 'Squire Dengler and eneouted by Constable Tosh. Toomey made a formal Hnnenranoe and wal remanded in the custody of Tush until this afternoon. This morning Ooroner Ouldiu went to the .Miners' Hospital aact held a post moriem on the body, so as to bu piurml to proceed with the bearing in 'Squire Dungler'i office tint afternoon. Tbe reiult nt' the pott mortem bat tfct bees made Kiiov, n yet, but it ! believed to beeonllrinatory of Dr. Gallon's statement to the tflect that Bobbin died from inflam mation of the lunge. Dr. Gallon attended tlm man mhllo ho remained in town. At (bo time be was shot Bobbin hadajwid upon his ebest that cauod him to cough heavy and frequently. The shooting of Bobbin followed a riot in the Pirst ward on the night of the 8th Inst. Bobbin and six other Polet attacked ,tbre Hungarians who were on thoir way homo and beat them sovoroly, One of them re. inalned in a critical condition for several daVs. but Is now entirely recovered. Oon Bobbin and three of his associate who were concerned in tbe attack. On the way to the .lookup Bobbin ran away from Toomev. who eao cbaso and fired three shots. Bobbin was recaptured and an ex amlnation of his body showed that one of the shots had taken eiTeot- The ball en terel tbe baok at tbe tenth rib and patted jnder the tkin around tho loft side to the front, just above the last rib. The ball was extracted by simply cutting the tkin. Dr. CUllen attended tho man and said tbe injury was not a serious une. A Littlo Glrl'u Bbcperienoo in a Lighthouse. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Trttoott are beepen of the Gov. Lighthoute at Stnd Uiwoh, Mich., and aio blfMl with a 3nigMor,ffi--yeare old. Last April tbe wet taken do v. with Meatlet, foliowod witli a drear!. j cough aud turning into a Pet er. Doctor at home and at Detroit treated her, but in Vtdn, the grew worse rapidly, until tbe was a mere "handful of lionet." Then ibr tried Dr. King's Mew Discovery and alter the use ef two and a halt bottle, w com pletely oured. They say Dr. King t New Ditoovery it worth itt weight in gold, yi you iaas, gt a trial bottle free at V. H Hkgeubuob'l drug ttore. Died. DRjWfl. On the 29cb lest., Kmma. wife ef Bdward Drttt, of Jonebtrry ailuy, tged X yean and 25 day. Pinanl on Friday afternoon at 80 o'eluck. Interment io Old Fellows' cemetery. Prleedt and relatival ratpeetfuUy invited to attend. 12 ao-at DA7BNP0RT. On the 81tt Intt, at Shenandoah, Pa., Kmma, wife of R A Davenport, aged 86 yean. Funemll will take place on 8r tcrday, January 2nd, 1003, at i:90 p. nv, from the late n tidenee, Mo. 8 South Jardln street. Intorment In tbe Odd Pellows' oumetery. Prieedt and rela tives respectful y invited to attend. "t Beat photograebt and "raycos at Dahb'r OffiMM BleoUkd. At 1st reralar netting last evening W. Cnuip 188. 1'. O. 8. f A., selected the fol lowing oilK'.'m to urva for tLo ensuing term : P. Free:, William A. Ketgey ; rres., P. U. UopklM, Jr. : V Tret., Wm. J. James; M. of P., JSdward Dtnks; Ooud., William E. Powoll ; Intp., Augut- lut Soboupei 0. 0., Ben. P. James; BVr, Daniel O. Richa ds-, Treat , J II. Kurtz; Trustee, eigb te. n months, II. U. lieisel; A It H., Dttid Jamt-a; R 8., Kobart La vson; L b., Wm. Becroft Gl.a.ilai'j, B. A. Ku a.. tUJvuilan All M the bat and rreatett as. teruaJ retntdy yet dlvooveied. It c irt rhe- matli o or enraigitt in one r w iuyi. Prtee X f oft. Great I argain1 ulry, ( Itmjnds, Ceoar Yart't, watctioi, c iki, ew- 'ties nni. 1 1' i'wi'1 at rUJiM St 12-22 tt PBRSONAL. Chief of Polios Amour it on tbe Ira- prove. C. X. Poluier h visiting friends lu I'hlla delpbla. Thomas Grant returned to Srranton on Monday. Mitt Llbbie Faust left for Soranton tfale morning. Superintendent Brtdigan was a visiter to PotUvllH on Tuesday. Letter Garrltir John It. Boyer Is Off duty oo account of tbe grip. Oliver Eisenhower, a typo, left for 'Wilkes Brre yrstrday. J. M. Boyer returoed home from Prevt- dtnee, R. I , last evening. Messrs. L J. Wilkiotoo d J. M. Uillan visited New Vork this tk. Lieutenanl Daniels, of tbe GjoI & Iron polio, bat not yet fully recovered from the grip Mrs. Orr and Mrs. Uloking, of Mahanoy City, were in town last evening visiting friends. Miss Emma Broome, of Sbamokln, U vitUIng Mrs. Daniel; 111, Jr., of North Main street. Michael Moaklri', father of Councilman Moekler, of the Pirtv ward, Oiu un Mon day evening. Miss Jenoie Go?n daughter of our for mtr townsman, rilephen Goho, it vUning relativat In town. Lewis Like, Jr., who bed bit hand In JO'ed tome weets ngo, it about again, but net fit to go to work Poor Director Tracy was made bapin the other dav bv tbe p e.ental'on, from bit belter half, of u girl baby. G. R. Doscoo. the pie s agtnt of tho Philadelphia & Reading lUllroad, it quite popular with tbe newspaper people. Sol. Poster, Jr., i anvapplieant for the Secretaryship of the PaciBc Railroad's Commil.ee wbich Hon. James R. Rollly lias the giving. William Leokie, foimeily Of town, id eido foreman of the NoUlngham oolliiry, L. & W. B. (.'. Co., at Plymouth, has le'ifned his position to accept a similar position with tho L. V. Coal Go., at Pottt villo. A Oood Hiding- Plai. Omh iiv nut wank a. ilr nUaw Ijmk) ou the pavement near net reiaui c 'ir voutly searching for something. Her ac liont attracted the attention of the neigh bote aud they gathered about her in large numbers. Some suggested Umt the woman was about to fall into a fit and otheia said .he was suffering from St. Vilui's dance. ""What it the metier?" attend one of tbe neighbort. "I've lost a ton dollar bill,1 wat.the reply. Then there was a genera) search, but tbe misting momy oould not be found. At last the loser Kid'1 the would go back to her bouts and look for tb bill. At the tnadu a tt p a neighbor shouted "There it it 1" Sure enough there wat the wloked len.dollai' bill lying on the road. The loter't loot had covered it during tlie excitement. This story vouched for by tuveral residents of Souib West street. An Offer Declined. We are in reowpt of art offer of an ad erlittaent which al'no"-. kbv newspepe man will jump tu accept (d but whloh w. mott rneetfully decline In ad.idon to pejing fell ratet for tbwe months, for oonlpicnou", pleee in tbe !1ai.d, t would-bc adverlwer tayt: "At an louuoe- nRt tu you to give the ad. a coetpiouou petition aod tollable edU'-lt rotice, I hereby agre to pey you the tan uf'Svo bandrad dollan, In Unlied State money. W any perton nkviog rtad the eMaebed ad rlitement In your Journal, shall ttain any estate or lortunt through my eiorlt! nd this h&:i bo your voucher for tbe Agreement" CnoainsT Out, At greet bargain, a ftril-elatt line of teoiMd liand tlovtt, range aod beaters both double and Muuie neater, ana ever. stove tMinuiled. (Ml and tee teem tbey will I told at a teor iSoe, to elite ou tbeMook, at Ho. 181 ftmh Main tueet (Krennan't building), rjbentndoab, near SUam Laundry. 18-80-tf Caeh Box Stolen. "William tteyuiantky, the North Jardin tireat butcher, loaded hi wagon preperatory to going upon hit delivery route and plaor a cigar box uculnln .i. change uud tbe teat In the wagon. SaymeMky then ran aerow the street to bit residence aed during his abteaeeef two er three minute the oath box wat stolen from the wejon The celBbraled iru; orUd "Anohor Pain Kite ler ' is tbe banjy iHiet fur all farm of Rheumatic diseases : tout, Spralnt, Neuralgia, Baekacbn, Ac. I' enett hot SO eenU a bottle, aud If you need ooOMnoin before buying send to 1' d. Kichtc, 810 Broadwiiy, Wow York, 'or tt f vali nbln bwk, "Guide to Halih, witJ ii.dirK ment ol pron inent hyi Lions, i w 'I mailed free oi olif'g. .t Por HoUdsy Gifts 011 a-id -i the une Lnd-..ninted a-tlcles of Cbinw.t e tbe work oi Miss V rgi Hollopeter, of'ovn, ntw yhibi !on and sale at 1 - irtby's drug T2w THE DAY'S DOINGS PBNNINGrfl ON LOCAL BVBNTS BT OUR IVBPORTKRS. OST OFFICE HOURS. TO-MORROW . Butcher Monrna the Lorn of His Often Box A Pleasing- Af fair in Meilefs Hall Latrt Everrhntr. To-morrow, New Year's Day, tbe )Kt aWee will be open until 11 o'olook a. ra. Tbe carriers will make lbs 6 o'eloek a. m. collection aud 7 and 10 o'elook a. ra. de liveries and oollecMoM. Browntville, Yatesvilte, B'lengowan and Turkey Bun will be served with the 7 a. m. delivery. Money ordert and p nal notes will notbi rueJ or paid, THB POLITICIANS 8TIRRBD By the Annual Appointments of tbe Commissioners. Special to the li KB A ud. J oTTTiUJt, Use. 31. This town was crowded by politicians from all parti of the c .Minty and all were In a most lively frame f rnlncT. Some are in a Joyous mood, while others devote a'l tbeiripnre moments to muklrg threats fpr the luture. Count OommUslonen Bowes end Rtod have formed a compact by whioli, it w under stood, tbey are to make all tbe appoint meets this year. The appointment yester day of Walter Htoveneon, Republican, r. Mercantile Appralter, wat in pursuance o that comnnot and tbe adoption of tho wholo t'ato U uow looked for- This wit leave County Commirstoner DeTurk out In the oold. Up to the lime of Stevenson's appointment be had been left under t.'ie Impression that bo would l.e allowed lo hung up by Rowe and Reed provide for tbe removal of Waiden 7dgler, Clerk J. S. Snyder, Young DeTurk, the clerk of tbe Jail, And several others. x HALT. Po-rrevrtXB. Deo., 1:80 p, m. It watte- peeled that tbe appointments under tbe Bew-Red slate would be made by non, but the expectation! are not realised. No tr. point men's betide that of Stephenson hat been made. In the language of Jceb Billing", "There is a heap of thiakin' goiu' ou.M Town and County. Scarlet faver pievaiU tu Delano. I. Rjbbint hat meat nvirkel In town, Tamtquu, Polltvtlle and Girardvill. Wm. Breutian, broth er-i i-inw of Bher- la'-eleot Wool, bat taken cwera of tbe N Ttbestt hotel, formerly menagtd by Mr. Wool. The letter carriers have been hard- worked tbe past week and several days oraviou to Christmas, and their service have been kindly appreciated by tb natrons ot tbe olBue. John Oiamer, a baehtlor, aged 65 year, wao found dead In bed at Mahanoy Plane, Uhrlttmat morning. Among hi etfoott wtt 1,901 in money and one note on Ue Vint National Bank of Shenandoah for ttXH, and Hnotber for 60. which wet a ur- pr.-1, h be wet thought to be without meai.B. Hit death wat due to heart dit- cue. Hit only known relativt, a nephew living in Mew York, wet immediately oo tid J and came on and took oUargo of the corpse. Old Ontper Konter, belter known at "Tim Vt'imaawk," a gaunt, strange look lag old man, half blind, died at lilt homo in Jackm'P't on Sunday. He livfd ir ktahatoy Oity for several year, aed dur log the time of the "death-bed" Into -ance oraae, old Kontsler, who tbeu appearnd to be on tb verge of the grave, was loaded down with lithe. 'Squire Wltlltmt tent Hiram Neitwin-le-, Edward Loutavat and Hamilton Hot kin to Jail on the charge of larceny. Capk Willonghby Searlee, aa old caeel boatman, wnt found dead in hU eanel mm' on Tuntday. Crand Btatortainnuwt To-oUrb Tbe Dickinson College hojrt epptv -1 t, PotttvUlelatt dlght tad teornd a great tecctet. Pr4. Putton't rrntlitiari ol the Rnglith on ra wet flee. MY, fo Uu onnjo olayint wa etilieit II. o. mude a greal bit -I'u uil'e t'i ' ' I .t j'uigutnn't theitn thi evui.ig. I A Ploiaani p.irty. 'Ihi 'In, 'tut Yu ng Pi opi - Lm l d I a box r i'il m ttetM't h..U 4 tv nitig I Anout 75 oouples were present und n. yed , themteli.! witn gtmi and 'thor ,'taiii M. I R ifivshDvuit w 19 ear . el ( vatirs' R; yt do a, 'tit THB BROOKVILLU WATER CO. A CtorreDontenc'a Rennrt of a. V sioiiary Meet in?. EruTOK HKRAun : I had a drei.rti the thor ninht and one of the most .'rikirg neotioK bad been called for the purpose of Oc ibciiMing ;he rubjct of water works lo QC mo place. When I uw"ke tbj vision rdV c oained disiiuot and I ooucluddd to tt u writing and send it tu you tt public ayj lor. I hope to tea it io 3 our column. lior am lure the thro id f Not running through the line of .ctioa, nau read by i ne blind man retMing next door to m to' the denf man in tue next otuck, will causa merriment enough to Induce the duaf man on the opposite ide of the street 'o shout ' Hurrah." I have supposed that t he vis lonary .meeting whs that of the li'.ack Orcck Water Cou-1 m, . Here it U : Chairman Elbti;dd. "Cum tor a ar. gonelmen; w wilt now nereeed wid bis neat." Mr. Blamall: "Brudder Chnrman. dis yrr water quetton " Mr. D'Oylo Tong: "Mr. Blamall, If yer will allow mo " Mr. Tbinkin: 'Sow, Mr. Chairman, dlt yer business ROi " j Mr. iio.leukuw- '( der genolmnn would allow nv., I wou.d like" He Prailknr'e : "It 'peart ter me dal de on'y way to get at dlt " Mr. Am us : "Mr. Ohartnan, what am de ute ob all dis yor " Mr. Were Amii "Now I don't seo nulhin' in dlt yer kind of " Mr. Onnr de: "Dor way to perreed wld dityer Li-oesv " Mr. Sboufly: "I wmild like to atk wht an. titling fer'f If " Mr. Gelrlch! "Mr. Obairman, I effer dete rctolutioes : WnKaaxe, Deietecmt to be tome ap- prebention on de part t.b de public dat 1 yer water oompany am not doin' m'l.hiu -, and Wiijcukas, Dit yer water oompany am meetm' ret'ls'ly; R.'oltd. Dm tbn nrocoedinei of dla ver uieetinn b pnnten in der nowtpepera i-r der (.ubllk't intoruiation. RiroRTti Wm. Penn, Dc 20. 1881. Strenirtli ana Health. Uy Kle;lrio Uiliou. If "i o ,,,,, left you weak anu weery, ute Klectrn- tert. Tbit leciody actt directly on r,iV' Stouuoh and Kidney, gently aiding i . organ to perform their lunotioDf are tfflioled with Sick Headache, , -,wil llnd tpewly and permanent relie' y Uk Electrlo,Bltter. One trial wl . couvi'c. you that this it tbe rer.ed', juu or a. Lai ge bottles only 60a. ut '.. H. Ufgcu buoh't Drug StMe. Don't be Alarmed At bat been ill outtom lor year", lb- Gjlumbia Hoe Company Hiring the .10. vear out and tbe new one iu to-n g t ry sounding the bell iu the towc. . n m aunounoement it made a., a n lice to i'ie public, to that there may hj no abrm whon-the bell It tmnded at the time slated. Dolls 1 Dolls 1 Dolls I T-ircert and bet atori,meet is d uvdj and d retted dolls 88 c 1 ' all duorlptlnn. All the latest kim puix i, p dure and story books. -1 1 tgurot, chioaware, etc. Handsun.o pn -irre-mn lor Oarittmt. At McluaX S t 0ntr ttrtet Obituary. School Pireotor Hubert A. Du tnocroi the lest of hi beloved wir, , I wno dled'thil ..ornlng after a lrn 1 Mr. Davei port was but th r'.y-liv of agr- and at a miober ! in hurth and a Ua tiler in tbhu'n;.iv she proved lieree if acbriitieii vom-1 ''1 Davenport ha" tno devp"tt iym the oommualty . r be, in a1 -ad benevemeut, ft conic ny a severe attack ol La Grip For the bott gold and seenterlee go 'a Oscar Vn Main street. Kye teeted fr ratUfaolloa guaranteed. I t. a, j r tt dlumrnr was a ' (Xulia, l'oi.K Broiici OllM It It fAUTllll 1 ttitai uiil . muu. nii-TI' him 11I Oi-nc blurs. OHA IN 0?i! FLOP- Thfty are tht btil. Wagon load of them at 6RAFS. 1 1 I CiiEA.F IX-